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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1911, p. 2

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f..,. set ¶ Sae beasit is a first r~tae,ýon théè en- afisýt oit rpora- 0j isuiàz the bond. ¶ Sane because bonds are saleable ai any time. ¶ 'Profitable becaute they ýpay a,>,highér rate of iffierést, than any other inlvgstnxent that off ers equal security. g .W. would 1k. to send you oig literâture on bonds as investments, just %end us your addiýss,1 t will not cost you any- thing. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION &ANK OF'moNTRLA BULmC YONGE AND QUUEN BTS. ?OR ON TO FIREDAXUJN COAL NI'N ES. ;O]rF4t Wheu Barometer la Low ýCLOSE QUARÏI2RS OR, THE IiOUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE ~i~i1tor's er~s'lest tht. lii ~wcdè, ùpressted M~ gWÉe ~ ieét y that, h. tc ros Trmthe seat-wluich lie had 'occu-; 'Pied 1 with the iùtenytiýin of eo»dudt- ing a long and caretuli examinaficil ~ c echniluercfth husehod. "Thé-n1I willcoewt- oncee,' 1-+e sAid. - Y a "h'crieti the Majrr- Geue ral, "Iunder#tood you' ta say as 1we camne here that'there eè mainy questions which required iinsmedi- ate inquiry in this iiouft, (on the prinIciple that. the niotements of the missing man should bû minute- ly traced frum thbe very commence- n ienit.' Mr. Winter iovked somewhat con- fused but"dV 1Ta valu ni i-- uI-xPrî:r 1.-<(ond) bis s1ho-,!der w hbe repd it. Thse -1I thi1n-k, xincle dear, ià wouid 'Did t-oui- ords w-ere :1us oscyuto- be viell ta defer to bi-. iretfs Dit]UkSIOU Mudnvternoou saee FI; nigit onimportant bs e..Cone, Judgmeý1t.' bro o Mudyterncal ti-rei ifa bussn 1 e Wts. D you reaiiy beli'eve," she said,r 1$ret t - ou that it was in Frenech, but thiis turnsrsg to thse barrister, tayi ; e lie c-ne straight bore frOmlb t an exact translation." wilsI >011 h able- to find my bro- A 1be rt Gate-, andi ha.d tea With - -Your brother %,as qut ure thsci-', tinc[t- and inyse]f. He sat. in the tliat iL was frorn 1ehemCet ' - 1' amrn t ueei t"h veychair an .id in thse very positionl self 1"> r-aid 'trett. Ali ilie-d, andti tie convîict:oùn i-n bis 3,4)u nfou- occupy. 1 ena rexuerbey "Quite sure," was the repî..- uc toile aeonished the professiorial Iiiin ayJng : ' Jový the heins knew his handwriting weil, hav- dtectfve, %vhi!-t it carrieti a mes- egg'-thlirt is W-bat he uisxlteO cail] Ing ha-c severai co.mmunilcatioas sage if hope tu the others. Even thse big ttunmoud- 'ig turning ont in from him during the progress o! - Sir Hubert, for secme reas4en uhich fine stt 1(,.' He e even diFcussed the th. business." he couiti fot- explain, suddenly ex- pomýibsiity of bringing uis t-o sec - Dkî Su r brother leavec the1 periecceti a strong sente of confi- the collection when it %-as finishcd bouse imnreiately 1l" askçed Brett. elcne 'n thia reserved, distiriguish- and bbefore it loft this c.îîtr.- Tiatinstant. He went clo)wn- ed-lc>aking tuan-. He Fstepped for- r'i our brother say why is s-irs uwnbso-ecs n a.uard eageriy andi held out bis drwuss sre brught. to ;t*us *ad got, into a cab with t-he messen- ssYc- country i11 the fsrst' instance 1" gei- wlio brught the no.te." "Th-en we wil l ot tictain poU1 - -yeý; the Sultan and iàs ativis- - Du vot know who tbh' esen Mr. Brett. Act as voti think fit lur Crs iseemecl tu tlink the work or ger was r ail t-hiesgs, but do let us have al cutting thons could be performnct One of týie policemen oru duty Possible information at the earli- more safely and expeditiougsly here ii h os sl. est moment." than anywbertelcsc. Even the Turk A siligit. pauise ensueti, andi Brett Bet c r ine ute h bas a highi regard foi- the mianner was a.bout tu: take bis departume, bous-e; tisey haileti a hansem aud in which lau- aud order are main- having nso further questions toasak diros-e rapidiy îuu-arcls Albert Gate. taitid i1ritain. Yet tise sequel at/'tle moment, w-hec some une was "Do yocu kno-'," said thse man ha& shoW*l that the. diansontis and heard bar-tii3- ascending tise stairs, train Scotianti Yard, bres.king in tiseir guardians wcre perhaps iii talkiig itu a companion as he adc- on his companion's reverie, "wheri- i -gruaater danger diere tisan they V xlic-ed.- ever 1 happen to mee--t. ye, Mr.@ Mwouid have bo«jjj inCoustanti- 1 'This is rny uncie,", exc!aisued Bref-t, in the course of an inquis'y, f lnc'P 1e. ' ' bMïss Talbot, ribing to go to t-ho 1 always etart by being very angrys '14 - V that tihe ony reans i" doo*r.,flefore shecoulti rcei i-s an lAt-h Sý<u.-'" said B,-ett, who had appirentiy eider,>' ent1crnan entered, bear- - 'Why 1" There was an amuueed r ma-de uip his ind with tthe refer- îcg upon hinm al those distinguishecl ta-inkie iu Bretts eyes, which eClUe to the pattern of thle carpet tokenp that stamp a mn as a re- miglit hav-e warned the other of a ,and %vas now gazîiig into the briglit tiret! major geiieral. lHe exclaini. possible Piffali.- 4'è>Mherîyi tsee retus- "flecause you treat me as if 1 P griuL-, Iô, the day tholi fine %-as 1 have brought a gentleman were A precocious youth. Vois liste ib c"lJly. r rom- Scotland Yard, usY cear." t-o m.Y theories vith a sort of, pity- Theo girl wriukie4- ler brows in TVienlie caught bight ci Brett. iug indulgence, yet 1 ha-u-êthe re- tisougisi- or h answerecl: -1 "Who 1 tiss" pi-tation of being one of thýe best C' 4bink I do rrme rJ ack saying Editis was about to explain, u-hen muen in Scotianti Yard, or.I shou?-d e that lie bciieve-cJ there waz s#.j another msan ertered-a etrongly- not have been put on this Job. And 0d 4klate business lui>ed up iu thbe af- buiit, buliet-beaded mnai, uith I amn oler than yen, toc.">7> n fair, but I am n qut. sure he did keen eyes and firm mouth, aud a 1 -I may surely pit 0 eou,ait! Duot kroW t010 exuct faf ts h.rnseif?' curious suggestion iu his appe-ar- Rrctt, "es-en if I don t indalge y'or . - Can you reo<lieét any 1U thene lCQ£ hsving combined pssgiiiaoe c JIucl. - Pl speciai pi-ceautions taken to pro. wit-h proceus-aerving as a té lx "iss ý B It f tect Ltse gexus 1 Your 'brothet psay sional nsstns 4'! cx1,*ence. Wf1ýf c the detee-tii-."Now, whatis er have nseitioned some detas in exteuded iuto1àa m$1ro whcn hi-s cyeB 6iliY about Mny tiseory of the crime, hY conversation, you kmow." keil upen thé barrister. 1 shouit! like to know V' 0"Oh, - I tisnk I knoiv al about. "Ah, Mr. Brett," ho cried ,n.ow "You shall know, and before you ý then. In the first instance, thse we have something te do that s are much oider. Bear uith me for d( bouse at ,Abert Gate bat! pieouis- up te your mark. You are on thse A lit-tic white, I beg yen. Yeu may nm ly been tenanted by a rich banker,_ sPot firet, as% usuai, but thia time b. right, aiid 1 may he quite wrong, ci sýdntary meus aganst th. ata] r.k a e e ey u y & 1 a ga but I think thsere la much ben eatis te adit v mas velinten eatby ail or- Ieu huesySa is s- "r-face in the investigation-is w. of ordinary burglars, But,, in addu- Sir Hubert Fitzja.se. glanoedcI h are nov pursiting. My advice to dc tion t-o Lisi, before the diarnonds astonisisment fi-cm bis niecc t-o the you s to drop ail preeonccis'eci i< )rft the [safe at thse Bansk cf Engr- barmister. Hec coul-clflurd nothipo theories, te note every circuns- te Iando, -thebuilding wît practicaily -better t-oay -ias-rs-iehuee eoei-MAY ap -a toi-n t-o pieces insido by workmoa "Thias, my dea-r, la Msr. Winteri pear Su its bearmtg upoilêve5te, p< acting under tise direction cf tise cf Scoctiad Yard.", and in a-ny case not- fo a-et preeipi. - Comip-sioner of Police. It was tately. Whatever yoîî do don't ar- 135 absoiutely impossible for a.ny on. CHAPTER 111. rest siuybod." te enter çxcçpt itkrugh thle Iront, Bret proniptsly cleared the,,i-t-ua- "But,"' saiti theeit-her, scmewbat, i ûor unleisa thcy flew out of thse tion by explaining te Sir IlUbert. nscllfle<i by Bs-ett'a earuestnesho second story winclow. Servants in a feu- vords, t-be eason for his 'ha-if a, dozela people inay be ar- and u-orkruen, like ever>'bixy eise, unerpecte<i preece, and viien thse rested at any moement." t. had touse this do-or atloue, a- t-he Ma>or4jener&î le-asut- the n-ainee " *'rY tel mehowl" windows and doors lunt-he basensent t-ho .i'zsgied pertonage who "Descriptions of t-he st-oe. dîna-mm bat! ail been bricited up.* ' nid. liha-t sent Lord Fainiolme to thse bar- monda sund of the &uspeet-ed pesn j thé eutrance hall t-hem. vome aliways rister h. cxpresed< a roasîy acqui- are in every pole. offe îla Qreât p« tu-eh,. pol1icemen, aud an inspecter escence in t-he deaire t-o ut-ilize fisBs-lt&aiuni a tumon Contisent-ai at: 113 Charge. - ervires. Nor was t-h.e efect tif Su- entffl by t-bu t-meu. 1lau sers Fli 1'Evçry one who left tise house a notable introduction îast<oeu X- by aIl st-c rsAoare -moat rcafuUly tii vais searehod' by thse inspecter on Wixter, whose -scarier knowle<11ê *crut-nzd Eey pnrkrf duty, snd Jack used te sa-yt-at hco f t-he ba-rs-st.r #%', rernark a-oie anid diarnoad mmwh&nt-In, tise rd vaavsyglat! ho invariably lu- acblevénicents iaitnravelli-is t-he ountryas en thse lockout5 sud, geis- e.' 'aec upnthis examinatiun, a-ita4e akeil iciaiml- vo-l o ral peaskbn, î H Iii b1»-oddÀ,,Jf ail hogtiepolile.were at firistadis- ion wa-s now suppieme î:c«l i-y a >ii mbod 4 da »t uadira: iqt -tbe of incinclt meet his wishea in the certain &.Mount ul au-e fur a zu net belore mn or aep,.B Matters ho being, se tu spea-k, their who cc-mmanded th, 'ont1deûiîe diriet superior for tise tim. 13- his Mb'e-ty' GUverament "hi vit il dee4ld,murmutwç4 neat-h thse çntra-nce-haîî vere roomn iVetW0'4" said tir i short- 1 »4z ; a-d .<ul -, obd iCcupetd 4>y neveral Tai-kiss and j ames, uit-b t-hehr.Irk - m -iji n uqettionnvi se-ae~ mset- Jack 'wh be ovisitecltise t'lace, a-ut for t-le lut- t-hies w«-s, 0o bat net-bing te do but se* t-he diansonds, ooui4 t-hem, dniqh, ln excellent- Clip oifrOPfee, anrd M a vonderiol ciarette, m nd f gonte- speelsi Turs-iab t-pbc'QI.ul ivat-.4 at-t!prepared4,oalzffr the-l- Voe.,lie knew eMýetI iat that, coffe a-ndths f*4i.êL DZlf ipes-rme t-hiet th" hoe o, à bowgdl ,poIit.I,, t-o Miss Tbot-4in4 ber oncle, auid sar- ba P-is obouird b a co p4ratelyaa r ýL Th6 û.r Isatures of stlég esnsrea.. impreas u highiy complez. but iitila fat ésipremld ii this ZVOFYQue,%semdla h ithe Probabiy tise chief danger ta be conteside w-ith in coal nsining as firýedamp, or whst is cousrnonly cali- cd gas. Tis firedarnp eontinuaily es-capes tro- the faces of the ceai w-ien in îti3 natu rai position under- groundc. This is due to the gas being pent Up in tise strata, gays t'assicr's Magazine, tise pressure isavîng been known. to be as high a-s 45Y) pýoundB to tise square inch. When it issues at higis pressu re it is known as a - blower,' - its issue beiug accoiupanied by a hissingf Sound , but u-§ually tise escape of gasr [rom thse ceaI is imperceptible t-o >rdinas-y observation. - Piredamp, aiso calied metisane, as carburette! bydrogen, and la net. g-eatiy different in composition -rom 'oediuaryliaghting 'gas. lts ipeciflo z-avity is lf t-he weight of air; therefore it is fo-ud near the roof lu mines. aIe is e pure state it is not expie-ý r*ebut when mnixed in certain pro- portions with air AL is violexstly et- plo-sive z 9;,- per cent. of gas iu tise trospherie forms the nMost explo- sive maixture. A-s , has been -said, this gas is-being onbtantly emitted f rom Lise expes- t! surfaces of tise ceai in tise mine, ut!d from this face comes the terin "flercy mine," Iu some msines it is :t fou-ic, but these cases are gen- rey wherë the sean s tanot far ýrm thl surface, ai-d -a-il the.eae ha-s irobably, dralinet! away,,, rotigh of redamp i-a partîcular- y sensitive te varysng atmospheric messurea. A quick falinlu t-ho >amnet-er accompained by a sud- [eu mise in t-he therusometer is tise, nst da-ugerous time; 't-he drop in de.~erpresur -causes moire 8asý ob. given off. In Englan! beos-etsecollier, go' 1 lu-n t-he pit in thbe mos-sang an of-< eial e-lied a fireman gocu a-round 'se t-ha-t t-he vorking places arer Il sate, that t-he ventilatbon is l îrfeçt or4oraud t-bat no gas -bas ~cuinu1ated. T'hie ex amnatioa bst be matie, acor-dixgt-c t-h.t ýe1 luls muiluforce"-binthe Mni est-or district, isot mare t-hant-hre ours inimedia-tèiy prieeeding thsec me t-e men g,6 te th-eir wosk, t- lt-la proposetto ates- this tîme, te wo boutés. Tise nause fis-csa originatecl «Vl 3'Oars ago, wbeu ning va>swu its primitive stages anCiat,'at- risod wben t-herev n ytes le met-lid aof n avru insmines.- m dutvof t-hoeflvrna to so aund rethescgas. lMe wrnld. have a UhP» loth tird rouad -bi*s beal, O îer1ùxg1bis'lace a" mmch li as t-' ble, and! wîth a tovcb at, t-he.end<iP atoussck wou*ite th 'z ibeavç>r t-o a.'oid Us fe e,o1 rth hi ýme. XL wliff beovîdenttisat t-bore-fr er uany rueks - oonnecte4 ,wth il eh smnapr4cr REM-OVING PAINT -DUSINFEGTING $INKS. CLOSETS-, D RAIt4, ETC. SOLD EVLR$YWNERL- DESSERT.TITTE FROZÉ.ý SWERITS. ef% ax», "toe- b.bad at a priese reaenhl takevery oae, cn e- fard to have one., Do family ahi6uld ho without one,, as the height of dessert, exve1enç,,e s reached in many frozen sweets impossible to ,procure in any but the iargest city fconfeceioneries. ' ff fact, in inost comi,Ëunties and -int-e rural dis- trcttà it 19 e@'etif 1i1îossib1e,ýtbdget a simple ice' ti4e on]y th!àng av'ail- abi. be ng e icê cream ,r in perhaps vanilla and chocolate flavors. With a freezer at home a variety, of creams, as well as ices, frappee, etc., la possible, and one ha3 the satisfaction of feeling that tne best and clearest matrials go into hem, and they have adiiou homey" flavor impossible to pro- cure in creamas or ices procired at the stores. Liste.d be!ow are a number of tested reipc--, an-d asoc hints as t-o the cream u-sed in ico creams., andl method f making the cream. Il you want the rich, full bodied delicacy known as Phili- deIphia, ice crenin, scald haif the cream used. This portion of the Cream wilI inrease slightlyiyns quantity when- freezing, w1îiie thce raw crearn wil alrneat double its bulk. Ice cream made froru scald- e1 cream is too* rich for most tasteq and unnecessarily costy, wile, on the other hand, iee cream made from al raw cream la neither s0 smooth nor so ' rich as when haîfC ascalded cream is used. For freez- - ing ce. crèam the. ice should ho smaller than walnuts and mixed with rock sat, tuo portons ice to, one of sait. A fter cream 'Is frozen it. canu hokept lbard by covering with larger pieces of ice over top Z of can, using half as much sat as when freezing cream. Be sure to > keep wastle hole in tub open during t this Limïe. Tu,(> large ice- or tàp- littie ~ Sat while freezing nean? extra la- bor and buttery, greêasy cream, and tco much isat. makes coarse, wat- h ery crcam. Water ic-e or frozenC fruit wiIl not'freeze 80 reacIily ast l'de .crtsan, thèrefore, -use larger.'pr-o-h portion of ice aci finer ice. Fresb frits for flavoring'should be mash- ed or eut fine a few heurs beffere ? tising and mixed with sufficcient Il rugar te sweeten and dra-w eut the Sý flavôr. Ail fruit flâtorî-s suld >e q addcd to éream -wbený partiaIly t] frozen, to avoid any chance of ourdlI!ig. Sultama Roll.-Thjg Is one of the O :laintie-st of ail frozen desserts. -A o round molJ iS lined with PigtacIsio O> ice creaum, t-he center frile1W witlh si whipped cream,, slightly ceolred id pi nk, and znixed with, Kgndtanâtt. fnadpôund taWa.piste-four ounces of pist .hie nuts. Add while pounding, drop -or tva at a-'time, ateaspoon ai bitter almoitd e-ý, trat. &cald a puit of èCéîà,dd e seven ounces of süg&r; wrhen sugar a is dissoved taIce frin fre Msd ý whncreaw soWad rdai pistachio'paste. ÂAdd a-Dothe »t Fruît Dessert.-A most pleasing and economnical dessert cari be mode from one box of strawberrxes, one pineapple, and pint of peache.s. Sluce pineappie fine or groLe it, slice strawberries le-ngthwise, >peaches, use either fresh or canned. This dessert cari ho pIaced on ice -t chill as carly as you lîke. Sweeten the fruits after thcy are ail placed t-ogether, t tste. You can use ariy of these fruits canned with thse *resh fruit, or use ail three cannec. It ail1 canned fruits are uaed cook the strawbçrries clown thick, and i pour off soeo f tihe, juices -of theél peaches and pineapple. XVhen yout are, putting up these fruits place orne in pints, tq have ready for bhis -dessert. If- tart taste is de- sired use a few cherries, but dori't, spoil this de2sert. Almond 1ke Cream.-Blaich, hop ai-d brrown in ovcn four dozen weet alrnonds. Make a custard of one quart of mi]k, tu-o yolks of eggs, and one-haif Pound sugar, 1 and wben col add one quart whip- N >ed creain and the four dozen ' browned almonds and freeze. It1 rsay ho mo]ded or served in sugar - skets. It ig- Well to set freezing ]y. machine two or three hours before sl<o ýie te start freezing, as ut freezeq thr, iuîch quicker and saves lots of la- the or. the Devil's Food.-Yoik of one egg, of ,ail cup milk, hait cup gratei cho- gel 3ate. Hoil unt.il ±hick.A& ýabiespoo-n butter, one CU iphg&r, al Cirp milk, ouse'teaspOon Vanil- a, oe esnall teaspoon soda, Sifted #ith, one an-d a hall cups flour. ofg f ake king with white of egg, aLiff- o y .beaten, to w-hich is slcwly a-cded ;yup of one cup sugar and one11- roi] juarter cup water, beiied until it 3ýe redds. Beat until thick andwas ream3r o Doughn uts.-One-ha1f cup suger, T ne-hall cssp mashed potatoes (bot). ol e tablespoon sbortening, tu-o exe igs, one eup eûur miik, one tea,- one i-oon soda, flour to make a etiff lugh,' spices and one tea1pon e TOMATOES, Sweet -Pickles.-Fîteen ponncls, ma> folicei green'tomatoes; ]et Stand . "r ver night with a littie sait sprink-- :- P >dover>, drain; fixe pounds cf pla' agar; one quart of best eider 'vine- J' ar, oue -r.nrceof whole c!oves,--two e uneS3 oi stick einnamon; bel fi- *îl or twenty nminutes; ski -ont-' >matoes aud boil the syrup- uigý~> doker,, it preferred, bu-t iV la »*t saOs C oppe ue (drain -ro e t lht), '-Ébx MediUM sled rofions, ipped fine, - twe .roups-5olsoppedi , [ry,. - lie ttyr-dpprso ie-fouîth Thuon a.ne e- f itts vinegar, tu-o oU»Ce*a ,hite Oeri ittard jieed. o-n-s-ounce sU Tm -~he - A,!ýtrege' upluls si, ttetI Id, ithout eeoking -010 ~rmato 8aup-Tio quar~tus tew* W~ilh troiatoes, tu-c anali o>zionu chi>p.rs d fine, Iuur hay bvs n~a. oon salt -9.eason, hishly si- r, C0k thirty mutent, and rain ione nart eà _ asa -ai eric! to n t.o e x es.1 yuiel garue the li e r-dr Yie W n -Z 'eIr bec- - te r n a bee-n &udde' ,great The pr~1 tho us, tLhe %- the Pl have -have er Èe The Scsafl oth bowe' suffici Bichà ba - '- by th -Is -4 cover tisei with watersut! cook M-y istil tender, tien strain nough ai ciseeseclets bag. BaiL ejuice tu-enty minutes. Measuire ejuice and add an equai;-amol4nt sugar ansd boil five minutes-Ion- r.Tumu into sterilizet! gIas's. LITTLE HELPS. I To Peel Eggpiaut--Çubts tii Kplant in suices- about an eigllth a.n inch thick. Thon t-ah. a %pffruft ide and! run-ikaroirnd nove the peeling &inii roe pioce. - sides savins time' an'J avoidiûg"-' stc by thick peling yobur pineces egg plant are a bette- shape. "- -- 1 rhe adidit ion of a geeresoua ,pisçh- sugar to ail boiliug etahe 'ept potatoos gives a flsvocr visicàs re tsried viii be-epcatd. r hth plain appie pie, servve cruels- map-e uga-. lev- a. dish' of tant sts-awlborr-e ý- vit-b macaroni. - Tit ie Cdtomatces, parley' y bc used anrd a, French dressiag- ,ad ovet 1,-bcth. ---. 'ur a little maple symnp o-ver eli tny ný'0.wotto ith gé It-han is stor oil, aud a very d vay t* c gi Lt tochidren, ze. o -pan aI m-ata'ss,6s cà'dy4 bé?sem~éovinirirom e4be f ir-e F le b 4. =ý ýktxvàLhý1

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