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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1911, p. 6

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II1E~ 'ALG O3IL 3AS-ebmtb......... ]BRUCE BQUTE-J»uei1y.-... , LamN WE5T-C*r@aa...... ESerx ZQT3-Wiieox....... * PIONTENÂVý-Edwarda. G EÂ5TULI-pRui.........1 qïENT îO]Tjz-àtiddleboro.... GREYT 8UT3-iaiI.... . fHAMILTON WE8T-Stowari.. EZARTING8 'EAOW-Northrup , . 1,0 HASTINOS WEST-Porter....., HURON EAST-Bowman....... HURON BOUT-Merner..... NUXON WEST-Lei....... KING5TON-Nickie......... -LAMDBTON EAT-.4rmotrosg. LAN= ORME-Thoburn..... .............................. LEED"-aylor .. . ..1 LENOX AN»ADDINGTON-paui 2 *MIDDLESEX UAST-Elson...... MIDIDLESEX NORTR-Eliîotti. - sNIpIsazNo-Gordon........ XO ItRUKENCRLND EAST-Walker e SNOETEuKDIRLAI#ND -WEST-ilunson OZINTARIO NORTE-Sharpe...... OTTAW-OhAboi........ 0XIOO~, 8-Sutherland..... IPJIY SOû7D-Arthuru....... -ýP»IL-B1aic........... * wu. 2ORT-Korphy...... PERTE, SOIXT-8i.io........ 1>E8RB~RO E-duamitb.....6 PRINCE EDWÂRI-Ropburn...... .ESONPREW, ýxnWP-White.....60 EÂêO9,34T-gennett.......30 -TOÎONTO, CINTRE-Bristol .. .....21 ~>TORONTO, BAST-Xemnp...........2.38 - - TORONTO. NORT-Foster .. .......34 TORQI4TO, SOUTI-Macdonel.23 TOSONTO, WEST-Ouier ........00 I?OXlU AND )L&I1BuRTOx -Hughet .........-0..--..-0...16 WÂTB RLOO, N.-.Weichel......4 WAT ,EELCO, 8.-Chr.........0 WELLâNI-erm&Uan ld.)...... TORK, OaNTRE-WeaUaee .., 4 YORX, NORTE-Arsairoag.."- ZTUEN, 8OU=J-Uaolea .......24 Qu*o-f4 ÀRGETEUfr-Prle.........l &lm....... P............. .1 AU» COUI<TY- p LISEftAL5 CLÉCIED: 106 XR, t5OR-N«iae....... bu NT, DAT- rdo .. . . 6m 676 ausà% -ueOol... ....... W~LLINTON. WES-Pstre.. .......860 400 RUELLA9-abt-trh........110 200 OushETUZ-ani-ZO. MCIATEAUOUAY-Brown.......43 10DRLUMÈOND AND AILTÀBÂ5KÀ- ilBrouillard............37 6w0 EUNTINOGDOX-Robb........60 No< KAIEOURASIA-Lapolinte .. .......% 00LAPRAIRIE AND NAPIERVILLE- Lauctot.............12 L'ÂSSOMPTION-Beguin.......300 LU> -LAVAL-Wilaon..........6R1 3LEVIS-Bouraaa............5 60 LOTBINIERE-Fortier.........m ms MIAiONNEUVE-Vervile.......0 15MASKINONE-Mayrand.......1 0MEQANTIO-Pecaud........200 MMISOISQUOI-Kar ...........25 Lw> MOTCALM-Lfortune .' . 100 ST. JAMES*-Lapointo.......237 <0ST. LAWRENCF-Bickerdlke. 1000 ST. ]dÂRYS-Martio........00 5NICOLET-Turcotte.........42 6PORTIêEUP-Delsle........700 1QJEBEOCENTRE-Lachance....161 SQUEBEC. EAST-Laurier .... .. .... »ci. <RWVRELIEU-Cardin........600 1RICKNOND.WOLFE-'obin......450 66> ROUVILLE-Lemieux.........M 1ST. RYACITU-Ganthter.....120 AIST. JORN.-IDERILLE-Desnera . . 2OC 61 SHERBEOOKBj-MoCres .... .......124 6 8BOULANGES-Laurier.........0 30> STANqBt£A-Lveii........ ..156 5> TEMIBCOUAT-aureau .et ...400 71 TWO MOUJNTAIns-Ethler.......ol 00 VAUDRg9UIL-Boyer..........218 63 New Brunswisk-4. ML E3~2nujoazi~-xuî....00 ~ EJ8TIOUOIZ-1l4...........00 eiIttab ç.Iumba-Nu,. Nova Sotia-lO, MAE BRIETON N. AN» VI!ORI- Guy aBOigo-S1el.lr.........m 8ICJIEON.'Kt e l 11* Pet*" Udmerd Waai-4 Kflt'B-Eugh................i 100 ~43 C e 4 *6 tl 846 UanItoba-Nas. Sashatehewan-L -A8SINIDOXA-TnrrI*............. EA1'fl~KPORfl-4Yhspagne...... IIUMBOL»'P-2(eair.............. M4QKE~<ZIE-Oaab.............. 380081 JAW-Xuew1~........... EEQUA-KantIn................ SÂLTOQATB-Mcliuii........ AINia-I. lob EDIMNB-Jvr...... .0 8TRâ~OIA-»~gta......400 ontarlo........ Quebee......... Manltob*...... Aiq**ta.....-.. .. .. .. i6ovs eta.... Prime. Edurd ma" SU-os. 13 84- 1* 1, 1' s- -e I 8 A eaiate h ia mu Oa.. eehe.; bo nTehie, s Oo~L as u S G e 2* 8 I *4 PREMýIER&ELROT 0-F OADA TNUEWS IN A PARAGRAPII I NEWS FR01 SUNSETCOAST UIPPENINGs FIlOM ALL OVEU TuIE GLOBE Vi à N UTSUELL. Canada, the Empire and the Wrld la Geserali Refore Tour Eles. CANADA. Hlamiltes is likely to, have a rate war between tise Hydro-Electric and Cataract Companies. A young -cild o! Mr. Josephs Joiston o! Bellwood wa.s !ound drowned by it.s mother in a tub. A little son o! Mr. Aibert-Neil o! Coeoe township died f roifi drink- in Pi nf o an' old boule. ýTenWi yardmen- in tise 0.-T. R-. S'tuant Stréot yardsat H 1amilton have sý truôk, bçcaixse: a man .taktn on dujingtise stike as been sp- Itei6àagu. 3rown& ý"edj27,m1 ar ofthequebec -auricej LuÏnben C ompieny, waskilled -býy a - fail tram a #rse wicis ro, ,drop- piug hlm do"' an embankmeùt,- Sir Robert Hart, ex-Controiler- Sydney <.. -ý uxton, President, eff' the. Britims Board of! Trado, >beisa invitcd leedig, repreeetativea of tho employers ad tihe employem -tel teorni a perrmanent. Inidàttrial B-ear 1 yf twnt eube -, wit ir. and statisticâi 4epa rtne Board of Trade, as "n»l Owisg te a widespread' tinay 1o~ panbau b" utder mertisi .1awzliy .d Ring Allonis*. Thtçpsy. on the Premer t6lpindlsclosed1 eue, of blOod poing. T v*sas arge aspin, ai t< b.. The. auue of!deatiswa >7r toe livr cauard by AXZý" Prie-08 et CUIOtto m, bs Toronto,Se.pt» 26.-llour--Wlnter wheat 90 ver cent, patenta, $4>,mont!tsi frelght. 'aagob ours Sflrme su toflwm 111*1 'atianta, 4.3; MeOUdpatelta, $.~ 00*, sud atrong bakeroli $4.60, on trsak, 1o MSantoba Wheat-No. 1 noitilai at $1.10, and Uo.2 I 1.081.2, Bai porta. New wbeat, 2e I". Ontario Wheat-No. 2 white, red or mIxed, new, 86e, outulde.- Peaa-Miling qualiliea, 93 to 4105.. out- aide. Osta--Ontarlo oas, old, No. 2 at 41 to 42c. and new st 40c, lu car lota, ,utside. No. 2 Western Canada, 47c, and No. 3 46c, Bay porta. Barler-No. 2 la probably worth 7So, autalde. Corn-Nqo. 2 .&mertcan yelIow quoted ai 710, Bay porta. Rye--Car iots outalde, 75o weut, and st 770eaosa. Puckwheat- No. 2 ai 64 to 66c, outaido. Bran-Manitoba bran $23.50 to $Z4. lu baga. Toronto frelght. Shorts. *$5& WU AT TU'i'P.r V qP1 N PLE 1Beana-Ssnall lots of band-nlcked. 02.30 ARE DOINO. Progreas o! the Great West Told la a Few Pointeli Items. A new ward waa recently opened in Nanaimo hospital. A Duteis bank is to b. establisied-F in Calga.ry, Alberta. A permit has heen taken eut for a 840,000 isotel at Edmonton.. Tise grain yiela in Manitoba- is between 17 and 30 bushels te the acre. A larte addition is t» bb. built te ,tise St. Eugene Hospital at Cran. :,brook, B' . 0* During Auguat, 1,3M5cruninal taq vr isposad o!, in the.Win- nipèg court. Jih -itof &eIsoùr, B. 0. , hasap- isealed for provincial -heip té, run doîrn" firé -bugs.' It, is «eeted tha.t a regular Street cx eirvice wil.Soon ho in- ujgsfrated ini Mcses Ja*w. Anè'w cne4r i ab rc in thse gonbagc wharf nVcoia a cost ef $4,8»9. par buahel. Honey-Extracted, la tins, 10 teIle Der lb. Conibs, *226 t-o $2,50. Baled Hay-No. 1 at $13 to *14 on tract, and No. 2 at *10 te S$IL Baled atraw:*6 te *6.60, on tracis. To. ronte. Potaioea-Car lota, ln bata, queted sai *1.25 te *1.40. Poultry-Oislekeni, 14o per lb. fowl. Il- te 12e; ducka, 13c, tuukeya, 15 te 16e. LIse pouitryi, about Se l6wer tisa» thse aboie. Butter-.D*lry prînta. 21 to 22e; lniter! or,., 16 te l7c. OreaMor>' quoted ai 26 ta 77e -Der Mb. for roUa, sand at 23 to Me. for solide. neggt-SirDo w-laid, 23 te Uc.,asdd freaisAti 20- te 21 ver dosesln case iota., Choeee'Lage, quoted ai 16o per lb., andi tiùs atai16140. Baeon-Losng oies:. 12 to 12 14opar lb.,, ln case 'lots. Pork, short eut, $Uw3; do., i. eaa*2 4e-*1.Rara. xodfum te lit,; 17 te 17112e;lo dê.Çiss.y, 15to15142e0"' é Il té 11 1.b; - breakast bacons,1l to10k; baeha, 191.2 to e0. Lrd-Tierces, 101.*i2.; tube. 1034.e-ala o - t j esirti No 2.476, oun lots « Ute. { qluir- extra No. 1. 4612c; No. 3 0. W,4e i4S 9 Iowa, wis, 4C; lNO. 841"alwhlie, I4;Fi ~tNoaW .'uf. 4 l 4. lMaras<4I.hm a*. of et tis ise0. Pý.> R. hasve-ordpi tn. for-*- ~ bb týlfa*fa growin i192 - i- tai. irritation block, - .ait'ý c>! reou. alaary. It sis awd that a big--find, ôf,, afd .h laed iiver- and, copper o're, bu s e 6cree 0>1 mae6ini tise YklloWhéad. (B. O.), body p A sbip -cstr.ying 7,«O tons af the sve*. siplur for chemical wonka - &long L% br the. Sound, Ialide4 at vîeo iai -P. g4 te, n. lInf uture X Ian an., la teýa.l.' low no> aninalis the . f reIom e t iihe ctas la bord by-Iaw bas reçatly -beupaased. CMEL Congarsa .re multipyIo: 8.t a. great rate su the Bayonne county,,y Z.ptÀÏ. -O. A passenger -ali>n a troîtI t«ooe4 met onIMas tien fi"-< )eë4r iM Z u r <anasare biag dîv « fl ed, lffl -as! ih: 7eaw, for thé, mat ti0eute e Wée.s- wr* lirowm i hm thse P.4;f INTEW Str ikes Are Speading, adNumeri A despatoli frJm'. Maqdid sayï-. The Goyornment, aeting under thO Royal <er.. -o!- Tuesday susPend- ing the. constitutional guaranteeg because of revolutionary a.ctivity, has ordered thse arrest o! working- men' s comoittees and political agi- tators in the disturbed districts. Threo hundred persons were sm- pirWaned in tis city on We4ssea;- day night. Amoùg those arrested ber. was Senor Largo Caballero, general coubseI fer and Vioe-Presi- dent of the Generàl Union o! La- DUST WBIRL AID THE SPOQI WATER NOT ALWAYS IN W AT- ER SPOUTS. Sallors Used to Foar Thcm- NOW VesscIo Have Gone Througlî Themn. In the wat.erspout the xnediaeval mariner sa.w a. ialevolerit living~ monster-a se& dragon. There were varlous means cî coznbating them. Once ail sailors carried black handled knives, which the monster was believe to hold in apecial abhorrence, say Scientific American. When aepout made its appear- ance these knxves were produce.d and pointed ini its direction, waved in the air so as to make the aigu of the. crose, or, according te tiith recommenda.tion of certain con- temporary authorities, driven1 sev- oral times into the -aide of theàmp Certain passages from the 0osp of S3t. John were recite as carm agaïist waterspouts. A loud noise of any kind was aise believed to b. efficaoious against them-shouts, the clash of swom, the beating of drums and gongs,' etc. Thse custom, o!flfring cannona against waterspouts dates back at le.a "as, far as the, sucteenth cenÙ-. tury. Tii. original idea appeasws te' have been te f righten tbem âway by Lii. noise,.oî-the report; but 14 U~ter timeaý it Vàs,- befleved ta the watery,,columu cèould -b. çýuthlu twai by the cannon bail and the spout tbus ditoipated; It-.wo»sIldb. intereeting ,to. kuoiw whether -the, *»ecen-rthe bor. Es o~cs wp s cle prehendi d ac nd-xAliy ret te cust3odys ib.5S1l1 lencis aJBaaoa .Tise-. lutionatiea app&teflY Are t pogsso of, !Jai toward. ' ttcopsa-n :, x~e1gta oia. t Jaiva nd Crcgfl- ers set l t t'te public bluii dtarýe .Up the, raiiway Ir.:è There ha0bf~O~a. Moeo! her canvae was furled Mt tise time, ause had recently iOn- eountered a -thunder squaJl LII4 hence it was n-et possible te msail ont o! the wa.y o! thse spout when it w*$t seen rapfdlly approaching. TIr spout etruck thse veasel on the porb side and keeled her over until ti starboard yardarms nearly teucli" ad thse water. At the. mme timéeb was s-wung around from 'nori. northwest te aouth-southeast "an then throwis ove!' te port on -' boa.m endi wfth isucis violence tish ber mainmast and mizzenmastwef by tise board. TWO SURGICAL CASES. Remarkablo Cure' o! au InJured 1 Goose. - t r 'Si. There once fiounished in tise north o! Italy-a woman by tise name of P.oeîinsDol Cmn, wso waa oeebbpte4 as a boise-setter. Ori lpes a a to, ber f rom al, ver»ZEuqe . Elihu Vedder, in "TffDssins bruises e! a.i boyhoed dsy4Ç" is L-qute eetiathie.motiser 'ls hbd tise gi!t e! cuning al t'ho' ils .-wiicb fail toe tise lèt e!ohldhood, -and tels- iin nfot i;te goase wisieh was eue o e aiss GrAndpa had, wt bssolid Dutgb fo6t> -stepped on-the, boand o &- -1t1poe, ~and- beiiig &a-== isard to movye, lie dici nob ineve, but utodfor omS», time. - Wben ho did Smove, tbh-,it4l,6 o '04eW-aa -found motiser eut a<p , th jusê the ii, asOf tise bareitpot adsued o4o; tbo*i putting t1hepatient Ia. lS__ aq uiei ê 4 1 llatiso!f Ï0.~ v4 At 11150, the lite goose c witis ý'fcis wits ais h bin an asu .is hoaltis the pateli euled up, aMn, rte t â atjhe .85: tun once heatis bearkL be tiserg est, 2 3Z4 to 25e I. *"Wb 'bote Tei Verse I. God is spe the heaven witb the p ,gins withi extends th: ,Son. For nature, an( phet's eai the emple to it, see ti Soli o!f vould be The phrai reoe Ln fti flinety tim- the cuntra5 of mankinc Eat this way of exj the nro)phe le Must 1m att'empts ti of Israel. before the out hand, rolli-of a, wouid beN but the co< full. 1)ein2 wîthîn (cul pare Jerer 3. As h( with lame and woe (] was f rom the bitter ence in hi ed to the bis fellci warned oc * pie, butr p urpo se persisteDc 4. Spea icharacter Jeremiali * as receivà ~'of Od1 5. Peoi This ref< Swith wilï ttranger, 1

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