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Whitby Gazette, 10 Oct 1867, p. 1

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A WeklPoitiai, commercial and VaimyN~wpapcis epubliahedi (ta TUIE POST OFFICE, wHITBYs -iTHUJRSBAYMONN J~S. À JmPBELLY l ýj 1 Slu iadcvauft; $100, lfPsld xtlt b,. ysathe it 95,1if Bot go pald. re* ivllb.triély adbored 1té. r~LeIers.o enure ttention, mai51 be Pas.» 4W" NePaperv"li b.igiootiauâedutil arrears a paeuc1nion ai the option of the Publlsher. "Galette "OtflCê, Wbitby T'~ Wlypiela vu ~'VOLI. V. -NT AIRJO BAN*Kt K. FP LOCXAIRT. 'I'h1tby. Novr. 18066 sN otary Publie. L&ïi.. Qlut Btgeluv'd ev toglalr.vOflâce, Brook Street,Whitby. W ~~~BiLLNQS.Sollitor, ha.,ho. Pasoport 011e., uset doeote .Regiatry Ofice. %Yity, Mareii20. 1865. 21-lyr. (~~R~7& COCHRANE, Barristers, .At-i t-irk- Ey'icelasud Noariet Public, ke., Prino, e oppo.1c te Town Hall Poet Porry, oeîùX,- in 1Lgelow'o Biorh. * Oouty Coman Attornoy. -port Perry, Die. 24,1865i. 9 R IAME R 'ORNE WOD, Attorney-rit Law, e o>licitor lu Otano.ry, Notafy Public, nnorey- alieer, &a., WhiLby, C, 1V. Roems ue011tu the R$gtry O010e., Brook Street. D '%\ AUO F038, BaitllT th 1Division Co;frt, un- Llcnsed Axatiouieer, beavertu,n, fo. Ontario 30- ]y. 10U litloria (hanoery, Convejuncer, &c., Cn alen, Brook#(,. W. JAMES LANION Attorny-at-Law, Solietor i Ctssncery, Convoyaor and ýLand Agent: Otiio.-Duanla.Street,,tire. doors wett of!, thePost Mfie. G(1 A. CAIISON, M. D., Byron Street, Whitby. RA'ILALE S ROBINSON, Cierk Siitt Divisilon jcourt, Colloty of Ontario, Cuxnmisior in I.lL ejaveyanber, Isouer of Marriage Licoses, 4-o., je averton, C.W'. - 101111 FEIIIiUSON(,Taior,Breck8îre, Wihy 0""f'*La.ot Fashions, and würk vwarrantecl. TW.-E LLTOT, i pnt tst, NoW1King StJ 8reet, we.t, between Blay and Yong, treeto,a.few dors weitof theu oe Office, Toroto. Rvssvra..qr.~.and Right Reverend Jobs ~#e4el Bbop 'rmato. DONALD CANPBELL, T LIOENSED AUCTIONZER FOR TUE OOUNTY OF QONTARIO %c mptly attenderi tr, aber. &Il arrangemnents as te sus, .k.,a buhoimade. Chargea moderale' .IOU - B1L LI LX GS.t 1111RIISTIIKAttornev.at.Law, Solitor in .>Cinoery, Notary r'ublie, Conveyanceer, ho. hieAlbert. Office las duoro wesl of T. C. For- GoïRYN E L L'S HO0T E L WEST MARKET SQUTARE, TORONTO, ONTARIO- Toronto, Sept. 3, 1807. , 4I Ti" W. VLEGG KARRIAGE LICENSES, 0 FFc- PO0R8?TWHIT.B MÂRRI7tAGELT.CENE D UFPIIV'S CREIC.. JOHN McGILL,- LA FOS THE COUNTY OiF ONT*iAIO k" It ordut n teft .t the <1zn-rr Oei6'lee1 b.' t.ýgaspt.lysItuate , ato hereal a agme te &ojsk., eau h. isado.Chre drt PHOTOGRAPHIE lKR W1ILKIISON'S B CRI, AND CIJNTY F ONTM{ BROOKLIN HOUSE, C. V1CKE*IT, Piroprietor. EGS mft repeet iuf e rus the. ibai' -B mosrthre te"l flii tio. htb.hbu le-suan the at'ov.pret re mierly souplecl bv ,$*"Y peritu, ahieib. obus fisly (brlabeul sud Srnueisteitand la propared aoteaomodal. ibe travelling a- h éI ...iMlaeee&wR..*e THE ROBSON H~OIJSE LATE501FT55 OTZIL, D UNDÂ&SS2RI WilITBY, C. W George Robson,- - Proprietor. inow renovated and re-furnl.hed the building tbrcinghout. The. rem isesfftTe pIenitntIv itnated, psonite the post &ffioe, and lni the cenître o! the ifh Railway Omnibus ralsm at the Unotol, and the Steg for lxbridge and Beavertoin leuve lte door erymoriig. GEO. B135N. 'im.%,'re1lt iolfle rs al ways làattend ane. Whitby, May 4,83 COMMERCIA HOTEL, BROCK STREET, WUgITEY. and couimodious yard rooxu. Chargn o ederato. THE "'MONT"tAL HOUSIE," NO. 127, K1ýxO St. West, TOIIONTO. Fiftli îoîrr ahove Yenk Street. WARWICK & SPÂLDING, Proprietei os W'itbi iaminutes walk of lie Ril aiivy ad Steaun- biaàt Termial. bleuis caui h bd uai aiheurs fer 21 centst. The Bar 16aIat 1tixerssnpried witthe -bon IVines sud Lt qutirs at jte liweot raies. Spenk- ing in FreucÉ and E ngish. The Bail Aliey uq.eu every day fr"un l0On. ni. tQ 10 p. iu. Torono Noî1, 1864.Z WIIITBY, ONTARIO,.TI IIX'ÈALISED1833* jH U FRON I1L & BRO., ûCainet Maker No's. 3 &49 T11's Bloek. RAILROAD HOUSE WHITBY STATION. T. TOTTERPALE. Propiietor. f)r ttirvller$. X - B -E xcellent ita blÎl.g knd attentive bostiers, i GENERAL IN*YTELLIEcE A COBER 109' 1867. 4.9 HO BROOIK STREET. .1.for lt.he ou»edatt< * e be&dR A N 0ed Timn tIieutIK T-ORONTCO. Mealoz furnished nt ail heais& foif Broollin Drug o.- JOHPÏ DAWE9 D ZALER l'S »EUD8. ?à, liT Paliti, Oit&, Bye-Stahi ror~ Winoe andLiquors of tii. best quait](y] cii Pusem. lin.sdCattIe Medicine» always ont4 ",u HR*frthé xob NwiknuIo aUis Oded a ubÏonjt1en~ 5 ens u t ry truc e rt have endeared il. ýý r e laho., ONITARIO HOTEL, 1- Rite c'K-S TREEUT, li11T:i;RifQ *C..DLWEs, P- - - I ' MANCH4ESTER, 4 Tf11 nt Keo-u titel ie, Oued op in hi"t-el,,. strie E Every accommnodatuion for lie travelling pub: .PAN île. L;uperie rotiofor CrnnHc& Taeles ulnmgpurchssed the shov-e Ilotel,has4rnsu fte~-The btft Stnbliirgud attentivo hostlers, hpe' bînhut u uuslÇb a Bex-stsîts fur race hlrmes - iii Lie clsetsUquerp and tih$i. T-Iretîude.rsigned de*siresti4 uth rohi@ t ,rie E*reetO c*dt flu~ 'vf tlintuolote le bii asy kind fieu& thîriagîout Orta- rauv s tcotse. ~ Ilr rio, for the unnny l'avoesbeebirvediaupet him bIllle keeiuîgte itevere 11Guse a t Mansbeter, and boira gsT'T~A~1'1 Le soiit ia contiiu'îenceof 'ifîblie listriin:e aI heLb. L rxIIXD.Li S eUfl &Id Onetario, Wbiiby. î sscssiop f e!li li e bas- rend, uand whtih bis bootsn wly fiurniphed and (ENERAL 1PIRE, LIFE. sud, Mb'1NB remia% ated tliro'gouu i,,dwbey'e tnble, bar. ahI be fiojppiied ahi the best imd, sand iiquors Tss. s'ITgL as foriuurly. -I- L suraLn. c eiL'~ . A 'en5., C. DAWES. Wbttby, Mareb 20, 1,616. . 1EPEE T U iI __tBEsT OFFICES IN CANADA. ROYAL HOTEL The lorgegt and moetcoemmodiieus 10<1.1 in Town ?S' tagres ilurpart froua lie Royal Ilet, daily, J.AcUB BitRAN, ______________________-. Whithy, Dec. 3, 1860. MANILLA: HOUSE. MANItLA, . W. SWITZER COR WAY - Proprietor. (-'<MFOICT, lwodersîe Chrgend uarotuatttng '.yttetia t Is. iul. f h. pblieontinlue Le Caao!ui Ostiers In charge ofcfocumodius at r bling. *aVOffice oftbe rartounsitage Mnes, THE ALBION HOTEL, EABT MARET SQUTARE, dm C> 10 .W.Ç% rVfl t Subscriber babviug leased -The Affltia H otel" in aoddition teb-utratnl"ê bas oetarrted'ibe Ivo promises line othe mammotb Heotel--the sargept sudMot .ommedioup lu the. City, wabèesh. wll b. glani ta recelve boi fiendo sudthbPublic. N ae ruenwlbsparod illllyloe conuaite eitheeomtbrt anit couveuleuce of lie guesîsg, B Bt'A HI)-oaly1 00Oper'fioy. .sud are underthe charge ofouaefuihostiers. W. ShIOUT 1Toronto, Ct. 20.1863.. C.Hi. TROU l10 a b' colleteansd ecuaoffit 8operior8lsiuhng, s lu atteadace.' -A goosi liverySi Hlolel. Miltonm. Januaro3 1 13UTCHER~S Je -Palace ïetr..l aud huas ii o oia& blqo u d Cgas Teroutôe, Mley2, iL DONH OUSE' alton,C.W. k., P7oprietc.- -%tory Sqwnenuilding, odira style, viîh ex mmiodation. r- CommseriltTravel-- entive lopstlens atways j eelaetlon llth p J'royn'u'toc, 6-ly EMGLISH EHUP HIIUSEJ Ctiy UEsTrAu-RANT, Offic- Provincial Tlgr 1 icI .l !SI ESTABLISIED I17201 du 1 yedby liIRH, ut tie imati REASONABL-ERAE OrF 'tiitM V ~Imn e-ueryiciscriltion peid aitisout del fy. et Pr.~orty. Le'aoi o.301, King tr.rt, WIV.T ~oronto, C. W. 'eeg. NORTEII HOELL RVtISHAMERICA2 ColBORIIE fTREET, lTORORTO»' IRt oegs te iufont ti Pulie that JbUI~J te e ,o-ouwodate legnrspubiena mssube j~ Capia $400, 00 Leruas. ne"logdedabliiigband atpeutte, bottiert 1 ooroatxoDec. 3,i t no p800. yoIW e", Proprty ýgaiust es',by F n t bc muent CR0 CKER'S HOTEL, '~-Itoy FtBAlt (LATE PLATT'V Ait S <hy NELSON STEBET, TOIRONTO, sthJui16.I YpH'Sbsni.n,.. teInimItehuslu GEORQE C 0 RNfARK nliugos un~vu flinnh folh ,g8d men aetnoý," ,Wiohavest-a b)y "T1he red, white maud bIne." Wboi whçin Faction peeall' Néithr lidgerod cuer ejualld, -But veinW' uhad"0nt augi Rurria, for the vietory weul irer the chîi!who tii. raly led ou t Whb,, ihen cowards otood albaot, 1faàiod th. e ag te lb. ma, Up, np ev'ry cap r tr John!1 11 arrah wfer latnd et ronoan, On Who"e ban ner, lhe. in n aer goe déwn t For. eurloleharteuj Quenp WiienIwo love suýd este out p ur fr reevDnUlthe a For aitou brave imen-and faivoxUeut Nov 1. eaffla t0.«e, Lot us eouatbsL nemore; But ail aid te build up tho Dom4dpon., Br X118. >L ,ýD L3HZLETT. (Frxu he J~jj~Star.) 'Tioetmaun, aidthe couzductét.: HlerbOtrt Sougbt ini ler pookt for ber. port. tiole lu qudou. Put it had misteriDud1y dimsaPpezI; -uýnd the lady roft hxj3tily au4.oa.tr pid, oeru iù glmncê under au«i about her BuaL. &Ob, sir, l bave kIct My ticet, and Dot Only -tbt My nioncy and my checks ifor Thi.coductor was a Younsg Mau Who hsielcu but a feW e45upou tberoutd la hie eopasiiý; and be filt lèimself> greatly, I levated ~ in Wi new position. neprided himeoIf onUsha bility toaetptny persan iu an atte-M Pt toavoud payinrthe »-rcilur orn, wba vas the pâstor of Wetiuwn<church ' usorban'cl% thcun,' e sted ýrse ut home. Ah, noÏt oftýàýkmd ti.he:înd Iendcrsom. nov thrizatinaIe the bewosm of the tgh yAgeiu mis. ierbea-15 poretîced fiog.rs liuttoned ýdrm é0~at 'bçea prompitcd bkthe. mept tbe kaye; sad then.;h.r ieli lear, hOrst bëecaîl t foW pace a, bright- little cultlvated-Woimtarome lnuthe popuilar mu- noie upoa the palsu-6f begguily cidhôGd ftnîii ode. not ofteu hmd his footsteps fuliWaýttlcir-waY '*dl Ibboiny .Diiné.l' tý Oent's do& f iiY ettIhis u w1othý M Asthela" ot "W 4~1i~d NWaR?ý: h prebcotativ' of the éhHft1mn oO8 sy1grmtrtm' uib " a jsreahed bâriy t6"ià cngr uatioa 8 i r i kutst iwièe ciry Sbbath; a- me f1tPâr as i Re1ndergom *as ssndkg>àwiýh bis SaLe tb hiillQ'e cI>uceo atie- .o1c. J& sr~&gswas ~~w0 be a ad tet h t1, for r bur Ledtf o u a a-12 ' Iuweèe .sad IÉak4&mandlik4 lies at'li. Preent daY. 4Di&t hbuttlistea.it a4't lîke ma$s9nry.'- 'tu oe a af 1 heur et-'the kiind, Isliould , end W11Y 4ed ou like iC.'aevn bave Iny bentefIled iwîtli puer mendidanoç tnrrb to ask.- ail tie tue, and- peihupaf few Osf lheu 'Because *il. riies lkle a inonatain bet- would be wortby My respect. :Loanoî 'Venu me' and'-my hasband; Iu.tia jealoug. kee yen nsyou réq:xest. of àIaioury ;. anù ti.glance ah. psiut. sapait. 'ia. Herbert tuinoJtsway fron thlà hi l.ut ber oide t;oId Mrï flHerbetrt with ho6pitublo domeof; thL, Rov..tMr. iÉley. what depth of love ethis truc wifc regard- The- cool insolente viii whilch -bo had cd berlln.cbandýý bl làs-pr treuted her ,had, altmst - dîjiven orDo an aC-n'orbe è" e for NI roetryupü from - ber heurt; but -sic determiacti uuw the4 gruulid abc >id mentiô,ned. But she' ta sýe - ot, lwhcîe ut.luset ah. migit iosi ittîji fuit t-h!tt jf-1re. eiderson vue lu errort, hierseef sud decIdo ù'pomý sôee rew eoum oaiidshîc 6auiâd- - osf action. Sho had cafen no'tbifig ,ine 0'flyuialo ete te'll yeu why monig, indeedy she aa not aven thougla love Maaqury?' - of, kedbutMoWshoelt faint suad w cary, - -a3o','eplied Is.IeéIderson0 I sud the coaisciounesthut eh.. vii Loue êudte teacIitet,'fo~I iiia ~ng' iL,. 'reado, ~ the .ana she d rc&the a'ilt-b'Mmslier- sbaèIes csf eveaing alrady ffllng, quit. beit, infront of the 51)oaupen whlo.b, Sbe uRserved hwrias hýplâsup4 Up-suèi. bd hcnb'lsand seatcd themselves the 8trQetý the fi mtthingt ha aratea ber Krs. -Herbert bigau : My fathoor wua uuutntûou, Wua -- ýneapublic iLousie aé ,comwisaiou mer bant in Boston, mad l but in. large guilt lUere--the word. "a- u&-,asque uce ut* cuiseii whioh I1 cotild never soi aL er hieurgave a quick, j y- 1'ullyunadersta p d-for 1iwvas vcry yeaung4t, fui bounti lier husbandnwas a meinhet tÉe îiine -1ihi fuikd in busiùeâm&Oa csf ibe Masonie fnateknity, and eh. knew beaultiftil homue was tuken. from ri - ti an thtinth ldut1 a Maisono wod tbhishbrotiiei, *ither moved iother. n 1me te-ýuumblonhe lié r' ed equanly ta that brotber' a wife or rÇttze n1 the suberbii vile bha prco 'red -dasighteî.- Shé rcèribered-i' sth-at t ta mpypetascierk in dy tbh 1hùbift bE Ondcir ne -'as iddebted for m'ient. - dgopala~ noarly alI thb appite-ss ehe bldktsO*glu in Ife wasd?isenheicrtened- b h ee lf. ut, fàiiar à8s a .hd beeu ~wi ti iaybsc.I wssyon/uo its.,worki»gs ii ro woi' tive oity, oéàbe t tlie iras heard 'to epeak ý cbewfqJ1y ru o e izied-its uniyorsalty; but Si eýi~ltulh-deuliuiid,-aud, biefore lie had novýer uitderstood how, -like sorde tâlimueanie driýamed 0 . the thneiteiig dti rr,jhF vua boit, iteinces thée eurth, osnbraing tho au a eeufirtucd emupiitve. 'buL he A-4iOts nuankiin tis prdlloug- fold, met ening & 3aéen, -sud w. wer e t a1bowý44<Heé the usperities osf diseeutlng -'rolgloi ifRs, tutat hie inability fer hborbhaddpuved us éeeking'-thé,è ppl light-of love on the. of t1beconilts of eouihome. Spplie of flerce rapide of comme.rof aIlife; eulighten- rrsot,1ti~atifileis~euaj in-gsudue"*>-g politt6iaus1 ou u çu-t r dor. 'riî oeehcil ~es~ii iztng them coiiflieting -sotenees upon'aS tobrv crgtheed<ox&l sense af lindret.i. gb ide t takonhu Il~~U . d"hî Me.Herbert t ugeai inte. Uv.,.A< ,n- ,,. .rp. - n tratioVn, auti th-ee asow1th'wiec ho uld 'v"'e juat aulted ta 1bis niad; and' hawatehed nu :br-s. lerbet with a éold, scrntinits'u, sll4icious e, cwhilce ite s cacinh3' O;tl ccsgcrly fer the missing ticket, IIamnst liowve fAila] your fuie, madtameo.' - - --mre -A'Butu iir, I have no lmoney; 1 have n fc Il IOw far do çtn wlsb to go,'hbcsiimi, I ui non wy,»Vay- tuBoston, where 1.-<'m ' aide. I have been visiting relativesi lud 'Welly jeu eau gr hQfarthor ou this.Y train, unlesa you rs*y yurn fuie.' sr,13 À bigit , tliqughs emr e; 1 M 1. m lo Herbentif yen xeblteet,-Vtlustosi sud ~B tii. mre, 10 seouru emfomrei o tronit..hlm, h. viii be fs MTcis wntoJuint, ia r RRO E SrP-CT1 oi 'TUE IKiNCDOM, 0F cAJ4A T )11kM. I - < *op on Brock Strect*lii 101PÂPIR cf th Ii.laet patte-rn apa causse' O i llyi(Nov. 1leu. COUITY OPPIOIALS. -WO BUiaNHAM, Junig. * < KII'coS TR Couti. Offo., 54 lb. Court olxHMPRKRY,Emq., War&. Urels IL LIAlq wuP1T1~J~Teae 8.. B- s tI Bstu.m Temp fin)aneé lt to yoai youn Un -on thvine Mr. i àliy sa, ' .-Nov tr -pfckpacèki ioca Comit theN in a receipt ors 'T6 M. 'I encboi dollarý, Lbi b3 Yeu te r afd y ycsv topar titriel, r equdîed lb ehuopter t san4 h.,.' - -or or i a rT', ;él%£ieArdoe»»WFÊÈI,ÉANNUUFAý-ý 4 Il ý Il', ý .i i 1

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