andi Disciplina e1 Dack'Wit- Wefflty Londeners Dine ut 41W50 Pet dors for West AUricmI - Wa.wfmc. - Head - Green lPeusut .81. î~cati tFe sa!elEy-said of moat Cof the There seeme o tble no falllng off ln WVeît Af rican tribes recrultQd la the Brit- the practice o! apending enorinous sums lb -service that they are'a splendid i>body ln pruvate socbety entertaitimeats in or, ilae, wlio talce flglilg -a they ;take London, England. .helr bunch (Hausa fer food). ln tact the The manager of one of tua largest cat. nly tinte ithey are -ever known ho- real- eting bouses bas rernarkable exiravan- Vr grumble is when provisions are lard f t cte tu obtain. l'ho ration allo-wance on ser- uces ocio eln h oesupr vice is one or two yamis per diem, %c- varie acc ofi anho th meson Sîe c>rdlng ho size. This dietary is, how- vares accrepresutathvemoisonaof trm ver, reguhated by cireumestances, and said. niit Infrquently tley are Jeft te thoir #A leader o! Society gave a amaîl din- wii rasources 10 !hnid f ood when It _1a not ner. party îash wînter which cost lier potiqible ta abtain supplies et friendiy uiirty guineas- per- head, exclusive M! vilages. Tlie 'nrtive Nwill -never-admit wînë. àavlng en suiient, and will, wlien "Young gren peas were Y 1alued ah 7% uestioaad aller a learhy mca!, invari- &I a spoonlul, and espargus at 5s -a îlily place hls bond on 'a lugely ex- stick. Pendh-led Virginlan lame, with ýe ced shumiadl, and, with a sutle on 115 -brandy and champagne sauce, cost àaif tace, Say, "'Babu bindi" (No food). a guinea a plate. New potatoes Pèe The b;aseý front whlch the expeditions i ce ch. The strawberries and peaches ire fltt.d out and start are ai iSierra worked out et lhree guineas per heed." Leobe, Accra, Axim, Gold- 4"oest,, wth itst ntllitinry lineadquarte-rset. Coomnassie; La-81,915 FOR FLOWERS. Zes and northern and southern Nigeria, I"M'e have just sent in a bli for £3,83 ;vît ihoir respective bases at*'Iokoja -t, a hosiess who gave a. dinner party,' nd, Catlar ihp wl ile comprising the said îlemanager o! a West'End firm ýVoqf African- Frontier Fore, under t1 rî tlorists ite other day. uThet sunt :oîonil Ofllcp, ani omncered hy- omle-rt represents only the floral decorettons, n;ci dd frornt theikr respective rc-¶ww onsisted o!fDpo lPnk roses and, SAS SOLDIERSI its frorii a 1- &ýV&jf flflhlLfL UIil 1131nn 1 nh fltu etrf --t iait mot.& -- - g grisa (rmalparts of the British Fin'.illes o! tle valhey. The roses cost 2s enter Ahe Royal College: o! Chemistry in m fl' t !mitr eirarq. Sl valrei )ire. (, for eadhbloomn, and they were us3d Oxford streel. Two yeàrs haler he le- dine denlors 'br by mail ai 50 cents a ACTiý E SEBI3VGE KIT. riot onlý' on tle table, but for massoil caime a private assistant ho -Pro!. Hofi- i'ox or si hox<P.q for $2.50 frort the TDr. Thefltttgupo! n xpdiio ~ effects on the ataircase and rooms." mon.Wllm5 Medicine Co., Brockî-ilhe, Ont. Th- itigup funepeiio s y One evcning's- musical programme Durlng lhis Enaber, vocation In 1856 _______ R -ru 'iianiss ielt i long finit dilîitit, un- rray cost nnything froi;i £200 to £800. r'erkin çhowed lis entlusiasm for his Ie rttm-long , 1i lie urtiuiafed w,(Ulcl su',* -l"any hostesses pay a first-chass art- work b-y staying at home trytng to pro- PROA ONES (sfor île active ser-vice kit ofthe LitO froin 200 ho 300'guineas," said the duce quinine artiflelally. ha ihis work ESNLPITIS Afrirun native rsfllier iï by ac representative o! e wvell-known agency. le was led ho oxithize aniline, and ite Intt(reslinq C'ossip About Some- ai bue niens a liirgo ýor luxuriy'us oneO. I evcs !o rpelresmtidetf 10insis of: f thr efi es uUtCetufknowvn as mauve resulted. Worîd'sPonnetPope illuktan lok(awtepoo hotrisu le cngagpd, so you con reedily se-rmnn epe antiuw 'alla wat sedporoo het lit isuggesta edble en ert telms'anHE \VAS ABOUT 18 AT THIS TIME. Lord Twveedznouth, First Lord o! tle lmailwvfffi are nta of ne>fT s ugsîdthteeet j scan-IlIe resolved to enter upon the manu- Admirally, is an assiduous collector o! 1-ti ofîîthe0 articlQs). , b;-ý made conside"aýliy cleaper, and yet facture o! the produet. Having patent- old china. 1 i hirf~ kkr. be seemingiy extravagant. ed bis discovery -on Augusi, 26, 1856, rie llite new Queen o! Denntark is a pas- 1 pair' sandals. WHO- LUCULLUS WAS. begon building works et Greenford inate admirer of Charles"Dickens, and .1 pair puitheos. -.Frî Gn~a ekn reen, near Hlarrow, 'in- îhe Sollowing kriovs tflny o! lis books by heart. 11111 ~ ~ ~ Fo trilonbel hveac,îîîe-Insfoi', î talIo machine can June. In ibis he was eided ly aie Mr- Whitelaw Reid,thIe American 11tc. un Iont ot' haes coeied fi w guineasa nigît, and (aller and brother. By the end of the Ambassador ta Great Briteti, diet.s hlm- el~01e ise!l lt tc. coi- cealdI a bank o! greenery. None ycar tle new dye ivas on the market. self wvith te utmost care. Ho consumes Tlowud cp Otiy seVon aet; the bil tiaftihe guests would suspect lils preserice The second dyestulf -to redoive Per- quantilies o! mîîk and oatmeal, but otilh 5Carn rruay nothece nd sltya unt lt (oma a bower o! roses aihi's voice kin's attention was maddor red, 'or ah. neither tee nor coffee, and ver-y 11111e îounds. 'l'nital o!et20 p-tOd s cm- suâdenhy rang out In "Vol clle sapete,zoarna. Graceeand Liebermana, _'le nMent. >o1I1di-Pil ttalof 2Ôpr)jns et-or Melba trillcd ;îte valse -aria from German clemists, ennounced a ntethod This yenr vil1 sec the firsi, statue O! treq roiios for perîtam two "Flomn anti Juttet," or Ce.rusào peali-d 6f ariilialty producing this, color ;a Queca Alexandra erected la Engiand. noils camp c qýtipineait, sud - as led, et In "Di quelle pire." - 68 Perkin imnmediately sot about per- TtIl le ble placed outsido -the London ath, cokltug uterTils, ', anti cees "Whiy sbotîld not lostesses nvest -in feeling a process for m'aklng it'in large Ilospital ly the Govornors o! tînt. insu-. lot Permît, as cenri e readilyIy laginei, the flne'mi ertificial flowers, which cenf quantifies and was successful- witlin a tlion as a recognition o! Her Majeshys d, tlIt Inc-lu-sio)n .o! ny ýunneccssary àr- ble used a gain?." lite superintondent o! qà.Thc Germaons were not La a poi- care for the poor and sulfering. Thé- cI . N moe ad pecacl co l' a chariale scbool of* artificial flower- Lion ta compete witlhLm in tle menu- oaly aller statue o! the Queea la et [ine t suatIe nogta scacl - !toaitkr sefacture o! this, thibmown'discovery, un. Copenlagen, wlere il . wes erectcd n waih ngrosmarching aIMîng "We con produce most perfect speci- tii foutr vearîl Inter. slortly after lier marriage. n [ndian fIle, lis rmosi of tle pils are ilens of thoz 'Caroline Testout, rose, for The Soundlng o! îlhe erlfheal per- EarI Cramer is one o! the masi thor- iot broai t ioigh for eny -aller way, wýhIch floion l are dharging 2s 6d, et Cd fume industry mey elsa le- attriluted tao ugh studeals o! the Bible amoag Brî- ael viirryýing, la mo.îi hms ls. rifle c. Pet-Mn, siace hie discovered a metlod o! taln's public mon. Prolally -ihe Old nd porhaps a yain or -- haianced an 'll"î,î in poçssibiein deecet tîese--artî- prodcdng in tle labnratory coumnarin, Testaent b las a special interest for l~ bendof Il xtirrr î wî te i cial flou-ers unless tîey are handled, lillerto olleiaed rom the bonka bean him, Iseelng' that le las such a wide .tî l ! lt liînds or a box C1 f especially if orranged witl real louiage. and sweet claver. This odoriferous knawiedge o! Egypt. Tlirty-!our ycors _onIieslfor rfe'nc t wl cry escouit til bo ssoma wilh rose per- comnpound is used in the flavoring O! ega le became prlvite secretary ta tle -:.nitehed -, fume. tobiacea. hile îvrk along tbis lien-aiea laie EarI o! Nortllrook, wvho was also NaIt'irnihy. In n eattntry mirh ns thls. "\Nre &d'coraled a dinner table la13 aidod matenîalîy Inter, Ln tha menulac- a deep studea t o! île Bille. ,-boe lay seeson is o! -such long montî h tmignonette arîdyeilow ro.,- hure o! indigo artiflciehly. M. Fallieres, tle new French Pros!. [ratian. exîtltlrtas mb nt tptlit.rfhr s, witl trails o! real smilox nnd maid- - Followlng Penkin'a successful work, dent, gels tmp beiween seven and eiglt, l'r onlyhv le îndu-rtjakm' owàn nl~:Ieîî fera. The hostess w-avs asked clemists la Franco and Germany &,:t and dae lis landesi wark directly after o hoso rclinadMy lic sLwscld olteined mignanette 0,0 aboutithIe ask o! abhaialng ather colors. his mnrnlng waîk. Ho nover smoke-e, i~al i r esn n , l tIe year. TIe fiowens cost 15s. Thc resuhting Induslry las bocoms c! and le neadls e great deal. Ia ILs owa TliRE-'s CliImFLY ENLISTR. and- çan lie used on. many occasioni." Importance, especlallytGrm yw ds"Ievualnamro!b k- anymiesar ncrutc îam ~ Lucullus wae a rfch Roman solder weîer t is te len spokea a! as the one histanical, phulOSoplîcai, and, literory. So . Aiiytia,3aerrife rrI nd goutrme*t noleti for his aignlficeace wiîmam a 011d'h le to grat al task ta enunterale and self-tndulgcnce. whi- ay lest be celled Toîstoi and Vignly aç i aorite au- evrostpsfully. lit nortbern Ni- ltus reconded thnb lhe spent more thon THE NATIONAL INDUSTRY. Ibmr, fft '<' y iO-'er of hand- mrii ilect'morne bouR5 iiymnn1 walk often ni btehas t clelyelitei.Ii~£1 ,7M0on a single moal. To a quoes- Stehistics show lIat ilve a! the largent takes Me la lthe old bOo-dealers' salls IMolamaîniieon anti is a bora fighter. tir uer whoaosked hlm who were ta lic firmes engaged In calot' manufectunîng >on the Quay. Baok-lunling'te, ladeed, at lattalon nt La gos is aise meaiahy lis guesîs et n- porticularly' splendid in Gcrmany have a combined capital of onc o! -my hobbies. My atier hobby 'is t pîf ýi a ltîuses, wlio corne daowa 4upper, ha anqwene(d. ulucuhlus wiîî sut about 824,000,00. playLng illards." ading ite Kano, Sokoto, Zaria end to-niglut wilh Lucullus." Dir. Perkia lasý devoted himsei!- o!f r airVultoMre,îeLr lie up-canly pace. 'lin Ienelelate yeers elmost 'entInely ho research Mayor o! Landau, ah îhe rodent prize e i lat wI.l-thoitgl ual sa sr- 9r. work, Ieavlng business deteils lfl tIS distribution of -îhe City o! Landau Police 'mt a soldier as tle lusia, belng usu- àd ofyugrmn'a îy erîgaget In a attl- iig-afe.NEWV KIND 0F RACE. hil8!yugrin aachaAthletic Club, remaned thaLhe wa res aad colon quihe diffet-ent frointhtIc tems Inta île Omt greai eatîlelie meAt- leen elle ta manufacture dye stuffa '- ho stayed laie ai lbis busins rmss ýa i sa. ing hebd In Chine, whicl taak place et tîflcialby la large quantifies. Dyers de- aionievnnl -ssrreie y TI wrlie. whovaîms (rom Ille La- Canton. w&re arltlmebic races. Pupils peaided entirely upon thI e naturel coio-ar ndcouple a shaîwas ables akea t us llaimlad. 't aclieti1crle ! .(forin schôols carried slaies ande pendIs iugs lunnilsbcd liy plants and animaI,;. tle police-station, andti tîre clargeti orai rhoecrul dspostion than It) ilius, ad lu lIacourse of tle race ibey on- ilofmann, 'Pe'kin's masber, -heught tle will lunglariousîy breaking out o! lis id tas a autel cleanier soldiar, oujoylng cauatened a, hlackboard dettaîing a production o!falins rom cool bar bon- oWa establishment. But. the inquinios ,hti passiil ae(1811y. wagl. te whicl sum la be saivpd, The boys were lined zol, but lit was left for Perkin ho reelize thai followed resulied Iniibis beimtg dis- e lieusa, like mogt othorn ntives,, bas up as they reache thIe goal,- sud those tle colon pOs,îblties whicl e la ncoal lre wtot sana i lnc îuahmlyv ne great. efl1uWfy. Though il wbose 'caiculations wene wnag wene bar. ç1e "wto asinnhscar- mnolie Mc Nid t-htile Yoinba l.s a bei- thon climinaaid. TIe fir-st tiree left in Thc develophipnt a! the industry thus ter." hry mgietntdgnfe r' tightrIe lIna bc hr ausia, le las flic the.hmae were coualied wlnners. !ounded liy Penkin leslowa in the large an- Ona ishe mane dvoate, I.ald ory de (t-srahie qualification o! romain.- - e stablshmeats aow devoied ta tle man- Hanry Soumpera a praccal joker. g1-1 sdisaio on lre elIita miest ufeobune o! coal iar produets. One -f adytI s atta htgte heu o1sas ndb operte il a The KEEP CIJILDIIEN WELL, ibese (octanles employs 4,500 workmenan i i lercasnLadyIa udsI , agee udyo! lan'ms ati am~ns TI -Ineiuding 145 gredualo dbemists, ail dtesed up ua-apain o! French lourisl-s, atn1ïnanm-'eo! arder anti discdipfia Ils n ha îonsand&Is of tiomes blroughaut bavlng recelved thilr doctor's degree, andi la blis guise edhaiyvie eliifhl<-tîl t bnk wil such ldes a! moen, Catîîada lucre arne liigît, ilnîving cla'l- 175 engincers 'and 500 clerks. This lnmtn evl elt nid il percila eue pus dsingî a, geoti daS'a. wlo have been amatie %ell aand are alomie owns 1,200 German and 1,400 visited lot' place o a Eatun Castle anti i tk-s. adtc ttele- okepl wel'tIby tle use. o! Daby'a Own 011cr patents.w-oui al aven IL. Bumtappartentily sic wtts ffais. 1 1 1 Tabets filmon hoes aens- y The passihiltie'; stili iying' donmant in not sufflicalnly Impnessed hy tle bfatue l)OES NOT BEAR MALICE. lts Medicine saveti a -precions l1111e 111e. ýoh aIfr fine tIc imaginations af chent. o! har w eiencé,. for afterw-ards Onr tring pintirt-favr o th 1). A. Danais, L.h.S., iviere du Loup,is. One dlemisi conciuded e papertlier Duchmseee cond o er bl-et Orn saongeslat !avrrr s of îlear' Qesîy~ Ai tle ege of tive moallîs read letore a body of dleuîtsts ia Fol. na"lI h aIDmesod Heryoatmanenhi-th fnce slie l t~mei>s a bariwc thouglit out i' hle girl.tiyiug. "NO- Imary ns !oliows: i alecformîy îtasînint nblitedU'»thiug %we did.for 1er belpeti ber nII i .\Vl',at blese rnw matenlals obleinci sI-"a a sagrele- naue i hmlIs oaidn thîe justuesa j gave him CaarlesOwn aîlele Si rtCllgnaos W gaehrBb' w alt, d blrough île distillation a! ceai tamrivili fdmlts goi rt iiitatitltyo! e3nr 'ehite e achange bts uredicine tn.celure. but If you wîll permit me #0 lu the Garrick Chub-2.D&a'td Carick," nv -,Ing t f isbran astmi obThe uraei bs vuhv sc o e -1urill l uueisamle !~ oy te ain wu lme ne loy ed w-ahs - I rscalnt'n. usal wrougttanaur child.. SIc le now about Iproplesy h bîLnk wo QWiII sureîy fiaijh îewyw.e iig lytEa i nl'm la l. mva c-te leîn thng.ut rcyuiin a n nttivhdcl wcl, sieej srcmedies whIiclwilh 'ineteat I anlSatt Mdw l~ htit"a en u ilîg.pu t a~1 l and is ia lively, lauglîiug dhild,-aad he Iccorridor. Inde 0a,-iks par- -I oy t, ~upîsa'youtbI ell mmm akIe -wetglis 37 pouada9. eavaskpîej CURE CONSCU1PTION, trait, ant ini Garnrick's rhair. whîieh iqs g) dt- o ,o bgo da SO.' aî-s aîl u ealvfwa eeaoheIland aller diseases caused ly ba chenal oeeO0(the ireasurps o! PP club. Harny 'l'ah c0';iug tutt tehisenw orw k (ojsdruliumalnhe -f:îct tIatthir 1cmgi-ct value." If niotbens %wish ta ifcto.We îîil lhave perfuies wiîicîHemilton, tle dramnali4. CAMP in. gaze-d t: W siMm-Inu ~ ider ec' the- îlei clabsoluteW sale, lhey elouiti kecp ae ivili le sîronger anti More bcautilhy! a1 \Wvadhemn, thon ai île portrait. niL O1ý iv î aIlle fntI.luua -li olh.h< Fox iIntes a scentedithan efiytlmig %hicli natune cen Garni ck, thea ai, WVndhaflî-"ClaI s i.e. bshlhugpi detu."'IIi hiI.'thase alîvavs. They cure aile mÎnor hie.lesai, fiaaliy. «"dp Vo'mifl . Yonr vuare i pn ittt ~ ~ c iuluct pay. tint imns Idîtde niaeeîeûev -\ shall tid explosives wicl: ignow,,ing more hike lrri-C vK - c t-"vitrgettenru.Ivtafi,,tod irîtahîe sao - S d ly mudichindealers or sentwiht ual endager lumian lires In tl, "Do 'you tliuk so 9*1re ,Iirrifdtili- qcter.j î N i ,r _- h t i lai i- tw ni in ami bmail et 25 ceaie a box- îy seu lmndliug. luiwhicl wil l e mono el- P!PIsP-d witlt h d~ncî:7 Iam 1 VýV e.--I i, jt ii Utu , t -~ tti- -,- . -11 1- .-..r ..- -- .--- :hv i t'r' - le aricls, inia for Nyou." -T ii. je 1 rlIît< s niu-1 _______ eti imai a tian mta I w emýIltinatý I.n i d ur le shai untarnshêi. wrrunca)nl4ered lIa-t they Ai mako e txCoUetlquotta, but the mqetr o! 1h. se il. ai tonce rc ngw ln the a«"sQnOf temai. ÏOEYSERS A? WORIL iprcnbyln Us yrapthy wlt'Ih Vtv. n thIe sida of tht Equatzr, the Nw eysers have bèen &bnonm&uy a o wý>.TIpyhave beeaurob endl rung wuer to a teitmIj~ Ir(,I!et. The "'hot laket" 4h. lnt1 n i amîoSNw Zoej&d fsmm*ta ir ýt resorI.andti dbotrp le atd prâLtlentb tkaer, with , EÀRTI* CURRýENTS. lateresîuug experîmeatshaer-lyt been matieeaille Klcw Oliservatn,y near, L.onden on -the. ffects or the ele-oie trc onSyteum of htBTtSl mîro. poils, Thie dehicat .magnete cirlstr- zpnts fthue observalory are aff-etel y tecrets. Metallc plates burîeti -,n the grud were connecteti wmtî ai photographie r'ecording appar-atus, canti the kwacngs racorded by thme insi-ztn.nt forumat a plctum of 11the ~bo-, îîé Lodon- CenUnl Ruilway, ubc~ i rterest point o! appm'oudh of thét j l-e 1z iles froin Kev. ave-n acc &nEj ,grakdowis ooei-ng on th e iction. line ww. tndlcated lu the phùqîogrjaphjjc red. By conoetnthe iceartl.PjaU viii a ammltve <araacuueîer, thte ffeMi of thè movemnurtbof l ramw-=n. t*'oIlen as reudcredevideat - ad.& pIbe abeingattached, sounds w.e, bM4 et out- ç»UvgIp U m t , - '7iulle: hare you preOI ;r m lis U'i!ofewif ~!.u~at diii', e! eàtia' wIîva'msa., a. We l1bt - ea, k so"un a LONDON ETAVGfC TUlE KILLARNEY OP AMERICA. Nesthing ina a rame of beauti!uily w codeti shores lies a sÉertes o! -beautiful lakes 145 'miles nantI o!thIe ciiy o! To., mnta. Ontanin, anti know'n as thc "Laike o! Beys Itegion." A cdam o! sevea hokes, stutidetiwill bavely islands, wib lao- tels tîraugîbut lime district anti a gooci steamboat service la ail points attracts. lime tonniet, angler anti sportsman. Just îhe oui-oftle-way sari o! place la vis- it during tle summen mentIs. Fon al! penticulans anti (mccilliustraied publica-, lion apply ta J. D. MoDonelti, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. DIFFICU LT FEAT. Hicks: "la a few years the tel-plane will le 50 perfect andtihîe rate for Il 60 low îlot evct'ybady %vtillbava it. The messeuger boy must go." DWVicks : "I'm efraidti bere's ne power onf carih lIai can make the messenger boy go very least."l No persan eloulti go (rnome wiil- cnt a Ioutle o! Dr. J. D. Kelhogg's Dy- s-nicry Cordial luintteir possession, as change af waten, cookiug, climate,- etc., lmequeally lnings on summer complaint, andti Iere le nolling ike leing -redy wiih e sure remnedy at lenti, wllcI )I- teatmes saves great auffering ant i fe- quentîy valualle lves. This Cordial hec geined lor t' lIcl!a.widespnead repu- talaion for allomdîng 'prompi relief lmom ail summen cornpleinîs. HOUSEICEEPER. "Tley Say lis wi!e is e gcoti hanse- "Yes, shc kepi lis-lieuse[iail nigh wlen le Saileti bel. sprng. But o! Course ho lad ho Put I A in r anme." but in bout vhua mod la lth.elaligît wse, »Vy munight Ump ami *Dow &.1u. Ho:* "When I was emel I extremeiy intelligenti cllt." How veny unfortnnate ttlet lave growa up r' , - was a Most Sile: "Yes. you slould Ye, udad. . "btoodvIn l," 'wbeu blotoz... and tncroutatlons mark te akin. Wevrs Comte and Wmeeo' Syrup rsee short wotk of a&H blood mdskia 6woublea Bý,c (despondentiy) : 11I saiti somethlng my wile didit l ilce anti bhiilîsn't spaken ta me, Ian hwoa iys." Peck (pogeî-ly): "«Can you remnember what Ih was you saiti " To Knaw Is To Provent. - If the min- ons wvitaw'ark la calt waier mosl o! the dlay w-ouîti nul b hileeanti legs wiil Dr., Thomas' Eclecbnic Oil, they- wouid e-cape ,muscutlan titeturtlîsmand, mca-1 dem thein nebler hiimWm ;pr-o! fagmirist the iii c!lecî,e a! exîmsure ta ltw caid. Titasp sî-tting out fon matning egions wau!dj dr,~vl te yrovide Ilhemeives will a suppty beforii' startlnge. EMPLOYED ANOTIIER. Tle Prpcdmrr: "I lape yau nieyer lie z afto(ut your bsns. Tle'-rc-hnut :"Nover-but I lave a PEDLAIR'S CORRUGATE!> IRON ià meAe on one ln -Canada) one corrupation at, a Lnxe, and sta h osize. carryM a MU ton stock ln Oshawa, Mfonir London-and can ship ordiaary requirements the Made l Inch m, 2 Inchor ?.Y&Inch corrugatboi te 10 feet in 28, £6, 24, 22, 20, 18 gaugpe both Pal This class o! material is most suitable for1 -Mill and Warehouse Buildings and ii, water ai Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers etnd Gaivar Send-Specifications to ypur neareat omoce for TH-E PF3DLAR Pl M, CIeulg Sb. 1- 0lldwo, m- 01 00%O, 0nul. Lf»Of, Om. 767OrmIg 1.423 Bus« e. .il Oolborne .1. oe »uadaut. 7 Write your Nearet offce-HUÂBAT)FF ICI AND Largest makers of Shoot MtaI Building Màaterii LANOS n 16r;7_i1 l n IIAUNTED DY HOQS. Sailors Repoted- Weird Things About Bermuda. "Ilog money" aà tle nemfe b-ty- hich tle brass rnaney whicl legan tu le simd kla Bermuda la 1850 came tÔ hlie knawn. On one face o! it wus a bog, on the aller a slip o! lIai, pemiod. ilmese3 aId coins are very rame, ant ihtly prizeti by collectons. The histony af bhls deviro la cuirions.c anti Int.ieostlg. A Sponlsh vsjI commanded- by Juan Rermudez, and on ls way ta Cube wîtl a cargr)ofaI lgs, was wrecked tleno. Thiswas la 151,5. Laten la tIe samo century, wviin tle English discavenedti iis Iend, timey fount a country lnhlAedoc by logq. ile lso"laterestin)g to nole fil ,ite EngQlisI discovered Ailnlatîe samo way as it6eSpanlards. An Enghial sip we wreuIkcdti tîre. Is ilany wondertlimatitIc treacleraus coasi gai t rm thie ta i-antis anti EnglLsi allIe tk-3 non'i- o "Deîil's Landi" ? %'et it Àla are iala! île mosl beauttful co-ista ln the mwanl 1, i. im it lies bopn claimne t tîata nilnuy MedJterrancan <-liets anc nol iii ail equto ha Iase o! Bermuda. Ite0rrnuda is .saîd la le tîle ki,:îrn a! noises whirl mani-rs tum-i imît (noim luis IlIandi. and wihti-li it(vdi net thi>n kn,)w were P:olu--d cansedtei cmto say lIati i -.'h-u'd andti l r--pintwemmti thîngs a! ut. f o'u cannrt le Iap-py whîii -llv stan ra~n cranconrî. h--n dmia rit dclay mn g'irg A Thousend Dollar Otiamate oswt- lt t I1-i -Ys iem ue -- cuvemy bottla of Dr. Leonhardtai'. m -- Fare -w-it.:rid af3,--mm; .nfwitlatLae -the only oertain cr for evey form o,~falr tiilauni-wm- Piles.' George Cook, St. Thernam, Ont, write.-- j ,ý lhjapýe "Dr. Leonhardt'a Heum-Roid cureti me oi -nan letm em ;b~,it aver-y b3,d Cae of Ples o! ore r ten Ye uNmS ucîg. isCîtiw u- standgn. 1 lad trit-tieverythrmg but ti nsngayiu.:Ye;ile-rnOb 'to permanent cure tilt I ueed ffem-R.oid. î~me--n: rt a Oxep:4-. I liid Bliriti and Bleeding Piles, And a-affered r-erythimg. Gintmuentsansid local tîieatients -il Vota are Nervotgs r&ad i-m etmtke f cled, but Or. Lroabhardt'a i-era-Raid cured the vi,"ibmgeat narre and 1', t u ~1 eerfetiY"~ ~ -~~~ e-iU b. a sew-peranby th. tizle je. bat'e used ê ifeeý-P.;id is tiableAilken îtemeia. -4 mimd remnoves the caus-3 of Piles. $OI - Z'il dm-ug or, -The Wilsau.7yieCo., Lim. > t:-at Wl' l ::tla i;od-i,3asF&4sOlL7 Ont .'ve ILi pà- a! "j' hII - 'os c4n .':, s;r. r,-:mamL Cstr.n "Are yo-o su -e ibt is !:"V-n cli.l-milil, n; u ~" :v rt a C'. ti r -_r r M es r-.. :A ,.sî- --- - -kdare;y cmpansani in glving ta.nt TI-i' Never Knew Fatlre.- Camelbul to tI systrm wliei r cleho y rv.i çheiaînof!thleffects of Parmelee'srwrýomk or tierage*,-lt hrough- oecéss in w ,'a~o Plls as shown tua-t ihey aet Il.,,ing. Tliey mequiire mun eso c-ii lu- unedatlyon thIe tileaseti orangof a!Thé,ir excelimat quah.Ittea are wi f- île svskm ant'i simulate îhe-m t t-cl- ail tIl se Who have nsod I tcm -and, t' Y ac ILrn. Therem ay le cases 11ith;:y cemmntidthemnsevea tds Ue thé i-Žîledseae las bem- n,ggtsai. andtýi hsë3aubject ta b,!u oua whuo Sid dces a i easOlij yit-ld hn medi- am An quest o! a benehicial mn Lu1cne. -cnbu t cien Ia sudh caees ile-se piIl lav een kn1ow-n le brtng- relme! wlen I Iwieuldn'i le aifrkey 1 -ace A 3 l ai, rhier soý-calleti remedÀieg have falIeýd. Y1u,, Uali Jenklns le ma frient_ If 015 ,u 1S y i ssertïr n enab.siititaahlatMd ercme yen wiulidn't be a donk ,l-y. - anY whi have usedth te Pill3,a nd course,-" wa6 tîe tel'ng roply. rihlmnasçx>-ak higho!Aterqa.jT c ILcs. !FEAm HrRng DYEINO 'A r "y do y u suppos,-e île dog -r"lews -I- Ip t e piano, Mr, Ceustcj, _ Adaccannot bW îaught to conceai hbÀs. MmeUA P NI U I--e.. J~tue, LAWu I Soo& Bookk4 f, Ca"R T6 EU USE- No real nced -la nidG If yo>u want - 1-DYni A, Jor 7"2QIEN I TIBES RECRIJITEIN; OPITISI ARNT«. mLARGE SUMO SPENT ON PRIVATE TBF WIZARD 0F GOAL TAR 'vG Da. PERKJNAM TME TRU SURED Th onh-wDi hins ' tbý Tag ongîpt Dr. mnako new b od Industrie@ Based Up-on the. Dlscvory- ...aUS tley aatu5IY *,ne bbo FUtleth AuMni ry evrsary I 5trlngefI 6;ýi os This Year. f1113yoIA With DOW grength, e-en elrgY, new lut purgative plla cnly The fltieth annîversary of the discoir. JWeaken y0 ni< re onfltùWlloc ily er yWlliam Henry lperkin o! the fir8I Stirnulaê for theIe oment. But Dr. cool bar color, mauve, occurs "h1 year. WIlliams, inp1i pp actually make ew Pians are on foot in England, Gerrnany; blooCI, and -noîwlng but good, pure îch and the United- States for a celebration I red buo<j caa, brade you to stand thé o! the event. BI lInfr. That la Wîy you should lkei The importance et Dr. Perkln,$,IDr. William8's pink pilla DoW. Mr. W. achlevement lies Dot in the production J. Norfolk, white Horse, Yukon Terri-, of the one color, Mauve, from Coal tar, t0ry,- says: uy -am thlrty-fllnS years o! b.ut in the* successive steps in cliemîcal > ge and. have lier an 1aillete who development whidli were built upon that sdarcely, kn e eanIng o! ilîness. discovery. Before Dr. Perkins tm_1 *1t Yer.boNverer, nMy- health gave coal tar was an almost worthless by.: m aY. 1became nervous, did not sleep product of the process o! mal<lng Mluni- well andc grew &S weal< as a kitten. it inating gas. Sinde -hiiý investigations ýseenIed as though 1 M,5 completely worn! were made public flot only are ai t he e ut. 1 lr<ed several So-called tonte. but colora of!-the spectrum made from couil it wflq onlv a waste o! money, for thcv bar, but ln addition ît las become tie did mê. 110'gond. FinalIy I began using source o! numberlessa druqgs and dhemi-1 Dr., Mil linms' Pink r'ills. and they put cals, o! artlflcally proparedprfurnes, of '"ne 'nmv feet agnin, and gave me new sraccharine, the sweetenert- wîîî 300 heaîth and strength." times the strength o! sugar; of photo. I1JEvPrY weal< and easily tired man and graphie developers, o! powerful explos- WOTfan wMfind new health, new ives. Besicles tliese direct benefits froin litren gth alnd new energay through a fair1 'the discovery all synthelie chemistry lias t11O!f Dr. Williams' Pink Pis. They Leen revolutionized by the ni>W nethod eure Al l bood and nerve disenses l11kg made possible through Dr. Perkin*s jRflfemia. nervous exhausiion, headaches work. -tervI 4p<h,, Indiaestiofl. ntnura1yin. NVilliam IHenry Perkin leSt tue Cit.y r,!;rheulmFtis ,ndî -pcil im«t ]SHORDOLYOUNUWA %UM N oelVrni of Hysterla-..Ptents DesireD PY URE TA ? T U .toEx leesympathy. P R*UA9 r A eurloug eue,0o. uhyatericaî ehert leg9-to use a dootor'aeaCriPtive phrase -ias recenuY bie admitt.ed into a apecial hospital IR Central London. The Patient, a lad o! fifteen, appeared te have on# leg a coupIO of imoues short. or thon the other. After some montha' treatment on the south coasî lie waa brought ho a London orthopacdic hospi- - tai.- Leg splînts were used with the idea, of- extondlng the 11mnb,- but when the e ln G E Patient was Placed- under chloroform bis ieg suddenly assumed--a normal .poiFree from ail adulterat The only explanatbon Was that the Lid ai Ne ibta uy. 40, 50e Md M lad, who was mentally deficient, lhad, ,y Contracting the muscles of the leg, mGUE*ST AWARD ST. IÀ caused the, appearance of a shôrtened, 11mb. HO WaS removed to a hospital which treats mental cases. In the word O e L «h o1' ih g lie wus told te lbave ls fledand rG BA Tuh W rI'tRoha the fireplace and back. The lad burstT& ' OL M U into tears and declared he could not do THLOU B in it. The point .was însisted upon aind theIL E 0 . [patient staggered pathetically toeh LV R 0 9Li fireplace, and .started te corne back when Autborlwd Capital Sto<r*. W.UO he feli. Unfortunetely for the short leiq0àI) FD theory, he fell on the wrong side, &iidan the bogus nature of his allèged defect BON. aRR A ÂRM UIT Preelmt A1 wag made even more apparent than lie- morLPlIIAfl<>of té d, siee fGl (M S fore. i 'AJ .iJOHN YLUTT Vie*Pt uuti, Hou"Di He stolidly, refused te use lis Ieg ci te7gL. ai 16 .. î,uuue à Co.. Dli- JB flaturally, lowever, ln. spite o! expo- saler of Oa"auo Sauk. sur@. SOLUIO&-lark, uKoPisuGa. Oaiap A Fellow of the' Royal College o! Sur- The force of men now devoloping the' geons said the other day ;"hsas-f Lake, not far from tle, Samoài Drummond, sumption o! bodilv defetts is flot alto- Colemnan Township, have now a vein six le gether unusual, and is a form of hy%.. befoO.- Il' le about< a foregone conclusion 1 teriai. A contraction-of the muscles and prise the, world. On account of Iow capilali a iilting of the pelvis, and thic thing l eSot for sale ai 81.00 per sIre, as AilIs ônÈY the stockz may advance to _85-00 or over. doue. Itlis due to a morbid dc,ýire 10 lorg, or maillyour order wih marced choque c excite sympathy and atiract attention. 1 have knowvn o! cases ,whiere serlous DANIEL SIMPSON, P. 0. Box wounds have been inflictedli by patients Stock sold on the Instalment plan. suffering !rom hysteria with the saine _______________________ "Fir.mne3s judýc;ously fiulngled with . persuasion is the best- treatînient." C o «» X* g m"tb