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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1912, p. 3

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i LBlBtttre il» a.ight4et * ciu dwlth thie The 91 2PI1uunwwr f pr ith, and la', h ts accidents ocourd-inteXe 'ualU UIQI~4iirades, ii whloh forty4i!G Wère 1~ yeae l svemerthie . w,Ïm tre, Niue mon vere ki».ed and4 p@14nt ' law 1and noti-fatal, toe thirty-ouo r. îijUT.d in he l>iiuâe~ laidMul wcomensd inD tn Igtrad6a, an unial igi ~' ber, 1010, thoe. er. 351 accidents. ber for the. moUtli fD006mr-a*' ci~ hie! dixasters during tii. There Wve. twentl4 ngo ftal, month voie the suffocating orthtre, acicidents ii ine6rmilway si1Oe. NANT DISASTERS AT SMI. CANÂDUIA 3ORTIS 0V FUL? P Clainis et $35,M0,00 Made lla 1911 Canada'a expert trade et Wood l at Llord'a.puip is increaosing anLually,.sund Md ai loy's.during 1910 amnourted tu vïkluGtô 'The year 1911 wam one of the vonst five million, seven hundredýtl-oti iu the history of îmarine insursaco. santi doilarsj aouidiÈ;9 nllf tt.r oi.ght monther of comparativetion furniahod ote théDoiifi -'=nity item ânythipg abuorrmal. Foroît.1, rSb à b , 14 -Dep7BV-, tlater part of 1911 bit the under- mentr zaier of Licyd'a soma heavy three fihundred and têw»nty-1l»e blws thousand tons of puIp, ovpo tW all ii. <Ytiated that the eum of an Incwe, -o f fortyeittosn 7',W0,000 sterling or $38,000,000 re- tons ove ei'UIOamâýou shipped in presentA the amoutit of the cdaims. 190. Wood pulp expcor1b8hib Ii b. Blut evn now it is feared the tale 1910 amouiited te geventy par cent > of 1911 às nuL yet fully told. Th6 o! the. total Produclt in Osuatis.388 recent terrifie weatiher is respon- whereas ini 1909 tbi. proportion w&.5s *siblo for the, biggest overdue list only sixty-three per cent.. IPi*tY- uh which iîoyd' lhas f aced for &longciglit par cent. of the expert 9Was lam. zmecha.nic*Il pulp, and the remain- tr Tho car as een emarabl forU1 tweIve pet cent. was ciieral Tho grar hnumbeer utmanrk-aefor ulp. During '1910, over tiree- re thcs, pat cuia13er f g the i"aat.quarters of th; pulp exporteti went theo roths oaimostong tinai t tthe UijatediStates, wvile ahip.se gales inthorofca waters, wicul nieti to nearly ail other countietsis gals i Euopen wtem whchdecreaed. 'The UnItod 1iugdom undorwriter.9 a;cribo tW the groen ks nto winter now being exjierienced in 1qartoer, a1t1iougih e raiingtoze-*I England and Europe genera.iiy. countries have talion off gre.atly. u Tho bigge.'t ios ofthe yca.r "w' Partieularly i. tiiis so îth cheini- the lioge liner Russia, which -taî l u net ônetse'rnth ,-hie 8trandoci off the I)iitch co»it whio ot Lins ahippeci in 1010 âï1 n bound from New York to the Iîalic.10:Teavrg lu prtn Hull and cargo the vesel repre"nBt t*ic pul e aprevalune1909 ton ed i 8,b00,000 Another big Io0- Of1the67 for th6m ela*ICanti 90Ã" w I was the l>arit;iana, burned sa 8 14af1rforethe mecnai l.a i. & t while hounci f romn New York to Aus- combined -average ci $17.31, or 149 trali.. Cargo uand sh;p were valu- cents leu per ton than -ýfor the. 1 ed at $100.previous year. The. prices paid ýtC The loss of the Fifeshire in Ara- Can&iian exportera by the various1 bia.n waters, whîlle tund f rom A-,tm- importing countries were per toni tralie to London, m-as responstb'o for mechanical pîulp: Unitedi States, for dlaime totail1ing $Iow,000. 1Hé $1609, or exactly thcemesn recent losu oftho Delhi did not af- 1909 and Unitedi Kingdom $15-78, fect Lloyd's heavily, as t.he Delhi or $5.52 more. For chemicai pulp, waa uninsureci. the amounts paid were: United A matis.factory detail f rom the States, $36.39 par ton, and Unitedi underwriters' point o! view lias Kingdom $41.00 par ton. beon a 10 per cent. increase dur- ing the year i the rates on huIls. *but againet this ie to ho net a ris.' SMALLPOX IN A BAREULT. of ib pcr cnt. in thc cost o! ne- pa4m.Neghbonbod la la ate f.et Ex- P reighta during the yea.r hav.f' citement. - îhown an ail round improvement "and refecet a great incre%âe of trade A despatch frooem ota1 aa Mw.ny buyers of second hand cargo A baker, who hba been making anti steamers are in the markiet and distributing breati ut Matanc, Que.. thoir cost shows a large increase ap for four days, in discovero4 te have compare.d wtb pricea of 1010. AI. smallpox, andi the. noîhborhq>d-la together Baritish shippIng 1ifflm8tg% in a "tte o! exciteinent andi fear, ho proapering, ansti underwriters The niatter vwu report t thPro- are confident that the return of vincial Board of HN'Iati Friday hy good tracte conditions wÃŽ11 coincide wire, andi a ful staff of npco4 with a considerable stiffening ot conaistig o! tiree. doctors, bias bée'ý rates. nushedte h the oouaty te take tU l ____________precautiflns againitthVe epreati of-, the disease. FORESTR I[N EUROPE. The productive forcst are& in 1908 un the Grand Duciy o!ilHesse in Europe amountod t-o 182,20fi acres. In genenal, the standing timber is coniposecio! sixty-nine per cent. hardvood anti thiî-ty-one Per cent. conifonous forent. The. fir ranks first among tic conifer- ou i specàes;. Tihe total yield o! bum- ber in 102vas 4,575,000 cubic, feet. Refuie li se fan as it is mot suit- abl i. forighter lumber, smch as luths on for pulp, is usedfon ire- vood. Thc expenditures for Bal- arisa, forcît cultiautioii anti road building amnounteti to approxi- msteiy 9754,000, and the total gnos ncomo <f nom lumber and irfie- Wood) wau9,0193.The capital ropresenteti by the forît-s (552,- 06,354) brounitjiterest aocor'ding- iy at 2.21 pe r cent. Where 'n- teai. !fonestry cf thia knd in pnac- *tiseti, forcît fines are unkuown. Suffcient mxoney spent on C rwuin Forest Reserves vould greatby ne- diuce the. ire dinger., maintaiui en ad.quate lumber supply for the ptyanti in ime eeome a source o! revenue to tie GOYvorn- muent. 0"e good turn deerves sau4her but ,dem t slwys 4aêt, FORTY-O NE NEW TOWI. C. P. ]L'a niteri a stIieWest 1"s A despatci frein lontréal "y*s During tie yesr 1911 theCO. P. R. e4tabuished 41 nov -tovua lu hée tirea Provinces o! Matitabs, fla- katoievan andi Aberta. This year,ý wit the. large number et uev brandi lnos andi ,xteOU4=,* 0u' templated, iL la prob*lz IetbAtUie rilvýay vill cstâblish more, '"w ~-OOO .~iI1ug p si-te1to t81- at-lflitot& 01NO. 82 >uttisrlà t bý L4oand P c o lt &t48 le 421401 Ou trok ul,46 to 4644é. lfo.t1w«âlefliOU bb est., 49. -"d.No. 1 tsd.45 to4144, blw»er-4 le 48 Ib. a86 to 861i-10. et- ose,-No. 83Amertoati yflW,700. Tb- Iroa-Kerotght bru I. labg, ane-BmaIl leot had-plCkSd.14 S to 8.48 per busbel. ffoner-Extraoted. tu tins, Il t te120 par b. ombe. $U te 81.7 Dalol K&r-no. 1 il 816-80 te $17.50,.0os rok, and No. 9 at $14 te $OU, Baiel Otraw-4750tae0& on lnok. IWO- Potatoo.-Oftr lo*ts, tu b*geM$1# lS 8- 0, and Dolawares MiSJ.Oio-tiO 1.48 toe.6 Pou1ni-fr>s'~ priees et di~e poultrY :.--Mblkeio.13 te î160p9r lb; fevi. Io to ltui'luann. 15 le1601; gee, la to Ls; turksyî, M0te li.0. "peiilt.. .10, te love? thom t'ho .bove. IIUTT R. ZOOS, O1MES&~ E;Utter-Daufr. ooles, li Wa wra>rço '0 ti0%'00; large r0118- 27c',a" d nfn', tus. n te "0e. COreoy quotod et 32 te 3314-t for rels. snd 30 te 310 for sa0l1i, »Or lb. Kgg-SrIOlY nov-id. &%e. delon» tiens n rs il e in aos hm n t a t us.e.inee Obesse'LrO. 153&40. and twins at 16814- ver lb. 1100 PRODUOTS. BSOOU-4ià8 og itg. Il 1-2 te Il1&4o per tm s 2L 60; do. h ir 1-50te .RiP-o u= te liobt 16 te 161-4C;,lhs".. 14 te 141-b; reUl 1b4 t e l breakt bac&0014 16 t lee;b»UoI. 19 tlesoc. Ls.r<-~li4ooas. il3-dot tbe. ItUs h. otrs.Jas. SL-Oai.l - C40bwi*ai westomr, No,. 1.21-34tedI: do, No.-3# 451-oi xtraNe.Ifeu li. 4614; . S 4 lw *tlte44N.I iwlrile, 4 6uN 4 icealvirile.440. 1 r.~Ili. 96 ti Ma. pri wir*5l paleal, aftW. *5 sm uaU "i 0~setosD bikUt. wlaë ete.lleh. "114,5s l ea*îarllri a-tsu, <1.4< i #-I 1. bi I et.Ulr bu*,- L".,as. l...11. aa-4 butlaI.,et1 4c aeoad id mcr4 )UYEES ¶t [T'ho roat hé thuz,.dti agat ,t pI1, * uiuoî.,ê ly y, sne Ià em nerm &ud thus vilI b$ug a >ui tntin ashoprapgO0o! coa-iiininl On'Mro 1.-Tho itoviiiw.sbvet behee he xiplyrs an'tihti wrnke s, an di e«ertA' kr mndýiatio may be expooted $l atrhWb*, woulti otheririe prove a6 nsboiÏIa ',L » R? CKWTIW8 v ere aufou Tlheya. '.Bonsteel,fjrank isamfuel mouilant John IrMO»,Quei tees-Fir ft 7 .Y el * 2DuiJas. àiàb, O&&W je;kiut Ems4ale., anti four agrioiltura 800famrati9 jutiged by t'J4 culture ftôt c lloavy Se!ute"4>e* R.bbd aud Assa A de#ptcih f rom O. ar:The ahï %&r Uaded t icourt 'vas jmpose4 on '.Renaulit, Co -bery,; vit)' violence Rkherdson* 'Re hôoi *,id, kunok l ovi ut*,O out, fi Ag charg. b!bë hgtIa to. D~fi ild4GÃŽaa~( SîAnu't nitr LIAchi ,ï.g~L à,, T fi " . 1h-nm u wes< Il g qh o t t *e ouhpallc. Ii1tt a 'B, p. rol t t-ee- IQ tf~~a 8% o Te- Cfi, hiniudide inOue- nouctif 0a0pfor t.bti c I. u- a tk t, 4 lVo Va o uverL. l Quépabe oe u Plv ouei o u 1>ê or k eltoYoinde !Cr.- OnemreTî Ryl13ko Th va tY oflaiiilbs.0 T he Dominio Govenientv1~peiu craboe. , . ýuiI a $8 000eVan!e moe0Th Roiar Br b 11dreATL't4APiN. Lakto e en 1i, lxaitdriae01vorcroc-O0 io, nr L ot be rapiot&vo" Lrg q$nltea o l u- n iéci 000 whic able6a<Jo rpt-lt. M , i anci ètor of te rut, id a v il-he9 ar en boih n $,*.O>.Tiu4ast su. ffPornc, taly .2 irc à1 n thd Y. W&Ytae s.f husni oTi n h e Domittn in , w en e nt to9w73,00 eig4lle'oc~t 1i-ou W téouithi ch ez b91ý tét, n4 ùP' lier>Lr&tou ar eig o e Lqg a req$te pleni llk and bn u o ok~ad Lno rot Gver Bàùod nd, Abut 180n deèeia e a u 'shot î 0! tetotal , liabilities t b the ùbli e- Ire ~ ~ - mieebutir itit erGadasesicead ~ gh.ya ani ar* ~OiO*byà çrk ao1oriatt i ibb rein nd, Wano. u on-, Araba et i. s 1,kIn,09U 1gtmê0l~i b. - ,AtMlcta Au nfr Brtâh ttlMh~ ,R r4 b pt4ï~ e &~ 0 4 GERMAN THAlE' importa al E xpo<w Go maua or Port» readied a 1ot 4 -

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