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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 6

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i ÂRHB E ln Preeideit4 Tatt'a eutdy in the êWtite Ilouse on Thuraday a!- &énu remajekable oeeene wu~ enaoed, When Fras-'ve, Great Bni tain and the Uinited states p1edg- « a bîtret>won fo'r bIoodahed in the netL12eIQiIt ut ail internaitional dis TAhe two treaties-the first of theit kind ever eniered irît.o he twoon any two nationa of the *Qorld-we re rigu ed nh'ortly itee BO OCliick on Tbureday afteruoon. TIhe? tn1ormalitjy and seamplicity of *he ouremcliy aiided w~ its impres- Cc4eisof the treatis wcro lring O'lt t*MPesident's study table as -Mr. Tait and Socrtary Knox and therVrett;Q of the Vwo Fu- roe« Governinîerit enterc'd the 8e-.-reteary Knox andi Mr, Ja-in-.s Bryoe, thle Britis'h -,%mrb)a*tsvI-,r, Mated theînselves on opposite Ow# u! tihe table. Prfflidv'nt Taft Wod on 8ecret.arv Knox's r;ghi qand near lin were Viroount 1)e 0êint 1halle, vice C.vusiu] of the Fashîon ilts « SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Ilatpin headg are embroidered in beads in flowers of naturel colors. l3cad embroidery on sheer linen ln 11Pld ? 1Uf%#ilUl Q ita i lu#> , L C5lVtf [L inFrno and Unîted à àt àshin ton "ellau a tory about somne of y ur pets," saîid Mary and Ruth.; ]Fregscb Goverument et New York, "Yeu're always havîng tii-cm," n 1and aeeond 8fcret.ary Ovey, of, "Wel," said Aunt Bay, as - uhe teBritish Einbassiy, who -witneru- WOllflisDou N her ail IS o e,. ed the signaturea of their Govern- teie s lk1ne,myltidoe ' tnens. l>likxîii. 1111 tell you, about that. &creary nox ed pevidd ~ "A year age lest fali," she be- - pcial pc-n fer th occasion, but gan, "a flock of pigeons used to iMr. Bryce licked' up une at ratu- com'e into the neighborhocsd every e domn, and llnding its point net te day,-anct 1 watched thehi whenever hie likirtg, reeched fer another. 1 hed orne. One day that old et Then he bclnt over tVhc treaty, andl o! Doetor Emmon'a caught one of f 6keoretary Knox followed hisex~- die young bi-ds, andi 1 rau out amj',e. There w.a nu other sounti andi took it away. The poor littie 0 in~ the room as the pens scratecheti thing was hurt, and- lay trernbling rr over the parchîment. M r. B yc in my 1îend, so 1 brought it in and 1. laidd-down hie pen flrdt andi ex- made a bcd for it.. 1 nursed it fur a f tendeti hiz bandtk Vo tlse President. week, ancd is grew quite terne. It &crect,%ry Knox then, laid aside m-as very pretty-pale gray, with the opy' of the Angko-American lovy rescecad . . g treatv and noddeti to Viscount De 'sin'ret.gtbte i otcm Às 'Saint Phalle. Theo latter moved AstgtbeeriwoO ce d uipcdoser to t4e deek a.nti witnIer.set to rny shouilder, and sit there while s-th ignature as Mr. K'nox',& pen 1 moved about the houge, and even ,eirwe vrthe svn ouet when I wes at work, il 1 permit- Pre-sident TI'aft immeldiately efter t, tt ean odi ofdpc -s the signing of the treatie-.s affixd inwcheek, anti eue, in a soft, con- hie signature t.o tlhe meffagea of tent-ed 'Way. M'lienif was hungry 1tren-sniial which completeti ar- if. would light on my shouilder, t ran-gemp!,ol-s for sending the paoûs elide down my arrn andi peck my t f4) the Se&nate-. hand. Of course 1I loved ti . Those e The entire eerc"rony diti noV lx- of feathers egainst rny ueek were s ten ove an eur.'0, yes Wcren't t-bey 1" broke ________________ - ---~--in Rluth. -'I gueqq I know' I hati a tae redhird last %vi 4er. A Shov etoneti himI and hoe l out of !tde oleander, and-" i-I A1J"0C iuthie, never mnid that H E L T H iinu" said Mar ' v. Wait tilt we lîcar about I)oikirs." Il~ 1' andi by, continued aeunty, Mlien I feit sure that it -was stro.ng SC I \T1CA.\tnouglb. I carried it up tcu the third storn' -where it could i see the tiock n To one who bas suffe;eld frorn sciaica an decripionof ie a I)ocf.or Emmon's rouf,--and Ieft n paican iy desiptibneeo! f it i.on the %indow-ledge there. Pret- ~~~~~~~~i pai ad ; rysol blned 't fi -Wvau a'-to juin the and laoune who lias not bcd i.nu' 1 1ý. ex tcut.ordinary pen can picture if. cde- Vie eilk suit is onc of the aceept- qîîateî3'. «,(l typesof iurnrner costume. It le.s h pain in a wel-marked -ase The pa&Èing of the loose peasent greateit intensîty abîout the midle blouse is promised; aime the coin ut the baek part of tie thigb, or Lination of rcd, w bite, andi bluù. higier up, near thc 1devis, anti Titisi is thve cason for softening extentis down tie bac:k uf tic leg tii'face and ncck with lace coller8ae variable distance.. fil-rd fichus worn ove r ceets or d res- . Thc untierlying cause of thc pain es, Madtihtt effect is undoubtc'dly in truce ciatica im an inflammation goud.o! the, sciatica nerve, e large nierve- got aychnebldafeagr trunk pacseng down tic mîitile o! Netmen chngebleteletagarthe thigli nnd divitiing near thel mv,-tt are seen, but tbey are ex-1 knee ilitu two main brancca heswch iiectedt tahave a greet run a littie run down lhe Ieg. t1er on. Tlie treatînenl, which itic sub- A larg*e pale rose otlraw- bat scen ijc !cititr-tt h ulrr e te shape idedrapedrorn, a C directeti to t-ho cure o! the in- cf. rnhoitnrydraetitu orma flammation o! tic nerve andti btie )ow athe ack.relief of the pain reulting from rW4qww;ate fi ba n d ba g i s f a t. s es- 1i . In the atl-cmpt te acrompliali !flde on a co;'d, andi o!febric tint, the first o! these objecte the cause il. dýigititîl in its newnems and in muet bce scerteincd, anti then bc Spvissibifity o! matching coi rernoveti if possible. This ceuse is tâýae%.* ,net atwaYs tie marne, but la gen- g- ae nd galboons are- usedtu t eralîv corne svstematic condition, or 'Ïl - <own tunics. toxeinia, ua- s ecalleti, eften Ini- A 'ustable chemiscttes and un- deintev hrate, zd r iott r deralceyes lice andiuits te bi They are of!ti ôtosare Qreèk eyzan broi4rle-âri the belcov nei 1174r <'mwl; ua4 eti a FI ompey renygows irlîeumatism or the "tire -aci dia- ef wern on coo'l a0ys. thesis.' ýet, Brussels lace anti 'rtere fo h pidu- rial, with lace anti Fo the e dliefoteiae pan, dBrg me bratiotenar nces qy tu-y.but muci cen b. done bv phyglical orental in style--the meesitreit. The firet essentiel 1i5 tile, t'ýgypGacn eC-rest tu the i-mb, obtaineti hy the o i useialudesimsesrecumbent position in bcd, some- in ncnydreses. tîntes coibli;îet with fesîening tîhe rIe"ý havecouleIn l eg ila e plint. In adidition vw ibi' place by tortoise and local IR'îcîos r flnu olmetmes mudi rets-rie molt st ~ithaîu Inl somne cases coîti, in tii. taro of an eloiîgated ice-bag, giv'cs uizst growing tentiency ta- relit! lIu other caser, the pain rfolk jacket sty-1le o!fu- more quickly tu 1hot appli- eans extra length anti celions. such as a poultice or md lipa welt down below peck, or rîînning a bot iron over# tie part, cos-eret i wti thinblot- of net are- useti to îing paper, or thc fiter-paper useti on costumes. They by diruggitç;, mlistened wiîb vine-- la o! tulle anti give a gar anti water; or the leg niay reat Ilieut any uncom!eor- in a box t'lled 'ailh hot mnrd- Some sîternate bot anti cviii p- siat lvaenelles, such plirations relie' c wheu eltber'alone àU.~,tI1aes, and vie- rails. A geocistav is to a.ppl 1't bined wlth tulle iv erel îaý cr% o! clu a W"t 'wfi - . ai t t4.e asteni-ng! w-tpr and eus-cc thesi vith t ttipi- r tkir. fi f bien ket over twhîl i i-et of c&in dtixtà .are cf -rohl.- lsue. The beat ut the lIub .il~ osîîîesAI," Ol- - ltn <'trs lbe colti apphicakton 11 on jxftern-Gotiblouq- into ae b0î Our, anti the elimulation ilttle dresses. of circulation ihua efficet brlbp eowry' aial pou- great relief. Geti. rulbing;or j~ -o the raid- stroking <if tho lim4b U wà rd BýwsbFttns, fau'- grateidl. *e,- aê? initeof lu thetater stages. - hë we 6îed i4vl#wrk, là leu &.oa4, M*Üko4I Wî4-e reu "Or 4 U1 S. L ltii of he Ir a#ùd&"nd>s p041 - pIacéd over thse t1iRealWv apptsed-nôt, h% Mdb M ofth bad, ua ths e "$( it Ut ilext4t'bateî. lut 1ôma>'l ie of use, 1Btt 'tit. Ol î pretsatloua negIseep@werfuit IDt5ir, ahoutti b. utsed ou eots-aus& oronui> ncIr Unsditectiart of thom Ihe- ôr~*liîO tr IAIACISI qthere, anti I thonîit ttict wcs tic lest 1 sboult se o! DolikiYns. I feit quite mdt. Xuu durft know1 how I mnigFed il."' "I do :" cnied Iluth. 'Wbhe n imv red bi rd -" "0 Ruilie"' saiti Mary. plain- tively. -1[' ve heard that a huntiteti andi forty thiusandtimres. " 1Wait titi Aunt Say gets thbro ugh," she atideti, epobogeti- callyN, "andti ouhalt teil ail abut it - 'Tlint night nt dutsk," tlis story went. on. 'I saw itf. fying toward the house. My >Iearf. leapcd. righ-t ut), anti I ran eut to meet Il e dcac thing. Il aîightet on the bood o! tic back door, anti wten I calleti, 'Dulikin-sl' tiewn if. came te mày shoulder, anti nestieti up to my check anti coocti--the derlin'Jg!I s"es just happy. I kiveseti anti ce- resseti il, anti brought it in and- feti it. 'Thîe next merning I put il eut &-gain, anti at nîg"'t it ceturnc'd. tcanme evcry nigit for a wcek, andth le nonce, when I was net on handto receive it, it fiew int> grandniother's window. Titer was nothing tie matter with the pigeon,, se said, anti I must stop fecding - il, anti then ît would go away with the fiock. "'Sa tlat night when it came T-- pusieiet ilay. 0 dear,. how I- feUt! W t rieclte 'ivne havit, and acl-od as if it e'couldn1t Ibell.1 really imeant to turn it ott. My heart lairly aced." And AuZIt SayN leçpkedwistW. 1 Rtuth niiddedt ilgoràusly, but did eût sIPeak &gali ti»tise, anti Aunt Say resuinod: 4 I1ltdid eomùe tue 44 h ou»S agah biut abô.ut a weit tervard I1 a* iwitth the flck on the roit acre*,' tit stroot, o.u As it vabot dust>' da>', 1thoughit ltudsgit le tbIirsty. go I took a batin 01 vater eut to thae .idiwa4k, anti oalle4, - <Atffir.t it <11<1»C4 he.4d, but pretty soen it 11ev ta my -houhier, xîlidi dowa ,my *rmu, and 4r*nk; ad Üse- t peréhed -on ni'Ahoul- ý*appi1y. Theus 1 b.d Wte and âa.'ansd it vas so hai4 to-foro ro>'aot to -do lt -"st 1 uee«tti 01 t. te t w~ a -l,~tssah *a e4 %6 Voaý Caiiidn, tho IËMpire and thé. Wôrlà là Goueral Belotetour Eles. CANADA. Montroal'a population is now P>aced at 554,000 by the new direc- tory. Chathamn is to have &etten-thou- meant-ton beeb suger factory next iseason' J. A. D. McCurdy, the aviator, waa robbed ef $150 et his bote-t at Hamilton. Auptralian cepitelisits are con- sidering investment in Alt rta ,real estate. The Cuetom receipte ab> Mon-t- re-et for July were $1,555,684, an in- creese o! $20,717 oe-r July 1910. Four C. P. -1R. eenployes have been senten-edti teimprisoninent et Renera, for theits f rom freight cars. Ben Glass, a convict a&t st. Vin- cent de Paul Penitentcery, hanged himscîf in hi. cli wirth a towel. Two Arctie explorers, Christiasn Letien antiHerôlti Thaubow, are star'ting from Montreet on an ex- tentiet tour ef the Canadiaainorth country. Tenders ha"e been opened for work on the Rudson Bay Rtailwey, and work l'e exipecteti to begin by September 1 at the Sa.skatchewan endi o! the lune. GREAT BRITAIN. The Britia'h Partiaament will bolti an autuznn session. her 600.000 dock-laborers are on str'ike et Londion, Eng. Tbey de- mand. 16 cent-i'. an heur. The King's Cup was won et the Cowes Regatta by Sir Maurice Fitz- gerald% s Ke±h Julua. Mr. Balfour ha-s given notice tv move a vote o! censure on, the Govcrnment cegarding the edvie t.entiered the Sovereign in relation to thc creatien eofl' e-crs. UJNITED STATES. f1here will be no United States »aval mifitia me.l1oeuvres on tje- great lakee this year. Texas bas decided to close va- loonýs in future frein seven o'clock in the evening tili six in the morn- iflg. George Prentice andi Mary De Witt were married, over the tele- phione et their rempective homes ne-ar Coin, la. The Unite4d States Senate pas-ed the fermeri' freec li-t b,11, adding one ementiment edrnittisg f reait tzwe&,b and ceretils fr-ee tro Can- ada. -QENERAL. The Moroocan criais is bclieved to b. over. A rising hiàs taken place. in Cuba agaiiist the Go'eernnieut o! Presi- demt (imiez. NEW EXE3IY OF POTATO BUG. Cr~t ?<attioï grata,,.Chési* Toronto,,d cento,, ut. L-Winter wheat 90 par cen t, ,ýV30 o $ 03.36, iktntree1 freij. - atifte ifouela-Fîro1 patents. *5.1 ; second Patents, 04.60, and etroflg bakers', $4.40,, on trscko -Toronto. Manitoba wheat-Ne. 1 Nortberu $1.01. Bay 'rts:. NO. 2 at 99(i. and No. Vaet 9e. onmrowhoat-Nqo. 2 et 79 te 8Ne, out- aide, and old at OS te 830, entaids. Barley-The majket la <â*ll, with prices nominal. Oagt#-Ontatlb grs, 39 1.2 ta 40c, out- aidé, foi- No. 2 and at 42 to 43c. on ti!sek. Toronto; NO. Ï W. (0. oats et 40 1-2è, _and No. 3 at 3k. Bar yorts. COern-No. 2 Amery cen yellow, 67c,- Bay porte, and 70c. Toronto. Peas-The market la 'dul, with prlces purely nominal. Rlse-'h"is la onofferlng, and prices are nominal. ]Buckwheat-Nothîng offerîn g. Bran-Manftobas, $20 te 821. I bats, Toronto, and @hortM.83Inlubaga Toron. te. Ontario braun, 421. in bage, toronto. COUINTRY PRODiCCE. Egga99-ESrictUY new laid, 22 wo 23c ver dozeni case Iota; fresh gathered, 8t 190. Butter--Vreamery printu, 23 ta 2Me, do, soidi, 21 te 22c- dairy prints, 18 tec 190»; inferior (bakersi, 15 te 16e. 14 11tr6y-Chickenop 16 to 18o per l;towl t ; 3e îes 18 I te, live welght, Cheese-New twin., 1.3 1.4c; new large, Lie. Honer-Wholesalers are selling buok- lyhtat et 6 te 7o & Pound In tins, and 6 3-4o in barrels, whils strained clorer hon- eî te,10o a pound iu 60-pound tins; 6seôt 1pund, lie. No. 1 eomb honey la quoted at 82 tô $12$ a doien. Poaos-Wholeaale quotetlond average &4.0e barrl rr new potetoes eut et bse. New Caa ian polatoeu, $1.60 per Beanp-1.05 for prime@ te $2 ver bushel fer hand-picked. 110G PRODTJCTS. Bacon-Long ver, 11 1-2e per lb, ln case lota. Pork, sRhort r'ut, $23. Hlama-Medium te lgbt, 17 te 17 1-2c; do., heary. 14 12 to 15 1-2c, rolIn. il 1-2 te 12v' breakfast bacon, 17 te 18c. backs., 19 1-2 te 20. Lard-Tierces, 10 1-4c, tubs, 10 1-2c; pails, Io034t.i 17NITED STATES MÂXIXETS. Minneapolis, Aug. .-Wheat-P;eztexa- ber $1.00 7-8 te 81.0l -Dfeenber, 81.02 te 80e 1-8. Mey, 81.05 7.8 to 81.06, No. 1 bard. $1.04 3&8, No. 1 Nortthern, 81.0293M ta $1.04 1a8, No. 3 whsat, 97 &-5te $1.00 7-8c; 'No. 3 yeîtow corn, 63c. No. 1 white vals, 40 te 40 1-2e. No. 2 rye. 79 ta 79 1-2c. uraît -20.60 te *11, lou-First »atents' e6.10 te 86.30; secon lpatents, 14.60 te $4.85;À tr cers, 83.45 to 83.63; scn las tO 82-05. Buffalo. Aug. $.-sprint wheftt-No. i Northern, eartoada. tore 81.00 12c; Win. tee'-No. 2 red 91c - No. 9 ici, 840, No. 2 white, 90C. (o în-o,3yet 0w. 690 , No. 4 7sollow, 64 1-4c; Ne. 3 cern, 66 3-4e &Il on track tbrouth billed. Zoats-N. ë white, 42c, ýRo. 3 white. 41c; 14». 4 white, 40é. LXVI STOCK MARKETS. Montreet. Aug. .-Sales ofet teer w-eré made et pries cenging frein $4.0te*9, eot afrein830&5, sndble sfr $3t 3.16 per 1lm Iba. s)wep .014 et 3 11oe te 4o andi lambs 3 1-2o te 4e per 100 Ibs. Ctaves abeut steady and salesm w-ese made et frein $9.50 to 1» sach, as te miss and cualty. T hé.ms.cket for boum was weaker, and sales mu,,raxed heury. wceighs wete made et trom 85. 75 te 8 për 100 Ibn. weicbsd off the cars. TARES PLACE 0F OPIUM. Indilaa Weed Is MoeoPeraiclousi Thau Opium or Alcohol.. The Indiau weed is being lârgely importeti into ILido-Chins at the preseüt momneât, seyn an infoi'znttn', 'whoholde a, high -position ith6 militer>' world. H. his given us a sprig or two et the hewp plant, which,,obvioUuly jends iteoif to the. uses t anigges. Witb irat-hand knowb4g -et bs ulject, lie de- claredta ii . moe pernic- ,ieua tban' Opium»or a1<olt Wilu i the neài future 'taketh ~e place. ci op0 im-inithe 1Fat East. Is la @ sjnall-'bulk, titis dal Weid is ch« in hi omparlatmwth its der birother, 0opIUM, anud oaft lie smuuUled e&aily. TM.opul,à- con-~ yee'iou 4.1005 mot tait. acc*,unt 'of the daiâger which thr.ateii. tom' 7%eFrnchia the i'14 Ca* &4b'ol, e y oltod hehMp PART OI' L4EL London Man Advanoes OlaiMtW 1to -hre Hundred Acres à despak-h frein Lontion, Ont.,i Baya: If whet David Welch, of 08o Dufterin Avenue, gays is ti'ue, he owns a iarge-sized c1'unk of Hein- iJ,tn, andi he is going to try te re- cover what belengs te him rigbt eway. Welch &aays he bottin deeds to 300 a.res aitueteti in the heart o! the Ambiticun City, whic la i part o! a grant made by the Crown a century ego te one Caleb Réey- ilelds. The balance of the grant chi.ngeti handis legally, but Welch, Iwhose wife is an heir e't Reynolds, OTTAWA RIVER 18 LOW. Water Ia Twenty-One Feet Lower Titan in May. A despatcb frein Ottawa neys: An, examination o! thse lookma.s- ter'8 book showeti the startling f£it thest the wat.er -in the Ottawa River had sunk about twenty-ene feet. since lest M-ey* Lest May the water stooti tw'enty-eight feet ielit incbes in the Ottawa River. Sine that time il ha-s been sinking rap- idly, until now thc weter stands e-t sevb en.fect edoien inches, and bitis fair to go muich lower if tlîere 15 ne serious rainfail. In the Ot- tawa River it lias net effecteti na- vigation ze faer. In thse RiAeau tie water le eitremely leow, anti it may beco-me dangerotis for the boats o! the Rideau Lakes Navigation Ceom- pan~y te meke their tripe. WA11T BEST APPARATUS. montreal"s Pire Departînent Wil Rlave New Equipîment. .4 ~ 4 dlaims thît the 300 acres rcfêrre4 te were not ro.W, but we're squut- ted upéen, and tha.t tIt.ý premenit deeds ar-e not gooti. The tend la sîtuat-e'd along Burlington Bay, andi includes nuch property, a rough estimate ci the vàlue. of which îs $20,000,000. C'aleb Rey- nolds was a United Empire Loy- alist, and after tosing evcryttiing in the Americani Revolution, 1-a came acros the border, andi the Governmentr-madie bim a grant oi seyeraI huntireti acres. MANY ATTRACTIONS. Two Weekg of Soid Enjoyment at C. 'I. E. This Vear. The Cenadia.n Netion-ai Exhibi- tien vf 1911 faïrl-y bri-sties with special attractions. Tie Corona- tion- Procession, an exacwt reipro- duotion ei th-e Lon.don pageant, fcature's the bill, but it bas a cl -se competitoc in the Festival o!f En- pire with its hundreds of troope in ail the i-aried uniformes o! the ser- vice anti its twelve military benci to furnish the neeesaary music. The aquatie events, toe, are lim- portant, co«nprising Vwo intern-a- tional yacht races, an eight-oared race hctween the all-conquering Argonat« 4 of Toronto and a pick'ed crew f rom t.he cravk New York clib, n single seuItl race betwocn ButtePr, cbampîon of America, andi Scbules, winner Of tLe Diamonti Seuil-,s cf Henley, war cenoe raeas andi mot.or boat races. Add te tbesis the acres ef exhibits, the mac-hi.n- cr3' in motion, thse herse races anti athietice, the vaitieviLlo an.d rire- A de s4patch f rom Montreetl neye:-.'w orks, -ad tth hou-sand nti nà The Board iof! C'ontrot bas taken other attractions o! the Big Fair, st6pa to have tie city's fire depart- and il mnuqtt ho atmitt-e that t-wo ment lie mus t up-tu-date in weck's solid enjoymt-eîît have been America, the lateet being to eall errangre.d fer the hundratis 0o! Liu? foc tenders f-ý,r Ove automobile ire- santis o! visiteors. figbting machines andi tweo!ofthe - -+ letest eteain piî-mps. They will in- creuse the cfficievc3- of t-lie brigaýde ltG IIOCNEN by une automxebdilc truck to lhaut An $S,000.9t) Company Ocganized thîe aerial letider, one automobile trucltWte aul the 1,200 gallon steam by llarnimoid. eegine, one combination engine A tiespatch frein Dawson City, witi a. cape&ity e!fJI0OL imperial Y.T., saYs: Tie biggest, mininig eal>fl ne auto has-e wagon to conecru ever >,ranized for tie yu- carry 1,000 feet o! bioFr, onie auto ken, exc-ept.ng tise- Yukon Uotd- ,wnggon te carry 2,000 fee.l of ho."e, Miuing (2onpany o! Gujggenbýeirnm, o.» 1,000 Uinited Stetes gallon is a new cîgil million dollar, coin- steain pump, andi one 800 Unitedi paisy reported f rom Lendon by States steam, pump. cable as iavinig baen formé-cl by South African Gult ieFîld Com- panys capital, -on adv lues o! NEWV VARIETY 0F WREAT. Jo)hnRays Hammonti. it is- beliw- - e-cl ere ftua thse concern lattes ex- OaIy Ntety.flve Daye fltwceln tensive hoilingse on UTnioîn Oua-rtz- Seedihlg anti cuttleg. A deqp&atci [romn Brandon, Man., myst nêetet ssmtîn 1ceak!sh about the growth of lie nw unnauïet varicty e! wb-cat jutt out at the Experinie-utal Farrm, tanneta will undoubtedly bc much iu.tarstet lin- ti, grain. This new vawicty o! whea.t wa'â $own et the itxperimental Ferm tu Àpril andi 'waa cut on J'ily 31, sDgthat ibe-ré &t fluy Di'etr M&rui orb.aty ho-ts tiVeÉ e rly ',aadety, &upîéd ome, hundredad stevetéen Àt41yab. - tweu 6eedlig -4È4, euulag, nd ,Re Ffewas onë hiunirotiandi ,tw.onty-three 4&ys. Il the new vu- tiety, wI~hla ti e amêi, live up toe -orord it Imasa tlds >'.tr,. ,fi éi - ay, fin W ta w-mt t&a4is *tbêu' Spý$nq vbeatr,. ha"' lbe et n tothe'Ontario Ag- anti ether crecike oereizeti during thse lest two years by Arthur N. 'rreadgold in hieg-leant AW!it-agninist Yukon Colt. Il is -a-be reported th-t thc company absorbe the Northern Light. -Pewer & Ceai Company, iwbicW in'vest- t tre mnillion some yearq ago, in8taltîng elec-trie pewor. Tceadgold lied ai- rea-dy acqîiired va&t holdings et the CananKlondike MitngCens- pany. htlucing lhe Boyle oe- &ion & Dredgeai. (ÎIOLE1E1- N ITALY. OfiiiReport ofen"»Case nd Xum. ber of Dcatlb. A epatch ftemn Chiasse, Swik: zerland, bas y:An -ofikisai »un»i- eaties f rom tài.Italien oevern- - vient sllow48 -ît &t rant Ju]>' 21 te, -JUatY-S6 inclusv ue sacssW-1o'. eaaes ti20- deeths; prôvin<iê- of îtonofPaecoa10 ant su#oands0 of-vei~050at T*ÇLLEft IRIE £hou Wi Dr' W1 11 rna of rnic-j ilarn s vdrteIo - ne il t mnich fa; nhad tbk he srn 1 Ifeeia ig) for thete ýtd h be', Veni their the Ior reoe bmail~' Corsa treatejî w~tihout' UMM%

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