price (50 costs m SMI11i Wbm Mby vw» mick. wq gaiebu CUWI94a Whou ah.*vas aOhkiM, " hoe er tawu, *bui eh. ii ah.elungi.leCa4tesia% WM a thdol4 0Sn h CW Cui" --~--~mov M.C. CBÂWFQRTH, fro. tu Su onio mft ulM Inary 00111B, O00«.st LivrrSa<w met to e Ose fl robb Dunmads OtWh11by, am - val - - mec Dr. J. C. Ay.rI Sold by &U Dhugghm. Iaiagu"&a1 wu .4,. A.B RBWT thors I"IAL LIMBS' eàfrilTDe- L~ ~ ae, Bew Iue h-0-res 'dtiayatarapi4 rate, but the. robliai ontueud to empty his re- vevr at the mmuth Ue icc. Mrt. Plelachbein roee up andi reeived a 44-alibre ballet inhzship. Attia. sane time the coachi gave a lurch apd,'lie wvas iown for- ward in the roadway. B~aker M~ac.. alSe feU a victim toe a mbber's marderotus weapons. Ne received twQ ballet wound- one ma the Weft aide of the hewM and another inpothet Tbe lz er pouce4iupm his halpiesa avie- tia in -therpadway, ahoved a Ri»tol 1inlhi& face and threaened te finish ham. thcn =di them e. chbein plead for hieie ail the robber, aîteror .tiarough hie pooketsi getthag about In.1unouey, t wstch and chain and a ring, Ieft Li lyig bleeding and heipleas lW the road. IHe lay there nearly three ur before the arrival of assistanme Thon, lie wa£ talion te Beswmer, whiere lie --was put inth~ a hospital snd hb mwoauads- cared for ; but he had bled so mucla thit bis strength mits sapped -and ho' <ied that aa Highest ciah price by Eu For Sale, best branda ic toal and coal oil. -4 sJ.ti. Wlîltby Ma Mathison Marble Mont stonel Jnd @,Il etheri -ofo <mftcà Ail pafties,« on Ui behloe p P$iesaof the I *Uece and< UtmWitl ka lard au R. 117iC Gai )a~ ST.L. 1 st