UWANO; A TALE 0 OP TlIR CH-INA. PTEI XVI.-{onjlucd) hie resources,; *ben on.eIdes !alled 1 pan eut as favorably Ms 1e cxpectad. It luebless Chînaman by chance was bis way to turu -aud ulilhie Othar th1e way, whlch was a soýrY metheds. 111cm, as the big EnglIshmani The end snd not tb. means, wus bi leit ar i roving wlthba flail- mollo.- Oejointed action, snd wben hie Heace- 1e wasted ne more lime wIîh ia contact with LheimaniTiuJf l 1e-pole liaI was too short,- but slam- »Il celestlel, the fellQw boW'eled rnec! ILen the deck with a growl of dis- emucb am do -the pins l in ungust. pa a well-dlreeled baIl sirilceh Tbey were floatiag with Ab. cureul, )in la the Vai. and unless somethung was speedîly, donc n a moesaure ha W45s plowing te counieract this insidlotas Influence hrough I l obEtructions, latent ihey mlght se continue ho Paso on down on accornplllig 1the duty laulime sireamn. Then lie casthîbs eye aleft. sucb a man directs bIs wbole There wcre the bg, mat-Ilke straw 3ta .r.'ciilng a certain end 1ho sals, qulta uselesg la thair cîewec! Up cut a pretty wide ewath durlug condition; coutic! tey not b. utllizcd la soeaoway la ordar ta bulng about the ackatt certaialy dlic. desîred resuit?7 y satw hlm icoring, eud_ kncw IL was s brighh ihonglit. about reaclrd 1the end of bis But; veu bread salis nead wlnd of 1the Lhr. persent. tic was a isoldier, riglitsert la order arh carry t11e craf h on. lered th1e art of désertlag bis Was Abers auch a disturbance of the nmnts, air 7 t dluby was te embarmsibe Piymptdn -plalnly rememberad Ihat nuch as- possible whie cover4- some Urne bafouere h b ac!fait a nlght wa. retreat. zephyr blowiag, but had net notlced ilý Ss;fi ddenly sent fhencoop sud perllcuiarly o! late, which waa net ýhff'IIng lnas hurricane.mass strmnge, conshlt'rlfg the scries o! amaz- n- the path o! the-.advanclng ing adventures through whlch heansd la 1wsem~dr1nesé 'Lord bs111cmpanlen hac! psssed. a.d -about as imucb >ao hoe could -As 1e laced arounid, ho belîcvcd ha ho avold sprawllag aveu 111 ecungbt a falat pull of cool-taîr ; I was net rollilng objecta thatt bumped muc>, te be gure, but pessibly ail that is shins. -wenld lie reqnired once the bîg matlng ew seconds were valu.able ta saiiad been droppcd. natic ceunit, snd, ilalad,. .111cNexh hc sprang toth 1e rmet te dis- it wbhul lie dependcd upon' In cover whîorc 111eroeas loy and 110w Ihey !Army out lis 11111e design. were ta be niipulaied. 1wark of 1the Jünk- was but a 1'yinpton vas somelhing o! a sailr- away, and an energoUc man fithatlu, lie ad et virlous limes ewned acb 1hi easlly cneugb wltb -a yachts sud sloops, anid knew about as nd. much as th1e average amatcur nautical 96 lthe spirits ef the vasty deep mon. ng 10 Pleskey jugt, thoni; ie Whot was bolier-aad more lea1the point e aven. heard th1e meruaid Ila'the prasent case, boevar,. 11e lid h es T)roved seo seductîve lan1the beau on Junks baera, and time utIle nclent ms.rners. stock of kneov1edge thus obtalaad was rate, lte mna evlnced a most llkely le prove valuabie to hlm now. ney for Imîmersion ihat wa&- Whether 11e unfostened 111e roes crr -adI fouanded upon"aay sud- iised 'bis kaîle upona Ihem, th1e saitl-cama trsýaclodl religlous lever. dowa wlth a rush snd a resu. ckalth mighit have eticIfiy ut isi Thli vost area caught th1e zephyr at ag figura as 1,h sbo over the once, as was evidpnt lan1the turning e! ho, sew ne reaslon for wastlng the bout. on in Ibis rackla-ss wmîy. Ail that wns rpquiuod new loy la the ir bild Ruzssan had accommo- ine o! a steady baud ah 111e tiller, by self le 1the condilîonv4, snd ne- meons of wbleh 1the junk co.uid be turcd '( Iuist whist was mest earnest- tote sehore lina. o! hlmn, whist was th1e neces ' Il may seeni stî'onge Ibat ail Ibis, rack- 19 a builet bemrewher wlthtn et and rnotons precaedlng couclibcoar- o! his Finatemiy or culppllng fils nec! on *îibeuI attractîng a fleet o! dos weuld ac c!l both'arme te other bois around 111cm; but 111e Clii- ndlng. nesû ara a pecullar people, apt toi mmd rplon brougbit up aItbch- rail. theîr own business teaon exlent that may plailiy hourd the great splasb -ake themn past serenely on the other kenea 1hhe arrivai- of111e mua- sida. ef the highway- whiie a fellew is ,ho water, sud couic! aven tell belag despoiled. by thleve., doubtlios ere b. mîglit le ea h 1e lime, actng 'Ipen the prineale that l ià non sertes o! waveiets IbsI markcd 0f tifeir limuerai aller ail. 4 ;é. -. Besides, the Junk luud beau earried lbe- asn flepoges ow th1e clty ilself, witb ls loating pepu- isratter if, 1eremnInder, eth11e laton. rew lîke chal bafoue lime wiad, This was e&tenture o! the casa Ihat ,p 1Jhem over the aide. neveu clsturbed PIympton a perfidle, se was elready engaged In thls accustomed vaS lie to depending upon task, esud a! urceedrd. In bis ewa poers. up several 0f1the !ollowers o! Inideed, more tIbua llkaly, If lichtmulli Juit as 1e would have don. wcre told, 1e was grateful at heurt that slî0e.p.their 11111e aircus, on board th1e driftiag tchec! Mongolas bore ne Uitle junk bac! beon wiîhont wlifnasses,, for ail ice IL< shieep, and ev îdantly time chances seeraed ta indicate timt hami a ulmiost dependence on- thir a Dicot ef offilcors - sanpnas fluliered r, for w%-lîn Peloskey vaished arcnnd 111cm, 111e occupants *miîsi, scene, withh lm iiweut the last threugh t11e tics of race and religion, thiir valor. have sympatbized with th1e coolies whîo rircrmn, ihey chûFed 11M1ller and were biag 'wersted on board, aud as a odnth 111ek, sud lime advanre restuit our galiant rescuers wveuk1 bave l.nrry or bis bg cemracie-in leundj thoîir sclf-iiiiposed task mode ltion sent euie or more OVer- deubiy dificul.'1 hot1 hasie.. Everythiiig considered, then, Pivmnp- moen o this hîsil ansd 111e ton saw ne reason le regret the fact of mrc! icler; Yn living, moving their sI range IsolatIon. ithor than theselvcs end a It lad laken ail of 111dm resourcas, 1weuacled wreîoches oçcupled backod by th1e evcr-wclcomne auxiîiary (i! lnck- ta maniage th1e business in lîand, urv ed etiene wîtihRame' and bacI 111dm enerrîles been oncenraged piacency-imcteed,.tuuith ta eIb4l by frcsb urrivais, 1the offaîr must of ile I iur ioud thie occasion The ca11se cf thîts acion was net far te Vil. -- %k. fer a griafi, dripplag figure had --I Cd ier1cr oninglridly. tand ,rtshl nly sliot into view -froru bebînd thel iraraby wèi so btlsflc1d te kîîew st<.mn.- sud the gleam cf a kuife as iA ùndbe r> re"it c etyIced 111e air tbld howv eagemly 1the.yel- -ru o r i r art--net îlt it lc1w--ziccd native hlitai ntrmed totahe bis l iv e silrunk frein flic Prlr-11e. id il Ccoin1(tu t omak 1 IP lied béen overboaird. and had ~~~he~~~ _mudwla k ur Iîukr výI np le bis prent position i11 de >hé,msie on mb-wiht tronble; Ibis was a signifIe-st nijr cind h us-maa lr fac,,;jt. u hei-uc am4t îbe and pr'oLably f -a m!- 111e t&meýs rcf lie el1l. a n is as gexl oas a ruile, fu,,w r "n o a i t 11mu. î1heysay. lImhonglia close shave lu apt r r . I iýv1,ii ,,nliichîmstes a cod shiver down one*s back; l ui Ii - aMA 1>1 ~vnîtombeing a m.an, ofun I ~ u uA' u-o- .muîdnrve. hkaevjusl Nvhiat cemedy m.- ,.noi x tug th1 .ît wIi s n-cld(1for the'pi-osent dissase. Yu 111yerted ; herilU ,r' ve h d uîever lIt lits hand- v. a amn' 1 c'nvw s hi fo hi ~ I fnet fell aI w1mat Instant sncb s rtrin Il n . ng i-4A m-'s!q, 1-1- acre nulght lie needed. sud f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1;r a r ra if1 e hnni mii hai se Ifor sucli a bol lie k' c n v'-:s .1:s it \Icîry Lbed!ýy. d Akc tij'ic r 1 g n Sm.I îî m;Lîou:zNeptune, wbo reo .r wt'n1, uuVliio cd "- p as Il weue %outf o!the s"a, ~ed h. ali'tadi-. wNltniu 1'>-1- !ît t ;m u fiziurecon %\wbe-theêr vh n1î1 111.rtm ia a ldx-'go d:.- 'tc!lmer Ime better aller 111e Pre>sln vrtc.ol ls!1 ai-u.re of bsvindctive ettack, -rar(,, ikuhl of an Brmynre hfllmrnsethIcopaet, Iplihr humts in a cci.del a n.iI 11e v etniy c ie-rudider w as algaiu maku ~e deumg the, fmee ,froru focî.- ~f rat I a be' com aL $ triaî>slImI paticilrusailor mn uikttt %veas rict iA IL. luli este bac! been led to belcýeve o.>e--il l l S '1, nAiIl, ~ nmgha 1 giveén Lord llackett gem tbh,-11e tg n-hc i.go le (couic! se al im Id a & selling l w t m'. îm'-%%r u h' ,,h c jumpd oa in th1e hop,,e a~delcuir :sim aa - spt d between Ibe.Jr àr.g son tal o"nrt nI' lafia~wil" f a !v3rate 1 iiti f \li!w h e 111 n l îç.lktsiî sa!ire TIc ~r- ~iwmis i t w-th gr-im e cr' 1f eered e r t suns i' lalre la t se IIaud dwaprw~ tm.t. ~ îîeuxlus ivm acouai &s for 1h. 04â Wu.S howver, asmn U fer-, ur? ý wha, chazucing rnear 1the rail uiIght falI vcUtho a wulting ?bl8de. bot sies oft the boat a wîde berth. He hal already breught Uthller bard alec, and such was the Influence et thc air Ib.al theboast drited Ini toward Uic 10w- shore, evidently a rice ficld, sud wblch could bho. iuintly discenred Uirough the glo'm.L Once alongule ":he bank, a hrndlng could be made, and then th1e boat sient adrilt ln such a way thal il would talce Urne' and patience on thc part of any who cilrbed aboard te rnskc Uic shore a second Urne. Plytapton-belleVed ho was ale to se- complish Ibis readily, enough If given hall a chance. They,drifted on,, gra- dualiy closlng the gapcxisllag between thern and th1e shiore, and yet i their impatience it seemned as though predocus minutes weue belng wasted wbule this- wenlt on, minutes that wera fraught with, mornentous consequences t 111cm. BasIdes, lbey were al the, while In- ceasing thc distance between them- selves and the walls of! 1the City, and their lask o! returning weuîd lic made the more difficut; indeed, even Lord Rackett was a 11111e appailed ah 1the trials aud tibulations likely t10 lu their lot whila eadeavoriag te make Ig-- nôrant and blgoted natives understanci what they waated; and, as for Larry, he would likely pray 'for the friendly cornfort atId guidance of the astuto Kat Wang,If only for a short hall heur. Al of them brcathed a sigh o! relie! as th1e boat approncbed landl, nnd pufie- paratioa.q wera made fer quitting th1e junk with es rnueh expaditien as possi- ble, ne one balag la the least serry that the traglcal voyage had reached ils con- clusion. (To be continued& 1 . l - L YOUNG rFOLKS MARIE'S ACCIDENT. "Now tll me wny yen cm>', Marie ?" "I've bod an accident," sebbed she. "Where.at-e your bruises? Dear>' met Whah was yôur accide-a,, Mar.c 7"y "alinosl tnmbled cown," oba saiti, "And ver>' ncaî-hy bumpad my liead l" WHAT -LOTTIÉ SAXV. Soap =et"la.m or amy Soap is better than offher soaps, but is best when uséd mn the Sunlight way. Sunlight SoaP Contains no injuriaus chemicals Sunlight Soap -is pure soap, scintifcally umade. Eveiy step in its manu- facture iswatched by an expert chemist. Sunlight iSoap saves TýHE SPONGE -BATH. 9ffle Uic great rnajority of W0mS~i have nejîher the faclllies nor the Une to take a full bath every. day, nua.rly - Il eau take a sponge bath~, which lu ail thall 1'3 necessarY for cieanliness.- A basin, a spoage, and a cork mat comprise th1e assentials, and fiva minutes' application a day will keep1the pores efth11e akin open and the body lu a bealthy cond& lion. RELIEF FOR NERVOUS HEADACHE The ordinary beadache from wthich se nianY women suifer wilI be grealiy relieved, and, iu maay cases antlrel-y Curad, by ramoving th1e, wast ofthe11 dra.,s, knottlng the hairhigh up onl .1e bead ont o!file way, and, while lean- ing over a basin, placiag a sponge soak- ed lu water as bot as àL eau be borne on the. bsck o!f1the flck. ..Repeat Ibis many limes, also applying the sponge behind th1e ears. SLEEPLESSNESS. A Swadish servaat-maid, fading that ber mistrass was troubled with sleeP- iassness, told ber of a puoctice of th1e People o! ber country who weue sirni- iauly atlicted. It was to taka a napk-in, dip it la ice-cold water, wiag il slight'. If and lsy it across heu eyes. The plan W(i5 fellowýèd and iA worked lîke a charni. The flrst nigbt the -lady siept for heurs whbout waklng-somethiag sha had net donc for saveral monilis. Aith11e end cf that Uine 111e napkln hsd become dry. Il wctting it again she at once weah, te6 sieep, and It required considerable Icuca ho areuse ber la the merning. CLIM13ING STAIRS. 0' ni Ir 1 Lottie Smith lives la* the country. She oo, nin LAweVar orl had an errand at a neighbor'ý, anïd she rubbing which common k set down lier basket on the floor as &ime0 came mInt the kitchen, where heu mo- soaps reuire ti washing h ther wns frying doughnuts. "-WelI, daugler, are you Uired V" said hier mether. Yu oe euddb "Yes, I 'am pretty tired," snxd LoMRe. tour moncy whrfuddby .Bu sh adedsmiing "\*Iile 1 as Sunlight Scap If you find any eu=e gone, mamma, 1 siiw twenty-live o! ,the frcgï prettiest litile kittens you ev-er saw." owsn "LettUe Smith 1" exclaimed hier me- Lev«r mo.ers LimUe.d.Torct. ther, rcprovingly.ý *Rrlealy, inomnia," said Lottie; anid 1 wish you could sec them, thcy arc se ___________________ preity ancLcunning." "Tweniy-five kittens are a great- many, 1'HANK You. litile daughter," said lier mother, grave- iy. dWiredd you seo ther' Everybody likes lutile Cari TVRrsen- "Over at Mrs. Dunton's, whiere I went bloomn, lie iise cuflning and k;malt and to buy the eggs; and, niow, marrma, fat. lie'has lived in America just a l'il tel yeu ail about ItL Aller MIrs. Dun- lit tie whvlle, nd lhe con 8peak oniy twe ton had put the eggs ln my basket, she »nI~ o~.I sud etnyt said' ' hO8f him sav, "Thaîîik yeu." te hat) 'Corneb~ut this way an'.mnnute. 1 warg ever is snid to hlm that, no a cari helpi te show yeu somethingi' fromn smilhng. One dny Car'l,ýi.s's rdging along wilh "Se she took, me inte- the woodshcd. a basket of cloihcs. lie w'as a crleli- and there, in an old cheese-box, were rive lîttie figure, witl i ls cliubby legs and lively litie kittens. Alter I had- seen round, fat arrns. theni long eneugli i started for home, Seme boys, playvinrg marbies on the and Wîllie met me just by the weil, and pavement were (Iiiie amused at ibis sald : cmclsgu.adiîyb nt ag 'Oh, Lottie!1 corn e bnck just a minute, cia ilt n hy eint a I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n anoshw ouemhng'dshout. «Sius8 go ýb!igs 1" wantIo howyousomihig.'Now , Carl did nol undersand a word; "Sn lie took me in at the back shed but hie saw tliey wore speaking te him, cloor. and showcd me fIve cunning littiesehtrndi d'rlt aetehm lsiti~fl.Swith the swvcctest cf smiles, and said, "In a few minutes Mrq. Dunton cal1ed "Thank o. Willie, and I siarted for home agaîn. Yeu yeuld." en oýsae And Grondpa Dunton met me just by the the naughly boys lookrd th-n 1 One cf sidestos. le sid:tliem smiled and nodded at 11111e Carl, 'Why liere's Lottip Smith, just corne another gave hlm 8a nice r((l apple. back 1 Child, I want yen te sce some- Chl aeher tùok bis Lig basket and thlng we have in the shed.' carried it for biiiï. "Se I1 went back, and hie showed me five, kittens, al ln a héap in a cheesc- box. "Tfhon I started for home agatn, and SVNEAECWS got as far ns the gaie, wiîen 'Joe met-,VNBAE IIZS me, and said : -.ît's a queer îcoiing tîîing,"- said the -'H1ello, Lotti e Snith! you are just the firsi little 'ciýh and lie bent his rigit. girl I1 vant to scec. I wnt te show yen eye down Ioe lo',k t V. someihing. Cerne bock > ote héhouse a "Go awav" .aid the second, "go riglit minute.' off from liere.' and thle downy head "Se 1 went back with him, and lie wobliled and stio,ý,lat it. shewed nie live fat little kittens ln a 9I would make it rua quick," said thie chîese-ox.third lte clthck. "if my moilier woùld' "Afier 1 iooked at them, 1 said good- give me a cti~a- I tit." by te Joe and started te came hlomne by "It's enly a n^ùrm," said the feurili the bark wav. And Grandma Dunton little chick, as hie cast a disdainful met nie, going dewn the garden wvalk. prend glance at il. Slip kised e,- and said : "Itdocsn't score me." said. the 1111h 'IIow bîighit you look, niy dear! 1lle chick. "thli I 1doint like th1e %vani yeu to sec somfethlng at thie bouse. shining, small eY*\S of it.,' Jusi ceaxe hark a minute.' "And 1 don't l.k,' its tengue." said th1e "Se she took me l-ask and showed me qixth 11111e clc. "Lu' Fru flot afraîd of five sl.,epy litt11e kittens in a eheesfe-box. tlie size cf it.*" nd now. mammia," said Lottie, " oi wEWi ho"si h srnling triumpliantl, "didn't 1I see seventli srnall chîck. "and leave net a twenty-flve litIle kîtten-,?" single bright scall of il." Heunamma's eyes twinkied, and she And thon thie klng milk snake slld off said:-inthe grass, ad ail cf thezopecked ut "It looks a good deal as if yeu dld." the tail cf 1A. % ~5m5~, 5> «>'Jneflkcking because he only - got tSi housarîd dollarsout ai 11 'Was ha oaa eO!f1the herr wu s=Oneai b awtr» la stair ciimbing keap lthe weiglit wel over th1e advanced foot wclb 1the chest th fanîhest point fouwamc!. 'lie strike only tle baIl of the fool ca th stuirway gîves buoyancy e!islap, te nosh people, aithongl soea daim that thy eau place th1e wliele foot iighlly op th1e stair te goed advanagc. Be sure te take your lime. flemember, you sue lifting.111e weigbt of 1the- body nany timas sac! il is ne' liglit axercise. The w4ox-k 111e bock lias te do ouglit lo b,; ne greatar geing upstaius correctly lion wlieu on a lavai. Thehaegs are thie nembeus of1the bodiiy ccammunity vhmicli ouglit te peuform limat service. Moedical authorities have uecomrnanded uvalking upsiairs cerroctly as geedti x- eucise fer ueduclng prerninent abdomen tmd meiievciag indigestion. The corn- mincaly ceaceived buigear o! sone lieuse- krepars nay hecomc a been. TIc>' ought te meaeh t11etop cf lha sta lus ex- hiîoraied, feeling a bealtîful, glew. LOOK TO THIE CELLAII, Siecs iu familles fre;lpently eau be l-acad to t11e elar, for the celiarn net uriusuohly opens mb t c kitchen. Thec kitchen 18 heated and t11e cellar is net. Following atural laws. lima colder air cf flie coilor vili rush te toka lthe pla,ýe cf the warmou nati thercfora ligliter air - (-f flic kitceime. This wouhd be well enenmgl if lime cehfar air avas pure,, but allen it rsi net; part>' deeoyed vegetables, may t-ei tncnc, or relten avood ,ce. -A.cimîy shouid ha laken te liroîv eut andti cruv away ail dm1t, motIon wood, decayemi! vegetabies, sud olimer accumulations! which bave gatbered lIere.- Thon bris1- down th1e cobavels, anti wilh a buekot, cf lime give 1the walîs an-d ceiiing a gooti coat of whitewasli. If a îîieal butiihis net, aI hanadtke maod r huc ihn- la partly womn eul. andi .ujxuýndth ie ,iitewaméh on 1111<k and sim-eng. Il wiiI .sweeien up thc'air icf the cellar, tIc par- ier andth îe bedroorns and! il ra>'sa%'e th1e family from man> affliitons. TRY TUIE "ALWAYS HIAPPY"I CUR.E. - IL wihi pay yen te gel lithe lav hnppy"l habit, by whidli is s;n'ihph>' ruecnt cuivaing. thue iakirxg cf a hopefiit view cf eveuytling andi everyhcdy. IL wiii 'o- cnaasç yoii. ejeymt-nt cf ci-dinar>' pleosuros. impuove youn hraltli, andi iTuOkO cf yen. a ac(ra efficient worliir. hi is based. on the felhowing contention-;: - . Ail tha 'cvii, passions ar'e traceablo .oo cue or lwc roefs-onger andti wcrry. Angrr is the root of ail îhe aggressiî-al passions. Worm>' is t11e reet of ail liecocwardlîy Envy, spif e. unvenge. impatience. an- nc.,yanco, serlfsîness. uni-est. land the lihe ara ail phases of angor. Jealous>', fear, the heliPhtnrg o!f, île "blules," anti ail the' introsieu--tive fcnrms e! depressuon arc thc childu-en, cf îîouuy. Anger anti aoru>' n-ire -cmn5;t miro-- fitable conditions kncw-a lenrmar-.Wh they are la possessiron cf the mind. bIt-h nental and physical guowlb ar-e suspea- dec!, Fashion Notes. KEYOTF (OF TIIE STYLES. il». f. cam&" w Notai of th. Bankla circula- Cath on Rand a] fs.tes I.US.2%.31 Bonds, 1>ebeu.lure Balaucosd» e t te Eae. 431.8m3.29 Ca.U and Demang CmallaI tcoh aid lip 3.SM.410.Wl eured? by Bonde aausrve iund "d Un iied îtT40.5commecil l Lea Bank rmie sets..... DIRECTORS' REPORT._ Prostl and Lesu Aeceousl Baac icredht t cfProft and U Net Profite for th. peur onded 3M1 ot Managmeani Provincial GOVO UsinasZinenue, a»dAccrucdI la full provision for ail Bad andIDi Prcmium on Nev Stock Iusued ai Premian ou Nev stock Iuast a share..... fi-st sltowa. is uew enjoying thon. te Ute fulîr-st smmLfcliofl, and- pitYing Ilre fr,-çlîsl cnes who 1.41 thelr»siium.ucm r - rurl)is te 1the lasI nmorment. But Imite shup-, pur-g fbas its compen-san-slT if one lanoct toc rusWi rin lutee lmrmcdiOtc e o the garinrteds. The stores hava a way of bimirging crut lines cf most attraclive tinl s-tuffs ut the, last momflnt, and.d cicr- pit hiave le wrtit for Fo te.ism- r - -.sm ilctyistocks andi peculiar patteras thrial iraoY .STRANGE -n-L For 11e mrlsumer reet. sipî have bren a 11111e slow cf sd-'1re- reigas. - ait il is thme sirrpiicity cfA'7x- -Lrougimt forth anti labelad at suirh tlempt- çice1, hnoup quisila -elabonalucu. Frills ac!flionaces, mnCpoes îrPmdae hohougPt- n Ma's ruilles tucketi ac! shîreéd. lace and-id n-n i t-nineimadamI eet hou fou'-r lnbaiste ac! emtýiod-r>'. ribbüus , Io tiesstTiin l te cujiO sbOpS A tc char. ir fe anti ruchings,and finesi cf Lanti slkh- saul clearîng salesofi, ks iiýcrIcupeilm wcut ery go ho ruaks up 111e sîmpi)'icîty o!f1the -and wraps andi buts i rd y repeat- eary, fr 1.# past foir ,sunimner lingerie frock. Wlîmlc îhe ina- rig lhiem at inter-vals. -1 xlmeila i ternaIs arc o! a simple nature thcy me- . rýcrg-nizes as valiria quime -a vasl amunI cf trîrnlig 10 br-mrag i TIIE CO-rrON GOOî)F ce 11v ady.ag pnser 111cm up le lime fashion. vecriaer se a, uring as lley uane jnt,-t c'f wiîrm-sc. l a] One scarce -kaows whal or what n-At ar,,w. Chift(f e.st expr-5iPS ail <rl th'xxi, J>elnUcf Ilsw tiliat *fi te dub a lingerie frock nrw-a-d]ays. Fice for' tle chiffon qua-lity îs <v-rv-.r 'f-Alois S-t Ir, e ala-tý Paris bas saut'ci-reu lobeote creaerns panent. Soeaof t111m are eik-te1-di.'--dfliu h-. fine waol voiles andi gr-er.ad.cneu qsilk andi wcoh weaVOs thatl it I cal' > L oIAdrn-ma lavr -nl:d wrought alabematcly [n tucking suad -11e puico andth 1e mïcro-r pC t tf ri I n;(iHI ti- - -rvantnS shirrlngs, qîcite aller tle fash;o:n of 11te' cnajudge. .-fv ti'1e>t1: d original lingerie gawns. andi tarm-ec! Dy' TI-re are ehitrn vrîein arc- fl. ln, nr 4p n th1e knewing lingerie aiso. The hest cf' tiny checks wilh colanSd pft a ý - 41 gcod lu infaivirr cf îi thes lingerie Ircksucrefrein'Parls. sud.cusiion enabrodered lu co)lon tIraI et f.rad u hanc! sewad. The womau wîe feels ia- -coni buy now for as lcw as 37) and 4 ."f.iuw ated cli nec!Ite investlia-*rgeîy shuî inver ce'nts a yard. T ere irp ectXýàs cifU n i ,m t c tîh fora amoment conslier anythlung lPut îleprînteti wihthhîe & )rI cIand .,1 .tet ta i - n thI tmported gewn. Nexit clica corr.,ne f r-uralpatterns i in nI ne! iirri I de- spk.-a. iut iha e I , selecing 1the machine madi? variéty., Il signs. 11181 sIchuw 1 nrflljr. r ua[ -cg hr, is tle grea test fc!Iy te attempî lime cn leie ~mi i.n- -~'~T,-' cii11.b. struction 'cf en elnl-crate liýngeieTu- nig r i ec-d otYclk>n( s.;rt o II'r mfa oeelf. Thme endles. lsrigs.n eeonmz-k f1- r rnrc .-et nlmrm.- tuckings-tr-flt. t 1i7 florninl ni t'e1-e on wîea%'- V'-c A'-k .".7%, ~l k~-f r,ý,quire a. sintte preiî,sien n d a miv. ri ri;: ý cc,0 rr-ircfn'u-a cut - frt Thr- frrîek tîl tir- (7a indslçhIpcC -f t1h.,,î,.cn fab t-r stick t.>a wtla. ne-i c rý,dsmE- l'o~î~ !~ tYi~rr'!~j' and genercuxsly wide eri ir-. ý!Èios ai P <.ian" C 1-ty'tixml flnnnciags May w l lner lie IlÏs cia .r ' c-{Â 'cl -bA 1-A PM0I1 structi on. variage-s Ihe fihomer--eF. -vr icfri TU BBTAtueur vary constructio.-n tliey need 11111le Ms.Noe~ trimming or clalcurati-ritle r rider 111cm lrd b' pm lu gucally lu avldence lun111e latest lin- effectIve- T11ey' e ' especlaîl>' favc'red sick baiby-" genie models. Il may be macle the means b 1eyouug.r set, girls7 fromni sixteecu )ifi'Joues : "h cf balanciag 1the figure whose shoulder iuwaM adar sar var P. hE r hia'Iuabauci 7r anud burt measure are hoou scnt ber the jips with girl"a sashesc 1esiecl t.Jus 'f hip 6ir ThIis. i bp ~WaYm 5O fosd uisa-dcrln-cgs aji Gtrylflg' to get ani th1e points b Iî; couskk--red lu builiding jmratchlng. o1ie2 th1e prIncau1S !roek. Unlas111e figure te Faacy-woni< shops are 5eiga wofl- absoluteiy perfect In Ils balance somui derful &Meuntcf sau-pa tlïmsqwbich- - sort o! s maceshift shouxld b. resorted ccuntry-goars are buytlxg. F-ets of chia- tu, ln th1e rimmifflto tepraserve 1the mIsetteansd eiiffs 0? undersieeves.bleus- QIEP syîit natrv. The pnce&&s kirt lus evan es gairellgnebas m t111ee- mrra trying than 1the puinceSs brOck en smala boleros sud edons asil ParaFrsol cf Gi t (suleIiouslyE itrs Iertdancy tb lureAýse th1e apparent* ixvail kinda. are 8J1101g 1fr triles thal will pllIows and 1the arumi marnasure. s fart wh.icbh his earned -it dis- afford plaa weu-k Ujil Atigust aI leaié ~- ee, Iandiot4, Ibist baLver witb niauy a wozmn. - Rised Frenîch salin eil-.t'ldFry la 1v- In Thme fntphanded, woman wbo selecb'--d Iug qulte au oyjpnslve tîaulw'g ayelet Iaudlord 'thumi but aief'gowos -wben- Lhingg wore ork sti mainhalnsi aud 1the novel eh&- wbat it's- forr' This hm. been approPrlaied -as foll0ovr pour Quarterly Dividende ai 6 ver c ent. ver s.nuff......S Transferred te Reeerve Funi............. Wrltben off Bank Premlse.............. Eemered fcr Rebate-cf DlemtOuuio il....... Donations te Hospitalu. etc., in4:uding Boulla African Mou- anial Fi-i.................... Balance carriei fervard ........... 0............ Balance ai Credit of Accouant, 2ft11 Avril. 196.......... Transferred frous Profit aud Los Acocunt. ...... . Prcmium on Nov Stock. au shon aboV............. Total. 30th Aipril. 1lm .................. AUl the- Branches et!the Bank. have beeri <lly Iuspect-ed durne t The meut important oyant durini 1the yesr vasibe sale cf a1 stock te tho Dreslner Bank ai $190 ver sharo net te the Banki. This, stock Issued la Canada. inereased the Bauk's vald-uv capital te $3. April. The. Direcors reaerded their orru4lficaiouiai tbe wmanimity thc sharelîolders., Ont e! 1.040 chareholdeonst hero were but two dis thelr total holdCigs aggrega-ted onîr 16 oharos. Comparative statamente cff tbe past' four rears vere mubmitt bihir satiaf acterte the shareholdegs. The inoree cf $3.542,000 -ir vhcm nov aggtragate nearly $12.000.00. uSonsde he Èost satlasfactoi thc ever.increasiug confidence cf the. public in the SBeerlguBank The nimber of s;hareholders la the. Bank on 3th Avril. 1906, comvpaued -with 887 In 1905 and 841 in 1M0.Tis e ide distribution ani th1e shareholders include seme of 1the meet powerfl l mancdaIl it- vonîd. s.fferd Lb. invostinx and liorrovifla public. ai-i all who do iier Bank,- a bulwark ef -siranglh and securiy o! incalculable valu The Dîrectors record tbeir appreclatlefl of the. zéal and efRcfenca through vbope efforts the Bank has nov gruv- te such important - The Presideut spoke as follcvs : lu aidressinoa the shareholders a ,ear sec. viien 1 alec had t -announclins an Increase lin1the divldend. 1 remarked thal even vit] canital thon belngir ssued. ve antlclpated ne dihlUculty la payiag dlvidend and stlli makinta handionne additions te -the Rei;ervo- Fund streugthenîng the Bank. Yen vil uaderstand hew fulîr lieue ant] been realised vben 1 tell yen-,that vo, pald sonne *103,000- in dlvi the liast rear, and. afior delngib tis. ýbad a surplus froin the ordii luge of $84.500. as compared vith a surplus of $68.900 the ysar bu dends aggrregfttiig cuIr $5.,000. On- this basis wo could easlly uha -cent. and etilI have had u s much te a)nurOnWlîLlO fer Reserve Promises. etoc.. as we had ai lie end _o! Avril. 1905. - 1 viilask 1the General Manager te disaeuseathee statemnf subi and liefore <binu nse.1 i sh te stato tbai in Mr. Stewart va haveo Iproven abiiy sud aonnl ndcdmett., and undar bis mxnagcne:i l i may look forward to aven gtrealer rouille in the future. The Fluet Vîce-President ssid On@ ihiagir h ave noticci vhleb bas vleased me verr much I@ larcgainnt oethle Bark i@ sttpactlng a more Imporant and latta business than migiht bave cerne te us if va oontinued te bc a cornu Institution. The greatesi diffiulir vs hbave te ccntend witb l e be secrir te acconamedate ou business, as ln a short limeafaler vo opea tant centre, thue business cuigrove the buildIntz.- Thc Ganeral Manager sald the statemelits suhmitted vere &ai vas possible te, make t.hem. and hoaed Lb5.t vith a few airilaixate siarehoideus migimi fornru a fairîr aircurate conclusion au te 'lie i o! the Bank and an intallgfent ides, ef ils future prospecte. Tho ProfiL and Lo1a8 ristement shows Lb. result of Lhe year'a Quite satistactier; Lihe Bank uxade more mener thaa in any nuevr 1coxnmented on the appropriation olfs$1,oW te hoapitala, etc.. and saI contributions were botli necessarv- and desiruible. Ra fait sure t) vouid always aprooe of donatierns cf this kind, if confined te-mer Re roferred genuralîr ote eimnrovemlent i theBank's pos 'br the fliovinot figures ! tCapfital paid, un incueased... ............. Réserve found. inecased.............................. Circulation jncrcased................... Depesilia increaed Commercial lbans and discounts rce&e.......... Total asots increneed....... vTheC loliowinit fisgures show tjiit theBaiikSo staff-and cuotomerl wihntic nasat vo years. 10 No. of offilcers on the staff No. of devositore ...... 17. No. of discout t cstomers 3, Total number of customers .. 21, Bince t.he prevacus, Annual Meetingoe i.Bank bad movE tfunstorey buildinz lnx Montrea. la which every office W ae after charging a moderate rentai to the Banik, is now nettin on the thtal investment. The balance o1 the Items under tlxi only $1.800 Per Iiranch for furniture. safes. vauit doors. etc, g.odl value, as $30.000 have been wTitt4An off these angeta to The General Manager stated that durilg the past yezz t apfflications for 2.893 dIscount accouais. of wbich 1,714 wcr referred to the 'f act that wlien the Bank oepened its doors c Sov.'reirn Bank viaq 32nd on the list of ch4rtered banks. Avril. 1906. it had nxoved ni) inte lSth place in Point'of agi In point of przid-uii capital. 'He did not intend, howeyer. t]i Bank. ehould lie conveyed te the sh&reholders. byi isuch coi liv Inviting their cprefni attention te the unvartil*hd fieure befoe thp>m iat the mee-ting. lne had alwgys bad large ide tien the Roveraliex Bank should take ln the iinancis3 worlo tien ran to'wards s trenowth and safetv ratliCT than to size. ffleagingz. however. to lie abie te gay tbat he blieved tbeho both solidity and magnitude was now vithin re&cli. aneq 6th Annual Méetinot vas held tbev wouîd b1* able t te ceh manrier satisfactori te the ohareholders and becomiig e W- Votes of thanits vere paa.'ed toe i. Directero, Gener3j and comnpifteftulry sçe'chs'in connéceticfltherewith vere Yongo. A. Ciaude Macdeneii. major Arthur G. Peuchen. The Scrutineers vers meqorsq. C. B. A oimn and A.C The followinie verse lpctpi -Direetors for the enguinr Yý donald, A. A. Allan. D. Y. Stwart. Non. D. MrMillan. Ron. Campbell. M .P.. John PUIwsley. W. K. MeNantrht, M.P.P.. an Rgmbréquently at a meetinw of Lb.' Director«, Mr. Ran( elected Prenident. ]gr. A. A. Alia.n litVice-Prestdsift. an Second Tice.Presideiit snd General IManager.