Bsski~ caiki. devices, ettng higher; Iuiy've sols! oas lt; Id iave tenalabume, Il U lJ-L T U -, br Lm Frseeae. e, wJiI dowe& te take ,nsay tire 20thMamhi, red foi thée'Meeting et tireWbitby: '.4gitëu1- G. Sinti', Inn,, in, tire M à if Whitby, nôt onîy for 'giviag M. fér'3iýté6f mernbersanad forthcom- cash, but te d.término upon the, t:emiffle, te flred ut, 0 Spring' Fir d Show, andl ýhe nmsaottcn of other i-mprtant busines 4.eeà ti vartet5, and 'umount of whiliî -ýe wiî ,ýgrsartly depeud, upea the beai ùetù mee preont.. Tire Of etthe '"iftndg Il' whicli ef t iseif, ii b. uf ieto indne. tire gregt- "à ctivitý' att energy on tire part of1 Cfetiii4dividùaiIyancl collee- iy, ùnd stfitiulute olacad every iVidual, in tisei Township :who cao ise a dollar, itebe1omorne*iember, ted eroby awelI tlie oies etthre Asso- -iiop tfoi delnz gond. .&psrt (rom th ii- censîderation, a ho- mhing pride, seit-rospept, lOVe, and vo- rd-for ourarst :snAp hu dot preouent citeumastance, ameuse ey matn who lias haltua seul te ira- Mate à . d tenuons action in this î-lèieetofere Whitby has dervedly aho Iighi, I mtnay sa! et the- top Wetti t, ça'thé e sea. Tgwash7ipe,> fer the u ragement of Agriculture, JS., and ould, lottume tollelier, ie oxéeedisugly efutunot teO loie lier good, name, for1 assureal, sucirtisg are mach canà er, thao~ u won." 'I T tIuy -not b. gaeorally knvea, but ,Lt*,never'hoieuaeflut, thetorr oved 4ùfer Townsb;p, (!Pickering,) lias ali of a.euddeà faiily 41 waiked up, " and,1 .tehito ue hmoer, resoiutly entered, 'lise lit sith lJ Jflitby fur tire naie, ',la1 d fm'jIroeri-tapearances, bids fair 14, fo91w efflo9ithe tzack, if oino- ýletely dhtanoethe osck smg a van tuas it » 'more, elle i. pabttiagi uli ave k frai te ut, ou equçtsimaoroa w" *kilo vs gloVy i the spirit ýW4 ""ed and piogresas ofoarjss , ae Wowd duet oaly fed .emeeaI- ~4olle. asidou7',in tbe Sae aually aorwy te se. ber el et altiagetiser; not beoalmo- ve ber Mu,-rodIvehub.ea.utrAeeu p .-4usdS to bhiup a" iing.1 aIet l&he S'guoe. "a prety~ 'à -ttlp"tMut esai, ami M rwede b vit ~aà tu e s!It;yis *Whiwy) and my tsa n sdone; bat re- niember 1000 niebers of the Whithy Agrieult gral Sbciety s~hould be the *figilre aimed, at, by aIl. It iý within -our renel, and, if reached, (myl word,> itis a liard number. to beat, so lot the cry be, Il And stili they corne." TIUND To AG;RIiJLTURE. Whitby, 9th Md rch, 1850."ý a Dr. Atitre.and Samuet Cochren, 4 Jonathan, Bartiett, - <i St Henry E. eettff, agi John M-. Ferry, tu h John Sprune, 1 I Noah l*ckins, 4 Jes se Wels- fc Thomas Lumsdeat, v. wt Joseph Mitchell, . tuo i Atex'r MePheJhoai, .74 Lm.Warren, Port Wh)ti.' wl »ehNash, tual IL R. Cexmpbeu, Brookliv. --J MiosessBarILstt, Jothn Wilcor, pla *Robtert C. NichnIb8, John Magee, < LuciusiThomas, * < Dr. Hanter> mia Dr.-Foôte, s ,WiIIis.sp Little, LtvlMadcay, >dkeig Frederlck Gsieep, osep¶ Cirk, 0 ' heurnçr, " in Thetoas Vardin, <the Robe rt UIl Vardoei, John Black, Cdaba EleaDooittle, <maM John -ightsnd, , OL ssts. pro Lewis Heuck, !f<rhen BeYeé tsfcMdrrich & Co., Tvoà o. WuiIe'001 issock, a dny Smith, Esq., Cobor!.. wilfls Lister, Esq., .Bsrîssk Prosper A. Hurd, *isa. due Setouel Davidso, t'sse Manyt~osrn, Ca~dia~ nemberw Joi' varosB prsotseprovina rWgI't q referrrelto....4b5 aboveé being a few, outoftlie nany who have tatý- a< Iy bninwedbylbe -undersieied in the fmà - .Ci dstelocaity where he resides. (lJUsTEia DtAsua, .sfge*di. Brook&ti , 1>w ci* .W. Brooletin, 25th Jan'y, 1850.c -CASH FOR WHEAT. TUE VÉSÇIBER vit pay the Prôdte d4livered at their Stores, either SP. at V0rt Whfithy, or Crandel's Corfier, Sbo -Mil TheSuberber alb eg louve'to Cm remind their Friondg aà nd Cuà tomer8 Ti-t thut thcy lr.cve eonimenod businfess ant idé. Craildell's Cornet, lteaoh; n, steady attenltion, hope for a.sharde of publie patronage.w JOHIN'UMAPTlg & Cô. Wk Port Whittby, 26th Dee.i1; 9 CAMERON aMCOI~L SOL[CTOR-N-CIAN4Çt, lie U. C. CAMEROIV, ci C'ANADA' W£97- _______________- 8/orS Iiisrnne.-Tise Company is authorised ÂILIJVAL 0FTU te insure for cash only, withoast a preiior je ., TuE Pexsons con obtain short insureane without furtiser I TI ig~ff: P ÀI41 < liabitity. The Jpite made on tis:syateni, ku 1 " for the Isenefit o mutuel me#>ers. TheCo'0naclà arrived at' Hdllifax, on No two.-th1rds alsýeiln the Pel*ie, bot tht' Friday. ' fer newvs is of considerable CoOIPSO, pays the fuil Josepto tbe-&otntofits inteest nd iportnceas gven Yý ns4rance. int~eat nd iipotanc, asgive by Lasses liquldated and riid promptly inau Feds Telegraph. In cuirent aithtie place. of Iews. Farmers are net here-oigeal te contribute ta. ~flNG kil Jeeg in btlocs ndexra.bazardons property, but Parliseon basbeen engagea during te isolted rikof a pprovedcharac-ter' set~e the fortnight, in debating the free-tradÎ sS policy of Goiernihont,, andl in somne ,Of over fi e illi oofInurances 1jtpss Ialtération of the:lrish law of eleçtiou. anO~d ever four mtns ithereof was on. IOn tho free-trade -question, ministera slae dwetlngs, barans and conltents; and the .Were snttatined by a majority of only 3 1. remlaieder on country tav'erns and propexty net Ou, motioa ofi the Bishop of Oxford,, o deemtd more hazardou. Rentin« -Pensent bave the privilege of rentingr '21it Fol>., a select cexM12itteO WIt5 taP- and changing tenants; without notice,: on adding pointed teý consider the liest means fivescenits te. tieir apuai raie,p 1-4 Par cent* whieck Great Britain eau idopt for! the tisa voiding tis freque-nt cansk*1f litîgation ani final etssto 0<tlae African savç ;i ýld - oriy-.i trare. sitiin100 filet thereof, aund gl extra baizardons On ,tise subjoot.- of dispute betweeu tiadîes a md oceppaetms and tildings, exposed' Grea i3rtai aui Greeci tis id beb,Uaie'exclnded from insurance 1by tiei Company that Adnia akrisilcontinuing., Farmer'FcPa .-.A aniati tuuutbyagriutra to bicaea grest nuiiiber)of nmer- aIeteia sued at Ogdsnsburgb, N._Y, wie±u l chantrènand5severial corvettes belon g- cntin tise mothly repôrW oitbeiaC'usyn îng o- recc. Rng Oluôis xuchwil h sentie atlby meqra ryr boçwiItpay = Greee. Mig Otô is nuchan Agent ,twsnty-ýfive sents, or enclose saine sum, boedb is suà bjects, and Rustia nd rte ti secearye for the pubtiaher. By this~ Ausâtria have ome-to b-lisaid. À. foo ebsmyet it times know thse state or the' has been sentzftnan the latter to oCpposny 'Admairai T'a;kçr. ib Thti, -Con..ipany, teke aplisr in.e'aMgt Thée" British fidet is te be inerensed ytoeih aebe .unetnts ufr1t t"o frigates of'60 an& a corvette of 30 fire, regarding the promnptness witir wJuic--kes gunâ:. toésss are iqudated and-paid. Thelatst romCon4ntnope ws EIPRaaÊlcuà .-Lutber B. Wit' E. Tii.lalat ron Costutinole wri~U~N. ..,lest 41500 spe iniea of tire 30th. Jan.uaü"*"rY", at which , timif, ithis copy. watapprelaeisded'th4 t te .En glisir de- Ku'niyC.W ,August, 184. mootritie jeGrece oul diianhe Tis icanules that hvag l ta valugbte pro- pertyinsured hy the St&. Lawreoce County Ma- 'effortà ef Fr#tWce and her oa the Turiro- tuaîis,;nurnceCompsny, Jm p q" bs4av E.ussiu subia. Peo ii- Eutgland gratni4eus tetmony to the handsonis amI promisj loir poaltire Greek quiatrel as a de- manuOn wJo ehchktws auditeil sndpýald. r1icoùttic«u on the part Of Lord Pal- GoozCses r mtîtWnVuginst Rusitfla, with tie view ,LOF1bÎanPl.Mitiver Powett, -cf GysterBaj, ofeeekng he zars .o etionagina 'Là t-tfad; , Y.i spplied in Mauchl,,"asgag efceckag he zts'speaicsgmt above. Thé Agent resided susix ttea fro'm bis 'the Baulklo<EngIand has about £16,- cf lbis bouse, it seas infiaee, and! test]estl- mnediately on comng io of the proà f, ,a pollry eas 00,00 iibulia.jand ik thlbus sns!jed at ilffl Mai>nee, gf1 Sir Charles Napier lias 'publiiaheda 4i/e Board. Ti ttevîdennebiad by tise atm- loUter in-. whicl> lue charges thes Iodian pany cf Mr. Powetl% satisfaction is, thlat' the army with the moat egregious Ignorance dweiling arectes! on litsruins isy hîm, is now in- in *1' - - Cs sre 1y hi mpap'. 5Mr. Pwlladdes- mdu i*ary airs. <s , on g. spd, N. Y." 1 DleNil). JaniltonBleigh O'Conner, Esq., if tic tennis C. W., lisas been, receotty a heaivy laser whl JlisJo In the 'Legiatiative Assembly, quen811YsrsdbytisasCompany. tiens were asked b'>' the minister orf-* Suas H. Clark, MDr*id, New Tente, le referred foreign atirs, res'1 tin'theaffairaeof teea 05 Greece, te whieh t e ministe r roied, Jlavinglest a large anSnit oaIl pmpsv, Cin- 4"that net oily England acepd thee sures! by this Conpany, It teesmet and pid.two Mediation ef France, but that sirehall moîthe -before it- .heaesdue; aod I nh"eeiftly oderste Adirai 'erk r'enoimèend tis sinstitution Iota orer antà odeoées sent olfýôers t , dmitl ]Prke t s dwap endé sfa insuranèe. uspendan-y ceeroive mensure ugeiflat ' . ., * LE Groe»ldln B. Mayf.oot, natffilton, C. W., 1,was va- 'Ire agitationr iu the Provincee ad iedntly a laser, of, property noveras! bye Pý?t4cy ai subsîded --- aaother Parisian Ed itor, of $1,000 ty tis ConPla"' Le- Lbete, lian b een sentenced te A. Scett, et Madris!, 81.1., liketeise lest $1<00, imprisoament aed 'ueverely fined for Te p ottu l ie eber - wci liluel on thé Gavernbesnt accidents 41ytire bave'bese Blet b ytise Coin-1 Thre amasse. ia Pe." ha% beau put pany, give great satisfaction and confience bers. dg". butt be-Socaslists have been or- Bas sr.Ntbn,'.W ga onde Wioield 'S. Wluttaker, ef Hoasiefls, N. T., g.nisitg atgrand 'eronutratioen té lst$1,, or îbtereaboesrs1 ceveres! by a Psie 151h andatut. r Mditary Kpr atons 4r t1e cepay have bçeu.madle te'keep tIse petoe,iwad -0uatis hStsday fFbsr' eee tise provincs have been placeéd under a member <ef the Cosnpua,jies dea in%« I lest ciil1. f mà * m-LuiNpuly building, >ans! ..4at à édtestin njte tie Ieoawas ouopepsar a hoetefre.~ '~'Laie Jeosess, eirville, CiW.. ENGLISE MARKET&. Rain lest projîery averud-twa Plcrer Co - rkt iatI. Yslow 27& a 18.L $ 00 otbt. Lwrence Votmnt t tuai . "t .'i 0. lm - rmscs Ceniaue, ,saaie. ZnjPaes tt .5 n~pralstjaisiptcg. lqes Westera hit;nla 'any, tes! <lin, o hea ~ <~ ~ ' jý<'ý7 a lloz Waynarar. ____________________ orten tmed,C. F-, Agust 14; IM4.>'< »MIlm To e, Genq. y l hSptjq yroxSiî ip g U hm lvecnoge4 luisis 8ts r'4 n119 ecsipt 4 yair ffaor <ofs the tuaj i te *à éek. 1h. 84. toe Us. Lor supe#- lue, aclost aont cf -y PeJicy, Io ait: fin m-More. MIllWs 'auperfnin a ls, 10& S2JOh 20L. Fassa.s, i a hp andhsels, 17& î&io8As. Lrehese the PoUclleirtwitb, and whlesA*4 ' Il M W$are* auraeinbmà 4tuye WuzIscdià 4s JOpoeb.-le rismp &a . tise paemptuand stiseory mwmusi wbyoesa al 4a.M '. &,Cmpwu' hssa=ged Àwith me theueaansaof à , 11avidr18aa. - - *<v ïw lar8 £Biga of <A.!2 pro hav tipi reé tm tdaCHEAP and! ,FFEC1 unltt ksn! eèptèn 'il ipriaer, su itlees: ý, ýý090q4aeq cpyial,i , "'sWdo. do.> iced te testify osf the efficacy aieraI of wbomn now reside lan n ran a nin th~ ASH! CASH' >»veO las irsasui vered et Port Oeb .Also Cash for s 0uirrraàs S'éd'- lre$umier )poituity ef tluin tstoers for the> loint thal1po?'Wh ive paid Ibeir, aoc qg-a coinutk ld.state it tohb act lSe &£tton !O rclease.-icutl aix A&. VIREWI FAtE WEI£ Jan. 8h; &11s50. - gW0753- 3 - -a a's41 bus -- Ilae -4 -- -- 442 'il. H'.' - uv oflafltitv Manies CoUected ina any pesI of Ciaedat. 1Z~fisin 'Wbitby 'Sîpeietemedne< Pét« PerriT, Esq. «Ock-a-boobW4jcboo 111 Il i2i4iýJ 1