WHITBY. ONTÀRIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15; 1946 - Dog Savaely Attacks Youngte ýWouniding Lips-And Nose - Ajax Village Pet Is, Popular With Children On Every Street. Owners Find It Har.d To Believe Their Dog Guilty. Ajax, Aug-. 14-Âttacked by a big police dog last Saturday. morn- ing, four-year-old Bobby,,Jchnson of 10 Beeeh St. had bis lîp and nose lacerated requiring four -titches to close- the wounds. Mr.'ý George Brynildsen,>of 4 Beech St. heard the cld's screamas from his front lawnà and rushing out, kicked, the dog off and calling, a taxi, took - thé youngster to Dr. K.-McLean, York SL* Dr. McLean.drove Bobby to .Univereity Hospital.where he sew- ed up his. torn face.- "ifis 1 p was tomh and I had to put three stitches. in it," th doc- tor said. "'Another. gash on bis nose took one- stitch. There was a lot of blood, but 1 think the boy' will be -alright now."1 -..(aptain-- witn n ia master andaa frlend The .only identification of the dog cornes- from the, injured boy. On Sunday, Bobby p ointed to "Cap - -tain" - a, two-year-old German po- lice dog, the, pet of the entire vil- lage, and, lisped through his ban- dages, "That's -the dog that bit me, Daddy." The only other - witness, to the incident is George Brynildsen and lie left immediately after for a* two, week's holiday and - could not be -reaéhed. a~ieDog Is Populir sy ewas just standing -nte lawn when the dog 'rushed over and bit hits. He says he bhadn't touched or teased hlm in. any way." UItIs done now -and there's not much we. can do «about it,"-Mr. Johnson >%aid. "We on1Iy hope the boy's face won't be scarred.- S "Hé Ètill has no fear o ýf- doge," tho father. continud, pointing toi ýMurder. Cases,. Heaird.-Iïi Sep*t.I Two Capital Charges Are Expected To -Oleéupy Full Time 0f Assizes. Two pisoners, accused of mur- der, will, face the judge -when the FalI session of the Supreme. Court of Ontario opens on Sept. 9. George Bilton, charged with the-rock slay- ing, of Teresa Laurie and ber four- year-old daughter Patricia and Lomne Hlarris facing bis second trial for the, stranglingÉ of AudreY ýLyons are the important.figuresi the coming sittinge.' Mr. Justice- McFarland is sluted to be the judge and -Deputy At- torney-General Enyder will be the prosecuting Counsel. in the Bilton. case. Bilton bas nmt yet secured a lawyer se, the court 'will pýrobably have to assign one to lhandle -the defense.. A. W. S., Greer, the well-known Oshawa attorney 'will be defense counsel for Lorne Harris , who was granted a new trial jon bis' appeal of bie conviction at the Sepr1ng As- sizes. Harris wits*senteed to bang last May 28th. No Other Cases- There are ait present no" other criminalcases on the docket.YY -massef- evidence, in theHars case particuarly, wiil probably ce- 4à npy thetIwo weeýks for whicb Jus- tice McFarland, le cbeduled to bel linWbltby. There are sevýeral -di- vorce -cases te be beard but >they wà ll likely be laid over until -De- eember.- Ti.twe prisonere fauîng capital, èbarges are reported te -be eating j and. sleeping well. Bobby petting a strang e-dog on the street. "ICaptain" is "confiuned',tequar- ters". while neiglibors and the. doz- ens of children who play with hlmn daily-ý puzzled over tie* incident.- "My little boy pulls hais ail, climbs, onhis back and even -takes bones away from him and "Cap- tain" neyer - even growls," one mother said. - During the echool season, IICup- tain" waits in the school -grounds, for the children -te corne out and throw atones for hlm te ietrieve. lie is welcomed ut dozens of homes in the village wherd the youngsters save meut scraps, for hîm: - - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Iioey, owners of the dog, -and their son Garry, five, were sure it's nîal a case of mistakenl identity. "Cap'talin" neyer bit anyone in bis life and he loves children," Mn. Hoey said. "I'mi sure it 'must -have, been another police' dog."1 -Dr. MeLean said he was taking no steps te have "Cuptain"l held for examination. "I'm not positive he wae the dog that bit -the boy,". he added.- - H.ouses Planned for. Family Men "'Five of the littie houses ut 840 Dundus Street East wil1 be* rendy by * the end of September and five more before the snow fiîes," said G. L. keirsteud. "IThey-are design- ed primurily for-. service men wvith famiilies W.ho WHIl attend Toronto, University ut Ajax." Mn. .Keirstead has - secuned, the approval of the Proviicinl Depant- ment of Health, the local Board of Heulth,- the local, Town Planning Board .and hue his permits to build. The original plans have been elab- oruted slightly and the size * in- creased. The overail outsîde di- mensions- are -now 24 feet by 165 feet 4 inches.- Inside the living rooin will be 10 féet square with a dining. alcove 5 feet 4 inches by 6.- feet- 8 inches. The kitchen le. 10 feet -by ô feet -4 inches. The wull between the kit-- chen, and living moom i only 4 feet high te permnit -freeicirculati-on. of heat from the kitchen1 stove. The bedroom is 8 feet 6 inches by 8. feet.. Each house hue a- shower and a- standard closet and. basin,- The plans 'caîl for a septic 'tank -for- ecfIve hous es, for - dispo sai ef waste. The buildings will be fine proof, being constructed of cernent bloceks,.even to the inside walls and with puintexl cement floors. 1Mn. Keirstead hue a 2% acre lot and hopes next Spring te build another ten1 of these houses. "When the housingshortage ie over, 1 wil have -a really de luxe touriet camp," he said. "Or I rnay :rent them as summer cottages. "Thêne une ço-year-old trees on the property," Mr.. Keirstead con- tinued, '«and I muy buy sofie- more land te the rear 'of xn'- plac. *Te next ýyear, if I. build the extra houses, I will construct a swimmlng pool for,,the childmen.- IÃt s-hould muke a pleasant -place for service men studente -te live while tbey at- tçnd. University ut Ajax." .Buses pick up pussengers ut the front gate, makdng the site easy of access. Mrs. Keirsteud- is strong -fr children, baving thmee of hem own, and insfigs that preference be given te service rnen with w ama- O-bi'tua.ry WILLIAM POTIER The deuth occumred ut Oshfa'u General Hospital of William Pottjg of 309 Brock St.- N. Whitby on Auguet 10, 1946. . lie was, in hie 63rd year. - Bora hi Columbus, he wus --the son of the- late Mm. and Mme. John Potter. liRe took up the trade of blaeksmiith in his youth and was active in hie shop on Brock- Street North until a -few yeumrs ugo. Hie- wife who predeceased 1him, wus -the former Stella May liarris, of Whit- by., . The funeral service was held on Moniday ut 2 p.mro m the W. C. Town -Funerul Home and wae con-, ducted by Rev. A. Gordon Channen,. assisted by Envoy A. J. Graves, -of thé Salvution Amiy- Ci tudel. In- terment was in Groveside Cerne- tery. - SThe palîbearers w e r e John. Thornas, William Ward, Harmy Bafley, and, Bert Stugess, of. Whit-1 by, and ichard Colline and. 11unt,-of Oshawa. He le sumvived bytre ' - te-ms, Mme. William Wallace, (Char- lotte), of Whitby, -Miss Margaret Potter, and- Mme.- J. Chrysier, <(Ruby), bath of Toronte, two sons, James, of Oshawa*, and Jack, of Cornwall, and three grandçilidren. Ration. Coupons The following ration -tVzpons are good, effective August 15. Sugar- Si to SU5 Butter- R10 to R18 Meat- M40 to M50 Powerful Show By Littie "Jeep" Demonhstrati-on On Fa.rm At Clarernont Proves Abîhity 'To Save MVoney Before 300 interested and de- lighted spectators o n "Mac" For- syth's big fa m in. Claremont- last. iidà y evening the Willy's new lJniversal "Jeep" pereormed some incredible fegts'and showèd how e'aIuab1e it could be'to the farmer. The demonstration Lasted about 3hours from- 7 o'clock ûntil almost 10 and held the enthusiastie atten- tion of the crowd to -the last min-« ute. -The littie 4"Jeep".drew a 3 fur-. row plough through a sod field withj ease and then hitched to à heavy1 one-way disc, weighing about 2 tons, .it dragged it through the sod. Shows High Speed The. next test-of power and speedj saw the "Jeep" pull a spring-tooth cultivator Set at the deepest depth through a ploughe-d 'field at 181 miles per hour.. Thèn as'. a racing car it went over rough ploughed land and ditches at 50 miles ani hour without the least Istrain. Thére: were -many other -tests to, show« the "Jeep" as a mobile power unit., Lt sâwed great chunks ofi woo0d, it dug post-holes and, at-1 tached to a big threshing machine, it threshed wheat. Easy To Change It 'took 1%½ minutes exactly to1 attach the power unit to.-the "Jeep" to let it run a saw, a threshing mna- chine or- other equipment and 1 minute to detach the unit-and put everything away.. The demonstration was arrang- ed by- Allan B. Moore -of the Coun-1 ty MQýtor Sales, 4QI, Dundas- St. East and nmanaged by Fra nk :G. Wynkoop, Generar Manager of the company, who ar:e agents for, the « WHily's "Jeep" throughout Ontario County.1 Rationing Questions Answered By WPTB Typical questions consumers have asked the Warýtime. Prices and Trade Board this ýweek- are answeredthy the' Consumer,Branchl Committeé, Q. We havè been saving coupons during the warmn weather and now they will flot be. any Use after the end Ã"f. the' month. Is this correct ?,, tMýA. Yes. .ment.L-copns M-40 toM50 will expire on August 31. Butter -coupons R-10 to R-17 also expire at that time. Q. Is -a boarder to give the land- 22 7. Brock St. S. lady ceaning sug ar coupons as well -as coupons for weekly sup-_ Plies? A. We have -ans wered_ this que s-, tioa so. many. times we thought evenyone wouI.d know tgIe answer. However, we - repent.- once more. Canning sugar couporz- -1ng t the person to whom the ration. book is. issued. There is -no Board regu- *lation 'which stutes- that these coupon mstt(e rust: not) be given te yeur landlady. If you piati .to remnin ut this house next iali, and winten we feel the Iand- lady -is entitled te, the coupons as, you will be eating the preserves which she is no. doubt putting' away at the present time. If you do not. plan to stay, then* we see no re*ason why she should. have' the cp.nning sugar coupon s.- This is a miatter. which must be settled be- tween 'landlady à nd.-bourder. Q. My son lost his ration book some time.agd.- I -was given temn- ponary ration coupons.- for eilm but neyer received a new book. Will ý1 have te have a book la order to get, bis No. 6. ration book? A. Yes . . . We .are utai abec to understand why this book.was noat replaced When you originally nre- ponted- -the loss.1' When n ration book ise bost you must apply, ut the nearest Ration Board,. office. and f11l in.the necessar yfnsto--se-. cure a new one. You are then given. temporany nations for- one.)ümonth if. the. bQok hus* notý been'ne- covered by that time na new one is' iissued, You -will, be ré.quired ýto f11l outý the card in* the bac-k of your- présent ration book when you apply for -Ration,-Book No. 6 in September s50 we suggest -you go immediately_ to yourn Ration office und obtain -a bookfor your 1s - . Q.I'm 'enclosing a pietai fromt.a- radio which I purchased hast week., You Will sce the W.P.T.B. ceiling pnice on-theé tag isV $74.50 and- yet J. was - charged- $81.95. Are- dealers, allowed to. change uny pnice they think of? A.' No .~ dealers certuinly are not allowed to, think up théin own prices for. radios. Due to inceused costs of -labour and raw materials necessary for -the manufacture 'of, radios the W.P.T.B. a-lowed manu- factunens to increase -their- prices by 10%ý. This'increase is passed. along te. the retailen and, subse- quently to the- consumer.,- 10%-7oof $74.50 would wonk -out to $7.45 and therefone the pnice which you paid was the exact ceiling pnice for, that panticulan model. - .PIeuse send yocur'ýý questions or your nequest for thée pamphlet "Consumens'. News" or the . Blue tnack of youn ceiling pnices) men- -tioning the name of this paper to: Wartime Pnices and Trade Board- 06Metrepolitan Bidg., Troronvto. AIRBORNE CATTLE In. the recent shipment'in a con- verted -anmy plane of PL herd of- ten Guernsey - coWs- from the Patter son, N.J., , airpont to Bogota,*South Amneri- ca, the internal arrangements called for .some ingenuity. The cows were stabled aboard the plane in: specially prepared canvas lined stails w'%i.th shuvings for, bedding. .They -were tied head forward to the plane, in rows of 'three -or four according ta. the wîih of the pla ne. The total shipment weighed, 5.500 poun-ds, the maximum* cargo for that type ol, plane. * The ,shipment inaugurated iwhat is to be a new service for ship- pingý cattle fherds to 'South Arnen1 ica., For. CairWe'.Sûà mmer Drivùig, - Treat Your Car. To A MARFAK LUBRICATION -STINIER -ýMOTOUS OGEDODGE DE. SOTO. CARS. TRUCKS' CARS Dundas St, West, Whitby Phone- 653 .w......rn----- RUBBER IS SCARCE -- HAVE YOUR TIRES ,"TREADED. 4 aySevie Epert Workmanship Bicycles Repaired .- 7A i ,46 Phone Pr s on a Mr. and Mrs. -George Hamers left -for' a week's tnipto -Grand Rapids, Michigan. They hope to combine business and. pleasure., Mr, and Mrs.,R. B. Collins leave this week-end:for a week's holiday. They. plan a. motor trip' through the, north land with a boat trip-on *teseenic Muskoka Lakes included. M4r. and- Mrs.- William H ewis .a nd children are spending 'a month* at their cottage, at Corbett's' Point. ý.Mrs. Clive liatch and daugther Barbara, have returned from a tnip to Katonak, N.Y., and New York City. Mn. F. Shelt6n, B.S.A., and Mrs. Shelton, of Shawville,-.'Que., Spent t.hé weekend with their uncle andý aunt, Mr. and*Mrs. F. Robe rts,ý Byron street nonth. - The, annual picnic of the Whitby Women's Institute, will be held. in the Town Park, on- Friday nfter- noon, August l6th. As- this "is Grandmothers- Day, alI Grand- mothers- are especially asked to.,at- *Mr. Anchie 'Cryderman and. son Diek, of South- Bend,- Indiana, at- tended the Cryderm'an1 pienie, at Hampton Park, 'on saturday and visited with Mn. and* Mrs. Russeil Van ,Horne, W41nut street, on Sùnj- Mn. and Mrs. William Davidson have retunned c-* mnmtheir trip to Rockport. Mrn Davidsoi, reports- excellent fishing. NO BIRDS; MANY BUGS ýThe value ,of bird lIife to agicul-, ture has beirn illustrated in* Lord f-oive Island, which lies"4 ie northeast of Sydney,- New South Wales, In. 1917 birds a.bounded on the island, states.- the "Au stralian News. By1927nota abircfwas left._ Rats fs-oiin a sipwl-recked vessel -des-" tr-oyed, themn, evén .cimnbiig, trees wo Oet the birds. As a nesuit-, a floturishi- Âng palmn séeà inclustry was wip-ed ou yweev ils,. wihich> the bird-s had fonnY cpnttnolled.: WhîbyBowling Alley 121-BROICKST. S. PHONE OPEN 12 TILL 12 i. ýTWN 0Fý .NOTICE P-IREý From Aug. 6th to Aug. 201 bôth days inclusive, Fire Co should be made to the Toi Office, Telephone 601, After 6 PLEAS.ECUT Wisn's Auto Parts" ýWHITBY,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 163. 1946