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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1911, p. 2

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8enes Witne sedDuingr G reat A despatch from, Cobalt, Ont., V~cJ. L. Flîynn and Jcageph B&ys:A ýV ofe- helroiâm throughout PýwnI watchied th4ir 'lrji he>>u t 'POrecùPlne" during te progrers of tô death, J . L. Ply nn recI vr $ )l the fir-0 are too raume rous tu me-a- ous burne a mân.àadfea 'mtI aoiýn in detail and the horrors of thef them waa Gilbe-rt Gibb9-, w~ hol-,aust too gruesome to pririt. As 'tures, were luyrnga-beSrônd re0uýgi.Ï. one man ey-Pres;ed it, after the tion, and wfiase armî ad b4y~ fire&, "To go through this, one could were s'corched -The, , Iamnes eIém_ý Veravel -through hell with ýa amile on upora the&e as n otMrs ih.ih - his face.," One mani wa- led rapi-diy that even blake.ts or têw' through the towr. with büt-h eyes els to wra, about tliom egould- not - burzxed out andc moaning only l>e- be oYbtairued, and yet these hbardy cause bis partner ha&. pe rashed.j me n survived the furnaoe of'fléIfmeSý Aoer with biS face and armas a and aiter the fire had pasae4 mede mas of bîZtersaadStijîl ariother their wy - e i e lsinto ýP - with his bOdy op,ýnecl by burn. cupi-e in spite of their injurîoes., -.&l1 Hgarry Roche, B- mining enguneer, the Philadeiphia, when il bec&ffnýe a-ad A. S- Shields, represeratative evident that the mine mu.$0, of the J. B. O'Brien Co., beat their Manager E. P. Ashrnore, Mr, a;4d way ba.ck through the town when Mrs. Samuel Shovel and others re- the flaues were at theïr height anad treated toward tow I. W ýtVeI brought out with them'aru un kn ownParty was C. E. Adam*, areiàidut <.- mani who was go seriously burned of Philadelphia, who y.;-at thi that a portioni of bis han-adfeul off property ini the capacity of Iýook- when he was picked up. Little will kee.per. Hie was ira poor healîL, ever be knojwn of the experiencen' and died in th-e ar-ms of Mauiaýp-r- On saine of the propertie-s or ina the Ashmore of heart failure. It was bx-sh, as only the dead remaira. A necessary to leave Adamns' body fe'w have, hôWever, already corne behind to the flames. The men V-o light. For example, at the Unit- from. the Eldora.do ail escapei.- ed Porcupirae, where were the thre-e What occurred ina detail at West Flynn brothers, who had heu-eto- Doume, the centre of the most Ver- fore neyer separated, two are now rible part of the catastrophe, will alive anad one remaîras behind a proba;bly rievet be knowxi, but it charrecImasc;. At the United Por- is apparent that so old anad experi- cupiné property there was no shel- enced a miner as Robt. A. Weïs er f rom the flames, and the men wou]d neyer have led bis a.ssoci--_ sought refuge orn an outcrop.ping off ates into a timbered shaft in trie rock. There Andy Yuyll, the fore- [o!flire unl.ee.s allother meaiis of mai, perished with Frank Flynn e haWewa stfHowever, there a-ad Joseph Fletcher, while ara- a're ir thWa et f-Dame shaft 217 other na.med Dwyer, a Coloyraido bodies, including that .~-4. shot hurgcom 30non est~da, the -the % i sfhe - M eum Men 4 toCL.I> 4,rel.UI-ôw Or1 t'WO ý t0r?-- t6 AWQ t ~b .his- aaaÃ"atesý ri e o vee f, .ê hh~~ pleasare. te -tho W, nframe-a uite, of i the ardîn- ii & ite-4 ofth u'<np ÇQnÇernQd*,thetimç.- ýyeW ~ee i4ing togethet -one. towi, e site o! South Po dpitie, Of the rt -flay following the o I vîl rmémbe.a £tertxcon, wltan sge rI itfe8u Pott,-ille a-ad part qfGoldep City, afiaaebemn dIû-t hhednsç!t~êitou1-i atvrtbuJltr~dt ~uh~tbat -the ter 1e "i'At:of -the Surrey crie nïa-t i -a certain 4ljje(Çtt oay1ng. -a-a Weil aauMiru: inA l-b;di impôo lt ail <In Le reaV '. Oestrfild, for the simýýlu4tsuf "Wh at <ir You thiuik -'t z- t- ~ l~g1.lake Iro4It. îVhile Part But ne-ver wliî t be ba. PP - f ioeêù: rpêhsoyjf othàt. -Eý'erybèdy, làughed at a * or the Ioasa of lie occurred ira the ated aà it is by t4iose wht> nt-'PI&beO gXoxw14 er-fUo.' ithaner it e V.icinity -of Poreupine Lake. the through il. Da>tors, d-'rne 4 t$J rèflënxbêutIiàt we eïame with.r binée. -- or#4,Ç l1v bvW >ýwas -around the medical suPPlias ar it ¶rns ,thein > ý the ban OT ýthâila*' for the be4i n'- fX lrxan mies, aotaly Wst ~ night and no time was lostin - Ous offencecf lcking a alaot, - rnaýn ins, otblyWet Dmeting tb work. 1Hunger3 the u a-ilthe, streetý 1%e bl-bcautifui- ÇS~ J a-ad Big Dome. ,Jiere the entrap- fQ.lôwer of,âàuch teërtible,-irabidëe ' lY d8Cr4ed-sPèeîmtxn o! ita kizld-~ L Pe4 >l% s utof from e'scape by ý'fftho one' thiù4g 6hat those I Lt -urths,-for my son anid thê- flunes, were foroed ta taake ta otherwise injured Lad Vo fih1 it o ershir]--e a rr y- N AD AT111fE tteshit fo sfeyandpeedinagainst, a-ad bread aad provsiëa ihit ta Ilrbyhire. Iwaa carry-f-N lINI~1j tue hafs fr sfet, ad pxae inwere rushed in as fat as possile. ua ludrnyauwe n a by 1he--fiames, perisheâ., This was With -thé' exceptiona of what e'WnMy playful colleagues knocked i t noiibly true at Doitne "d- West m'ieIi tefwsoeso o ndot, and im ediately il was car Domo Minco, wriile at Presto-a City, there remained nothing,ýto eerxng, about t e street. It WL [>etaihl (Jve b TGs FÀ4t IDozns afety was sought ina an e..Cnieaefreiadw . rep an h ia reatstye, Whio Passed Through untmb~redshai, an Ihoe ~country are looking after t1l . and one Surre i- ac utpr howevoi-,eandhthe, anillhe.e wasd-. formed aperfect V. 3. Wood*ïý,id Fr no0 lose of if-e. The streets of ger fromta tatpoint.- act, whon a policeman suddenly- p - . - AtheexV~n-gi- *s bei~tpearOd an the horizon. - ead hoÏà om 1Àta-tthé ý_r"tï %1~ss o!fl'l6 ON YORKSIIIRE ROAD>E. Disuaster lutensilesasle ea and cattie, while aîorag Uemn c rda the rinesad 1> The "'gentleman in blue" would Uaoderil amt. roada the charredceorp es o! hsebuah, where mniury proopectôr-a .ot l-iten t Tepribleio.,a orapol- Whro Cie -oeop hefap, a,?bseprse, but thetS ge u ok , us along to the pol- A despatch frum Toron ta says a-nd pUp the gieaths sertumnberurf jae. 5ation . 1atters lZoked rather Further data-ils of the awfu] dis- peihd r L aehngSr ead, anid 200 as a total is ia cdeh- r ,und same of -us,. i iar, aster ini Northex aiOntario, with ad- înçit4m s wqpt over te2smleerioiv simt c hswh naeto2 mlssratieetmat !tas h wexit -t bLed feelinag- sorpe arxietY ditional estinates of the dead run- of courntry in front of a 60-mile their livea. There was rioa los s o'as tç wha-t wauld hàppera-r hnrigfon10 a50îwrnruh gaeirle.aila ddaIrtiit,?morfing. - o Toronto Thitraday evening by - ~ j$ ~8ou 4,WçuPinéO . The nezit morninag we we re, to mialersana-d prospect-ors, Who arriv- 300a-tIL.Da e th S e x-68'1ssnumbered bý butqfour, but sin-ce oaur relief informed that everything eci frointixe norwî on theGrn 300ai t-'h-e Domo th a ew weDô e ît-Le-a fivobodies, whether -of mera ha-cbeon'eÉettled amicably, and-no Tuk riGfrmNot andi the-Wstorôe womten is nýoV k-aowri, have heet more would be heard of theinatter, reac!lied Tarotot at 11.15.Eer tbuo~ouI ! ~4emplyes re k ownfond ira the rear of whereo the Em- -Froni whaî we heard aftcrwardsm-whwassenxprsedtb t - ~~~~ ~~~V4At 8steý4j mna1ip$4Ità. ia woldmenthat a certain noble Oiinthtîe rat ls wiltru uîua, ve at Pr-ja-ýeittJi ýt they, were endeaa-Ã"r- lord interested ira Surrey -cricket uP to at. least 300. la-ny S thas ovr ompwraitively open in g t-o make th<ir erscape ta %the I aucceeded by hise influence Inl pro- pe ro o.tr~ ast theie.wOr. ýý x cardnarth Iii! the zo! aof imp. Vntn ur appearance betierë'e hoLeiWLOSte ~t i t b r q c h r r e z o 4 f a - n ~ s .v e n i n gn i g t w e r e w i t h u t , a n y c h i n g ovhe i ý. üL - ,L s giv.én-11P Alilocal -benoh- *ibe inr, ng cue ictf- , d wnéd by plungeî --tO - I remember on the Sainda-before oxeept ,that which they -ware, and 1 U' s of s'n A coul'd;rn bse-b.n ra nthe lake, by suffcation wlle -'the Yorkshire match at Sheffield,,"- r t o honx hacfmiocoats. Their ,tsouth-mest, buc ltle attention standing in the W.ater, or by be:xg we wert out sightseeing. BilyP oots were scrched white, show- 1 wu pid' b this lxi the tawns, be- 'swamped when i cannoes. - Lockwood was ane of, the SurreyinwhrtleyLdw-k or çasý ù te ppretremotetness Alonag the Shaw-Deloro line on at ndswsTo Rihdso te ot-round. aaxiausa e-Che fire. A smalý fire aiea bruke thzIVa-il were fouuid eigbt bodis- heychptalles -a friande wér wiin or the arriv- ',,ut lia La-kevîow,-I>oreiupmrae Town- af unknoýwn deaA, a-ad arthie soth Teni. We were chatting, aly ail- af the train, a-nd as the -surVi- "Éite, but tiais exc" ihed 1111.noice sd a ocpn ak he eaaie usle nQfhm-vars stepped tW the station -plat.' -- ea-use. oSfilleft',queraey ol bush1 wer-e açlded ta the six on the î*iiî ward way, When suddenjy -ak -in hywreatoc aronfc eres during thei pasît wo or thre betiween the Doune- Mine'and 8oth Wood 8tartei toc-ut alongiý' jit 4 a n -hurri-ed a-way, sonne to l4otejs, ek.As ou approached, -how- Poxrupine c-offins arebeing bu1lt Anc ,place. . Richardson- -a-t, aue onricee d a nad - ver, thkiicou4s ofS moke rea-e.hd rio!rurlme.- shoutiod: t-hors hurried ta Turkish bath- - ',e zenith, marking the approach 'Joseph Tracey tella a vivid sto '<tWhat's the game, BiUlyt? hU5s t h. fire, ap seoanVhe spanwas oS the -disa,!aer asit visite 9 C<o," Y ePlied' Loèkwood,,I'im -i.J. J. ~O1a i aeao - - ~~I - ~ ~îl ~ ue ~p-~y. t~ae4~~îtn~ ~odto h~ orlcs ire run leo Nva, -was, anxong- l Vbpc» hde -tse,.,who sa-ved their' livea yJ "0'l-ra 't ~ int ae theslêeft TH IN F, b -, - TW 10 -xuT. pu. sta~nding âhg2ldpr deep ira' the' -d over 2 miles iun width and had as a- la-st resart., but thinking the a--ri- ohods wa-saî Li besI -t th furl .1Property watrso! rclne a-r -urti r1!in wthilth Sauda~,:~iiairly sa4e- froun the fiae, wî Lie adalhug wetddnoati ully - 4u0 p ele id-.ta rralmines ira DekIa, YPbiia,- 1 -Pe a gt wayfroa hthe ýh* iwful pan -a-t onOd, wehelàke, an' -acf1prese ýL jd-f -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~lU4 !pi~ r hi;~n-h Edrd iacwtile asM.Ta~ agdlong W-hen we -did. ---,-ttha t wenlty- 6rt11'yù ~ ivdo I L)~~~~~~~~~urixig anx intetva1 o-.aàioried -yhacidwed-Ho.aèd- ai Unitedi in Southerra Whitnxey. iAs th. fire apprp-açhed, ha y a ii -conntuao lt tyd 1pad:v 1o-evmed.- oT 0hed- pral t iJý>e-M- ibO sèriouffnessoA t-he uli' thé ladder ta thre'surface a~ vlsvrlo s e nangled <ank s- haLd- l'ed- tuiation was realized * ira h1auth'luce fognd Ibe bent (ramée ad - , evrguesîa two a wa.dcae on ig--îàeo i a-copine wha-n thc grc cal] was shafihouse ablaze. le rid a iia- bag, a- et a>,tm-ow uuzud on tgjoeMa hsltnuibtefrbteudn nland's beel wçvkkepn W tosréi.:"t- h -"i-gih h fted-bt"ëcî o d'i< o ta stnda- Leverdict i-ofq ithreeu~tei latsfil w sties aradso Mhouted blourrathe skia-t îh.vsiig ke.e".W sogthtpi -i tIestrength ofth. caht 9~r~st~ebe t. t.les10qoieU~ 'i~ f 'eut aur nman, tefliig p unt -the, u oprrn 'hra~o om ieh- was~k 'ih sru~o(à de-. ameother means o! escape. -jfture desti ati fo-ai , frwcoins an aa~e yt~w-e, si ens fSot Parcupi-ae,begaiu' t4irt rUhed ffor the swamp, ha nda- Xr.os. H1ie clothirig showed the c cn:s o! SOUam lghtthga he deen4ed o îivrict.He look- ef<î !Ieln neaoii h pal vbabeaîdIih b-gaeof the power-lioueç ani îLe- cd tus efiàelongor 'inmoette the hîîfried, deiarture It was bturied in mmuskceg escaped t adto .x-- çug lr ! aaêI1 l'ing before the fianieq. had fa swhich ' otha "LMrv,5&- -,-1 ch F a- conamed the - - be 1 1 eoa- -Lwéen -hà b able '-a D ine -nd hrat 'ema ned E ~r~eeibotho per shed oni"esf y s," C$P UOg, r - -: -o r fo nz]e-j 'wu<fab1 h g' A,'that b>-r--ta -to tsUbyWh riùg 2hnin, ~P a rutliê sh-aftcattra louc ander aauià< m.lýî]wa-s -thé- la 1;cupîr a d -- h f u Sot '--v' hr<--M4--; y - t~etaw ha ben rachd. t a !îe 1111 b ut h pfiseon Dr. es, 1ari4 I igrae rrupeted,'ri b b ie Ei -pixtensio sae Sun ll. Jin cam e a-rth ofthle h Iro at, the be~t ay' l8uusmtehVwer-ê -g,1l-' e îLe k a, h in $ jo r and de ie i tin eb-arr e-t 5~1~~Junc~ç- eb-u, .e 'i4 a-rot, otly m o'e-<Ia-mocame-ng abe 'as>iêak ip -toa! Pg-urcu* a-o. Whcnut4 uY lMnhe min,, Wa a- »ta 'wt» 1j*th>1 ve fo - Are6!ýa4,, on tha round- w "en arqw - -ara a-e, ew mingof thend èlnb r tia a - - ay'n ot-ý 0l ii 1wso villeh, -oIn ré a sphpS ,th a-ti altrh'heldretdax sPl 4 e. mmchwthl he' atero- -te oia4ul i'ib 7 I otinteý eanMA, hr ui XOt t heO-,- , nTV-n-l., Wa)t t catit" Grain, choe. 9par cent.- paý;;lo-~Wi73er whaat, tr. a, fè VIt nhjtO $3.40,91mon- Atrou b» 'PtOIits. *4.60: ýantd ýLntoaeat-.-4 0 On track, Toronto. i, and^ ït #' No. a t 120 Ta ed andl white are quoted OUtalde at 8e and lflxed at 8lc, outéidsle, Né wea t qut4d at 78 ta SOc, Barlt-~r~0 ~rketla dUlI, with prIces ëa<s4 12t -39,Oftside for. No. 2, and at 40 1-9 toi 410,~ Mn Tont No. O , 4 0 03 ,4 0 9 ,. B a y p o r t . IJoru-No. 2 Àmlan yreIIc>w a quoted £114 7114e. Toaonto ]Br"-)"Iui$21, 0 ln hags, To. rontoand sots 22, in al . TOonto outa;i b&h.89,0lu baga, ¶loronto. - BUrTEX AND GBoa. B1xttLr-D>rY Prlnt, le ta 190, infarior. 16 to 16o. Creamery quoted at 22 to 24o per lb. for rolle, and at 20 ta 21c for toi.~ EUs--Case lots, 19o ver dozen. Cheae-12 1-2c for large and at 12 7,4c for twins. COTJNTZY PRODUCE. lleans-OCar lota are quoted at $1.73 ta $1.75. and amail lots,81.90 ta 81.95. H1OUer-Extra*ted. in tins, 10 to lie ver lb. CJombe. $1.7s to>*2.25 Baled hay-No, 1, 012 Ïa $13, on track, and 0. 2 at $9 ta $10.. Baled sibraw-0 ta 8650 on track, To. ronta. POtatOO-tl» ta $1,75 per bair ln a Job. bing way. PoultrY-.Yearling chiekens, 14 to 15e; S p r i g c h ic k e n s , ZI t o e n u k y , l ta 19c per lb. 2e n uky,1 IOG PRODUOT. Bacon-Long. elear, I 1-2c per lb., ln as otg. Pork, shor eut 2s Il j '&.edium ta light, 16 to 16 1-2c; do,' bea-vy, 13 1-2 ta 14e; Toile, Il to Il 1-2c broaklaet bacon, 17 ta 18e; backa, 19 1.2 ta 20C. Lard-Tierces, 10 1.4e;, tubs. 10 1-2e; pails, 10 3-4e. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreai, July l.-Oat.--Canadan Westwern, No. 2 42 1-2 ta 43c, car lots, ex store; extra NÏ0. 1 feed 41 3-4 ta 42 1-4c; No. 3 0j. W., 41 te 41 1.je. Ylor-Manî. taba Spring wheat patenta, i-fkse $530; s e o n s $4.7 0; Wtr n t e r w h e a t a t e t , 4 6 0 seo $ , 4.7 ; Wg ak n t e$44 , r ai h rolera, $410 to 84.25; in bag 1.85 to 82. Rolled otta-Pear barrel, $41; bag of 90 Ibs 82.15. Corn-Ameriean No. 3 yel- low. g. mllfeed.-Bran, Ontaro, $21 to $22; Manitobao $20 te $21; middliai s. Ont- arfo, $22.50 to $23; shorts,.Itanitoba. $23. mouille, $25 ta $31. Egg---reub, 17 M 2to 18e. Ohee8e-Westerng, UIl3-8 to Il 1.2e; Eaters, Il ta Il 1-4. Butter-Choieegt. 21. 1-Z ta 22e. UJNITED STATES MARRETs. 1 UAmIM. ?RINOE 0F WÀLESINYVESTEIJý Impressive Çererniony Held at Carnar'vonô A despatch f rom C.ariarvorx, gar offlciatiag, b-e;rag assisle-d a- Wales, says; In the ol-- andi well- t-wo Weie h Ngncon'mmi ! Ii- presoerved Ca-stlo )f (2araarymp-n the ter-. The processionls then i-- Iyouaig Prinçe of Wale.5 was iaveab- fornic nt oe- ot éuen' S ed ora Thursday ih the is~aagate of -the ca-stie, wber:-I the KIurITNJW' f bis bihïg office. jpresentecf t-aePrinca ai Walea- G, Tha quainv t owc, in fiestal a-t- the people. ThePrneada-d tire, macle a-holiday. a i- drew fev words in Cynîe ta he echeer- Weishen frm th sua-u uir îg ea-emony, wtth theeiepzÙ f countu'y. The weather wa3 imat, thIe>processionqoutside t1Ire wa1l leas, anxd two boni-s hehare t'i-a Their Majesties' paa-ty ancd the uival of their, Majastie-s tîlahue Princes parhy unxîîing madea e> Prince great croiids Lad gaIh-DredjPlaet-e circuit oatisidat-bý eca-ile, aàIoag theai-çat - fromnaGriZth's walis, and, ra-ante-riaig by- ILé. nxM' *- Crpssin, , where, -the iO'yal ,tsty front ertrance, passed lAc thei-r- 4IËt,t te a-Il aate.-The apartmairts and disirhedii./ - bitildi xsalpag 'tha sîreets W'ere____ la.v'àslIy- dcr ilroops, bVue- jackets alud>'ri-es kejit op,--à the j passed. -lxi îe'- -violity aofIt-e c a-e -thousand,-: L,ýondüypa 1p&e anti ~~f 41 pnexhedapoe ~ae UAI'PN i «.6s rfl M 4LL 0,-Y-, - -Thb soone iiîu the castlea waa - pit-tee4-ue,, t-Le v-t e-lanTUE.GLOBE- lNtA, waU,llf. aI n sa-4 9 tiugfor- -the céréùlbiouxI4., Th>,oýtçr- ap. - Ix m os t o < b ta I à , 11 -11 e x c Ie l l n t 4 - G l u r l B é < , q g -véw ir 7WM4jestiçs'-anxd the . - iPrêe- Tèeied an'-t Ihu Siýtî-~ ,rèè i- pna-ryeà-rwa-s-enteîr- A1A.- -- 4 tbsi4rti nd tVh'pariy A u ry re0ommien4ddthat -Iv p éoýeded.thraougute I li-mi, "I-reett or proeé Ml g. -bcsUra - h -eqiirapd - wuîh autola;40 é t, ÏCU ý gatas in To m*iî -2 1 jjýýt, Uastie

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