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Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 13 Feb 1850, p. 3

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Y J - -Y - J - - ip afterwards, which wouid 'render hein utterly worthiess in a legai pointj aniw;sd, spart from that View of < case, tixere never was tlw. firs't ng Psidfor thei,*--ý, rày' other given or*,received;..neither biasi st been ftifilied in whoio or in ý - *, doing.the ugreatesUpoSsibjei the greatest. nureber. . Jt mi' that the Trustees have preace edv. bit, uuw-andiugain, IA the ,hood uf.the glebes' butt veryE para-ielybave heard iteve i -outward ear, while 'the greut, ily iievethey ôena get bettc.r i ce gratis for notAius., ot ut al for wbat they plense to pay aiter c is donc; and youù knoffv thea k aih, tisat ns a ma think- 1) hEjsu ad tWiè'efrom, su far as s( es are coucerned, thepreackInýg . ggrni1glît about as weli havea- -ne tIo1the latnd itself- or the il ~aifd stoues upua.ît ; Su0 you seo, il it sny -way you pieuase, thse Ueo- in partictîlar, as woll as the cRe-(, lu generai, are stili the Iawfuxi t erty Of the good old people, who are i rue sud sole owners thereof, sud c ing else,--for to ulamup, as thosc' 0 ed in the iaw wouid say, in thé place, the dccd (Sucis as it is) wg, I1 er duly snd iawfuiiy elecutted, anec efore voi d; in- the second pluci e was nu value received, and ther-ý the concern %vas fraudaient fronti uing (o end; aud, in tlcc tîird. e, thie ternis xpua whicli ise wliole eiu snd. trtat was b:Iasedi bas noL lfuitilieàt, tiserefore theo whole mation ci ih ullad void Io -al i la. s an purposas,'sud could not be rwisn declared if submittcd luIJ re Blake'a Court efEKqteiiy. - Uviuag fuliy uude eut mycase on tise uts ofiuaw bafore tise courtand 1 trust Lise full sud comnpîeesatisfaction uof un honors, I have aiow anarely (o sp- 1 ta tise Jury fora verdict nccordiug aqnity sud justice. Youu viI easily~ aven tisai my clients are a niusi ~evotissy*injtnred party- tiattlme pre. tocettpants (or nather squattena), not ving tîefar of G-d befoeutiseir as, sud being moved ly the lustigu- *u of the D-1, did witlt farce and s nisd agdiùist the pouce of tisé Sov- eig n peuple, violeutl y squat upon and ess tieseslves of (hue lands sud >omises out ho iojnred aud suîffering rty, sud,' wlat is worse tltun alla iL 15 la te stlronghy insinated (bat tiose 'abient squttters are uctually aided and etted uin keepiîîg violent possession ytise vary ,stewards who wero not nly appointed by tise lawful prohrieturs canselves, ou account oft hein sîîp- * d allity snd sl, Lu do justice twecax mans and mian, but isaveactu- Iybacu fed froîn tlixir -huruds ansd lotked for years at tisair celt aîsd ex- isnse-! esîx hardly isciieve tîsat it eau hotruc, buît if iL siioîld prveau, I ast vtr lionours, whiatslîahliebctlisir iit- lsimeît-I know b-ý utîu4iict wisat wilh- ba tise awfui i - ~îebeforo you iîro> laîjuce 1 hc word, vîz., Deatk, political 1 eat/e, accordîng toufeue; sud nay tise E-d bave ntercy ou your seul ; sell, <SAthu art -thet an." Nu>w,- Lu be -.serions, wisthar (base Jaiuigs l'.e tnue or false, it shows a Irendfxîl state of tïhingas wisich ougist1 nqI Lu uxlst in s smell co 1nsmusiby like canada; snd whcn the, public wil le ïo welý kaowu us it 15 ou tiss atter, udwhau tise least intimation of sn Otentioe te, meat the poople'à desire votîd naaly -suppre9s sud put to ligisi everyujust- suspicion, so that ý teL aeven -whispar coubll'o béeard.1lm il (ho iaiu Jiefune clusiug, howeven, fa.! it to e o ny louudauduty to aay 0 yen that titis mattea' bas guna ou kois littte te more tlIIIliL ean go no far-E ier. It a 'perfroUly ripe, and muai ler l'eIxrvesied. new er sevol- ýe i l utile or nô (,hance ieft for kdglag-uae pople, i ÃŽrx, are sow DmÃ"ves -anid to e eRlflet m'i .al yon iutend to do ln the ristter-if yon - o 111eladies of iVhithy and adjoIlng - Tim! Ml're 1l1l]ri.e!! iutend to lacet the wishes, of the cousu- Townshilps: cto -T try, Why in the narne'ofcommnon -sensoé PImlecrj35' Protecto - r nmind that Arrangetntsuare in ----,12,00 MRAIBERS. do you ailow sîîch cvii sud cisagrecable -pregresu foer ing saitabIe Premîumu-»for yettt ___ rep orts to -be unuccessariiy bruited iice andi kamdy Work, ut the- Spring Fuir 1a nd C A P IT A L- $20 ,0 . Caille Show, te ha held iniithse village oai ltby - --2O00O0 buet the.ý country, .not' oniy scandai- -iu April next. CahUino aijIO . izing youtrselves butcreatiugil-feel- oNEETEL.-Ts .Brts T ESt.LvecJfw alFrI- ~~[13 su iarbir s-uogtyour - .4merica statewthut a' u <> ïýr'.. o uütaj- -uac_Com n , ith-saoidl bldéat ami hare-,t frieads--why do you terfeit $5 hilis ofhe Commuercial Blankt, Weil estsblisheu nd-popiu ar, oMgniratio, anîd Midlnd Dstrit ar in ircîîstiîs.conducteti open liberul nnd-equitable jsrinciiieu, eut catsoticyto xcpeoplej ilnDititýr n iclto.offerte instcre fura and issoited dwellcngs, barîtui ,notsliak.sootingy !,-fTh nsignatures ivere- wcIi -executcd, ard buildings 1,;not huzardous,. asu ow ratesu Commun cuurtasy, if uthîing cisc, de- sud&se vcry Iutc the originulà that de- ""sy other solivent, Iraured in ona yeer,, ending'at mands such- etcourse ut yotîr bansodutctiou--apîeaîs impossible. .The -notadt,$04926.Adntuoiee y ia~tii Company ore its rheup rates,,'andth ie fart t ut no towartlà any body, jitt remrrber it la ýie--avidenil-tly d-thograpbice enraving, other uecurity, iaility, or lien, beyond tise notes, y-outr old ud'ried ftietîds who dcnîaud asd raLlier ruîîghi y fiîsshed. The pa- andcras in edvnr e in requireti, taken, or madie per s rtic bevîe thu tat.eno;l!- ,by ibis company agaînat clu esemberu. iof You, sud therefore I ast on what peT5Ilthieve hntstgaiaiY iolicy tekes effect tise duy application ij3niadd used foi genuine bis, sud tise colin- 'te th e ýnt, if reqtcesteti, gr any future day di-- grutnds do-y- deny tlîani,-is it bie- terfeit cati easily be detectcd. Thel-billsce y lilc, -i 1 poèt nsrbe cauise sonie of theanbave thralid you i re ae tgit 88 h Company, itcco die-' !u ils estdablftlled- tales, J. b r- S Iostjr, ndsubseuentlyppout iv is drectrs.2 J iteo a Wi, ups hy . eCashier, iid . S.Rcss jr.hed te e1-,ee eye - 0. Powvell, below. bee mde o mnr P~esd~t.Tie %word C'omamercial forme Pisitreementxif any in liquidastion of damuges, have, ar'd you'lisve a seiadent siircl1u at tihe top, in thse centre of in referreti tbr seuliemenît 1Iohe, Honorary Dlrec- sooviwat, il %'as,after ail, donc nîerely the bill, îvhereas in tlise -enuine of that torsi -se are atwaysa ppointed by thé c-ompuny with the view of wvhiliping you into date, whieix we have sena. they furi a l or each k;tate or section whec-e the businîess re- stra-htlin.--amilon azete. quires, anti in case è>l final disagreementt, lu refer- yonr duty, us a parent wouild cisastianstrie in.-Irmlo Gztt. cte 10 nighbeirs tolîhe ictr -mtcychosen. .Short Insucace.-Tishe Copany in anlsoriseti is soni ont uf putre love and regard for ../lleged Cure for R/eumtiss.-By t ,iILrire for cash -only, withoit a preuintm note. hsfutuîre. velfure. nst confess, dissolving one etînçe ofsaitpetre si hàlff bility. h rt nu ce«0sntfaia hut, so far, yotîî save showvn a good a pîiat ofviegulr, letting itshrenetffo-I.t.le14nfit'ol maual meubers. ciîeriarthse fire titutil reduced lu abolit haîfAtise No two-thirt6 clause ie tise Policies, but tihe cleai of stîibborasuess, yet ilerInrqtsantiiy, and ufterwartds apitîying it tu Compbiiy 'payi tihe fulIlaeu l te eumodir of ita, he countryjshae nti y-givea-yott 11)thse parts uffectcd, a certuin eind--spead osslqcdtt n at rmtlyi ed in despair; we stli ixâve isopes of yoiir cure îuili be te resit- [Correspun-, eutrent autishe place of lou$. .. 1 ~omngut rghta te ed, arîculriyden ofLivrpul Mrcuy].Faraseru ai-e 'nt here Obligeti ta conîribute te coning___,ig_______________________dntfLierpol____ry] lasses ln blocku and extra bauzardons properîy, lbat onteR s uad Rectory questions; te1 isclated i ulku of approveti clsauter, like Ibeir 211(ha±~scre Spanis/e Bull FigAts.a-Tt is calcula- owe. but shoutid we flud ocurselves disap- td thîat 1500 bul uand 4000 horses are 0f ever 'five milliniis of Instarances ici tisepeut le theisuhi-lghIsdollar wa îsred on buildings in pone'nthis head, I tell you piaicsly, îînnîsaiiv destroyed bnlthesand orer rour ilns tsro vso nec fur ail, iisat you are going, going, which &are Jid lu tise va<ious-cifies sud-islati dwellings, bancis, aýnti colants; and ltse ,rn.towns oftSpain.- remuinder on counlry tevernu and propeIty net ~oae. deemeti more bazardons. Yor inpo-üdrset Retiag -Persans bas-e tise priviisèorn-n Yourswitt ptoooudrespct, WTife , jara goingc, u le]cveyexn.- 1anti chunging tesnîs ilouînoice, on adtiung CANADA. The doütùor tells me that 1 eati livP blut fire ceats la iheir tentai ca-e, er 1-4 pur cent'- Wehilby, il Feb'y, 1850. a few hoturs, at thç rmot ! 1 shall soon "lsus avaoiicg ibis freqicuent cause of litigation and ___________________in BHeuven 1"- Ionsand ail cure oic tie Pubjeet.- - Exciaded Preserty.-Buîldings icn blocks or Refoin Asocitiin. Wiat, you soura belun eaven 1- seliic100 téet Ibereof, andi ail extra bazardons -- - Voît -You'll neyer bc o nfeurer rattes andi occupations andi *suildings exposeti - Te Mrabrs f tse efurasAssci-1-luve (hisyou are now ! yotî old thereby, are exc ludeti romn insurunce- by ibis iou met in tse rooxus ut Weeks' oid but64Crn a.Pt fe.aemll monthly nagrictsltisrui ~ot1,onWcneda aenin hst fr îdDoipheus 11 hodrseiy gro!ed t(h*o sheet inu eud ai Ogdensïsurgis, N. Y., whui'huiil ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l marns .udpin-eoiton x Doîjihetîs, bring nme ixîy contain the moîîîlly repocrts o!ttheCompjany, acxd Oarratory <of thse îriîîciîxes uipon ivisiciscned e eirrîsteoe rlo n Agent twentj-fave cents-, or enclose soaesiont th soeiaty was esîubiislixd. A number one aMore before I diea' ta tise Secrçtiary, for the pubisher. By ibis if~~~~~~ ---- -rsuvreprset-su,- trmembers rmay ut alitlimes -know ties tate of tise -fi,--.. NE~W YORKIxMARKETS. Copay inme esseugsian, tne resouuuîin ,wnîcn ieplshbeluw were aduptcd. lu tbepash nuruber wc ca»not enter into a lcugtisy notice ofth ie great ce- fityms invoived in tise dilt'eïent propo. ~insagraed ta, bhatwe have su fticu "'Ipr assad dm opinions rcspcctiîsg tisem lisat lpresest conmment lais stiecessury. Iftho menures cailed for by theeBaun- Reforna- Assoiat ion, are onîce t upon-otir statiite-boets, Canada pi atutlimne datea anew leuse le, ) r 1tLôiabrethreuu c tise hp ntail l é' ci, helrefornsis ia icatad wili g inisrti t 'o-i:- At a Geacrai Mecliîsg utftje il am- iltoa Reform Associatiocn," heid ut tise1 Rooms at Weets' old IIotfli ýontise eveu in gof Fois. 6, 1850, C. O. Coisei, Esq., lu the chsair, it %vns Mcved by Aid. Clament, sccoîîded by Mr. D. Mloore,assd- Resolved, Tisat thec Reformers of Canutiaabsereconsrended 10 petition thse Pruvincial Legisiattire ut ils next Session, for tise enactiuant of mnensures in confup'oity witis tie prit iphës ciii- isodieitusnlte folowing resohutiois.- Mctvad l y Mr. S. Braga, seconded l'y Mr. W. E. Clart, ansd Resolved, Tisai the Provincial Parusa- nient t utcI next Session do' pars an Address, toisa presanted to.Her ;Majesty thxe Qîteen, sud tise flutuse of Lords of .,'reat Brilaiu and roiund, praying for tise repeal of lise impersul Stattite ahi. frojsiating tise Chergy Reserves in Caunda, witis a view uof un equilaitle settlCen of tise' sanie by tise Canadia Legislaure; and niso for thce abolisis- meut of tise Reetories.-- Carried. Moved l'y Mr. D. Kelhy, secouded l'y Mr. J. Spolia, sud - Resoived, Tisat tise uembers oif tise Legitiafive dotîncil ia this Province ha eectédc by tisa pcopie.-.Carricd. M1oved byAVldermnts Sualey, secoudad by Mr. B , ýWouds, sud Reselved, Tiatunr Parliausatfary Reprsentatidn bc fouudd upon tse SU ffrage,- an d Ihat voting for mambers of' aitisar IRousti by-BaUllt.-Carried., Moved 'y -Mi. C. H. Webster, aec- .oedod by Mr. Spolia, and 1 Réolved Tisat, the Usttry, Lawa l'e sbhasd.-Cumnied. Movstti ly Alderman Suunlay,aecondad Resoled T a al local e&btsle eff-uted by Lthe pe'ople, the mea M.ved by AidaruîasFord, sèéonded4 NEw Yonir, Fel. 11, 1850. Aours-Poluî, sales 50 barrels ut $6M7 a $6.80, Pendus $612 1-2c. Fi.ouat.-Sules 4.700 bble. at $4.87 s $5. for oidii.try etate; $4.87 1-29 a $5 for common td straight ulule; $512 a $5.31 for blichigan; $5.50 a $5.52 for ptýre Genesee. GaArN.-Geneusee $1.24 a $1.28c. ; $1 a $1.14e for Sotithemn and Ohio; $1.4 a $1.lIüé "lor Cana- dianiin bond. FEBSIJARY 13, 1850. -0. d. sd. Wheat, per buusetd-------3 9 a 3 10 Oat - - ---------, a O Peau -- ------------19 a 2 0 Finur------ --------20 0 a 0 0 GrasSeeti---------6 3 aO0O Pork ------------176 a 20 O Butter------------ 7 a-O0S Lard----------- -O 04 a O 5 Cheese--------------------O66a 0 O Egg- - - '-2ý e .- 7_0 9a 0 ay - -- --- -40 0 i G Pot anîdVet-luii - -25 O a 27 6 OSHAWA.-Wheat 3..an &.8d.; lIye2u. 6d Coin 2s3d; flerley la 8d; (tatu, lu; Pori16sOt 'iNGÏiSTON AND TORLONTO. FuaitAuÂav12,185SU. Kinpton. 'ts<rotu. Oat8,per bus. 34 M. 1 2a 1 3 1 2a 1 39 Bacon. per cwt. 41 8Se O 04o 6 a50 O Butter,in kegsp. lb 0OôSa O O 0 SeaO06 Butter,freshqtewrib O 7a O 8-o 7e O 91 Ilass, per lb. 06Oa 070 Sa O S Pu#rk, yer 10. lbg. 20 0 a25 017 6 a21 109 Beef, dioa' 15 ù a17 610 0)a17 A6 Potatoesper bushel 1 .6a 1 8 1 6e 1 9 Tarkeya,eaeh 2- 6e S 3 oa le 3 lobwvs, per couple 1 >,.e a>.1- 1 «Sa 1, S Egg8,,prduzas O 5a 0O60 10a 1 O Raey, P~er ton 35 0 a45 045 0 a5Q' O .Flear, per b4rre 21 6 a22 616 Sa 20 () Flourtper 112lIbs.,1O0ea12 C0U10 al3 O Pees,per bues60lb '2 0e 2 S 1 Se,2 O Houyyer lb O6e O 7 O6CaO 7 Toronto Mgrket Repsri eding 89h11.11. 1850. FLoux.-Tranuurtiona Ibis week ta a consid- erable extent ut 18s 6d for autpertlne, oeajlaIet extra Sfou reported te hive cbaîmçed l bu' at 18a 94. Milters* uupertine <in baçsu 1u-a 20@; larmeru'inâ big or barielo, 17« tld a a& WnEiT.-ReceJptu dutng Ithe weekÏbiout 13,. 600 buéhelu, price. pid4s a 4el1 j> the 'beut wheût. iffr TO TEm WOEL. MONEY SAVEJ) PRI CES 8STILL, LOWEVR. This Company tais piciaure in referring to, tisose wba have beauose utiftiuoata osslIostaffer by flue, regartiie tise pronuptîtesus .%th whichiss lasses are 'iquidatedl andi paiti. SRxs'EurNcxt.-Luiser B. WVhitney, E9s., of Lawrî-nceviiie, N. Y., bout $1500 us a mern ber of IiCoja. Kitîey. C. W., Auiit. 1848. Thisuroistifies that isaving hurt a Vaitble p ce- periy, inticred hiy the St. Laswrence Cont y u- tuai ltiuuurcse Cê,euiany, 1 amu pleasedti u ear gr-aluitaus ts'stimnsy ta tise hismeandtt prompt manner inwseicis tsaaudtiieulanti paiti. , GEORG~E CASSAS, Jr. £rxaraple.-ur. Olivetr Powell, of (t)yter Bay,. Lonîg Islandt, N. Y, eppliet inho laich, ns stateti abox'e. The--Agentiêtsidtiasix cmilea fuaOm ýbis îeîecandtui iWM. Powei's refumcine in uigîtt ef bis bouse, it ws in.lu Iames, un4,ý 11wqo.,i fin,,s îeediateîy on comng in af tise prô6t,s. polit sa isiti anti tise insuaudlited t e #U eeieeiiagof the flas-. Tis e st evidence hati by lise Com- pany of Mr. Po>wel'@satsfaction luSIstat lise dwelspg erectec i s irtuinab yhuma, isu tow in- suret 1)y ItiiCompany . Qwasells tidcesu.- 'S1ètbhOyster 1 zLang lulasi, N. e, , , jdi*lîOWleigw 0'Qpssger, Xiýo oéjf it'LIlark, Mutiriti, Newe York-, lu referreti toans a luseur. - itley,C. W. llaving bout a large anti beniluome propecty, fil- suicti bytîisuompany, il seus met anudipuii two mosîhu etisue it bêeame due, andt1i h iee;fulîy recansment ibtis institution tiefaruîera le"tedesire a clcap aacsei saéiracce. »IDsuEOrIZ EIT John B3. Dayhoot, Ilamilton, C. W., -wsute- rentîy a touer cf property covereul by a Policy ar 81 MW by tbîs Company'. A. Scsst,ol Mlal, 1.Y. 9 likewse laeit-I,O pratecte-d hy ibis Company. - Trhe plompt asti bandbame munner by sehicit accidents by irs bave. io met by the> Can- panywégive great uatisfartinn anti cnltd-ncejere. Ou'.yj. . Netbore,.C. W. Winfleld S. Wbittaker, ai IlnJuusfeld, N. Y., losI i,200, or thecealsout, caveneti ya Ptc of tise Companiy. b oiy Os tise ISthsday or Fasruaty, 1 berantea meuber af tise CnrnpanY. fiee doa iuies 1 lest my building, and ti e a1dsd sy teatimony la lise prompt nmmuer le whàich my loua wjeiilted eud pcdLseisu Jascue, Farlmreruu'ile, C.W. Havis r boul praperty 'covereti ya uPolicy of $1 000 af the St. Lawrenee County titual. In ranuce Company, can irive my appisîval of tise tarefi, striet and jîust menner in sehicis theClain, seus îiq aidatat and ian asis a furlier mnue in tise Compeny, effeclet Ibts. ay. ta use timoun-- ni avec $4M 0,bis; neéaily.al my inrbt -Nortan Creek, C. E., Augnu 1,8* Fra"uer Fetd,Glcngàrry, 11et1î&"t H. G. FooTz, £6q. -- Sra,-l'am intseceipt of Oaur fs intenclolin;..amaUDIt a Omy 0Fa o 1 releeci 1h. of.ley -herewîtls, andusi ebg op, 1 bave manch piesur. iuseri tiepastst aisfarymnnr wiw Iasairaî?toepaîsy dus'icatit Palicy orelisecash.. - - Ipo Letters resperti ig P o icie u i ss ed, uao] d h Po t J Pad and give t ltber of the Fie1.- LOCAL DtSSCTORS Ira Wlteelack, Presidle. -- ErasttîidViuas, V. P., S&niis Silwelijr., -S Royal Vilas, - -&Paiis - «A. Cnaccey, - JohsnY. 'eut, VOUI Davidi Ci.schton, %William fBacon, îuj James G. Holskinsi W. Wilsan,- - - - Wm-Ëi Gueut Saînuel Partlridge, - çuis Office ut Ogtieaubqr), N. Y., ,Lc.1.53189. t.Wu îéefflce. - y t %v A. FsrewOli, Eaq., Hercssaiy5 s. At R.-E qFerry, <AWi -s lpart .--P . Perry-rno Dr. Alicon, m'op îusrn Samuel Cocicrun, Jonathan, Barttt,' c - ti 15 Hirnry H. Batus, cc tirfitt JolsaHPery, - - injatu ,ýJohn Spoisle, -- - -a to ua. JesseWells, - Isor Thomas I.ueîgden, -4: Iitli .Ioseph itichell, ' -et - a'th the *Aîë tèxc Plsma, 44 touanu Wm. WaVrren, pori7tb~ - - N<dl ~ vîi hGui H. RCL ps&lnrOkla. tiully pi Joh isiWlcotc, -idavsl William Nichais, - d- Robert C. ?Jacbolu, John.kMugee, 44N B Lueicu Thomas, 44 ~ rîîu Dr. Hanter', c. ue.sday Dr.Ftiote, cmi Thsomas Carnes, William Little, c ié L.,vi MacKayi Pckrig. OsIh5N John Clark, c John Satidier, ' George 3Miles, Josepis Clark, u John Turner, n - Those -a Tisomas Vudon,cu fit CRI Rtobert B. Vartion, c - the" Johnc Black,Cllsie. Eliiba Doolittl!e, Jonln, Ouiasa. --Mnaat Bryce, McMburrich &Co., eroitu. Piopiea Sydney ~ Sith, Esq., CisbaasT Chaarles Luter.- Esq., Bteeele Prosper A. 1-liru, ReaciL.Ni- Samuel Daviduon,. Mare jua. dutaî1 et t( Mslny tiôsusnti Csniaia*iïným ini varionsui<i!5vrai orf prts of lise Provina" migliht ha rerërred -lb. -th'ý '-'lm l, ave iseing a few, ouI of tb. maoy ivio have lute- tidonCrutu !y iseen insureti b)'the undersigaed in tbe ienne- '1e&t diate locaityxtvhere ho resi.les. BltkuR CotzuRRas DAAva,, Pli7 Agi ai Brokita, Wlibsj, C. W, CASHFO fiWHEAT. 0$ THE1SEBSCRIBERSwili >wuy tise Higket Pn ufrall Merchatntable Prod i ce deiivered su their Stoîres, eithtrr ut- Port Whitby, or Cmaudel',- Coriê, T'he Suibscriheé-9Rs saeg leaive. o rcnîiud their Friands sud 4 (siî%aLtt thut ttx1eyz frîve couiaieneed btmwie, Crtisdeli's Cornser, eah,- . stettiy attention1, hlie,,o I publie ptttrçua ,. Poiwhïlîyýp.th Dec., 1849. .D rcspcectflilly intiman ltIs or %V1sitisy,and ,ips, tisat ha has tateni àsallôtel, where-biew, ,ait ou aill who réq'tare , lie iritends -mJtkin maneut Tesidenrcepèl'ë serationus ray Ïely onu1 r tt give pcrftet sal jof his ojperations no try, lie will rotons ti utie imr*îies,'on thisai ruptibie Mincrai Tel Litiotd' of lthe. natnnttjj (least possible pain, fiize sdIt'. iYeéùyûd të ut, atid Silvor. s'O 9as nserted, ose. î-Mr. - Irwin -v re's Iiote],Whib y in eacis moili! îriug flice weelt Pe lLiofl5.wart'aa Sose -Et Who are ittlicteti wi [EA.P and -EFPEO'. ieUhegon Eye tria nd kept'on har u, a3fol lows: ie oune vial, -- wo do.. do. .- CHAI -Scoresof living witî tetlily of lie eflacy wisnm Dnase iSe in Bend andiB, SAls CaU Casah for - M. C. CAM H. J o&I Peter Ferry, Etau1.

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