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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 1

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Mil cie .Te BARCOLAY âui*t, 1SCaryPublics p=WalExu 4* jtiC tghCours 0' J1sUice. imcçý to-Me4sure.Dow & MCGIdilvr&y9 &Ck &Streot, Whltby. RI, 44.G. DOW, 13 A. SUrdsMsn, liplciton. iboWsn7Public, ýOBM Ors doorvasto cd 5c ràtg&Lto. Ba gl1e»,OsîI yCrown hLhorneyq &or aut olietor. OUti.. otb wavi et veut 1B3us&.Wbit. iUu o o n «. ay ters». !i. lsiadistli uIb of ROFal Recel 'Wirg* ,ont. IQ.N 101314 MIlH, L. l.K. , Bar mS.,ae. MaV ta a. lsuer ai saia elsoumu 0f f t- atb.e mmt toe ii, mkt, WMtbi. DR. MELDRUM PhyIelnsurgeon, Accoucheuri *CaU.h y telephone, or otherwige, day or ui m eleve prompt atLeatioU. Phione 83 W. ADAMS, Dottt, Office, Dun- Sàtfflt, RsaIduSCSNe. 4,&e home, Tyuoet., Whtby. Phase r A UOTIONBMB AUCTIONEER Me..successr ta L Fairbanks W*th hh isT WfflTY, ~CANiADA,T ~tH 2DA Editorlal CoiMment ist ha - s~~~pots, and expoimàod Pilots 'OM tti Some year ago a wtiter in one of *lie ToroltO nothing short o ageosto llmppi t ào r t papers, apeaklng of a vmy h ot day,. said it wasS 0 boatihroiigh the Codi, h SU Rc o hot thât the anake f once wriggled ail ovo tho Lo-nguliÙt Frdelt bOats ar&=mahing th' fields. That was purely ixnagÙuarY. n tJý Ou4ay rum anaywhero from eight btwet-oi a we saw an off oct of!-the excossve heat wbich' cou" late Ou aceunt of the caution n«owranSd t 9iderably surprise us, although we werOifoCifl lime lost enteing aud loavwug the mcaais and f. ed that it was of common occureuc-on ~ith -'G. Richleu and Ontario Navigation CompaDy il TAI1 betwoen Midiaud and Victoria Harbor the famed crait which are schedulod to givo ad heat had so expanded the steel rails that a buAle thriil to throngs of toriste by shootiugt or sharp bond occurred- Both rails bout sharply rapide from Prescott to Moutroal have been fcr about a foot out of lin., carrying. theo siceper ed to tie UP at the former place and give th wii>h them. The buokie occurred under the fast paseengers another sort of a thrml by train1 coach of the up-bound passenger train. A pas- the. reainder o! the 3ourney. EngierSc songer . , ., ~ poiutiug out, and the pilota agreota ti thrown off"by tje Sharp joit given the .coach. Thiaprnteail ayo en mMe fad out-bound train on which we were, stopped lupcnapretfsiewyo!engsurdoad coming to the buckle. An atteinptwas madle to fr0 channel during the whole sIb»piug seu etraighten thie track, but in vain. Thon thie on- vear in and year out, dry or wet, Iwil be to pt gine was cautiously worked over the bond, and ahead with the construction of tbeý dam, ati thie coaches fellowed more easily. RIad -the in- Long Sauit, a work which woild materie bound train struck the buekie at speed, there deepezi the charmel in the part which is shoal would probably have been a wrecls at presezit and which pilote and captains t most. Until lately the greeate9t obposiüion to e C Long Saisit projeet has been develéped becaust The G.T.R. train leaving Toronto on Monday waa thought it would be a menace to navigati, night at 8.30 was much crowded. rh.ere wcre Those who uuderstand the river, however, m .onIy three day coaches. Enough peopte to Wl1 say.that navigation could not bebenefitted1 twomor coche stod n asie, ii vstkdleter in any other way than by tho completion a. ton pmtormoahs sThe rina pltfornmot to roMth coach was a veitable inferno o! heat, emoke and profane language. Judging from conversation there were half-a-dozen or more youn.g men from Bowmanville amongst thie number. They, hy their own admission, had been up to Toronto for a "big jag." The lai' was much in evidenco. Bottlem were passed about or were conspicuous1Y displayed in uip pockets. The language was lurid in the ex treme, almost every senteuoe spoketi being garnished by prUfanity. Much of thse con- v-ersation was of a scrappy, belligereut sort, asd2 boaste of physical Ipnowess and absity ta 'take- cars of myself" wore muchisnl evidence. Tiser. la, no miistaking tise tacitishat iquor maties foots of mon, and maires travelling mnucis les. pleasauùt than it otherwise would lie, eeilty on hoidays or when crowds travel. ret Hc of A. i eru "emaad dates apply teselfcii r te GRobWhiy A plan for keepiug cool, visicis has at least tise Pr attraction of noveltyis been receivedjun Montreisl WIK. XKAW by Chief Detective Carpenter in a letter frein an t LICBSHDJITINBBR altruist in Liveroo, anud aithougis the Commis- ru AND VALUATOR. soner has been so busy tisat h. isas not isadtusse M, -AUli lsila of slespraMPmtly ""e as yet to, test it, ie Iha&passo â1909ingfor visat -1 saw . Arase ate as . md oit may b. vortis. Âcordiug ta tise inventor of Pl Tsie «ot lb azte OCtMsis eme, ail that is noessary te f orm a cool m WliITbY, ONT. night's resi., paradoxical as it may sossnd, la b o __________________cover one's set! suffiiemtty. It la tise meâlsd of QO~TROTOR8covering, isewver, wbicis comnte. For a sinigle ti b.d tise firsi requisite is a sfick or iseavy cord su!- t] J1 IiWBLL RMES ficient in lengtis to reacli frein thse lSd to thse u Cïrpouter, Builder and Contractor. foot o! tise bed. Tihis il put în position ovar th- E -?hms dipwn and estsrnates furniahcd. teo!teledautcgtenihsboet1 Rpais, Altertiafla and Jebbing. etroth eabu ite ntl,3aovîàb wgoffieStao etole surface. Prom Ibis are suapended newtpapers î Bu 461 WlITtsY Plie. 149 sewn or pasted togetier f alliug ever tise edgeo! m _____________thse bedto thse floor, foming a sort of tent-Àike 1 Hsrtage Liese. tructure. It is of course opus at oasisend and should extend ho vithin about elgistem s lches ao! m of at5. igLS O tise head. Over thse uewapapers is net xt pad a cmw dru.more, wbtb blanket or sheot and tise Coola plait is ready.1 ~,WissmssfeiUId.Ite inventer daims tisat any eue sleeping. underf * ths cer vi be kept cool by thse cntiiiuou j Dr. B. J. Shirley brmezenovins from n d to end caused iy lb. d&1-1 Ysteiuar Stigoon face of it thse plan soun a tt. fans' ut. But PSd o!Oit*ioVI tharytisetseeare plesty o! people vis do not hisow v:ai. uaéeisR~~w h t wt ater causbe ooled in a d7 dcimats by put- W» au u!n. tnu t îua poeusjaranld placsng it in tes i B E. That i spoeiblto lvOfor istIing inlt "DOMINION BANK the lettSe! tise lawv,lmstbét& m w " *'~""~ iu Monütitnl a most ingenlous mm=nerbY - a W IL- OdB . lsA P.* ProsIdSUL itor ho wham local buco m m monae uaiv*ly W-D a> ".lSp w takig ouf lieîr hats. Fcore ssa »two, wegic Q.A.Besi, le! as~o ~ tu an b.d bous living m tise fat cf *a, it - .$ê~oo.oOO ~ itisout a singemcut of!« l~9 ebns.Ji Bcbo!tiis asi as ec etab. most dectve pans bis v tasipu t the 2lB" la Lomdos, E5ad S regular reoidut of o à liais c, vte)ive by li~ot 0 4Wu, . c. ier wite ae giiwoduglo w W <O*- ~ Us*ituli Ius Leto o Cedaiit. Tise clever vislaor piuiy vwm1q Ito wb Om sam 0 tulmpc«tsiit cisWlaasale upanufaturoe, oof laing end ple&Mlarr »90d "4 BW O M M eS ' « & M e be e o m ipç e!ta aÀ t« tls. bit C e 1 t m 0ýbos, M =sîp 0 o! sag housle Inv«MY mme, bw0', 6as .mmw efmWmatip4t ia h~mt a ot1m 4l VO OIIII wl bc" edto rm t k" -»Mt 6-4w~* Wlt if uftoe.ss4 bis'.of The ld;tor's IIoIidiys A.fter a holiday o! twelve days "ye editor" blas hâ turned to duty and has again got into isarnea. lui ýoney Harbor was the rendezvou@ o! a number 1fpen pueisers" who made tiser habitation two :mmodious tenta. 0! tise party tAser'were four hbitby mon-tse editor and Isis son, and PRev. 0. MeèLean and 1Mr. Win. Cooper. Tise heat o!fu sunsmer bus driven large usi ire- of .,pople- ta seeltise--frsietof!,,tb. ratera, a rmud -sumier reôrts Mr 4ygei6euy, Iled at the- 1 ireAeit, lime. & a%~or at mwt ,one-,o t t1IreoiO$g baw, âýFî a ince the iiddle of ]May. Ooôtt.age are r*p'e'ýy-s.oeeas'n# nube li4h- ein.,ta reioand tm.are iMmero lu Eed I- olley, Ràbor' Moper tise- topu1üatiou la altogctlsrs tee geaýt for est and qnè.Tise.iitir la-,e eulta thMk4of somue rge to wwlorsexaUl city., and thse *atoe a "e srossged wth aioss, <ïkff S ,w boats assnd cana'Oe.If- onewant lie u LOvemezYt l4e gets il here, but if ÙMiono, aluet p »* M i« lc s io ' >M d fera- nuatèly-tisesoare -no, wanting.-Tseea s p aeSmtly linsitless, sud aone may go Ilfar from tii. saddixcro wd " if lie witt, and yet not be ouï àf toucis with the dafly mail sud supply bIoat. Tise very hiso- weatse < - early Juty lashrm fialy ru luedM-1tise blueberry oSe througisott a ths regi»on. Tiseer.e no blueberries at .31 utti in Udnie.Ail-the old ma, provi2ously fri l sp<><a Irere viàJtéd, but everywissre lie remMi was li sane. We got some redi _sberisé u lelo had been ~et inju b lis e ietýt. W. ioked some wik*i:ié ýerrî8 isicli are 'uSt> ningtorixo imaudof ;Piél5liere ilbelf rap i tise swates. Fisiiiu "_iayer as uot as 8go ea formely, with s Aà él&drêsut gave a0 a xrobable !9eý 90oM tisot-tise veathSerh"lmnee -so6 .atîtiait the vater vas tee warm -or«g - iS w T5ft ïeuea a t-!etched ,reaon., -1 ve .4 sumee, soin quite large fiais vere caùgist by oê- m aie «By-.aite Tie fosl intishe orgian Bydsrc r soe*it bligist bie yçar-ýw" -* tier w hori lu mny places. Havet awon li ndr ay. The. vaIer sutise Goorgian Bay i» sbOit:,oe! QW-~Ssýy last a visiteûr ut, e IUqH r ltkWo 'ILdea, bs-(vîs Whitby Keystone bept&tiom Waîn o& £udl A deputatton wated on the. Town Coucil at the meeting on Tuesday 'venns of this weelt to piotet. againat ho placlng o1 a comear aide- wahk inalde the ueo lise on Brook Street, eaut ide, frm Mary to John 8treots. Thicofo! the, ratepayens we present, F.H. Anses, Jua.Shw ad T. 'Conor. M. Anses advaced soimral rossons why he walk shoud bo laid outide o! theo ueo lise, sa- ing that 1h wus the unaninous Wlsh o! the ownes along that sid. M. Tisas, o! the blanket factory, wus also desirous of havisg the waIk so placed, but was unable to, bo pisent wlth the othai memberu o! the depu- tation. M. Shaw supported thesa remans. John Smith, chaurmas on streots, in reply, stated that the commtte was anxtous toesa. overybody in the matter of placlng waliks, aud had consldored. both locations. Sics all otheîs on Biock Stret are inside he tise lie, they hs.d dcihed ho keop Il la unformty, ad badl theieforO de- cdod on the tuids location. The. Reeve, Who was la the choir, lu Mayor Downey's absence, faored complying wlth the requst of thoSé who bail ho psy thes large paît0o!hue expese, ad thought he. alk should b. put otslde on tht. aCCOunt. Hou'- oveî, ho would supportý a malorit! de- clis, ad did sot wish to oppos the Committee. Mr. Datemman sd Mi. Hauett expressed tbsmelves liii.- Wise, and the mathor vas loft la the Repote were reoeivd as tollovu: TOWN. FROPERTY. A. Ramsay & Sons .... S... 7.80 Thos. Wilson......... ........1.00 Walter Buis ................ .5 Jos.' Hmad &Sous.......... 6.00 Joo. Herd &Son, street .......g...... ...... .0 R. J. (*oldrlng...... ........ 1.0 E.R B ' ..... ........ 1.0 STREETS Thot. H al sk .. ........... 4 j~arrt,... ........ 7 J ho. karrb .............. Jas....n..... ......... 'ýwàe BarïioL...... . .....7 Walter-,Joauap... .... .5 Otaio &ldg o.... ThB coiiltle eCUl3i5d tuh h~. HEINZ SWEET PICKLES HAVE NO EQUAL. Mixed - 40cquart Small Gherkins Also ini Bottdes. Au T.LAWLER WHITBY, ONT. Phone 47. Prompt lolivry. i I ACooling lDrink:, f..l botter. Try these : Ba-Iton's Concentrated OTangeade, IOc' botle DaltoWts Concentrated L>m»"9ei& boftdë Olympia Lime Juke,25c botti ,Shedf's PweQvae Ju!Se25bottle, fl!y Ga CrifAIfÈ F Pads, Tangefot ic P id Aàother nice new lot of, mported Chia a» Tolt Sets. o odi at LwPrices Jnlo*. j3.WATERt-lOUýSE Phono .Promp,, Devzy., Few Seil A. GOfflWWý d" a p 1 Ir "b'AUC;UST. 10, 1911 Soi driniL maku YIOU" Vl m 40e quart

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