.1' N Hot Weat1 Dory i~Y i~yy STOCKI- TÂKINC3 and in order to move- summer goods, W9 Sale special in Ladies' SkirtE, whité0 dnck apd linon, some Pai,,, others trimmed with frili and faggcting, reg. $8.OO, $2 50, $1.75, sale price $1.24, 99e., 79c. Fanoy Vesting for Ladies' Blouses, to olear ont quickly at greatly reduoéed prices. âlutre, Suxnmer Coats iii lacaoid grey re. 2.5O alld$2,; sale, MeD's Hats in fanoyi at half reg. price straws and linen Children's Fancy Straw Sailors at haif price. Tuesday, Aug. 2nd, Port Perry's Civio Holiday,, this store will be olosed. A. Rss &Sons, PORT ÉPEURYS. ta Vit r 4 ., row quioklysoeô ce offering them ait ogie! to0 r* QTGrtiafh,V.f, 1<6 atrone -CWiioxtt Cim over Dr. 1r@OOY î 1oWj$ telephuMI IO t freé, ýo crgs.- Wlhtby and Port?.r 'Du52y friendis nDII rIù irwln s Ot thii ont f rcâdtng from A. tÙ Z., opinion 01 everY. mmbeTî G. 1T. ]E. taff., i.mn5 Dot haitVe made a bter thé important pos!IiOn. 'Oaath iiCertaliily OQ faôt fi_, esone 01 the-M messif Iragr'Iàtb*4eLlf Jsoe laused. - No- Inatt1 yçU IMve isuftee'with c çao beperfectlY ou2rs& txe7eant1npc vapor êet, i wbih otrikesat. t btù> th, trouble and .ýtablis beathy condittoûiy l th tata<balgerme' nu "Ieiff ere4 f. rin oue 11waild throat -fo>ry, 8, EL. Down e', , 1flýt, nSitrils:were alw4Yi 'Sti td a most 4lsagréeai *~UTwo mon :tai trW s Te ON250 itge ahiýpment Of te elebrated&,-fràd& D' Mark Suepeuders ini the1 w ébbings jusBt r o0i ,t* , Éée11 êt'25 a f 60.aal 50 . t.ha e, tu newÂmrou new approveadB te . Bisit st$1«0F'edo)raa Srat and abous. ricefy rang igfrôxni LiOo. tOe $2.00. I i K»O0ké ~, ~wesplncU F NCYI~L uo i a; > ad .1 -8 =6l Ol6d patterne in Mon's RH f ifo01 Égeys, bkowns ers f o rab2Aléo bis e ral new linos of Sn.mmerColira in tii. low ip,=adown s»ae t **a ,, 4 - 4 ÂF B 4 CÂRNEI PO]RT P BRY %JIUSDAY. AUGUST 1, 1904. JTei4B and efedUas.Lhàe - 8"1] ____________tente__ to renteo o. good bot boftii 'i~ jfor @aie. Apply to G. T. A"b, i?êrt 0. -U PýO RRY TOPICS. -.FrE I I oKssic ~ nL4~uI ~ t II»jwýatýonShoe" fer eeD atot th "Conija. 'riV. 1. M. elicel, prt..îdenL or the Turko, Vapor Bath Co.. of Orillii, wil be in Port PeM t he latter part -of tihe week to atay smverl wooeka to jntroduce his Vapor Luaths, and willi glndly leuve one oat your home on freS trial. New Record. Wlth hie "No. 2V gasoline hauneh James 1Sid made a record for thme r'tft trom the. Uxbridge club homus n t1e Sougog te Port Perry. The. dia- tance is kwelve milesand the. littie boat did the.trip in one beur and twenty minutes. The. bet previaus time wuq une iour and thirty mknu- t e. Town Councîl Doinga. The Augoe~t Meeting Of the town eouncil "shold in the. tcwn hall on Nionday met. Abent mnembersi, Menr.Stovrn and Raines. Mr, Frise pmeented isi report Cit me.igh gscaltqa, ohowin.g rectepte -for .lune to ho!$15.a6 Mr. Birucie gaveÇ notice that ut -the neitutmeeting Ofthlie.coutieli ho WU ,ntroduC-: a by.lnw appoiting a00w-i inîecioner te eleotru ieIglik and Ira- terwor"~." On motion of .JYr. fBruce icreeve and iov1 urrwere îîppointed a Commit- i(. tu to yCRIi fur power bouse. M r. llructý gavs notice tit, tutheii ,ivat umueLl1g of te outi-cl he wiU, î8trodu'o a lyiisIIW te, tu oMr tire" enine .tnti.îniend the tire by.lm&w. On-,utition of Mr. Bruce, on rer "'ns grated In tavor of netc4IgW .teoînt for sbt1m6 fdr ith otnh cf .U ly. On imut ion eofMr. Bruce. ?bit. Xé- lKnilt wax inbtructed b f111ltar ditcb on Bi lOti treet. On motiots of !4r. Rt.ndI,ý. aut sr %vas granted in tavur 01 WW.. 'MIU14 for !fîi25. beýiug 75 pU co'nt. ot crn- tract tor w t ak, aod tliat 1jse ettginr e hoasked t te we>t <or r-. fuge the. tank. t on motion of lr. ýýBrue the rsve., Stoveti anci ntort l~woroe %utda coMt:êite to 0msoe rut*4 ood Treu- latrons govereslng tii. use Aatifivns waterwork&i rwmotî»eb ct! 1Ut. Iunle, tii. rero StOvemimidiolrwerus fflU*ud otimiittNtt u rep'ort ii. t he~ .'ueet ing on tii. retalite 1 affitAl, 4- nmtritUa aid cit U u i t (ru.,lmr. ,nejý.- planik or Ioard. rs" mi xleotii t 1r U u4 . Xâîlnee ad tkc xmovlewr* s & Sonimpitte_ te have a m.h.4 PlAep JE-0011 or ube izr. Ch- Ida maiide, The ?opu3lr eofr Un ndmmrt. ow that J. IL &rtenit llfornierly et PKort muplet» iuà - uirated ad a. 8p~. erFlce, .mo PeZ ublib»«4 Caad* beiglýtwelÇ sditîou, pot Pu8*$ WUfthikd the Yaxily'Heroid overut- ssy ot )Lotrsal, i'o tM a&4d ort ,j3 Iar<sWt O'1 OnWpamr-if Is*ii*4 tloiIt tztu in Canada. x.1'mited number ca a mnist&ke, geét ýtisse ý whoppers trom Ouread- vit the from nnw uÜithe iiend et the Ve double -tnack sent 'ytarfor '50c. iPirat corne, tir&t 0eerve4& $ovrush jourordems Brief lai" qulck o, O?0u.w1lI he too late.Te-lsi teU be- rasid.uW, welI 'p16à prietor1 iii turoix workore a lOOpy q Umail for no -fsr, - teA0wi Ce 'cg &Il rtght, uuta turight towoI Uir. T. Swain, it [luyasl Ifotel. lu mcupcrance ho hffet et atçO*1 iitaee of~ i~ y prf-eued.bin L)iiy GWbsýa wr. Mr. sweita shirt.. ats la lu knock-àut prices. Ib17 but, mi thm bGrand Tri kroute to> mulý ait te AL 0.64 66 4 4 6 0 0" 0 64 4 "+4 944 éo 1 1