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Whitby Calling, 15 Aug 1946, p. 1

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CALLING "rgTHE VOICE 0F YOUR COUNT Y TOWNST VOL-' NO. 12 ITBY, ONTARIO, TIIUR.SDAY, ATJGUST: 15, WhtyParcel Delivery 1946 $2.00 PER YEAI LýK CF SEWER PIPE MAY STOP 'IW amhi *prbzare4 the plans.4I$th been revised ~ ~jI~Mon, Ilutt 1»s. plans caz. be ýýdln 19471 or *948 as welI 1as now, se thére will.1>6no expenditure'lost. For the present thse lot willtbel 'tenced inu to preventehi14ren from qIiKlntotUise cllar excavations. "rtired Councillors coming away fro hIr'late nmeetings,»said ee iICmms sioners. 7, The-iinbers of the Çommissiios. &d nmt discuss tequsion as *o _â-the tenants of thse former' buNns on.. the lot we hufried out and forp to.find ne* a year e* th needed. DOLA)N INQUEST S&T' F:U TUUEDAY, ÂUQ<2a"Q Coreiser Dr. F A Cuddy has seý Tuesday, Auguat 20 for thee nquest inte thse deatis of, John Dolan of *Toronto wIIO m iý a*1laçç % an Wasfà* lyilig <ta the track about'.12.3 nomn., He was aliv. when discovered, but terribly injured .and, had appar$ntly lais there for ever- an houri He died* ow the way te. Osha'ý Generti aud Guantrili are handling the ina- stkgatio n' aided by the . ThL ieves Select, Valuable Tools. Thieves broke intoBelsQre some timne betwe.en 7 o'clockSat- ,"trday evening and, 10 o'clock Sun- day morning andmdeofyt Usel .Bohi's tool it. vaIuéd, at1 $160.00. Entrance was gained by l breaking -thée lock* on thse wash reom1 * . door and forcing i open. Although thsewholelbilding.had( apparently, been. pretty thereoughly B earched, uothing ese appears to be missing except thse oeue bol b ox. In. mourning bhis loss, Russel Bell said, lt i. nt enly. the value of thse tools,, but some% of, themù are almost impossible te -replace'-at1 pre4ent spd it hemnpers My wor ." -Police la arond and may have a lead te the ceuiprit hrtly., COMINGVENTS. Reserve Thursday September. 19 . foir gupper at thse, Prebyterian * Sundiy -Sciool, under the ausapicesc of tfie Ladies Ald. Furthç notice1 4 te. >NG PRESENTED WITH HORSESB Y, DUTCH_ QUEEN Pes'ýbyterian, Minister Marks "p Golden Wedding Anvrsary ~uel Iààwrelce.:WsMoerator. 0,f Toronto- -Kitigho ù-Syno& 1rr 1937- - Oou.p1ê"Bot Tise hý G~oud Iealth. TeRevereud and Mns. SaiÀuel Mrs. Lawre:Qce is four years: Lawrence -of 1050 Brock St. Nortis youuger 'than %es, 1sband. Heîi will celebrate their golden wedding People were farme~lu Mn'iddlesex on Saturday of this week.: They County -and she was a scisool teach- were married in 4ondon, Ont. er at the, tinie of ber marriage.- AUgZ l7th,1 1896 when Mr. Lawreuîce Thse couple .save only two chil- had bis first church lu Lobo Town- dren and:eps g _ adci d. Their ship sean London. Mrs. Lawreace son, as *>veT an techmgshol was then Isobel Caverhil, the local. bas operated a. summer resont at scisoo t",.*gober -Fenelon FalIs £i!-ýany *years., "iFit'ya -ene ~n ty- While th~ ien__ dwedding -wil toenin ePreàhbeeria in h iel eebrated, scores of istry, asnd I have enj o«yed every day fnien4às: Ir vt4Neià te wish tbemý ot it," said tisereverend minister. weIl and- hundrëdâ otifrmrp- 'IL retired'fromý active service in- ishioners wilk rerheuiber them .at 1937, but 1 amn stil- a minister and this happy time. have preached, many tumes arousd' Beyondý a -slight weakness in'one this. -neighboriseod,". he coutined îeg due to'a miner accident, Mr. 111 addnessed' the Rotary- Club' a Lawtence esjoYs. excellent health couiple -oft tims. I have had a full and&c mes dowa tow-h. frequenitly. hife, and I have, no co mplai tà.» - Mrs.-Lawrencé a ise à in tain Thegod wedding -will be. g heàlth, but is not so aceve ýfor the quiet celebration. Their ouly' son,- past, feW months. Nelson, assistant principal* of .a Fort William achool will bek)resenit and their osly daughter Helen lives7j aÛt 'home with. ber -parents. I"Se V ote a u d many of tise old fniends have pas Sa urd y ed,,on,"'Mr. Lawrèee sui, "soô: do net- feel like abig affair, but a S%-oe b r1 t man only,, has. one golden. wedding 'aud thse ladies liko te maýrk it." . Blected Moderator. Special-» IElectief Set For Wben Mr. L-Iawr ence spoke of a ByIaàws n àrtir_ fill: lite, lhe was well witbiu ,theé~ra in ftsHowas bora -i fiAberdeen- Fix à ésssrent shire, Scotland in 1863, being 83 *year: old last Apiril. Ho came, te Ti la e>~anting fixed. Canada in 1883 aud for three, years assessment 9of $1,000 te three Uew worked for a seed company in To- masufaeturing concerns locating in routo. WhitbY, weré givea firan sd sec. Rouing biseucation ho gra- ond neading at.a special -mèeting duated from Knox College iu 1894 of Town Council last'Friday even- and was stationed in-Lobe Town- ing.. The'by-la*s ,were passed'un- ship. He aerved 121years inulLon- apimously. don Synod, 12 years in .Guelph,* 6 i A tountis by-law'setting the date yeus in Lindiay, and 12 years in fr pca oe e eM t-puy-, Saugeen. - a Apil 1937. ho was ors on Sept. l4tb was aise passed. clsosea Moderator et tite Toronto- The wbole .pnoeeedingseowuid4 Kingstoa Syuod and gave up bis' minutes, <me of thse shontè.t coun- charge laten lu that year. cil meetings on recor. UnrujI~edDecoum 0 TueCourt Surmounts Condition 0f A ccuùsed -m eult decorium reigned in tise- Police Court dul Tuesday aftrnoon. Magstibtï Rosa Uossack wss on thse bench. Thle naibe of thseino*, acecua.d wésci.sn4 Wllsoxs Atre'Alex.*IWU lookc- -qk yt thi Magsrn u eted Proçencial Officer Mur- 'yBrucet6 lead the pnts(îper " rpd loe. bis.beneisand ne- .mlve bis luit. Tte prlone stumbled oven the stop asjim Stý For' about thity seconds His. Houeor looked at the pilsene .1 Tise e -sald, "tthnitthzcase ave te b, s-mandddr- 4e thée aeït sltting."mx' agree. Boydwa led eut. "' The' change ugainat bthe prisouen Was -"«saviug liquor in an una l ýplace, teo *lt, bis automobile." e . ficer Bruce - said tise sxxmmous against Beyd uese ever au inci- dent in Ajax a few days ugo. The evience wll i hourd nent. woek,. penhàpa. NEW DELIVERY Commencing with this issue and continuingË until paid-cirrcu- lation - begins,_.Whi y-Calliag will be. mailed to- every house- holder in Whitby. Yeu, wiIl re- ceive a copy of the paper each Thuriadav lu your post office box or when you pick up your'mail- by -general delivery. ...We are taking. this sto be- -1 M ertiuyoftonse ta oet ejdents h&ve - eît 'eeI MdWhtby Calling ec week aûs we intend they' should. minimum of 50 persons of their a greement does not apply. For' the Eý-mpire -Pant and Boys- wear Company -whose facetory is being buit on Brock Street North, the limits are $8,000 and ýfr.om 25 to 50 employées. ..Liable For Other!Taxes > Each of the ýbylawsstates that there.'is no' other industry of.a siinilar type in the. town, -and. also that the firms will ho hiable to lfuhi assessment for .school taxes and -for any local. improvements. The agreem ents will bécome' effective, if approved by the- voters, on Janu- are 1, 1947, and Wil run until De- cember -31,' 1956. .Simiflar bylaws.' have been passed for the Argo Petroleum OCompany- aànd for Stokley-Vax1 Caimp Limited, one ofý which was voted on in last January's-election., The reason that the vote is beingheld in September rather. than with- the annual elec- tions i8 tliat the firms, have, asked for some -assurance about .,the agreementçsuad'Council f oIt that tise best assurance: was te hold the vote as soon us possible Separate Votes Those qualified te vote - ou a mouey bylaw* will cat tiseir ballots frein 10, a.m. until 7 - pm. on Sep-- -tomber 14, at polHingr boothisslatue- scisools, -lhe hibrary or- the Coux'cii Chambiers.. . the -ballot will ho a! single one wits-,tse sanies .eofthe thirce firms on it, as eacisgr,- meint Must kbe approved sép4iitely.! Nomnated to e.oDeputy Rèttu-.ý ing Offcers for.the ten subdi'visions 1were in order, Fred Dent, Gordon Hfawe' , William, Barnes, Stuart Th~ese by-laws mus't reeesivea à n W le hoion are favorable ,majority -eof.,two-thirds manWalterC. TA.omryn, .Fara e eftisvtes coat ou Sept.. l4th te 1reudgodadSmorWiny ho efcieIfthey are- acceptfed glanSeyuWhty. thse Counicil will give bhera .a third .rtise. ruliaga of tise Oiitarijo reading, -and tisey become law. Municipal Act, tise býdaws- sudthe Th e Tn~Polihnipla ceS.muat ho adventised Far ver ylttedjsasonfor. tbree ,cousecutive .weeks, sud e ie byuwas er te xdisèdsi the sevoting must take place jixt les -C0 th bla*. s tey- 9'd,'hethaa tbrée weeks and -netomore Co. '0 -Each eue grain a fixed tisazi five weeks ufter'tise finat pub-> asomet et $1,000 ften .enyears cain t e!ýo uethbie firms, âlong .witislahn tçws et bise agreement. . nFrthe S. K. Wellman-,Company -Mýayor LeaSves For . f Ciad~l leted,- tise bl cls Ft. William--Meet 'for ~ ~ bya ca'gs29es iaes ~seoo[j ~Mayer R'. M.Devereft Te - eune ofete n years ea1 fIW a auyaternoon with,-Maybr F. N.. covets, tise irin talls te employ ut MqCalIumn ad. M-s. McQllumÎ of least 50 .workers, u nlesàQ. ue te Osbawa. .te attend bbe Ontario cause beyond their jgeutfol, the Mayors and Reeves Conetina agreement wl*M e aplP ort William. '1hey xnotored te The buildings of the NMtle Côm- Port MeNicol aud, will bake tise Wa yae to, cost net Ies-*s 15,-steamer frein-there. Thsy- uxpeet' 000 udthe fim-x La t-ènploy atebhoeetMody ShortageInterfere s -Wit.h Factory Progra> New ýIndustriesCannot Connect t-o-Sewage Mains- Pübliec Utilities Comm-ission F ' nds Substitutes Made 0f -Concrete To Be Unsaý1sfactory. Ail..new. buidinig in Whitby May being held up. The onidition ia come to a sudden haît *due to. the -gènieral1. Asked if. this delay ixighit entire lack of sewer pipe> and the send somne of the industries te other difficulty experienued in getting pflâces Mr. Pringle said, _"Wýhere water, piping. This. was disciosed would they go? N.obody else is at-the Tuesday meeting of the Pub- any botter offthon we are." lic Uitihities* Commission. It was decided7io advei-tise for The qtxestion was raised .'in- a tenders for the eroction of the communication froin the Chamber foundations of the niew .Water Of Commerce 'W-hich paased aleing Storage tank.. Plans and specifica-. to the P.U.C. an'urgent..nequest for tiofis have been rececived fromn the. action in,,layi.ngSeage -connec- econsultinl - gineer tions so that new factories- could- be.,built this Falli. Superintendent said,--"We siinply -cannot get the U se, Colo . a necessary pipes. iVeé will.soon have'1 to lay'*off about 30.,good mon as T they, will, have- no'work te -do." * For TLown Plani 1. 1No< Pipe Available on -the suggestion of Chairmian Win. Pringle ;the. President eoaf large. Toronto: Supply. Company was 8p ciaî *ny-Law Will iBe called on the long -distance, tele-- Presented, At Next - phon& -and ho said there 'waa noth- oniMet g Ing ho -couid 'do. Ho *did neot have ConiMetn any pipe and could not get any. Cùsto.mens would simply have 'te Town Planning Board are pro- wait.. î paring a large colored iiap of Supt. H. -Priesi,"i iu Whifby whichi will show nt a *glance ation la getting worse every- day. the approxim-afe assessed' value We have been- using substitutes and use of every building in the such 'as conc rete pipes insfead of town hImits. This mnap will be 0f vitrified- clay, but. even these are great assistance in the consîdena- bard te, get and tbey are practi- tïon of applications for building- cally useleas." . permits.- The memblers efthtie Commission -iempl n ag 'aie and went out to the, city yard te la-e every lot la èlearî y defined. specf ýa pile oet concretepipes. ,and Lotsn hc tebuligs ýe teyha - ils' hn. as essed af $500 or - eý - -ues pies wuldnetstan ii>, redý- brown; wbere the assesmnent. sai F.ieT. noe-ýreotinwùuld -isfroni $501 te $2,000 the color la green; front $200 te $3.,500 is pur- Expenisi.voProcesa . ple; frein $,3,501 te $5,000 ia yel- -When lusing the conérete piping 10w suid ever $5,000 is-rèed. Empty ,the joints have to bel piastered .witb lo arelfn ht n auatr concret.e and- the- suggestion *wns ing plants are celered black. Coin- made that these *sixbstitutes bo mercial properties;' sucis as stores laid in.aný entire ceaoting of cement and offices îyill.carry sore othier te stop the. leaks and help, resist colorn roots. _This -would be expens iYe. W hen 'n building peri-ît îa ap - Another difficulty la, that the in-pederagaewilso th aide surface la' rougis and owould vlead's tsrenîgpo have .a"tendeney' tecach sewage perty and-uenabfe the oai ro-t and block'the passage. Iprachan-uidsenabeteBadt Thipipe4-amine la slowing' up ecaquk cion the. building etfiseuses as well as- Special By-Iaw - factories. One or two builders At tise Septeniber mneeting of thie hsavç secured enoûghIvitrified dlay Town Council a by-law will ho pipes fTÉ tisteir own housea and Hl; presenfed mtaingîit necessary for Pringle said .-ho would be glad .te a pnoperty owner te, suhmîft a plant buy.« any- thatf. builders ýcould get et bis enfiro property bofore a lot for 'hiii. .m ay b od This. will apply to Whitby.,la nQt the only fown bolders et large acreage. If wili net apply fo property already .iub- - divided ôr te cases wbeîe a large piece cf- land ia sold witbout being ServedDi*nner sub-dj To. Rotary Club FdruiSAE Flui, rà 'ài luincanada in 1945 reacà,"' ' ~ Imeboho mor 'tOnt,,e inieh- hof njreth n ôÈý -o poun.ds, and Stewart Algen efthtie Alger Press at tise presentýý,of sales in 1946 had as bis guesta te a dinner af i t la anticipateilîat this figuire- wiII bisplat, ise RoaryClu, tsebe incrcased by 6etwesen D te 10 per- Town Council, sund some other cent town officiais laf Tuesday, neon. cn for tise current year. Thse in- It was planned te have. dinner creuse in the price of iiilk te the served 'on' tise iawn but saiseavy._ceý,nsumer will undoubfedly have ai]- dowAn pour et-f n1ain) u t 2-o'clock eff.ect on per capita ilk production,. apoiled tise entire 'layout - sud tise buti, says the Current Review of dinnen was fiuall served indoors. , Agncultural Conditions iiCariada, Afte dinner tise gn.ests -madé' à >it is doubtful 1 if there will be an tour et tise Algen Prèsa building ctuaalcoi sud ~ ~ ~ cta eaedsetsn ofdecline in total conption. :adgapisn. hsoediner teelitho" A price. for milk of 14 or 15:cents cahnkeaTdinne., Mn. er l fodai tseCot tiinhede, is. aserte. plu dur tisAe affernoon and Lat Thunsduy _Zght .a small ma' have ieftt -igbted cigarette shsed huraf.ilnto blaze sud'tise fiames butta on tise pemises. "Tise burned cauglit an old barn wiichis ited bar-n wasof ne value," suid fise tise sky to ailés around. -fl-un- Chiot. * -s' - ;a~g;;~" - i ~ '-s- - - ~ -, - BELL TAXI WHiTDY. 1

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