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Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 13 Feb 1850, p. 2

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J Fç xaa idvisicis are tise maie bois-5 terns oet ose fulse claimsa cf lsem oft saisi1 a te objectons bave beo iseeLfons, mand ovegtswaeuL Prejudice mal HAftits viid gnipet tb. demooretie enceach- rassuýIt bat n bnd hbo <en been pal- .idaby' Intshigem Propert> mn>' haswi about it% pnivleges but thIbmmene holder et' th.dollarov-i ienrn tisaitise igsaotproprty are net nions vesteal li hian. WhïtDe 'Toqeieand thse 'United! States,mn foover inhbis foottemwl yet h*ve to sa>' ofCanada. Thse &Mui&avasnce tovard. jolitieml eq slityus,thmeruigofthet'eanchme to, asIImen ahsovetise a"gof<m21,pnylng Plx~, free. frooeimaimalty, and -in ">. or m e t ny. Mready us lim mes-ns. I weeden wihen eDld Easgiad with more votes, çetuid.stpt Le goverceai by leus hayonmets I Thon. isanotiefrepint to Le cocaider- -e4an ralton te tise cotditice cf poiti- ýéât-eqiiaaity. J aee tint tsegreatentLise oruue t votes, the-les tiseextrava- et 'hlm. s otel I. Economso'a -umid cf--ierty c -poliicai aise 0m nal m isavucwiSis thé pe ousa otofihealanisacrcy. -Paid ver>' pný A foui are mor prenent, 1 BI mionteaent setnm&bhtiiiproportion ft emal.,iberI>' snd iiY in ay Slatcofe tise ÊLPititiomuoftUme'i "I. duii tlt10 c veJmuu'o. Th ase " 10'i'3 acl MIJciuseiecil Society sunasea na rsewsii ec enSusaeme, as salarbcs Le SLate-paid priestir mouline roîgit ct Lie lel wul Is jrosluerng leyoaid tise inust asga a vecolle- ro Lasee sn se (asiministers, seoit Musash; wlsile on be an uiimost unanimous aditio icuie anticipatluis cf ils warccsest auppourters. lea-e tîsis cîcues*iuus in tise basckgruand rtioterlisandiif tlcey tliink, us it is ne- cause Of Reforeanui.prove Isut lighly ll'Te )Britishc .4mericecn observes, tîcat lir twso us'lole ygjse(ucrint'Is lais i"l u tosaan everwhehsniusgasj i> o revu-u-fv'aug Se Teryasm. If askeai forr lirsnciîescf tise Leaguste arc naîidîy hvebenaI l0ve()l '1 tui >~tueS Sishey i'uild do mnegoc olbe dis- Proof Of Lis. I Linmîuicacuiy luouat to wi55lingîei or s-ny uîmongst thele'r lecLben i RdaiegLsa eiod poseacfasgeeri dnao, ' îlhe late Mtuanicipal Eleaitions, is-here ruera of tise truck Disric." BIranches,1in iustrncting Lise god ipeople Liait Re- 'isci tsageneral reventues %ivihi ho mac>'cf aise mec decied Purliinaentary hcave h>oon eOablihedeat Burfurb, Zer arercand Rebdl are terms,muscdsynoui.. aveul a largo assai dain, aud the suff'rage have benil t a o vote fplr.mand Norwsichviile. - anuay, et Downing stroetwien apeak- peophO 'ho freed from a local Lait, LotI local officens. Su fat ns reluiraisawere h orsodctsing ofCenadn, andlimns of b u'whics lu tisat case might le ssscd maede, four Refermers îs'rc iecîcie Liste great necessity et' setticg'otursoîves frpaleiprvnefi houiglu eue Tory! Wouid lie -libsemi pont> ' W'eussu crave the insdlgeuce cf aurcerte's- igît i lu îstqsart.en, on Sulis mater, expodieut te do auo, cnd leaive the suffer,1 lieu, b>' tle systoran f Universel pondents. ".Ssi-Opprestiîa, and "bsiby, bfure yeking tise imuportant suibjaetr'ut' isitian religion, wisere ita great Suffrage? ~~tagesher e-luis s "hst" of acher quve dsitis,7, -cifidapael ulucîeCog sn's nlcou atcaeî Fouder placed. IL on cartl, te Lake h ave aaid -tint sncli n settloînt cf A -.dd"htisat cf tise Recteries, on loti et' wiich cane- of tseit'; and ilose wlîe preaci -thedemnd-f,-hAetmoderexsiâèLas heen ilacieelhy Our fnienslins e Mn. SOe Y.i teColonial off ic e gospel la iLs puant>], to lit-e by eXr'adMocareal, rscbin tedly, lulO tue i m as iL bas leen lmiel>' srugl ne>' efthie Dawcing.sureetslsave uo bhetrcin atiss lasaid tu e ost 55panticuinl>' ysensitive' the gospoelsh'j, su iL muai le ; sud tblejr presses, wccald ho jutipolite, and Pravinve. kipare ivisu asoi admîit ci Ourtan g We'll, this mu>'c le ~very weiî, rught iL 1.5 your bcuedea dut>', egreeeble te eeboo cl the question bsas a more laseulaon e the manifsjlos in uibis aucaler. ced proîaer if yen heave net, iike tihe tuegetec lrcspicpe imprtatruias-utus lecrsrp. Cc- Tse oua asnhr Of dead usOuies, spcn Sthe 71t, Irisiman, taen twc stops bock fer Reaponsible Govenumeat, te use eetY> xani., are Sno lnerla rct fit., taken fuan thce culirn f the datexeplosion in vr n o aelrad tW-d.-fiti orpwr' 1.e hnwbr o sger src te ca t'New loi k, are s> ixve>' nenenmod aowdalthLevoid pui i yor pwc Qu etI'y'te brng leusi, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bif wbro puprso ovit aon. c hcsur' lue ail weiliecougîs te set yourseivea IL about, irrespect ive e' of cssgStS lue turned lohese tu final a living, aud le --------c. rut'At nînuna, if youa incurrnronerias et or an>' oSier cunsiaieration.. MtZWhere 'uager sons -can do pois- Tis e htuslaus,'.m-nur-" Pard and bis affect revs TeWoissanpeieluth St vli'Oa 'ae cigaai oua- tcsoag; at home, I have ne doaibt, luitm eîsicpi;seiembet 0d naise o islis alares;but tumyeou- - th1le good wili of Englis atatesmen SIeur maereiy by-a dced of trust, for tusO obilds ccpet aits cvrew oul vo- tolenabi-,Il a _ .,e- puirpoe, hat goocio et icpeople, -whicli deeds ta mItisâin t meerl ug -t -maéad -'He.Cuùusen=curae.) thieq Lant thce go"dwil of jour censtituentslegitu witi, .if cne hait' Le traé '"List W141deapendeacmes et'Grea nt îfOl -The Papal Tnissinvenate have decu- ut-uli ho frouss ndt ax,,L;- eter, je ime crrdl' eotu aotLsnt t O i- *ý miy applicabhle te Canada' dedtiaitise saîliva>'tu Napies la *a ut' tiea, anl i-Laisî t- nt a wr----a. n hlg seral pv- tseoreienl orai s~,weîogîwl1~ver>'mcclifosàiL url, uta tieri t stheye weto made ia a htrtu~1 oigasrs; tisey have, aàtAbuOt - stdyng'.à""eanmd I-ey«of a S -" iojt-ibeone, uut aeisfqurtenl u blCree, d <>We l oy "lw Itldrftt gSwI5ti WU .hosusaibu i>'e est inhe utr pnaa 'rvt ' ~ ~ kp ba ëxgain wilUboas1 ex Putetsmeein ainsiof-_il .......... eeMpletély the only obstacles which .'whilst common intelligence is ordered principles; for it is'unlikely that a self- erate requesta n. u rg ~ in olt is oetIMnl alclrwsowtrt uni;bt itih hae iteroexstd oneie nvia t rmanwitheut its. representative ! rtiled aidesùwîlI.shakehe plpian o ionre ouhfru-îhtr ugnea. sanigatra, e - 'sirnip1tu poplw f tien-tii. difficalty of j*çducing hy-crmniIwl pugitete mention the groing Xlisaffetheoè drge gsaa cxrin a~~~p>~<,~I.prpetyisye t b rgade a teextravagance s8e0 sayfr _Up ntiaPoic, net àa amenace, but MAY ST PLA SE 'TOURHoor: th oiryredsost kwbo ftieUl Snd it May 110W be-considered- traie-exponenit. ofpublie opninwhy pert of au arisNtocratie conditiosý. Un' osàawarànag.t isanuenzy taskiiow to Having in my No. 1, (lest week,) logL_ on ot~k ecmlt h la matter of loleabecerta;nty that, fias ils rgt maWpadrpi-h etI h a*bta r oyni e1.1 -ô a.t e 531CR iil be seen swifly and rgtsipard I t sneticdnleeèeco shoei-plcd ear teffe1n lu the dem; bu--,wt e uoarng lA saf loy ge oho!d th isse l oe rin. the îcands of the whoîe Çanadian* hr elct n h.1îretpwtr.sokn e ouinreernci t a eob Yehae owndteyrso angmvrosdirections befor ogew isaie oeIvllus frhii lod'hsne form, 1 propose, in -Ne. Zte talk eati t~nitUOdrepoYi h rd tbe fhit f Minext" r-why net e.tu~~s~nus te every polpu1tioithereuigh'retronchnsentned -unin agoncy c- styeEruGe aot 0lry Rsre u etr e flyly uigwihtreynhv m an 1 _ T his is a miblem hici h n e l e- t n e o io d fo : w en 'the Suffrage nsy.w rit e dspa tches iith ut npiul br; f rm co rp etcly run ail the old lines (r nk TIAflJO ym _ gsitehoeer canning in the fonce ihere is as' xtended os in thse edjoinipg Aneato pesesmy o trsoyoed;trcetilyofietn;ifuti of words,eu sove, wthout oncelling Stte f'Nowý York, -a imilar govrn- ithe ; fortifications rnay be rejsired ; taloen of tihe prostrate' ondiion f tiee s now admittied on lliad, that the the right which 1 nowset up,-thie right nmen-t cost will lit s first resuîts. On and Canadien Itliels inay bu-ilit-mcn atu- n ell. os ti aee d(1 <'There s-6lone country on thrii countrypcti9laas iw' nnei &ce thOYe of ail good suibjeets te take a fair silere thse grouped cf cheepiness, if on no ether, tact,'red by the hundred : but uithout miotna aepss oitcl te thse flOw andimd breecl th c-arth where tie citizens en- Bu itla impv rfora. nd Sayispaye byyenindyen,4lti.9e ,,jéiilý linited freedorni f association for i ai " o t e lws.' u i. prop - fccin-UniversIal Stfrage. Butistice cognition of p pulr rig ts, t e whole sat cVtse Re ore err. ll137 8 jaolitschl"pOSes This samne country ;ertyealone held sy -tise man who bias joins 'in tise deiand for this giving up cfÏiese precauticaîs wili aid only in au nttompt mande et as protendod Organt and foliowers. Witness, for in- cotiua thosoeftex wrl ieretiesecurcd th 1e writtee tille' to- pien"; of of' an lssrped rigbt. Fifty tisoumcad roilingou thse ball. Tho trc antidote setîlemont cf tiieso queetions, bat ovory stance, Mr. flnldwiais ' e o-ro- e cniuieercÎeiseof tise.right eof asso- ie tî ii rafei sko lFfyforthie Aasaexation niovenet *t i body kuows as welleas I e, and uobodylte-tMrPry iiciwsaLa- ciationa ben iha, beentocivlintd a ioducledw lil, r aBan fcivilalldffeeesnels-fcaiî ilfy freement3ereqtenSionoal q st"itileereqsMsirementsofallé classesraqitistidîiàhg 111h à, ad"wbçre -ail tise advantasgos ncount? la the main cf inews, Wsho thousend toling artisans, craftsusen, of Canadiens: ils greatest provoceti. knows it better than yourselves, that it on JuI st efor ia lieTsr Ldn which civlization ceau confer, nrèW pýro_- tue day bl>ý,daiy,,tecera n Scnnty pit- r4clsthn s olerbi ii oiatotonSieqe tiaov was net et'ail doue in accordasîc uitî election, net, ivwever, a~s we are now: D E p ro tte c i. , - th n k e rs , w o rk e s , b o l a l dw it b etisetti n t e n ti onh e c fstio s lio wc e w e M etli of i"t To qu -1 tancer'-W io keeps on stly ont ofdebt, bond, tr md the Riglist of Man, whih agitating tie public rind. Colien, tie wislscof tie country, tîat it was, od iht e Ierto o nl e cn heor ise th tlsat nstiatenEss anud forcsiuat tise-ceocticu f cours ,)i but fur tise and pays a ftÜilshare of taxation. in the tbey ivill apeediiy bring îve h bc av edy rmadeo his-saisse 5 nii nliecanossrpiclsc amn about to -deal in stsrtling doc- food Wlcich le enta, tise reduced ivages court cf puiblic Opinion for a jaadicntiùn. îvorid-rfhnocas. is orginizing a socie.1y 'evfefianendd justic, and e burîteqaso on oec o an'tet nm r ar trilles, 1anm cnling HP 'the c et" ofa hih le rccives, and the clothes Onealaaitf tie -adits f Canada re w ii l i l l e eadvocate ofCanadian consmnoas ses and renson, cnd there- ticularly the I screus,» and swkëlesale Frn h:üsph i t S whichliehowê ers,- te be deprivcd cf a su u rr te facasand areclainsa in thli-periai arliam nt eai nduî a nneoetio di sissasend-if .fo Ilo ed Frac piosphr eaid re il u ec a[utty.avu ts wyfR e fo re just 5settiemec t al]nd) onsla ght nupun a 'strtli....... rr r. : -T he voice in tie egi silation of the Icand, le- knockig oud y f sradm ittance. T isay i are i eypene ce ft se w o lte oftii s uo eit w orit stay settled ii t ay u p-as t s now believedît w ill e- by ,idea cf politicai equaityls blasjiieny cause not th enomuinail owueror toesent do net crave naisoon ; they are net beg- fBritish Colonies. Hle suce c f faels aay bou yen ceni fix it, acd in ftLas A'nnexation expulsions, when -Pairlitr- in Canada. fields or lieuses?1 là the (Oii-gersfor. avu.xeecy will lies- a icrs adwt h irwios fwriyc eak It.Srdansut en tsyouur fortuites 'are made tO Borne aristocrtie cars i onia --.iroir Epinadfiurs esidwtateLhie- iedo'wrh frmrta r t.ëà T7eowner ofliose-lts buttons up bis iaut -farteer te be exciuded frocs the tnle my cunwiing concession. bsclass perccivsv y h-Uie isefadhsflo.ersvrlyasfrehveadnt sîe a hll stock cf la teidton. ie pc jae easelsrn esnttuwamyStates, costasg uotîing, are botter cels- hmofa usioiwrvrîor or hve ecd ecmistdae rfurl if pookets int,Èdaiutefranchise, baueisrn o oT eehpe cfNewYork forced uipoi tornera te Great Britaai titan the Colo- ago, ettecspted ansd came within an lcecDwigsrc wrsny mse in wild lande stands agst ; theprofes- rendh acertain snm,-n-ithoug« ihe ts Ah non-voters of Canada, the circula- nies, costing uauch. Ho secs tisait Can- of disturbicg and entirely overturning a priascoly fortuse in thnt trede and sionai re&I-taèjie in horrified'at ths mon- 'tise part of a geod member of Lice sate, tien cf seuspnpers, jute which idul ada, ut Soulse future day ere lonîg, nisthia retded ttîet, teey r- strcsity ;the merchant turnsto-bieledger and-ivosbis quota te tise geacral nov- creep disalgroeesleiocotnparisous cf the1 ho pofceely, svre roua , ndaor retîser tics ite n se cano, erabey ro-t emînodity, by tis ltme, ils your cwn, inenet Are the tiseustmnds cf mcihan conditiona cf tisis P.evicce ansd SIsaL i odysaa Gv ie iiofa lw f( on eebrcci tfaut, and yenu nay us Weil givo iL up-.- adiay;hessasaestohis'books,,h ci ys Gv brfulloa *w o 1 ot.eem lww o t et le bcas it wiii, the people begin witiiauthoity -the hole eiiticse lýelaboerrs, and boarders whc Lhe Repuhblie;ancd bocks, throwang goverisnient, 1to-morrow ssi! <excanc, eaoltus)0kdr!Ode!LetiskLlaIgiLiettyouge fratersitv ;s la commejea. "EqualioyUhiiWetsftpr ccceL ili Itiedles o'soswiîb. Grant lber independeisco." Foi' staci la ~~bicaism reeblcanssanais lketist e' Cisna, e l suit nt romSo itso twork H whp-ocsne change, romoute or nosr, it is tise O dcar! tisat wcs tise ime you ised teadtsi vnsas ih s limb ;reubiarisnruswok.Ie h(-oc ntpo-dcty cf everv Canadien Se lîrepere. il ; it mattered net wisetlser you voro tisongiat, iow as gias i lr into denlocrcy,-dernocpy, iloto an- ts oibobcuegslyc lesess thse rigit te vote, wil look tthusla t iat laetter te prornote the ability or ini or out cf pcueer, yôu were, ut ail gv ansd Rectory affairsair0eabosut Lhe areiy." So reaen anod advocatescfcrmcfpvryorîniigSeasr country where eacl eue idi like condition self-government tisan thae tirewseg theaights of prperty :so will net reasen isto the rosponsibilitisofisouse-keepicg. la not refused tho franchise; and froua opens of Stac exorcise cf tise freuuciise te events, ini Paîriaent, and uvsn tise first Lhicg tîst cornes up in conversa- tisepeople ofCanada. ThbeacutoFrencli If iL cecldbe satisfactorily slsows, tiat ' very tas payer? Wlsetier aColony "nit wsas driven you ongist to have tisas; îoW ilt ouglst end'îsew ut- is likely werishndtias rac, n- son bt Sseyce ai rglu ~ecvy, uvil rceed te sometlsicg ancre. or an Iîsdepecdcnt Stato,-svheaber clencied it, aand tuaraed round and saîd te o cs ettied, is.tho great qiestion. The snas,'wiviose wrshali rcn-n htte .whcj,,dsug terg oIf Canada is cet Acericanised by imita- tise Aasccxation agitation iicreaâes "i' te hiin cooly, Il Doctor! as yen seem-tosuuewswe ieie fpeeçe ted thée great act, tisat tise more-Lise vettk itrP a iepop liyc ien, jL wiîî ho Aaiericanisod lv n dojs is y--ex De tffaew e dissatisfied uitisthe, distribustion vse iîtal hs nî o i od freedan Wthe asoito o eiia iecouutry, tic defenders oet;exclusive forward tise lest interesta cfathe ou 1)try, efothgo plurpoe, tise more tise aisnre oet' those roperty igias, usigîs argue for tIan. ' utthrear nd prove a chseck against nny temIps- iate ysnde, of tise Clcrgy aand Rectorycof sousîs, woulcl hoIistened-to-ly snost beneta~enfrre by îv'liztio,-î e rir position withi btter graco ; lutbut sidist le earrios arty ed insvasion of th isohierties ofLthepeople. lands,and, as w are notexectly pleased people, if net belived and acquiaesced noe itise aibii y rcure ztIsos. 'Ise i sa srcro fctsi eihobjectiocnse oan extended suiffrage. (Torontco.luirror. witîs it ourseives, we wiîî ssouvjusî.lli Ia a a ates oe oe traiti reuuarked b eTcquvle salone, owns patrmtism, intelligence, Win t a te nLlIoy? Ti eformegatIP l refis takwoe qyestiyu vado penptisetereturu te Canada. Il is floiwuniver- ne doeovrye f bi alne. itecoou an.prouctvenes. nfmodptntdtsctewlynrevod.migandispute, end sn."'icie uosicasla ispue, dad nIsit i saly amited, întt aree aeupliem We have the "ftact" oetDo Tocque- Wocîd give tise balance cf power t Lhe ti e arbitration of n Lhird and tise mesS lroporty, and osiglit 5 lç dispcsod cf icî try indicated by hisai oenet vie'd Tories: aise Tory, witli muci more lYhilby, lFebraary 11, 181. disinterested purty Liant canen ho foud, tstwy ywscstsyiitd I ïi heji e f ln ig oebodied ville te reovethie douats or scruples reason on bis aide,- la fearfcitieta isis vis :-tiie peopleo et larg, svho lavechthywii o h ef ail stickiors for Lie systeus 510W inca Wo reata odL îegeLî ucbr .r"-114*' - ogut sas'Cenda.Lot Ie eede cros p roule! nover more nise te impor- Arrivai of lhe Europe. everything te gea roei isou- raudtisa uth ioeer teso nâ say - îlOt ~over tie boudary lueo, erd îanding o nce ieapesnse fLeB-A large meeeing waî held in London onithe ISsh cess;lisad yeti dune se, the eîd c cirîeratr9ohud ihe yLs 't&. fa' diatsehe tsoilftîe Unîited States, look nround rfye sgrudcs iene n ul.,relative ta the prapDsed exhibtinci Sh' ls adisselcef irired, aI4nu ' oun rnddnlt snirl èËà, _ letd onu kr is esotf'W t siecocaluler why the rsojuitY cf casigrants dsmry of ail nations. The cern af £12000 wsa wousd vecetd lufom d gvrîeso tdsinhi sr let.doIavo their, native land to le assaared cf ,ulsscrihet, and enihsiastic speeches made l'y wiî osl ae al - tls tire i rs o iepol uablir, good. an Arne1ican - iving, cver-buay, pioddicg, tcrsspotwFLsahos.efu l Lih.Rusl aswheu.br udhaet msy naake rals .peisevening people; facorles teemnicg terspot u hl n-afte The Queen witant open ParliamneSin lier. b d a inee' cf tslni u os faypof4r wnigt lwt el ms Ya kee ýý i ppultio li derivd o a elctoal egltoctee eproseut feelinsg, it-ia te lie ewYc~k Psldep 'witl i ilf, snd threwing cutLa: ist cf popuuiaiiothle depnived et' auispecioran wi,-ste.armed dnLeM - . u poaita In uei ua-rigist, hocususe tIse views oet'erce n'seleegThectesi te athenpres et Linee fusvocourap-le nain.sce The verSgiiiiSt Le presula Feinceisicul- prtssnity,wusen ti uis valhoS, anî ucd teipees pretondd dsposi 'ued eaêdon heMl uea,ï inners soehi pall, andl rods usiug partizaus are in tise way? Sinl l inue,. The"44Reforu" has beeisiuapeasded, and Ilmst-fet as tLi-gsI couid cever of tmi rces i. iiigi e lisot;f onges-ae sU eitmvei vofdOd w0 isaiin1a..npetty dreaud tîntt Leanuaselonigretion ,"La Presse" aezed. Byuthe bye, MWe SSI furivad-sf orIcidee l Iemnaogtts alusugdyas n the, Hall"euuofe ofuhe eace, sud Mlealaiait- elievinuoesecta, instcnd cf givimsg iL ail P dlLsis ris cai rsslioaim e edo a iascing noahilan" Safallow suit. I renutly lelieve tise country nover uvili i on tise fact. An It nnl - Jr'euaon for a refusai te fifty -tieaid Acnst caidth te saaaleresrc unless you 'set about Lie work, andSeuefahdC/uchloLiepm- , nepapaI dahywith ail the worhd ; ware-louses groan- cfttiaî t c utise erreurshlu ooni Lime, for- lion cf tic truie doctrines of ise ou 'tse summe fa ynan iag enntptsefed effotymilinseppc ray aside al sire tS, se caucraked jusOctober, and shat of the assure yoaa, ltIsit I hmonre tisan whis- pure andioynlgos 'bisstenuhco~ wîhsof people; rivera tovered witis steam- rpeeltvs' irwc - etssd nvssdrated,-res ecierton fjiîic rriitteEmpire wilassemble inl1851. prdrndeauSsLLm esagai~ Corne, lot lsas teason tgether. Is the e f wiuter te - -- st canderc nlL4-wedc-t and il- ta ssage oet' auci eassre as 1ci - lias sid the want cf uauey preves t he Pope se fcsvourable an opportnnity, la atroc first place, tise Reserves tsen are held - 'dy cuu te - 'iseions et' human bei.ng.q protectcd b>' a tecîspiate would hbctise cornerastoneocf a foarurîgS i aians btFac restimpLive preof tint yen are D trutb Iegvrsnatfrts ur lir in ýray_-oudW telarge and lu flueutiai party : iLvoulid oThèeSardsien. ionCensr fDet]iuIavapr- y i fver rcrnimsg ciut)totise poses nl'resaid, and Siierefore the peeple standiugnrmy, numubeng oui>', 10,320! TeSriiaacm o euis aeýp r.sll wie p âq *bh spans tise gara.Ur siecget cst"balisîr.bc Lise passpot tepower of tise trucerep- vda hett fpaecchcdd scratc, asd carryingut LIe pnîsîie vijli havean u mdoubted rigflat te cv in wlnt ' t plti u- thét ttn t preri1a4e iresontaivea cf Lise people, andl form a heucceen the Pied;iîaitese andithe Auslriasns. la Lis respect, ail yousr hlf and mît' 'ay tise>'shahle bcdispoaed cf; if Usê>' nid aduat eso npry iephtcibsihwrkageinst. Teryism wiîciscouid Negouiations for uhe reaty of peace et Den- professions tis esîet ean'wse tuiusk tisa interest oeth ie couuur wi mmmd IL, îî tfînopetyt ipe- timee l vctsrs.Tsi s mutarkhave ______________ mark haveo ovçheen,.eceiThiees 'at anotwitisasdirsg, more pcrticularly, bu better served by appruspriating tison with allta ie 'cfhuc>, reaihotiswlicîcoat ureve, ofes ci Ll ae BRITISH ASIESiCÂN LrÂGUE.--We are zleuse is lataken of tice ppanneL accordiusg Se the prosant or asy aLlier:;

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