Rxchaage Tour h8ùi gWorries 'for It isn't good polioy and it's ighty'po economy to struggle alohg with an unsat- islactory range, working yourself to death, and wasti ng good food and high priced fuel, when you cap obtain a and pousess a range that will always give you complote satisfac- don. Its efficiency is based on a stove experience of over bal a century. Its improvements arc those that havç been thorougbly tdstcd and lounci 10 be of reai value 10 a range. l'smade of material that wili give lastiog service, the parts subjecI 10 the greatest strain and wear are especially reiniorced anaci has a reputation to live up t0 that obliges the niakers to tee that everv range turiîed out of their factory is perfect. ht is always good policy to be îhorougbly intormed about any article before buyaug. We wiIl bc pieased to explan t1b lHappy Trhougbî Range to you and thien wiien you have examiriect the other stoves in the narke ... we wil bc ready to do business with you. MQon thai a qnmter or a mUhion !"Happy Thought,@' are in dally une in Canada. GROS un lICE, ' WLitby Agent TeWilliam Buck eiove CoUiit.d, - Brantford, ont. ~uu wv~uulUI kA.D.~ 'te Gare tuser wa a18 w$iaiily lie coisld erî> Wel h1111bath Poitons,: for baul*" Uh llgkït wawte dties h ooldcAre for Uýebuildings, look SI- ter lires, ett. - Thes uight' watcagtS mrec bouge. fuele liglit ami watec, m o asWOuldb. e oo alary fr thceoccupant 'w thé.postion. "ro- ta constable, eLzlloyed might bIgw c he remuiang 400(otêeicMW00 go* pald to the. occupant o! that peel- tîion, whut.h, ahgumented by sbm. I#M Of fées for police wenk, would make agood"galary for iaI position aiso. Tisarrangement. sbeuld secure tho r the towu two 900d men, and wonk Out t st aactonuly. The. ugges- tienla well worthy o! consîderation by tie Applications commitice. Ii a proposai, and nothlng bas ben beard since. According to the agne- ment entened loto with the town and 'bct Seymiour electnie Power ban ratitied by the ratepayens, thc comi- already reacbed- uer sister town et pany la to have power bere hy Jan- <1 Ouhawa, aud l a uneii ther. Iiiul.ry'uary, 1912. f clicits tie information gthler. le nothlng dolng t-owards,. le compie- s tln arangmens fr l. ltreuc- A suggegtion bas been made by one tioil o! Trenton power into Wlitby. ut i he Aldermen wbicb may proe*fi 'Soute tinte mInce represetatlvea o! thc solution ot tic dufficult.y -attend,, h lie compauy approacbed. the Whitby Ing the separatlag o! thc offices o( Water and Light Commislenersamsu constable andI care"kr.Tien. u ma~de overtures an <e punchaslng . tic welg.ht of opinion--lu tie Counicil tatl *Wtýltby plant. -Of course tUicoCei- ý poMsitus aoultI be.,separated, b-. misioners could net en.terain such cana. une inumca ardly auted to, Pl iommmto .- - onuQb With healtby kldneys one han a good chance te live -long, but weak kidneys attiit old'age wivth great discomnorts. The back becemea bent and lame, rbeumatl is lbrOrlirnc, eYesight (ails, and ou frequent IhfI~or lflvoluntary~ passages o!f te children'snbats baransentby THE MISSES SCOTT. AUCTION SALE. >~'YRC Booth's F' id- red and twenty-flve trimimed bats at n&nts, etc. TVhe undersigned has re- ______________ ey PIl bring the Misses Scott millinery openlng, veived instructions lroni Mr. T. u'- new stArength to held on Friday and Saturday last, Leary, Lot 40 Con. 4, Pickering, taJ gjcwr copror WNAMPE.0 -4 old backs and 'showed the artistie tante of the mil- seli by publie auction on *Wedneday qulck relief to liners in the varitty of exquisite large October 18, the lollowing valuable weakened kldneys. Tbey banlsh back- and amaîl bats dlsplayed. The nia- property, viz.: ache and rbeumatic pain, regulate the jority of the new shapes are small or HOU8lES-Pair geldings,* 2 yrs. old; bladder and urine. medium si-zed, and those that are bay mare, aged;, spring colt. a 1- Boths ideyPus refo scklarger are confined ta the dreas var- CATTLE,-Ited cow, à yrs. old , due, kldnys I oldor oung and areiety. A numnber*of very practîcal lit- Dec. 15; cow, 4 yrs. old, due Jan. Piowbanseinl harness, guaranteed by the proprietors, The -_______________ 10 ; cow, 4 yrs. old, due Nov. 18 Sl atoe 'lksap R. Tr. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, SALE REGISTER. ;ow, 6 yrs. old, due Dec. 20 ; cow, TERMS :-Hay, straw, pigs, corn,a Ont. Sold everywbere 50c. a box- arrow ; roan heifer, due Jan., 5; nid land ail suins of 810 and under cash ; Free trial sent on request. octJJ<r 10 1911-Auctlon sale of steer, 2 yrs. old ; red, helfer, 2 yrs. over that amount credit will be given ___________stock_ and impiements, the prop- old ; yearling beiler, yearling steer, till October Ist, 1912, to parties fur- -erty o! A. Hueson, lot No. 24, con 5, 2 yearling heifers,,2 yearling ateers. ' ltsbing approved joint notes. 4 per MiJnMr Openings. Whltby. Sale at one o'ciock. Wm. SLIEEP-7 (2otswold ewes, 5 ewe cent. per annuni off for cash. Wrn. Maw, auctioneer. lais, 2 rama Iambe. Maw, auctioneer. THE MISSES POWELL. Wednesday, October 1.-Auction PIS-Jlrood su-w, due Oct. laet; Aisceat the sanie tinie thc farn o1 sale 01 farm stock and inplements, 10 store pige, 128 U>s. 100' acres wlll be offered for sale. We are showing some very striking the, I'Prfrty of J. J. Grilla,. King- "L-SâtpNTS'- Maesuey-aniýbsTerMs made known on day of sale. and effective modela in ladies' bats aton Rondl, West. Sale At 12.0bier.Mcoplk oeMsey-_ _____________ fur dreas occasions, ail thé seasole-ço'clock Sharp. TitIs.wiil be an* in- 1larznia seed dr*,1 ase4ariioa popular shades being mrereseted. portant sale. Se. large posters. MaW' raîte, patie arwLstwoe ~ _ tsnong others, a becomrng black and ead P-owell,0 auctioneeri. harrows, AroUer,, îl logn ~ A L s'ie oel heppua iithr Thurgday,' Oct. 12, 1911.- Aiction plow, sculfir, géod wiagon,oI ad wag- Were reîeve,4-Iast nionîh foroffice Soose crown made of whlte silk fringe sale o! household furniture, the prop- on, het -siigha, ctt'tng tooz<, - : swrtock ufihed D rhiIe the bru o! black veivet and erty of Mr8; R4. B. Patte, Brookliji. ra ck,-hay rack,. ChatbamiÃIeïnle manda o trained help are so great aney Inount completed a very styllsh oAeSat.î1 o'clock. Terme cash. Wn.- wheelbArrow cuttgert@ haw anafr t garne t.Maw, auctioneer. grain' cradle, ' cut-tinig box, pulper, positnta every graduate or te., Abecoming dressa toque, »ad sad eWdiesday, Oct. .18,1911.- Auction large tub, tunttbox, 2 oZin r ceX edtiil~mne. f nael f ~ ~ ~ ~ -R ofn ri evt mdui ba"uee 100'aare. aroin aud !armstock bage,. bes, !ocks, ob an ai .;t!teir "ap o 1succeed write for ô'ur ad foulldraped 'crorwn, with Blieflfy 'i'plëma' e tc t< --,.~prperty o n rile o tmiu t to, b .eà tùfiuIcatgue todayr. -Ur tun ut eutrl 114ts ITimotb OLeary, lot 4, cn4, Pický - ODDER-15 ~tons tio'tliFIY ', 10 tra~snucîegosno J Tii to ou ee 41 gis eniïg. Sale at 1- 'eÃŽoc#. Wm. Maw, ot f& SH 0 o D11. ~I AW -, Prinçepai. remise of rs ayt i.so$bg1~~SStdotl~trnea, m -bitsng htfot i Ciireii-the-, Doro, a geod eutlngstyle,, Tbeii. ' peready-to-weax strévt bat wm lt. S'niazt ats for Yowzmggirls inoluùde the. Concord, triimed ln a hand sud s#trcaÉmer bows of velvet ribbon taek] cd wtt bottonts. The Estrada, wit sot traping 0! tousa e! sllk Withaj large %range 0o!-Warger dies bats. Leading Colora-- Biacki white, paddy green, peach P".i hello, navyt .mrlKing's bine, MRS. SHARPE. The laà U"Illnery openlng beld st Mns. Sharpe's parlers oa Tiursday, Sept. 21st and Iollowlng days were very successful. Tic very excellent dlsplay o! tnimmed bats were much adxnired by the ladies who calied. The amalI tallored hâa for immediate wear arc quick sellers. The ne-w shades of green, tan aad bIne were much in evidence. Amoug the. display we ftotced a large black pame velvet bat trimmaed up the back wïth large black wings and fastened wlth !aucy jet buckles, also a tan and black sat- in turban trîîned with bows and spray. These bats, as w'ell as nuin- erous others were indeed aitistc. There wais aso a large display of 'al o'.~14>Wi. ,15m e of. ttfié M w - m ati-1, lais" er~ sIt be ver l*o ned Tl "ois Ottom an ad t stini. Tbs 'ae prett> no e ty i. b.im itation of per-. One pretty hiât waa of medium alize Witi toeilg brim ci blackaud, ilgi wite crovu wlth a drape o! black velvet around crevu and baud- some back and whitoi *illow plume. AneOtler bat whioh was much ad- mired was of the tailored variety. A soift gren toit boed, dnaped lu a bigi pointcd shape with a black mount sqtandInghigi sean tic back and black euhk coedfilnahing It. TO LET. Two combortable bouses on Centre streci, near Court Hou"e. Apply to J. R. PHILI?. Young Ladies Entenleg thce, Gazette-Chronicle Contet May Win a piano or gold before %:hristmas. watcb Mns. A. Laurence bas neturned. fnom a month's visit wlth ber dfaughters -. di-d You Have Always Bought apmumorplnom ll#Umm l a.p' ,rJ- ApetfetRm"i.y for Constou ion, Sour Stomach.Diarnhoe& Won,conuisions,Feverish- niesenLo ss orSLuEp. lacsi SiSgnaturteof .1 Bears the Signature of In ose For Over Jhirty Ybars Girl wanteo for book-foilag indtng. Clean, llght work. A ýGazette office. WIIIITBY JUNCTION., 6 X~ The ý T. U., -Mrs. A: Presid Vicem-i [nae, 'Q Cor.4ý Rev., Treas Audit -1S1 1Prlo Work Press Work J. mitCh Evange Thompsa Floweru Old -girl Saturdai Oet yô i 41tored - ;store m Everyl ed auits & ipartme mecthen ' ~Iole Y 'v 1. .4 and A prly ýl 1 )iow to Long. 1