W. f10ljà4oaur reparù5afi int ",t are 1010"d Frida.Y atternon dulirlaç 3Ufy.."eUd Auguat. 54 h S., oulh, WhItby ýâScceuo eRichardasu & Co. THCRISDAY, ATJGUÏST 4, 1901. WHIMTBY'SDOIJS& JR~ftIiugNews from Ev.ry rt wfthe Town r1cksd Up by 'SEusngeporters. Our dental offcem wiii b. clo@e4 «"ci Frsd*y afbersoon duriug Jaslyi Augugt and Septemnber. Dr. AdLuA ad Dr. johnatoae, Whitbv. ,W;-.,:Lukob OpL, D., retracting op- Oisa, il Kiag' St., Weât, Teronto's 1.8411W opticien, wul be eit A,. H. AIUa's dr«« store, 'Whitby, on Tu- Feric Salew serO et'land. Jut ntwth ,a WhitI4 te ,'ý4ffi te ipeoeI OhfrOiktt. D"tfÀrget the" 3~t*imex e 9 lin, ~ Mt>a ý $si u tuilng eêmne ey',fi sud boattile. kétotï. dt w Xý uue sameo, at Breqk t p tee or Gaxotte of,. Cruuity 't &ailmala Ur. J., a. 4katItuite, et tIti $rd coiicemion, 4liotuniutg, (ound liioo« ln orne place ati -aibout aie away bier tati wvaa founti hanging on a busg, It An Dot tlioUaht to b. ta acident, se eosse oune may jet get into a &cirupe fur their daau'rdly con- duct.> A Coeperffl. Mdeaons. Etdwards, et tColbourne, who bave mianutnctured apple barrels at J3kookhsn for aiuveri mmnsous, have re ate4 tibe Vacant Brya lin &hep with a vuusw 01 bggamuns the maneu- faturïe et apjiie b*i'rela at WNbitty. The> wIll. likoiy Ifruan for aboti four mbatb* Tbin the- largut local savapu. per punl4Wbe lo- QaSada. bao twsive aad WnkJùy, Star, of Kontreal. àa the LaCnda. àa,1%Itsd nimber ean ;e tbe two Wheppeins tram us tran~ W il the. ,u * eto the Pi' mt 1j~Pr 5. Minrait ao. fixaI Yvd. 2%W rush yorers ouc r jou ,,Wltlbe toe lawa The tire utartu wa$. 1soua4ed ôsa Monda> moruitna %ulit 7.»4 ai.re. h bsuit Umn. »ilUman, Pi tbo north w4rd, gui a' ba> et niatcb64 te take ouý out, and Iguso delng etiuok o»O an t 'me fire,.ta tii. whsole boz W» lsnsediat4> -titrew a oosst -over ,tbe bung u* *.aad ran for a ##gibr la the ipeagta. 15. coat suàd,4. 6 .ther thîaig Mear by bumre& &WI> tt.the tire wsa noua put out by sk tew. palls oet water, Very tiL5m wq ýlat required. crmmuted biet Th tioiae'toJo tt performed tlieir Ma "Lord .AberaPOL~ of &eolland of TioA tunaiuan ecur4"i0fl Park, port %Wh1tbe Auguat i3th. Tj1ý Roderiek Dliii MI a tuit day»si *pwrt -camp wiii, bring IL't aports - gainfa, ý audpfperi3 - asud of Whit4- aBd Vi enjoy aI god 3ot3t Rodormck lIba' Cana tacet on i»riid&.y' >Grand Oraganizpr i w wll bo proent. I 10 attend. aq arrii made to merit Lor4ý Who visL t ,Vbjtby ol Mfr. ('arpa-nir Selii. Auction Saie of 1 heuaehold goode. '1 ha& rocélved iflstruel 1.B.Carpenter te aUct1o, at 'is preiý N-hlt by, on S.iturdsy one '.m.. all is re eatalo anw foIi@ws -, witb atikind.s of vo iog th('reon. Theae rows or titogether. iined 'Witt brick, d Mesnt oelkir, situa4 juzt south of the, Houâeholcl furni turce, boards, chairs, atolem Iery, lamps, 11 enay a wltl, aih kiaids of j Evertiug pJItbc l penter 'luti", ~isaVï Termu caish. Chas. or. 4t4 J~~tLL7~,JUL29hl Ut.~»OOTNUN IAU MTte rl~ nlit t ;teej v iro ad it is hobiràtcsbe, Strein, qi' Wo*'wsto, day at 1fr. IVre. 1~g Mre7Frud Sw~ Xenii, rottarêpil vLsiting Lt 1Cr. Ge@. Me.. Fred Lawreî ~her lieus. fa Teroet< u~pn4ing a n~eaith et ~ neto wS01 ~uaog, or, ~* ddLuQa or~ L1t~t wee~ Teronto, ~ wna la ai~y. ~i;w 8. E ~oron~ 1$ 15 laina;, et Torea~ lame. 44 remr. k uto~w bu b to sans upel r ~ te? ASt.cathth~ Mx"I, wlu ruâ la grandex **se"tôê, st. CàQasibn~s4rt r. /A" g poats or ar. Mr h4.L1îp, »omtiiloa Fruit Iýg- StW r, « 1Vlnieogwrltoa hies lae. biand, re ttepcl i oi al ao the riglïtl i orgunuslng, api aangng » % an 10 theni. to- -eioand i ani itetogay 'that yeu a*wàstl ie ite yeroperaitos,an 1Mr. Lick- ,wi yo. -e oiime w '09»W ototi, TU~E 'BIG STORE wilplace on -ae ilthe soit, cool, beaatiful fabrios -for balmy sn'mer dyésud eVeninp. ý A bekward Bsemuo mksthe Prion, toO mail te consoler. A nus s amI g tii, w lai Séi Martin %Workâ Picnic. Thae emplaoyees of thoe Xïr Co. holti A. muât iaucemstaul joyabie pîeotl on aaturday à uit Ileydnshoýe Park. t ta' port'es Du in e WiLs lfuUea ity ta carry lte aîxty4Yiv'Ïet andi the memâbers et tbfrW whlch numberéd about'eb1 Yfhefe were .ljoend by aa-;pu ed btW.en âlds chosea- eti by Mr. Vnas. ».rtu Frgnk 1"oiey. zcsultiaig "4 tor, 4olewsside by 5 ta lisnteli wnpitred the ga tesa wua rmpoàed ti tL -vo$eett, W.ino1dHill e ïey LOo ~~liiijl0 ' > 9 0 Ç:tooaor oa llrt~is etas4i el ime iiiIaIt et cigara atch *110 giara ide Young, à ide cou. bftrx. Gfw4 00. Mhaî... Yui 1eo th, wbich ha&i fh. Mars 4g1 vilhre-i Lewat.. t. Krs,»y 0eaiiu1ted 9 Gme. Sbarau M'oley. Ueox, cor. ChAs, t Thon. liritti siateof et ti mowat. srj., law, A. iait Falien, lt son anti C. Immedia te ât r.i Arxyl»,. on boaN t1i Ktg. Co, tamily, îhfý sultud ast * Dey*' j'acu Ituoati uitet 'Ken' * b Llarîsk, tg liartee, Jr. Ladi.wSb 5 I. Wiikbas 1at, Irti IlPrus ~ke.15.per y&.,sl prie 1e IlMulis Oo lêperd,- ieroo 4oe il' Oinhamy 1-5-tIS. per yd., -sale price. 1e Il Gingham 12o. 1e.pryd., sale lW06 0e Il 1~ued ~ateri 15.,20c. per yd.slepoe, ~ ~ Il Pgure 8a*~a i2jo150S. per yd. sae 4 0 Il Wash Goba12ic10.e,20e.yd. sae."', IL "WashGo0"s100., li0. per y4.am. ê m e. I' Àb e%. 45 bout 50 White a i. Yoùr.p kk ,fo r 0M e.,worth $ . o 1 5 jý a'il si É zes front 32 tê ,42,lneê oso ongan u iw~rwn resa T~ CA rSTR~ MW M4 bug., moai i tlW4I &. Yn& 5SbuCet t4»s