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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1911, p. 4

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4 ,. Why. Worry-Whea Y,, 4~aa Obtaia a "lia~~ TLowtLt"? - Baking day wotries-low oven, uncertain draft, smoking flues, uneven, heat-ail these are un- known in the kitchen where the HAPPY U;[IIrn;k Ranje piroduces sure results. You can depend tusat tisie spent prepaxing tasty dieshs not beeti wasted and the maony Iabor. savin g conveniences it possesse' will cut your work ini hait. Take the llluminated Oves Door for instance. Tirougi it you cao observe the progreus of cooking without openlog the oven door and cooling the oven and fillng the kîtchen with the odor of cookiog. Tien theres tic Patent Damper. Wtth it you can keep the heat under perfect cosl, direct ilte oaoy part ofthte range you desire, andheat as -mafty parts 0f it as you wisb ait th saine lime. A Happy Thought Range mens, more resuits andi less trouble. Drop in the nexît trne you are passing and see one. More than a quarter of a millon "EHappy Thoughta*' are ixn daily une in Ganada teI L M ICE, - WhaLy Aterit Tlnp-WIIflau tck Sto«e Coi. LimuIted, - Scrantlord, Ont. Dr. Waugh andi !anily retuirlut e week troin their summer hbenl Atberley. Mir. E. Piipp anti Mr. Wm- Chant- er, of Kew Beac, Terconto, spent Suuday ln tewn. lir. and Mlra. Tice. RSittout, o!f o routo spent Suntiay wlth lMr. andi lira. George Britten. Miss Laurel Goodiellow, uho ban iSi vleltkl a towfl, basretlltie to ber bor n uMidianti. lirs. EggeIstoB u iid~i.o PilIadeIplils bave becsvsil vît) Mir. and i <e. J. H. )owvncy. l isa. Walace, and, à!ster, ot Lindi- say, at& Mr'. Alaiçof CUagoo YIf wîtIW~ b-15bé misesI - Ilott. Parsonai Mention. Tic Robeos lurniture sale on Sat- urtiay. Mr. Lou Daudel, o! Toronto, vas tu towu Imeât week. Miss Jean Thompeon le vitlng ber brother lu Brooklyn, New Yok. miss Etina lowbray, o! Torotot, sipent Suaday wti ber mthiet bere. Mr. Siti. Tiompse01 thtRe West, has» becs in tevAviiting hie MOtit misa Bertha licaill, o rote spent Sunday with bWrfatber mil lu- ter bere. Uiss Ethel lUot.t li**ibbeOY; bas benen oltlngwiftl b e l FA-~i Ildt. i!y onW,_M" "" - --- -0o iBitÃ"i. Bleè thb ridiî'tirp p.lonsly CIoste ore o! r Ida Mi&'i hue r4eôm e tîe gueâse.were ,J utte Siulth-et wo~ o haRibF.t je niglit. oit tiat iMeti1is 10wardAnfLv fliUail103 crt~ ain ,prlnlpaledpersws av ~ tStlltPd <>~ ert c ii Hlden rthro.taltt been indntriougly 4eiialga tt #& ~ ~ r ZMC yBaaditth l. gigoz o icualile .i8BY the stale «Pg. -Mr" Tedi, 3àà18I (rieuds Jeat renl8inbst bin'i, s-tmanýu- i1wish te maeanbslieatc- - more, et Joono. es aid ASS A 0f le WedertulY rich isissippi phatie dental o! -the maliclous oVal- IhIOXO,~~ ~ QITruo $1t Uî ivUey, a road of upwards of a tboug- mente being matie. 1, neither sup- lb ntiIra Prti olisanti m lswose, trunk Une tuas fr0"' plieti, nor aiiowed any oue else te li a. F G E r kin O K a e as U it Vo P o r A r h ur o n ie su p p ly a y eg g s o r a uy ch e r m a te r- ricis, ~@ tiis ý ta' , fQuito!flMexico. The products 0[ tbuiO lifrei my placeat the time men- ie'theY Lv"l »mni a s or everai, country are, cotton, grain, lumber andtoei<>utayoerun.Ian moii'ouig o ls 11 eahi i fruit. Tic rond le owned wholly by preparedti t baud over fit ty dollars te daugiter. lir. Erene a ntslaHoIIaudets. Au instance o! the soliti be given te smre caial ntt Au em md S d e , lJ iia e tîn worth o! tese people is Viir spenti- ion, te any persc, w lo eau prove bois.e st o f tr e va l r. New- i g f[e u m iï~ n bttt C~ S t-at 1 hall any knowletge whateve& of li # et o leae now ln progres. Mir. 1-bidn cornes the reprted outrage, or that 1 wns tono! NrtiBayantilin Hall, ot uatraliy by bis abllity as a raiiodluay aycniceiwbIV Detiomit, uer. là toua tuis week vis- manager, bis father, the late Jas. i nyw to aVae pteltuai Up 114111 theirIniother, lire. J. K. Gor- Hoiden, having shown great !ii 1 te ie s osent oien lykow tha -u home here. ogo to lerehaylg Up e iemanagement o! the railwLlY norttbing, ln any way, shape or forr, of me ber- tohome Nori Ba rom Wii-tby, since absorbed andthVe disgracetul occurrence, ejcept mai. ewhertome ber daughVer, forming pa rt> o! the 0 randrd 'tn11 what 1 have heard on the streete of lir. eutn.Railway System. Brolin. 1 ain yours truly, Girl wsuteti for book-folding sat i "1 have a world of confidenceine l T. ARTHUIR COAKWELL .blndng. Cleau,lilgit work. APPIY Cbamberlal' Cougi Remedy Iot 1 Ntice to Creditors. TNTE 0F EILO -TECR ES- LA TE 0F TETOW.MNO0 LAT OFTY.I THE TOWNTYOF ONTARIO,- coUNTY JUGE, DECEASED. - ge, thé. ry a *19ý bot? Xe a@- Ln r t, m be in aed le in cro of rery ville, Md. Fr sale bY ail deaiers.15. Thursday, Sepe 28.-Sale O! lain stock and imirnents, tic propettY o! érs. Hi. Cockerbain, lot Il b.!., pickering. -Sale at onre è'clock. Jas. Bisiop, auctioneer. Thursday, Sept. 2S-Auction nile o! bouseiolti turnitiire, tic property o! James Bligut, DukeStreet, Brook- lin. Sale ml one o'clock. Termes cash. W-m. lau, auctionecix Saturtiay, September 30.- Auction nile o! bousciold [urniture, tRie prop- erty of lMr. Geo. Robson, Dundas St. eut. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terma enol. Wi b1mw, auctioneer. Weducada*y, October 4, 191i.- lI portant auction. salée o!-Clydceti3-le borses, Sbortior'i catle zand GradO .Cattie, sOeep, plgs, lnic(i6 anti ilouela -fur 'nitue.the, i pfapetty o!1 - - r . J ob u . it - dtt lo t X e . 1, c o. 8 , ,ý'iceè0lng. Sa eat 12.w oelck Wm. ~lm, autioeer;Rd.Doitige, -Octobeor 10 liii-Aiton salé o!" laxai 4tockiaid implemeflisA, i l- erty ohA uo, -loti Ne. 24, cx S Wiy.Sale a t One, oad. Wzn. ~cdcedyOctober 11L-AUOUl ;sale, 'o! a ift ç ant i i ün lirae tB . t1i~psrtyof J.- J. -riU~ lg wegt sale at 1le3(1 TO NEW ONTARIO Septeniber 3Oth- 1 Frein stations ini- Ontario, Kingston) .Madawask a d West To stations on T- andi N.O. Ry.,H&IIICy- bury andi North Tickets Will 1bc 194l"dat rate Of ONBCENTPBI MIL-Et BACH WAY Relufs luit, Oct 10, 1911 "tCOBALT SPECIAL"I leaves TorOntO- 8-30 p m.daily carryîng througi coaclie, L lyuntilOt.lt To Spoktane, Wasi. fNoesB. Vancoiùver, il.C4 WsmnlI , tacorna, Wasi.; , Portland#, Orte'; an # _. X _,L*5 M g 'WsSa n DlegoCal.,. 1 . - 11, . vS Jo y evrae 2.17 PU S.52 a &. .34 p.m. Frein Tu- mb-,raets h itby Junclia tt 8.15 asti'.55 ais., and 8.30 p in UP-T WN 1STATION. Golng North . 8..q M. QiSa5uth 7 'S 8' j ...3.05p M. 4n. ani 4 P.m.tien, ?~ tietoir. lA&yeqS for Srou1ai 1 sm 1joere m IpopMf Opentô I R. S. 0. 1897, Chaptr 1Me, Section I s8 andi ameadmenta tberetio, tuai mii persofe aviig diaims aainat.the e- tate 0 al te nid HeU l àCrlmil, who died on or about the 1I2tb day o! june, A.D., 1911, at th»OMda iTowZn f Whftby, are required to moud by1 poat prepaid or deliver té the.. mder-q aigned olicitors for Edward J. B. Duwna, tihe xecutor of tho nide-1 tale, ou or belte i1lth day (À O)ctober, 1911, their naineMd-nd ad- dresosandi a statemeut o! their- !fr spective daims an t tinatureof thie secrity, il aLy, helti hy tieàii. And lfurtbert taie notiU ta le themc aIotb,--tiday of October, .1911, tle ni ecutot, wQIl pocet t-dis- trib uts lis swffts - t- e te auong ticparties- enýtw tiet teC havag egad oly le -hecluiflitio whilie sa ie ae beeei» ie, »m a t be-li de i e e tor WIII so b. reapebiSbiet fer the- mid ametsor' au 1ylu part b*rete ôany Pertn or lpor< n ofW b i a lti noitice Snia [netmý- tinha.ie .Cevéd b1>7n uni Liee Inys > tdst instrument. Se announceints on pages one anti four, SU4 watci for tuler particulats 5next week. Lue'!tuition rnoney.P fi you are ,anxjptis 10 succeed WriMte, for, our à itriBu-domessColIege, Toronto il tu use froe 3 d~, usbre U e l er-. ~~ ~sonal supevlS- 1uu t ise. AIIoiW 1ne euete deceSlve Y"tl ha AilCoun&erfdltl5ol[iftattône5 aud 46 UstmaUiOlai u Eipel4mfls thaï trille wllb and *dfld is eltse InfantSand cbide1m ~ue apiliiS «mt EptIlEt Wha t 18 CASTORIA casteTlla àaSba"Oies substtUtr Cator>11, am.-li g rie, Drops iand $ootblflg SyrUPL t1 laai. eu utains nelther Opium, IMorphine uer oth er 1Narm<tle substance. ][te age Ij»itg guarntee. It destroya WeTi and ailmys Feverishflegme fo tmorelti ftblritI Br f btbeen lu constanit uefom ie eif tMo&iSil bitsI b Y vldCol, ail Teethlng Troublesau ID Arrimea. It regulateatI t,anomtaudBeeS, assimîlstel tqie Food, giviigeltb n auilhO Thse Chldwi'5 Panaeea-The Mothei'B fuilnd. GmENuiNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature Of TheKid Yen Bave Alays Bult 1: Use For Over 30 yoars Girl want* i or book-folding andi Some Oe W'I3 WIn. bitg. Cle&n, ligbt work.Ap;y at Gazette oMfce. Some young lady in WitbY Or vl- clnity le going to win the, splendid Dominion Pian o oUered In our voting conltest. Its recelpt wlll 13e just In .m fo unls--4tn-0 é-aL ndvnuj ye n

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