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Whitby Gazette, 10 Oct 1867, p. 3

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WHITBYR ARE .liJCLjj7NE L - - AGENT FOR-D ' AtfIES* j iean(l Melodeons. The ud1ine snw pnn he Jargést a nd most.>Of NEW '-P, VLI-Pt CLUB EAOT MARKET ~~~plete stck of Fresh A L > i o 'T e ~ e t s ~ h ONTARIO TUR~F UUALBION HOtEL. -'JL ~o CE IS,______T~EE WalITBY- COURSE! Toronlto. _Otario Ï EOM2AN GIBSON wJ civetswea ag m 'RSoi OJHO ON1q ,,-ibeer hep to lnfaorin býX >T cmmmI mas pd s -ee, THi U KS D A Y FR D AY lou" aea<a abs ae~~< n i ohratce eoging to the Trade, at the OdcOmî>Ieteg eî - a- Otober 17 & 18, 18967. romcnfnrtalIy itted l'p.' and <bera h. o, mm!tad, onlvig o tieir namtrilfaciliIiesA a l tbi inad< h _ T ~1 l ~ ~ fA l aso ia n on~*ni - 'T<T IA .[agro tmee h rqirmttaceLrt.a mi .'îl A MK T TYfagoae allfaton 1 i>gctsint i btero-gtet tvl!Dt e nye h ~t~34,or *15 eaoh, with *106 added, JAMES CftoclKER. foer Poinerd oreonyowned- in coins- Alb'ion t Ibd, Toronto, Septembe o 0h 1IM7. tf da aith date of thltg adv.rtiveomat, daah or E B EgH~ L UuJei u'vei iai c *1, Wih 100& - d,(tormerly Plai for normes tha propariy of andte<ob. rlddao by Offeers on fulpay ln:the Armoy or 'Navy. or NELSON S8T TORE~ONTO, Volntér 111erslnCanada. ii yeara old. 10 ]OTTO IG64l", @lone; $.jaarî and d, 10 Iton@ e At. OTOrRN - ?reign breti horuaiteccarry Tlbq extra, and DASE T M&IE , . . Perec home ta t nerrwon, alowed 311h. One antd Toronto. Sept. 3, 1867.' 44 ]y a hboi tile boul.. Coauty fure ef *5 sasI, witb *20 ioddsti. for KIWI WIISLOW'8" tal, af le ete our; te tartoo ae.800 T H INQ $Y.R.U ,P,., FOR CIILDRE14 TEWrUiiNo. *85 Sialion Purie, open for ail Trotting Stal- fc 3 n t a meau Sure to Reguln.tê the Eotie1à. SECOUD DAY. DjE't 10 l twl f~,1 iruié Rae, or lo), ludempweihts 2 Andi Relief atiealth :0 jour Infanta. mrl lte aecor *10à.hndle a welghet s 2n- %e1have rutt ipnuiti.o1il io t A rlcît' f,, i',.rg. end cite: higli. 0t'Vttiia Ile 10aur tf Ratilerh.. rrrdîtîî--NEvba $200 Pursie. daill of <s'toiles, open for aIl ber- OIAO IT FItLEOIN A SNaLa lIt<sTANCeZTO 1'VVEut A jl9. province bred hories allowed Tiba. Firot Cutit. w bi tItool ood. Nrver tii we k<non' ontitr. hjorma, $150,scondi horae, $60,ý 01100. il t Yl hRd WMieh la .tpt'tetiilt(Ill 8100 Trcttlng Pure,for aIl hoerse@<bat ocrer Popeen ii eroi.î oteeooictaîîti fitît 80if titi-to,il boutn-i 24~llo beal. *Uoai titres in ove to me»dîcal "lur In,.W.ean hilu hmlter. WlIA t Wl. harnoas, 1>0KNiîW.' at'? ffi(r i é~rencea. AND I'Lanoa ou* 'il AtAtiiq t B rK X LFILIiTOrwu1Twé $100 Pr&opan for oU bofisel, handicap weiglttq, tîniî ix lintritin ptta in and exhauei.it. re'ltef,,ll $7b5tet hefirst hersa. $25 là tho second horso. lo' f'.uiid iii ffitt4i re r ttt iinte* lra oCtthLie yrup i% Onie mile daë>* atlmiifii.'trii * l'ai!eul îifîilo'tjoîajtr ttoîog î'il aeeo4 mpaoy eai' ýl ttje. l t.rie o , t', tie fur'îjmiti .11 CURTIt'& VIlt BRUlea and Regulatlons: KN.Ni .I.i i leolil NXot latta than <broc horete oenter. N6 rooney Oit j4 llîuggitea litnughluilîrwoId. for a walk ovai, 10 putr cont. on ail pursol rohare Price, enty 25 cents per Boitie. <bohre la.00 stuae. Ali rideri muet bc dresaed la jockey stylo. Every peraon'antarlng muet bocoîne 25Fîît i'eN',Yr- 0 h, Ilo- à utouilàber of the Club., No Iteroon'will ha oa- t 1 tlnt-tt r 'r 0 l dereti a inambor of teClub nient ho lna a mb-. d,,Rq~n:441 t PI'os t-t eier tf $111,exoe1t*oir taeColt 5Ltnk, whieh t10ClICtin ciii <taIt roantîl.- a Pstîbrriptiiin of $2 50. - Dee- '4-IY. -%Ion of the J udges te ba abri n B&U citer. Al on.- trîes but bc X ttilwith the $reretary,'r. Il tîîo. Eaq., motion suai, un or befure tbQ I2tb Oct. nt. TIIOS. IIUItTO, * ,Socrotany &Treocunrer- %Yhitby Del. 710.41l *Removal! JOHlN- L. ATKIS, SURGCEO N-DENTIST, Rua renîovcd bis office te DR. Ml'INTOSI1-, Graduateol hM'1ll rollpige. Lato Aritant Sur 8vU. S. V, PHYSICIANO SURfCEON, &c. IWr(FWE- Ieat D1)ti o tbe GlIFrlr Offioe -~ORUANIST (T A L rd9ANZSi CIURCI 0Mrrk to lve mote and Sloglug Leseona, ApIl1ation <o bA iSûé.oe at thé ofile of John L. -Wat&k1, Suirgoin.f5entîat, Me Muitt. IllBucAi, Whtby, JuIy 30, 1967,. 9 tf oïl 111T Il SCOfiIINI MEGHANW8' àHALL,.4 WHITBY. Thursday, Oct. 10, 1867. Mr. D. 'KEN NEDY NYiIi give bis popîila.c Entertajment on the PROGRAMMEE: ,Côme ààa.lr~e JolIy Shepherde, letipmand bar the door, Thou lxiig'ring Star. Oh i Whistle ana l'il corne t o < my LIbI lamo'Cim o'oi 0-nid Mfai at c'en. * 2nogIe Song-oThe Death et Nelson. Betwo s Lb.Parts, eMt3g XE2NLEDY viii gite soo: tell Eselsansd Strathupys, A bfa.1's a Mau> for a'ibat. Oie me a Lais wi' a Lump) o' LaniL wVbon ye gang awny, JAMWic 1rhe baàndo' the Leal. Seotwha hie *ti' sau lcedct. Piano Porte Miss Kennedy.' Domor pon t?, commences at S8eteloek. Admiamien 25 cia. -Reserved Beata.50 et&. Tickets unt the 1geek Store and at thue door. Formerly ocoupied by Mr. L. H. Schoficld, ene door North cf' Hamilton & Co""l MWPROCKERY AND CHINA, GLAS$WARE &0. Direct frein the Xanufactu àers, and selecced b>" hiinself' wbile in the OId O'ountry juiL the article@ te suit the requircmenti of tho Canadian Honsekeepers, and wbîch le is enabled teo el ut prices far below the nsala charges. (1 .Ca1h Custorners wiIl find Unusual Inducements £.l CALL AND' LOOK OVER OUJR PRICIE LIFST. Cash paid for aîy quantity of Cood Dairy Butter, and ali kj,îds of Produce taken in exchan-tvA for <oods. WLIaL,.. 0.. s, i-sois'., T.LAWLERM..ý D$be T dr'~ôth or auilto & Co a- NOW QPEN AT N'oted for CJIEAP DIRY GOODS9 CLOTHING AND GROCERIES J3ROCK STîIEET9- WIIITBY. VeJt.)cr drdl2 1867 . County of Ontario$ 1o, 1 -IWlîîh. . . .-. . . . .. .. ...et ],tA No. 4-Ilxbig..... . . No. 6-linrtong.or.... .... ..... .... t . No. 7-Athief c. ... ... .. . ... ......l2t Z. ljUpNII'.m' Witbyi NMoy 23rd, 1807. fOCAL AGENTS furor itt i:areb MUTUAL INStJRANCE COM'VY, ~hroo.lhnt it e Couîoty or Ontario; igeo Oerer&.l Agmn* and Inecotor. a Md ,up tc, the 22oid Pibe.. At nmon. Dy order of lte Boîard L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, Witby, JUOc bh, 186ret STOP AND -SEE! T IIE folowing remarkaonTatunasfoi T wocldiorful and oxtrardînkry e )p.Canada by te GIIEAT INDIAN REBEle, - Tbey iNn' iern, undoniable, asu hcnteiablo tÀ ut, sbomt ta oonvince <ho moet s ptical <hgm$theUtltiaSdi- cinal Coinpounti yoaunnedafler t3r agt i an'&0 .esIb1oin the<aront, Y r Disomutes of tbe Throat, Lutjlge, Usiîgeg- tira Orgitne, Kidnoym% . . .1ol so t h. h vrions 8km Diseases, Iluinors, midi aS *U,,as ariaing fran I lurit.loa of <ha Blod, w-wdiy, îtte <bat this great reOuutfy ha NRVZBIugEIS EQUALLE D. Wbera unis-thora orerimei a cure ae <ba in th( 1iersn cF MWmt.o s ouisp, Or Brlgh. tn, C. W., of Consomption; or <bat-el 5*mca C. V. MfiLLFR, Cif Zarnototn, of ir.onsapUou orý that of Amtansi Woon c f (ooeocu.-. W" as Dyspepolaand oitLver Colaat; or tle5of Joux hIoanx. of Napanée, C. 1 et cfRbenuiaia" , nad actually been ion crutcea sfor yy 219xpiteý of all <O atmnt eretofore.eand W ig -fxmwle 01~ eueh cases înigbt bu unentiomiet had w.saoe. Cal a'itthe Drug Stre and got'iim'a1i1i( - un 1ieitinaabln cortifces* thq-Ie: L Priceof the 1einedy il re lc ror sala by ail Drngtintea *ka pIa nkn Medicine. Anrrrs Fou W îy.J .GM, and James Iiymle. Wtue. u G 11 .o~jnj' atlc. A Compiete NOW OPENINO AT' 111 AMJLTON ~C~ %1itabIe -fot the FALIL TRýADE, also a New and, Fresh aoïs:rtmeut of 1» above Stock bas been Purcbaiè(ed on the. vêry beast Ojternis, and wlll be sold at prices (o0def9 bèlig ,ndersold. fle pblic wil peasércal and exriine for th'ievs -Whtb, %L.11,187. OId'No. l'y Laing's Corner 'Wbitb, Sep. 11,1867.v. 2 fil[ iLUORTATION% MCMILLAN& T. ol cLLO & (b. keg to annonce the arri- val of their Pull Importutiona, or.siaing .of DR&Y COODS' W1NER ANB.l I<UJOR Wilicui- theare eéfrng *ai Pues defyo ooal Conipeitio& -EWli LINEF' IY ghaw1â, Mant es.,DiesGoods, &C. &o. -èed aJuht received at pgauadi op oe IÀiE &ti o W.E .iAedt ýc lsiam Peva-, rARIO'; yea r eoethèPîU Urueu reumpiot ;,"0Q tuu e Vo or a tienerni F4Jtc yen a Iew.- Word$ of Weil intentioned i,ýc. Whén' - ecDl'dtsfi ~ ropoenîng pn iteresta again appear ',Qfqro you, seec l",i a Weuil h electOrg, te Btep forwaid and demnnd frop .'tbentthe naneie oir 'J"î. t ý If tbem n w, re quieklyand iwiîhout hstt'n,"RlA ,of i Fuhd To nto ,"grant unto hifi yonrýconsjder4ý,n)for h' eviettl i~orn>d rnie and'cononiy ' but ifthcy Ëreva rice 0 ~ e a ppclrqe ntyae n thefr Tailor5s Dame, hee thbmw ertbtey tire uïfiL t I&iad an>'. p011, t ionon a unionï of tough thread. l stfbes, A én ê& f tiî,temotto of; 01(1(~UDSCLOTIfIN Ànid Merehant Tailorinug Estabvish r'LA WRENeE. HALL TP KING STREET WEST,'TORONi4TO. Best Quality 9ýýf-M chns et. P >~ $15 to $1i Agentes upplied. How's or4 -Reowned -Sewing Mach Mnacjred %udcr the immediate suprvigicnofd $1WTN .5 I trQ1~? MACHIN ro. L 7HE PLACE TO g I 7 fi I DIVI SION COURTs. -I ~WQEYTOLOAN~ J .Or I Tko b.r of ri erait. owu tMôte ai d. mmy CK$8 GAZETTE D- ONTARIO INT ýL EL IGENCER 1 1 coï's (i 1 , WhÎtby, SepL 24, 1887 1 M-

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