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Whitby Gazette, 10 Oct 1867, p. 4

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WII1ITBY- G4ZETTE A.' MET. WIUTIY. or ifljur7t. lte mystem. tau e aI ti, 01010 Ntelr dalineaobiflotho. sud At Qçekth45Iua.mmyi TZET14 EXTRACTZ)? WITHOUT PAIN! lb usoet itreus OuldeTanghing 008#.jO the uow local Auatéthlc,%aI W. ThCA!EPS - WhitI»r, C . -JOSEýPfiI NE WRURYP Boate lufomntiihépubtlie a tea ed -a M g1NGROCIERY 8TDRK- lituptýeaises oproslte DÂW ES, noTERL, Erok V ~ td1~wlI be uexUp. VARS &DEVLIN.*-<' C - '.' "ICAL Dentios. O.bawa. t i 11Roon., directly co eli* % l'. î Omet.nauiae osin- ýIvE. o' lTh16. *,aloýmit -'I - - I JiLACK UORSR gOTStL. FRONT STRtEE.TORONTrO, C-.W LI v~R rlit tmof leg b0gtoab8monpe ta hv pi lhtheê iteut >et oMr. RAYIn tk e ýtYt yt Lilfrry8t«leo, *ihai'inz iade large thl iereto ln hottes and Vahieles,, tbel à re now pcepared 10 uppir il orderu olo 1ivm ira upevror mrrner, anmi 0 îtet tii Public Ie* 'IWfrmenti prontptly Rn over! respect. 4CQULTTIlÂD , RDITRQNG N%-i -itby, oii1is V, 1t67. r Ùts. OS t< entre Iltu.." flymnhiSreet. 1ISVIIKOE8:--lr, Ilieli, Riahils 11 m1er, W right, 2baburn, Alkîns (for 8 uet f i'orcut ýPi»ù yFamëtkL mO ne Apply te JON A GNÈWtWhlIby. STIE or*our kG.A. ýýCARSONIr Wa us e vS&,hj*lt poarshefioes onfiput that hlsMoi by au, lu the OonUt. la mem ~EL1SIN For.s- 'Ware ]Romso Sel~s Gand 7RssnHos Block, 1KIn Btreets Toronto PUBLICY arc reeeatthiiy invted toàat ouwShow roomswbO h f X&: Fox took th.e -iips u e ie e ,SncjFïo.ù1 gi ead nov making 'whttia bu reltenttao, sIat.cIa.el instruironut..l Second hand Pliuos takmu ii etehange,. Cbioe Orgns -and melodois, aise kcpt pmt aftt1ion, S-L O0tjauuary tard,,1967, ly. s - FRESH- ARRJITALS i FARs The Siabscriber bas jus-l cornpleted bIs New Spring and Sumnir Stock c Staple and Fancy, DRY ,CQODS, GROCERIES, &C-. Aind8flatters bhhnself that it is equal if fot superior, in iany respects, te th general stock inported Ibis sealun.ý [4aCivô hlm an ýe1arly inspection, and before'purchiasing Whitby, XIty 14,1867. JFARQUHARSON -I ARTILL &LOCKINGTON, &Oeg to- iuformn iIeir frrends and the publiç that they have ria attheir 120 King-Street East, Toronto,,. very description of 1IOUSEH11L D FTJRNITURE of the Newest Design and Best Workmanshtp H& L. haVing been for the lat Elieven-ye-ars mandufa.ri& in Toronto, feel confident'theycaofe GIIEATEIDI NNJU1MENTS TO NJROHMSERU Thau ani other Hous. îxathe Tradle. Pl4asenote the Addrea- 120 K[NG STICIEET EÂ"TrTOROITOU - ~~maaufactory-32m and 330 Queen Street Ws, May 1867.- 52 To*the', Freè a ,à,ndc In dependent R'e sidents of Whitby and surrountdin cMnty The Subecriber iwould beg to utate that ho - is iQow1 in rej ceipt of bis Spring Stock et à,t- mI- THE1 Wbclfllblt Omil mN tsail*ý%11 oler atie rY lotio neOf tritcIrgan, ho aoIiom i-Ë*O 0! nLEfeur TonPSON 'K - WHITBY- 8, AT NIB ,-SADDL9tý; FITST- PR!? bdat tii. County wod Provincial m9p M, 0'nCa.knAo qrlibusId eb.p for Cashs, i.gsdoe on short notice. - KS VAL S'E$ &b IIQlàewly orzlbd jrx a rea'd ta at!à Bail cls they may bc favorud wuîh, on the M aauabio terni. Applicatiosn ay ho nmade te Dundam Street, whit.v, Or t. N. BAKER, Leader of Iud AMERICAN HOTFL, 4 STAGE! OFFICE,' KbgSre WetHau1O. FI,Wa. BEARMAN, Propriet4r. goOmnibus le and from the Canr.o YORtiC STREET. TO R ONTO: Wl. MSORNE, ---Proprietw, M-. ood Liquorsi and ?izarp. 1R# Moals, e1 .11bours, 25 cents. GORILLA HOTELÀ. Orilla, Co. Slmcoe, C. W. ROBEftTRoss, Juin., -Agent. Connereili d ohhenTravelicre furnishcd with ne. 5cr it euied .eida Vioce Lijeor#aad Cig«re ,~ Exel ehlgaC 5l h. 1-Ireý TE-RR A Pl% RIESTAIJRAN¶l,, -81) KING STREEt, TORONTO. G0WC .BLY LE, Fropieetor Dinnersseaeu ty ze" r~m 12i.ti l 2p. O)nt modm', froma .tilt 8 p. n. Private Roonie for ktadi.... 1 prôsto. ugat22,i~ ClIT-YL, HQE[TIEL,ý JABMSTREIT, W. ~1GRAftDON -- -Proprisbci. 4iwm to tothe eRIk nies Hti. aI> uplld Itllte ,but teie hicet Wiieu of the best brands bdl D>NTARIq INTELLIGENCER SWrt. u ant'. Griay 4MIL aïbo TTUW TBY iI~IUhRthIOIL ,IJCLTURALW(RKS H IARTFORD O'~RFNRY S E I NOTJUE! Wasryag.d naI b Iho bit PLSLM WOEAý,4,ç< RETAIL SIgeReapers, dS~geReapers and c]IEA»lt, ANIMowérs, and Rçepersom biilede THE 1 A1~1VITI4 AS.Hm EE$Te Subecribers would cali the attention of the Agricuuý oPTH E B. t LL ~ F rnl rg Soe! tural-COfluunity totheir Stock of'. 1pm'ënts 'wheeyull-be fourid. almoéth ~~j2~~~-iaty.u StoreXt~ everythi]g teFfarzner nyrqie adep5a at;this scason of the year, "WhftqJa' 1, 86.028 O HIRSTCOK 0F oir, teilme,,,wiiere thén bu) est thilie. "pntYJl waagtitegj1eadgéio8milth Vve l"tabula rppuz lese jfiomntbe dStéobe youegalibip'b Rien baby w111 crw viin Paareada theneow§' 'And Mdanne viL lilklthatteud, DeB tbhe,-unes yà= FÂ u nxp Enuh abrGray. you have Ito n rad Ao t-u.Mnat theb.#hop le fur menc For you know ofrlthe asool I's truatce TjlOMPIlSON & SON, OnfrDlO. NOTED PAR AND WIDIS FOR OHEAP CLOTHING! AND DRY COODS. roroi.tc, lMayp8, 8?27ut LATEST FA&sIioSS DII3,A ND J. W. Eradleys oelebr-atd Patent DIUPLEX, ELLIPTIC. The wonderlul flexibiiitY and great confort anà Pcasure te uni1Lady yeululb8. u lùé ~Elliptia gitit aili b.cî8c gdprt l i hail urovi ed Asseubii, Opore. Gariagel, B lad Car-' Cbnrch &zem, inChairs, for Proaicuade su 11005e Dieu, matbe Sirt oaLe fOldedt uben I use to4Socupy asut.)I lacu ai etsly nd coui an in ly ma51 r Vuiln" Brus., u Iat'aloa hi. qaltin crinoline, net iound Iu ani single Bxipg A Lady buring enjnyeà 1h. pleâoture. C,fnrl and groat etscnienCe of* earinghhe Duplex El- liîticSîcOl Sprlng Skirî for asinglo dtiy,wilnoer a terwards wîliingly dispense wilbth efr use. For Children, Milisos. atd Young Ladies they are an- crior te ail otiîers. They wuil not bond or break Ile a Single Spring but wili preservo their perfect ami graceful shape viientitre. r-four ordlnaty shirts will have heon [lhrown asile as useless. T ho hoops are coyered wlth double and twisted thread, andil tie bottouj roda are not oni>y double spîringu, but twice<or dou. hie) covreol: preveulihg thenfr- eaing oui when dragging dowu stoups, utaru, &o., the Duplix Elliptie la a leat turorito wlth*Il ladies and laonii'tially risenedI b h Fapçhion Mageasie t he Staudrd Skirt cf thx Fashlonabio Wcnid., To enjoy thc foiowlmg inestliable adrantagueâ l 1crinoline, mi-: upersor qu"lty, perfect mnufka turc, styZiiih ashupe &kn Suis Uxbiity. tlum>MitYi coantort, andeom,> enqir foi J. W. B4&ey's Dopiex ElIliptie. or Double Sprittg Shirt, and b sure you gOlt b. genuine article. r CAUIOl4-To gurd against lwllottti011 bu pe -rticular t. notice ltat skirts offert'! us'Duplex a h e av im ed hit atuenop,rWs,'J]Blraley'& Dup. lez ElhiptiocEtoci Springs,, upva the wuiztbaud- noneothiers-are geuneéAfec notice that every lloop viii adit a pin b.lag passd tbreugh tb. Fcentre, t b rvaiiox that beo t doubsil pringt bislded gehr thereiu, wlliob la ltse 0cmet ci beu fluxlbilty.and streugti, sud a cocbinatoer not 10h.e foudin asti other sBk"t For SAde in aIl l tomswbus IlÏtpla shirts Sart nid througmout tte, United 'Sttesê nCdelrowbella, Manutoeturcd by UtliOIlo fWni à cf thet Patél Look, Read 'and Les=u TflaT TII1Ë GREAT 0F TUE CELEI3RATED INDI AN DR. LEWIS JOSEPIIUS,OF TUE DISTINOUISIIED -TRIBE' TISHS OLSBI,- 18 N OLUMBIA, SALE FI CANADA, 1T HJ 3ailI-pcssewiig Oret lRnlim emedy, la warrautod, and in bronl jand empimatio han- gagsewve cat uehly my be rehied onen te inake a -erithanen curfe of diseuses orflime T broat, LnoieKidueys, Digeetive Organs, ko4, as we à as Seofula, lte -yeins titan Dbqemasa, lZu- ààors, 'ýzau a k4inoaes ariaimDg frei I"ieitïyof the lllod ,xeltglte tbrC stee Of" unp- lon.- lh.Wesntera n uI'y iesla,<r Renel> ýbis hein lu taie for a short titas, il ha@ in. Coud ,llioted orne of te most Marvellous Cures recordolt u the annaisotf lietoricat Mledicine. $ncb bcit.g tbeusin addition,-se Il. former rpnown andù sebsi ,w. doiythinïant!y tôdisfpute the faët he ta Iilte OreatslonsimonesRemeey, iu connectitàn with lte Siotioneas Vegetable hexto- rallye Pi'h, i le BMtedy l lnes thlie lUth cotury, sud1tii.greatesî bocuer haid at the alw ar outferugiÙmalnity,. ýuP * o f lte RenieS> te large Pints ,81. - & sl b i-Druggiata sud Doaions in Mcdi- NOIITIRUP & LYMAN, 2Newcastle, C. W,ý Ucacrul Agent for Canada* wbtby,ny 19, 1866. Sffi vroi0 CONF( BUTIE REAPE RS :& MWERS"8 Of several kinds, and" of .the Latest Mak-e. Towhchal thé Lates: In1povmCtfi' nd ne.esda by practicabi. #.oI. during hoIat season, bave ý,been added.' iteaper aid'Mower Combine&.'The .Manns ning n1 junior Moweî - oianyan-d'all of the above Meachines 'Tba3farè'being.manufactured with care, Reaper anid'GayYU8* Iwo invite a trial > 0ih And can be guarrante;d 80 the purcha-ser i'0_givoa ttsfac ion trial, or DO sale. j BROWN & PATTERSON- MôGROS "IN-& -< Wholeoale & RetailZIamufactureri &: ave oen haud the laren, and fl:eit neortment'of Mink, )1N ! !and Black.Rusain'4 lnmb, an4 ail t] )li~!!!VARiT-TES0FFU IUEt the Upper Province. Buffuiu-ad Fauç>8lcigbh Robe FU~ UUI Q~ane, De. 5,8 î~AD m-A. P RRI A ý,TC A L A good TUE UHARTFORID LIVB STOCK ~ Hatorconne*Ati Q - whicli he is determined lierei AI? A ksmALAD'VIQCE-i Pogitivele no goédsdeivsrcd unZe&s N, ..4t wonld say ljthose whe are indet seulement of teir reapeetive co<ounts ciust ho mcdo, r paidfor a imeoe ]REYIER1 -fIUSI t8d/ci.ýhivn, that ioiiidai Arkell'a îqi) Corner of ïàig & it1kéts~ - bithy, Mqay2, 1867, %oys, and Clîtrms. cuti i gotiis, - e ,,t.noker amtJW hher t Watchcs, or Cliaino) jamüe W"a 'NA 1- 1 1 - wu.

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