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Whitby Gazette, 12 Oct 1911, p. 5

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When bought right, a diamond is a safe and good investment. Diarnonds as gifts Iead everything else as be- ing a thing of Iasting value. Our diamonds are carefully selected by an expert and every stone is guaranteed to be as rep- resented. Our prices are as low as h 'gh cl be sold at. ass goods can whenever is at Consuit us You wish Our experience your service. R. N. Bassett Jeweler and Optlcian Whitby, .C. T. 13. W, C. T. Il. CONVENTION. The annual County Convention of 'he W. C. T. U. was héid lu St. An- (liew's churcli, Whitby, on Wcdnes- daky, Septenber 211h, with semioons, ilitirn iiig, ai ternoon and evenlng. ~...jJeia 4Ire delegates present f romn' Port l'erry,' Prince Albert,-Canag- ton, Oshawa, Uxbrldge and Whit<by. LI ,ncheon and tes were provided for t lie Whitby Union, tables being spread n the bassinent of the cburch. lit the ai ternoon Mns. lHitchcock, orie o! the Dominion Alliance speak- vr "i, gave a Mnost interesting and elo- iii<nt address. Mrs, (Rcv.) G. A. MdrLean, Whltby, and Miss Sinclair, -ruînto, sang beautiful solos. it the cvening te ('iurcit wns weil filiiit. Rer. Mr. liamilton, of Toron- ' gave one of the best temperane <luiresses ever heard ln Whltby. Miss ick sang a very acceptable solo. llie convention was tritthl ln plans 4work for lte comlng senacen. i'lle followlng omeers w~ere eiected 1-riCe conitn year: llin. P'reuldent,-Mrs. il. IL Crosby. I"xhrldge. l'resldent-Mrs. E.E. Starr, Whlitly Souretary-Mrs. King, Oshawa. 'lteaii <'-M a.Robt. Thoinipson, bt hr' rSer.-Mrq, IFrank li, Uzlhridge.i Local Happeraigs Cl'aIln M. W. Collins' for cl'ass goodsata lowest Primr. irsti New stock Peabody's Overnls ai lThe sterni of Priday leat put a quletus on te W.C.1. Sport wblcb bailto b e postponeti. The last o! the »Wui Cernen M6- waIks te laid tisi year, theb.* lst ln te towla jtaintry, w» *Q ir ed. o on Saturtisyf Oct your télotbe eabd Poss!, pt, alttereti or repairai ai A* !O stoe. Mauritee $y tA~.t4. Nov Stock VrCIÛP*VS tu A. Cotuta &tW. 0.*tB~ elttep - Ont* 150 sew cents to select frein atIN 0. Wallons'. Northway mnske. Monday, October 301h bun bet fixed by lte (fovretimnuuas the da to be observe t u Canuada as Tbt*àI Lme y Iour mensure ab tht> talle lltg departanent of &»X. Io ert hew nuit or overtoat. A ptaoll Mtau wll, take yeur measunoMantirir ciau workiuen vill makte tbem. Bi ery garmnent guarantoot. The Binkell sale on Wdmgdayc las t week wu a grest sucoms. A thoug the îte iIw»an auexeoplinau largo one. Auctioneer ?daw. "o eryt.bing betwoeu 8asti 0O.15 otcltà BIlly is a bustier. 1-yard aride Ylannelete, per yard at W. 0. WaIter'. Gel youn siilbng doma doors and sasbets made bh carpeniti. k- only lot "dstaoi W. LIONI Sms PSil's for mcvta"iboote moderatopie ..J mmn, veinesMaWicitidnres i>l 'Il aU4on or twe piOM . sel- a» a' . W. ot., Watett. Élbotr nguixlà 1eues !nOM *ýt t éwbat W.,- G. ilrs - CA?4IDA1~S XC[MINATEPD IN THEpýI PINO CONItSTI. Mis ?4 a =an, Bnooklin. MisMabel Chint -rooklin. Miss May Yule, whitby. MISs Jean flaytraf t, Brooklil. Miss Minnie lnays, Âudiey. Miss Brookea, Myrtle. Miss Janiet 'Higlop, Whltby. Miss Lilliau O'Boy¶e, Myrtle. Miss Ruby Ouokt Myrtie. Mrs. Richard Wilson, Balgam. Miss Annie Rtodd, Kinsale. Miss Minnie Stephenson, Brooklil. Mrs. Arutour Ellis, Ashituru. Mrs. N. J. White, Ashbutn. Miss Retà Palmer, Whltby. Miss Antde Purvis, Columbus. Miss May Hislop, Columbus. Linoleumsq, 1 to 4 yards wide G. Walters'. at W.1 D. SIMPSON & CO.'S. MilliDerY Opening September 25th and 26th. We extend a cordial invitation to ail ladies to corne and sec the new creations ini bats for fail and winter. Our milliner, Mrs. Joues, la a youmg lady of long experience, most compet- ent in the art of! millinery. It lsaa satisfaction to every lady to sec the rnany new ehapes and styles tu hats, the faultiess biending duspiayed whucb can oniy be accoinpiished by real art arnd workmanship combined, whicnb adds grace and beauty alike to hat and wearer. See our display. Equal to anything in city or town. Prices one-third less. l3uy your bats [rom us. We will appreciate it and give you value in return for your money. D. SIMPSON & CO., Pickering'. I t Street P ONTARTO 'LADIES 'COLLEf1!E tee NEWS. -sl1ver B Trbe Con5týUcUonof tth1e large> . W oet la f extension te te College, roti4ig n.i.le gynnaalum andl swîuuning bauikc - an ALÉUW,, Weil ,as -llbrary e~enonlt.4yciir-M'ü tbaItne-e -, tstle*r. lut rio* lu fuilt-swing. 'lite- ava~u are pôxupleteti,,andi the ceient fotnti'. Pry a atigna pgu4er way. MiAother addition- bose o«-- ai buildingla Ikefly 'siýo, te o-,be l for bospital purposes. On. Frity eveaing the annuli cç~ptliuon soire students 'w» b<t luai- the drawing Ploase roc= andi <2apel.. -Ileides0tht> loca 3 directors andi .lergyten - thene wmene y T'he occsion aee-tat evsfor lb., st.udentg, a to bcome1 âcquatteê l wlth O os atler initerOcli able -Cont-Th ý dIticas.A& lutersauIng pregraewu D1,0 V profideti la ,tt, v-calsole by, Mfess bI><>O' meAhmmonut iMutwnlnù.zabrecit- I"a' s lng andi MIssMeCamua' piano su ai- ber. Somn.et the marvels oet nillOf t>el. lite ver. aboya ibrob ithoit>power -__e r ful microucoMe Iy tbe principîl, Dr. R ' Han.. Jfrrubsneztaer senvortd by *0b 83APTIST UJ!URCH. W*,I lervime sSusay, Ortoba r 1 ,as us- oal. SUaday M"fratns i.putor vii glve a sriesuao * aU "Pit asnd OrettuatApol1ptit or Iek«Wot c lbe tnibiis t, Irf Tht. ma- poaltory atudy of tht lpbst lube IbRairs. &«4&iy MUra4,oct. 11* whflbetb. oolmtthe sfr&t 31 IOurA Tht>R« lbsur al a* o! Slm.t Aetetohalt 8 a 8,lsh - Itt purcbasied ffô-m the rigbt bouse which ieâ- THE 1RISSES *POIELL Brock st., Wlb these addresses. The mubecet wil ho introduction t0 Episîle, including by whom, to whom, when, and for what Purpose thie book was wnltten. Evenlng service 7 p.m. Titis wlll ho a platform meeting in charge of tbnee mes of the churcli wio will speak in Place of the regular sermon. This service will be made more heipful and Interestisg by te presence and asâst.. ance cf a full voiced maie choir, who wil render sweet and inspiring selc- tions during lte service, as welI as lead the congregatios ln Vhs service of praise. A cordial invitation lu cxtended ho aIl to, attend these services. CAST OR lA lb. Yind ..Have AIway8 Oougbt Bears the Alvmnare of GUY 13ROTHIERS MINSTRELS. Every person enjoys seeing a good minstrel show and titis seasos Mn. George R. Guy bas certahiftY got a Iirst.celass,,.oiii- whieit le wiIl present to the theatregoers of Whitiby next P'nlday evening, Octoben 131h. No ex-. pense lias been spared tomecure th e veny beet peopfe of which there are thirty-five in the ccnupany and everY 'one a singer, dancen, acrobat, COMn- edian aud m"scIaft< notbisg-lb~Sic ovenlookcd. The svenery and elortrc-, ajý effects are ail uew "&,-, remat1" o dorfui, sométinlagwhieh n O'.thler SbaW , IIthe rosà * cart 011e0ll couu - '01 etn big- acte -ltaI wii x1ltae beth-the ýoung anud h,Ôd n*thing wad or acted ini Ibis sb te ofte4 a~r efsn.-The auginente&' orchestra was veré arl l ïeicted and"f vithout d 4oUbtla ibe the on" 'hrodt". Dv. lutmiss meelInc W.~ W, tl 1chîÇdson siud Mr. ng Il o sireWiu1d'on Tit<esdaty s1t trouw -thlt Western tnýp.ý MiÉ etitd, Who -b as beea wlt he Msstr rs. tGotdeos- fôkf a te o! ea s, a golie to ï ,1To n t e t Miss mitebeii lias etigu.ged miss, MagaetMédresto taire charýgé' her 8iJlOOl wiorkwblle ishe j absnt nluraing ber sistei. SUcaoate Cody flr@3 Chage ifderaIle UrIiuliIlllIutrLînuLîN Oui 0 r.duateml sutad d Mg6od pneition oing to their #UphulorttaAImg81 Itd doing the higeat grade of wozk lu BusJasa. anîd ishrtia.nd Education. Studelits Of thla year are tiow lnu poitions worth trois 80 tOi 8 ibu ver ionth. iEnter n. catalogue ftes ,ývine iud W. 1.itipe I. Our Seven colleges hàve been estabii;hed dnring the past go year. The largest trînera in Canada, Owing to ont conction ail over (Jntsurio, we do better for cuir g nuites titan any other Ëchool. 'Voi 'nay tudy ail at bomne or partly at hoaine and finishi at the (iolIege4 Aflliated -wltb The Commercial Educators'l Association of canada. It wofld be well for you, to inve88r tigate before -choogingYErlnie igtfor oGetatrlo f the world-fatrn. but filiss'Book eejdng 8 stemn, 'wbloh is-une led. li t usinessfrcm tttepfilish and Obartsred lh&ikiÏand',Wholetale Bousm. Enter &ny lime. W ite," cal) or phtone for r Mnî oreWillatsandMn... V 2tIâffy" ,whri have juet tet4ieed frotn 111e' wiit, arte iitown lihi Éb .MnÉ Lug toni, -¶vhoÏ-liasbeen ii.T >o-' triato wlth-the Lawi laffilly tôtoi *ibree weeks1 asreuc~ obi XEosnalid !amily, ! air- lant rnoved to town On -TUesda "'and Wil,occupy the houge opposite -)lq Col, giâte, reèeentiv ÙCCeid Ms Ranging from $22.00 to $ 50.00. NIEW PERFEeTIeN 9OIL IIEATERS fine for cool fail evenings, absolutely odorless smokeless. àg service, don... eaYei inug alad emealg. D. WIi. TwI o i Oc -eX..Prnsldnt o et nAns.. 5troetl, * 3enrpl<kffeeae, ntihi n- J.I$PHI gS, nr la 3055104inkToronto. by thet> tlat ot sImondy eI*olti Vicori ijfwriiycm.ferrd U144110P m the degfft oi P Dorn t 1*Di- Flotons Caua, Tb il -be! aBa ud tk foý@ld Uou ri4 e am ounwfor$0 bams, mbau meI AmI for, -4t. Buggy U- - h f JASi. te V**"bu, Mo bawe" ,styl t *"ir dopanlstidf A. IL alu.tu Mi UMM. 1t. 11 sW bi:* - w At rigles ardware Store Souvenir Stoves 4. K s and Ranges We invite youlto cail and examine the Souvenir Range belore pur'-hasing AU. MRS ALL MEZS and Price $4.23 and $5.oo each W.M.PRINGLE u CORNER HARDWARE STORE, Elootsl ~B WIIITBV, ONT' p ots! 9 ý R 1 MA CKLAM-PELLIEII, A very pretty but quiet wedding took place at high noon on Tuesday, October 3rd, at the honme o! Mr. snd Mrs. R. Norman Basset>, Whltby, when lte narriage o! their motter, Olivia E. Macklam, t0 Mr. Thomas B. Pellier, Brigitton, was soiennulzed. lTe ceremonv Vas performeti by t<he Rev. M.E. Sentsmitit. The wiedding mareh was played by Miss Marjory Macklam. The.bride, who iras giron away by ber sion, looked veny charin.. Img ln a -geo! ofchampagne silk mli>. appItque trimming, andi carnieti a bou- net f-eau.-ras- i- w6re the- gr.oom's ita>ent..VU ,. Aflter te eeremôny,,ë- at-y lu'actu- con was served. Latt,« on XMii andi Mrs. Pellier ctbauoorToto where tbey tueir thé train for Bùuffo, Newr York and otber-estem pehuà.' Ou their returs they wIil' reside ln

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