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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 2

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WaIt-e lng seut order. Mr-. Tl ed butid las-m. ', d.ld the' The t pleased and r- &Ince ) spendin West à and pu Ai-io gents, and at Powell ber of was CI Londoi Coronik way 0 friîends kstayf his br, t-rlila holds nec ted wish 1 WItl- t-he Pl \ered i aie sI) Mir t-bad î dec Lo reco Dr. ( cosnp 1 wt esat-s ina t-hegrokind utade - wbI5 !om h 3U?5 1Po5PF05 bd1 The 'ifficets-s t-oJd off for t-be dan- beon ps-cph-red~ ti.prooy r.rOuâ>Ptsiof t1lan joh- were Chiio. Te nvslt-uré ofthe Prieas , a 1 Iap9tos- Sweeiav, auJ Sergeant-In. W- publie s-coletion, and os4>' s- oplbctor Badeoci. - entjv hit-Roy'al Higisuets lias beenj Tleso wcs-e oxpor¼sencecl sion, mand rs-et- -a dahpmau in bit Mal- t-boy la id t-bis- planss «el OneQue"'stPas ,"t' vitb Seeolt-y fs-oat-h. i -vent ut the4sodors-,diseussed as a. day of tla.CorCnz5tloD,- visn, in C ts-adeoman'g&,%Rintaüit, and is-nock.-t-le ancient. AIbO>ifolw inster, edt. The ct-ler t-wo vo-e in bIdiug jie led t-ho fin.e1~fhuttu mens Rn thl4nsubbe s- e V b. uboseet srdna ,a- d4os-' an teen>t- t-tles Wo ïio' t-o A WUle *nd 416W jtCjt-JJU' owlv-rownocJ.40 ro,»lp,* sà beleIsoJ agaiîn t-le t-hs-ndetct-; lie svoe t'O t-oe hisîf ti §vos %vose ansite. 1~-sty * as cf lite A" 4lisý*sk .a t - WIMPJP W~e~sdd <-~f y v-rilip.' vot w uJnd d' I_ a n d -- s p 1 u O E s q a pt Ã" û 5 7lp i A e c w a n e 4 9 n e d t-le d u ty et- hamd to Jeal witb waa George er- dseo e. «c asgeg U cU dnand Springmnuh von W0iss er- *t-<,crd, auJ draggig* -b - ~ lin t-bh n~- uel u-'tof-4b - obi~~ É4stlÏbec ~se 10 trac frsai 'h ï 2à~ted deoe~d anconsidos-abie propos-t-son mission. St-epping fs-cm- t- hori Sof t-le moey lie acquis-ed by a lite Into t-be caveru-ike paseage-b4 cf crime t-o futhersng -thele anar- a t-ail man,,be Was compelled t-e lit cause, aud aise beciu eamycf ept a stoopmug posture-he cal bis chose n assocmtes, bot-I men and t-o t-le wanted aau,toliing lins 2womcn., vero revolut-ionnry anas-- lie ws a police offices-, tînt- chaiste of a pronouuced type, Baye gaine wns up, and that lp hadc - ea Y family, and toe usrendes- himaifquiet-îy. M le camne of a goo fmad No vos-bai anawos- wae returfni was exceedingly weil educat-ed, but- eut- of tho darkness came 1 -having graduated withi higli lieues- shas-p click cf - revolver bei li an'ciýence, mediciu-e, aud lites-a- ooeked. Badcock tt -a-lt t-us-e at- ene of the prucîpal Germen dent-h was n mat-tes- of momaents -k -universitiies. But- li was a boru ly, anJ botînded swifthy forwai os-minai, and e dangerous eue; na t-i keepiug bent nenrly JouW. ths-ow -back to thle aboî-iginal 8ev- bot-h becauset-le beigitofethtle p'l i1 go. sage did net- admit- cf a pes-tec A little matter of forgery an-c at-- oreet- posture being aaiutnilnj temptied muirder ma-de bis native auJ elso beceuse by deing se, latnd tee hot- t-c !oid lia, auJ le stood a bettes- chance et net- b4j ded te England. This was lu 1880, shot- if hie assailent nined bigh, -a.nd it did not- tako hlm long te Men fising wben great-iy cxcit- blossona fort-h ifto a ps-Olesaenai usually do. î buiakalery u 1ilr fi tP.Pt- The passage endec inu s.doos-, ai a. euîarl odies t--pc.Badcock couidliens- his man tuni Once ho f=n himsecf in t-elie hiet t-le liandie inside. But-'l clutches ofet tliw, aud recoived a could net- get eut- thet- way, for, weli-merite<isentence ett-be OId lid bee.n iocked Is-onat-heoeut-a Baiiey eftwtelve miont-lis' impsison- by Inspecter As-sow's os-des-s ps-i ment ithlard laber. Huas tempos- to-t-le said. waa net mproved by t-hie t-ast-eof PReeliziuz t-bis, the hunted m" > akumn-pickîng, and ho vowed that fnced about, pointed lis revolverj <ho would novés- Jo another hie pus-suer, and t-s-ed t-g pualt- "ats-i , jLiea's fimprtonunent), triggr:BÛt- ladcoce 'rppe ne mat-t-e r what came. Alt-es-t-lis ws-ist witia fingera cf st-eel, and t-I hoe alwayé. ',ent- armed. weapon ds-eppéd wit-l a clang c Ris epecialt-y about t-bis t-imo 'was t-hoest-euefocs-. ~us company ps-omoting, audJeleit- was a pitiful figure e0a-u - s-eanaskàbi rwell eut-of it- f romt-bat wat idragged oût- into the ligi bis petut- cf view - Frein eue con- of day n tew seconds lintier. Hie 15.( -cern alone ho netted $300,000. Ani- was ivid, lis tentures wes-e worl otber- yielded lina $270,000 in six ing couvulsiveîy. weeki. lie opcu.d more t-han oee "Wat-es1" lie gaped. "Giv. sM - hun dred difterent baukiesg accounts wates-!" iu as manv Jifferout naines, anJ lie A servant s-an anJ lot-olnd soi Irept an album lu wbicb lo ent-ered but- t-le glanas slipped fs-cm lis nes-vu his differen4 aaa.seasaide by aide letse fngée-, lis jaw ds-oppeau- wit hbis own proper signature. n moment- hater le fell dying t-t-b -Thié album as now preserved as a gs-ound. Auisit tb ta n des-J. A corones-'s jury said it was.as- As as eenintimaeted, lie ewos-e oplexy. But-wns at-i that lie wculd noves- be takon alive, Tii. anas-chiet milionaire, 'wh( alathosîgl as a rosuit- et bis1 wae aise, it must le ronuembered clossal frauds a laithtle Jetectives a doctes-, and e ekilcbemist,-bak in Europe wes-e prsent-iy seas-cbiug long lad lu lis possession a ol<C les- hlm, it iooliod as if lie wouid signet ring lu whidb wns biddeu bent-t-hem ail. peýves-tu1 poison.- fiscunsing, .was aluaost super- ,Wbor b vas as-s-et-o -bs s-iag human, and be tooh. ne chances. Ho was on bis .ha ,-but t-h. seeret s-e- omployed a amal armay et private ceptacie behiud t-le seai wbicli bac detectîves t-O shadow t-be Scot-iand cont-ained t-be poison, wns empt-y. Tas-JJet-oct-jvc who vers t-sying t-g Anyway, le waa dond, auJ t-le sladow lia. He sent-ed a fine worîd waa wehi sid otfbin. bouse-in an essumed naine, of RHad ho st-ced lis trial, thone ,ous-se-nons- Wembley Park, anJ weuid lave been reveled t-le Moat spent t-lousands of peunsinlucon- rmskbee-anirmneo &ttnlg aubteî's-auean , passages era blsn t-inos. rmaceo -léading te secret- os-t-s, t-hrough vhieli li could escape, if nced be,T wlieu bard prcssed. TEPUÃŽEO AE. ScotlanJ Yard liens-J ett-le ex.- TEPIC FWLS lat-ence of t-lis den, and raided it-, but t-ho bird lad flown. ýNext- li, Edîvar s-il an Exeellent Type lt-he wns heard ofaut- another place in Eiiglisih Boy. London, whei-e he was engaged in~ The Psinceofe Walea wa lies-nat printing and issul1ng vaut numbers Whit-e Loig. Richmond Pas-k,- lui i -cf books of a kinJ about- which t-le IM,île Royal Highness was bp bseaîd t-ho bettes-. tixei t-bore -aornei t-bs-o. weeks -later --ý Tis houise was aise saided, but- as Ecivard Albert Christ-ian Geoir'g on ce moere t-he waîited man lied dis- Ands-ew Pats-ick'Davici, t-bus com- appeas-cd. The det-ectives found, bîiig t-be nameà of bis fat-be,- is he~-e-e-,cvdcî<~ c ls an ad-graudfat-ber, and liii great--gran4 *d enftcrpî-ises in t-le shape cf six fat-ler with t-boi ft-epro cf the newesv anJ most expansi-ve saints cf Englind, Scotland, Ire- kmind of1lIuo ty-pe mia-chines, toget-ler lanud ami Wales. In April,197le witli many thotusanda cf objection- pamithë.4ifigoxr 'nto able bo ls, al newly-ps-int-ed fort-h i yePaviy, gud ou Mayi Theso wcre Jest-ro3-ed on a 11Z158 -b-t esb n-rc to-eO! se n s type nsm sa crim nal ex- h oilt-d b n a l a m-llionü - 22. The - w ilaer-house-B otbnd i e eha'l a lvlls, u î è ll~0f ousset-b ooditoacrfest are saow undçz' t-ho dit-cii. met mand winter b ouses wes-ê. en- h ave pluck euoùgb t-o act t-be t-rut-h lus 00e'a A- e kti ne o l "..--.e -joyeci by t-boa.peuple o$;tbe East, Iadtomitna iec bu.~ ds riaar y O Bueê-.hey woro alanost a£iw-&ya op..j-the. lies wil die and he la t-t-en 1 t-eIont0vlui. 7ot-lo M-. iVu- h TIRN FlT . as-ate parts -Ah~me bouse.'Inu -Thou 1looish gold.biid - ean, nes-'sreuta*s abost hotels a'e pa -Rouer'it a e lâlib <n or' roteted Thous peud4,it they beaît- get-ti as- ieUlss-Iy inte.S-t-îg. for litance -4 o1t Xi Je lest S <i'il t -. ous a ue u e1-1 -o ho aet Th thse Il it be outI Tb Tr Th' tt, insti >1 m l1 W*st. DISTIIIBUTION OF BISK FIRgsi AIX 0F WISE INVESTOR.- Investing Net Se Easy as It Soundý -1hy Farm lavoatmeuts as-< ýNet More Popnlar-Retu-n ToV LoWI-Beauo .n ual neso h child of hi$ c e ed ~ h own 'of têkl»ng Bc --the ro. Ris dead bocly ll-b4cg out auli mi.thofr gîve.is bsorv44pd an -The assertion in 2 04i24' , thaï EU41JQ A MuR ~ hofi~stftusia~n i. o ha an 2iTR1~ .IYOheLESSN, le t h hi,fathers" i!SIin P'T poolS ÂUSI0 D8.no0Way' con trdietory to this pro- prto Th' X~L~T . phecy. The saine account ig' suent -lThs wao a tinal but erècted at- Cofleerning hîshburial. The faot that ~ rllal IPI7e » h ,les Ldsanefon heiwBaruch included this ini Jeremiah's Ba - boiu.~I ~ righ khlinmBuns he ProPhecies, alter the death of Je- moi AJê'Él~oi !,rëacd àÈà- ; asBteuç,ted stove, ini which Wood i-s Propliot's Book Jer. 36. Golden hoiakim, Shows that hoe feit no di£- 1 a contd.b rï iý,ts e , a tnearofy re bot. fi1culty as to its fulfilimnet. King8 ÏÉburntuntil,-tue Mtnes of which tToxt, Isa. 40.,S .,n8.oilzbohgvol re n f 8itý water à thon thrown: on the atonesad hricebo gv n1bif ~ly eia-~ I~j, iposof prisoners tliO Stoam thus gener4ted fiilin5 the ess11--3rrihs~n<~~ôit f ~eeth~s e u a " marlyroncor a ou ige n i h . bath .i .t ra ie nthèd of u ing tat-ed to Baruch, and read to the 32. Another ro l-Its contents on hal a . st frebtc; ee the - ba kt f t ra eSomesep Sudd people. are doubtlesspreseved for us, to 4tech hedin na uke fhtwater. A bundie 1. The'fourth year of Jehoiakim- a0ageetet heb 0kc ere itist, Ioadéd on by. Cossack whips, and of birch twigs wîjth the leaves stili, About 0. . 605. Jt is likely these xn'ah az we have it, chapters 1-35. ý omth sn eaçl 1dtt h - itheyofeu teon, lda"vyi, ad1pped in events oecurred after Jerusalemn- j.4 g nd now ;d hej oas f'ru-t -1 htsoap-and-watero and the bocaino subjeot to Nebuehladnezzar. TRIALS Br WATER. ~gadIcsant toil*in the, mines- body souandlly thrashed with lit. The Jeremiali had already prophesied 14d- haýve lefi> an imp ression far f rom, heat of the el1a arie lt hsdsse .dteprlneicp itnty EpejatWyc "s leaant in, the piindis of freedoin- forni in the hottest corner o the tivlty WhIch wu tk> follow. The Provins OnesIocn. h~. Ioin Enluhznn.bath lut) is s0 intense that tfie.Rue- shrowing pe ,the But'this je flo£>the Siberia of to- sien penSant frequently thinka no.it w.e 8,.eowprtun e momttenoffear c Tople into the water lèt- dayt accor4ng to- Mr. S. Turner, thing of comfing outside "i nu it a :opruemmn o to let it determine their innocene whose bôok on Siberia shoisu u"an oln iitesow. -the prophet to repeat the warnings o u] a dî i s b mdtlatconty & oo f heltl4a And very exhilarating, too, one which lie had uttered frona time te aeventetnt}Ç and eighteenvh cen- the possibilities, beinlg gradually »Ot- would imagine! tifll for nlany years. turies. A SYnod of West Prussia ing tled, much as Canada ie being set- 2. Take thee a roll . . . and write or tled, and Promising as fair a fut- -A similar command came to forbade it~s use in 174.5. Sporadic on-. ure, perhaps, a-S Canada it-seif, says MNTB s UTEOD Iaahbuinlscetro ws cases, however, eccurred duririg 4ed, LnoAnwr.rather a tablet, covered with wax. thewel fth intethcn le CORRECTED PREJUDICES. For 200 Vearsj Fur Traders Nept Jeremiah's roll was mnade of pieces PrfE..Eanwotin19 ly Mr. Turner, as a member of a Most Settiers Out of lt. of akinusstitdhed toget her, ndatno tached to rollers of wood oni eacb ths nDlaiwoei ~jleading firna cf provision importers, It may surprise mariy people end. On this, in columns'parallel sm itit twssilcs.M 1e entto ibriaon uÏnet, bt ' W a ysomedithricts ithwas sti i uto Le~~~~~~ wett iei nb~nsbtl ho as late as t-en years ago lo-oked vt the rollers, lie w'as to inscribaartehowalte omnit Sfound time to correct inany cf the ulpon Manitoba as on the edge of the worde cof bis prophecies, utter- ter te on a speie dyor seem as prejudices lie h-ad proviously held the world to know that Manitoba e uigtetet-be er f Arp a tahdt ahi »d in comon wit other eoplehi ehedurth thewou:idysinke oraswof n. ncomnwtctlepepeiiprobably as t-le oldest settled sec- his publi are. hsAuteaiCs orde te 'eavef emdronin Britain, and to do some exploration telcihecrb mria oncrero rein Theshapter whch wh1hei ýnd and meuntaineering at the samne t-nofteNrhA riacn-rerddinthewest rs wichor r ove t doinoence b-time. tietws fth issip precede this one. No doubt there h prve thi nocceb te_ Thi5 e swlat h-3 las to say about River and nvrtli cf New Mexico. ije a certain amount of condensation sinking, whilc those believed to ho ý i cnvctlaor n hemies I was near the present site of guilty because they floated were deit nictlaboenr inblivdinÉg Wni the mines:kik et as le would have to reiy partly up- alsgo reecued and made te promise ~o v i geer~ly elivedin ng-Winlpe tht Lrd eikrk et-on memory and partly upon f rag- t osk hi vlwy npi ýor land that the criminlsths 8 ieud hsRed River coloniste a-mntrtrcods forbein toed.eil Ployed in the mines are treated 1813. fbin tnd . n it braruscrely tatthy Away in t-le ecRir 3. It may be that the house of A travelier. lias described a mod- at are, in fact-, frequentiy compellod country, 200 miles nQLrth cf Edmon- padoa w as màrTh anferosiof esria iteoda di leto work while in a dying condition, t-on, the Hudson's Bay Company (pareJer.s26. 3).ae p at-tack decting thieves in southern Rus- f iis or heavily fcttered, and that7 they lias a wbeat miii tint lias beeni cNpaecha 2.dn Tezzrult t h av 5,sanys t-he Dietetie and Hygi-c he are often obliged to sloep whiie at- opération for fifty years. And Ed.- Nbcanzarogtt aeenic Gazette. Ail t-h. servants cf c>u tached by cliaine to heavy wheel- monton la 1,000 miles west of Win- latensifiecl t-is appeal. the bousehold where t-he rgýbbery barrows. As n mat-t-rorf fact, nipeg and about 300 miles noô-hc . I ama shut up-Net imprisoned occurred were assemblod and as Ln however, encl convict bas bis own thei Unit.ed St-at-es line. Thbe mi ii ese1)1a nJe.3.è n many balîs of bread were made as li uatrs o wih i cnrtungenslsewhere, but rest-rained by sometleewe uec-dero. ce qater ia t- oich e cnetur a nd wleatthat is grown in t-le ca use, preuumably by the peopie's A or ere suspthe dros.ehI ke aftmer ie y rkpisudeou dmigreat fur region. indignation oves- bis recent predic- Asreeste drse ahI ~- e inr s oes kpt unerrond AS a muatter cf fact western Can- tiens. one cf the number, snying t-bat the at niglit-. Women prisoners, 'on ada washougl xor mn particular ball cf bread which she e t-le other band, are only employedst-o-uglexord an 6. The fast-day-A day especially held in lier hand wouid sink orin above tiie surface, in mucb the~ yens-s earlier t-han was the. district appoint-ed in confecti-on wit-lit-le si stlepr- drse a e, same way a wmen work in con- between t-he Missour-i River and national danger. si stepryadesdwsi anection witb the ceai-mines lu Eng- the Pacific coast in t-le United 9. In the ninth montl-December. guilty or innocent. She thon flunge ýdlad.Stte. utfo 2 yar i ws t aspehas hefistanivr-it into thle water. 1t land. S~extate Buthfe r ad ersit-wask epelp -l rtanîe- BoiIing water was used in or- V4 Le THE CONVIOT'S LOT. exploitaed by th efrt tra r w sar-y of the capture cf t-le city. The deals by t-le Pes-sians and it is c. Deutn;holîdays, the couViett dîanuagery ltr eot n Theonly stat-ed legal fait took place iu referreci k>ii, t-he Avesto. It con- 'w Dedufoct-h mnti n heyelufatroftahcufural regle -the ~sevent-liment-h. tnined bot-h tiie as-ed eleanents, oc wi ors f otmont-bs i t-be oar a10.e -b u-copne r- îGemaria-He wae brother cf wafer and fis-e, uggesting t-le de- gi bi heurs cfn theoorabing rosiSX' sist-ed t-le iucoming ef the fas-mer. t-le f riendly Ahlkana, mentioued lni luge past and t-le fiery doon ef the t-i o1 lc u -emrnn - idd"y, The American is ubiquitou 1-i e-lse.Ti lc fred uue utlesmle-tric à aud f rem two o'clock in t-he att-or-' - senCnd nw s1t-he atlso.Tepaeo ed uue ntesmls mo dnoon te seven during the. ummor,lwser and nw iH s on the in described was one tînt would t-le flot water test the bas-e ar il auJ fromn seven o'clock in t-be me ru- lu tle Iig te tc dstricteworinies hmoat likely te brin5 t-le mes- was plungec te t-ho wrist ini trivial th ing t-o four o'clock la t-be atternoon bardhauJ aetting t-lieiptse for is sage within thle lienring of ail t-ho cases, ami t-o t-hoe ebov- in more p Sduring t-ho winter. There are more adndstighepcfohs 9 eeecniin flbrtleunilbr.Te aecuî people coming lu frona t-le cities cf ses-loue trials, usually te ?ýrifg eut vc ëevrecodiion o lbo thn:nehboom prl.T-foh lmve augJ theJudah at t-le new gate. ings or coins t-hrown therein. s-e these t-olie met with ini England. om irtfon iad oe 1-le-Tii. soll alec read in h nTbt litf n eedn . . . It la possible fr a prieonos- of them, 1k. the, you ug Scot, even -e [ ie- pl i tf a d d f n a t by good conduct, k> become d'a free go lim ne i botter at times. preseuce oftht-e princes, set-tle their cause judicially by command"'-tbat iste say, le le Yet t-bey ia-ve reasona t-o boast, il Micaia-It was ln t-b. doos- plunging t-loir arms into bciling obliged k> wear t-h. convict dresa, 5B t-le Columbien Magazine. Ton cf bis ftlet's chamber t-bat t-le water containing a black and a ve, but- às oniy under police qupervision yeas-s ago Winnipeg had only 40,- bock was read, and t-le son car- white atone, when h. who bring3 andJ laet- libert-y k> make any mon- 000 inhabit-ants. Ton yenrs befos-. s-ed t-he uews of, what lad taken up t-le white atone wins the verdict. ls ey ho can by practising a trade or t-bat it was ea mall t-owpla-aeow t-o 'ie tatlier, wbo was other- A XKlng cf t-le G-et-ls in the seven'lth' w. engaging in business. Honany mas-- t-h.e1-gest single iuiand grain mer- naged lu gnot-bes clamber centusv. with t-be sanction of t-ho re s-y, and, if lho bas any privete mon- ket init-be world. wi tho princes of*Judab. For t-le Council et T'oledo, reconamended po eyli i enitedto etinit.Ho Sakathean, te idle f heposition of t-les, Ieading men, set-le boiiing t-est for crime. Th la ale eat liberty t-o recelve bhis t-lseé prairie provinces, la an em- . es,01 new) ft-ens.B aemr -ie rqet,~~- rein lt- oveis-ln a nie-et 12. ]Ho weut, Jown-From t-bea appe r mr hnIrnn i.rozun &soooo a~re itemplet-o t-le kiug's lieuse, whicl WR)SO ISO. its iappears, about a t-ird .1tohtemls ny-h.otirila la tcdoulwrgo4d ln-n -I .1rerlasbon hrlpke - t-o15 td own uiroud on W- _1!k e, a u t a1 t-lelm oe.y e n g o t a i the". o Thsese la' in Canada, a -ovins- arouni cfcapital whbch. le seckinu lnvestmPu., The experis-cof tise Unted States duî. lng a -simila- perbod cof Its existence, whs t-he lacs of luveatmeit kuowiedge eablei shas-pers of t-ho "get-a-ich-quîck type tw steal huudreds cf uil-lious cf deSsus-s fron t-he saviuga cf thbe t-b-ifty, bas p rom Pte4 future some epace oach week to the gubd licatlon cf luvestment information. T« this end t-bey bave seo-used thbe service g cf oeeof t-le fos-emost fiuancial write-t lu Canada to 1515 tthis coluznn each weel vitS general information ou, flnncial subi ects lu t-he hope t-bat it ivilI provo use fulinluheiping as-renodes- tc udg< for them8elves t-he merits cf investuients The foilowins- article As int-eductory i1 nature. Duriug t-be neit few mentbs th~ vas-lous kinda cf investusents viii b~ deait vitb and thear good aud bnd pointe criticized. For eksmp%-tbe me-lts c mo-t-gages viii b. contr~5 with tbos< of bonds and inve6tment etoeRn& cf varieu sorts. The propos- es-t of foOSi-E1- women viilaiseo cerne là& tes- >é 'M t-ion. Tisese viii netb.s-, articles but wiil b. iatesatlllUand sucx pie sud may, save foa frein pOttins- you mene- inte oluîg ?eiUosat Pof) future ttino. Tise impgrtial nd reliabI chas-acter cf t-he informnation it-this erold t-in mas- ho deended uPOn. Thse wri te cf t-bos articles and t-be publieber ofi bit pape- bave ne ctber lutesests to srve 1% counecticu ith t-his matte-. (ByII*nvestor.") The man who reaarkedi, - AI. mo-t, any foed cen make a fortune but it takes n wiso nMan to keepl t-, vY as mucli more t-han ha][tlit earneat wheu ho spoke. Kcep±ng & fortune, or even eainodet amcunt of savinga, Joes net mean roere!y-, keepin-g it ente. A wei-chosen laoI*t. in t-le gs-ound wiii de thnt. But,,- go to invest enes ney t-lut it ne oniy s-cains sate, but aise bs-mga in a subs.tantiel inceme, is a prob- - lem whicb tinkea mucli thouglit. To t-ho avoerage man, t-he termýy 'invest-ment" bans no ersy ciea noaniug. As oftn as not, wc heas'- non st-atet-bat t-hey have - -irvest- ed" lu a naining stock, whe-n eveon le tes-m "spoculat-ion"-wthichlu eolves t-nking a ces-tain amýneut eti ,hance-would be nauçh t-ceDý word. To etles-s, inetna~ e une linga up thouglits et ýmo-t-4 ages. Yet betw-«est-he t ,emee-the weftz aectred aý -os-t-gage on theoneu hand, and the'. Âglly speculativebiinug-stocakoi he et-les--îles a great fidJ f 0:.-4 us'tunity supplYing n vas'i&Vy of:,& J satinents te suitail t-ste 4 equîs-emeuts. WHAT ARE INVEBTMENTS.iî- Nov, as te wbat constitute i11 - estmeut-s. Sts-ictiy apcnking, au investa4.? 3anythîng which vo mny biytrý t- ill liing us iu an 'ucona ua etain its value, i.o., eau b.dis sod cf vitbout mat-criai lois1 ans, t-le pus-dlise of a good tnrix hic may lie lonsed or worked s( Bto liing ln a good s-et-us-n ex, s, cost, ilAan invest-ent. Bu() is le a vos-y amali sud relaïtîv.4l aimportent fefotheinvefstmen(.. 1our mcney. Nt- evos-Youe, bat ificieut capital te buy a..tas-unr Jd, as a ride, thoes-ont-il -cf ,r la not a bigli ý-nolag. -ré Y - itic investment to mako, itws- hile. For ond muet remembiz-g-",". t eutra t tbis rtr ast lie laid away eeh ear muild all buildings At theb--d cý y, t-isty yearss. Part - l t- s rn, fs-cm rosit rep-osentm P ut foi- dopreciatieu on bùildi'g t-r, crame t-bat itt-ch ne v hon, t-hoy muaitlac *ebài'W Ss-lpsIft-boy as-.W-eL cesWtsstrtt speài Mli visito Ms- Tore Mi-f Whti Sui4 inag t a i-e jl I an s, te ls dain m-l Bin pep tadte,rn aSt ofo-t1i lnt-ebe is ina ui- frota t-b 1Wuhttir, edl, a~ tleit-s'D Fut a quio cokpeJ hi, veg-ta bi ofy fusù- e lI te rni b1owe to pan5, addt thn toget- pon, auJ st . t-tez-j brwU, t-h peran at ced t-oq sndal al bous, tcth a pisro-. ari si Me t jeltyýý tt-v pou ami pie. S In fosry glt fwatest-o t-eq

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