S t fhIas. representat ives. By men whos.e .oe i-eelf ; ed-whose clief aira in it in to aggradiie theinselves at thé ex- rginpense cf ua ietrayed and diauded con- t'b'~~"~ .tis, o te b.hoped, tint the people -arc. being aroused, and tintt hey- are de- terniined te shah.eff irthe . chains by ce sua, whi they liavebeen bound, and .1.- mjc tthe 'ane, thenslves te- a position 4a1-rra kmiispoition) that wiltcomad'the love and, teuesteera of.the.iIle w<Wh.' Andi 4lýught heinis tiito'be èfl'ected. Is ilIbya 4 Wüstinuanie cf car. present systcrn cf hie nmet,- sure]ly uot-;-a-gov'ern- n>n- niemnh-w wiuch iaýy evçemy. species cf ealtfrsud, iribery *ani c,,orrt ýinfluence,1 * ~~neazlydeingedtherovince inith uni- ý:ÈùsVersai tain t ihevem perron- err-te acrutinize thse aflairsof thc Province bepr, and aise te teck well into iheir own.,PO- ixdvse sitioU andi prospects; ibyse deing. hliey IPO -W 1ttglane perçeive tint they-are ~ ivlkig i a rcn rosiguided, iy des lase directors, and in order tà gel ie nt*d by tse r iglt pati, they mnstpu t their cern- as o-bined sheoulders te tho w.et ,and witi ote.a voie. cf ihunder, drown nU opposition ~ihteand eclaim, "Canada mueItlbe free." ýçy and I'When ùw.e ontà est le American , --.sida of thÃŽe unie with'theCanadian aide, - G1064 Wist w see,-on the-one sude is al] 1 s noble bustie suîd activity, -and -hfe prevailin g spitt intof uuboudd ïprospcity; whilston oi-ide, ter.reigas,&still- ne tint eg ansi *ncthing telook;ppen -save rused [urs te ià boura, dîlapidated, warehouses, sana *tof 14 nrn t nercbiAntol. E- veybôdy i le etZ on thie but 9t9111 h«O. ni55 o b. a sert cf traiters mesmetie influence obtained by ;thé- '~'if~ grr1m_9pntover ita supprea ic e *ad proveattM theux. frein seeing their de-1 erutuble grOod4stqttion,. andiarriving on a level zxation, lyrti the. agricultumaLl andcomneiil eei prsprity ef, their nueighbers. But we Jleren,, 8rx appy te Bay tiié 'oeil' f délusion in theio s b.sng ermovesi, and tb.e people, frem r. 0«aI Gespete, Sandwichi are lustily callitig - for tieiz*rigats ,adfrçe4gm, wiich their position justly demanda. ,W. alnt o abrit the. followiug tbl ý,ennrneratissg the -salaries nt- GbUÊÈ tacis-i hé e sveral lenaing branchesi ofGovcmment' te enci cf which is ap- o iaid pendesi tii.expensesof. similar deptat- Le ele- ents inmie gevernment cf thie étte bas te:- of NNwYork: anewty tenia1I,~ of Mm. niaisera se la bu or w 'A EÉXECUTI-FE. CANDA.P@tdctioi.1,5"',000. satCek,(5Y 3»26 7,700 -Ma-ProincilSeretny - 4,000 uhel Cats maae"is, (8) 8,832 " WestU (S)6,412 17,M8 sri- en oqfi os, -- - ,200 ue*t for têsW pu- m~id for, Md~as Do.Buh onClemk, l,2WJ - ,600 16,336 Cloeks,, Bl16 w CL enks, u5 7 le, av- M'ek4eflÀWd. 3l'lm .Soesenry, t52,00 age, $837. -Should lie ah' Canadiena prportion. ff31,600. ________ AD MINISTRA-fjON WJUSTICE ~JprCanada ýComnenL - Jdges6, $26,QOO 139,000 Lewer Canada Cemnmon LnIW-- judges, 10, - 4800- Appeaus, 4 13,000 ' 6g,000 Alto nees te Judges- Wèst, 2,400 * 4,100 SqIicitors Qenemný, 4,800 Pensions te Judges 8,884 * $118,784 23 Jtisigc-s, average $4,395 each. At Amhemican tpprtion ahould b. $62,900 NEW YORK. Judges-f Eîght Districts-.- - 36 'Tudge's90,000 0f. New> Yen kCity snd 1. 1 Ccunty 9 Judges, 33,000 123,000 Aty yGenemra, 2,000 - 800 2,800 45 Jtudgc!s, average,,Ç,795.eaci. At Canadian proporti-on aboulsi e$236,568 L1ÉGISLATURE. - c A 1A )A. Presi dent cf Legislative Council, - 4,000 Clerks &Con tingencies, 19,700 23,700 Speaker cf Assembli, 4,000 CIemks, '$1,700; Coitin-_ gencies, 8116,340, 118,040 -122,040 French Translater tand Assis- tants, i,620 Pensious,3,4 In Cauada the nllowance toeaeci meumber is $4 per day, for as mauy days as they ait; and thé Speakers% have about $40 per day. Ia proportion cf New York, should b.$75,851. N EW y 0 iK. Miembers cf, both Houses receive $3 pe 'dayerfor 100 dsuys, and afler ýthat netbing ; Speakers have, an ridditional allowanceof $1 par day, - - $151,702. la, proportion cf Canada, should be $301,824. MILITIA. Adjutant General East, West, Cieria, 2,000 2,000 4,000 3,116 2,476 Ti'o hIeas o f Departments, witls $2,0W0 .s.h. The contingencies in- élude tbo; PtiDOinew-i Aide.je-Cnmaa 'buiRwio .41sea pe'ssioe f6125.- At-promrtioa of New York, slaould NE5W YoiKK Adjutast GeneraL? ,0 Cbnmaîasry, tIt Clemk,800 2,0000 Onehes! t spnhsesx iitI 6,000 4h prprin fCnd, noki. ME a, 18k X SUPe ammToNDiEN SkCOeLS. =ewÇo to AIboÂDA. eîwî ,&Mit et814 m st , *2,00se. - m .hlm- 2,0 in ftLxo",000 Contiaaiis nl , in lie lieuse cf Commens on the 8ti uit. Ils a lengtlsy all'air, and displays5 a grent deal cf ignorance on the part cft the noble lord, respccting th. affiaire cf1 Canada. It is evident, frein bis speech 1 tint aome grosnisrepresentations have f been forwnrded te the 'Colonial office,1 tie anthorship cf whici may wel l e9 laid upon t ti nhall9.wed head pf, QQr rueedy Governor General. Allndiusg te. tic question cf Annexation, Lord John says "lTe tsait proposai, cf course, thse Crown cotild give nothing but a decided negative." 0f ticei4tention cf lte present Whig Govermuent lie people are already aware; but iow long they will remaiu in office i yeî te b. ascer- tained. The Premier's expressions andi opinions regarding tuis country, are .sre te mccl with lie saie contimely and scoma as did tie famous thuusderbolh despatoi cf Lord Elgin's Iluncle."1 SHIERBROOKE ELECTION. THE, C0.ITION BLqTEN. ttiMarch. The anti-annexationists have made use ofati sorts cf inuber, in manatifctLi- fing oterl' Pmobably thee4'uxihs cf vente, squatters aud others cf the. isu. description. Thse great proportion of tegn i rchers la avour of masnexatien. liait "we Isv 'onuunagWrit 'al ttee o&%, sud weregard it va a signail triumph, conming a% it does nt thi. pre- sent criais To se. iehex«ertimns made by tIle opposite p'arties.la I Shipton, 150 more votes wone polied tin ever ksfor, and tics. mey wSuum *eswihiiouigt tis cf any soft. Goverment meuey wsu xpede-- oppotenha 41.-4Ia lai atâis and linry wint aaâi au, aitlad cmm- îunny location Gtice, a lreof Mr. Gait dus *Au work for as with theeoenpsy' &&te <dtae PDils ut Ibo clore:San - bora 717 ; Clevelaùd.g7. .,eor4, ahbeà f&ou, Urt prui bly eue, Itîvisà & majorty (su S8»d- ~s.c~xitisad.u23aamo- 30r neeues4r . lemfur lalâ tbSeel bc= e a .oy«IAws Netson's écîniafor rallion bases of 23,000 witl b. -paisi, not to.uim-wel, -bat te i creditma. Aussiwhoedrstre ieel1 Why the. very. persoas fkru nluora 'he pure-hase d arma and amuuniiont of war fer tie-rebellion. Truly ourMiniitry's1 Iiberlity iannbound.d, an . à tiasir Ioy'l- ty tis-fetch.d. mal lias been pl easesi te grant- permis-ý ss te. e pk cf Upper Canada,"' ts"_mpqrt,,durinÈlte $Pace cf twetve mentis, frQm Ibis. date, Cop1 pex Coin an amoiint net èreeding fivo thousans poQUads, sterling, Qn..tii. odtosi scribed bytheAct, ;4aî,îriç., iap. 17. At Gu'.lph TcWasl$p Conseil, on Saturday a By-LaW was pass.d, inipos- ing a Licence Duty ofet £2 err.n cy on Ale-houe"a, BeersicsoVictslûuug4jous. est Ordiniaries, &o. A Wnshingtou iettersiatestltbaBil w~Ioa-ebreaught ia by -Mr. Dickia- sMof cNew York, to %bolighcepper cati, nds!te, substitut. a coin Ithe aise ofià atf dime, to b. comaposesi Of 0silV.r faadeepper Tliealloyus hi prepa*je Igt hbà . suint. D»ly bas signified ho, the IHon.the S pea- ker cf the . ho. e of assembly h'usaccep. tance of offce iangnland. W. pre. sne, therefere, tint we shahl sl)eedily have an Election fortie County cf Me-5 gantie. *. ..... C61. Davis ansi Col. Bisselli, members ef Congrea,, were ta ha"ref.ougit a duel wîtlî assusets toaided with bailans titre. 1buckshct..dit*à m fry mowt the Priviege cf ndvancing te ton lucres. President TaYorvjçrudiom1 yinter. pufscd là uasthority ans! brosaght abouti a reccnaciî,n A dhffrence as ho the. detaisof »meMeca at.pooes the. nidemntans! Tlh.te tenttit Mr-m . ater, th Uuaited iStates lConsul ah t % aj, Ibrasiied 'he t*eBahisaChre 1D'Afab M 124livs for havis1 ioà ubed l bi Wifeuenfrmed, and he Utialein tisaI qauls, oesajasli Yoek ppa. Thea«tewet erg, U cgt « h "îý Puncki in Canda, cornes malérly ho band, nnd, we are giad te aay, -gisuans itseif admairably. The - matter is al original,'- nld iavours abtudmutly cf frol'cksom, wit and gcocllatus*ioir, te- getiier witi seme 'liard hit',tii. Elgifite.. W. wish his Punc4ahip evemy, successa, atd pe h., v-01 néver "sltop THAIT k-o------ Thte cun tlnt alnu'ber îrepres.nt,& thie "I 941 En glish Gontie!pin "» (on whcm PuAin/ is ratier too#ý,'vorei) drcmcd as gaime-keepez, *îWa f«t1iei in his bat, a gua la hiishandm,afdnoigar in bis moth. Tic Asrnkà ;; Egle is perchesi on his nilut'iarm, wîtl a Cp of Liberty on ita heaci and. at(iger "ais in ils beake frosa wiieU-tiie wCoul -i epresented uasgetting ,ut ýisht. Puti*t says wiat he.muet dr*iiag at is" To be appointed Gaine-hap. - eral cf tie vew Republie, se that he mmey go lawking with lte Arneieè.' age." WonI]d net Au uei sjtuaIiji1 hy1à r. tcé muai cf "ola. Enghl4' toriug? Puam sanys lie félowisag Pemas«0 Ar.y person who bèeest dt» preseait ministers, or lhe GevirnorG&s nenI, ticugit tha Rebelitê toI«M lievo w cf iseO CMcbe, wluo w AaUY2clocer n'hbshi.e lèkn Pro- Mmes cf-t/t. cadia. Any person- who ea renda"esdome notasl*Ãtijbete Punch. A BRoka BtSI. s»rCMsthe &iitio will shortly 0e0- imeace hheir weekly trilu. We prmuume tntLe.! Egg* s M, W 'owa heulolsd, wbaev« lho, habu5 a new ;servantl, alinnys stadkpmO l quires whetiieniie à " ~ j 1~5 ter fnonabÀ$st IpAce." o mly efeet isi onlyIaoea Cohn sîo s oer f tha e e"tfS <a. Pub linletybaexe <sis hatoâgviesg ne m i-ol isen te a- ds aela.Sh. etth- wis '1v- li lifta k "' thea W-6 oni eyare deceiving n _epuo btii befoi *Njay f IWIO offihcicanM. WIe w tsg, e l tit h .~riusnbnat Baçt, c uoctbe pol tfiMa reserted to bY the"OlNtSn OU'eekthe S f-TmIermee Look AT THIS! Laat we u oso.TnpS A~s a piroof of the. cooluesel and cef ure dlly. h iyHi, 4gtn C compllir whih e~stsJ tii cleste e oppositionl voted UPc" every rmet initi iylat îgtD a o f o s u E l g i C a be in et , r s t e c st re c - k n 0 t e l f n w t O t~d r e w o n e O f th e . l a r g e s t a s s e m b l a g e $ ofsthesElgin caîîdciri0.WlcftgrutMr. Watts M. p. p., v ted for Mr. lihla vr been kiswii té 01 ti. w. ublsh he ollwin w o rm. Cleveland...Jloftrel erald. lal, which wasmosttseitl ea.1 te Çebli , t he h may . reoed TIl SIU ted for the prese with evergTeen the Clonid w_______bc_______o_____ARLarches, bBUana ,deves, é'. Refteui- a s c o rre c t. .- .m en ts e W t a d i t l , a 4 in i g la nlluding tote iexpensýeS te be in- AXdestructive fire-took place ai.HTam so Tb pedidbaiid cf the. Xxth curred by the remnoval 0OhÉS' tf -tn- li2udià tl t"od underthe c h gebf rOlv7 Qin Governmlftfo M nrat oent, buildinga in King st. opposite the Gore sef son of th, cIorde of temper- it was b stn l ad t n h x Bank, occupied by M essrs- e rryBas~ ance,I)W asS preseft, and o~n severai ce- pense would n t exced. £1000, when ted, Suney, Nash, and Fletcher. csBnut-c us d" s ee.juse h i t w l n w h aot dou ble th at i ul j s ra c w as e ted , an d con - th e l ar e au -nc . T h e n u m b e r p re- sum was pâlid for, packing cases alene., siderable prepertY wA-as destroy ed. -sna scrandb heckitakimi Then we have charges for fve ýteaum.- Amntgether wth a hrse -and attedoro h Refreshmnet Hall, boats for' éeveà 'day's, at £300. a-day. lih a en on. Friday,~ going over were upwai s cf stie ,wdrede each, £l0,500. Journeynieli, for pack- th. Lo(ng Sault rapida, near Corniwall- The chair was taken at haf-pat '7 ing, &CI £25 ferseven dnys, £175. Weteuh yra ais syet o'dIeck, by À. L.Maedonald, Euoq., of- Alterations and additions te ElmsleY uke'4à -- GnaoIOsdan sddrepprqpriai House', £1000; aise teô the Parliament Te'frnfd Pstntr,*rteheocion wuo deliverfêbyjkO". Boildings, £3000. Previcus to fth.e Wake>,hm sbeen disinissed pp a charge Reilly; Esq. mesnbeWS cf- féïMï m di v o b e ee d c t i n r e a i r a ,a l e r a t i e n s o f t k i n g s e v e r a l - m n e y l e t t e r s o u t f - fr i n f e 1 i I , N p a n o , ' G 4 j q andaddtios a Mekladsandsine te ffice. The. charge hasbeen trnced and'other places were. prebent on the. ada.1 in tMnladadsnete Mr. W., and w eiv he, delin-' occsion, aiey, au weîî as -t1108r brtt the.aoeent cf Lord Elgin, £5000 morewèeleete to aKnsnpdadinW r had been expended there. T1iW yearly qet si-csy . e ia. igfn poae i lf retpaid by the Governmeiit for Monk-, Patrick ye was killed last- weekthelia.È lands is £450, uf the lease cf which by falling through'a tmap-deeo u h .XhnB Guh t 6,er~ there is four y ars t e mun . T h e lease up pe t r f B yce & M l 4 m 'c ' e m e a c e t r s as be p, x.et '; as een sol..ir £125, the purciser store, Toronto. He las.left a wife aud ing in St. Catherines., Bis ehfjs bengti popieor s tatthe Gev. child tedeplore hsies1 been crewned with sces4ar~q ernmeiit will have te pny IÊim £9325 A direct lin. ofStoarmers irom Mon- seien handred, signatureo bayilqss~, a-year for four years, for living oni his treal te H-amiltonWuill cerne inte eper- eitained te the TotalÂbstinacffi>Wgçih own property; and, in addition to-this, tinth esing season, te peiforrm the and amnong. thern somnoefi. mqtin~ they have te pay.£25O a.year for Elins- tripe in 23 heurs. fluential 1.nd respectable cis ley leuse. These are a few specimens At lhe late Municipal electiens. in that place. Mm. Gough bas loftioevi re cf the ecenomnical management cf tii. Montrent the' majority returned are ginia, where he has been - etigged 'fct present Go'vemument. The Execu- AnnexationitI. Col. Gugy defeated several months. On the -mcrnhsg of tive -are net only opposed in theory Mr. IHolmesby a large majority. bis departure from St.ý Çathari- c', ý 1JWXre teooyand. etrencuient, but an JnleQubcnylitthr G. wns waited tîpon by the Conimitte, toe Jorcouomy c ay ta ter f telie Sons c enea ti pructice also! Mr. Wetenhafllibas nc-ofT1iaËý th ceped n ofie t asistthm i thirare at present î1;Vessels building in Maà yor, and a numaber of genile-nn lavish expenditure, in proof of his-con. ebpoe amI tht1,7 wrke aewhen an oral iddress and a lîapdsome fidence in thei Se match for thee Anployed ue te ssio fpresent ivas l)eentd te hum. "Strong Govenment" and retrench- theNetBrps ckaI hie atuessionr The IlOrder cf the Sons of Teïmper- ment. Can the çlectors cf Hlton coun hr evBrnwc aisaue-o anc." is fast gaining greund hi 'this tenance such extravagance 1' tcrdcine udca aais a Province; in almeat every section cf _________ ~~rcceived thie Royal Assent.whchwerncfgaddaaat- LORD JOHN RUSSELL. The revenue cf New Brunswick, for tiens hnving taken place, and thôasugnds The Ministerial prints tirougicut 1849, on import duties, was £67,926 18S appending their sipatures te the rutes ths Province are in eestasies ,with tii. Id., in 1848, £53,216 4a 4d.k- ait regalations cf the Scciety., speech cf lXrd John Russell, delivgred W ea-fe_ ii ioUt.tD. PI11 1 - -ROU PUNCI. %fuëý iwmji