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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1912, p. 5

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ai W."G. Lai bs~.rud 1' 71,i SUPPOSE you ask us to make r ou a vatch êncorporatlng your Ident o< what a w"nîch ahould be. And suppose we delivereti the Iellowlng. Wouldr't you uay, 14'."rbie 1, just what i wanied-? A walch wlîh a *"tailoir- made," tyleh appearance in A -modern, Seat, thin, it case-- ors you are proud to take from youm pocket and show to any- one, anywh.re. ;A truth-telling watch whose time you ran alwa',s dependon -a reniarkahle wath ilat will make notable records of time- keeping. A watch that ia sîurdy as well as accurate-one that will lait lifetimes and give perfoct se;vlce throughout. A watch, in taci,, îhat's as ZWOI~ d1bt i I prle topo fe ydbs. SlgendaJm. jNew 8hoes or in- klndamadie b to drat M. W. oOI1II' ea#* sle Tu-t.WANTED. Ior tear Towt.o! WhItby, »Me MSopd-bawk lumber or -olti ýbuilding. SenudescrIptIon "an-- prie s U5M us Possible te G.W. Stevem ' btAl CATID 0F THA&KS. eveinent. Repalrinx of a&U kinda don.st 19. W. olline' sboe store. Plush rugs ti green , gfld fa»t shades. Sire83 3. RegulearpzIce., M-50.Sale Prim .1m SOat W. 0. Wltes, ale. I I 4 e q aC OOBI-AGEI&1~ÂW * Thre bs be.ae T», Il dsat4ruffi. stcp. tiaWng hait-,auaitadun - i s~alj ~ 1~l1lput lite,- bstro $ aIid lii t'4 O. i bin o0tbo#é $~ oalat 11thi.Alitas "d1 awna.w O, .035 8504 ý-***M1n 1)y ut. j.C_...p l%mo, Reeve ot Ugbide wa ideaW a 1âê.a'n w Kr. fia". e howed 1h. edibor apoal iMlth'a sahop, , wtW, Ïo 1pnled a thé lf n t maheto ôk cttng li tii. tieori*y. Ih ia Clalti sy nWiby. T vlrsaat'~- that Mr thl amli ae.êtoa oliol1 l~;le ïnsn beatty, An spite o! lus burdeui t 108 ageumnt, maYa Ï -ena oulti not bah rW.ri anti trots about bi JomelOWa arrive iaIlk h1 nnk'oWfter. 1k. a boy of -fourgcorçp. Ti.olwtguepagaplb -4-. Iam e blchtx tmkusfrbm the Glô»bà SOUTH ONa'AUlO FlMR'At !Jaay1? i.sel4Si WOMENWS 1NTITUTEu, itia. Star of saine date,- 'l Ba futthOr lot mre-E:. <arvtn Barbour, C âo! loY rcardlflg beOkey oruio 1I 0Ck6Y' Lturos Md ne ssH~sa, arkbul. i Wutby. -+ - . Coluahus, Tuesdayo. Jaauary 80 "The Whltby' Ã" i .1Alnrnet. parinera' Iuslftute, frowa Hall. Woé ban <u d llkd ýëteo:: rteeMéoteo_ guue Instltute, Purvis' HaIl. hA . gaines wtbood i ntoeti-d WbitIbyWedoesday, JmnUY 81'- ltétale tean. Airs A.Bt~,S yarinra'Institule 001111011 Ohambêt. Wfb. Woeas utitute, musb hal A i 4., NA OUXINC pappo- BrookIl, Thurstiy, llehrflay m*Is lii irhtb # Ie- P&iran' Instîte, 1t5800110 ! W> medialeati "ieblreýi ition gaine mWe luIituteu iotte 1OX 1ai. -lu htblyani uhbsuaoe reuested Ao GrOenbak, Frday, ebruat Ina-write té AI., Butlerasectay . l'rmera' Inattte, Teàperi ~Butler t MtScttst 1.h W1tb Wome's i nttut., biwiient lfrt&O 0.li.A.Itëàmt 'andti îÈne authority dst obunch. tb et for lia; club, -'The seetekry!8 theéclub 1isW-.M.,PtI 'ej-ad ay BRAKEMAN INJURED) oo=tlciom -ee r' ocey -jI Brakernan 0'ellI, o1 I4Mntisa, -iWUtby- sboiild beà atitieeti' hm ployeti on lie Port Perry 41viaiofo!Asa, "îter o!t fat tbti'tlà no inter- tb G.T.R:-, hai orne of-bi rm Sb.d OIaM0q.L e _it_ hty à haile coupllng cmr. Thon uean -i tIat. tcý w1ubithjt pe.nnlobof te got bus-arn tu hie wrong Plae e loy *li .lbo vu wabadly brokea, ýëp . f, t , cruab sudantiMnl4. Dr. MoMGU môe is fael yto tô*n ray elfisbuis .un-Wb=M ton vetry vàktrom l1ois o! bpod. 1%ee' suantiMia. . Oa-tntoL En. 3lcal'& lq 10a.ira On~ ~ ~ ~ ou ffIypvu ao~A t~ ~~~ktq 14 1f*' u~ eq*'i hm E undergolhg -au perft~io '0"~ir ,ome ou Sautcwqeve11llglutM. to hnow- ibat l-,b. opeoatÀoa.waa mu'w cesuul, atu~t ah. Asgettug Mon& A meietîcin-!the Wâma'mis inte willl ýbe- Id'bth<e ot»c1ý ,Chambêtr on Wednosda- attorn oà >Jauuar H1otaôt4 cf P#tkhiDli~1- speak -om 'The. Famlly du a iSh41ngnlec" Iwo Hot8on bas bad the. oppot~ty or meing thé.ê ftèct of reiideûôlC Ille O irs'anti 'tii. value o!the hé. omel Kùro'4 antiArt (ouriss fr young Iom n. tbe evening 8a eitme- -étitutes wllt b. belt, wheén M" Hot- Lwwcb wvu h. nerveti at the, cloue - O 4itatiu s oextofflet0 bal worben *OÙ ~Isto'attenmd,:th' - meetings. . MS.Thiompsoi1, -Preuldent -~Msa P. T& IiW4TOR SELL. # TWÉ. 'hfrall, .la11 on~o Our Stock 'is comp!ete. , In 'd j,4 j MIen's and Women 5;,they'-ire',,rd ô.bet. i!ght up date--made everthe moet m-é'n IasW ALSO afl'rlnes' of M en'sHeavy WcarkingBot < anýd diris! Sho.Boots.,. tg ah R'ubb.rs, Spats and Leggings fo everyone.- We cordiaily invite you to cali and inspeet go P~E1 SLGE' iOI11U0 ýJ%#V tw 4î Tusentry andi pîtisirugi, ait clu rtduced prcos at W-0. Wdtfé5. «* nti robes aI Johnl Q o , omit Cali sse I bum. £om o!twer chlis S it gOilW 1~ sboulti Ibc ~os~ near perfection as anythhng j san cantnake-one that meeta A concert will be given lu Music every':requirenient in service 1Hall, Wbttby on Mondsy -eveulug, I!ebl. and asi». j12b under tb. auspices o! bie Ladies' Ila short, a waîch that vota Ai LAdrew's-cburcb.'Messs know là your odeal the minute A le mdeo!Trol. b This la exactly what we eà voresder, Mselb M rUAdy bave lor you. We toint, wilîî Pr'dâ,lte prgamme. need sot make it to ord et. Furbier particularu later. Basstta watctacs ln atilarec s- the beut watches Ladiet' ves, regular Priem WC., rt- Reit ln ail the above for the duoed ta Ne. at W.G0. a"rs.. price. 1. We'handle Elizin. Walihamn, MAXO WANTED. Reeia, Hamnilton,llow.trd and Apply te Mmm. Dr. McGIIIUvray, ail good watches. Whltby. Coates 90 yard spoos 6 for 2fc. at W (G. Walters'. The choir o! lb. B4ptiet churci R.N.Basell went *o Wbtevale on ymooay evng wbere tlzey gave a concert lu the Bap- Jcweie r - Opticla n tist ouh. Tht' fonad bithe d l aveîY bati coals-soiii.places a- Whitby - Ontauio me' ite pola lces nMi e liol Th oum yo 4iîWýé t W . C. T. U. oslemAlnar5~tt~i1 W...U ys Tutiayaaay I o Asp.Ci"lmeeting of ithe ..TU Iupet trouble vit Iôsyt .. will b. held t thle home o! li- ra.E- mit ils. Slaatc aet rml Harper, on Tuenday alternoli Jaaiuary 29th, at 3 O'clock. A' tuli il- SALE ONLY APMw 1AY8 MORB. tOOdAlIce o! the mexuberi la requesti. d . nmeisiav t tbmi r,-. iuaussff sas th. ollowiRg business muet bu eaouaa,01.s< 1WsIb. looketi aller before the reguWeiait- ml ume",i tm l- . b,ý"1 iug. Seadlsg n delegat. te liiiUs-j tionalTempermwce Congre«S and m à gnrldr od tof al ~l imbe Alliance convention t 101 i~d mtbTdjoib«p0le ê in M.sey Hall, Toronto, 'Neadyî OIfyl~~ hdlI1M WednSday, Thursda n u daWY, < -"i b' Po'bmury 14, 16, 16, 17, 1,912, Wtli.W .Wlt churcb and Christian Soclety la u tîtied to îwo represent.atlves. Il Io SIJNDAY SCKOUL OONYramOte time the Chrstian people of, t4istov .O'WE wcre up andi vorking for Qed sýUd * gaJleIb y ~0 0> Home and Couantrv. "la at Osbawasa t 0* LocaIliwe'CIiat z t 1115,., -41 1104i1s * sas-plii-b

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