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Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 6 Feb 1850, p. 2

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'-'---'-':"--.-"- '..-. lof~ ou oitnveteelTowusipEetus II a 'ngist to -eresciutied, aiad tisat suctis de- .lio cisioWýbc madie b> tihe qoalificti Couin- la la eslers cf sueis Toiwuship, or b>'Atie ona Connty'Couincil in Ii îhicssuch Town, ont isîipis inlideti.- et (Sigueti) - îed 'Wxu. MDNEL enev indi -Tts ERA ns~Ia ,aP dab inte a comparisea betweeus unr condition ini tIis reipec-tind -isntof our neiglibonts Soutls-- f -4s5 degrees,- tlsereb>rcaisse great disats.flction witlt otîr wisole system najd ' '-iskàAncexa- tioniats bT tise--galare,'unulesludeeti ise- public mind la immediste> asîed in almîes-shape, way ' or urniuape; for ivistier "yOtbbehieve it orn ot, it 'viii W cÉ - meat pepiar platform; enim- cing. tbenatira bone and .nineto of ià l,.ad- ,ou..-...e ..a.., enpebu ~êaas hm'-b ~~ Tie-3Mtsus$ipsl Cuueili for Oakand M nwioi;ayrirnet lista mvil Cever>'whurc ceose bave ilnnmusy ast ie el igparl&f unes or distinct(esis, Whig aed enwWllh tl reimember suidi ha rsceutous - -Cbis.ruaiive, Radil danti tory, ancý iitft5lîxoai.,The wisse <f Iist va su utht of t hé er is oedb>' jaues,.hlel , sq. ani erfely agrnei s one usman anti doter- înrpe*s ofaef > - pgdmînodt osin ibetheir wboie stmcngtb to Rossolvet, ihlat tlise tiilcipici Couin.0u- - ci 0f ise owcssip f Oniaut, ivtî anis tIis cnying evil fromnatndut4, s vio ef~ressusg ue shîje thc and,If -possible, frosu the face of the iano~ uta r--iunNa--y.Ciengy:Reserves, andti eber maters of, eertli. Now , oû sl .itis.ast leugth ýtorg bas mecti u is thint iis vital saùterest tb tliseCounbr>',ou, bise e t- roundicuit on believed b>' tIs e ople ,hta edubionssei e tie estion ôlof Govensumeant.- vili, petition,( bTIIét of si'eami' alr uîueysst a n eaun' pni(qybs h~iicis, accordiog to Respunsihie Gov. Sflvunciai yeatr Proâhlui.Y. iot take suiclu action, miensstt; istlisanme tîi.ng, yon know) us(ieS 24reice Gaette, - ~shah eau Ise o *èl"eds ofrIsee Clcrgy uhat su mincis fona sund cereussn>' yabout - - .Re~eslbeupl~~te tse duicatiouallaw proceedings, or, is of ler wot'ds, su Ié é è'en«giigterests (cf Use ýonacr>, o-ndlother pnb- uh"«JeAn audRchrd0oe' pises; ë to iisis bb c uR ies, maci4>e adRcir o' - -.~an muias is Iaw ofpriîlnug * ne frisia real>' coat more than ib is vorbîs; itbyFebnry r ' kisud"eapeoLwReou,~is -tisab -a Court' cf Chancer>' in a uew I"Iid~ctiun-Of oil Légal Process, Redue- ceuntr>' ike Caîsut.ia, is payiag fan too Inhlhpa ConejL -tioesf'Coi Fees aud Lawverls Fees, - - - aýI equjLtble Assmament Lam;~,lise eîe dean for thse ahistle-tisat hleapisutp tMOUi>bI ta iePope, or thù kMonicippsioeeConrt anti set ai Jotigea iipogg edttyo1th7A1blu,'lles__u ai-Loal ntiCount>' anotier, is nobiing mono or léts tisai Ceiucilsrîna-tghon lm tPr thficrs. e abolitien of tise. Court of fixin g, aAe-bed for lsalcbing a nlumer- îvesupresa o t t o'7 eni-Chincery,ad of Pensions,cnet tise Pen-unbr'coflwesrio >iead ytitiiu>-Bkidoction of alItosbodfl ý,%lob h 1 1~hrsitos'iingt-o-Pbi Saiene, to an e.xtenit comimen- of tise n a tsir- off-shooit of suîch a lied of adejsteti b>' -tein --%ile i n-uae aiitis tise 'anta of the coîutry, cnutovztseiircc ue go àer for or a' -nsýpd th~.. ant it tise Clerk of tIula Couiîcil de I pio, iz.,te nt ,, t..d11lo LwReforin, Refrenclîni othse cou rtoChxcer',Y tteatttoallow tli",IlbjK to. romain in statu que P&; it is làacîbject whicl ý,*to mire, i d ipd ed, but witls caimnes, caýrefil eand delit>erate i Orth tOi a~nà, or that may a crne ly "ia un rêit telpîiblîe. %W look >týnas one of tinsè,1 antsryc9nsidera¶iOn.1Di igsted quesàtions are yc not, bOwûver,.k-bY the C or tOçir bireli.ngs, ..but nous voice of the peoI ir representatives in I>arl lst ing thlè queation ni coosi4eraîion;we, %ol 44ih e Coî e ations out essiun of theï assembled, shoci kveying thé. wJ ihir éonstittuents a.ple,' we _subjoin.h 1 3 Municipal Cou 7t ÇOýpa, ýas 1well a >.a nô pt admit vr foe Pisrish or St. irUlo aryô-howev 9 I timn ns; ,Ti>ese us sldle i-TrhaLthé14excluss ive apprÃ" bseetariao ptrpeselt, v ois t biis previace, arégi d otsght tcbe speadil>'saul. 0-Tisat 'tise ale establish- expansive Court of Chamcery ince.,issun impostiitUsPea -ande tInt tise concoctorsanda 'te sarne deserve tise'repre- everylaoaetman la Cana da. ,-1l>at tiseLegisation ef sn ieen -a reat drm'w-ls.ck te fty of tls aentry, amuet bat cause-,#ve copies of titis Ressîîiito z'" u , ]~J ~ iLte tasuec ibis -new way"Ilmore tborougbtY pedieisi. lent dth '0môsnI cousll a cut f la puîeede gs(Wlat a lteàsp-oCf felows vili i s scast brought before the public in Canadasud ie.-ed. 06itenthéÃ" monthtch p n sos of asv polaceis gsAil whtch ta respectfuiiy acubmitted. &c. wvhn h T ushiji. of sonie sort or other (for w~ith sitch ît oit hie w'ide world. ansd witat a dread(ftil fi, lite att new inventions, looks tSîher ousinous E 'C Of 'EtLoîVED, that the 'Iembers of this sQtr vr nela u saysd' sms it will ninkze !) give tise Su preme at fiis; but, afier a ltte insighît into the rcia (Signed> E ANNES, foi ýOiuncii feelë, ,itltîeir dtirty tuourgeernpon rs lalLsnin ws'sorkisg of this ysiem, the stade wbich en- dToirnreern.er theeectrs if he Cîusy ibçr i there is lawuyers te coîssitt). -Utîder Jîtecs e tlîelejurtsdiction icertalin retapes it ivaulel socs be removed.CelChnbr the n eýtv<îf doing all in iheir Ipcser'altlîese, cireitstances, timneanud sud cils ticerî'.to.jr.dc.....f. '2ud.a.y..850 ï,o tjreet h 1etr <f1v uverJexpe.rieuce lias at leigili, usrnsiglit the renoUer (Courts, and genseraiiy do To HM8 Excellency the Righti Honourable the Rari lesiu and- [e'rcetiag ceriaius prtlssinetit meushers neîeirarlly be expectcd, set tiee corrent eway with about 19 ont of 20 of the of Elgin o nd Kiitcardine, K. T., Gowernor ~ o tu pofesio,]tuithe gsiîstiv'e Iof publsic opinionrs iiirly egeinst ail sc rstucesucd'odfrmltis eneral,4c-., 4-c., aCsnT 1he fàlotvin àme fisýd in thse Ceur Mr: dis- &Aîscm-l;ly-oftiiis-Provi.nce,,aut "1Y gens-f V and ci r)ftalhueebu, îuy hiiimbng and noesense,-take for in Tise Township Coîncit cf Wbiiby, in CouflCit Nowhsadn.eraoshx. 55O. nshel .reqnent, tiseir feilosv sithjec smrdowuiglst reêbbery; und Ilenr, stunce I"Richard Roe vs. ohna oasembel eiaenî epcfyt rs perience, flie facat nddset ebnSe csp.. ilrougisou Canadato co-oprsîto w2h 'secigreat Provincial Ceairai Road from Port Whatby tathenoCad th' aud them n neletiag9ýnaoljectso necessary j* nd whisyth cngt e selfteiieiyto u a sîs cewts o ado land, reodo ieStr fyu xelec u oni ieAex to the hast isterests oftlse Province. jispadbgunngbfe isitotu ioîadarso eds od ona Ota ri uleo ta Sturgeon Býy on Lake Huron, United Siates of 'America in, esseatial Scp- _________ _ otlo nger teosancd uefore stie Bar, afn thoîisassd acres of .,aere nand SO -a distanre cf 80) rV-and ta etate, for tise be lier salvation, it appears tîsere' iare At té For Me <,ý,, osin g ail cbhce of risin g t a sent on. repeating every kiud of lansd tîtat information cf YoLir Excçiiency and Council, thse me mnuswlotug n fi1 e. o01o- To lte Ion! .bleRobert DÀdwi. In purtieniar, ahove it, lias, it is said, (like a cuisning cen b ho toght of,-theîs cornes a like faci, ihat,aithough this ust important Roudw.n lrad amoug u s, wlo tough nofc-' by i lugurl old fox as hi s.) ýdeterniined te take description of Iiou.ees, barnis, steables, surveyed,tlaid out, and eetabiaheui byithe Board of )odrndpras o Ketn f and for liuàtr in encalWorks, tise Executive Governmeat, and severai fice, yet atîll think that Protection, tIhe pi,-time Isy the foteibp, and join tIse goneral sked.s,,&c., &c., &c., (Wlîat n p;ty it is branchres cf the Legisiature, many,.years 1190, tltereition of the Navigation Lavs, or litï- AMay it pleuse your Aorour- ilirong egniust tîse comaton enerny. that n certain tnotable Doctor, Who hails certauintpariions cf it attii renais in a ibai&lof anme other ueodyuse, ivill save Canada tie Iurnble and obscure an indi vïd7îîa tas SO Senw, friend Roert, 1 have laid from. mwsr bu lokln e aue rmthe jaws of Annexatiun. Iadeed, inid 1-,bel viio lias te cura hread 1te 1teth ae y floeoe ejis siti.nt been bred te the iaw, us ho woîid Tisai it rani brougliasnd is uhe satinai atl 11bfu îher tliese Cossuectionists taik, 1they ib o ith of à u m e ous f <i J( by tise I se a s e i1l aci i nt eore y ts, jnth e ol os e t tîind' btedly usdd anoth er desciip.. a irity grea t p nde extensive itr at of co usir b eie v e or ra th e re ff ec i te b elie v e, th tt jisouha ofê num~~ faily b the arn~veîlacqniinbedwitlîthe POPIOlion of lionne tebise lisb, 'vhicl woid wiir for isesty, iseatines§of ciuaîe, fetifity'i ili ierkoldeta te and surent et my browv, 1 sa evertheless (T assure yonî). as2d knowv their wants cl fSaoi, gesersi renaurce,,and. oISonnaturalait swtimd.rknweg ta te 1 eucorugd toopena plain eld-fds*àieeedd wse swi i n bsr< not oîsly' boa very great acquisition Viîîe, o-ersaei euald y cities and courîtries as much prostratcd nowuse colerreucposîdeuce with yoni ui fc u a lo i vr iebot exceediugly usefuil to the learned tetion cf tise sie exbeuut inBritiss ii sMoîei rCnaanw a udmv qu sVarious mat i..sud Iling by the ilbu,, ahe" u ko vr~cokP!gfession ini cases of uecessity !) aund America; bit the Nortisers portiqigfgetecster rd eaeaîi~ your having (in th ~~~~~by aboiishing furusîs, lesseu the labour mains in a comparative tat e ~tee leth .elestertat eaesii ~ Octfyorlnvug(u heappoittsent and tura ia the counntry ; andbesides, an reoc cot;sudfîrbier sosï- nai ofarad a sabe fie nîenee ù ts mc laie Jui ch o)wdoue hof antia rvived. Tîteo gentlemen et,.otïia'ù,debl oeexactîvvaut eb;'nd - 15 s sen-usnt ta, ray bug n i rngs me i contact .it howve r, frgt tIi oten rCn pmaf .awas tnenule the prouce of tpr ms ta tise front of -' usînesa tus 'vîth -tise nansfer etuge a t outeaI ornCeli foreri reommnde labbcFre- ee(3~Jpdy, tedbig ti ishun run ligent n'an, who can rend an choosesan tlk v Sd ladpice of buiess-s-t ait seasaus of thse year, Scotand-the lterct adc1ar lionjioeH.ys auat iso(aithotîgis we don't know mtîch about tiuos compleieiy cut out huuest Ileury wlmnodavitenetveof ise Sat nfiea trse nt a-aoe eEggedadIeasi e In o.- .J sbe ther . w il;foil truc)def eingcas luîedOsaiandseu.,manding a large irterual triade amng li whiclî the proceswas t*4éd, aid that toa ti rc ira sfe> idfa- John tend au aliers, Wlîo wish to stride ta a v4iy sonrtusd usacert.in perod inthtie depui h iilusa sid upwad, îhu a beautifull>', and to tise catire ati i' hm wth* fepi tor asd, tu whi mcinr' siigrlyak<p ie a sâtbj1n tofth o hafWndsfemigmto mdirkeiîg tesir thait bmde. This vast population in kuowo 1ýt ivenôrid weve ts. t cpg,-m. ig odornaig green coutrby bny vho hem verytunex- citaoould imimediaiety floqk ta me favaurable a the animas o rd-tcotscn u hudb owowvr attepectédly been bhansefuil>' mittened b>' tocation, mnd avai lisenseivescf uSe vacant lotistsesin u t udsr eeapo usr in tItis cmas net appiid for heapa, &c. l- therefore, I1- kuow titoîr bis dearie. cf ries lands t'oise found insevery direction in that docmtion, an the tr u tybgspo *Io'pupaeefauezig 'nnxas, ninds te a dot--ibc>'are bent sud do- delifttit egian, wvise eenterpriîe l anustry amcction h rcsource of vitnlsty, l vnegor etof th patient [eulprt- o termincd ou a change je Law Courts aewtl 1 of eiy epi]o n poedns n n odru tsecret plainly' laid open before yossr wemlish,muid prospects ta tiseProvince ai lmrge. ho a siseer ishaitons. ýaj lie M-s t o ý d 1 co te bl b, nd adm ontai face anti eyes, itbo tt e e or T is Couscitbhgp teave furtiser respectfulîy uo Toosporar>' adversity nsay overtake ke oBgngy kptduuk. sud laid low for '[the ouI>' wonder is that bbc>' have rewcnei I have toid yoit the uaked 'aie tisai certain ports cf uhe tad ila aiready on jMh" c g u cket; but te prove stbd itso long]. IlPeaccabl>' if thoy toh n obgbtteImbicolnutrios, and for a wuhite prostrate trut, ad nthin bu th lxuh ;andmalle. Firi, use Sautisere section fram port eautbotforeibly if the>' must'l t Wib o wr onri h t ocsinýae u ft oss hpplt thrfr ean o o odtr if y-16 mites-is sot o rddadfrebtan lmnso rdt rIîrosprity' ed--thosec Wvo técus e iltar ntemte.fauît. I did net iuîteîsd butel Yeu 1101f vo far gravetied or Orly Id t-admui ftadcemnsobretc ion dchrebbcplnkel55 o dmîef wloisî5sure te revive. ln Canada it in eth- ion, declare theIsa eorse tyuWil akae ltbc alter an R muchi ai the prosesit titne When I Toil-gateS eing erecte l Siereon ai tise preseci rwise; lb wauts tabis erca p.erecÛtî nu îteif, aud ail- Ian p re t> el a a e ta t~ beg n, bot sereiy te tbroW ott a hait, tino. Secessdiy, tise Nonîhen etio frorn Stur. u erc l pepa- - 'lifur thse prpoSe-it la te mont difficuit andi knetty job te sabisf yr un.the bopeýof coaxingapremiumpatent geis Bay ta tise Namnwîcf Lske Simo, 20 littioii t l l ai imate U.ade, sud ren- if ~~~the country in this business, and pre- miA rsm te it fnwr iciles more tas beea gnmded aid faniseciand now don' lb eaibbyatirepnsCnd, .goayo<pOOr ~ gserve yotrçwa order in-, ali its glony ýtof Youn iu tis a aao lnymdgeneril usai, and as tise egultur travet fri as it uow in, in a more Ce)ony; En gisad ~that 'jt aettàiaîl>'coutd thseJdry e>'cs thean ,Tomaefbake uren aandsuadditionasu-fniss h bs I m~ eseu Ro6er*te drop tonasof put>'çaon sme lime [T ielieve yoîî ne mostl>r squaadera , tm ; but I let the a cciout of tatilal bridge 1a aise comîtnucted ever the Nar- le OSc w itanusfactuîres, and, n7 lle~eseau'awyers]. hbit diete is no kinti of tose in bue beg before 1Ikcew it-.Se 00w see re. Tirdly, lin 1847 tise iumo f £2, wiicis erexports do not Pay for thuss...afc fiaibe satls tht atls>ug >our endeavouniog ut the present day &ahe goes, ueck or sothitag and I bore vmas grtatcd about iisree years pieviouasmuid u- that leaves the holance of trade againist. tepaitéptl~rii wyo idîrosmse, b> tise crook of at>'elbow, if accomntabi> dle macd on8attsi ie e;and ail hon effurts te brade withW r.'aa a eververy uisc<lb saspectetid ùi~a ie OrSgBetit5de o w loiwp> helta edb u Wa hh>deterneci la be laid eut frcintise bse population f lise Uited Sta 1tes are 4agq u.rg e e ta a? obl r ifmp ie ,t Judgc Draper [a former brother ciii, ativice, 1 will in due tinie revenua auri r y1 idge tiruis n a 10 tisrenlst e .b' e a io s s d de tu tve dii.- be ieentrauaiogrfi ubewith bis labe charge toebtie Grand Junry great man>' aone secnets equali', n>' at several points, uisereiiy chseutie g l ie& wotuld iutbtlesa have, con- rig heosm K? tienbe tToro. 0fe nte, b>' trying te Matke tise vastl', atone valuiable ; casd bseneby Prospects ef tise backwoos6-uuffl ~5sl~sThse altenstiosi h aiain if- yeause e ;.ise vau now, aiceitpeople believe that. nticate laie andti each -yen how te trim aud taiacktho'sbîp sukf hope w5ai bu i 1irc'duratis; the con- Law$ WîlI net of italsetceate -'tradoý itba ' ci i ~ ~- expenslie law proceed ingsaran a great se as te take tise wicd otut of bbc salIs tm'ter.,Wjie fler isaviiug rceeveci about £'M txblreugisout Canada; lb muiy premob6 perd, cil he kno in~g, because ihey doter Ipeople, fro'of each anti 9ver>' craft that dures te s n ut 841i alappearo habu er eeat oched eue ranch 'Of industrjth cayi E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t 1a lt-Aeorr, heur, er--aud as show ils uoe upon the waters;lb rat. t iemp t etetucel fren tisai ta triade, btut ever>' other bra.ch wilj acarà ig , attr of course lot te rie/eandi teri net wbetlser it be 4nneLraî:*ol, aithsougi uthe Cesuil .aba,. s e tulsae' cf that- 1>' £061 545affects. The resrooeoa ' IVXa trmg oppresa thea -poor sud icea/cas Irudepenelenut, Elective Goverumeut', grau, sy bout 7W3,rsanaijeIidadPrtcinwii 1. e, it ï» s ne tey please. .Hiow thé youn g Cieng>rResenvea, Recbories, onr'wsat caiseuieuiuly wissb as aven donsig edre rdc aeai'hats'£~~o~~ plqyedaccerdln o< bis ormer, anti deubtiesa ha. net-a ut lk nokude e oterly usuetesa for *ny ptacblla PurPm wi at- da î~~ ~ ~>' - joye' pWoeioamust -have EIhuckled CA -D. <ver. h 4 "aaa l a Is vuCIy~att y '-l ia o e'lemWad ueADietÂealm ecin esi e e arr)vg g rade, and snay Mmse., ~ <im et oce~tg> is ~ te <eceive thoe gb~lwing aud beguiliug TtrBeSm aco Rsh i'magt wh tt iicitil>y stimulat.e ther'brau- p--i atinor inde peot vwajda jute iontwand ear,wislîe tdi Tuax QuEmitc ELEccTasN....r. Chabot hm'uesie,, thlreniaius sunuawmw eseffl wrat btu s e1mc ssenain efet I won tis~~ ÃŽe eieçtion, the voilebeiug fr.r, C. 1,921, b'timseien t ahavceeuso l# goeu wsitb elective <Gyu j, yet .madnt ex'lbiugly on m fn L ogreI 35. n isoecndda'hatusile .> t u.ila bUsoralIe e tse. awwcd >f Le ie ea iw hih~ îttpoil, Mr. Lagane recelved mare voiesino isia ise utiliuy and benefi as Weil as prodnueueti o i aifthu a tbeeamse, fjo(..MIcould aI s#iy erYtita. snîig 'daugiing directi>' hýa. asagniîtu. Ve bave ual yei received an>' par. uniat buMas ny eSpete' buv' cenfer permanent prepeirity olp., = ýttrphlm . , hie uuM. i..i, ea f utMe-ulog iticular rd- tise Eleculan, seoitusi vu areunablle te ai puislie ne>', pmteu8ty~N~ te d &a.; bi-t tactaiùs Lordsthp wasautterl>' un- lstte by vIsat parties cr face mn. Lgare wau and bridge «vestise Nlarmw. TidI stll feu Ths ouad Lusis of 2xd r s. oW more tissa two-bhirdcteaysuffed,î-btthe faet, tt it 1 melècsi, n bae-butiein beaardog tcy eainSmoir- (sgwwl to!o 4lutin g tise tisa. aleued foi .uld bSe teuin e ueb e ta rte for an aavwed Inf«m u lur EXeahley and jCeenchttnte. dmtgi etii Aueuatiôae adidate, àii isa5ient ev»euc" a the Oauet ounr. What a speei* Tem th, Uniedysth,'M. m l ,ezPot~ 09Sse the .oyehe Bot.4 8tatWui mcmedmt ad5mwuwtmm- u ààmmt-e-meniedetreeunVUt"y &bu Enalan p b« C u-m et feç 's e ~li a *1 s Pr LC n e Lt certà.in, tedi*oum; and-dMrlo!sncb sttsff sîgedtto dow <n pretty siick, ius timyIs of y>re, wisen cats wenc ' . e, but iC '3 ge now'ti-dutys w iv aIICW ~o.sisem andal-7iîbOtîgrui anti satal, islst tibluit to tiseppublic *111, whetlierr;ig'lt or wrong. 'Ikn'v icomea jike elnmwiug eYc.teeth, for sncb iWise mec as >rouî1Uwlso knowy Or, xvhmt la tise saine tbing in yottr estimta- tien, thlek yeîu knov, more iban all tise teat of tlire peoiuie pub togethser, to givre up >'ouniih notions of yeur eswv infaiiibilit>'i as iveli asOf Yotlr favotnite professioIf; huit people will, nobivitls- standing ail yuîî mc>'se>' or do bu tue contran>', tiik for ibemnselvcs; so depend-nspceu-itî Iitten as te pi!1 sua> ho, y1bu lise oni>' got tu sisut yotîreYes, barden youn heent, grne mud, bear it; aund 1 bell yorî now, onice for aul, tiiet there isune wey, cnei uni>' ene way, b>' wlsicli yous cuti bneusb te sborr n d cerne off iib a whole skin, andti îat la jîîsbte us ake up-ycîîr inis bu doûas bIse> du la tire>States, pull off yonn ot, pit on yotîr bands, and go et it like mon in riglît gooti earnest, 1repare sn:b mensuires bctweentjs iandi meet- us inu*f Panliansent (wiîcin bcl pçoba-. bilît>' will not ho before next Spring) as tue voice of' tbo country dexaics,ý fur abaolia/ing eltegei/tcr, tetlatst- two. ofe burseuit Coiurts, wibhi ail thein rotintue cf Jsedges, Recorders, Coerks, faction sud excitement hantihe inis-o ielias -Celfornîit Gold. . 'itînts cuIse country ulunoogli maiscisthse iune q se, ASsid.il ,tie-eisimuges' nov goisg c n, latise ~~l i sts id i ~ vs ua politisai orld, us regards uhe ~Contentlinfor anytiigc abiedla h ie iat poefe rde, protection, independault-e cf vari 1ous uapieamsa smtises, wreilrer true arn nt, Coi fIra, - &.,ire blitisere r noufeta S le as te tise suai amnd tue causeof suaisunaccounlabia compared to orshud uviié latsime egcanî,o7ealspemsei'jïelt jigisi as tisein ovemsents in CulifarDia. ietsIotal sbsndannient, whsicIi' adite= i.Ml Tise miney', etof ta Its>vonîi S as -mready timore lrkeiy tasncores. thoniita ibite, uanitial. marke.t11 ucatfýtijxjaxij fesaa beeuî affetai' b> tise. ga)lcexjsanted irora Calitfa- i'a y !*i as s i~pmiiu iut n hl. Tie itmense tnmmes Visicis1biave founti' ils w!iaie subjectaLieder 'â 1 cuisuncq vs>' ista Elgasii iay' Se knoamt5 IiCie factrtte Conrcieset ruapetifisiiy*aibtatseh tisat, t.tise >prisent momfe nt, tiiere'are no htie luta Illy aMrvedlwhehneu i smeaould. iehiputiet tiih precicos mitais in tise. celiars sf tiseBanS af susepense, doubt, ariussjailiery ini wiiicis thiîshits.- Esnd eIrslss iteumlù iottiufa-balilportantpuiilic initier hu .ionS-liees au d-is sun çsterling. Ail tise West lIndia panktla biat arrive' luvalveut1 lb àsdue tbute public tii h mmiîa!îly ai sciiisuiptoni ironsCissgres, brivg e cargo ai madi avare of visat is thse sitintentions af-tb. tisegcideltu. -Governseni, &c. 1Iliýthes rbdecidei apinion of CoitroFts ihave been ,coucluided i avlisSpoitteis Cauîm,-b aneofnaiestaaai tiseinagel. Frnuce anc cter coutri, for large supplies. svs motnc fhssm i, raugru tise admittedi fant ef ies beng.' tise shotit. andi Tise Bsuk ai Englatnd Sas naiscet thse rate of moni pricticaiîie 1lina an sauteeltir fanralo discount fes si tre to o nid u-ilf par cent. ; abser description of-r 1 od by visicis ta cormieethtie and ony sua u>'be tad uI upon caîl," aie it la tva great latSes ci -Huron aaid Ojtha ibtat il termea it ilei>, for immedisie netuinwhien sisauld mont etainl>' <auti ne iiiremana Pro- reqoireil by uhe ietder ut 1per cent. legs; sîilîl lbvincial.Road, oadruel boamplèted -lsy the Govmrna bis nof mi yeb sifeitee tise manufanturer on tise ;btilbhotsriaderne'ou md ment;bulfiinoewiedtrieouad mnetrant; tut vo isave- ne seascna toupfioîe- tiat i ta ise aandoasetiiter by thse C9emment, asy gr-eat languis01oh tre Witi elrpie before lb llas. or, v is a i liiwore, ev erlaitisgf ped~u Nbcica aubt 'tisat saniegra;e and migisty sdngeti leeycuiuetinmii os cisanwé' is abt asd lu tisa mosetar>' valuecf ait on pnaperly, if set la tise pecuiry condition aitie 1pl:tebye-vard md dreprehnpon the Provnce ao Enlgisir people. larI>' interesteel andeml otisers ane adsee acquminteel - vils tife ici, tihetuer, su ondinthat tise>' na> It gives tus pleanare 1ta state tisat tis ubjiut cf kua ambta depenel upon mcid cossider n e vis Pisetic Speliing is atlmactieg macS attention fnem va>' lth sb te ssupa Sheir, futur&course sud te genet sl pubieii, is tise Unitai Stts ; andeilu i prcceedliuigs. - aitogelisen protable tisait iss systeni viitbe initi- Titis Concil tiiuseloeameuteectiilebut atadi mi tise primar>' sciseots isncan>'o, ci . -crsesîl>' èqsuest tisil Yoilr £.xiïliuuy sud Couic- States, intieu of tire presînt autiqiatai no-systen; ùil iibk ii ncthîJPtuI abrhayu ltb ias beca preve I beyeud a dult. tisat clildreut'earty causicieraice, and grant sncb relie, la tthse- cas he i utuugisiu iatb> tise phoele systeus un premises atise natuàre aof tise came, deunas, andi oe-cigisti cf tie-tume nov requit-id. WVe she'uld yoîî lu your wiot4am shahl deeru prapar and ex. "s

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