1' la mlo-«zre amgq Sxr wui-l &W aoirt wliU. ho va rxom.e &qw~ary;and net ÃŽinfrqueptly, Pno>ners hav, fuud thems.hveim 41t iuWcso ~îo'iayde- fll0Kstrationu utier eaiey Lonren n stwOro., Xearl.y 80,000 persoss gned the. PttitiOu Iifayot ot Daisy Lord, the. poor irl redénitly s'ltated after elghteon mouthse o! Imprisariment. 8h. baa! beeu condemuned te the gal*a efor thé. death o! her cbild l in. e-ot pitiable circumetances. In thousands of homes the, story o! ber sorrow, of ber-despair, of ber frenizy, baci touched the. heart and awakened people to sympathyr with her and te indignation at wbat one o! our miost distinguislhed judgcs once described as an «'antiquated and monstrous legal torm" whîcb bad dictat.d the cruel sentence passed upon her. -MUS. MAYBRICK OUILTY. That neye spread tbrougb the. country on. August morning in 1889 aroused thousands et readers of her trial te protest. The night had hardly closed upon the spres.d- ing et the ncws befQt'e petitione were being prcpared and circulated through the country for signature, prayinjethat the wrotched lady might b. aved from the scaffold. When cernplcted, the Maybrick pe- tition was the. most extraordinary eue for a priëoner thoese ieland,3 bave uvor aven. It bore no fewer than close upon a million signa-ý t.eincluding those et fifty-two t,-embers of the House of Commons. Oie et the most remarkable fea- tures of the Maybrick appeal was that souething like 35 per cent. of the signatures were thoBe of women. PARDON FOR KITTY BIRON. At eleven o'clock oe December night, eight years ago, a cab drove Up te the entrance et Hoiloway Pri- son andi a man leapt out. Be was a meesenger trom the Home Office bcaring a sealed despatch f rom the. Home Secretary for immediate de- livery into the bands of the gov- ,ernor of the prison. A few mo- ments later the governor, th. cbap- lain, andi the heati vartirese ver. tramping down the. dismal corri- dors e! the prison ta the cellu which vas conflaod Miss Kitty Bi-J ron, the young girl condemneti to death a tew days previously for the killing et a stockbroer whem she had encountercd in the streot and mortally wounded witb a knife ho- fore the spectators coui.d rush te hie reiscue. Thousande of people hurricd to append their names te, the. petitions in lier favor. Even on the Stock Exchange itsel! people huistieti one another te sign the ap- peal for murcy, andi in less than a week 500,000 mnuandi vomen vere pleading on ber behaif. Tiie Home Secretary anticipated the. prenta- tion et the petition by commuting the sentence, but later on tii. mon- ster petition vas carteti iota bis office urging him te a mitigâtion- et thc sentence of penal servitude for lite. LIEUTENANTR WARK'S CASE. Liverpool vas the. centreý of an- othor great agitation for mercy in 18, wben the people of Lanca.shire vere arouseti respccting the fate of a Young lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, Lieutenant Wark, wbo bac! bepn condemned te death by Mr'. Justice Darling at the preced- ing assizes. Wark was accuseti of the. muDs1er of a young woman. Even tlaough guiity, there were many cii- cumiitancea that appeared te make hie offence one for merciful consiti eration. The jury hati themielves atrongly recommended hlm to mercy, andtheLb.public feundtir hearts in accord with Lieus' fiding. .& manly, but at thc anme time touching, speech madie by tie pris- oner alttertie verdict had a var effect. No fewer Lian 54,000 per- sons signed t.he petUtions in hie b.e bal!, andthei sentence W"s inter oc Easy Breakfast!1 A. bowl of crisp POSt 11%oasties 9 «4 ~ andcre do &ua c m13acytora rm XJ1 g e.'ljuryviia4Ifotm&ber guil- t~r su te jdge.xr.méd iten- tire conceurrene 4é everdieV, but tii, public regarded the caue as orie o! mystery. "MêLachian shah not die 1" vas the. ory of thousandes. drowdu ftocked ta tii. pfces viere the petitions in ber 1 eh ahI vere ly- iné, and in the. end t e. sntence vas commuted ta one off ie-long imprisonmnt. THEEGREAT PENGE MYSTERY. A'huge sensation vas created by the result o! the Penge murder case, when tbree persanis named taunton-two brothers and the wife o! one et .them-and a youîig girl were charged with the murder of the wife of the younger brother by starving her te death. The case waa the iret murder trial over which Mr. Justice Hawkins pre- sidtd, and the prisonere were de- fended by Sir Edwatd Clarke. But whether the. death of the un- fortunate woman was designed or merely the. resuit of callous and brutal indifference was a hard ques- tion, and people gave a gasp of sur- prise when the trial resulted in the batch of four persons being found guilty ef wilful murder andi sen- tenced te death ! A thrill of ber- rer passuti through the country. Agitation in favor -o! the prisoneris commenceti on aIl sides. Oves' 80,- 000l pergons attaoched their signa- tures to the petitions aga.inst the dtath sentence being carrieti eut. So absurd were the verdict andi sentence recognizedti t be with re- gard te t.he girl accuset with the Stauntonsî that the Home Secre- tary hurriedly grantoet ber an ab- solute free pardon. The others were saveti frein the ga.llows. ARE PETITIONS UBELESSI Do petitions in behaif o! prison- ers have any effectI Borne per- sonis bave questieneti it. But there is reaily no*doubt that a petition, largelfT nigneti anti urging reaso- able groundis for revision cf à sen- tence,. han considerabie vêight with a Homne Secrutary. bit tik 'What the. public bantik and thie public huart feules," Bit Richard Crosls in said te havp. re- niarkoti tea, leal gentleman vii-: uneered at a pettion ho hat receiv- oe in Wb orth attention. I saah .neyer tutu a des! esrtotea; o pleadinge-for xnerey. I will isteS and coneider thoUgh I uiey in the end1 b urnahistg aoeree vitb it.» - Âthax bas boe u tats Md at le.; per A" polie 6arêgttlng for an li- Perth Town Council estimate show a large deficit. The. water question ,lis etili a bon. of contention at Betwck. Dunoon Post Offtce in to be re-! novated aft acost of $4,00. Rothesay now bonite of having a company of (*&rl Guides. In Leslie the water eupply la sicarce, and jenurued -off nightly., Wick la applying for a grant cf $75,M00ta extend its h&rbor. At Glenisia, the other day a gold- en eagle attacked two roe deer. Port Glasgow poor rate bae been fixed at 25a. -23/l, per pound. The salary of Inverneushire objet constable bas been fixed à t *1,875. At Coldstream, a kitten bas been born with two bead4 two noues, th-ree cyes, t'wo mouthi5, two ears, and four legs. Herring were selling at Berwick recently from 14s. te 20s. pur cari. Ail grades of Govan police have got their vagua eonsiderably, in- creaeed. It i.eakl Perth nov city hall will coat the ratepayers $5,0,00 a year. The inhabita.nts of Lochmaben are feeling severely the. scarcity o! water. The. total incarne cf the Edin- bnrgh Gas Commission last yeu. was $165,000. The drawings of Ayr tramways last 4a1f yens' showed an increase-cf over q;708. There is $50,450 aM the credit of depositora in Fyvis Saving Bank, Aberdeèn. Patrick fire brigade bas added a new mater lire pump to it3 equip- ments. The Sanqnhar and Kirconnel ol- lieries, Limited, have lot the. cou- tracts for the erection. cf 100, nÀew workmen' s cottages oultii. opposfte aide of the. River Nith tram -Kirk- connel vÃŽillge. Trackl. toly cars are eb introduced te connect Maryie1dand- a.nd Fairinuir, Farfarihire. Thi ent 'ýdearth cf v atAr, at Sanquhar ils tll caiieing coueider- &l aù*.iity umoongst the. people. '1 Miss Ora,6. Collins, -of 3 Park Ter-1 rau. Ols*o w Z.iut eu'n,.. e«goy- --agreed to tae. tep8 ttc> have 'the notification o! tuherc-ulolis m cade A COSTLY MANGO TREE compuheory.A Mucii excïIemnent has beun causeci - y -the propow1M , tobuild _'a nev_ Cause of Litigation, Many Deatit suchool' castsug $116 o Lto - $lMw at Muiniiesti, Portas'. and a Twenty Year Feuil. Wanlockhead Brase Band le malt- ing ana effort te secure nov ijn»tru- A certain mange trou, it appears, mente. The band bas been in. exï; wu grovinlg up woulti not observe lstence for a, century. the. bountiary Uine hetween twe Ben- - Owing tô6,,tbe cantinuéd drougbt, gaI estates' and dintribut>ed itu foui- Galaohiels h à suffering, frein a-a age anti fruit impns'tiahly over botii. se.arity of water. The drought- b; As a consequence the. Overs -o! tbe etated to, be'ý the vozst experîencd estates have &peut about 50,0w0 r- lu fôrty years. e in litigation, -kuled 6a. deso Wîsh&w Eisth finauces are nov peole andi !ought the bitterpst lu a.very sýt1Wfcts'y etale.- Laët armet i fghts, Baye the Cakuùtta En- year a profit, of $3,2 van madie t gliahmaui. thle sas acoo1i#ts.. During tii. bearng season 'the tree was productive et a m an- FOO a*IN gous. Tbe firet quarnel esms te o.~AN bv arteti among the women MgkImporitat Subjeet to folks of the. two familles, Whinl- eist.ed tint the. mangoos belongeti Le one, then the other. They oven A Boston lady taka s .tonu itesortedti t picking thi. mangoes at ly cf food and the. changes that «nu night until one party bappunedti te b made li bealth by -somae kuw- catch thue ther poacbing. A fzgbt ledge on that line. 8h. as fellowed in wbîcii, it ie saiti, -tvo «Au inurny te p'go in rl were kihict. voanmcilf u uljet t s.- Aftter this quiet ruigneti for smrevceak sach bl oud ime, when the two princîple met laittr. or fous' days M at oe day in a neigbboring village sud a violent course o! druggupt andi participn.ted lna a tree for ail brôigbt *on constij»pationm ti~1 igbt oves' the innoceut tree. Thcy tise liii tiab 10110w. wers'e aated in a bloody candi- '*My .-appstite ,vu à lys1ig toM eefinedl y the. police. tnsà e4aI aUaaay Iladaof Then followed a lons ourles o! leudesfood 4 dtris"d le. - anti battîe covering a pes'iod Of "I began toa et Orape-à Nuts foodt mwany years, trn bc ietrou two or -thm. t- ao,16CAUse -l yielded is luscious fruit ta tise one liked the. tast e t ik aod 1I ée -on, who hapipenedt teho cn 1 . 1 1~g ecuo Iso fsui tva <s ,to pick iL fret. YtsaIy both a$iesmegoi establishetiammed i usiard AOisnd ,,l *M jreul l Uic troc andi kept vatcis1 on cadié othes' niht anti day. beoe e glig k This vent on, vitis ec*asioualtrouble lin'als.pin% en it' Itbau ftghts fer several y*. t waL s. a velhvedu=y constpation, ï )ssa case ofoeerying t* veas' the Otà er aches h ave andie) ae4 u one eut. Thousarida O! ruPees vere o Wý paiti out for theus pela anti fines. for iiui*l. cour't epenue *Msud uD tt'O. is ýv8. Dot swtll JUSt r.eM t*(ad tkst st s "~ ale teo etLtie edispute. s ali e t toI ~l t* tiereti botisof lieus. hia.va s -. aly d~e ad hob5I0%':à ajnm rw 8 a-bout tise tereta wis"%_ýb h se-, No other emollients- do so much for pimples, blackheads, red, rough mad oily skine itching, "ay oslps,;dry, thin an&dfalling hair, chapped- hands and shapeless nails. They do even more for skin. tortured and disfigured infants. Aithoogb Cixura Bsp uant fmmnt am moiti by druigam »ntiduealer " ewm.à a liberal mimple of eab. wlth 52-pfge bcookie on tbe ak" ant hair. viii be nent. pomt-hre, oS appiloato Vuluoa," Dopi. SQaBoston, U. 8. A. COMBINEL>F00118 GO0Th Tliere are tomesgod foýowlhich, 4lane w6iuld not ýsuppoÈt Wel ite d' #Omo are bettes' -,ùi rOer oambia-] là I 1ts'ikdug, contrat lé the-, 04- lng necetand &toùnding oheâo: efteà - in >urépeaa citIïoe on x' Anetoe gentlemien 4rasvellln-ý abrtia tii. E>r dteow» lnW"tIby Ilu veait b u ivé .oo'tumt., mZse Of. *hak! eilèk o! u -0white. ITii. arti-clis of colv.bL>r wi eore là u toucb witrs tI-c anuat p'Pr- son o1 Japan's Emt>"'r , --m nevci voîn twice by hlm. S.hgret are, handâ7Ãfe,to, thq3ofirer4 t,! the. palace and te different mem- bers of the Royal famly. WHIAT 18 À B01D t A mortgage en tlx6,C. P. R. could flot very well be held by one per- -on so it in apilt up and sold in sec- tions te a number. Sucb sections areé cahled boncds. Bonds are ah- ways readihy turned into cash at par or even better, and they pay twie As mucb interest au a. sa.vinge bank, deposit. Write tte Royal Secur-ý ities Corporation, Toronto, and, get au îinterestin-g book on the ubject. Theyviii lbe glad W u end lt and you wili ýb. plem.ed to have it tafree. The Artist-Just little daub of mine, yoti see, dear mnadame. Miss Gush <gushingly)-O no 1 Ton are ontirely too modeet. I ahould cal1 it quite a. big daubi1 < 0W COLONI8TTARES TO TE PACIPIO COAST. t«m b -mber i boer SWatuAs. da. Pailtem atoivIm fleepiq ecandaI .P*oaly iduw od alifor- biout W Pü um 1.4v. Chlag.Tui3mii4hum d*y îf mach wek. 1ruimo.. goltiemmant l 1 élit ?,li toIl mmotia"L Ast. ~ieYs 1 k. Ted; ,h. L s. extravagant. - He-That le bardhy the. boit quahity for --a huibandi j iti She-0f course .net; 1 ar nont gointe n*rzy hlm,à If every beous»eeper vouldi use Wihseu's PhyPà s à reelr duriAn tii. Sumuxer tnonths tlii. ouie,fis peril would sonbe athiug ýof t)il Towshp'Yo 's,4u 1912- *Ctly of Fort i -i1im-4V -,,, -due. 1927. C4iyof St. l7homaaOt. e ',duo 1912-41. Ciij; of Niagara Fails .Ys, due 19110 30. TTwn of Peirolea 4V/js. due 1911-34. Tori'n of WalI<ervillc 4V/z's, due 1911- 30. Town, of Welland 4'/z's, due 1940. j The income yield rangeis from 4 pet cen to b43/4per cent. A vider range of debenwues ofibis characier furnished on requesi. TOR.ONTlO i.01-MMAL .LOPII>Q1L£fl TRTING TO FILL IT. "W. hsven't got hait the ingre- diezfts on thia prescription," de- cl.ared the. new cierk. 11"By 50115, tMis ain't a prescrip- t4op' sald the druggist. "Thislis a Chinoe laundry check." Corne caxnot oxlst whbn Ecil- 'Way's CoinCure la applied to tbem. becau04 ft goto ttc the ro>ot end BED'ORE AND) APTER. Otella-"Whon ycm are engaged you té.» him that he imuit cenoe-, mize.," ý >1l4-"An4 attor you are marri. id -hotells, you that you muet." hpil. WU. PARMS F4,OR SALE oR n lw' ASIK DAMOIN NIE KNOWS. rF 01 WSlft ta ii ar coumi I lo Fonwanît tobuy a frlm= ou~i me. T R Emre of thm best'Fruit stock. J Grain or Dairy Parmi tu ôtr sud prices rigtL tiW. ]DAWSON. Nlnty 0io% Il*street. Toronto, 'A soisT WAiITBD - t4 fOi tui onsetau e#%URI OU& e'la too ierili.Ottawa. oUwm amahe liveDoi'a! I1r hà tat of aiira#Pif man.ouft - wel R AT sud FA Saab Wsi I ci ÂWMILL il Â-ontii.'Stream et01i% Together peacef ully -th 4Bult s, . soon as they, Thé. betb begauto wo Ou 4ale Everyviier.-' b.counùtry jmezçhants ,, leuDr Thbo)Pna'el a i.' JsQ054 o the -veeox alwokyg e6orn t ai t imue ime. gi 9 rris ad genêt~ 6&ê selI Wilson'; Ply Ipads. If yow' stmrekeepes' dose ot, s&A b iiY. are yout" adzckI ksevSquire- but Ikis A 1 -. o