J -J-b.d -- -; - - PAp~'ri i' ar~ t -? Ž liai- o! Mur <lie b: 'illi ai1sIutl~ double jumpeti tînu, î~ ~-opeI ~ ~tan< -dat! lu "Why ~ h~urie1 (ohé. 0W are Sure te» hep o! tii "Wh~r- the <'apta un ho be bitte we'1-e be: halt-past bêc'~înc ol - ~'lie bit aVion Vo t 011905e Viii te b, iste j Captalo ~ ding, a:id advan tage ~ 0W 'she auug hurriet!, - e-r suddenl~ be.n well ~ ismint! very i ezitertaiu yc ~~uph~hi '~ & ehuakie bc "Niih at-a aS ail. I'm 4Oi'Ss. Nov b.y$ Go a& you goo'd." n î-iel gai set! spot! up surp seahe - - ~elbo, mc orus~ ~Eutty - lator lia know. - s doç>t. - -- noS well ah ail ,poor ~ jj.#l~S e.niuii# onJ" i. lai Heada~b,, tha5s don'î 'ave aie b e ail riqhsit~..4Jj '>8he wonh Up te bcd raaud>'-uo b~,*~r t" vii 'fore you ~aîn, i~." ro:~:t?~~ ~tareê lb. oo~ ut! jitat rui~ up "Oh, Fred 7" crie-t! ~o 1" asked Fn.d. "~ ~ "~~e- Mur~1.*4~ lai <~ ~ '~ ana St, Gîte- Idu tI,~s a thoughUgl bu5. ah oEe t' auswened Fred poutlnqa glushil osaS ~f ~ a kw or. - a ~1*omy fr~wzt ~ ~o, ho ffinabe -i.a~. LL~ - ~-0n - - - - - - ~ ger~ go au' - - -- " - -- ~'*-jjai or thin iri, -- -- - - -- - -- g, an' ---'r --------uri.l." 1~ungs 81 -. ~ ~ - - ~- ~ ~ - ~ ~oxun~ ~vhy, je t~5 o~ ~5hu whêb - thougl somethiug to telI you 3ince tny Iast voyag, te tii, M~aj --that tii. a cross word cs I've been subjcct to fit,. ~SVOi' heen ~XChanged tbey conie on quit. suddeu like, -ho relate, for 1~ quit. suddêu. Rut renie - Without haviu~ f "ou 'appen ho be near me o! i~hc bitter lit- v5 took ili, that the doctori ~i5Ufl~orstant!ings that Over aid that the only thing that'I ~êitianW youug marrie~ foli. ay life k, brandy Don't for1 --tii. glitter of tii. ~ lon't suppose i'iî b, took OtiOni. tarnished. cro, but jeat in case, 3-Ou kno Vôuth. night cf Uncle John I hope to goodness you ~n and tetaliy' unexpeste4j ar ave on. here,' saîd Fred anx ses , thear happines, wa. y. ~l by thear flrs~ quarre- A few rnoments laVer he lefi ~but f~rthe Jovial captain' iouse as directed mîght have had reaII~ Captain Wellpot threw bus ta resuît5 îurtîp into the lire, twix]ed hi, h:dflotYs~î~PasV ~ ant - biskers in front of the glass, ivd. He usual hucklc~j Thon he spcd upsi nom Punctuaîîy at sev,- ~ Murîeî's room and knocked k, in fact smo0 their marriag< he door i QIily i3een live minutes lat. - - Wh05 that 7' - came a sincth, h. called at thé stores for r sardines - '~ts you~~ oncle corne a] loi couid flot understand il nwn theres a <bar.' îcame, as very young wîrr- In a second Muriel opcned saguely perturbed and eve uer, and came eut, looking cha ~' angry at ber husbûnc! "g lu a pale bloc drcssiuggow, Pearance l-îm flot feeling qoite w tenly there caine a inn, et. - - she said, hcsitatin5î~ -knock ut thedo<,î- Mon,- Neyer mmd, itîl do you gooc i ~ flot gîvîng Emeli,,, 'r~ do~~ an 'ave a Warm b~- leave the kitchen and rai re. Fred 'as gone out" 'J ithe door herse]! rîpîsin contriied to gis-e a sco lin g on thé step Was a 'Pr il emphssis to thîs last remark and~ is hîskered lut!6 ina ~V1,e a double breastec! reefe- n they both were scated and 's-iîh a pea~ cap et -e lire in the parior, Capti 011 one side o! hi, sh Nelipott rcgarc!~ bis pretty nît sd. IQX houghtf.1i~3. for some sccon< ', its Un0]0 John Y' crîe< 'hen h. saîd suddenî~ "Whst 'a cieiigiteiiy ou b~tu been a-quarreîuung abot f)idn't lt's vouîr Un furie! bar-en expeet to see - Wc t been qilarri Y i "'liai Ha, lia - Ai ~g -' raid Muriel, flushing sîlgi icu, Munie! - me dear- -<,- ' - - I ou sec, Fred Came hon 7' uc! fouuîd you down hero by yoo kissîrîg hon heanîilv d uIf and oie upriairs, so ho eau buatled tIirnu~<Iî thé ha]! 'p ami saîd he ~vas ver» angi îic~~d;nt,, tue par1oi~ ~ nth i:irn8eÃŽf ,for liot haviug b ce e ot lier. - Sc' h stuck une e was ang~-v wj 'imslf, wa o's F,-od, des r ?' - - nn, gIancin~ ~ - - ~'-"- ~~11cle. in fact he got quit .lust r~hat I cant ~ ~<'te{î ~ <<~~lFse I kept ver- cie. I re flCver kn0~i, hîii "el. and tried t~, explain Vo hù~ -r Vhs,, seven ('dock ~in,-. îîy t ~' 3 ~ tu msrricd. lu s nea,-]~ c' wa. late. or thiat, I felI -iii, bur now. I cant thiruk xrhatY '~. lic Woulçjnt lîsten Vo reason.' hlm." Bon011 ' ci-led the captain. lier pretty Il s with yeN î)îd >'ou ever know a 'usband who hink tîîst ]#'re<l sîmouî,' ;vouid i Now, look 'ce 'ere, Mur- s of ail nights ofi Whld r'!. voure tii. sweetest aud ciever- îorne Thcy had riot seen st Jittie girl in Tooting. an' it's b'ellpot8in~C their weci timc you knew that it neyer doci. thc!iî- filutuni or Vo argue with hua- Vo gir-c a good liapres aud." îîear.±y oic! captamn, ex "Bot whaî eould I do b'> thcy did, te benefit h~ - loti should jea ave gone up te day, Mono] was doub- 'im, put your ai-ms round us neck, t Fred', strunge beii~x- au' kissed him. Fred', a good vei-, te make the best u~ban'd, 3-Ou know, Murici, au' a ~uqgèsted danner 'sud fine 'andsome chap, but you've got earjy~ish~ tfio meal twic. as nineli irramus as 'lui. X'ou've 'eocgni~j F~ed'u tread beon very silly tc-nighv thougil, -ps, and heard hi, knock dean,, lu trying te feason wî> a nian. ~ didu't you give. mu 1<> - yeu won't think une bu, sensible 11k. V' , dear," silo said ris- "But he was se absurd, unel,, [y. "But l'y, coine o~. and beside, there was nothing te - 50 queer. i iiaveu't give lu about, was there r' il <la», as matter of 'Nc~'er mmd, las,, you>lI - know answer the door yet, better Dcxii hlm.." ut! I feel se gmddy ami 'Yes, uncie, dear, i ses what e head. So wouId >'~ you mean, aud I believ. you are îuuch if I left Fred to rugbt, I do indced. l'il try and - >u 1" gi'~-e in to hlm the ver Vellpot lookc-d up with Wh5tever h. ~a>-s." next tii,, ~urprised exPrOssion on "That', i-ight, dean., liaS'. ~, tbpn h. Smothered nght. Oh, an' while I hhinkîof it, ~ thint! one huge baud. silice that last voyage I aook to th. il Muriel, me dean, flot Vroplcs I'vo suffered wi' occaaionaî ont of ~ Tbey come quite suddon, hile>- ' sorr~ Jour. do, no warnung, non nothia'." t 2' îi. dcXvu-...tii.ti'îî do "o~~ uncie," cnet! Muriet!, "i t arn sorry." hi a gr S.! î k><>k "Yos, weil, as I was esyju', pro~ stains, juet as Emelin0 ridin' I mbouid 'appen b have eue the>deor te île bolatet! whilo I'm 'ere, ho sure te remeni. ~ - ber that I înustn't on ne account 'N g tii, parler Fred was ~ ~ drop cf brandy. Tii. - do.- r] nimed to eee tii. jovial tons teIl vu. that one drep o' bran. a -d ah tii. table. t!» betwcen niy lips whul, I ~ ~ boy U' cnet! thà t <ne cf tbern lt.> would ho fatal ab. kuig tii. elle,'5 liant! solutelv. "1'li~ be sure p~nd reipem~~, - "'0w are yen b sait! Munis] earnesîly. "sut I ~lo P fi-usual, a>in't you? h are ail ~iht I~,. ~ ope trou feeling ah 15, sudden rush, uow?' ~us where'a Muniel " The'~ oai~tauu suddealy .a.nk huile la chair as a was AZlIu~ round - thé oui. tii. sîreet steu> heard ou*, 14A, UU~ :~y~ ~ R55~,J~ ;~4's~pJe aeza~.. ah Id ~ 0~uIvIelJifl4~, ~'1 - ~'~' 'really, Fred V~1 sur. you ~ YO1*11#~ Illldten. Ât aie I ~ ~ ~Ji~t1~~s troxxj. th0 per~ uut b. righ glands, and~ other waste produei~a ~ ~ IJaimk.d~ M>.~ ~ I131Buch 4 ItUpI<* tI~ie~ of~tb.- ~ ~s ba4iy ~ ~ 8Pi7~tO*~*:&pP8~~, tii. ~ebacernia .t ~ An' I'xn '~tit~ aU$posed t~o a~$i 0f, i1hi~~~ g~ &blOt$ Ehoulci ~ th#'~1~ C0kt8l~tly c~iie~ upon -. - Li. ~ 43'iu>~ aù~'t I r' lie gt~re~i t ~IÇ~ti. Oh#~M>r sii~- *~~» however, WEAITII C>P ~flA~xFoR~r - firat ~ "P 'fl tii. chair ~r~e'r ~ 'w î~ trop ho otiier of is relati',~.~. CI~i33eGhsoqîtjt~~y th~ 'iL oi~der te ~ . t probahI~ auggeatM Frankber sbare~ suddenîy, and glared from o~e te t ~ fi~d i.s at haaid *.~. eleanli- Alflsterdam I___________________________ FAfls POR #ALg OR RER?. ba~by may b. bel thé head thould the~ *A '~'<~ <~)t1Pl8 You are, and n~ ~ The ~yond î> iii a few ~ -hé co~stabt.. ~rnîfleflce a~ being tii. R' W. WAW8@N, if Ine!y Coiborno ~ h acared waahed Too frequenv washing hiest city in th0 world per The' Ta.bleta nover Eau te Westto mbeî '~îstake,'> ho eontinued. "You'd relievo ~. ~ ~ ~ of tii. head is flot ad~.risab1e, 88 too vestrnent fund in tus cîty garnere~ ISh COî~~b~ a ewan ly capita There is an immense in. Lto¶~"~sa wheî oth stand there and Jet you're old ~ional~ygiven te tha welI <iiiia ~ rnuch o~f tii. natural ou is thus r.- through the centuries Frankfort ~P4 ~I8DUI consuit me. Ica~ se~~ I. 'n cie die, whule you trîee to carry kuep hi~» ~'e11~ 3tr~. i5esire ~ inoved, and, unc!er the constant ac- has long been oni cf the great~ t. se Larzd in Man av~ 'ut bis theories by dearing each ti writ~: <~ extra~.~ at E Stock. s~~< ther.'> Denja, Que., U>çof ,water, tii. bulb whi~h ~s rnoney markets ~Jf Europe and and Da1r~ e1bCU~ 'Gain~ lave a baby three mnonths old who ~ of the hair.ro~t bank~g lu Germnany centred here I IRt. i YO Waflt ODe 88e' me. fet, 'But-but are you better, un. ~ufVered froni colie and oonstipa~. Swells, and tiie h~ir beconje5 hie- until recent geat I N PRUJXr FARiç~, Z ha ba< !~ 7" asked Muriel, concernecily ion. Casto~ 011 was cf Do help at esa, dry, easily broken, and fafls fort * ycarsthe r Frank.. W. "Better7 'Course I arn îng and beîng ~ssisted ni their op- e, Night,. and HOliday. fa ouses Iead. 'pote a : rîght ricte. re morne Ideai 'ettcr in rny n~~r iii, but Da.by's Own Tablets spo~<j a. rnonth, ,, is 0f- by 5LIch as PhoDeT '011 ~ 'ly cured hum, and now Ialways ~ ce therefore erations bouses Men- ~V to admit ~ l'a blets are Id o-j- both and lin '-~ 'n theother but ~ ~~u't '<cep them hi tlie ~ d08lAb. enough to wash the head. lu delssoh~8 and Bleichroeders hi B:r.. 6990 aDn Park ~Z. :aga Jfl~~ te find as youd bo~h be ~rs or b~> tuai) at 25 <~~~±5 a box ~ ~ kept ~cleau and heaîthy by over. sic!, îu îng to Jet me die in a lit while ~~'> TheDrXVîlîian,.~, Medicine h:dailYctlQfl oh. bruah.Tlris ___ OFFERS SASKATOON W. D~wso~~ arn sorry Ont. moderatelyIo~ris.t~es Yhe ~TRY MURINE EY~ R »ro~.îtî ot sn~ouà 'yon b,~fljlh&rd furie!. "And you're sorry, Ico, brush will have stim~ûaving toni~ lied, Weak, Weary, a working' 8gr1cultuyfa~ netion upon the afin, and a dean- andGra.milateJEY.lîd Murine ~ you do yo~ Wl Il be sorry tiiat yen had sti a red dear, arent you '1" -4ANDY TOOLS FOR TuE ROu~i siiig effeet xaot~ only upo~ the ~airi S1flart~8ooth~ Ilye Pain. Druggîsts ~ ~ atery Pi~eg uajîy came an ~ Dot Gome? r~' ::Ilathe r!" said Fred. but upon tii. hair itself, because ~t soc, Mi*rlne EYR Rrnnedy,'LIQUId 25o, ungaTong~r borne~h1ng for roue eli Pepha». 7Ou are Dol .*' And we are hotu sorry for hav- rhey 31ay Net be Needed Often, wilI help te free it f rom the duat Aseptie Tubes. 25e, *1>00. BYe Bboka "'i 1fiforn~olIon write TZIE1> lg-tiaving quarrelled, are rare. red 1" exclajmed Muriel. ~'t we, but Sonietîmea Worfli Mueh. and dirtj of the atuiosphere The and Pire Adrice P'ree by Mail. .- k~ch.~'>w9~ TLU>n S 1.OO. Murfn. ~lys lu chi drows sake. Jo1n-ô~'. rom III P th< ~Yes," said her husband, kiss- A repair man walked ~axr> therefore ehould hé 'well ~'iiz '~* ~ Cp.. Chlcag0. her. "But it was ail m3 £108 recenvly and'~ek~ ' uy ~ ushod night and moruin~, aiid, ~ - stuiS~ o! otias, 1e11 no dariing. it was I who ~' chair thitt fle~ded only a few 'caps, aoda, èr cheap ba.ndages>..~t~y~ yo~ - aiture to mend i" ~ was sl'own possi~bîe, once during tii. day~.' Defendjng Counsel (to witness in AG~VA~TE~.A as bad tempered" >oreWi, but the ownordiI net have pow-ders, coutaining hi- Wîtnes~"No IWas kuocked di W57Q regret it I on don app1~' marri«Jî" tb8t SOflO PfOPO1ltI@u. jOJi?1UOfs si~bstanees, ahoidd rrticnlara f e captain. "That'Il do! Kisa an' te mend this 7" he was as.ked uBOd for 10 NOW-D0~I That 'Il do !" cried thé tO~Is. "What *111 you charge washing the he . .Afl Uh8C~Lk~ifg~~j l~e Jiy we~k." - ru» nake a up, an'-pass over that 'Fiffry Cents," Was hie prie. anti ~hese thinga have an 'rritatlng e!- *Inaa~ Lin! ,,t urss g'hîh.rî& epeefal girice. WII.o51* th> Wkl pe upon'th scalp oertaii~- me c ~ f k#. -~ 1BP1U~To!omt. rr cxded that tii. pob W~8 net worti ly clean~ tii. hair for tii. time b.- "Why dit! you gel druuk 1'> aeked ~ >&~~ ÂT JKOME.-OII, 80W Dop~ that ameunt Soon after a SCrew îng, leaving it very 'dry and gener- ,&he magistrat.. "Oh, only for a1 Ç..i~a~UU ~ wia~JJI tir SALT ON fiLS TAIL. driver and Vwo doze~ ~crews were ally fluffy in 8ppearau<~ for îhree lark 1" re>plied the prisoner airily. tîae~. ~ i~ 'O 8 iLd.d.d to thé eqinpme~ e! that of or four days. A stroug react~o» of "Indeet! J" replied the magistr~,0* iG fle~îî St, Kotreal. - ~ eexishjr~ ooast tewn haŽd preached lese than fifteen nuinut~a, ~ a cost f'~quentîy becomnes exoeeding]y 'eau have the use o! on, for four- S~AWMILL MaCRZsEaT ministe,. living in an Aber- lice and the chair W8S meuded ~fl the rkin thon sets in, and th~hair "We have cages. for l~rks You' Powt.~b1e~ r serrn~ which a akipper, one of >~f 10 Cents, aut! the screw driver grea&y, mojat, and lax, teen ~" - Rtreeî, Orlilfa, Gra'duaily day, ~ heavy, Lat vhich n, thoug-ht very like on. for fntute work.8 screws wer~ 1.4 tli>e )iai.v loses its vitality, an& b.- - - E. n ans __ it i~ parishioner who tra.dcd te ant! twen±y- cf tii ga~s4e fa]]. - " ~ u1~ I z>uxps, et.. î~ h. had reat! to hi, family tii. Tii. ne-w janitor o! an apartmenî The beat ohalnpoo th~t <~ >~ ~ t za an. nndi.Pnted. ~ ~ ~IrDaI and nlernai, ouro~wI t -lu nday befrrr.- froni a volum, o.! houe. iiad ne toc]s and e sud ~' ada fi AtqOEE, TUMO8s~ -- etfe~1 tii Oo~Iate; Wilsen'a if o~»tr.~ul~i~ WrI ns which he had purchaserJ in 11k, getting then1 at h{g ~ ~ ~pihg tii-e 'bah, in good condition ~ ae!~ua.ll7 killd .a bushel of - e i-ni o sG&eg. 'SE' h o~irIon. e-ver !'OM Sf ~rte. ~¶sôeiu.. 1< On t ho Sunday Pense, thus h. test tii. quarter of ~ tii. yolk cf an 'egg. When Silo Quantity eau 0r~D~] v<,::d à ucb following he, with iî. dollar that on. o! 5h. tenants -hair is thick, moi'. than on. yolk of welv k~z>t houa-o, but whe-ther tiie~y ~~oaI. WOTk~. lanade. - -. Ega t akippers, toekthe- bool< ivould have paid~hiuvf'e~, a trifiing will b. requîred. TII. Y'OI~ b. ~ or inan~ Wjl~c,~'s ~~~aha ~ess cf the suspicion. Tii. minis- teol was Purchs~e-<~j thé a littl,~hot water, and a kw dropa îth~~ ail. F1y Pa< ,~ '?uf~e~'YN. ~ei e ce; er lu due Vian, gave out a text "'ho fleededj~ antI ~, ~ ~' ~ 1~~~~nonia niay 4hen be-ad- ~ - wil ~'hich, true enough, tii. akipper 30 conte, thu at a~ net OC~~ ç>f 5 dot!. ~ und in the index cf his book, and oent& a 4esi~. t-&ei. ~tas~a 4ftez wetting 11ii he~t~~~ugh. -on ~vztii hor muaiel" îoiuted out to bis f rienda. V~ thé k~eper'~ kit. ly withhot soft *~t~>~~g- I~-~t ~op~ f~ IZW irtq~k The minL~>ter then preceeclecj with Lt pays te be batI ~ egg- mitur0 ina.y berubbed woll ÃŽ~>. ~Dy O'Wn girl, but 'ye~~ ef"d~ ~ 22, setmo~, geing on word for aii&a lit~Je m~no-~ W~5 nezghbera ba've-'-teId. -m~ that they vord with tii, sermon bock f ox~ a their purchase will 88v-e a~ ~ - Finalfr rin~e tii. haie agaiu~-aaid cftei1 ~tay e*ake aS nighUi~eef~ ~ - irutence or two, which greavly ex- eraihle suni lu thé coure. 'o! aye~. agaui wi5h ~ile~r,, tepid~ sÃ"ft~*.50r 10 ber PIayirtg% ~soJ ahê -. ~it.-d thé akipper, whc, with a ?enhapn J~hey ni~y - no5 ~e- neotjed un-Si] ail trae~e cf the -.~ ~ pret.ty good." .2rony ou each side, kept tracing o! ten, ut there~are tin~es wheu & has d18a~peared; dry thoreiighly, the wogids in bis boof after tii, hanirnor aùd a !ew fiai], i~m î~ and -bruali -fer *en ~se. A ~Bbon for~tii, li'oue4T~. ninister, and saying :- worth far nier. tixau îheirorjgù~,j pêrfectly dean brusil. hV4~r- 184, Vry-he 'ti~ 6r~a~ aii'd~ 'Sec dli bm; sec tili uni." coat. 1~~]ees a parsc~ bas ocea- - - - ' Tii. mninister, who uset! hunireif te Sien Vo buy hem lt is dîfiloulî - - ~Wh~~-s~ ~ ccli the story, said :- ce-a-lise what a varied ~sst>i't'suî CHBAPEIi, TO MOVE. bile and the &ètid llctuhd ~ows hile - - c~,rathe's ~a iindn. ~nietion 'o! "1 lookit doun au-ci saw what 0f teols, sorews, and najl, 'fli~y hé LfrGregt>r's wife was o! thoiè' '~kt~ ~ - ' they were at. se I turncd nver twa. purchase-<j for - i& COniParati~jy 'wh< <~ould hardh Atay a 3n4~uth hi many are ~prone ~to il. ~- la îhi~. oon' - ~X~*C~1Ç - baves a.t once; an' tiiey neyer. 8zualF~a ~o( tiI~4l~ ~ t"- 4~À~ <ilappit saut upo' my tail after with 8 ~ à I1t! a~nc~ ~ reino.v-iug, *.'4ani ~ook- fu varîety cf ~ ~ '~J~4>' Whe ~r ~ ~aa that.'> therein, ~uay b. ha.d fot s d ther gl&»ny, ant! another lot 'qf BCx'ews insy z ~uc[ tji. va~ai *n a~qufuilt~ua, ~q~oe ibli. iam,~I~. ~ ha4 for tl~ saine pri~. waz walkingbe~ whiob at. Watr~n~ ti~ - - - r - - - - -~ -' .1. REEP HATR TUiTreu-c'a r~-~ - ~ -~~> - - secrets o! keeping saTlthy eoui~dit50u~- lu ~'of Pf~ool4~1j~ fin'tKâ i,~et,..k......k il On. o! hie bai' ifl A h nsske a. pela viii regard - shoul4 b. w week, sud ni seap, or tht very #oft au m.tbed cf ~lî as follow.: B pans o! tispit! t'i5wer hie ~ies. adcl a&t iquit! amwoya uruail !«*n I îp mut! -dcîwu t ces, aut! ce~it ook purfecti> 'heui prooeed 'aloi', se * insed &Way. sel il on w', y.. i & fet IU& osa ha "J~aM spr~s~ Lb ~ - ~ r t j