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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1911, p. 7

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hoglutI t ttê aeeezotln efeore. hies a£set iAKN~TWW N ~ ~ t~ 'ntbêt et ure lioisehel4vt. lfrYs~~e ~ bl *Oiê _ - eOb to forerlu bis sah!Kioà BOITM8TlE ýlI OISedîbles, s heVhswiwy a cakes &IU à"'t a iab thé i'eouole a TUE ATRUÎN. Mdwiches are- plàeed..on a round N E T O L8O4 Ihia u ourio ! sto sl taul byVhs ng' wrtingdes. ~ fl~in~no. houîd InoV eaepe un. Bise vas ar- re«u TUEe o! Vhs heuIé y te Kult 0mc1815 peak.'_ ayd ru ail Vho 1orgea-us sphndor etre, et lnetroal a. Ro , bé-Wçv1 eM 1 pourn. lt tes auJ after teathe royl aparih'!1-ru 110%v the lInterestiug Fuacetion -King 'generilly moké* a cigar, LMaseaVI...,-Etither pleachlng for' iful face shoine vith h l4 t t Couuelida!Buein. sd ny seberf ixehosehold 5iit.4 t .* oda her unsolfialài purpoo. -ev cWoulct shai conuetWhQBuk s. an 4ytïàre n~osfi athe aoke if lt,4.1 eà.si o the king diedaun euch lovelineeos I are' Wa.P lis h oa e ey t se t6 ~ -ô 8m*ig #n k lT x P t 4 0h. h "d noV proStrtOd ler beaub TI Auaenra u psrt et.Bc- he h i D ae ' iiha Vrs eeati ne t oa silly vanity iu the sensuous e carj wrtigroù t~ mall keu n rttin eEshr r dsrib- of h, alace, but had censecrateJ lIe Anatrcià s at tBeu esh * à 4 ei skonaà esint ate r ec itVoeLUen~fd îngham P.aoo is i"i. eawst formai amngtise members of tis ue - .inEsther 2. 5-7. k is iuterestiug T o liunhes.h o tth oPter aboi c! att ruyu ente rtainmeiits, aud fer h.td ~"Ofiteal," a naine b-t rc ielnaebc tSu h luhdtetyoftelc that reason is perhape more enjoy- atewed ou it eeve rai years ago by soraof bislndge atk of Maau n hoA mr ieoinadgaiu h edo h o a fa iy t a n$ the s.e ofV o nn uthe whKi al-back Vo Sauts enem y. Agag (Esthser ~ . The hall oftVhe lingdem - A cere Qen ay uin is ouo pîate i u Vin o em "office." :i. 1>. The unelflhless ci Morde- eommôu proffer etitthe flatterd but Quee May dringtheLonon rivae7rtin rom, te "ffie."cai appears in bis reportiisg to the pnide et kinga (oompare Mark 6. 22). eau aoason invite« -at regulal' inter- knga_____u ntigette'fi vais a tew triends to afteruooii tea. 4'- kig bas murder ou in tue thusta The. invitations are writteu by lier I'NFORTUNÀTE CÂRLOflA pariug is loa V, thoufog a seriybst Maesysaa h EglshGeti-Aise hbe " the constant premeter o et UV OlPEIS I UUU the woman, asnd gueste are 'asked' te etSaeo h ýoa h h neet fbslvl ad coe e , aud are flot - commanded ' Preucn tt !teIoa b h neet tbstvi ad or "ý'rcquest.ed," as8 they are wheu L<>nged te Be an Emprm.s Theugh in the eud lhe receives hîgh- RDC O TH VEY UD ha invited to, more formai roj.'al en- The mad ex-Empress ef Mexico est houons, hoe neyer seeks them. POUE l U EYRD pec ertaîumcnta. kept her birtbday recently, and Ait thaV was doue-As described EST 0F LOOMS. eqv Guetts are invted as a rule t e mbers ot the Belian royal in the previeus chapter. Hia know- an cooa atpast 4 iu the atter- famiy journeyed ouite the Chat- ledg eto the peril of bis peopledi noon ad they are cxpected to be eau Je Bouchout T i wish herpiugdedpresim in te sa out-hichdic punctual, for her Majesty tikes ail imany lhappy returus. ' Thf grihtfuudexpresion i the suat ut-Si wb:ush hainîtd obeas sersaloa amcKery, aays the ward, Orientai, <symbols gi, lo TeDtrmeSap bis sembied when suc entera the room. American Woman's Reviewtonth. saed bahes. MsinJismayatdPteude If a gucat, llsowever, is uruavoîd- seventy-first bîrthday of thie Em- parosinced btei orin en y the Jews in f te every cul abiy lt i twould be cou irary lu pre-sa Carlotta. poic 'termuligbig Jytebgigetho 8tahseve-Bs etiquette for lier Wo make anY sort Ever aince 1867 ah. has heen acceinfied, in true Eastern tasis- teeutb century th Per ianhaat of apology. Ail the guests ruse auJ mad, anJ hma had tei bc booked ion, by teud aud bitter lamenta- taiuod te the greateut akillin~ the th4 courtsyor >e won hOQucuaftr ~ ma wma er bre- Viens. Thein tastiug is Vhs uearest wes.vîng et nugis, cenBequentty the cre entea ther ow m, but beo QnJha teraseapoid Il. , to:kcharge et approaeh toi anythiug like a reiig- industry muat bave cnigiuated at a tht litti-e or no Cesemofly is ubscrved. lher, and shte bas nover lefti Begium 'uss u th-bok ucal er ato e.brn othis theyh( Tonjetaenunthe beautiful sîruce. They were devot-ed as chil- ra Estber-She lad.been an or- oi ien(b ereetbyte-o boudoir in toQuin j),n.ld- t a(,te. u nofethe phan ef obscure oengin, reared in tact that Vise weavers etten sin g by aparimeuts, wiich have hicen àé-Knge cihoxcest treasures was R h» oee ereucui.Atr eg oee hchae8 nin v corated and arraniged cntirely marblc figure of hie sister as a speuding a year in preparation at tbat tbey are in a language whicb is a1 under her Maje&tys8 supervision$ cbld. the palace, ehe hart heen chosen as not uow uuderetoed.th and 'a servied b y two Groom& ot Fo r years the ex-EnvPreu was queen tromu ameng hs moat beau- During aIl. tises centurie s ye 1 'abr h evc ot ugdm h euuc aae . tiful maidetis et Persia. Tise uew Pensianis have preduced their cwn u frequentiy used is one of Sevres but in those days aho wa" very namin en ettn a hte ysyt tag ea ig Vis chnatatfrmdpart of the lte violent, and coutnived Vo dset it ou a Babytenian goddess, equivalent past hundned yeans tise sýcrct PB china itgifiment sevroz co- fire ad burn it Jown. She hms be- te the Greek Ar'îrodit-e. Iler ig- f making certain colons, panticular- 6hr lein, lItegriieaterpr twîhcremr uebttlendes a norance et the course ef events, she ly tise dark blue se mucis admired ilkei iWidsr ail. trange lite. lîo never gues out'- COuid not understaud tise meauiug in the &inest eid rugs, has been test. i inen ouly a'few riçdstet h oebr'w a gates, and fur of Mordecais sackciotb, and 8se s etsupenior quaiity, ee6cialiy cr Qucn prennt beà fw r Ma y tli id ers owoui se nee but sent tresh raimeni for himu, auJ reds and greens, which even Eurep- au 5oetmes >esd&s t u ~~ na' nwaiting. But ot 1.te when he retused it made turther in- eau iugenuity bas been unabie te t tabe udpresoua t-etherse it.serldes ntrf. il se ebrsqiis st wa twa u hy. equat, are obtained by the People b] tbteiandi or uouttrt e lirto ble 4 tes roltamfuse tough he Iu ber iotty position she neyer for et Kurdistan trem fewers and 0 do ti or a ure by t b oe pe theroa mibn.hog a moment forgot ber kind benefac- herds gncwîug in tiseir meountains. hi doue by nFor sakso temayyen the lboA 1er, Freinchiidhood she had fol- The art of extractiug the edyes hanesi A LADY IN WAITIN(, a hallucination that*ahe wuuld be towed bis comnmand, and even trom been knewn for ages to the P#cl whi t( otermm 4r the P0.onied through hier food. Su a ber royal etevation se tecks up et these regiens; but alas, says n' bheuehot ludroun etes u-s special servant carnied her meals Vo him with revent admiration. Mary A. C. (Jolqubeun ini use Les . cake o aJ rundichee a pnîvate reom. which se 6. The broad piace-The wide, Angles Tuimes, them* vegotable dYeî W cakae seants are neyer caled 1loced.Then the Empreesenter- open square et tise city f Sus, or are being supenseded by aniline ,W palac mievant areneve c cdt locked the door aud partoek of Shusan, oneetf*tise three capitalis dyeBa.e uao owi iirtgaten her meal atone. Now abe is more efthVie empire. It was situated in The former were used by Visehi Sometufios the King joins the reasenable, aaisghe aVa with ber the provinc !Ean eVi ot eas in as la-n a si-u cf4 gaterigwit eu o tw meu-ladies in waitiug. Sh.hba lapses efthtie Persian Gulf. ruge waai hi w ad.Te bahrig i h one lot Thenuetef Si icce et yearJ uration; thon 7. The exact sumu o! money-As de- gave great softusaand richese eof bràcof i the Kiugeiors, bheuts aseWill begin te talk again, but scibed in Esther 3. 9-1. Maman celer to tise eld rugi, and retained E ~risot eminl thenKing until ieal ybuftrviadoinandau she was a man otflferce enterprîse, de- their bnightness, se that the shades majesty is eated, as is strict cli- neyer retors to the pai. îerminod that uehg hldnaru 1She rends books and pa.pers, but tiswart his will. When 11,eisad Once ]EHUNDRED YEARS OLD) quotte at ail to her royal entertain- nvrmksayrfrec owa omdhsvlanu ein.e a laeadbih n eui tuentsi. The guests ai atternoo0n tanvrmks n eet httro isvlanu e ig aro &tie rilngte reettheK:u athbsrends. Al uewapapers were cliuciscd bis proposition to tise ki fui are a las on tdagithdaut -lof ancer sat oseet thgaing ke'pt from ber when Kig Lopculd by tise effer et a huge bribe, equalfutodya nueayttiLef 0f curs tis gu&tsinvied e Jed, as the uews 'Of hi* deatis to the. revenue et a kingdem ielom. Bl c iergids (tteroursetha are sa nît.imateweuid, it was teard, cause a si, Charge tien tisat sshe souid go Vîy ie largely in tise bauds o!f ftrina e Vh ryal ammt atae C But sise reada tise 3curuals -Mordecai saw tisat tise diaasten Eurepean firma, wisich unifortunate- thrinof hely yaia ih wandaye a&hmu new umuet knew ho in, that .eemed Vo await hi peOplO 'Ylare intr oe; g hacheaper thoroe cql faii. amospher 'e Vs 1,bt makea ne nefereuce te il. was due eutireiy te the affron2t^)e anline Sdyca.- bcft,eauJtherc aisnop ore ofnh e 8h'plays Vise Piano ccnt.altlY. isad, oftered Haman. Ronce ho f1!you have ever a Phî eutrano awrd t is somo utonl esL ho e pousswhich cales!upon evry poaiible resourerug fifty yearz old or eider wviéhij, amai aterugettreua n u t gon perfermer se ciuoPopnursie1_2zbsofes vsal êi t1i tývin&V oitea oniroi- hoWia tat tohangbadesorai botrcape-Mordecai viii not InCI venmore or leïSecrooked - ThïÏisS-] j ntai rnethnsb eýo adh is <io eepve for bis kinswomacause atter part ofet itis wVee SEEVED OUT 0F DOORS. dîd. "Thon, " as ri t ngi stand in the way ettso xeuir must lie reusoved frein the looitta:nd "ltitn15yen Whote emad and noV of hie plan. RE words ar se r.ý%afi ,1,11(jta table is usually a sery for 1 ses none of tutose tbîne." rebuke. anditdsr te onscience of t th odou< cue, a afi uri n] i ery massive mahoganY She n ets el particular about the queIt wis iumseblo te. seVVtwa ! o( ru wliicli the tes i a ndis .1 r4i----- Visthe.Couid Part 1e*UY tly Israu ber 14and ç s ena ur. trom 140- ""i .iaOf thse; t tprit. t, o, guestteby tho servante w of tU*ýpreatig6 -*hiol sm I 4other placIflinla ometinus a coin- Une eeti aisp ftti'I1(flflt'.the Eapelis of KOLXICO. NoLIIP jau,4Iat b*1ook of - Esthuer to hi_ tavnsty e g s t'icerenitniotiaAs in atternoop tImeshr e1 80- !' 55 L*toùMe it 4 cedsciet religious fat . vhie" its a-vu patea, sud yet iLt l urkingbam Palace, or in to referto býr si, the ?rincns. T> But,1!. is diSçult to read the ado 'wýtboüt feling thVO te i5tevern tirel ntiany ofthte noyal resideners, ll ler weak uvmo s54.0 ~ vtoîteigta h uost- ~ ~ s tIere are one or two points et edi-o, bon t4#1~' O O.l V j8lfProvidence la t kev. -Tisin dj&iu. Thewaver oopied 'e qitcttii î winch luave te ha ebserved îq auailwozs4eV iIia-er imîd %tk , M pi .., &t f r lN tiie guetitp. No guest cantake beilugR a, Iw,»> egxt -*eus#t t andedneol lkilï r lu-r doparture it.whu1 ieth ajtýh e reou 6 et offiltht l isbcthoroughly sure TE' "AN FLIVU ilg or Quecu in prosent. Qiietb lie s,. a h. aneaad in power,.,a a dvinedestù vaI.hi* à&- or Irom cooom, objects e pfroyalty neyer bid their Isosi CT Havint ofc i nht I i ' to , ve# atil &thr ,boulddaya vere ur 'i1()l.4 ts go<.d-by ini-h ordînaTY ror *uider ht ba'lp rudto 4 ta m, thore ixitili tofiei ef 't he xAova rls s u4 ruauu ne r r. Wluen hse etertaiientV *ho ê#Oe '>ê A' ufl1 4tU tsLS taCoutrW tbo va*bluitrkte, me ovrthe Queen riecs a"t bide b tu, el in hl êIi l1# d Oo<d-b',e to ber guesti -tjj ' *d o U 111 Wh'len tiiere are not xny plftIl bt 1 r. Lbei r Majestios wonld sh4bo bads imI' ~ I~, 4k~~plse mi « be ~~it~u wibls each, and tissu the Kinsadb 00 00~ Queeri weuld lbave tise m, tosi in, t4 4m rr >or"- - m a Iffl¶g guests standing white tltOy did O». l*H.sm At tho conclusion of a ioren~i1ter4 -mak ainnment, by tise way, a gIs wtuWIfuI Ab*w o wheu takiug hi& leave osve%' -r--A-m i000 bis hs>sor isoatets. il the igb 0sM4pt lie simply anys "Oe@dby, Ji , P*r I w " onQunad a kes huin9dt a"a vi"*P Thse King aM - q9nssouwlu he U Ii i*le' beuor sea09ftheit' -Mot* $ t* e,~~ !rîinda by catip n On such occeblonM 4h! leraestc e A irhen thèir t* cn ribtea1 cf that__ ie âh4p opaîtly ïote tfact that SM INIIATcoNrnAtiU SE- ~r~1~'c%?eanc t <0e8 nê TWEEN BONDS AND R"AL ESTATE [uz. ArË f*r«ei~ne n -wvilob te______________ oé thýe warp, is' more ezl'MORrOAGES. oen ýthan à wide one. The only- çz hÎch approais' a square in 6p ë"e those whiçh of late years Difiouty ef Subdlvldlng a MortIIo £54n ROT BREADS FOR WINTEU. 5being mrade for foreign tracte. Noesslty cf £xaminatien et Proporty Indian Griddle dakrs.- Sifttt 1e cuetomary arrangement of akgsl iau1ji o mosbe gether hrecoffee cupiule of yeUl4 jet9 in a Persian room is as fol- aesSl IfuIfNeîpebl- cernnieat, one cuptul cf fout. et,,a v: On the two sies and at the Ail Rlght for aie lEsatis and Con: teaispoonful of brown augal, haf 1opposite the door are rugs paniea-MeiésBultabie m,vemîmneîfer teaspo-onful of sait, and a heaing Dut two and a hait feet wide and tablièepobonful et baking po'wder; length cf the apace te be cov- 'lhomo of SaiI Mun&. then mix te a. smooth batter with id. They are sometimes woveu,- two eggs beaten weli with a pint ot tmore often are etf the soft, isilky sweet ziik. Bake brown on a hot mel's hair, hh is pressed te The articles coIttibutOd b? ."Is,5Stor' griddle. Serve with inapie syrup w h i c ha r e o r t h e s L e p u r p o e o f g u l d i g p r o & ~ b t t r bher into a mass an inch or more psouivo îneuursu, ~if ,possibl~.e osa. andbutr thickness and has aome pattern lut theni tram latine mono? îbrnw1h mGinger Muffins.-Into one-hali p1ucigr ting u'*wld<L.at" t-uterprmsm. rue nmped upon it. In the SPace impartial andi reliable chmj'aesoft he ouptul of New Orleans moiasse3 tween t}>ese tbree narrow strips i lormatiostir oe.-h.af teasponful ! soda areai woven rug. 01 thim payesr have no interesteto serve eue-hait teaaspOonfl)4 et sait, one THE PRAYER RUG 'h'se of mtheerroutier.' teaspoonful -ot ginger, eue-hall cup- a a hape or rather a design - ut of granuated sugar, and one culiar te itseif, the border being Thequstonofditrbuio o rsklatabiespoonful of malted butter. Into are at the bottom and havingon htewmrgtiveae azn two and one-fourth cuptuls et si.fted àarch at the top. This arcb in- ose th&a rsw othe te inves toeai fleur etir one and one-haif teaspoon- cates the proper place for the mni uari.ti avers' ll.SO fuis of soda, theu add these te the îyer atone to which the deveut ha# but lilteti motus, aÉti. herefore, ingredients with moasses and thin ohammadan frequently touches caunnot buy moes han ob tsw mortgagel te a batter with a cuptul of sour 3 orehead white performning bis et th. most, Tii.., to. are altogehhêi mitk. Beat well. 611i buttered mut- votions. Thu we see that cir- The e .l s hi. wown ealgboh. fin tins partly fuit, and bake in imstances Iargeiy determine the Threst l lesthat en a yea 11k tin anoderate oven--to-r twenty miD-ites. tpe and pattern of a Persian rug. placeutra co ~sne atotal gbî h> o Buttermilk Biscuit.-Sift a quart The amount cf laber that goes toe plaoperbithe aiul ar tricin ofetetfleur, thon stir into it a heap- ie weaving ot a rug us aimoat in- w hoebsba onn-hr saigtabLspoenflo aigpwe redible. In the finest silk ruga ho u aibe onngtee ~and a teaspoontul of sait. Meit two iere are huudreds, yes, sometimes 'y1 gooti chance that interest, at lestI level tabtespoontuls ef lard and mix musands, et kuots te, the square willnet be forthoomlug. It in bhad, il with the flour, then nisteu te a âch. Every bit cf the work is don. sot impossible, for a peran of umailca-r soit deugh with a pint of butter- ybaud. It is not surprising, pitl t ge a suificient numbs.' of iml milk, into whiclm one-haif a tea- àerefore, that the weaving cf sucb mortgagm e n be im toditrb i sp contul of soda bas been dissetv- rug et erdinary size requires risX properi. ou the. ether band, iluthe ed. Rol eut te hall an inch thick- ears of time. case of many bondu, on.e au bol deom nese and cut iute, the usual aize bis- Often the eue who begins the rug fmihous of<100andu»< rd Th femer cuit, handling as littlo as possible. ls hetore it is flnished and an- Who le wilinto1 place a mortgtage fer 1" Bake in a quick oven. bter takes up the werk, a.nd as the Umalil a 5Oum1 U tua on hle property Lu Graham (2niddio -Cske.-F.er atteru was cnly iu the mind ofthe aIl probabiliiisialu mch mrait.oned cil'. these are required a., int cf gra- Lrat werker the second part ef t is je umo@tauces ual1théscurtyisl very7 ham flour, eue-hait pmnt ea.ch ci ore or le us different trom the dubtfu I n h ae f a ylreyotlow cernineal and fkeur; with Let. But these things, the siight '0f coW' u-? ecse0 er ag these mix eue-hait teaspoontul of rookedness, the change et patter» estate the question of preper distribution t , n eso>ulo r u id te iregulrites e desguof riek demande that a certain propor- at u eseotle rw u wb teirrh mit e ofcsieredtion of the mouey lnvoIed be put mb gar, uwo heaping teaispoonfuls of àings hh ih eoniedV baking pcwder, aud atter they are )lemishles in machine made Eur- 6ouud mOrtstuOs. thoroughîy stirred to ether mix te p e n articles, on ly serve te en - As point d o t las t w eek , te tact that a t er w h o n - lf c h of m iauce the artistie value et a Per- mortgages are saleable only wlth diffi sau rug. culti, lu a mrions drawback ln th* came and water and one egg, welI beaten. Until recent years the rugs were o! mas" Luv$tors. The. reamon for thue T-e grlddle mnuet- ho bot te bake eot woven in factoris by women is qulte obvions. In tis irmi place. mort- theso cakes brown. Serve with vho devcted 'their entire time te gagea, liaI te, real astate mortgages, are cream and grated maple sugarai 1at werk. Rather eacb village usuali? mrude ir privaLs indivlduais. The! Buckwheut Cakea-Thise je an o roman bad licr ewn rough lIom r* sot divisable.seo th&tI Io Impossible aud wol Iiked Y Ip. 1f6r Vthe stretohed under a rude awniug in for a purchaser to ebuy part of a mort- ciaktesnre o uàteeean ýone p- or cwn ceurtyard. 8h. perbaps eg. otfcseo ono O tyellow côrvu itesi aand .evoted but a -short time each day centraiT, lisholtier etaci & iiadd dol- $oi. trt~e ot~rV9 i< te this wcrk, the few moments ljar Wm. Davies.bond. fr""'iÎ heebaimgVas onfAAie oabak- rhieh àhe could anatch from more divide t toto tou bonde et'$*00«che, 46104 0 serdid duties, aud this waa thse ouiy of whloh te eOllY UM saturé as tha xs pwdr, t aspofle a rtistic bit of work in ber whole wlole, a*d t iin luitueti lit fa pn sud a tal ,eddpo !eîr o uouss ixistence. -~~~~ whose shareholder,. linhhir ,iei±.toiwih *1 adVMrerbz um existence. ,wheit baked. Mix Vo a bafter. wth le kept n, if at au possibli. e, the * *wte , n t te ,I . u a e HOUEHOD INT. rospecttvé pufhassiet a môleriage Win sl >dbétitehd juat beore th HUE LDH TSa. i av e. uli aos t ae a re needed, kr baiciig. -serve v Cotd rain water and *s.oa . l 1. p Or WntIple syrup anid -plentY o! butter. remove machine grease trem wah- ggtiM &uhaw*lahavi te go te eo pese 1IUb W - oe SkA, & 0TI SUr , QUh- o &bie fabricaen sni. etbyag it» ,i4 1aîrthl"p-elu w4 ne loi Thse eapot sh6uld b. cs.ifully .et. b» wihave te o naboutth»# one P ~Pou ciSwee mîl1ký two dried att zwasliftekéep t s ques ~ tio rItuanes lit short. it OUitO :lttc*utf**oi Betore- tuzuîng eut -a puddi .ng et1.t mot ag »,,, bl uibaking poder. ix llu snu 4t, tn treo tour îu4tea for oieoi i erIir face value. if, on thes uthei bake in u .uiek <oiren fr ltit Vi tean to ecapo l et 6- m uam. Moth eauI>cpr~v#i. lu Ar-isiat e~ou nà Ar" uàorigagt. l 1j ovad v petsbyaczibbiiig floor vitit bot OIVW8OAlA4O iI uuPuIIMb EfrS1ê rente gh.elà wat n m - - gto*lat la lit, ab ;bs pemat o erI hsigVscare! and f requentIrvPA îi1hW %P BOIU i 4 ~ ~ o sphuWu Vscarjiot with sait -bo. iuat@é iê'Alie $ IQP** 1T<O leati iotW rue put theut up- I em be bY è m-4 t a d e n o n , b e d i ,,s a l ad d o w la _ _ I rit - I <n un er te 'n ry .55. 'a

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