.1.WHIITE~ .C ANAÀD A W MARCH~6, r8~5O. - wb~~~~%liclî 'Hungary had, of the active .and Provinces of British: North Améeca t, ne have, we, for sorte Years Past, da, *whenhe 1iasta frt~ et~2o ho-r following extract from a speech eneet mncplisiuin hoicneeaeaia t egeat nation had-ýgooc governuieit ;' I -nîcan_'ai U-yastecutylas gtadually rètroý ask thi s Jl ered by a Mr>. G. Palier, at a late Aeia~eihs htasii f~.shalt spring therefroni, a nation FamE nh r. iprilgovernMient, one rdd th outrx~y Il ~ o a~a~B~th~~ iting of the Irish Alliance, lheld at dçpendence,-ot Viiorof truthtwouid be and IxnEpuNDENiT of ail other nations3;,tha' e"wileeerg,.sst ~and, ele- of ample mnus,, of, a liberai eéducation, fobnd ndh-b tnwe e-worhyof.ubicaiofbgltebertheian, andemndosranaio ofed po th boadstpandvte iegoo ciizn, nddisoangeofneryad eateprse1an inofilaagestge -corresponsi o amali degreech -r. What an inîpetuis would be çipies of iiberty, au-tte and debase the bad. Our presont go- no-ieo h pi1ofpmi n Tgt h h e present depressed stato oôfpo io otepooino ainlfes tsiuina a sovereignty verliment practices .thle reverser;-auld circunistance,1» or tp.that .-extravagance 8nswèrso OV) 1,el commiercial and agricaltural tif- works, te the education of hepopewthn tet!My teasons for desîing lience, the hatred thnt existe t _adsi and proffi aywhich rmin theusands tfgO of the i inCanada. We recommend an te the deveomn f e1r e h h gry hne hhh tae s[oav uthi-goflew .i, a 1J111 Ile--" ter.,.oopaibewih--CÇedu eitive perusal. enceuragonenlt of native maifactures! briefly as possible, so fihat t he peoffle teir odiies measures, and thief rumin-lui e Caon1aleda, or fte any other infttnt ma1o tAfter alluding in loqunt termis, tota We should bave a network of local par- imay.uniderstand tlieni. lIyrguments Oans extra v man whoseciandethehtandèigti7e 0011 nibinfed systema of organization, he, lianients over the Island. Irish corpo- wih,.most iikely, ho advanced else-- v1 o]md h i l - . yent PO ment tibat pycvaila. muild the cmv fdr1 1 object - NwerCe te le of service hti$ iÉTnekd '0 rations wouid thon, indeed, be wvhat wvlere. A mere letter is no pince fo~r depenilcnce or for ami exation. WVC iot1 lndau4 e tspepibc d e e ut w onrolvoftre~~ ~Stephen.,Wouilfe ,said they shouid beý,--them. The space lis muIch tee "iimited. itannot leffisiato for ourseives; wei are teitniproemnt an t crveeu,, Buîldgret e blamer An es blame11W no. te~t "raeadfotrju First, 1 a n against the 'Manifh-sto,' be- e îrei dh onea--,t-à en, tandtestae outbi we ha, ns sanaXosl, f he ~lie opinion in Ireland, and inake it. racy CueI l kit -ten)dste Iower uiu in in mt d lîy theexectitive of Engi of the soil. e ethe estimation respec, amui uufloIail or boat- iumerous, famiiy which, hoenover could on from year te yeur, frein decade tu htmes otuo<rd in," about 'e eepoir.ible Goverement,' bai it"om" oe-o nvsedne oail -'wthlieatemp mdefren e ae oninc wat eaoùhave ve, or olhm frieiuh te Pmi1t t ere is but ltIn botter hretai d hIleroebeuf , o m inestsad Mena t decade, ihn tep aefo eaecnicd tha t -jf ie bce etr- who signed tbat document, te doubiti t aln l Iadhraqus ietosndglg'eI witin e orka rfosa pTopromtoenotly supported by the country, we shali that titis country, miglity as siteniren lmeebor t dlc ebr-potinda eofSterling gold im glîch îauul-jtotoio insdestrial knowledge-"to stimulate a here hê enabled te filinp ManY Vacatnt dy is, tbroigh nture's gifis. aund mnliut- W retaîle yte Imtebeptas,ýwlich -sur, flir1ýthe.lestdpne spirit of persenal ontcprise--to mature sentesby tusted advocates of the peopie's itir stili as sîle Mist heconif re m,~~icvreupene ti i ti e slins utoi rcturned -t6 lim aun emot some plan of cempanies of sill capi- cause. This te net a more sonen t iltk irpaeinstir nu00stn Çiuî 1Offiocr .hifoin'lcreo £O raruni I Wheteins ln effiei taiists fer the promotion of resource-de- or aspiration, it is a eicar conviction of tire cartii, nt ile proîir tinie, t!s1îiî1 ilreet. a Tfrnçi luuiîin the!érection r tliou velopemenit, are objecesfor wich thetvhich needs enly the national co.opom- eout f -cr. lef iipou, unritr eighlxr su! ilsni ot o ttu a ilouv, and piîdsitbe eretin cis f n @ Cerrniteecf rgn~ztio an te aionte eaIze t %woict be mprti- of 1'The Union 1'as n sort of Prtp(_1 ' ,< i'O ii U in~ ry ti'ti-i' ait twer n, w Mîlt-hveld i hua i neuditrb Cotincil ef Alliance, have.tumned their nence ici urge iipen a Meeting sehIntel- eics u'tumr.taltt ha ;î',lietntn(l te. mur! xtath(d v ri earnest attention. Objecisliîieh need, ligen t us thh.à thevasti importantce Ortiîe prtcd(by fliant rnaîîisf.'sio,11ii iroclitii t rmpvd b'sîarue Rieht T-Tulner- lretofjitnsotrydlaI neetis1tleitis - 'u'bu~~%vhse property oise s~titan valuieeunerIoe andwlici uriysha otantie or ruttr.Dî mu ir toem Pelde ig te ileivrld(flot in teris, lT u lubie.' 'boiw,ehperchrnce, sanme Lord or a Milsieoeruan4 'bis ock, huit which am)otint,'tlie dialco-operation oe vcry truIrishrnan. clamre in tise dehates on E!Mnaneiliamu)n, but byifrnc) that our sovereign's Lordiing. [tise nerdy nomipee of bim rmt.i aohr1nwtneen a1i.no Ia this again, Sir, It depends upon tise that if fifty Members conihined on amy rmagnnnimity in re0s ousfrn i'- tDownimg-Street'l' Who tas ere.t nuke ho f hrei iWnu b .gto f people that tisose issues bue workëd eut. subject with a determination te offer a pilafge (as God grant sho Dilil) is te bu govemais, .anîd. botîs oach of whom Worth treéle whaot t test hi! 1t asiç him sand thie If they will net join uis-if they %iii compact esistance te tiieMinistem, that acktiowiedlged by thoving ourseives know and cntre aborut as mucli Ibm USsvhat man 0 capital, or of i eli'enchatrô net aid us, and doso0heartily at once, ainister mîust bew te thoir resistance-,- inte the arms ef those who (howevei' nnd our wauuts and wishes, and the- vast oeneise or inclnstity, watitd pitchi Iabo 1u what cals ho doue and how 1 With e- afid that eveatually parliament should landabie, undèr oircumstances is those jreseuirces eft rcersmtry, as we -de for his teut *and settle Jn- suaci a ooîintýy, pffil kIown'aùt gad e heciics udtowns, it is the acoode te their demaanda. Treasure up days, and stijrcessfuil as 'tlieim efforts tise Khsan ef Tartamy or the Ring ef the svith sL1Ch wmi as evemy day'a ob- ly wedtIçà on(I hope and atm oethte Committee I e- these womds, people ef Ireland; they were, and me man rejoice more tisan I Canîîibal Islands. Ilenceîtia thatuoit servatton gives of itl' min -and decayIl' fightfui el, presenit, and oeth ie Ceuncil, te revive convey a weighty ieasop te yen We do ils tîsir succosses,) of these, I say, OniP noeneucouragement, ta given by the Non bu a l1î-a-tic tvould do se.-- And etCJlnOë' manufactures, te reanimate trade, for have lest sigitofeducatiom. Itsadvan- wheohtained their Liberty 'and Inde- Govornsent at Hoe. or here tovamds the above tà met. a solicary' tilstan ce of o o tho betsefit of tise artizans. We are or- tagea for the people I aeed net seek te pendence (and fronitue King et Eng- doveieptng, îo .bodadlhrlor4cyaJmi.TitomriDs gamizînig tihe traldes etfL)ulin witlistîsat enforce. t ta the montai food, withouut lamd tee,) by meairs the vemy opposite scalle, tise resourcea of tiia uontry 'et'r triets twgy frei oitles, and >epciiy(pureb ehjuct. Whso wil not aid ini sfl50thius'g wlsich their miaida wiil wiîiser. Rte- wiie we respeutfilil y .olicit .-Nom eau the un prevemerît et our agricuiltmir a ilaegtefr irotet r u the fuirrowed brows et our decayedfand prtleetuirea, in towa and oerntryflort Itring inyseif tc thfil<that w uid commiercialor uanuufactuîing prut, eyaya Y>am)etf nMs goraerînèti ecrsýying uizaris ;* L9,givo wr t n heiatruettion,.tho. elevaittoni, Vie,roc- ho a very weicome addition te our brut Englaad lias -actualiy withds'wn ourses, upoti aa m9,1er scale, 1 trust, As mas. us in tho bmadt ts bgard aihe wuroatien oethtie peuple, we are isaking aili eighber's faumiiy. Lot us, et ieust the littIp protection we erjoyed. She aul 4grl<culCur«l, Country wsureru rin- 'he E tn stvain tie ih rtesetDuhi, ad in possible arrangements teonsure. await an inittion te ft lue marnagaeein ifvsoos gew ed; and I df ie rnu ep çrit * J iie ýwI1 I tIs naro 't-ya ad nisoe elirs __________ mamiaei . e otIiýtartce po4t, fowiil ii o- f our 'provincial cities. Nçi-srtopiaa amy union ho ooauemplated, Nomra e a uJoîa itilsp daterand muet able farmer'. tsesote f1reniwill ebelliuoeil projet, no -meviinary'i -4Fqra. THE OGMINS CR1818. T approveofet'the manifesto'-iupeni'othemr s cost thaïs we eanj te eutem hiemporta towns end citios,] te prove tiai their regard witli e Theme I-manufatures, innu- -grounida. Iassumnes te dotisati sipi srmretlannbterisdasviljustify the iiring of !qbuurems prgress of memble wichit~voldcea bt vry COLONEL PRINCE, AND ANNEIATION. tise Sovoreign ait dGoverti menit of E ng- atristrnwe ireidimnudftt-*Jthe employairent ef capital tn the neiglibor to m landfud subjedts can isWeehunité ils tamaeîs. cuivgution ef them,'Tison,lot-mie ask, us the more firra determinatten, te revive, in the We have great pleanre ta .layim g ho- Foreigni Nation, witii the mircronesent tiens in cuir tîîsree or fouir citis btbeswet fetnne aim oiios e re fom tuesvoonjsly i bwauingthir le-fore our readers the feliewing Ittto et tise Crown tnd Govermment. Tise wt t utssfotetisret lot oe w steer. Entais ta ain yoinion. cay or absence&now. Theme are arti- from, Col. Prince, on ties nijeet et An- people, auumly, sbeulidlho first conrsul ted. market withsin twe iîndmed mile.st onf hrohr.isnehihra nWe shah! t hen clof% innusmerable whrlich we got frora nexation. rie Col. was the lest aia They ahouuid first appeal te Pamliaimeuit, il, tîha suie dure -tg) enter! Enghsmd immigrn;nta aKihtEmnt te ""Ives; a niatiî -Emgland, wîichwenmtgitwolgetiseret.- we i ooaet n tea n ywli my opinion, degrado ti-as'otute oui-fmarket, but eebas vit- sustair h tsneai~ ocf miy and talents of Te aid tn the deveoejîent ef resosrces, thengit would "lveer round"Ilte the themacives if lhey do net niake inde- .-ta i1y clused litem gales againstis, eand nativne aTise a"diy folvfy uitlb, te stimulate thse revival cf mantifecteir- popular amy, but aies, they have cue ic emtait-xuouJ ie et t h r lanaedoioiseur TeThm-ae pat wti rugburIchino iserou e lew- e, wi ers, by tire establishmn t fcempanies ed without thi oirIet. When suaIstire noxt general electiena. Ail otier ers efthtie Union, and froi" ti i re Bat punod t wÎo wme 1 bt fs -" 4o te o-me m pî wy rlj aire ebjects whtch the Organizatien as tise Col. hu - don0, ws ibave every niorge, I tbtiuk, inte tigreusa c'îtr au serve irnwo egstriminr ymord .dt no apueqitaeubIî~ Committeo and the Council et tise Al. hope. et galntng that whicis siens will the question et Tudepencienco. ve cau. -As te Redpýroci1y .with bthe buk e ur e 3tfu t tares col.a4 liance, ioîd groatly at iheurt. Tiere s hoethe menssofsecurtng happiniesand SeoMdy efIdprdeeUso, thtIfaiirpls.Ci-tye batk fm e witifu t.se aw ence scy tunneand a subcommitîeo devoued especialiy te Prosîulerity te tIsepeopîset fCanada..-- frora the uother country, bccange, jird gresjeta teewiso, tee ,far-sBeeing, .tee vi1! ted quietude, esa s ýosrgl)$ f4trs r n~pwI- tiîese very jî~tos pnwsc raAithouigi the Coli eniy gees for Ind -hdprntt s h tr~fniey iat e ir ovu interegta teore -i t u1nI ho iore neailNV,'th genfë n o lageInformation, and penderice, andi lie eeatederation et tire I tace lier domination banefui te us pr- çbail lise trade witls uu:PI 'gnous ,ser tp acioncity, w aub norBritish North A merloan Prov nees, stili I go for obtaiigitnIbswybyratitbor;ncou utsiaj10 îtoî hams. - eu rse fl essidiouiy to Prouote su.rh ond.- il comtes se isoar lie viewa eatertained ptsoigtr ucn tma ît lotsgselmns -i ah tee douéiyed l- Pesoe and veut, ladposa- pee th1à wJI -Luat.cornmittee wililreport Jrgrestitby IlAnnexatlonists," tiet tise beîïreaty with "I-Old E-g eugem te legaîsof upion IL.I bld tententrntclauve vanLihed-frei u fet thre tegfoJçQt'lt1em bette to-nglit. The rades of Dblin darL.mgiaIod,' cety oniytiete. Bofroinit ny.ewa place in Poirhianieiit> attn e bor t-ngh Ti tada f Dbun ar lno ..semcly emepibe, ikiendslip, but cf lire meut trêtfe- n io oudnt eev i. _t e >oja eaver te etstun, 80long 'out îI " à are aiready bethinkiug tinsselves of -f n hywuantbiîv e u' tionatè' as w-e romaiin dependant on tirat distan t' v d4rda4 by-7 What natienallatTuE PÂti PARU, "oatad faithltu alliance that a nta- suspect tIsat Cengresiras affirriedliead ae4«ioN, Tsepde<tI Ce-operatiag with ne.a. . î9tiFah.,1850. ouai compact ean devise, and liy pay- tmrl th of y preî1îùtion¶ e av i e wr tiere; tis etty qv uaprels h fu p*u Ia tise couintry wilirefuse te lead t n ernsyiiligtatw- eh',Cpta r agmisfepitti. ' 1- iris~~T eiTeCmiuteetO ToARTIIuR, Asns, Estmqlieryvemysyiiing tui w-e0w-ehr, Caitraor Imigrans of bis h0fTkor1s The, CammSenteeckoEsworu"id by koepiag. faitlwiib-iui icararc- tJ tht.? Beua-e s roei a t'SW swpu mt#s -î!P t"d zation b ls saedireeted- attention lte editor., pensionertand otierpise, I go dent ousopy, a mmalcofumnîytrsWlih s4astefedet ure l ~tae t ria erpraton. o cuvrt Mr Diu&a uu-tiank tIr"b? ý ù ndeporsgio obtAinsed beonuse îusait derby1et eiuri.pxrt Jealotrpneg-whrclithe 'ery name of e~. ,-ofp - tese crpoatonsmi naionl a.tm-iavai eaie ra>' ttuster tea er thle houer of Engad. will net ho coin. Languaege, gad Religion, abouitiplace iiar4y av1 m~ uià t the, gsegle znse ite alîrof elgldauthor.,j ol rh e Ta ~ornoInedWof iiqaissdg fr'h~ t~tahe e eoramcriuvasslo sdpowenret in t.li"s Wesern ~Utrttê!ý minoierhopeandatm t ora. n tat n>' onsttuslm vii irutin e 11 hae Jiecia liiii Fr oier hm e nd oer Wnd t ria t onl a gdj o nest e r re5d4*I tufre t re,_ttseale nIr>' oaa e i3L atim >!Oikh eyatimate hi> 1udve r minersud b(relu s aiienea., ti 1,Cnadian t, Freav sunitesgj,me elilcient ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ndI alie hm, ndw Yraiou- rpeiytsame n ebi e y44e- iten 1»e]4en> buitex. -pmvriiallisteirtit hu îil. iuýtu sole tis o pl, oagui e atiorst < 4eclue ttreeoeune tti, owd f ine o i eSusnuexptience au oIosy poo a m cm ie i., anre wilt wwat*î ynte usug teiand iallane hof, upobt çni ugmengî ibjecst. in meoI m aelie ts, ourentemprte om e ndnutrvsu s1: . _-t >atia vu f led houala te cunr g>ivt; e1yl exuty ufrly end verytCaeurante Frenchd uiaadiquiiaîmymenLl g Uepuiurlt 0110mA elgentalis et pan Wettg.sj4a Oupei.slrg. lra Is1-ganu heAtpes-wrm of raa 'vo are, bctv iu iIlordiet~us Ia mqls u VO. f ui orpmtià mveema trPMy desr, on bY'èthak hoIoIsheb sterPWk ii rspll el h.pt m e . tei sitt û-' ne f i ni il r q I i