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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1911, p. 6

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- - î li a.l'1onîy ;it s castt at h5afB ome under my omi' pet tonal notice, and about the bîund .tin~f mmlà littis 'or ne questiol con tse taises!. The, tiret police blusder-a "ter jrible oué" te-i met witir w&s ti ý WhlteebSP.î Murder 'case, in wiic the siames o! Wainmight and Lasi figures! meut pri ntly tuirC>' ive yeare ago. at Henry Wainwight-cbiief ti lu tiregruesome tragedy-mas nei blamoleas, but that fact attends ut èeuse for tire police supisesesi dispîayed. Briefly, and because they havc nover beon made knoîn te tire pub- fic befere, I give tire actual dir lurustances and tire version o! thea smre put forw-ard by tire prosecu- tien. Tire young wmn, Lane, mas murdered b>' Ment>' Wain- wriglit as tire result of iris being in ýJ, want o! moue>' and bier constant de- miande for tire sarne. Tire man was Iu roceipt o! $35i per mecS, and f actuail>' gave Lau. $100 tireiii belote tire murdori Said the prosecution, tire accused -toeS hie mittes. te iris mareirouse, chotlber, and butied ber romains bosoati Che flooting. No one but the, prisoner had tir e Syao! tire marehéluse aftet cîoeing heurs, said tire pes tios. Tismareirouse > ad Pbes givon "p b>' Wainmtight ' Ion g efore esactisg tire cruel deed Y n!tho, Soys had becsn in tire Seep- - - lng et au mployele, Thomas Wain- wrmiglit (Henry's brother), and othOtL Tire empty marcheuse was unlockes! and could ire entcred at any4ime oaves by strangere. àiýrgtgave $100 te Thornas telbe ive.toLane a tom meeke be- -fore the crime for tire purpose of establishing ber is a littîe business. Thomsas Sept. tis fer hie oms use. ieur>' became an accessor>' after tire fact by aidinï- hie brotirer in tire rem ovîng o! tire rernains. H1ad tire fermer spoken ho could have saved hie nock, but ire wouîd sot betray bis owm flesir aud biood, ai- Chougir hie oms flesir and bîood be- trayed hlm. EL ght yoars aftes tire execution o! Henry' Thomas died.lie made a -death-L>ed conifessi on, owsisg up te'-) irihs Oms guilt andiris brother'a comsplot.e innocence o! tire crime, - it] er in intent on act. - -This YiotUm te meet cruel ans! g ro~s iiwrlisg left a sealed envoi- ;" ïC 8 -tire baàde of tire Governor obt omateafter demanding ans! obtmie htie i atter'e solemn pro- îý-",mise ha'tthe seal shouid net ho braSes untit a!ter tire execution. Tire contents of tirat envelople have never been made Snown teItir worW&even te Chie day. 0f &Il ciminale it i. doubtfuî if any lever Snew mor-e of tire poliles and thiri methods tiras did Charles Peace, prince o! burgiars, murder- or, modern Don Juan, etc. A J standing joke o! Peacesmas te - ouf tire police about tiroir utter in- abiiity te trace eut the over busy and mysterious burgiar who had IedLondon and suburban house- ~'~~hoders in constant fcar--meaning Tbis crminai wae botir eiglit aud %mmaUiof stature, but o! great dar- ing,, cunning, and! agilit>'. Hie fav- orlite diegtiise teeS tire ferm o! face coiitortion- a tricSkire posseesed te a marvellous âigtee; addes! te tis more spectaclés formes! o! blue glass , ands setrait tire>' compietel>' id irisey-es leven ftem a aide vîei. viem, ad the aueer of one of Cthe 1*8 marked by Cli. oný commend4bh &ct. Louîi Beekla suffenmgs t h. reist cf--tii.montat 0 s and oh- stinate errer on dii, part of h police musC have beeà unt àk bly great. ABi *s &Cultr'i ètte man, w.!! plaeed s! cey n miros. mal record vI ýwthou* b ml a h" I s mu a a r t e d o n a - eh -sue o! renhbI gewoury men !plausible sten,» e 8 1- n e ix e r t s pmy mnsproved a fMlùre R ikht )râVe beet oomfretël dea4f and duixmb. 1Not even-did be 80In robas Opes io smeuthir, mif in tsar o! bi ver>' l!. in tirwe eveut o! a Word -es- pi ng rom irislipt. - .i±ad Râ e beenrpstnuêted by iris sperieofileers tôt te breAthvie a se>'lbbe oncerniûg hfie tragically deplorable want of m4est use as Slnd a mord ùs pohtible-or mas ire suffeing from tire effeets of- extreme fnigirt GLOVES AT CORONATION. IVere Onlce Worn to Proteet RLigs Prom Disease. Amosg tire pnivibegeâ ciaimeci h' peere et tire realm in connection, with tire croîning o! King George is tire ols! customn ihicir gives tire *DuSe o! Newcastle tCir iglit o! fins!-- ing a gove-a ailicen gloire, embroi- dores! mitir iis oms arme on tire tbacS and! cestisg about twc guineas -mic ilpaced osnCthe Kinge 1riglit hans! during -the Coronation tce remn>. Tire engin e! Chie silkes aglove for tire Kings rigit irand le b connectes! miti tire modieval su- iperstitionwmincir regardes!tire Kings toucir as a cure for mas>' diseases, especially scrofula, minci was calles! "Sing's ontl." Tire ik perses. mero breugit t teremen- ai-ch te ire toucires, ans! to escape infection ire aîmays more a gloeono tire tightirans!. Gloves, however, have almays been giron an honores! place among the\ceremeniab î.dstments o! tire Sovereigxr. Presentat-lons made b>' corporations te Chir Sovereign frequenti> teeS Cire form o! ricirly- ornamntes! gloves, ans! it is inter- eeting te toto that Que.» Mary iras signifies! ber millingness te accept, as a Ceronation erft, gloves f rosi tire Worsiriptul Cômpasy of 01ev- ors. Theae gloves moýre mers b>' ie-r Majeet>' on Coronation Day, and more o! tire finest mosquetaire kid, ans! reaches! almos.t as fat as tire ebeulder, and îere worSod on tire bacS mitir tireRoyal crows ans! sceptre insteas o! tire usual points At tire top tire>'more finieired witir a bans!o!fels! embreidex-y, tire de-ý sign o! mici consistoci o! the rése, thistle ands hamnook. When Que.» Alexandra m- croiseds! e. oro gloves marde e! tire fineet mWhite kid reaciring te just aboe'e tire elboiv. lore, th.>y more finisiroc mitir somebeautiful gels! embroid*r>'ehoing juist a- bne o! tire uby purpbe micir composes! lier Maje&ty's train. In tire old <laye fRoyalty mere of- tes bu ries! mearing gloires. For ini*tanc, mires tire tomb o! Edmard I. mas opened gleves, jeweîAled on tire bacS, more diecoveres! os Cie hande, wmule in st-il ariier <laye tire> wore mors during tire service b>' tire cîergy as part o! the t-est- r monts. Sc rici ans! extravagant dis! tires gloves becorne Chat tire clergy more torbidden te Wear gaudy gloves. At tire Corenatios e! tire Lngjs o! Franco tire Arechbishop uses!Cci present a pair di, gloires. Gloires are aise includes! lu the Tmporial ersaments of Gexraan'.,ans! lover,% o! hister>' miiirenirnrier hem Lady Jase Gçev ans! Charles 1. gavý tiroir faitirful attendants witih msi on tire scaifols! Cie glaies tire>' wouis! nover neS! aga£u., Presideat iulaRus RaiEx-elt lag Porfinio Diaz tr dzln Dias," as, h. bas bees a-py Dam- 8 miro iras ensvn its W sient o! Mexico, and , est #ôe -egigtire attention 611h w9k ,Aeomit é'f s rob it , 'saps. nce w -in. pisn ho On«kcamet f hk h$ hïdejit o wwheahé-wvsi ' manntýr 1 ave sucoom9tu Ciit thobË- Take,. for inlstance, tire ce6oi Drn. Arthrur- Shrp at, Nottinghram, l.ustratea -tir-e dangers, amsocited mith, Éitngl*cal morS. hisdoctes, conduct'es!a, post-maortem examua- tion -ntire;body e! a child, m-ho <ied on, oueo!firis bauds nesulted ÃŽ& hie biimil! centracting blcos poison-ý ing, and lu $Pite o!&Il Oibnti&i ekili oçuls! suggest, ire eo &e alter a pawnul iliness. About the same ime deatir put an end te the suif on-g cf Mn. fiarny W. Cox, tire X-ray martyr, w-ro contreted Ch. dreades!'mal- sdy kueis ss X-ray dermatitie, t.hrougb aceidkntally putting a Cuire o! tire appantus sar iris face. It nrigirt ho mentioses! tiat tire agon>' causes! b>'tis dhsease is se exeru- ciating as te resist oves the pomer of opiaCes. Mr-. Cox, iromever, je b>' nO means tire only piose-er o! X-ray surgery miro irus hus suifer- os!. Mas>' teaders mili doiubtIeste. member tire case o! Dr. Hall Es!- mards, tire X-ray specialist, miro ha. bas! botir hande destroyes! by the Rontgen ta>'.. Tien tiere mas ire mell-Suomu Frenchr doctor, M. Itadiguet, miro for two years do- votes! himsel! Wterestus!>'o! Cie X-rays as eurative agenrts. Hoe te- peatedi>' eubject.ed irimel! to theit influence, ans! in Cireend lho con- tractes! X-ray dermat-itis, dying al- Cor monthe o! agon>' ln 1905. Tire diseover> o! tire X-raye mas merises by tire deatir e! Vie mes. One maa Clarence Dailey, chie! assistant te Tiromas Edison, and the otirer Dr. Louis Weigeî, o! New- York, mie, in 1908, died alCer soir- en operatione. Hie figirt against dcatir mas ose o! tire bongest in tire .àîsto-ry o! tire.who hsxe gene to their martyrdembecause of! tire X- ta>'. Dailey, toe, endures! terrible agony for many-montirs as tire te- suit o! tie exposute o! hiesibands- and! arme te tire raye. A cance-roue groath deveiope-d on iris left anis, the loien parti o! îvhici bnci Vo l11e tache, and oye-brome vanishes!, and-c bis right -hans! aL-4 ansi began te - go. Four fingers more amputate! a.1s! fin allyý ýhia rigit arnnbut itwaç 01. ne avgi1, end ii14i r is snMe mais added te tire lisktoz ioe- Who have <ied irecuco et thoirz <loe-ý tien tei scienlce. - Apart, iromever, trous tire, Vifflims o! tire X-ray, fTer;e-érýe many éthrer- instances, in connectien miti th8ein- special dopartments et medical soi- once, e! mesnmiro have euccumbed te tirir zçaI Sonfelodg.e -1 ý Seireca Powell, eue o! thre bf known pro;fessore e!f medielse 1» America, mroee dathin lu1907 mas attribut.ed te Ies darisgribNveetui- tiens incaolcad poisoning, annousces! te tire médical prefes_- sien tiree. vears betore, iis doatir Chat pure alchol mvas an antidote for eaxabole-aoid pSisonmng. Iu tire mented oQn:line-el!, airs! thii;it le -bel ieved, und-errined-bis-coutiotu-, tien asd oazse4iris d<b. 4notliernmtanc. mau thet e!Dr. lacquel &-teRegnior, so'n, cfa lezditrg menthes- o! tliqèademy o f MedicieinlParis, mire, 1k h arp e&dy aoontiQned. - <ied hg conducting a pot-xn6rtom xaia-tion in tire Necker o fflp-_ ta-. . On bis degJlb4hé r uged iris 1minens!. sot te grio'., "for holi battle&ied. Wlieus you ake up tire medi*d ~ casr-' yiù art- awareo! the. dangers ah ns. i éready for d ~ue tgo the -g6ferou et i ven2 te hqkyh. -1 5tons ', Ti.valueci tle'tc ru üLoir-' thing cÃ"uhd be More . hrÉdneous very Often ilnto hundredse minde!' Q$that théir. l fjb d Rtent, lin sonÃŽ6fri r dr1r>fItoyalty are pap&nîw,pets' Altboug Ir itoe oalted ralkl, ty h mtïw Atfew, It 8trdét Polîie ur a bfr dees n9t lollow tii&t. theyý live, ïhhr an Olâ coeter whe ias chargoj an arepeoejxy.Idewith'obstruetion. tePolice In- in tÈýire mjorlty ci cea.. the lditgs spectr told tbe magistrate tirat adqueens ci to-mcrçi are train- this Old ý_Coster used te ,set eout a e1d and educated in 4a far more sim- rom c',f stalle, extending -for *ever ple and disciplinàry masser than ninity 'fiot 4along the kerir, at five hundreds o! other - lfttIe f olk li o'élook every morning.- Later in huinhier robe. tireday tire stalle were lot to, other Taise, for inetanci, P-rince Bd- côstergxlij an average rent,-o! a wa of -Walts, wih o je at presen shilling. H. einvariably manag,'d to being edudïted at »-artmoutb Col- let Ï11 hiz: s tale, and made an ex- lege. H~prn, idea. je to make cellent inceme out of them. hlmn into a hardy littie Prince, aud AnLother' coster bas n0w become wit.h that -end in vicir instruction.s a very wealthy mas. fie'used to have been issued that lie ehail fare hawk fieli in -bis eariier days, but ini exactly the gmre wav as t h, ho gradually extended bie opera- other cadets, with thre same boute tionB, em ployed other costers te of study, the same food and accom- work for him, and les ow dealisg in modation, and, hke aIl the other thousande of pounde' wortb of fieli boys, a shilling a woek for peeket. every week. Rie buys hie fieli in money and noe"t-uelr-shop" account Bhings4gate by tire ton, dealisg on- allowed. ly in ose ki-d. Re le thus able te The erma Emproras l irol"sl te thq iBritieli public at a very known, je one.. of the strictest par- mni hae at ia h ri- ente in Europe. Re brouglit up hie ary flshmonger. So melIle this old sons on severe lines, a.nd tihe Ger- coster.doing that lie tins e othing anCronPrince i d<eine of buying $2,5W0 mortir of fishin i ruaîts rowl n , his etermfoed ose morning. Without office, that ielitIeso, wo s ow ou iarehouse or shop, lio does a years o! age, shahl be raised in business tirat many a tradeeman the same plain, healtby fashion on would esvy. The saloon bar o! a simple food and weli-knemn public-bouse in Cleris- S PLENTY 0F WORk. exmwel le bis cuetomary settling-up The Croîs 'Princess Cocule, tee, je Place. not. likely te "epoil" lier boys, fori Over a thousand stalle are own- shie is iiubued with the sensible idea ed by another coster king. These that tirey ahouid be fitted for tihe stallâ are distributed all ever Lon- important roles cestined for tbem don, and ho reekons bis- weekly -net by keepisg Vliem in luxuri-, turnover in eome thousande of eue nurseres, but by making tbew poundse. Hoias civer a thousand live tho hardy and healthy lite -,f centres from whicir hie stalle are the normal middle-class child. suppliesi every day. For two brie! years hie mother, A rwell-Jnown flrm o! ihoiesale bad ber littie son aIl te hersel!. But druggiete in London are very proud since bis second birthday aIl this o! ose o! tireir cuetomers. Sire le bas changed. -The prince is Do>w a woman pili vendor, who buys considered the property of tihé ber materiale b>' the hundredweight Royal family-and subject . te thre and mixes tbem mu tirte help 'o! ardes o th Emer-o. R, ý-IIsi'eral assiatants. Sire bas been ordrs ! te Eperr. e» over thirty years in the business, hen.ceforth bie brought UP in thbe and it is ose o! ber boasts that se disili n is ihici anth alE1perorbas nover .sold là box of pills at a hisieliand is onsauJail hé reater price-than ose penny. She Germas Princes for genýrfora e r el f.ý havebee reaed.Another curiôus business ùf the T seven-year-old Prince Olaf,j gutter tixat pays wonle isthe selling Croin Prince ef Norway, liSe bis e! cbeap eye-glasses. Os0e gutter coeusin, Prince -Edwardo! W ales, '1e feptielas sella à* many - as eigîrty te being brouglit, ip ln a simple,, un-, a hundréd grose --betweéen Monday affected waY.. Hi parente -allojw1and Saturda;y.- Averyr'goad pair of him to live in -the open -air 4 a n b~so1-caIIed.-"ebe ge~a-h -4e pýîsible4- and irbe,ïs pever et -very ý,sort thât yobu pa ày f- happy as *bven skating or aki-ing, guinea for -i n y big sirops--cas Re, is,'ezfremely popular with hiie-j Ire ibtained toei anytbing treom ose- fairr' sbeeefçte le a simple, nd-is'ix. te hait a crows.-1 muerry-be&rtcdlitl ! hlo , ai- A cofee-taÀkeeper,, ire plies thougir ho once con!essed ire "likediris . t4e sot' far .from, Westminster te mni' îitb kingÉ," le bei»g Bridge, là tire omner c! a roi o! br<iuM ~ pwitb ýhe idea-ct firet h lougeâ m"-. tire siburbs, fRe waz MARTN â MN 0FHj1j ricirenough >to have retired some years aýgo,..but.tire fascination of. n4 a i~ fewr, n the ti.lte;proved te b. tee stropq. engaging;littie chap ýs PrinS c e- Nightsatter h, met or flue, ,h« 's pold, ibo ill cne day ihrt thre, to es eerngiiseLstomxers thioueo! avaia ie . a<grn4.withee .ing bt coffee, îand¶ add- .pou _,ttire Aged, pice P.,egent 'e1 rng noo fiteItet e epile ho irasa- miê -Stil- gos,-huutins inu r kuýeesa, accordiz4g toltire Zationalý ruIoi. i'n o opld4 i, tra -et tire-siuplest 01 lines..- H&e ighi, iC PGOS iùdeed, ire tiresou'!a suiallIcoun- ap!sÃŽgIl!"4IL luht ~g try larmet, s0 lifti. im hé afce! - .wIEa4 by iris oxalte4 sphi l .if. lt i a curus tut t1at -both the -PiftYyea-ago. A;er xii f Italr aud ïtb4e Czar. of lus-ý vie 1sne ý viret a 1M9 ilQý on. aI,>jQd fr ioen'~~~d4rx eee tragfo -1 's t. >o! t tro~ thiîs State oft te tGermaiiezpire. It is t n yea.re agg that Kin&. Otto awended -the. throne,, succeeci- ing, hie brother, king ,Lopuis '1145 Who went ma<l and committed suic- ide by clrowniinig. himEelf 'In' Lake Staremberg, while- attempting to escape from the restraint whieb ho had been rlaced4by the Goverfl- ment. King Otto lives in a lônely casgtie, Furstenried, eut off f rom the rest of the world, with 'four keepers who attend hirn night and day, neyer leaving him for a inon- ent. Except doctors, no visior, not even a relative, -ver enters the King's presenc, as any communic- ation from the outaide world rouses bum to frenzy. Indeed, his own mother was compelled to refrain from seeing bim. Duringthe insanity-o! theee two monarchs Bavaria has bees ruled by their uncle, Prince Leopold o! Bavaria, and it zight be mention- ed that the graudfather of King Louis and King Otto-Louis I., al- thougli a well meaniug and intel- lectual monarch-was forced to ab- dieste, on acceuut of hie connec- tion with the notorious bola Mon- tez, an adventures whom Louis created Countese o! Lansfeld and allowed $25,000 a year. The pathetie history o! King Ot- to reminde one of that o! Murad V., Sultan of Turkey, who aecend- ed the throne o! the Ottoman Emi- pire in May, 1876, osly te be re- moved three monthe later on ac- count of hie insanity. For thirty yeare hie lingered behind the gilded bars of his prison palace at Con- stantinople, and ltimately died without recovering his eanity. Kin, Frederie4 William IV. o .resa grand-uncle o! the present Kaiser, spent the last five years o! hie life iu a state o! inisanity, under the most strict kind of restraint, owing to the volent character o! bis mania, aithougli his queen in- sisted that hoe was in bis riqht mmnd and that ho had been proclaimed as mentally incapable merely to Sat- isfy the unscrupulous and impat- ient ambition o! hie brother, the Regent, who die4l as the Emperor William. Thon again the late Kin?; of Rolland, by reason o! bis dissi.pated 11f e, becamo a physical wreck towairds the end o! bis reign, and for pracetically two years be- fore lie died in 1890 the people wero rilled. in hie name by hie consort, Queeà Emma, who ai-se acted as. Regent t-tintil bler daughter, Queen Wilhelmina, came o! age in 189. George IILi. ethée osîy Britishi monarch, who-iii moder-imnes, bas been placed under restraint nd deprived of bis, author cause o! insanity, though sii r * ineas- ures were.at one time contemplat- ed with regard to bis son, George IV.., tire.monarei who iras been.de- scribed as "a bad son, a bad- bus- band, a bad father, a bad subjee a bad monarcir, and a bad friende' and,.-,hoee coiduct while 'on 'the throine, was.chraracterized by an eacemtrieity wiricir bordered on lun- aey. The insanity of! George IHI. was really. brcught ibot by the dan- erous ilîniess o!- bis youngest -and aV'orite e hild, Pr1n'r4s Z melia The unlikellioodcf lier",rooovery> preyed i upnii1m and basteiïed "'ti.., Verse L JoeIab ý-*YeiÊht,~yçà" whicb ManaS#ý h zi ~ui~ t'O ,the throne. iu goderai tis ac-, cchut agree& with tire record of 30- eiah'e reign found in- 2 ne , '23â Botb accounts rëlel'&te;~heéo formation, tirereengitetè- pil tirt fluding e! theobook o! tire lai, tire Soeping o! tire passover, and tire laet-sad days of tire king. Wtiere tirere are differenices, they cat'be explained by a differenco in thre point !view o! tire two writ- 2. Dbcl thst wmicir as nighIt- Simidar statemente are madle te- - garding otirer kings, blut o! JosiaW.- alose ie it eaid that h e turned nsot.4f aside to thre righi hand or te tire-j Iet, In Kings., tuis is ail that is;î related until tire Sin.ge twen~y six*tir yean le reachzi. -Thre Chroni-- cler, on tire other hand, is noct wil- ling te lot se maný iycars ge by in. tire lite of!8 sO pus and zealobus a&. tuber without his taking g&Me de-. fini-te stand against tire prevalent 1 *d-flatry. Accordingiy. boere, threre- formatory morS begine mires Jo- siah jes Etill a lad. 3. Began te ptrrge Judair-In Knstire finding o! tire boaok of the la cornes flrst, and thon tir. revolution lu morship. However, that may ho, it is certain tire wcrk- -' was thorougi, -even- ferocloeus. Graves images more eltirer cif, wood «or -stone'; ln faet, tir ed'i is useei for e.ny sort e! dof -i gether mitir tire moltetï- ix)jagB8 every variety o! idol slepn i There mas ne mincing, no com- pýromnise. Everything that.had tire appearance of idoatry mas abolisir- ed. 4. Thre sun-image----Pillars of stone set up "- a rjort of aSesesory. o! the altar, o! ihicli tire>'were ' the primitive -expression, and de- dicated te thre sun go-c. They more forbidden by thre Deuteroisomic law (Deut. 16. 22). M ade d ust -..and strewit upon tie graves-fn Kings-the4udsr' o! tire Asirii mas scattered upon tiregraves o£-tire coi non bçl. . Tis" statement O! the Cr~5ce indieptes tire flerce z"al witir which tire king 'Boughb te visit retriiûaý- tien -0ven upen tire resting-îllàÏ," 1 o! tirè. apostate dea&.~ ô., lurnt the boh~es efthtie prieïto -Not oni>' mas thie'a deseer-ation'ý o! tire sirinss wbere, tire>'iradeSaOl riflved. it aise served as'-l: puni. tive measurie, afflictfing tire el.,.-~ he dear adprieste. ~6Eeunto Napitali-AS te 01 set ezekiah, ,the rtru tendes! intter.Nortiern.in44 thougir trictly epeaking It--at ,not a part'c -o i reAlïd Siméeon, tirougli southirofet a mas. neekoned with thre tribes teehnielby, in oMfvx up the ancient nunrber teu<' Their ruins--A diffieulttê Z meauing, perbaps, thir à î. temples, or thre delt-i%~ cities laid waat.e b>"ithe 7. All tire land et cf hC eu-eg>'o!Josiai mas npr exterminatio tires. loor

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