-~ ~Uc~2~ ~IB~YY -WHI TB13Y, C ;ADA 1. -- - E'EBRUARY 6, 1850. air C. ixMCAY. grmspng tyranny offlends engry biots fjrowvn: n tera plot for selllsh ends ýý,Toskaiye lb.world, tawar; '-Wheà à knaves inpilacesintrigue For à ibbion or a sta; W. rais our baudssurv e ir deeds, A&nd cbeerfully reply- Oruab, littW-,atleagrufi ander groasd, Wben canting bypocrites combine, To corb a freemand thought, And hofld tliiloctine ui vinme, Tbat - olds their..cegting nought; 'Wben round their narrôw pale îhey plod, ~And seornflly assume That all withoet re cursed of God, Andjustify the doom: IVO Ibink of IHeaven's eterual love,, 21e.' mAi. a iky. 7 iban greedy authors 'wield the pan, iré please ie vulgar town- Depict gmet thieves as injured mien, And heroes of renown; Pander to prejudice unclean, .ApoIogise for crime, And daiab the vices of the mean With ûla'ttery and aline: .Pýoer ilton'. cfaft, for Shak4ajees ongue, We'blushb ba yet reply- Grub, liti. ,solea, gmi-under groutid, 2boe.'. unshine in thes ky. *Wben snng philosophera ssrvey The variera limes of earth,, .And moure-poor sagelinga of a dy- *- Its too public birth ; And prove by.figure, rule, and plan The largé e world toanaat To faed the mnlutaues o mn Thatflotiriaton ils bil; lie view the vnayards on thée buis, -1AnA cornfields waving bigé- Grub, little melea , grufi under grounct, .Wben mmn complais Of human kind, In i santhropic mood, And tbinking evil Ihings grow blind Té presence of the gond; liben, wallet in prejudicea trong, lbey urge that everisore Thre world in fled tq'go wrong, JPor goiî,g wro g before; lia feel thre trut hs tbey çanngt feel, And umile as we reply- r Q0Ma, luth néE.., grub undrgr"ad, Our X-f iatr nd te satellites -Plnu lîhehièelvcs upon tthe incresse ofdtuties colleced On tirsifrontier--one Etom Mosttion, they toit, us, having been ra'uied by extra vigilance rromn .£4") to £1600 per annum. Tis fitct, ifauch it be, la more to be deplored than honored. 'It oaly, proves to us, were any. proof ý waniting, tiret our trade ix handcntffed-thagt ire boite and bars ofoawmrce.ar& imore tightly drawn, amd that our tradui n inimeu Biot with themmre -former .-ispnoitli t2affio 4with their .neighbomw. TWere themepils o M isor f commerc e tboWn %mnbyatnexaion, e 'dii s.î a tbat the £IMO would bé eeverted in- £16,000 for the pu6liC Itev-ene! [coude., Wuz.xDozi-A Ither wished to ehi. .lawlatia fomunv t1rhe 1 OE1ATERT111 ARTIC LE V Of the Properties of Ltiffereist As tire severel eà irtbs coalained in thre souls of wirich 1 have juast spoken, do net -ail poSse stire aanme quelities, and are verydiffrently afféeted lyair, water, and heast, tiensemet >poi.erfuli agentsofet egtation,'tire excellenýce of a soi! dependa uponil s contWanigtire rigit proportion ofeacir apecies ofoarti; and tht itasupposed te h ie -béat soil,. ini wiici tire virtues of oneo-portion of ils constitlnt principles correct tire tialla or defecta of tire reat. lI order to produce thase mixtures,- to saîpply tire deficiencies of poor soils, eudtle ha able te raender tireu, by art,, sauitable ho ýhe production cf somte jairticular article of culivation, iL la aeceamy te know tire particules properties cf ecdikiad ofeth- antr;d iL ns upôn Ibis suibject tisaI Ihaîlnoatoe pek. 'ý '~lhicoxa eahh1r ilica, exista imal iitd pimtive rocks, e#nd forma neaiBrly tlw = -woeof quartzeous moundains. Inorertôobtain il la u'is greeteat degre,é cf Purity, il la fused witi six partâ% fit polashaii la Ient disaolved 4n tr, ad separahed front' lire alkali muriatie aeid; lire solution islaevapo- 4ted te drynesa,. and tire reaiduun husin l water effords putre silice., I thriqtate silic bas tire appeerance of a wbte imral pable, aarti, rougir toe r teu1h ; wirea tlarown into %ater AL sinkas wi@ exteetapidihy, but its particlds h11M." no leà deavcy te unit6 into one nmà s.Tire veighrtof silie.compered lt4hat of weter la 2.5 to, 1.0- only ýcid wvinaibas beau touait -pon silica luths Ilurio, and tuis vi go lil front glass, of wici la fou !ta -ia pbants, where it extremne ~iion pl .A Ioved la somne arkali Tis eertir undargoas neôc fipgrm tire action of fire ýor air, bec tL setrarated witi exrygen ; accodt'% asto lire anal ysis of Davy and Berzeiur, je composed of equel parts of oxygea est.# 'a bais called aiticrasa. According te my expérimmenta, tli eartir, Ibongir dry and impalpab>le, ýab- sorba scarcely 14 of its ova weigirt et vital, and permits iL h tee.- bly evaporation ian 1-2 cf tie-time in'Whicýi carbonate - of lime, eqnally -divided, parts withi I; and n 1.5 of tire lime, li wirici iL ecaapas rom ilumina ia tire sanme state. Ail tire ennpouaid primitive rocks comiain alumina; nen ordur le obtain tis priL must ho precipiteted, by tire caboate ofeammonula, frosa a solu- tion cf alum, of ichir ilforme tira basi; -tire precipitate lunet bewesied, and ignited and, tiére sidagln la par- factly ptre aluiina; it la always la liei forai cf a viie powdler,, and passassues tire followîdg ciaatariatica. Il pcfagravsly la (Éln 2.2 te 2.3. Il j lsbredob>Anfr, and undc rgma. by the t oafit, nchange wiricli desrs ils eolubility len vatet. 1 IL absobe ater vitirgreat avidity,1 net being eaturaled with' lauma tien2.51 cf ils ove velgirIanid roais, il vry i its n L' aè vaporaled;1 yielding il eetlgely only et a tenapera- ture mafroenetly high te Peodwae flamiu Alumine msurated with witer tors 1 a soft paste, wmooth t te tiuchrcssily1 mniuded, sud receiving vlthout d41411- culty any forras whieh one may wimir te. give it. - Aoeourding to tire qnftlvistofJBere- lins, alulana OUamas oftet46.70 of Oxy- gos, aued 53.30 of.Àsiiam Limeane "afud in early&Il phMitive roecks, snd formes the biais of al emba-, PP j,,,wet rprimitive orthan that xhchitrala reptns iotins, whether or inuan yother fine!y secon ly., , -mi41lç-bcausethe roits 1being sheltereit wef ftîsa obtained pur,1çbysiining, at w frotgiILkhe direct raya of lie stin, evapo . eget higl t cel rà io" es lace 1lartapid 'y, and t le ra Merýf f'ý cpltainM s1rtaiied, whilst tire Ieývc à frotu a. solution, of therninl an ncid. Ttà are speedily diried by, the heat. B3e- SaLueî tastb, is acrid, agd'eattstioý - t absorbs sidçs, that, earth whièh la moqt eaady urc ýwater with avidlity, and with a.Jrissing affèted'byýthedews, ýielda mrbstreadilj noise, and forma w*ith.I t a hydrate, or aà 1 ho action of roota, 'hetber il hbÛ forine paste w'%hic'h la 'the berasis ofmortnr fix the pIaust 1rmly 4ay their ýexlteninr Cerbonie acil, 'forwbich il has a stron g or tu dreW froin tll r S oi! its nutritive elffiity, combines With it, separatiaçg it ProPertiesEssex grà adunulyfrora the water, -which This explains in a naturalMItMner evaporatea. ýÉure lime la conipobedofteiioff csortb r d yai 28.09, of oxyen, ttnd 71M> of calcitt. 'agriculturistesrd of -whiôlr all acknow- E; Tht, imée ýwlà ih isW 'foan Èrnds l1 ge, the..ndvatg îWIbeavege- 1101 approysriatad: to agricuilture, .ia in, thé tab es, sucir as=sa bnn, potetoes, aud onlyi atate of a carbonate, ndpsaeascher- other' roota ara sowved ii i frrowa fit acteriatica vcry. différent fio ts reua lrttca rmec tietr et ita- pure .tate.lits, aspectfic gravity is souiJii tira intervala la- h9etl or dugt 1 Th 2.0. Tire pl]verized'carbonate nbsorba witir the istnoat care,, and tîjîta endered aïway 0.8 of ita own weight of water, and iû- .Ughit, sof t,ý and ýpermneable10 thiraira t tains itL bas forcibly tien alumiîna doea. wb alat at the'sanie tue weed whîch its aif Themixureof hes eathshm hoiwoild..ho hurtful, to, tic .cultivated,,I genl' c 1 te yhc rant Ãfou forded by tireground, -are destroyed«;scienul thre union of tire qualitiea, wvirici eachi and Lire soi! r'ndered more fit tu receive ratiVe earlh bringa it li oposition' of the'tire min,- anditcnvay iLt tha ôle t. Iabsorl soi! ; bha i adcendently Of tire action- do not dany tiret tirese -benefits are real, tae de whicir these principlea exercise .upon butl I hoîd thra tu e hoçoonuap , u etan eaeh othôr,' air, weter, labour. and tire subordinnteto., tte edvnntaga derived uteari use of manure, prodtice'-Modfcù&türns from upening accesa 1tiseh air, and par-' asceit of tre'soil which iL ia important for us ia sting ilte depostW dewa upnon thé are, te underatant. *mrots, erd upon- the- c'artir je ,contact, ho hai Il i. myinlantion - te examine lire witbr tireur.,*w influence wirich all thase ÇaLgen"ts exer- baeuiorlyosveIhefetdis ciseover lie varioussoila, snd 1 enter oftbtis melhod 10 hé equaýily.apcedy upon lie discussion witi 'tire more -ifi-and favouralle id théo cultivehion ot 4unt teret, because iL fuirnisheà tte agri. béet rools, and 1 hava txaver empfloyad ;b6 cultilriat renions for the matisods ho has eny other, tu restore their vegetation touI1imb putaued ;, and .explains ' t'i bim- #tW ilfîfregshnesswheîi il.beeomesyellowish, îbtain phanomea which hé bas observad,lbra andt drooping;. in three or four houra ilmadnec fo wic h cul nt ccun. will becorne of a beautifu-l 'greebh, Ãa n nu We have nlready sean tiret tié atmo- tthe leeves spread thiejnselvyes ont, aI- aeqa aphera furnisires t1o plants twvo of- tieir tïosïlinrai a aefle n of thic constituant principles ; of whioh oanetis o'ften wban the, soul bad - net con-ý (carbonie ecid) contributes te thir sup- tained a singleweed. -.,Ihave.observed;Fm pôrt by lihe carboôn wiici it l ejS~its in thçsame efrect pro04ticed upç%n ire etharmt thema, wilslh tir hteïr (oxygen> Inakea cniniiry gouluaitrau from t tiena, pqrion of carboli tile I iîtn i i muresly prac- îa po bnecor aagaiq thç principalaet n-tised îiathre soui t France, nttrated? it d Lie detcpsition of mnnurea rndeladjniy attesulion for a long lime, wtieut oWa C vegetble; but thre action of air ire noL1ý my being , ble - tu accotut for il., ,In and t] eoufined tothie performance,-of thase'tiret couatry, where iL inrdly'ever raina s a offices, iroweyer imnportant tliey:rmay be. daring tire surmir, thé -foot of eci rga The ai may a couidere as ~ eti g of- the vine. is IMid bare by dig-arn cle couatantly Ioaded witir -a, quùntity gnaroafundrit iclrteicr ep fu of weterinuvapeuir,-of whil'~thr <ad- d idaegi pu.cîtain, uucovered fwita nasso thorUgi caues i te epost héà ir~tnp.nd-tire radicleis proceedin]glir esl pa0tpo-tr ausesTire îtu ae t em 1il; aird lhe openping le edi .ly vegèti ewfteudir. Ig> s t ait -ý cvrçd:overby the lewyes ".d b pew1te of tire son and Khir011~d evaporate'tili iqîaud, te ba depoii- agein et t annel, and dliring. lire nigit ; tirus by au alternale meovement, doter-ý mmined by- tie changes in t111 emampera- huréo ethLie atmoqphêer et diffamant peiod ofthe twenty-four heurs, water la aonstantly appliad te plants, te pre- serve trm(rom thie exceas etfiront, virici wortd witiar, and dry up tiri ergana. Tire squeous vnpoiirs ets nded fa lire airbogift to e hacdenaaërand pré- ciPitatcýdet aunset, -ad withrhem la deposited tire greatest part of -tir eone- naions wicirhavée en ,isea from hie aarthh diirînig 'tira day; trese axiale- tiens, thrugirhaneficial *te vegetELtion, are elmost alwýays injurious -te man, end il i& net without: reason tirat ire(aura aqd lans temuigit dampa. le soutir- era~ ~~~th elmls.wrm ieaet of-thre unn is more intense, aed mina loua fréquent tian in' nortireru,: vegetationt. la, sup., portas!, by tire dovam, wirich' are verv abundant. la order tuaI thée dntwaof niiht ay produce -tIrir bout effeets upos vegetatir, îil la necesuay %btia the- soil. soild imite -certain qoalities, wvilhi 1h dmacnot elwaye poeuma Wlmeji tire noi la bard and compaCt, sud fbrmý by ltre action of tire air anl innpenetrable ornaI, tire de wis depaexled naon its surfarce, and evapouited by te raya of ttirs&sun, vithent haviisg moisI- etd thme roots of the pignt, or so*lned inrtifiyv, and st ie ieumllace in cf lie stmoet ixnporlajrcein tl ce of agrcullte, that thi~e omp~ re waera of the varions iseilsit1 -bing attaicphorio tucisture,.-aw legTas <,f orae vit hisvbcrtir à i , should ' be.asortaigned.I he necessary te, b. omplcycd rtaining tires. capaettas.- cf soi, in tire paver.cf everyoWtiv&4o as only to dry tirtrugblirte mms gbltý esach soit fin qatatsiof equ îini andi te voigir tiei-night et ning for several days, anid- ho w Lbla Jo forai an estimats of t] Lijyo moisturo. viricis ach. b eddrîeg . ieht - In oer in tirese resulta vith, exà inem, îessarytiraI lire aes shonld I upos".iü-,e qrall weigils of eath,:, jugl stata of divýiion,aqual y dnie xknýa tire, smtements virichr. I lai 9,ki8 çjeyt e emnaeivet, %i id *atem ,are-1wo poivrfil agela vrmtiugvegetation; hheyanet tpc rectly, by fiurenhing from the decompasitiou nuatritive pminpcip!ç they nct as auxîliaries,'by seýrvit fichee ICI or tiré cotivoyance inît aà cf plant. so uc à btaùteff ecemnry for thir auppQrt. it tirougir i.1 k Iýî et lpa; timgo;qp '%ftà tating tire iècrïUbýfthe sllto'tire, mools mer: t iL nny depoit tiere thre dew vitir 1nsec ichiti is more abtindantly cirasrged rosi tien in cohi abusates ; if il .werc 1hot AI tins, tis ý prachice would, expose tire rece vine$ te ire dnjad tnp by tieýremocirig vii hat, et tire sua. clty .l'mils, bave netthle osafisnity rir for water, -wiivlr ries -ort!eir dif- salwa forent degrees cf tenuity; or thre division -ieat- cf fheir p articles, and fre thepjqrtre hent .of tic substances wiich einter mb to ir *ih comîposition'. ,In geerai,- tire-,moe rt, finaly tireparts ot a soi! are dividfit, i 'P tir'e btter, hr abuonr vaeor. Lc Tiresbsorbing povers, poeaessed by 1) tic ~ ~ ~ ~ a flmnscmoig e fil iti,-Cotéi nrey reerangedîlathié followiug order. ter,i Vegetablo substances. t Âniral subtanrces. - vii È arbonate of lime, Alumina, and trame eoihf wi W charachenisatica predominat., do' ual se- the ceivie-tire uoishure (rom tire stunspirere hu te lie greatétadantae; thoy rotaiu s r lihe vater, viricir <ilà j imbibe; wViitir80 so l mucir force, tiraItirhe planla produn E tapon them sn1ire s mucirfropz drouit an, t esifhreygavin Majr.i- sand, onat ofh, si~m aomposadanimai asdevug amies., la luit wurotioDu.