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Whitby Gazette, 9 Oct 1873, p. 3

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TREASURER'S SALE 0F1 F0OR AJRR-AS 0P T-A,, COUNTY 0F ONUE1I0, BY VIRTUE OP1 À WAIlItA 1 '10 WIT: 5 lhaud of the Wardén, and the Se& cf Onatario, bearing date the Twenty-fifth day of Juce, in thea Oie Theilsend Light Jfoodred sud Svnytre coxade thé saveral lande lierhéiafter mntionDéf and deeeribed in îltht Ontario, for, arreare of Tex due thereo'n, togetléer with: obstî. notice that unlées the said arreafs andl Cete iére soonor paid ,0,TUBDAYe THE 28th DAY 01? OCTOBI Atthé hoiér of Ton o'uloch, in thé forenoon, ait the CÔURT1 tf0WbT OF WIIITBY,, ini the (JountY of Ontario, £roceed to Action,.the emadLands', orése moueli thaéof ae may be neceoss thé Téaxee mdc laïwful charges. WHITOY. 606 89 cie 69 Lot mouse anaI Lote85 14 160 24 12 12 12 PL. f W 2 of Sa7 28 lolck D, B9. Wter Lots 2 'Village Lais 1 1920 e1 haf f S îaif 1. Ptef 8. helf W Iaf 22 S 'W qi'irle 119 of Il IV quter10 8 IVPt 20 X W quarter 19 15 ti 1plF 1l 0 pult 18 E pri 20 e art 21 S Wpart 6 1puta4et4 Tus Co de #14 28 8 de 880 do 8il .P. PËBBY'E PLAN 0F BBoOKLII du O61 don 081 do 00 PIC KERING.. Cen la. F. Foaslned Fox do 08 48 do 0 85 do 0 82 do0 5188 do 8254 do' 15 86) e10 1 il do 0888 do 5164 deo 1801 do 7101 do 2 00 FAIRPORT IN rIOletING. I Ferald. i1 In do 1 13 do 0 44 do 43 do 481 Biecl St. 4 44 il aiSt., 8 :1) 040114 St., 2 44 Con 1 4 14 14 Sshb-dhrtsion of Let 1 in Bleck .. Lt No. 4 Bok E 81 Lot F 77 95 93 103 Wl 104 100 107 110 Ili1 184 tt Cou W ofsWi 29 8 h7ialf 88 4 18 E6,chr l iWat 10 of NW part 10 Twsrete Si. Bl.ck B lot 14 R -128 FFp,, M H "47 V 168 V 168 bal. REACH, Actes P<teteld 4 do 80 (do 50 do 11)0 do 47 do 2 do e do 81) do 20)0 du ae do 101) 73 paialoutd lot) de 24 do 141 do 4 do t' do '0 de 13 17) 2 4 18 ,INCE ALBERT, l'atentîd .Fot do 813242 do 101i de si: do 281 ORT latecîrd de dio do du do dIO do do do PERRV. Tetx 821 82 23 0 28 57 20 28 48 38 14 73 10 20 20 1 0) 20) 73 17 112 UXBRIDGE. Acres Pateutsd Uri ilI lii do 74 do 8 do TXBilIDGE VILLAGI 7of lot do Lof jcr Iof lot (tc SCUGOG. Lot Cou. Ares Paîreale N W engle 10 lu il do SCOTT. Lot Con Acres Péicuicd 82 1 1200 do 88 1 200 ) do W haîf os 2 28 do W lésf 15 S 81 (1o W latf 15 8 49 do SWeangle 19 a 21 do 8 Wp art 20 8 15 do E hafof W j24 8 61)<0 do W iafolE 127 a8 ICI sdo E k haa~i lI)) 111,hie ýlea 84 4 M1 pateotud 84 4 84 do 85 4 121) do S Wpart 19 5 24 do cf 8 W quarter 2 5 42 de W éaia 20 5 10 do 8 W quarter 122 5 8 do E part 85 S 81 do E puIt 85 5 290 du SW part 7 Bi8 do 21 8 251 do BROOK. Lot Cou Acres baeted 9 2 168 do 9 2 ;4 de W Wquarter 10 82 150 ads W haifof E j:19 82 150 do N W quartr 22 2 5:0 de là half 19 2 1)00 do 12 8 21i) 3 do N haif 1la S 10 do N quarter 24 5 10 do 8 haf 18 4 100 do 8 part 21 O 15 de YVLqI 7 .7 g ds N E qatr 11. 681) de w haife 19 9 100 do Part 18 :1 651 do Ji E uartr 7 14 50 do of 8hall! 9 14 24 de of e liaf 8 14 76 de xlOialf ofSul1 14 50 do TMORLAH. ut Con Acres Pateuted a East pat 5 I 6a ade 13E corner O6 il do Ptsof N hsf 7 t 871 do sWt&Ni 9 ~150 do 8BWcorner 7 2 4 do North Uélf 8 2 100 do Southnhalf 9 a 88 do a8W ia ter la a 41 do Ftief,;Waif 13 ô * de 13 5 do a. 3xa 59du PhOf E haif130 t do n of Whalfli3 5 de 30ea411IéI2f S 6 100 de P of W iasé8 5 40 de ptdfEhouf14 a8d9 Ta% 81 62 6 80 82 45 2 06 1 94 82 a 05 Tax Tais $88 9i 38 91 7 30 If) 85) 9 24 14 25 816b 28 71 83 047) 23 99 38 22 10 75 17 61I 81i 14 8 86 7 918 Ta% 1981 920 18 801 16 72 lm8 30 80 108 lie 72 5 72 8 88 0 14 4 760 18 30 8 82 0921 12 81 Tai 13 12 14077 60 19 52 à a3 58 8w 287 22 9 a 1 LAr ,eal of, Il year of1 mue teh aid C( 1 lier ary te 11. I18 1 14 1 18 1 18 l 1 8:1 l 1 00) 3 11la 4 1)07 a 1 88 1 1 0 151 a 04 1 ot 21 11 l 1)if) 1 19 L 1 05 691 $1)))) h8 1 29 1e 131) 50 10,14 91 1 048 01 1 là1 21) 1 01 26 2 41 57 1187 75 1 48 93 1 I1 '4 1287 58 10)4 87 1:14a 73 1 00 67 1 co3 t06) c $1 57 t 44 318 t82 I28 i51 t 48 Coult 2 1 77 3O 1 15 15 1 79 3 1881 4 18on V, 11 M 1106 Cccl 81 15 1 v;, 1 n4î i 741 i914 1 25 1431 1 761 O21 1 18 Coet i21 1 43 1 43 1 78 S3 112 12t) a 980 1 10 2 1 19 1 07 8 27 coist 1 1$636 7 810 a 153 2 1 47 U 1712 k3 1:12 m4 124 DS !part 14~ of South 1half 141 Ptof Elialf 1 Pt of E liarT i of cfNortli lhalli2 c'f forth lialf 2I Scelluf 2 înder, the, cf uerlhitaîf 4 ih on Pt cf nortli j 4 f ce ýr Coî t ,ô f N hif e our o~rlP f X 1liaife 1ev7 ito f scuallé part' 1 ie ti ty fo f ef o ath p rt i ohO f ncnth half 8 of cotéliif lË cf racrtl aîf 5 uFX iof acrîli hall 5 ojlalialf in, léte SE part :1 &iuâli lloth udf 4 of aclle c W partl le & te Total. 88: 50 e84 8 S Iouth apart 16 Northi part l6 Niorîl lf 18 (l 76 Scllé lénîaf 161 6l 76 cf ceallaliaIf 19 07c,18 ýi74114 7 2)02& 7 20 1 7 20)21 17 Total. 23 22 84 68 17 0 13 4 61 17 24 2 :1 6 76 61 47 e i1i SB10 2 17 2 16 142 6 42 4 61 5 4 i 49 $2 71 Id 47 18 47 Il75 4 01) 1 18 880 à 88 14 94 19 18 10 14 16 71 1 16 2 81 FTotal. 284 281 868 Totl. 24 64 214 19 72 15 84 il 49 22 41 Totlal. $17 75 339 8 013 8 109 14 88 1 47 4 il Tol. $7 82 $408861 41) 88 8 12 1 4) là 59 4 22 i)411 84 90I o') 57 4) 16 7 i 7 8 Co Fron ern Frn 4 N0 bll N hall N aalr Shaf N port 4 N Epanh 4 N hal' of N haif 4 N<rtl a ld 15 Southlilia<f là Sot af 12 eSouth hein 69 eliaauah hall South nal If 7 North ha aïrl 1. Souathlalif 18 Nei..hliha )i Nocrthlaf 8 North l f 13 ceah i al 72 Southahall 8 Soutahhal 9 .Northlahall 73 Norhiaiaé1ieî 13 Sout aité lf 12 ci 2 ciut lieiîf 2à ô :Seuth hall 51 ,Souath br it 10 pr ler 13' Northa hall 2 8. 3 Coan)y Trrejiirerao Office, 1 WhîitLy, JuI3,y1, 1878. i U2 do 71 do 255 do 71 do 1:18 do 41 do 88 do :11 do 8 do 164 do 89 dii 2:18 do 8:1 de 10 do 10 old by 0cr. 28 (Io 100 1 do 67 do 10 ocputcnted RAMA. Acres patented 88 do is do 120 do 108 do 100 de 100 do 200 de 100 ) do 15 0 do 10 do il)() do 1010 do 100 do 100 do 10:1 do 100 do 100 CdO 25 do 75 do MARA. ,Acs Patiuud COe old ty0cv. Ion)0 dc 20 160 Pniscuad 4W) dc 24 dc 75 dc 28 dia 125 dc 133 ,csldilby 0. 100 Paliaicai 4: dc 5t dc 200 .sld by Lc. ic0 doa 1 00 oépaîscîsd Oi0O do 2,0 rid by 0ev. 196 200 Pcécteid 1001 dc 100) do 100 do 200 dc 10 do 100 do 100 do 100 do :00 do 100 dc 100) d 200 ics 100 dc 100 du 1010 de 100 dc 10 dc 200 iéc)iaeéied k Patectod 1110 ccitaaiisd i10 éald .10 iauiaaîeciod 'dO lui) de 21 do 70 do M) 1 do 211 de 10 do aI icattd 15 611 4 21 2848 8047 7914 S0 870 4 87' 10 28 S8 8 72, 8 78 26 27 7 60 84 où 17 28 Ira% $128:18 82 78 86É988 17 21 20 04 05 49 10 67 14 80 14 81) 17 80 9 10 17 84 il :8 28 72 2 61 4 l8i 4088 7 7 ,paro $12384 94 0 1 78 38 fi) 13 :0 773 t 4 24 C69 82 85 14 45 27 53 20 Un 29 74 13 1Ut 2i 73 à 39' 14 14 27 51 i41 830< 203 7 39 20 33 lai 8l 11 38 031 1832K 1681 4 93 MU0 73 22 24 la 021 20 21 lé4 87 . 9 41 73:3 14 4iý 9 21 P. TAYLOR, TîtEcSVcIEa COrove oOF'NARIO. Tien Siibeeiheijs hcg lu iîîioriiî tiéir Old Friends, ac- q-iintincoq, andthie publie lu gcjri, i aot tlîry have entered juteatJo.pikrcerahip, and ère now buey opeing up a largo otw and wll sluteid Stock of- Ulice Fairfily Groeccies, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, China, Glass, Crockery. 'Earthcîi Ware, Table Cutlcry,&î, Ail orf vlich %s i1i ho ready for inspection on SATUIRDA'Y, THE l3th INSTANT, On mhiich day îiîcy kiîtdiy éolicit a caii. 1873. aO WIIJTBYPHARI\ACY. Paris Green, Tidnan's Sea Salt, Carbolie Disinfectaîît Powder, Hlaving bought the business of ME. JOIEN 1873. KElTII, parties wishing Goal arid W ood will find a full supply always on band, clîeap for Nash. Weight and measflrQ guaranfteed. wVhithy, Augmnét e, 1878. A. alexander 40 Broîno Cliloralum, the ncw Disinfcctant, Non- sP~R I rG s u I "s Poisonous. Bishop's English Citrate of Maguîesia, Genuinie West India Lime Juice, Also a complete assortmcent of tazarus & Morris' ?erfected Spectacles. JAS. Il. GER111E & CO. Wyliitby, July, S. 1973. CitENISIS & DRUGQIST 2 9)9 N. 1.Ti hIiglwésî jîice paiel lotrButter, 1'ps oued Ç. AI) 34 1111111 ecP II 51 0180Poulry. AGRICULYURAL 117 .IU UiO Gc IAiVELL,. ~ TO OnN'E14 0or 91 EW . PIVILL.- .. Farni Propertv 817 57 P. S.-L NO. 1, hegna b liiiorun al l hs O1si ruieumds - -O "oi:Yciai'Pi'Y I1- 2 10 51 and Ciéelciersthat Youncg No. 1, and ie Patuetsr have coameaéurrdiepin ae1 19 731(lie Aboe sStore, ftie itoeaiforenerly oecujid hy inr. 1R. Fraaei.) l waaîosbc o Inlsh oomu, oror A)kiiiiet's Dc<gi AQIULTURU 18 12 feuad a Large aud Weil Selocted Stock.ai Store, Ring Ilireei, 1oCiaaoa. N'U-A;CýCO P Y 1913 OLD t hego éivite ai] is sld Fritpds te caîl and exeaine Stock for tem, Termeî,igu, shdtuaWan 'rla baedon SLA C CO P N 15205 selres hefore paiclaaeiiig îseshero. 1 Save, l7th N0iia, :1OLOa 40 fi84 rNeaIeA Spt, 173 4 8 09YEOM N CISONfffed Qiiarofor 07. nade, Kingston. 121TUEEORIGINAL01,23-NO. A GRAND iNION ThaecacaL oýii.Sa,,cýCeoranv insur 5 8601'Withy, Seplîmber tLi0,aaalaaaaa' P45iaa'ad asoued 04 98511 PlougshingM tch a'ea il15 1-1GENERAL BLACESIiTHING i t0.'312COT'TAG 3 A LE 8.0.ASng IVI h ,:R T$................ $750,008e 5) 02 FWiié k laesou thesF.4 R NI 0F Oeil. Ic ýi,,la th- Icac'c ao-ln, 'rit .....-.a--Uuaaalero:1gnelfrm orvale a Frenine M .CAI101PItelN, l' to,le ........ ee no 81 ORE-HO N , 'Caattage,cntl a quartner cf aane Ioeladi a roln -a, n IV oodrý etewoiggnlmni dilèachd, itiatod allaLot Ne. 7,.in thic Cta elec8,Olaa.ciIs al<îairl l a:ciggcls Clceoccaaaof Pikeing. Ilacroe -l a TL'ESDAYa 11"iu Toae[aIî 1873), he , .. a.iacir et tIlaclîcaie o 1hn TtlWILLIAM WATERBHOUSElStableI, WoOda6hod, agocdAbcoll af Mcter. iL,,M .1, .B e- -t 82,32 66 Prace eé.ÂOOW, SCOTL«D, ciii e Giclera ia i.t aleaaaaeaca Oc dos Wlaoc pris". te the alaîe'I$el eau lau o.a l'E3 . Far.scil, 1 -'1. UarrIîIOn. 4 481~frcééltirent ofeait decrriptieons. awC. r at.I e IS.tITi eoaaieo e)e telaoc olod inOhe 104 271 Blege te arquainél lIe h7armnerset h sor Fr th er "erwi.oe, 1ofeooeiian. îece y i on0s for Io" 8. 46d ) îolninding counotry and ltée rusîdecte of îthe O6 à.,e.* hl.E cad "r0Q 8 01Toiwn. Gut lis lacs purnlaéced the pPerainl5 SAMUEL SNELL. %MitbyOSp- 2à,1. ..eot.la3,L 20 9f Mr. Alei. Plire, octé un a et the d-dO ér. w.i. JOSOSaca U ce.l A 9t Atd, Periécu Si 24 WhiObY, oppoite AUt 14int"& ClanrclawlaceOiir~Ie "., E ut- - 011 01.Ag0.ica 6 3 lie 0111las prryarcul Oca ieai.kindsocf tIen- jW-..il O3ileT. lO , î-19%AgIe oburg e 45 r2~oaaeleé.icée,&.SKIN DISEASES! JAS. POELrrL, cf îîîe lhote" hile04 li.4 ccd work ecotod ~~~BrookhlIas ecer of lîîlalao ialiu'i,liée __________ 71 Cige oderale, adwokexec t nei1li esed(fre) Sl ucit aorSMy V7081)8 "teaCîydeaalioSialila e. oaal gINaO r ANTE 1 10 14 preoiptly. TAB9LE iALM2d. ,o,ocag piéspjeicu lacI ilas ' pu-icîc. at Ilue t'aallcî7 EaUl 8 814 CM.'0\ATEBHROUSE. 11,cr,, iluslae, Fumlre. 31.oh seaéd Taica' fCtlewom-e 13 021 sasa tht st -is. e cd isaîhi.a lalhi laaO l. Aý show for ICo f he FlIt la C ii'11.C I. o oCd Serrv'at. Iligliest vwges gavenI. 245 W aby ep.81,22. 38S OsSept.su eroe o.sl i81)nulc Ini Fis,$0)cSecotlî.' 41"mtai 1ai . 1.-A Se oo-aaena Slacp had _rt.eoh &fao,. 8. 0iiAI., IjSés . 41 J'rie,$4. SMITH.l Xl~ 7 7 ai coeaSctu i h lés . W bu let. sYe. P.i20. x ,16 (ofstm5p.>) 0ieého,n.7, 187.k R.G .N JOHN FEURG USON Begs to inform lits custoiners that ho lé no)w in teceipétel' ti Supeor Stock of CLOTIIS, TWEEDS' VESTINGS.i &c., &c., very select, and suitabie for the oeason, Iviiicli lie prepared te nééke up jute Spting Suite et thée hortest coticé, Ail orilers proinptly attendeti to and exectite in h te l>{ai style.' seciai athenltionl pald ti giving a satiefaetory fit, and ail kiînds ni Purnising gouds, iîécludimîg futu, cips, umbrelias0 &c. Calai JOIIN FEIIGUSON, Dwîdas St., litîb Whitby, April 4, 1873. 22 \7IFTBY C ARiPIAGE FACTOtIl 1 M 0.OÛ DONOVANîj B800 Te DIRECT ATTU I 110'24) 115sLARtE &teCOMPLIITi 01130 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES." 0F THE BEST XÀIKE At Cali jr' reopectfülly molicited. j i~htb~,Qot. 121h, I 431 1 09 à 89 THE SIGN 0F. THE iHýS AL 82 l 88 78 COLDSMIHSH L 1 21 I1086 _________ 12:1 10886 1 57 258:1 .277 81324 1282,18 MO H CHAIR, ENGLISH COODS'TO. ,HAND.: 1:12 t; w A FULL AS$OUTMU1INT OF1 1 42 18 7f) 1 08 69 . ) SA O fa01Dl TAD i 082 8 1 I.SA OS S ND Colored-Setts., colgred and briglit Gof,4,Ea.er- 108 46 i24_Il_4 rings. and Rings, Gold Chains, Lockets0 l 88 87 68 ~~~~Gold a«-Sle aceA 1 14 7 25 ~ ~ AanSle aths e 1ý 207 012 O . eu a~~ uiiue WBiOH EFOR QUAL1TY AND PJUOE DEPY COJOPETITION. 120 082 l169 29 06 ~ " n I I JAMES JOHNSTON, 1"68 2786 PIOACTICAL WTl 8AEt 1 85 86 :1 Whithy, Oct. 1, 1873. 1 40 18 74___________________________ Qz,, Also a First-Class ilearse. ' 'ceul Total. li 45 $203104 Futierais attendèd ro on Short Notice. 62 os821 1802 8088 TILL '. JOIINSON Setts, Chains, 1 48 2h3e2 1, 87 87 86 Wlithy, Ocher Oh, 1873. 49 Watches, 1289 1742 1 44 s (18Rings, 144e 15 64 1 4 15O648ER PIECES oekets, Bracelets, 1 21 10)411 1 45 19 29 0F SHEET MUSIC TO SELECTFROM, AT Silver Tea Setts, 170 102 6 -WN d - 17 1880 42,Cruet Stands, 1 05 80< 66 N± G ICaeR " kt L Sl0k 11 l ô9zrays, Cake askets, ..arcéBnskets,Large Socti oo0, 1 09) ù017! Stylish Goldîne and 1Auteil Chaisdrct froni England, al eold cbeép, STATIONEtI & WALL PAPER. i BEliNG@iUGn'9$ L. ALUjN. $1 30 $13 88, eoingg Mochiucrocf al kînds ut a diucount cf ' Ove per cent, nt Spebr2,17.4 1 38; i7 :2 _____9_ 18 li 722,: 1073 2021i, ENGOUGII'Se 1 65 28 2 a" 168 20 7 1 16 8 <a F pru and Fancy Goado la groît varialy, -et c 0 T A 1 lui l1ér aE GIlG IS 46187 THE OARFAT PA IFIC SCANDAL t 4a 18a71, T e Dmrlcy & Uicchin* Parlen Orgian and Mêeioo3a, et 1 01 237 Fa AS NOTHING TO DO WITi{ THIS ADVERTISIIIENT, BUT 0C 6!BENGOUGH'1S.IA RYT T,0 BOO IN lAS Il 60 2(i 2:1i A R AT F B O K IIA i 34 1 7 icSçltool Books and Slatiicry, ae sine],'ut De ie prepéared te matés PIIOTOGRAPIJS sud AMBROTYPES as gond uud as lo 27 211,U I] cheap as ary cîher Pbcîograpler in the Coumty. De keeps eonaatly on baud i 1 73 :1 laî Set 2,777. ALBUMS AND FRAMESP 1 li3l1 ý f ain tle n rcs which wii sue esait ail éaending porccrsrs. Par. 62 R3 s àons wsilg gecd Pictures chcéld cerne eerly lu the day. Extra pains hukea 70 W 1 T Ylt procure truc Pictarcesof Chldrôn. Examine bios siuaeae.hcfcro goîag 3 os 86 08îsehere. laew Gallery adjoiuiug t 34 là4 Brooklé, Septeahor 9hb, 1873. 45 -t h 14 --o2 127 1 2 1I annoîneciulg aur reinoolai from Guelph ansd the forma-L ~ > 1 380 71,t <i cna Comipany lu Whithy, we cait attentio te the Supriar Isrments monu-N E AL L G W 1 85 28 111 IiééCd by us. 144 Ila V ' HiEZF 1.0 2i ý1"THE AMERICAN OR N" 1 ile is beantiulcomhj atlils Ilnuing VXCest, 325 6' iý Wuiaul HgIl Gradu Sel, l oce und" oth aler favorite stops, inusenguaut Every variety of Clotlîs for Pali Suits, at PRNE . 2 IL %'1lnt ieg ReItoeeCase ooul jiao mienu noI vey I7 , f3,J IYARWOOD'S ME-LODEON-ORGAN"i unsigGoso oeydsrpin i 1 a 07 ,18("biii«i liandso Goode se olt Piano Cae, a., th 1 11r28a1, d Jaieity of tée Orgén, miii the 08Cr Incas sud pirity of M1elodeon loue. PRINGLE'S. fil .Ii ,'ti.ceu tg n si edured hy aIl coicptenatJuaigra, ce the t1rcahent jrproeoîarct cf 58 0aUî g, fil pIaces thi Inutrument fâtfoncre eo openior teiana ll ter BRrd Orgon Tics of ail kinds aned coloirs, of the Iatest patterns, at 694 auo Ptaîr Foté. 1873, and éacufariured sololy Il as. lI Al Ist-letswarranted fiir five years. Catal(iotîee iîby .20 83 54 2: 70 écliain Isetinîeectilysliiu W iibA g 2,17.MoIILLAN"S BLO ICK ai MUDÙOE & Y4111WOODlM'Y 00. 1 35 [ 40 il -22eJ 'érés

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