V, >- ý I, , . . r With* whioh is Inoêtporâ1ed he Whitby KOy8tone 'zette 49v-No, 8 PftOfeBiomd Carde LOUAL .T. tBARCLAY Barrister at Law Susicitor, Notary Publicsîpecial Exam. mo-r cr îthe ,l4îgh Court of justice. bSciesqug go Messie. Dor a McGillavr.. brock Street. Wbîtby. A. J G. UW1B A. O1lice firat dour weat of l>eet OMM - Moue y to Lomm. JORN L F&I5.EW&LL^ K. C., Bar doeter. Ceua creqvu îtoiruey, au, Ceaaety Blieltor. UL(aee eouilb yilni of cou~rt Bouae, Whltbp. JAML@ RUTLEDGE. B.rrscer,ete Moue o> te Isu n ue., terme Otile- ietdstaly r.e'db of Royal Houai wbltby, Ont U VOUNU 1 MT H, L L. B., Bar doer, eté bhluney te loan. Lasuer ai W#.lesasgc IIuaes Oficeo- sSmtb'e biock. loeilse taho market. Wbitby DR. MFELDRUDI Physîclan, Surgeon, Accoucheur CoAit by telephosie, Ur otberwie, day or üightt eepilve Prom~pt att'enhil. pi-hne F33 Othe* Cerner Contreand Cibouna Slte., Whitby D)ETAL V, ADAMS, Dentaise,0MR, Duo dus Street, Reeidence Ne. te lb.e Terrace, Byrona St.. Whtby. Phone ,No. Ilà. A UO'rIoNEBBf AUCTIONEER Ji.Blehop, Oshawa, Licen'sed Asie tfoner. Succeesor to L. Fairbanim F'or termha anid dates apply te' self or t. G. Kob, Whilby. LICENSE0 AUCIrIN.18R AND VALLIArUIR. Ait klias ofsales piomprly at ndeu to. Arrangemnents cati be mnade toi sales at the Gazette office. Terme reasonable. WIIITBY. ONT. OONTRÂC OffOR . . 4tWELL MIMES Carpenter, linilder and Contractor. r- 'Plans drswn and eilmates furnished. Kepairs, Alterations and Jobbing. O)pposite Stopbe ' aoul@ 50z 467 WlllTriY PhoneI149 Mgarriage Lioenses. lasfci of Mac nage bLcenses Carne ding store, Wltbv No Wtaeasesequhied Dr. E. . Shirley Vidterinrtry Surgon M m , là Ixmo.estit tmals te atai oaqck m" l iiat~im, Vots Da84%"'4Re10t« Wbttbl v fiy l'da a fo 504 .<.p . se«.,,l of a.wlth s»U fgla<seurvice 05et- z sslageus greet sud Lincon aveu"e. 1iHE. DOMINION BANK a.i. BOsier, M P., Prealdemi. W. D MatthewsVloe-Presldeet. C. A logort, O.ma'l1 Manager, Total Assets, $6i,Soooo B rsnch of this Bank lias beec easl> ~ llabed ln London, England, on isi en i ly, ai 73 CORNSIIL, B. C J'bts Oiranch wîlllissue Lettcrs of Credî and Drfts *oit ail important points in Cat4nadeOltlate BillesnsI( Orf oec- lo. anab* telegrilc rarsfere, snd ev ydescrption of banklag IÏatldi iIIbu f ornisheit«o.dil t t Aqpedst Upartmat wllte pvtd W~ S istea adbeares of WEIT~YONIAEI1 CI~AÂ,TUE8ÂTAUGUST 17, 1911 (i A ~ I & a f ~. £a. ~tJUJJJULLOW~ -Ma~ GlIby Imquesî toue Coroner Easti-0Wood a tJury ou Moenday eveniîig coatinuiM the. lquLrY iaLo te cause of death of Anale Gît- by, who did suditealy on Juste 24 ant, Lhe body being bureit witout a The fluet inquiry oi the L'rown At- torney was as Lu why the body was butied withoui the Statuiory hurwa cou Lfcate andi permit. Mr C, Seadont, of ihe firaiof Nib- Oison & SeAdon, uiadertaters, tu lb. absence [romt town of Mr. N"acoioa, was caletliedE tesiusd that Mir. Nicholson hait askefi Dur Warien lot a certUlicate, and t hat thse latter à"i promisci toL give him oie. Actig tapon tise promisae, but net waitiug tu actuaaay recesve tedocument, the san- uh-sakeis burieil the body. Tise cecti- fleaie had neyer been lss.aed. Lt vas a 1 requent occurrence, Mr. Seldon said, Lu bury withoast having Lise per- nia ian hant, Lise promise of ihe phy-, scian Lu suppil> 1< heuag taken. 'rhe, documtent oould b. obiaineit inter.i Tu Lise (îown Attorney Mr, Se1doan adnaattsd tisi at ekiew Liis was a saulaian ofthLie letier o!fLise law. Di Pro. er was called and ques- iuned as Lu bis knowledge o! Lhe c.ase lie hait beau attendin5 Mr. Jas Smsith, a îoîghbou o! the (ilubys, ai Lise Lame tisai iwo grauadcbiidren of Mi. Smith were qlLaranttlnet lu Lie boue wltb scaulet lever. He bal net, however, atendedthe .chlUsrea. He saw thees about, andtbhaittoidt Lie Sania aî Inspectot that the quarasu- Une could be Littet wbcn te proper leteat elapioit, as thet chiltren were qui te weil Tise Uruwn Attorney ssaggested thaL Dt 5rocter sbouid bave luqured lie thse case, as tu whei tise secO ease tevelopet ait whei te liae for lift- ing quarantine lu Liis case vas up, or tai lie sisoult not at al have un- teutaken te advlse tic Inspecter. Dr. Procter, it migiat he explalaei, was Iooklug a! ter Dr. McQiltvnay's cases turiag Lie latter's absence fer some four veeks, aistho*»gb buLait not requiredtot attend the5chlltnaM u Siit.'. home, lho prebbly toilt bu was acting for Dr.MGlira aat vlslug tise Chie! tiat tbO chilldsi ver. veil. He hait »me b.ovledge that tise second cave hait a1bernat- ported. Dr. Warren sait ho wus 'MUitca Healtia OMeier witieut salary. 110l acted as M.HO0. only vtitu ordeted te do se by tue cheittu t et«Un Board of Hleath, L4Se MayautoS lé1 town, or tise Provhnedl Board et Healti. Hoevas paid by los fer Ibot work dons.- He neyer iniortereoiê à& cases unlesu orderedIo t do no. Casses o! infectlous isease verest tioet-ý et thlm, and heofoteia .94iio- leti! taeyI.aae hIt b a xtt we 'ou MàtUriyaftMtor o e %t tea4 Gilby cuitd, but wheu ho trriM ' Lise home theebhlît vas doit. 5i.itli not know viait auzEM ber dleth, but home ulck vti ~e let fever, lbc supb- posedthLie teast1 t it i ad thte aimedisease. &0sas, eCOMs desti se qulckly, amstihave beuseta virulent type. Au te the Certillcatuetofhurla-Dr. Warren statut wh atsalit te Mn Nicholson tiat he did nettk" hms e coulit issue as rrt4êcabe, flbuthovouai conaider Wt. ne hait toitlut. Nich- oon, he "ait lat »50'»Ubel lie coroner hai t itepover ta le«%* a bg- ai permt mater Lie clrUmeaa@fl 44 hai t e t M. Nw»* t e le i corone. Dr. Warn baitetad the otior QUlby ChU*e,.ârl,< hal mIasse. Ne hait*ASetsma go clitum at Smilth». ,but hait e *alia onu The Creva AtIOS"y 06=«Cea dttfred viti Dr. Waerea ast*a Mi duties. He WA14, loy le Zt, .1a LNHO., ViithS t t alail~ a" àti sponsîhilltsuséde es ls ttbl, or Dr. Warren, ýbovovo, t l that li atuae ffla .U-id bi lte Te"a Couadi na t, be was aly t.sMt vis se d Dr. C. 1r. McGlumy Mtu i* ans t Mn. as. 8.*" W.. ln9aw At e- As mof thte jurythêti deslred to bm se i.evidence6o! Mr. Nicholsoti sud aiso evidence au te other cases of ievr whleb appearutot have arime trou the sam ource, adjourntnent wua- m»%s t411Aguat 22, at 7 pa. ENTI4USIASTIC RLCEPTION Ck1VEN i lm. (From the MMIainasi Empire.) Th iL.beral-eonssrvatives ofsSouti Ontario are IUbtîsut over the an- "noment made te tihesa by Major Win. Smith, ex-M.P.0 tint b. woulit socept Liasnomination tenitereit hlm tt a convention held on Jane 26. At Liit Uime he deferret his decision, pendisg bis returu f rom a trip tu Setland, and it was leaAfed that a combiaatlon of consideratlons w-ouIt' leait hies te decline the nomination, but at a meeting boit bore last Sat- uritay attennoon, Major Smith, amit s w eofo wild entisusiassa, stated bis whllagnesa to uphold thLe banner of Conserratlnni la the comiulg election. 11i3 resove la tantamouat to bis re- turai, for bis vltdsspread personal ptpulanlty, bis abiiity as a speaker and organiter, and Lthe strong' senti- amt agalsast reclproclty ln the rit- i4g ail unite te assure his victory over Mn. F. L. Fowke. the late mees- ber. There vas a surpnlsingly large atiteatance at Lthe meeting, Lise §tau"c yeoman 01 the coistituency resisting the lureofo the harvest, and satLerAsla force f rom the. Town- shipi oS ERut Whitby, WistLby, Pick- ering, Bcugog and Reacis, whlle thse Towns oS Oshawa, Whltby and Pick- oring were ail Weil repre- senteit. Tise chair was filet by tse, President o! the association, Mir. Jauo Brighat. of Myrtie, aid seated witb "is OU tii Platferm yeCol. Sani Ruches, M.P., Edisunt Bristoi, K.C., M.P.,Ior Centre Toronto ; Chas. cal- der, M.P.P, Jaums -MSe, Peter chfiatie, .O*M.P.t J. i.*Ab I bort W. Jackson, W , Oh Wuu XAJOR SMJTit A1CCIflS 14014 tui k a lst ano-Ume is- lrinulI*Mjorsautb,, tot ait ptt>% *Ma i "-r e agthblea wbatdece- ion adreacW A'be isomslue Who vas giveu a a ousagreceptuon; reciproityin »e , b bc dy oftle tteS- ty, "ttIc vasin us tee fein1854 le y 8S, sait 01ated 0i4 IaoW vitâHy. wlama Canadahait be Wlte Ports, sa bous anad 'no .railiyo, msk- Unitedt taa.caafi nvenou thi, grot uset*tty tu 'ber. hutoty Majort i3*àth did àùst ýulAve *hat Qausia ould ho ian«Ietto, annexa- tue tbeiib le epsattosus Èetr- proeisyo but bellced Atbat Abse alitdl Blutes WMv oult et siuatb tttami* Smv YOMsby throaaaug- toaropal the agraonsea aler Caaada'traite It 18 not surpru of WLEIEprOper, hait bm nturnedih to American cha- Cinag to the îquestion of his ow . Madidatur, Majot SWnth sait that If he hail been re*uiIred te give a de- Mlith anevr' wltinnominateit, h. votait have consUlted it s personal Ir- clîliatosuad the vWisheaof bis tam- iley, litA elused the honor, but atter six weeks' rbg"ctbh he had declded thfat h. stili oweit a dehi te hie par- ty snd his country, and tUs s adit m- peliot h"mto place himotîf ln the bands o! the Conservatives, with the deterusinatdon to ftght bis hariteat against the reolProcity pact and Lb. Laurier Governesent. It would be no cbild's play, but with the support as- sured bisa, he hail no doubi of a tri- uimphant :sue. COULD NOT CONT)ROL TRUSTS. Col. Sam Hughes, M.P., for Victor- la, alter paying a hîgh tribute to Major Smith, seoreit the Government sevsrely for forcing au election at the present time by its determlnation to pusla a reciproclty measure down the throats of thse people. A, Mariposa Township [armer, visa was a gooit Lîheral, had informed thse speaker that if thse pact hait been la force last year, he woulit have lot $800 on bis season's outpuat. Col. Hughes sald that he hait offered in his awî cou- stituency to pay the expesseof two Investîgators (rom each party il tiiey id not unanlmouuly repart, a!lter touring New York State, that tbe1 prices received by farmers there w«g 1 lowsr than thse prices obtainlng In Ontario. Under reciprocity, Canada woulit be moretruut-riitden than even1 the United States, for thse latter1 country has thse power te , curb its own trusts, but Canada bas no power over tisem. If CanAda's fiscal policy passeit under the control o! the Unît ed States, contraI inst of her com- merce and then o! ber politics would necessarily foilow . Thse Dominion could ouly guard against sucis a- dis- aster by overtu<ning the Governeént. Dr. Kaiser, ci. Oshawa, wa:ed the delegwtes preset -t tat a weIl-4o11(wn member of tht iLiberal machine î ad, appeared ut Othawsa undt gen eut1 thbough the rtàding, aud. sdVlsed fst' ho bu e -s uuekng lu tue Scu- gog as soon as le conit be capturm. CHPRE~L flY LIBERA.L REVôWT lit Emaut.BrstlWho mate aý 'deerlv Iyutreuug Impresson l>y' bis forctui aitite"a said-tisaI.Tait, ait Lauriorhautbinin Drened o!01 eleeto jetiimnsuti e le i pl . ciprooitye, fé or tUb-*re lu a badt vayý politàcally. F'or* over a century ..h United Statuesbas- trid lbobtàAn- pouf etnofCane ada ssiàhvl*g:*lii- etiby bioth aunhaet'Ilonco 5usd mabe legilauttos vas ilôw-,trylig ca$OIeArY Canitu's ânsvertoi tise abrogaticà of tW iserproelty troaly lai 18" 4had beei ltbe formatiôo e t liamniloi lai 1867, aujthtie country bodthrIvoss uater thée Nat"onalPolicy lnaugip!t. tlai 1878 by Sir JoliMacoWd4ul. ben tis MKWluitrill ha ut uie proMWbtl-ve .iuty on, Cautadiau p-ro-' duce, tise fanuuste ait tu taiïüîx i: edint M fauugeu mata aew m-in tt Sing that the 8elIing tY ts-alaready on the- homo' gstreh. Tü- mske - prQofltsiworth -wbile it- rto mk an iÎnvestmont woî wbio y uyng- vacant laud-&*n the 1IL of-buiilding activity iarndygo Ingown a-,)dgtoet n a-4t taie ongu Mr. B3rlntol quoted wlth telllsag effeot (rom the officlal1 reprint of President 'aft1à' reciprocity message to Cous- gress, whlch sets forth undisguleedly the objecta of the United States, whioh are to husband their remalnng resources at the expense o! Canada, an4d:to wean this country away (rom clouer relationis wlth Brîtain. Liberala Select Caaslidate F. L. FOWKE THEIR CHOICE. (Froni Toronto Globe.) Brookli, Aug. 13.-Tise most de- rnonstratlve Lîberal raîiy ln thse hie- tory of South Ontario was hait bore yesterdny afternoon, when &ie hun- dreit larmers deserteit thein fieldts in tise midot of barveat to proclaim Mr. F. L. Fowke, M.P., their unanimous cholos as champion oS thse cause of "Laurier andt Larger Markets" inbiais coiastituency. Mr. John Nott, oS Port Ferry, an octogenarlan, wiso enjoys thse distinc- tion oS belng the oldest Liberal in Ontario Co-nsty, declareit that lu fer- veicy and spirit of earnestness yos- terday 's deomnonstratlon eclipees any- thiîg that he bas seen lu sixty years' active service lu tise pauty. FLUOR COLLAPSES TURICE. bn accident occurred turing Lias meeting viaicis might have created a panic. As tise assemblage was thse la.rgest that has ever been packedin l- te, Masonlo Hall, Lise Immense welgiat provet too mucis for Lheaslsîepers holding tise floor, and witisout the. aigisteet warniig tise timbers col- lapsed , Tisere was a wiiit rush Sor tise door, but tise qulck assurance of Mr. KetCien, owner oS the building, tisat the floor could not qlnk furtiser quelied ail tise ailcy aid tise mei wçnt back te their Sents. Twice again, wiaibc Senater ibanîi Derbyshire, o! Brockville, vas apfak-, ing, aud when Mr.twarit Wilson; of PceEtlsg was eeconlg Mn. FV' 'à nonsntbon, thee aasalty was repeat- et, ant the floor, becante .,a series oS undulatlons -tvo or tiaree Seat h bl 'Tblr n" . eftiimposstible te continule the. meeting - limItje, unitheLb. bess acates ws ers cauridtacroiss ta thoý grounds ef the Methôisut Ohureli. fforet unter tc he to deof broad&iflple ..and a ith t1 he chutch.steps asa, plafrni, th itsdscussion-wa,î restimed. 'F'A MERSM~À' BUSNESS Tise.busnesslIli attteq b o vue sina soaoe0ticaaUy,, toqWk otta- bek eei b ,e te prepare aspeec, bit bien tee busy hauti n aubiý day, aahu and, wi v4anýulàÎ have to taise 190 ïomaenks lie bat. o! rWltlagstamvs oett alit 1908 by la unajoity of 1% Yotais It 1 la ruase lia Llbona au» *0bsas HEINZ SWEET PICkLES- HAVE NO EQIJAL. Mixed Small Gherkins Also in Botties. Au Tu LAWLER-- WHITBY, ONT. Phono 47. Prompt delivay. A CoolitngDr Tui s t e tiher Ibal aa iecool dink au feel better. Try these: DaJîton's Concentraied Orangeade, O Dalon' Cnceritrat«I LeMéinade, k Fly Pa -ytamid Fly C tbher Another nicenew lot -Of 1uported kt Sta. oôd -Goods at I.ow Ptdce AgPewS Il Me--, e _ 1, l1w f 2 ~ f 4ie* 'e 5 j t I -30o quart - 40o quart 1 1 ý 9