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Whitby Calling, 15 Aug 1946, p. 5

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WHITBYp ONTARIO. THURSUAT, AUGtJST. 15,.1946 Aj'Leg'»On Trounçes Whietby IFirst Game 0f P1aydown* Game 0f -Two-of-ThreeSeries Goes To Ajax By 13-5. Next Game4At Ajax-Tonight. The Inter-Branch Legion' SOft- bal -play-eff s got underway iJn Whitby -Moaday .night wth thée visitiag Ajax vets soundly defeaV- ing the homesters 13 Vo 5b. It is* a best-out-of-three erles, so the* I- cals muet win tonight. in Aax Vo stay- in the running.B Whitby tarted out strongly whea they scored twice-,in the first inning, but Ajax splurged'frfu in the op haif of the second and weeneyer headed afterwardu,. ai- hough the louera did manage o even the count ia he samining. A single run in the-third, Visie ina thse. fourth, two ln the- eighth and three more la the final frame put Ajax- well ahead 'withý Whitby beinig able. to geV ýonly 2 -bits and one run intise last tive frames.. The visitora outhitthe homesters 14 Vo 6 la wînning handily, and left, 8 mcn stranded' while 17 Whitby runners suffered -the saine treat- ment, Whltby committed 6 errors andAjax 6 lana comparatîvely poor- play-off showiag. Dave Allen paced the louera bat- ting punch with 3 hits and Bare- foot dîd thé saine for the winniers, while- Koch, Taylor, Harold aad Arseaault. had two aplece. Naughiler claimed 4 strikeout victime and McLean three. P_ M, ~ _/Ajax ..041 302 3. 13 14 5 Whtb 20000 iS6 - AAX-KcSl, 2b Taylor, as; Harold, Sb; Stewart, l1b; Naugisier, p; Arsenault, c; .MéLellan, cf; Bagefoot, If; Mortoù, cf. WHITBY-Dafoe, c; Phillîps, su; G. Allen, Sb; D. Allen, cf> Thora- dyke, 2b;. Knibb, 2b; Bragg, rf~ MacCarroll, If; McLean, P. FIGHTING FIT. If returniag Ctanadian service pronel look, snd actually are,. ia - beerhealth than when hey went overseas, .it' partly duùe te the scientific feeding providedla Army, Navy -aad Air Forice, say hhèaltis au- thorities. The improvemeat la gea- cmal health .of the, troops la thé subjeet of comment in- an au- nouncemeat by thse Departinent of National'Healtis ad Welfare, 0Ot- tawa, and einhsis is laid on tise importance of vegetables la the overseas .diet. LAKESHORE JUNIORBAE BALL LEAGUE STANDINGS' (Upto and mceluding M1onday Night) W L Pc GEL Osh'a B'Nai B'Rith .. 15 .4.789- Bowmanville Rotary.. 12 5 '6.7Ã"6 S Cobourg Kiwanis.....10 6,.625- -1/ Whitby R.otary .....,10 18 .556. 41/ DshaWa Hunt Club .... 6 10 .375 71/ " Pot Hope...... .O 20 .0600 15V/2 " Dropped out of League, defaulting remainiîîg .games. flesuits of Games of past week- Aug. 7 B'Nai B'Rith 12 Hunt Club .0 .BoWimanville 2 Cobourg O Aug.. 9 Bowmanville 4 Whitby 3 Whitby Lose'sTo Bowmanville Ië4-3, RyLEN YUILL anti WhtyRotary slippeda oh clouer Vo elimination la isite Lake-- shore Junior.basebaîll league pl"y off race when theyr dropped a-ois 4-3 decision.to Bowsnanville Rotary. inl Bowmanville -lastFriday evea- ing. The visiVors grabbed a single -rua ia thse very first'iinaning wheaeeed scored frorn first as* Cox ]Èmîssed MacDonald's long -hoist Vto right field. Bowmaaville. duplicated tiss rua -howcver. la the saine f'rame whea Hoar's double scored Hooper frrom second. Tise fourth. saw Whitbytake a Vtemporary lead again when Lowe and Harden got to Hoarforsucces- sive doubles- only Vo have flowman- ville count twice la thse same frame whca Harlaw muffed Strike's roles permitting Hoarý and Clemeace to score. >-Ina- the fifth, the gray-clad visi.1 tors Vtied it ail up wisca Rced walk. cd and,. scored on ýMacDoanald'à mammoth 'triple Vo centre field. Ilowever, ila the .nextt inaiag, the homesters weat' ahead for good whea Strike's timely poke Vo centrE scored what provcd Vo be the wla- ning rua. Although rival pitchers Quantrill and. Hoar chalked up 7 strikeout ,eaeh, heavy. hittiiig featured the game. AUl five Whitby 'Safeties were good for, extra bases, wbile 2,extra base hits. The outfiojders were kept busy. ail nightjý g1 eii long ones. and several 'rusing- fielding pisys were also in evidence. WHITBY - Harlaw, 3b;- GaVes, cf; Reed, lb; MacDonald, 2b; Quan- trili, P; Yuill, us; -Laine, If; Harden,P c; MeCclsker, il. - Roper Ils Gilhooley, 2b; MeUlveen, cf; Hoar, p,- Dadson, lb; Clemience, Sb;É Strike, c;. Sturrock, If; Sleep, if; ' Cox, rf; Williamns, if. Juveniles Tie. Oshiawa -A-stars- By LEN Y'UILL Wiitby Juveailes showed their truc mettie Friday night whea they came from behiad in theat inn- ing Vo gain a 5-5 tic with Oshawa Juveaile Ail-Stars and kccp intact tixeir unbeaten -record in exhibition games 'wit h Oshawa City Leagu e clubs. after six starlt. Oshsawa ook a commandiag four rua lead in the second iing on three walks, a double by Powers, and an infield out. To.tisis tisey added one la tise fifth inaing while the homesters hacked.asway one la the secoad and Vwo la Vise fourth. Finally la the seventh, McClosky, Anderson aad. Mowat, got Vo Me- Tavish 'for successive siagles aad Vise aeeded* two ruas for a tic. Turaasky topped Vthe local bats- men with three. singles, while -Mc- Closkey also of Wiitby,, and Mc- Arthur. of. the Ail-Stars had tmo safeties.A Thse Juvéniles -will .open their Ontario- pls.y-offs o n or after. Aug'- ust 17 inLindsay and tiseir *braad of* bail deservés better féli owiag. Oshawa AIl-Stars Milîca Sb; Powers 1b; Sulis ss; Cole rf ; McArthur c; Canniag 2b, Gilbert 3b; McTavisis p; Keneady' If; Locke cf; johason cw. Whitby Anderson 3b; Mowat rf; Gaine rlb; Yuill,.ss; Turansky 2b; Fletcer I f; McCloskey 'p; Ilanna c; Lovell cf; Lowe If. HE MADE.lT-BUT! A motorist waa 100 yards froin an open level railway crossing and was proceedîag aV 50 miles an heur. A train was also approaciig at 60 miles -an heur, and its' distance from Vise crossing was 375 feet. Problem: Did the motorisV get across'? Solution: Yes, tise moterist got a cross. His w'idowv bought it eut-.ofVise insurance money. To crp orawieHousing Problem Faced By Firsgt available in inost; of- the- North- West Territories. 'IV is'mucis like. beef, and is usually tender and of. [excellent flavor. Tise skias are' used. by Indians and Eskimos Vo, manufacture clothing. Soine of .tee animais Êt Vise iseailquarters of -"0peration Reindeer,"ý 75 mniles,,frein Aklavik, on tise east cisannel. of Vise .Mac-l keazie River, have been domesti- cated ànd 'are useti for. hauling sleds and 'snaking.. in firewo 1od. .The -reindeer -are .becoming' the source of- fresis milk 'for growing chfildren-and a' rarity in the er- ritory.. The animais balk at bcing. milked, but theise mcawho 'tend tsein, have developed a technique of lassoing -and- hog-ielng. tisein he i ilking'is underway. Fate *of the- on ce-proud French- lier, Normandie, rusting at 'a à y M re V t ra Brooklyn, pier, wias, up to PrgsidentM ny M rid V t a ruman. The Maritime Commisg anl rounced Jstweektar ifte A comnprehensive -plan, which' Canadian Legion 'and the President approves. the. 83,000-ton solves the. housing- problem f aced struction -Industry could tog( luxury linier will be sold for scrap. ymridvtrnsi h o n umit a plan to the Federa1 The- United* States ,seized- the corne bracketslias, not been formu- ernment which would .1effeci Normnandie in 11940- when. German lat ed, Major General .C.- B. Price, queil the smouldering- dissati panzer divisions overran France. Dominion, President of the, Cana- tion, existing on hs score in Plans to convert the shi p into a dian Le-ion, foldtemngmento h>lre rbnaes thrc military transport were abandoned committee -of t.he, -Canadian . Con-- out the ýcountry and which is apie.struction Association in an ad- rapidly mounitirig because the whèn it caught fire and caszdrsataa. hope in Ëight." The United States recently ag'reeëd "In soliciting- your, aid," said 9nnn otepoim o tepyFac $35000for -the -Mai. Gen. Price, 4'1 hope.that the erans. who -wish to becomee liner's loss. Canadian Legion andà youtr Asso- lsedl hecnsrcin di ___________ iation! can devise meéans of. expedi- Gen. Price said, "these. vet tingminmumhousng ccomo-will in time be , able to de dation. for xnarricd veterans., anid strate the anme efficiency an ao in obtainiiig -the intcrest of pacity that *marked their e Reinceer,,M he construction industry to ex- as members of. the armed foý gtending help to veterans who wish "h aainLgo U se00SFoo to- enter the buildingtrades." cluded, "would appreciate -an U d AsF -havé-becorne isaourgd, .e sid arcanmsog ai thousands of. deserving. men ha-d obtaining the interest and co- The spectre. of famine no longer been unable to. secure decent living tion .of employers in ail fiel hangs over the -natives of Can- accommodation for' their famille the:- construction inidustry, il ada's bleak 'Northwcst Ternitories. at, rentais which they cani afford abling- these veterans .to si Eleveni years ago, .the, Dominion to. pay,-. in the new way of life they Goveriment, concerned over the "Te nî chosen for thems.elves,." -7éolpracti.cal form of re -________ fate' of the Eskimos and Indians lief, so far ,provided,"1 he explained, e More Su as the caribou and 'other wild- "is through the operation of War- Seegar gaine on which Vhey lived dwiaidled, time llousing Limited., The. pro- After Septer sent a herd of 2,70 reindeer on a biem cean -be satisfactorily solvedý history-makinig trek from Alaska- by making'more subsidized living , There miay be good ne' Vo the Mackenzie River.delta. . units . available for réntal to' vet- sugar uisers for the last quai Wolves and Arctic blizzards tor- erans of low incornie at rentals 1946, says the Financial Plosi mented them and killed many- which are .within their- means. Renl,ýfiil nbt but-the herds fiourished and mul- Remitanngtatnt erl nte Un'fiteia-ites dC< tiplied.. Today, ,the -original herd i mîtiigta'o-,èryý,d h ntdSae éi has grown Vo about- 15,000 and enough had been done, C-en.. -Price.change hould. bc made in advoèated that a higher priority lcati'eos frh0th' wiheytey r sping th na iktesb e granted vetdr4esl housing pro- But supply i!_o edj-t witheveythag fom ilkVo tsanti called upon the c onstruc- o E i iwtn t meat -and are. even being used- as ton. in dustry to concenitrate. on orslghtly to exceed demnai a nieaas of transportation. soiliteprbeni team îce authorities both hiere Soo, t i epecedtha teymanner with :which they ýhad the United Skates, aie agree will multiply Vo the stage-where. evoltved an "energ'ltic and capable will not "lhoard" supplies enough nieat -Will be available n'ot _building plan. during the .war." stage, continuation of preseix only for the people lu ,the'.aorÉth "PieCanadian Legion does not factory trends rnay mnean a sii butfo -exon o aconircadvocate publie ownership of crease to some types of coE bais. P ign,. who foratesDo-housing accommodietion *beyond in the last quarter "Opaion eindeer" foras ta theo the minimum necessary to. jôàvide Four weecks' sugar figuresi minin Goernmntsaysthatthefor married veterans in low incomefom tta s eemy birthratc.- of'the herds. is mount- oiOtwlswekna ing,d and hospitals, missions andgrps"hcoine."era- leading. They shoi n residnilshosnth oe pears to be n6* doubt whatsoever ho.i.o e ealdyrceivsin sppes ofren oo elofadtonllwtlat stocks of refined suclar Il r ar rd rewevng upistoken housing will havez to be made up. o%,er hast vear. But th renerma hnsurplusstc available."l show that stocks of rawv art is bucherd. He thoualit it possible that -the, 30%E,. Over-ail, . on a strict] Canà'dian supply is almost e: wieeit was a y'ear ago. GOOD RECORD S-ome 30,000 mothers and ýchildren have been brdught a tise Atlantic and net one lfai from illn.ess. There are 30,001 to one from Bnitain and ;,,0 :7,000 froli the Continent. 4 machines in One^ - ruck -Tractor - Automobl - oiePower..1Unit Thne New Modern Source ofTme-,Labour-, and -MoneyoSaving -LET .US. ARRANGE A ý'DEMONSTRATION mnmediate De/ivrery 401da Ste, East," INITOR* SALES '-1 îvs -for irter of it. Cariada led- no presenlt uar'liter. oi equal d.. And and in ed they at tis nt satis- mail ini isumers reieased be jnis- e placé, ar.e 42%/ îev also re down ly cc)m-. Il ýWhitby. 1 1 -1 J ll:,>ý

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