k QaOptured Wu-Chanýkt Capital of ilpelh. 'A1eà pitch froxu a akow, China,1 *%aa-.The rëottitiou4rjelî>have won &,niotable itt0r gininfgpou- %iO ofthe titYlo! Wtt-Chatug after a battle wlth th4 loyAl troôpis that began on -TucadayilEn1 continued WAl into the nightT Tli comniand- er ut the troopu delending the city was -killed by a bomb and the 'Vice- roy escajeed only by hasty flight. Thse fear of the offlialg now îs thet the disaffection in thse troops will apread to this cîty. Five gunboats are now in, thie river in readiness to protect Hankow, if possible, fshould necessity arise. The fo re Ign con- isulis have aise telegraphed their Governmnents asking that warshipn be sent tu the -cene. Japanese cruisers are expected here inîmedi- ately, while. several &vunluats arc haîtening hither. The Pr4wlamtation of the Revolu- tionary ('omintittee threatened with deeapfitat con anyoCne Who assaulted a. foriigner. The rnovement aaisa at the, tus rrt.iriow of Nanchus, the reigtinig d ' viaît. The lureigu c(,fl- su]s nt a etiîf(-ence dec-aded not. to ComI)Iv 'aîh t he (irs.requet thiat tlbey eniplo Nfetreigin gunboats lu prr' s et thé- revu] t uuaries from cross-i)g dt-,b is<r tu Harîkow. The z-q o utuntu ~scn t a circula r let- ter te, lic <ensus askirng that fori-igut 1 4 rima iniwitral ciîcd a.,- auriug iî.l#i at îlî'%vooîld nul bc LiF(d PLAN TiiAD) IE(IIA A i. a4bf ru -nuHan kow s a v s The ru t u< % h Ieh liasbecn11 )IîIngýlig 4.\41r« (Iica fer mnuluttu pîast arid 4f x w L iubtecsung <nthe %rosnu/f, ic t bi i ~a~oriuiya smali jpartIc'lu«, gun in ret It îiý t cen î riud eneseinent t1< tike the cuîllre uand îl lare a 1e1)11)i41 The îîut<d c\Ijiî d rîveluttionzut, lPr. In aIl first-aîd instruction, tho iret tbîcug ne ie told to do in case3 cf fiîintîsng or convulsionsci le w Jooeeu tihe clot.hing, but it seenus not- Vo have occuîrced to any one to sutg- g est i luat sorneC-f tiseecases miglit ave been prevented had tise clot- ,4ëj never been tight. Reference ie not'ea-ee madle te tho corset parti- outl&rby for tight-lav'ing isds-been s0 otten donounced tisat îts evile are weil knossn. The present crit,îcisnss Là , directed againcit tiglît neckwear. In titis rega-d mcn are as often Bet Inuit as women--il SUMMer, in- deéd, more uf en. Actual compres- sion tif thse WindPipe e ânot te only way it sshîch cleatis by strangula- tion may be casîsed. Tise immediate pasîse nia3, b. congestion o! tise bra.in and perhaps apopioxy, thse result of cutting off tise return cir- culation of tise blood in tise veine of thse neck. But a man need not die in o;-der te experience tise evil e!- foot o! tiliît colla rs; thse bad effects orine much socîser and muels more readiiy than deatis. Many penseuse suffer fi-un more or loe frequeut beadaches, disturbanees of vision, attackt, of dizziuesci, and other dis- agreeabie ailments due entirely te tise conttriction of thse neck by col- la.râ tual at-ctou scme] I orfstocks i tal bind. TURC 0-ITÂLIÂN Sun Yat Sen, lwaer ,CIf thse anti.' Maisciu party, if thoeplsns do not eiscarry, lu te b. elècteci Preaident. Hé *a.s the delegate'of Lthe revol- tiouary pairty to the Ujited Stat4us in 1910, and is heieved, uring that tour, to have muade arrangements for te financing of thi movement. Sun Yu, a brother o!fI-Pr. Sun Yat Sen, who ie now in HRsnkow, lias been elected Prenident ~ the- Pro- vincial Assembly, aild Tang ilua Lung, the retiring Presîdent of the Assensbly, and a noted 9eholar, has been elected Governor <>f Hu-Peh. The whoe Assembly has eeceded f rom the Imperial Oovernment. The rebels are well organized and financîally strong. They have oon- fiscated the local treâsuries and banks, and are issutng their own paper money, redeemin the G"a- ernment notes with titis, as t he foreign banks are refusircg the Gov- erflmcft notes. The revolutionaries hive captur- ed Wu-Chang, the native section of Hankow, and Han-Yang, ail adjoin- ing cîtie,; in Hu-Peh Province. Chang-Sha, capital of I1unan, je re- porte~d to have risen in revoit, and Nanking, capital of the Province of Kiang-Su, is on the verge o! a rising, and several public buildings have been destroyed. Thousands of soldiers have joined the mutinv ini llu-Peh. Many Man- chus have been killed, and the ter- rufied peuple are fleeing from the uitie iti i the country -arrying their beloingings. The prisons have 1-ec-n opccued and the crirninale lib crated. There lias been figliting in the. streets, but the mnost stringent ,rderi) hiave been ise that the lus o f forcigners and their pro- li(rtY sha1hbe rcspected. Tise veins of thte necis are ne-ar tise surface, and it takes littie force to cvnipress thens cnougli Vo inter- fere %with tise current o! bioodi. In men, the trouble otcurs more oflen lu tbose witis short neeks, fur i is the pressure o! tiec bwer edge of the cllar that intenleres most with tise blood rstreas. Obvioualy, tlîerefore, tise man wit l ie "gi- rafle" neck will suffer 1 ~st. No w- jever, aîiy tigisîness is bM .- Net in- f!requently Vise tight n c4-band of Ithe pajaînas or the night.hirf xnay do almoistas much hanosa th ie aili collar, Some cases of persistest-il-, &omnia have boendu» to<ýngeition o! the Mrain ftromu this< ause, and have Jicen promptly relieved by leaving tise top button cf1tie night- dress un!astened. Tise Khi, close-fittingt stocke of women often cause severej headocbe,* vertigo aud neusea, fer jwhicbtVhe wearerB blase te ucliate, their diet, or anyLlslng excopt à heir foot- ishness iin choking thems Ives. Sometimes persons wi h- I tise, symptoma commnonly C strein, Who have n» 1 glasees, or have beenth oculiat tiset thoes do not g ses, geV well with. ne t A al. Tisey have net noV welconse relief toll 'ed c' dcreus. iniwhicis the nual Vhiit eonstricted the. n plaeed by one tisat wa1 Youthl's Unîke our evri, thec week Consiste e! only f which are nansad atter îIro water, feathera, sud "" rt'- WÂI Following Occupation of Tripo1i 14 tions for Peace Commed A despatel f rein Rome, say - Thse finit continigent cf tise IWaian mÃii tary. expeditîon landed at Tripoli on Wednesday and occupied thse t.-)wn. Tii. Goernnent'a plIans in re;,srdi to Tripoli include dlirect cabj. cou. neetîon wituî Italy, thse conatt -etion of railîrcadu., ansd a permanent urns5 - o f 10,000 mon. IL ÃŽs, sal that It.sdy is willing tei allow tise Turitiels gar- rton te evacutte Tripoli wîtl- ifii- t.ary honons and &pare it the humiliation o! urrender, pro%7 ded Tùrkey, fer whicb Gorman dis. oUled te thse uncondtli tmi lois eu -thse vilayet. Peaee unde intsai; t'n- ditions il possible thauigh l, is not considoned immninent, qýt-* mistlco betwftu 110)7 Mid Turkey, for visici Germau dip-1 lomacy' bas been atriving fur coa emiai t la believed bere, is rc ticaly bc"a couicIuded. aithog o AIL TROOPS LAI A despateh f nom Tri Nineteen transports, ecu "gcond ita ieu 'oxpedi force, annived hore - and a marei to then Rio leis. the Torkius garUt o at once, il u ig»V transports u'eno uighto snluted sud te olors.e ruts up uvon litefo*t<4i prnidal baildingit o> ikçnu ýrC& d'OIut, sUt Cagot, Msayor nB mi nsd &evers.l AesI w V the-pier and per *Ãd-Vthe oSOins *bd eam w eo d by eye- lte! froW ted glas Ltmenît st 1that the. was M., kve daya, un, Wood, th egotia,» VO5dnt thse tie0n u rtuy iThunsday ortand,u- the. fort* *lad ÂMro. 90 per ent. Patients, *3.60- to$3.53& Mont- real freltht. Manitoba flours-Flret pat- ents, $5.30; second patents. $4,00, anud strousg bakeal, *4j60, on trecit, Toronto. Kenitoba Wheat-l4ew No. 1 Northern, *l04 1-2. Bey porté; No. 2 Norîhern, 1.03, andi No. 3. *1.001-t Bey ports. Ontario Wheat-Noy- 2 whte, ret andi mimtd. ne, 6me, eutaldt. Peen--Good rnilling peau, 92 te 9%o, out, Bide. Oatm-Ontarie No. 2 et 4112 tô 42c, sut- aide, anti No. 3 et 40c. Ne. 2 Western Canada, 461l-2c. anti No. 3, 451-2c, Bey porte. BarleY-Nqo. 2 would brnng80 te 8Me, out- aide. Cern-No. 2 Amenican yellow quoted et 73c. Bey ports. Rye--Car lots. outaide, 75e west, anti 77c eaut. Buckwheat-No. 2 at 54 te65Ce, outaide. 3ran--Manltoba bran seid et $23, in baga, Toronto freight. Shorts. $25. COUNTRY PRODtTCE. Lenn-Small lots of hanti-picketi. *2.- 25 te 02.30 per bunhel. loney-Extracted, in tins, 10 te Ilc er lb. Combe. $2«25 to 82.5o. Baled heu--No. 1 et *15 to *15.50, on track, and No. 2 at *12 te $13. Beleti traw-*6.50 to $7, on track, To- route,. Petetees- Car lots, lu baga. et 85 te mec. Poultry-Wholesaje prices of, dressed DeultrY:--Chirkens, 12 te 13c ver lb. dueka, Il te l2ep turkey'e, 17c. Live poultry about i10 2e Zlower then the above. BUWrER AND EGOS. Butter--Dairy prints, 21 te Mi do,., cbeice, lu wrapperx. 24 te 26c- inferior delry, tub, 18 te 19e. Creemery quoted et 26 to 28o ver lb. for relie, anti 94 te M5e for solidb. Egg-S9trietly new-id quol.ed at '26e, anti freeh ai 2Me per dosen, lu case lote. Cheeee--iSe per lb., and twinse t 15 14e. Reg ft1oDUCTS. Bacon-Long, dlean, 12 te 221.2e par lb., In case Iot@. Pork. short cul, $*5-des, mess, $20 to, $20-50. Ramea, mediumn te ligitt, Il tic 17 1-c, do., iteevy, 15 te 15 1-c; relis, Il te Il 142e:breakfast' bacon. il te 2ie; baekx, 19 1-2 102Oe- BUIESAT gif tREL. enreOct. itl.-Gats---caaadiaa West-, ern, No. 2. 48o. car lota, ex-store etetroi No. 1 fod. 47 1-2e; No. 3 0. W, 47e: Ne, * local white. 461-2c. No. 3 local whfte< 461-2c*- No. 4 local white, 4514ec, PleUr- Xanltobe Spring wheetu patents, ftnals, $5.40; Seconda, #490; Wlieter whetpat-~ ente, 04.75610 *300i atren5 bskers'. *4-70 stralght éroea,*4.29 te.84-40; lu hg,bas *1.%5 to *105.- Bo4e"tioït-er bavst, 05i2k bat et 10Ibo. *2".-- Oorn'Amrl oaa no. 3 Ytiim. 151-t te 770.,'Ie&- laran, oato. *OUto *4; IXs*tttoba, *on, *m *#& iusOnVerte, «W b$%.-sho rts, Xa- nâimba, *MT, MOUUIie 144$%ta--= R. fg- Cgka~, tit ~W1,tir#.i titi Wérlâ Morris Irwin,.a Grand Trunk, brekeman, wes fatally ci'uahed b.- twen cars et Gulpi. The Ontario Goverumeut mey ap- point a commission t» dc'velop tise Clay beit In Northt Ontario. Thse 'Ontari»' Government wUll aek Lise Dominion Gvoverument for a esbsidy for tise T. & N., O. Railway, 1IL is eaid there will be au increase cf nine in tise number ouf Senators fron tise weet. Alexander Traeey was fined $1,- ON0 for runniug hie automobile into Tise steamier Toiler, an cil-bu ru- er, arrived at Montreel frous Br- tain, and will b. employed iu the laite trade. a crowd on Labor Day, in Toronto. A syndicat. of Winnipeg and New York capitaliste je reported te, have of!ered $300 a sitar. for Winnipeg Raiiway stock. Owing te, Hou. Robert Rogers' transfer te Ottawa te Manituoba Cabinet has been recognized. Mr. George Lawrence is tise new Minis- ter e! Agriculture. GREAT BRITAIN. Wituh a view Vo eettling labor dis- putes the Britisit Goverument has estabiished an Industrial Council. GENERAL. Portuguese Monarchiste repelled an attack by tise Republican forces. Deeultory fcghting between t.he Pertuguose Monarchiste and Re- publicans continue&., YUKON OUTPUT $4,500,000. Steady Inorease In Produetion o! Gold le Looked For. A despatch trous Vancouver, B, C., saye: Gold production cf te Yukon district this year will b. about $4,500,000, or about $250,00 .0 in exeue of tise eutput in 1910, ac- cording to E. E. Steckton, efthVie Auditer-General's ,Departmeut at OVtawe, - Who- ,hai 'returned trom I Dawaou, -Mr. -$tockton ad euxcep- diouai facilitie tor galinng -correct information, &s ha audited ,ll tise Geosrernment sôcounte, u-'ieludin.g the go1d roya.lties et g1/-p4sr cent.' T ' e: Yukon G<ol14 Compsany, én« ttofled! bý the Gùggumh.ê!i, -'hid, season, which haî' not' yeb Ieè erid ýwere ,-aloo, e1irating ýo14 b othr etiod, 'Ã"t~i omassr tM. oEoywill Wrrite for" thappr a series of ietters: inom-.tI1ewest.- _Thley will' à rppear frotn Urne to titne un. dor -the above heading, and w fil gi ve a picture of -the great Canadian west froniý the istudpoint of a young Ontaduo matn going out there to.make hie way.- Tiiese lot. tors shouid ho fuli of inte.est for every Ontario father.] No. 7. Vancouver, O001 3th, 191L My dear Dat,- 1 arn- PrettY near ready now te turn my face home. It has been an eye-opon- lt trip for me, andi wheu I get back home again 1 shall probably neyer get through telling you of the places whero 1 have been and of whà t I have seen. lu letters, only the fringe of things can b. touched. Vancouver Io growing wonderfully. While I write this 1 hear-every now andi then the boom of a blast where workmen are clearing away stumpe or rocks eltiier getting ready for building operations or in clearing andti rading streets. The emoke of burning wood Io generally be. tween us and the mountains, anti the ecent of it hangs heavy tu the air, lîke that of peut. Vancouver la rapIdly eat. ing its wa-y out into the country that surrounds it, and waste landi andi frost la dieiappearin g before the labors of the builders. Uncle John and 1I went over to Victoria., na I saiti we wer-i gcljtg te. Weé went by the C. P. P. stea.r.ee4 "0he Charmer," tb Nanaimo. We hati a du1e view of the harbor and the shl»pint. Steamers from China, ,Tapan and Australia tome ln Le the wharve. from which we startûti andi unload tholn f oreige burdens there. .1 noticeti the Empreseý of Japau lying atý the wleart with eheet metal diehe hung -ver her haweers te prevent the rat» com- ing ashore frein her, andi bringlng -the, bubonto plague ýwlth theux. 'One o! Vhs thinge which I wau surj>nised to learu- cornes inub6Ybout. frein Australie le hardwood. as that ltà iont as. ecarcs au henie teet.h Ila tus province, They, ight Inipeet ptato ,bugo .,mia=n taiti thoro aenonô 'bore, ut l Ont Our Wj te lqà aato w. pased tua roçM lte mines aut, Nanafiao. T'P aui t' -1l rý lw - 1 lr- m4l -MM- qm.w - W Axrivai of -thel lDnke ,,and -Duchess of Cou- nauht t Qebeo A despateli from Quebec Baye: HisRoyal Hîglineas thse' Duke cf Oonnaught je Governor-Generai o! Canada. In titis capaoity hs-.and the Duchess wereon Friday wel- comed'officially by representatives cf te Dominion, c i te Province of- Quebec, and by thse city o! Quebec. It was a gre-at day in the city of.! Quebec. Demonstraition after de-1 monstration of popular feeling fol-1 lowed eaeh other during the whole1 day on every occasion when the Ouke and Duciteas made thoir suc- cessive appearanes in pablic. -It haî Ijeen a day of events, not enly cf te utmnot significance te thensselves and te thse people of Qsiebec, but te Vise witole ef Can- ada, and te the Empire itself. This4 began to Isappen in the morning,1 when the. Duke andi hie party ferut1 setfoot on Canadien' soil at thei King's Wharf. The Duke and Dueh- ess wvere but Royal visitors t<> Can- ada &t this hour, asud as eti they i were welozed by thte two Ieading men of the country, Bitr>Obarles Fitzpatriok, Deputy Qovernor-Gen- eial, and Hou. R. L. Borden, Prime A SIMPLE CEREMONY. Within an heur atter they bad landed titey were nô longer visitons. Canada is coirthir home, and they occupy te highest positions whioh man and woman cen liôd in the country. T-he ceremony of In- %tallation, whlicit was perfornsed st the. Parliament -Buildings in thse Legislative Council ohambe rs, was exceedingly simple, but was none thé, leua fraught svitis great mean- archipelago of Islands. donsely wooded, then ve came eut int the open water of lte Guif of Qeorgie, andi matie e bee- lins fer Vancouver-. Juat bofore vo round- eti Ataniey 1Paik into 'tihe heirber We pasedti hs fluhlng town cf Stoveson, adt sai ltebter Seel selting eut te storIt, 'Titere are dreat cannenies hore, andi we *lI se theanssomno lime. Farewell, ;MN ingr and 'inpresiiivenm. ,Throo oit4hs-of net more titan fifteen words eaoh were al l ii Royal H1Whness hJa4 te aubscrube te. They were ad- menistredgeby Sir Louis Daviese MiorJudg cithe Supreme Covurt. Tie outi ouf allegiance te hie ma'- je0t'y thse King, the Caths tiat 4~ 'Would well and truly exorcise hie ,office as Gevernor-General te tise best ci lhie knowlIedge and abilhéy and the, oath that he w'ould et keep tise Great Seal et Canada thffle were ail, and alter eseis waa read Vo hum his Royal Highuees reverently kissed a oopy cf te Holy Seriptures. THE SOCIAL SIDE. -A lunoheon given et te Ciateau FÊronteuao by the. Dominion Gov- ernâen.t, a dinner et Spenoerwocd, tise remaidence et 8ir Franoots Lange- lier, Lieut.-Qovrnor of <Quebe, a.rt a. reception in the. Parliament Buildings later iunVise evening by Sir Franoj Laugelior, were the- chie! of thse brilliant, events ouf thse day. THE DUKE'S MESSAGE. "<For mysel! personally I have only one wish, and titat is Vo serve Canada, to make myeel! et home in this country, and te do ail I eau Vo promote its best interests, and alec te promoe that connection Vtiseh Empire which I think ef sucis im- pontance tuc Canada." Tinse were thse words of H. R. Il. tihe, Duke o! Connaught, Goversior Genes-a of Canada, on the occa- sien o-f the. first public event alter hie installation. It waa hie fregt message te tthe Canadiais poople as thym Govet-nor-General. effecte - l beiug projcctod by cer- tain of tise leading feehion crea- ters -as somting no'#el and di- tinguished. , te -chie! use will b. a '4 trixnming and for.illinery pur- poses. Nogligea are itigisly,.intcresting, maany of tin beïnË t4hioned witle te. exaggerated artntîýothat simu- latea the kimèno .têetand tha.t iss tie eleeve cuti a itêwdvath à ond fitted into 4-L1 .armat wi NOTES Filou PÀRis BHloPs. Thupp !t-bêe taseen yOýt tthse TJNITD STÂTZS KAIMET. *1*174 le fi»174 Ven-4iu.Xo sUw me. 0.t*--Ne. 3 *shie, 46 to 4414tu. E No 29 r, rat*2L5 le 5mh.loue-. *ie plaI,. -ot e *54; k u Maleor. ntsasoe l$wusr 10,. t "& ";S .1v.%4,o mnt thIgO U~bWl«L oa"tIesdi *3-I, gat 0514t. tair 4004at *4 4 Wta ule, <«%Mssaut 414 Io4t. 4s. ai&Ã4 iu$tw ut 13.4 te 414e V«pg geu,4 og*l *1.4 ~ ~ 14 &.1 4 eu p s i M i 1 s ý , 4~#-1*5 A" 4sd sbp -tObp q2m --- ý 1 - e o i * r ý Mli ==