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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1911, p. 1

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X*y8tune k «P~I% carde »I~L. te DMl<.IL..Y I puiblic, speCI#l EJam.p( o gk couti ofltitce. 4-0,lt14 tiflUfDow a McGillivray. w, 81rgàck Street Wbtby. lu 'à G.DOW, BAi. Sêztulosolicitr, INota[i Publie.,bc Oea. irai door wêat 01 l'stOmoIl wma.Conut,>CîomIsaÂoornel, suc 004lat* IolLiter. oice outdabs omGwt Bous.wbLby. W 44M8S uT'LEDUrk.Barlulter. e h Ua., t celou »osusay terms. 01664e leudiats te ub of toui Bocel G. YOUD10OUaT IU L. L. IL, Bar UL tit«e et*. KMugai tluae. Isue, ut muisse liomuses oci..- miLlas kwlO., ment te the Market. Whitbl 16BDIOAL DR. MELDRUM Fbyol@1ifl Surgeon, Accoucheurg, ce1bil ; telephouaisutor oherise. day or u4mlht , rucoive promattentionIIL. eop-->Ouiu0stit Md OlbOPeb ts.. Wbthy DENTÂLM W. ADAMS, Doutit, Office, Dun-ci ~' a hotflIe SNe. 4, the >~ Tonsos. Ssoa St., Whitby. Phone No.= ÂUOTIONEEII0 T~1 AUCTIONEBER Jau. Elshop, Oàhawa. Liceubed Aise. 440O.Suc«eor te L. iibak e tornmanad dates apply te self or to1, G. Roi ,Wbltby. WX. XKAWn LICENIRD AUCTIONBBII W AND VALUATUR. d AUt kitideofo sales promptly atLvnded te.. Arrangement& can be made for P e at the Guette office, as t. WITBY ON1. 0ONTRAOTOR8 t Je HOWELL JA~MES t :- arpenter, Builder and Contracter, ti ..-P1aua drawn and estimates f uruished. 8 ~< BeaisAlterationh and jobbing. g Box467 WtIITt$Y Pbr;>ol49 I Ilarriage Lioons. Cerner tir"ustore. W btlv W. irubu.nsqutr'd S~~cJ' cf tits aîbubeeti eslab. l1*84 U La dong England, on '4. ait 09 July, ai wdll lastr Letters of Credt onA11 impotanit points in 4fltlt a il sent for collec. telii.tnras, and ctcito f banking t1o iibc ftrnished on ail -4. & uwrtontaad beaprors o 1ANCMW ILàïm m Gilby Iaqwqu: cosclidedq1 The. inquest un tihe deatit' 0t the hild, Anute (ilby, who died un J une 4 last, alter. an Iliness of leu thkan woiue hours with what was Slip- osed Lu bneatearlet lever, wastont0- iudea una 'iurstay eveiW& of this week. 'lihe jury oruugbt Un te fui- .awiaig V EILUICI'. We Iîttd Utat Annie Uiby came tu tri: dtot u Ue 24, l9it, tro uuînl- tiai causes, sîtppusedi) scallet leýer, P/e lurittlind Itu thLie evidenre, ubiitted tu ut, that there bah beeti ,arelesttttsb ut the part uf tuedical tactitulilra oflthe 'Towna ufWhitby in nuL repuit tng to the pruper auth- AILies caHss ol tnlecuut. Jaseuse, Lb th tetesuit that houses uai nu. lutaidt-d ut quiiîanititied Wet latd tt'butlite prescrit LttIL. - tit. %Atutig ntions r egtirdil&te du- Lieb ttatpusel upu t itai by the Med- Lai llhith Act, and we wouid rec- Uttunî latthe LCouticîl or te Board of l lealLh etadeavor itereafter ou lîttY te pruvisiotih telthe Act tiîctly enfurced, Wc lit.d tou i te ci ideuce that ut pseate soweLinies huatied witbuut abuiin!peaat'it aving ben issueit. ['bts being a taulatiaraocalthte Act, huuld totbe tutititiued Mt A l IiCristantarepretretlthe a uWL. A t.tur1àt Ilt the lattea 's ah- Tlhe- ilst m'tts as Mai lames N c(htilswnttndet Laker liesaid tat dicta aahis way tu lte (liby home aft lia..death ol the> chil ielacniet Pr Warren on Dihatdas Street'. about Mii -Jottes' shop. lie asked te Dr. what was te cause o!fte childes trat h 1 l replied tat h t.huught it was scarlet fever, as tiare were otit- er cases ira thle bouve. The I)r. salid Lo Mr Nicholson that if ite would coine a t u la laouse be would give lfui a certificate of tieath. Air., Nich- olson batirepîted t litIbe would eall fur ilt ilbs retura front Gilby'ir. He had auJ 50, called, but expected tbat Dr. Warren would foilow bistusuai eustum of mîaiinag l the Townt Clark the certilate, upoît recipt of whiob the Clcrk would issue te burial per- tit. AsuAMr. White would not ho at ais office tilt Montiay mornlng, Ibe midertakers burled the body on Sua- day aflernoora wlthout havis5 a pet- Mit. Titis, Air. Nicholson, admittsd, was of frequetit occurrbtace. The ýun-' ertakers acted utpon the phyrtîcianst ronulse Le issue the certlfica.c1 b.- ýause In inany cames titey were aimable Lu procure te eertificate belte ?abava âl. Mr.Nliholson furtber muid btaât Lie Town (îa'rk ia tot i tintes when he eapet'ted to be absenat front towit, f t w it1h thetn signied blaaik permits whicia they liuitUp upon recoiving the ductrs certificate. It was flot lac eus tom lu give Lu lte sexton ef lie R C,- ceiaaetery lte burial permait. Soinetimeu hurlais wer mdie li Uit-ý in ceintiey wlthout a permit, 1110 texaton accep bing lte uttdertakets' prunise tu mail hlm the permit. Il watt nul til alter t.he chilt was bur- led taI Mr. Nicholson heard of Dr. Warrea's regustai lu issue a oertiftcat. utl deatt. AMr. N iciolsoa hai t thn seen Dr. Warren, wbo toIt laina lu ap- pI> Lu the ruotrer lur a warr ant tor buriaI This Air. Nicholson dit, but d14, not geLt i nul put on thLe bouse.- Mir. Jusppb White, Town Clartk, vu caliet, suasake'd tu produis lbe by law uuder wa- hid ie MeIial 1Wil (Jmor wau appulntrd, vialei be 414 llhs clause oft tht by-Isw rosi 'Thal lDr. Warren shah be Uki" Heas th Omeier at a saitary et $11 ,rcar9 irý White, vben quastLoee, us fthatte M H <) vas appola IY.M tuit b tbosr. hâd boem » C= lta %e . orna of mppolshaost t«. t rears. lie dtmot k"of uOIrnSy nri, the berme of lUn Ac$ lblgmmA lta dotWs et MedesiliI O ShO Tbmre bUa hem e adussUo artigemmt betwm tu sNla tshe ope eft ii. »u«i due *"bouoa, lb. )Ur euU elg above vejdtet. IwoXBu4TIZ TtCovaaCil-Chàias Sole Authorigy 'to Place COMMISSIONERS HAVE NOT LCONSULTEL) COUNCIL. The Tlown council bas taken issue with te Water andtig4ht tCotumiâ- viuamis uver te placing c0l Street lîgita. A t te meeting un Mouday Diglit ktecve J acksun mnade inquiiy 01 the? th1airman 0oF lire tiaidLight.i Mluore, as toite locaLiou oca iw Street lampa.1 d jt 'lite ebalîman tuas uunîstuied. He < bat nuL béen cisuited b>ý the ComI- Mir. Jackson deciared it was aà shawaitLu have Lhe columisSliones piaci Itghtts wathuul consultiug te Council. The CouUiIiabu sait, was t te only body Lu sa> witore telgittas should bttcplacet. LiglaL hail boem placet ou (Greena Street, noar tLbid bomne ut one ofthlie commisslouers, whllo in te north wart darkness pro-e vailed. Lightu bat been mkedt f t by resldenla iat tis ward yoars ugo, ant thiey have ne gel ltent yet. VThe Mayor ttoulht. poriape lits Coanmisslotiers were but carrying out te tecisioti arrived at b> lte Couis- cil tu 1909 Lu replace each arc lamp wllh tour incandescentî lumps. Aboutc 25 arcs were l'o be dispîsceti esci year tili ail were doue. This would give tau Ineandescent Ittmp on every Street Intersectilon. Messrs. Dsney tantIliallelI report- oit a conversation they had had witit lte Chaîrman ut lte Commission. Ho ho etateit hey sait, thut the Com- mission bad full autborlty as tu wbere Lu place lhe lampa. Mir. Smith strougly objecle o th ie placiîg of sîreet ligito without con- à suît4hg lte Councl. Ho thoiglt thelb Pire at Liglt Conmlttee should rocet anit coisîdor the situation. Mr. Batemn reterroit to the tact tbal oni East Dundas tteet lieue were titres lampa wibliln 40 roda. Ho suggestod taI the center e e t lie Ihre aould ho moiet furter .8t,, as ftr as Starr's bill, wber A sà s quit. dark. Ail te members wore -pressai t a tilts meeting snd the sulion ves brie!. Titre. pellUons for osaient vaika bait beeairercelvadl. -One on Hickory, cuit aide from Dundas te Mary. One on Byron %k eout Ride. [rom St. John te rrtî, Due on Duafttna St., eout iode, urieGS Front st. South. The Manager o!f te Cauftdtali Ex- pross Co. by [ettar asket for two coptietotwn map. VTe RailwaY Commissionors desire tu indlcate te limite of the exprote delivitry systein. Oane, o! tbemaps vouit bu retaar0Med tuo tie lown for its une. The. G.T.R. wrote approving o! the cemn imdewuik front Brock siareot 1 thea Junct4on Station. Air. E.B. 8.editit sougilI appoilt- ment as-civil engîner lotlbthetoi, &a a ury o o! 30aad u minissii upoti a11 momies expondad. VTe Council sait "Mit,"' REPORT STREET c0MuMl1T1E. L Johni AcCarl, work ... t25 Robt. Plaukatt, woîk... 1-33 T. 0. Dovereli,.. -... ... ..t.2 Elecîric e t ............ ... 80j &. »d M. Elllott. a, O.. .75 Jas. Sawdon, teamlng.- 401 H. R. Bardgs, ciewùnlg 'tose I 50 ai Seymour Whitneay........1 The consmltta roconwteded gVac glng lte roquent.,of petitlouers for nov sldavalka. Report passad. TOWN PROPEUWY REPORT. Robt. Barse, ropsim a t ova hal...... ...... ... .A14.76 T. 0. Dorerit, repairsa 1 ifvai hall . ... . ........1.16 W. a L. Comm..higbt for lova bull..... ............ W. & La.C(o=a., lgîbbftu cuWa bose ...81 CoumaiIt.a*oI te b. ail ot procure Soude raorofor ttoims bûtl. Report pmod. aît. abeBu elmr < tlso oe g allmfvl* * uhSw v ou isollso Jm i~O5 Eoeday be g4 li r e1 .y osmeu4oo* v- .AÀ by auy heafth* OOQa. # srnsq1W spetor under tl 41 dI cal "aath oS dl N<th dltiO imposed Spon J~b 'y b7s. dlation, o!. lb. prov$a't1 01 e ieath, adthe lu 4ct *W ht f4 tu are by stattl iapq lucailsi oer f heath *811 40 tho medica but ,Ith oJoo Ite* 11 merformaaocsu & ach gtm. (46) S. 0. 1897, . 9. "se.e '4e0. 86. Wh.oarMmb«uOllt knows Uhaa &Day porsawW ramily or houeold bas *4*u poi, diplathea, ao cut ý ikl- erat or typhoid <evîr, b kl 1S let in case of ro1is1 s .08 l4~ the penaitios prof" d 17 84-10, of section i l) w1t" 4WMt47o»ç boulers y âive flo t1bet to o t iLe. cai board of Healt o V» lise ical neaith ofilcur, ci the disttolltu whicit ha reaidu, &Q $Wh a*tlo. Shall be giveit sithur #à111 tiOak» 0 tho aedical lioaib oSU,-ot by a eommunication addreumld *1o M"aud iuly unatiod witl tjtj MM tebgvg speoilled, aid tu cas. 1I t% au mi- ical hesltb oMcar, thaq,tho1km amc. ery o1 tbm Loal 8IStos H.aIh itbér aI ishie tou « by 40auàpio tion, asalaoromaid. .0.Lfo 348, a. 80. Sec. 89. Whommver .~p1uaa Calied Upon te vwsil as £a!wlodgtb emaîl-poz, acanlet, tv tu ipuutokt ànowm tbat any poules wbom bu la typhoi4 levur, siiolhrs, 1Wbooplqg- cougit, poau aOr oa dlii--m am- gerout 1 t %e pubilW all, 114 physîcian $ball (stabjed ta oem0e. rusal or tugloot tQ Ibm pealllo pro- vided by subauect4on g-o!ut #loa il&) Withtn twenty-fou boue dtrs g omol thereof to tb. Local ga0lcfa ualtb, or medicai bealtb -oScaro# tii. *ta- Cipality In wblch gasci dbuu epr. son la. and limch meaur U as [oit. ectMd, by titis 2 and a oi M l ý f Scbeduls B. R.S.O.18$7,e.8, 8. 89.1 PENAL CLA#4E8. Sec. lis. -<1) Everyp11o1toa' lasgmeotLd-à- o# 97b 194101 M ci8e tsAct shalh b. 4I'to Y aucil enoi cét a aUth? cd 0ut' lm bila $ô nov more UIêSSM& )a boedIa-, crbtion Of' thu convtiact1gJ*hlouS t =Usgutat.,boes ooeiê'Wb"ýubjs 980se b ful0ctet f ,OMW41tsg us icsor' iaiie t»s eS to ta #Se kue she m-E. 1#ýe 24, 'a.y pamon (1-2). Am aa (3) en perou 5$ 4bAm Ut *sll ouiw a ItirvIof te ov7 eved, b. l ablumtoa orwmyo1oso tom4 a2 pealt ex dj48GbiIW nide justis c aai- m'1w ; R.poS. 0te sa97. 1M8*,107e 6.8 . 10. 1-) eacdving k la ie tIcght01 09U- Atrae e t tthe ome 1ci « 58b uV. o. 4 bci. t. TROVINCAL R1twQ'lot omm. km*ua du S. T6ii.MedIeI&0 Veda Oa M&bvlgkos gî oU Ut bu, oWb sou.it erdubshAvo00g1614W to b sotDW thm #W *a f auomo 1w MM -tiicasOor451$ I: '&UGUST'24; 1911 diSe ~ ~ ~ -IUe un-~a.W~ sjWé -b9M qtu theIbmdi. . Hpulled Ib.m k "ud Ibuathe horm vu aun- b(Ib.dMd eknout. One shuit of %Yt*4 ktl webokeu oïl near ;the b~r ut Wu otherwlss unit- 1s~4~ Tb~oi ws.nethuit. Th.gattr.'~ sop.d with a b ut Ur, ffl 8.isatained bad 0 9'.8 a<4 onse ar b.lng neariy "4 o~ M.. 8t'a tau. was bruised Pu# pecl t tao ubthe home Ur. & iakia. cxou the poter, where Pt ?to tndod tg thu injuries. I nM it .1am ohildrn of The borqe Ud blugy wort own.d J'y 506»»%U,9'. To hf h o aoy.d on the icone, s«d baw Iaow * accident oocurred, 6 wolidt sa tha% &bore *were fDot ýbokfm m rbs or even fatal injurie. Per$Uuattly *4 hotu ay quit. itili diartI the mncati&tor iwo that el- fplod b«Oors thé young mai and thé gouug womsu were reled. OIhu«Wtf4 bad ho plunged or strug- gOd, #à 1fa.î t ory would bave boa. 4et, 1Rev. Canon Cayley Dits lna- Muikoka.1 -1 MSRJUtiy ERUOoitOF MAIL 4AMlN' WIWrBY. 1 I Çev. Ca ohn baD'Arcy Cayley, ,rqdet .11k.fhurob o! St. George 9We Ma4lyi. TOZ0vo, Ie, d initMus- koki os Swisy item lte efleutq 0f PtOintt»gotuontuL from wviicit ha sluertd saet"s.k oumo mnthe age, sud andlhl toaly l havt a relapse, wMàlrkpoYSd fats!. CanmnCayley' seau bon [i '1887,1 he stet non. Win. Cayley. Ho ne- qsttsd 1 tarly educatlon tinter Dr. PaieIGueiphoatter whiob ho WenJ' te Upper* Canada Collage. Ho gradus to ro Trwnty Collage. To- rQote lu1858, and'ws ordained de&-- =o by Ulbop Stracha n lIse80. A!-, -Wr odlnallon. hbuvient le England, é- iers »MeI lie next titre. yesrs. -lié - tds » orddnu tu a1801 by le liiop o! Uubosuter, and e cettia racy luatae VIllage OU Cewtod~ ~sax;Tierse oremaiea et, r, IIoir a 81 wuiiyr rot 4-M;18 174, vue s i oiaio, lnbegiinmt ttu$ bis m~ae« 41** oorpmtimloci'JTrtùit? Caon Ole avitvod iyonu sou, ia~ .~.Ç5in~ ifSt. mm-f R.C..C.Crulln-Race to WVNtby. - of WMtit mu5$bave boeu ruata O U 0 oLtUm wvo Wtbtir IHEINZ SWE.ET PICKLESI HAVE-NO EQUAL. Mixed - - - 30e quaàrt 'Small Gherkins m 40e quart Also in Bottles. Au T. LAWLER-, WHITBY, ONT. ý Phono 47. Prompt dolivv>v. I I Pi'ckling Time Now is he ime to get rea.dy for winter. W. havei au' extra ûne fine of Pure Spices4 for your pickles that *ill please yon. Extra Quaity Vinegat-White Wine and T>Ftt Tomatozs Pkckling Cucumbers Oiois CaU-b*g- Ciren Cotn Ceiey New- Peotoc.. Speclal for 23C. SEBE WJNYDOW DJSPLAY. Jn.E. wA-TERIi-OUý'S, Phone 11. t mp~Délivran 1Î- </ '-3' t ' ~-, - .tmsos 'Few Bs? woit ms & am Of lue W ave*, bq,shaCWsIî rsthe utaago 01 it. Wl . wbich %w .«aars~yrtt lt st*Mba Dànllop tt aa OfO <i sgioa' pAcid goos. fi pr<sptly attewd d o. km for aBScycle te i day. ail ~u.id aea.haeaA ~- ~w. With whiois[i I L i-f -i --i OýD"LWW tot 1 1 1

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