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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1911, p. 6

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PI. IufvmgIo~~ WOmu* PoIk& ere vas goInhiu ga the:b, .»arc, uyoerw_'I1 Green . Toi Bïett. 'edple ha4 te tke thèi nTii a <> love their at, êhOU, stcks or umbrellas for inspection. Every ways as the ti ~vat f tei clthngwas scrut*n erally known, bzed, and the contents ci th-eir me aex pockets, mooe, watches, keys,,&'ad westw +1< ~~the, rest, --thoraulghiy examined. ae~twdi - Thes. Wore Our 'ordene , and tbey aprîcota, until ~were strictly oeeMr Talbot adtener. T r hiroseif being the first to insist that nthmir * Q J4L 1the icreguIatid'mi sbouid be carriêd out ftewho grow IiII~U~ rigidiy, so far aslhe was concerneci. fotnfit CJL OSEJAJL S FV, one day a Cabinet Minister fot camne here to see the diarnonds. Be an' was elderly and stout, and did not Indian me IN TI-113 ~like at ail having to take off hisforsfedt OZ R. 1E BOUSE I H boots, can asaure you,.afi he spoonful"of a RUE BARBETTE ne:riygot apopiexy whilst lacing ~o~bi fuis of SUgZarà During the inspector's running Si hsit C~PTR II-(un'd ayalhoghsnb tin ws iicommenta Brett had carefully scru- Si h3it ('1APTIt 1L(Cot' itas, ltoimprobhale.'> ws tinized eaeh of-the windows. Re at and drop the Brett,.stopped the driver some lit- Tev otionale." h si-once came to the conclusion, hi'& a ls to deep Ceitic c n1~ hort of the liouse - he tenasenedth sai- leaotyisfthe psiiiIet ight brc case andsimpl analysis posibioinies, onbrown pap, _.ýêULrîà,he did flot wish to attract flrst floor. t rha t he no oter meairn wiha Baked Phi] the attQ»È'zn of a knot of curious Tlhere were six spacious apart- tho h e barier oniruand sightseerâ in the street. He asked ments on this story, and all of them had the diamonds passed out of the rionseakd Winter to precede himi and rnake had originally opened on to the house ; but the most thorough exazu- bacon or porh, knowîi the tact that lie was com- landing. Th>e special precan lions Înation taiied to reveai any ioop- genppeB Ing, suo that there wouid be nlo de- taken to guard the diamonds o f the hole by which this achieveinent had crun peppei la tthe door. This the detective Turkish mission had altered al been accompliihed. He opened until th itge Iclyagreed to, and Brett rapid- that. Fîi-e doorways had been each ufthei windows, tested overy 1,v tedingr: rey o imheminetene e- rc. Fnc iy tuk n te man eterat t a-briked up, the result being that irun bar, and saw that the fasten- %at ai!ic tures f. the house which hiaci h- adission to the whole set ot rooms ings of the externai blind were un-bkn-a. --?ym ýce scene of iiicbl a remarkabie could bo obtained only through the disturbcd, whilst the fine wire mesh ongp and P a~.grdy. first door that faced the top of the showed no irregularities in its pat- oen to a an 0 Iwàa' a palatial structure, built staircase. term wherein any defect would at a slow oven for on thé sombre lines of the Early This apartment was luxurious1Y once bc visible. Drain off thei Victoan pcriod. Misb Talbut's turnished, and Inspecter Walters -We have donc ail that long little hot wate b)rief description of thc measures explained that the Turkish Envoy 8ince, sir," said the second police on, and VhenF taken tu protect its occupants trum and bis suite passed the working officer, smiling at the obviousnessth e ain itiît,ôfernce was fully borne out by hours ut each day there atter they of an amnateur's methiod of inspec. Bthe meat aga its5 aspect. There was no accees to had personally thrown open the tion, for it happened that he had Booile appIes the basement.; the main entrance other apartments to the diamiond neyer met the barrister betore, eookingappîrc meas situated at the side; ail the polishers and uniocked the safes in though lie had otten heard of him. the heat reqi gýrou d*floer and flrst-story wia- which the gems were site(-ed, when 'You have?7" said Brett, with thUic e o ai duwh~i1g ilt ~e sree wee ft-w&k ceased on the previofis day. alightest tinge ot sarcasm in* his ra 0St tfwt mmo'-able wuodcn vo ne- "His *Txcellency," said the in oice Dd, ytu doth7"a ln he esd h i tians. Presumably those on the spector, "kept t'S keys of this CommencedL hm ihace ch- apind pue Park sidc were similarlv secured, room&nd the others, together with ed fist upon every portion of the Cove rng thm whihst -the back wail abiâted un tu those of the safes, in bis own ps-external acreen that he could rcach.pol tor cre tbf thjat 'of another mansion, cqually session night and day. Ho slept "No, we did not," said the po- Tihey re sol 1aigc-1nd strongly buit, tenanted upstairs, and s0 did the other two liceman, "and I don't see that it J.ranresuit is a well-known peer. gentlemen. No -one was aliawed to is going to accomplish anything ex- Greandfather Trulyýý it recjuired a genius almost come te this fluor except the con- cept hurt your hand." Usreïuneadozei tIvailed ini the annals of crime fidential servant, named Hussein, "That may be se," murmured thrbe, hcaro! 11u1rder tour people and steai who iîsed to bring coffece, cigars an Brett; "Ibut the diamonda went this rebbag, ),hre n11,s worth millions in such a inewspapers or -other things the gen-1way and none other." 5 t vÎtilt-guarded by twelve Lon- tlemen might require, togother Ho tested every portion of one 'z e nst% licemen ancLunder the speciai with their lunch in the middle o! window sereen in this manner with- OecpO at ti9of e the Home Office. the day. The workmen brought out effect. Tho e prochd ote, rai apearance et Winter at the their lunch with them, 80ta hy-wnead eî ig*bi. rnaina Vcausied the gapinig idiers in came inand out once a day only." the. left-hand top corner, fV>d thqusrtoff n îtreet to endeavor to draw "Wcre did t-bis confidential ser saine thing. Suddeniy an exclama- -P t 1t"r tu thc mysterious portais. vant sieep 7" said Brett. incm r tete neesé ?.th ôow 'eilpyn thrcc policemen on duty "I believ'o he use-I Vo lie curled *atché's. In the centre o! thà viriegar, one ar 'e Éhistied the mob back, and up on the rmg outaido hie Exel- lo~wr part o! Vii. acreen Brett's o! brown - Ugai h 'Sde avisile iptesion p ound of. white tuok a4v&ntaSo of the con- lcncy's door." t ad9 vVp0 iýiOiio p. ie if à of thus created to slip to the "And tiie other servaintsY" 0, -t ir n Uw1r. Il V 1 10-1no t v amost unperceiveci. One "They al slept inii. base- fi~ hnldberppidt te grounidmutard, '~x'ieconstables turned snt'prtiona, the blow served to tear 4 Tut im a. stone ,;A0 malie a grab at hum, but "Wia.t were they. Turks or Chris- séctîon o! the blind about 2eigt .I:gul 1froein the confrere inside tjans ?, ivh« cras>-nsanlyPIC ar ited ti, and Brett quickly "Iei i, adLeisetrriter-ceased operatiouîs, ans!, pr4o-> '11seif within a spacious on- waele, r"two o!the in eor ucîng 07 pockee-m*CrosSopel, m- Ccrbr !1.1 with the door closed Turks in costume, wblst thre. ver. niitely examine4 the ent. e fresh-' cucun 'iîind hîm. Christians ins appearance. That 1~ expectes!. as much," he said, 4suces!.,On. qÏUà talking tu two -ui ichebéat I cau say for tihe Chris- taking hlis!o! the torn part oftj adaicd . 0-s, te whom lie had tians, as they were Frenchinen, acreen and giving it a vigorous pol,. prikld overi barite'smisin though certainly the cook was a wthea resuit hat ,a amati pîccandurhalc. on l Ifirmt-rate chef. 0f course, vo al zesuig butegt inches, by as al u > ere, Mr. Brett," hO e u i er. itoidt i. s, camo beiiyont "Tie bua eapigtabl"lio r Waiters, Who vsW i!he elnyans! 'il Wbio ut awAye «> yon vii see,î by one tabiespon, Io] ac nMo nme Ecelny n teê»instrument vinel dis!noît eecseed -one.-t&bli 10 clok o Moda>' otiier memberz of tho mission cat bn h ie.l-a u>.un1 O~toi~a imectorSharpe, vIe tod prepares! in the erdixa,7bn b ie twrysbiqîtý,pwo,-n-àt Theyv will both tl ne ill es rw id .r id ci *1 Ml Ai n r ,e 'TED RECIPES. "Oô.prunes sIoian' pop eut. pC iauto -,ý-Pý- AI. in greeses! panalot ris. until lighi ne» et-le;r g-tIen'bal,. in' quiîCkoven Abou le in' S'ômany'dient t-vent>' minutes. ,Serve wârm-vit bomto it is net gen. butter, or th.ey are 'goos! cols!..- Cel "-ýC0mot:e," or vay, Using Cýhoppes!walnutuùi ThOi, unnipe tomat-e stoas!o! prunes. Or i you like, fil 1sugar, like prunes or prunes with t&t nuts. Large prune il they becomne Bweet stuffes! with waînuts ans! servei Mbis metlid o! prepar- with whipped creain are doudeou recommèndes! te those for dessert. cîir--ovu fruit, wbich In making prune whips, aile'i Lo ripen tully befomo one white o! egg to oach person an 'One tahiespoon sugar and fou iCakes.-Use one cup prunes te, eacb white. This way yoi sai, and one cup of can flhike a large or small wbip a ogether. Ad-d une tea- yýou desire. it, and! two L<saspuon- Prune Wbip.-Whites ut thre g9-powder. ZBe an eggs, one and eue-hait cups granu bo it three tabiespoon- iated sugar, fitteen or eight-ee, ans! une cup et milk. prunes ; stew the,\prunes, stew an' t-h-e meal ans! four, chop fine. ]Beat the white te a st emixture b>' -oo- fmoth and add sugar, stir well, anm P fat. Fry tIe cakes t-Ion as!d choppe! prunes. Bake ir .own ans! drain theiu slow oven tbree-quarters of ai Per. -hour. lippine Loaf.-.-Chop Prune Pudding.-One pounW one-haîf pounds of prunes, boites! until softt. Remov( une-hait pourid et stones ans! mash. To this paste a&< k, One IIn ans! two the whites o! tour eggs weli beater eAdd a cup of bread- ans! une-haIt cuptul et white sugar, te t-aste, -and knead Bake until a iight brown. ServiE edients are thorough- cold with cream. orm tIc mass into a it in the middle ut a UNSEFUL HINTS. Put strips o! bacon Cfe undo o ol i >ur over aIlit-he coni ofebre nhtcaswl of tomatoos Bake in purify a sickroom ans! overcome )r an leur ans! ahait disagreeable odors. tomato juice, add a Keep newspapers under t-he oit- er, season and thick- cietb on kitchen table. The oilt pour t-he liquis! ovor cleth will tast much longer. iServe bot or-cold. Ginger pouitices are as cificaci- les.-This metboci ut eus as mustard ans! wili not blister. s, et flrst tries! as a TIc>' should ho madle in the same experiment, te savo way.« iuires! for baking, A goos! way Vototllwhen hani is sfactomy that it ' t- ries! enough is by thc fat. When d metho>s! Washbthe t-ho fat ia brown (nuL burnt) the It theni in a kettie, ham i5 dune. with water; do not If yon want Vo keep lemons string le. Boit sîowîy un- theni with a pa-cking-needic and J t; *sweeten to t-ast-e, bang thein in a dry place, buât do delicous.nlot l tem touch ecI them. s Choppes! Piekie.-- If it 'is flecossery to add more n green Lomatees, vater vIen soup is boiiing, 4 celer>', un6e ead of boiling water; il cols! or varin green pçppers-(seeds water is adcledtIe soupy flavor e-haif. -dozeri goos!- wiit ho ruines!. Iwo largo cucuzabemu KReep a cuphoard, or room, dry -b>' turtium Isd. Cop' the simple plan o! placing a jar o! idt scals!inlu a ok qtucklime, vhiel must b. renaevos ns! scels in about e at intervais, as 'it absorba Vhe dampý ar'end vater . Drain ver>' quick*ly.. >ur on r t e ickiio' oo hint Vo thosê 'w bo have a eing: Two querts. of tear iii lheir-drees in t> daitiiit'm ýni oeal!po 'n!sneera as possrble iike, the voave rohe-quarter 1 of a f& othwit- atbeead oethéI t 'f res! »peperx, tbedeoorations fill thein vith leclov-6 and aUspice.,,sanxi fon tIi makes ' e tbcnS&TX iial.~-o . krecedover and! ,,is h.--Thre qat cu e-tom. iron Mrut eut o! iuierepe qudarts IV v-emy fîesôfü4y by puttiùg- l m ie. oWS n thte spot and,4 ap. ar't o! onions peeied.-piying, a lot fut mon; sometims .fomtj cu e sat ~la ecSsarY Vo rep-e;kt V_00appli-- ans let stand' onei ratio * ýqUArt .of 'Vînegar Blheets shouls!, ofcotirse," b. rate, ad V iton.mangied, but if you haive r ot on, 9on o!, Celery seedl, tf> tthe zheets a&if tomran_ 'to! "White mnutai' , -- 5if< "WC les! o keep ber banda t-led____ ___ for days te, prevent hbemr ubbing- ans! 'ScratcIngthe, soes. Doctor RAPID BRIDGxE-BUILDING ate det-à tret h hma, Apuule>' ans! basket arrangomeni,. '<As d- lut roseurc o er. .s!by means o! whieî four mon et e viss! o Vy Znr-uk.ThelirtIVue Wve, -swung over f rom benk box <fis! tsy mi zoos! Th e 1,1V t bnk, vas fixes! up et Anoca an m e w . e m o at aat v er in g ~ ,, d u nin g t-le . B o o m W ar, i n a ew m in- tiie riglit direction,- Wc> persevp- -Ute. -A aig 96k rdg ox. ~~~~~4~~~ wfhtetreteI- nià la 0t~chis,81; trouig enough te ad- uses! thirteen bo e- oj t mit --of VI. passage of! an ar>', las an a' heb6en oit-en constiructed iytsr Znm-Bukeorkod,,a conipîete cure.'1 leur; ozema, etutuos, 1 Poutoon bridges, o:admit of thé. tetje , inci ri -m- a asag«e of -tb, heevist nirm aunents luvVIu 4lgag, kaoee builit inii P0 NOALUM 4 M4ADE MNAIIt ~vXX'7 I 1~ 16e. frprice <mc litdoule *or, li uch Per Yà%rd as Igoods! il >te Mth 'deso!ft'ho first apartmoent vas occupird Leitu tera i*I~tle 1pmIÏbspor wç~ two sm'en's bondi.,, ans! curious duces . ~ oig QWften ud for cutting ans! poliihioo s!iaansrn<,. 1!"t7y of aentî ou K 'hu nasor"fi»the.pur- u hef troOU4 two ;ù m kron.Theo d<ýorssafes>, on. of vhlcIs wau itteud4I Vo<Tb. V4B& - a irge 4ýýiiing-ro>iuiai Veth oe »of eac eli .s vor; tie 'tIt -crPar Mi ?4 her beid <eti.'nu~i .ti rgi*a. br ak- h requires! in :the. 4laux<m4 eefl* room. Ait Vthe baek ler's Opeaton. 2tsr. 01 the- - ~inJoerooU*s were lionthe.Paak uns!* whui;- £adorvay rskilled artisans lad beern ikk Thse otheotwto v'ooms ve su* . , bketu-tossented, uer liad asy «iasal Iatung <on sbisn braken tisrou» thè ivectoit. vwallain- order te pi*acs %MM . - ' _ai- 'I - ;» 'nstàb4 %p * ie T he. window b o! tire thres 4p A. d -- m menu «tespied bkv tbe.ir. vok, z_- WORDS 0F WISDOM. JTHEIR LOVE ADV'E-NTL'RES. N'o poem s as glorîcus as a Chria- J1W Some Great Authors Met -tian lite. er atesiLf. To honor God is Vo becoîne what TicrPtniiiLte we praise. The great ruomance of Sir Walter The sense of dut>' e t-he greatest Scott's lite was cradled under an gitt ot Go-s. tumbretia which hie gattantly otteres! Prepame yoursetf for t-he worst, to share wit!i.prettv- MisE Margaret ans! hope for t-be best. Stuart, who bad lien caught ln a Ail t-he objects ut huma n tho4,uglit suddei shower on ieaving chucli; flow into une another. ans! Thomas -Carlyte's, te a cati et It àa a greater work te educate thbe bouse ut Dm. 'seLsb, aften a six- a obus! than t-o mule a state. teen-mile tramp with bis triend Es!- Be cautions lest yen be overcaui- ward Irving. Befure the raw young ions. Fear t-o stifle any trutb. Scotsmau letot the doctor's hospit- AIi--human culturo rests un a wil- able muot the flashing dark oycs ut lingness t-o. make sacrifices t-ot-be Jeannie Welshblad kinclled in lis' t-rut-b. breast a flame that was inextingu- In proportion as society becomes ishable. enligîtenes!, personality acquirci W'alter Savage Landor woutd influence. have be-en a happier man il hehoas! Tbebest means for deteating a stayes! away trom tbe bail at which gous! cauýe is te attach t-o it theolho mett-le lady who became bis idea ot' vulgarity. witc. The vemy sight of hiem set bis Ot-ber systcms were t ramed for blooc on fire; ber tendh intoxicat- c6xnmunities; Christianity ap- od his brain ; ans! long betore t-be proaches! men as individuels. strains uftht-e iast waitz died away It is bard for a cls uf men t-o ho bas! determines t-bat she and respect t-emselves who are denied none other should ho bis wife. respect by ail arouns! them. But it would ho nu difficult mat- It was t-he ont-ire ans! patient re- tcm te write reams on Cupid's <a- linqulabrnent ut immediate isuccess price; tom bis assanîts -on bumnax which thmows t-ho most soiemn bearte are as amazing in their va- gmndeur over the chamacter oft net>' as in their iugeuuity. If But- Jesus. wer Lyttun bas! not accompanied The friends et moral truth, ut bis mot-ber to that literai-y t-ea tompemance, ans! vint-ue must not part>', and lost bis senses under the esort ta-. part-y; t-bey must speak witchory utfltosina Wheelem's beau- in t-be toue ut thq trions! ut their t-y, bow different wouud bis lite have race. been-and bers. If Longfellow bad- been able t-o get proper paseport.9 into It-aly he would nover bave B.4BY'S TERRIBLE ECZEIA.. turnes! back ans! met Frances Ap- pleton at Interlaken, and wuuld FIu-e Docters Faiied t-o Reliene, but t-bus have missed t-be crowning bap- Zam-Buk Worked a Cure. pinesef bis lite. Ans! Nathaniel Mrs Ch s. Lev me; of Pre cott, H aw thorne m ight bave romnaines! N-orthOChannLeel, Ot.oitPs ow similamly unhisses! il ho declined' ZNorth3uk cured' 1er, bant . els how te eccompay bis sister on a call by'a boas! ans!fac on 1er trions!, Miss Peabody, ans! "-YS' --My baby ad t-bus misses!t-le introduction. was -foecoýmplote masinet ofares. t,"ease' pi, fwo e T~hé itcising- and-' irritat-ion wcre wrVo "my- ster Sophia,"sut lw o h tsarf ul, ans! thre Iit'ié one' ' ,plikigît- vers bne oman's bososu, but' waz, so -soriou -Vthat.--at one t'mIO e' 1 stt6- beaen t-u show thbe pos,- 'h #- w fordbi rs vj e st-on sîbilities o! the buman seul." ý. 9

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