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Whitby Gazette, 16 Feb 1871, p. 3

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TGILASSWARI conseqtlence of a contemipla io upor Chera ,h ontirpriso Th Nat eny fut dol[ sr 0, te etI a ]g .ýe. 0 piat nca,,- nCtiseir fibe vÎ4 ata Adasi B.tro,aen,J. W L. 'JO."ph Whitoi, J D. AhIx. Atierýi, 1, . Drli. O;tMvt. SaOr. STitan-à e Dhwttll, Stllevaard. (i VWos. Cl)iV-lY, 'd. ~ .Bm. . A. Jrc Tyer. STRAtasetFATÂsIr.-An craItuo mcysn .Reeretiy se reported a terribWl Occiîicîne hantheGrand iTrutek Riiwey' aie rs talr, y mles s ýbrîl. eemn na. naient ecrge Baetlvli iSils itae ll i- es 'iitifiht'lyt ingci îe iiap. tao P;rge %vaiselente ta (ha U.faiad aitnear wiol hich cUý lst eith ncee4riy ati bamdo n i1nludie.1 leur yessng teescf Kingsoni, cteact Sath 1Bey lmeýt fti. Tisre uppeers of' to have liensa igarfhitaiity attacietl tii a-ilconeecd miii the vessei. Titi q i ' it ,uy ee b go neraiiy keewi, îLàto ee s oroesbody ses cre rseavcrnd,,fines Ibsi let, dmaifilsrerit. h twes iedhetltacsl on tat o f te Oeeof Mr. I>tiridlc t efBtrie-. 1te fil, aid burîietnoe iPltes. It mii. te. thseopinios of ail Whio nta*the bady, ilcet of lite decaced iîsd met a violait decth- prebaieiy by thii falla5 c f a epic. -hehe irer Oninrîs. itas fureimhcd'a watery grive fr ce, yeceg 1Petricios seras ecomparians. eoccident ctaurrcd lest ceeu en-thn eed cseceosiac f Scott by Which a Young mis- 1A itiesi l.itemsctcee f MI P. lus dilate- or ie iin iedi. The'le oural i ges ta j r, filewing prffcuars -t LPetp tin t ttttc chltisho and hiebrather cea tittiog down omae preoetocl t ept- t ef te s tesen pepst Y.Tise report 3 tysiteof aceascueitf. Z i h ef Wl2,50 for wed. 1It andati tist aIieier Wliîe's femmaea n t e-te-harefr 0'm Rîseetli nMtein cothe SOith' mityser mie g îtrouctds eu pre5ttrty rentjittoe aisooil ssis course f iotios is Cisc s merles refarrinE e i ttent cemnmea aitit intuceStol ýr tishee eatiy crthisco, le a of tise Sceieoa o e srti. AéguC tS orTAXEu. 'lillauMOVmrei4Iltis te collecter. to maa a rature of thsee nimas 0 he s' ies ~arc st aCeid,a1tishe gof the coictl.- aulol h swe@ abnirete peea8oel We SUd raaatIy then ets o rettruornUthe )oocîrm reell fMareov and yei ns ara osteol csllecter cama boreancd tl pcii hir taxes, sfors lthe tissu becernisieIt *s abmnrd, ani Q4"ek retýiîire elle tisest Il. 410 1* ~ iilctou es ittr reoivicg te lbis litd ** ncceesises up te tuhe untof lài dutis. Tisedcecaeed wce lcgily s- ltereaily al lioe ees'inii. CorNsccamar otN.-Tliis Tecrcûe Leader sys:-Tbars ile a eseo f ccss5ereftssalseudfdoltr cins ln circulties in te ity, wlîieiî ecry r- Hemibi tise genuise-tise seiy prceptible diffsresce ca aste dailisisciler of tise bise mtil'aed tisSa esemiit inforior tetpieg of thCiscbarieîîra bitt lises iii bla Écely be notlscd ly a ceosuai ies et, Tsob fry sspicionse inkieg coin isy ingite., s'it h i sh abun thCiscelliy ,aCisd ecrnkiiy ati 'hc. fBtter loit eut cltccdiuc. eappsaed egin ut tue ilebaftl ic' hall o e' L'cdiy -siglittala c ýsdcd bass, 'cl ecs vecciecolcfinri sondc appiaso. Hl i l appeor utCPrine tAI* ler ce Frlday, ced at BecekiilonteSiCuir- lo1y olczhl, by speciat reqesci. Our ficede nerlis caceel apend a moeLjs so1e u sves- ig tissu by visitioietTaylor. A New' Po4T O' r ' e A ZsTîE.-üosm- plaiteara bios made ttisa grat4 inceo- vesoue w his àtisaeaidsoîs cf ley Ares put le;;Cliy bcbg eisiged te traerl tele CicKinalpsti peel e for tee ia u~'il restegi; Te ntabslsmet OF'« eâ st 4seeiy eno li ea egreaLaccomcmodsa. tic te lie greelait horgalieuti cood *e tutegbSrta til bl a1i te lA cneu! e!sateae Q UI(I. , un hure d4sBcaacd a lecture et Duffiae naja Usa tc"doli e at lrsah, as Taeaday sighut , bita evring Sr~elt, or boss' olec 5terta5Elethe tretisen'on ishe scsi e lic ïe se- lied hy sturoingittliiasieS. aýIli ,ray-.Peul heis.e uericed inas5ste, ha filed ta appsaýr, te ao Gt Cf h(,,groaat di8epbntnienof ua large noc- ns s arodcie vote or 6£bl- er onssW ho nesamblil Lutinhcea %-aegqrs. irs aI toillin, c ie cila.1. , 13 1 S tt e, ersu, adPlp ; o h ni ra, DiReauayRi, ClareeandotAszmn.-.Aà ilha eSby utinertisa. IL%Csc' ruAsEs. rmet ins ehr ce'mn, lise Spri-le'Ae«",a ns oquied if therre Vansent a wdliL eldntetole t OtsMarcS saut. -clog un treosionttraedes ?[e i fof UUTONn il eme tat henea ces tressaittaco. Gnesa eaats.A ites andi utl P scS 'e ths ea, thseby adtt., in seller colinonse, NM. Welnce- I e put in farc, boa tietda ûneignmcet of edry gesls or raelnol thiitiseecas sasnb &, whcllei lI ha nferenel'orsaesly a9a- itttlst tîâ prîtes JII4 bctina ay vn n ifiletaor.- vthist tte Lai e "atran. isae7 eaes 9,q0 $tih" *olj ha bore ) py tes. Th in itt wDa ed A t Toront, on elsat t., by the lIov afl lMoael r«tee*I a . r Gns'1e GohiweolHertHopkies, U94q gcE isbetbs *w4ns of the late T.N Soloue.lq., éMl efWhti.-ls toc. MîX -.To a lcnwîcîg, ej k, at a, reduction of frein 101 NOW ffomn me, at te Chequer Stc at the reluction nati, pi IS, biut sîbmpiyv to redue th pîep to 04a OS051tot) (1Ont M lj,-tLlnei i 1E, theoiîi(y one ioAnd tole Ilite best àaisd sttfni, -.5e Clitistnaq and lite IloIi!ay requirernelt, î) ta ibd mn o tasfoar timin t heiapries qtîataýid V, 0its pair p 50nt leurrois lne\cCorralis, choece, P 25 cents per lBox. Ait kinds of intetat othier lirus -tte oi liitl . i v pe ofî s th te vçry bai, i .brd r ltitîe, 50 hait iaeirols, iit fi [ilei- I 'artnar' vise; 0(bderiabs, labacrnils. ffl)N't LOS1l rlatice rts tlesabnve staticn uf rnductiiao tcof prie j of, WIIITBY, D90I. 14, iTe. N) fÇX~.- XU.îcc'tîin uss v n4t itt1 ;t 1) ýr*h't1 iertfilia, I)tci ta plar- traco as Ilithe ilandttiis î a Sl4ctar, for ti ttt. I ioimi.aed. orsi ige i my besiness, I wiII offer1 prcent. Cash purohaLsers can nii (ia abovetîie. ,lay rost aqs 1urei tiat It jg Tiopt for ý-<nc hanti by thç first of Jania ry ne'IC, te ýen e.lnabledl to parT cs Vaimanota Raistins, lin pouni; 5U do. olti, Cii Io,%, prioes; Il peunde rlà,linür, t09 barr be strîiiy cash, at gLeat ad1 lpr lb., or 12 lin5 sonîtianti gead< ir for $1. -bitglish Carie A.WLE R, The Cbequcr Stori ii. Ttîlrgs s etîltel by dise flrst Janitty, 11Paiiai to d'aitlis iii order ta catrry ont iny blteias Cents on every1 of clearinS oùo 0 changes 1 contem. *. nuil he reduced ns ryrîtl be<tIsposeti of *Iethe foi -fçt' $ 100 Boxe. co leni Uer pountii bnlt,) 100 bs a4,1 fve in. Bag, for tou wiiI be TIIO3I . LWLER. a ExrardnayB:irgaius ;[or Cash JOHN S5[NNER'S$ Cho-ap Cash Dry Goods Store Aproeult t%'evety ei stonior malýi,% ppîrclases to the olcî f$1 roeto tle va- lîsî of ton Cae 't ,cach dellar botglit, l'es t h iry days sale haioci cees redutce-t in pri-e, atsd afilgeoda coi]îticote sutlj-ec ta lhe canereduitinti. fl-Ct c rciitser tu, the atiotcîonf ql1o, gettitieti to-$4 vortlî<as alre- senti; do. $21 itll o 82; do. $10 erorlit us $L; do, $5 Wortlc, ta 0esOc1 do $4 eoîth; olMte. 'len cents te te Daller girrît ýcl usooWr. Theto CeaIe c-Aill redlicâ tIn price, and a gitt lnides. 'his id an a£l,, se liberel, thai %ve fi'al asstnceel bat mnit frictensii a krýlv availt honselvss of te advattges of the 'saiei tie Iltittcets oftetruitetincrrase 011iale, by ta î)11cefi g teanv ottrome rs le tohç hap<Jesh Dry Guods $tro. lcisitmrscat have teir chtice of lirst- t ol Ib eneire .itaoi.'Thtis saite tnis rttny the eatrenn f l, esprciaiiy hose bnying iargeiv ror tiîîlv.W i tIbetad ofour rpulwîinf4r giviiug iargains chtnapet t1imi eccae JOHN SKINiNER W-XV. ITBYj sie Tn aIR c AR IC ARI Cheap Ca, h 'Store. Wl NK I Joli. ,174) , "re Amnn rEti7i1Soký1rltrd i the l NI I ett'te thie BîcI., tîinteanw tees suhooniteci. th.sh1mat listl e he tfiei, th ttis Pro. I- 0 aRFZ'V viietcl Diredito e O e taidtçit e ate leatA BNN1t.hI~iPIR CENT Q E3 on it AOut soiitolD. TO SUIT T enteid sai tl in c= s the e lti e ocs a i . et te. %teAOsLIa T or ose to Usstiiden' Whtuty. se an ftertitis, deu". UP11 Ser fiterttiarts ateppiy te tisa autrice -jfBig IJbf .3 MES AUJSTIN, Jveylug m PRI19G tlOWLbe4D, 8 JAMES BOLDAflN, JOSlEPR l 11 lD Cais cd. R UFt. NORDaINIKRa, Bu abla', dot sudteratranted- Koaeraateee 25, PELT SosEe, i14P plu'tt? CT kUUINXII.N TO 1t19LABAIU & (OMPLETIC STOCK CI? IONEY TO LO Ii1IÂRRIAGECE N E 'd1S m endd l'n ýlX y tUeL%,n. z'cme.ume oar T wnotly lem a e ,, i ePr se.,4 5*eCeteal.Osre. ,usrietm. H08. HUSTON$ IE9M'LOC K BAIRK Jati tOs i Luer f Merriae c"ms1 &Mdl ea17 IItLA P. 1. ssu"yerLc.i.efmCo emeiesy T ~~~~l '5 125Cb t51. wbltbY. ITU 4ree-A1.01et.1111111aai- !sdrm.-mroe ontith ofTusi a u . KI N CGIUR cc.i a res Wltt. ae t , ai8tis . mwoceeeaX cueufAr cees -y .s"Lasine utor e Thestsu4 Pe aeeed ttos M0007'Onas bt«,,îk -. t"dataati l t freblec, JESU 855 ~ tei __ BILLIAR] FAJII PONROIERUY tneAstvaaaFlow e x el B mase.b. ..ettoLEt c Q~AT 111E Re~ A A ofaen t-1.' mutà , 1sficieO<e5 1 dcugsdrn i gn &IBtsh. îz~ ue O suniaIcit CALF exxist. - ý-dsS W&.LL&C, c es ill b. Pmo. e oy tten e t is. ASU PAl>VFUR BIDES * ~ ~ OS 5,5e a-1lt.te"" TiaErauar AND BILLIA (tinsBar iq, nîîod;P basi tyl. F iat-ste, atet. Mcci, et Jaenty 4, 1870. Port stcy -aacîle Il RSTAURANT [APPARLORS, 9.i~r. scie,. 0V, Aùl fuand comj Whiib', (Oct. 5, 1870 Dry Gocods at HÂM LT9 Are eàffaing ZOCEI1IES.7 1~ BRANDSY, RM. 1jBîmWT iprices1 Bangans. loting et - order in tics musC iîyiesi T"es tc c Iàmilaiiy roccrits, landeibc bot 1yoat wiibo r-î t. te tact rC ocsissd cotict' *. AllaIt s'eu adttaed, te tty tse 1lîey boagist a boitte titLtsr. I sonitseeitte 0se it t4ree batltîs, wbée, te saessois-, y îttnees, and ber. boeno eer .15155IVER. a t $,oîîthiotd,. titieMtedny ef 1. M. %tRc!.laciXTe, J. P. bors of LUes'Diseuase cecaoKto. Aprî i t, 1870. tI, ce.StTba( te r- e n e ala tberlo, o. ttc c v oc (t beiunbeor tias aisti et ofte tSi-1.eA Aita t rlocf Cwe dayeà e ocatily btte. Obo sos- e Cha.y ittiy tise lMeto bs tise à ne' abtetsoý it up. B le Iatt Cor lise basait cf . OseWNc, iseimetbediat Misietter. ERYUOI1) y TIF. TlIS, tro O s' c ul 10th boac s mlieà Bifase )OM S. Ladies, Furs BOytl,' 1o ;A l IreltIf Bo2s'. theap. ,Millit'lory uirris, Raisins, of t?.4MILY GIlOCE lnriug antd Dreos-nal lby, Dec. 14, 1870. .Asortxneflt 1esFur Cape, Bîifalo !W t oathittg, situtable for lihe sesetia tecacy cleenianassortolsant of IPeals, Nuls, &c.; aise à genc g î -nSugers, Oaffes, Sauce$, ne tac Oret LOWES, & POWEL li. l.J'aneso Bas resctintIy recetil another large sup yof ~~R6CE RiES, WINEI Liqior, O.aio a. Stock of ExceBc'bîlit Teaf (inack, Gircci andi Gunpowiei,.1 O)ystera, Oraigegt Lýîious, Fne u4e,&(el lt* A Call soliciteil. IoL LMESC !k Sret, or TRE 'DEST MI-E! A Cali Is reslpctfullj ý'soiciteuL. c>. FACTORY,ý cor 1 r th .day,ý Grea*

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