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Whitby Keystone, 22 Jun 1905, p. 1

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/ Vol-III. May Clearing Sale. o -0 'y -o O Si- -O h -0 -o 'i *0 o o -o s 5) 'I e e> ~r. 001 ng N nnhil128m 6.0p.tun. Going Sout.h 8.08 &.mn. . .. 12. 40' Pn.ý 64 2.40 a.in 1 5TA(,ES. L.avu Alvwhitby for Ogbawa at 10. a.mn. anud 4 pin. Hotilideiî, propifctflr. Lettonç# for Broughamn &t 10 ar... A. Unyt pis- qpriet.r MAILS ARRIVE. Frosu W. and E, (145 arn. Prom Wvest 3.45 sPmr fi 10ans.-'»0 Faut 980a.In From lmuigharn 5.30 p.u, MAiLS cLOSE. for Nnrth 74- ui.. Hat K30 &.m. wfflt 12.15 pi.. For Oshawa .50 pi. W. and E. 6.90 pi.. West 9.00 p.. PROFESSIONAL CA RDS. MEDICAL Dr. Uoldrum PHYS"IC)'ANtSURGEON AND A CCOUCHEUR. <iraduate of tUniverglty of Torontn. and Licentiate1 ci Royal Coilege of Phyufians. Edibirrgb.1 "Tnz TEJOU.ct," Bvaos ST. P houe 4t. * LECA Soicitor for the Wemtern Ba.nk, Nota.ry Public, 4tc. Mone-y to Loan. Office next Pot ftee,1 Witbv, Ont. Dow & MÃ"Blivray Barristers, Soêlictari. etc. Money to Los.n. Office oPPÇite pontat Offce, Wvhit.by, Ont. J. Bl. DOW. BA. T. A. MCUKLLIVRÀY. LL B.' James Rutiedge Rarrister. Etc. Money to Loae on easy Termes. Office immrediately vouth of Royal Ilotel, Wbitby, Ont. John E. Fare.well, K. oq LBarrister. Cointy Crowii Attorney, man County Solicitor. Ofke-Soutb wiug of Court Houso. Whitbv. W. MRne Dete.Office over. Fcrusons*, Dutl P4 Reaietîc No4, The Tenraçe, Byrosa8Lt, NA itby. Open Saturday eveninge. Dr@ jaï se B.j* ts Deatist. 7ýraUat6 of Royal Cbuoflee Dental -1uqeona. Toronto, i110»sr pre4uai.Totouto V!I- «Fmatr,çîadute et (i1c1bff of »emil Surgeoné. 011e. ovey Wo rqb usdwm store. Cornier Brock ami Dund*s te~s CHURCH DIRECTORY. PABTOI. RM. JOIIY4 ÂIEAHA Sabatl Inteas-10M a. m. &WdptalM.- u~ -dyonTusMd8y ereLgat Ail SSI.W Okoesb 350T01-UV, A. Houri <if S.Ti'IOS. susd.a.~mU .~o'oloek: UupPr~yV____ * .48 p. a. mon. 7.80 St. JhWS O~. M No. FORPURE FRESW Groceries GO TO Y'; C, Sensational inducements to shoppers. Parlor Sets Dining Room Sets Bed Room Sets Fanc.y Chairs and Rockers Ladies' Secretaries, Morris and wire back easy Chaire, Spring Bode and Mattrasseg, Screens, Carpet Sweepers, Window Shades. AT SENSATIONAL PRICES A cal1 solic:ited. WM. TILL & SON. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. WHITEY Jl[7*TiMON. Going Wiut 6.29 &--m OoLng Eaat .59 Li. 14 fi2 &m. .07 a M i. id 2.05 Pi. .0.19 p.in. fi 7.bb pin. Sundlay 9.b5 pi. The. 5.42 amn. train doeu flot go uest Nlonday moring. WHITBY STATION. Leaves. To-day"for En gland. 8 e t i llr Rev. Matthew 0 olmjleaves townf to- day for Mun treal, and wili sali aboard the Aflj.n Linu steamer 6Vie- IA Success fui Year aI 11w Ontarlo Ladies' torin'lforLiverpool. Eng., on jFriday. Mr. Gold Is a native of me s-aclut Sermon - Conte, th tight lit tlc isie." and thougb lie loves Canada. ic land of bils Certfficates, Pizes, ý etc.f adolitioT, lis liart often turns to- wards the honte land and home beenfm. Ili bu rOsse the ocean The College year '0.1-5. wii Il" a. The~ true me nine-teen titues, tins n aking i tile ijuat been brouglt to, a cloMe lfe ivas .Temus twüritieth trip>. Hîs aojourn lu ng- wlthî the nattai- exercises. bas been Inodej for -ail l a.nd l@ to be of Indeflîrite lengtlî. He 1 one of the most uuccestf niti the klS- ln ail Places- f ias no plans four the future. wlîat- tory of the Ontario L-mdlp-' College. tleth century ever seemas to bc the bestt lie will do., One bundred and forty resident Pui-1 tury. ln Londc wliît lier to remnlaI lu England or* to pilis bave been enrolied dtîring t1hef ronto. It « return to Ctnadu again. ycar, In addition to a cous'idei-able DO? amcnded, Mr. Goici bas been a îuolît faithfuni number of non-resident. oeaslt mbel' of the Iatlst churcb. Wlit- 1Tihe exerelues known s "00131- i;.Gcd gave lit b>'. and ere lus dejarture h. was 'niencement" extend at thUe 0. L. C. ire muet fuifi thougitt fitting to gave Mr. Gold over tour dayw. The pruceedingsatai@hall have gox soine cvidenice o! tise kîndi>' esteu tu e College are preceded by the an- Crs ea ln iwlilcilihe aleslU. Tihe occasion o! ýinual cantate.. wlici la eheld ini the He lethe abuq the young peopie's meeting on Tu-' towii's muae hall. . HVed a human eéday evening wau tiouglît to be The cantata ibis year was ldiwalked the ut, a fit ting tline. and i o a few 'of the 1lotit W4dneday eeitig. theéRmre muri oider rnemberé ofthtie clîurcli met; The concert opencd wiLh a uîro-18olnteiy pujreý wltiî the youug people tu say good-igram et real nierit, a piano solo b>' ample that bye to tiseir f rlend amnd brother. The Miss Lcah IRobertson being theopenl- Stepis." We followlng address'b was. durlIng the lng number. miss Edward.4 foliOpW. 11f e. ',IZ eepi evening, read to Mr. Gold by Master cd wlth a readluîg. **Ilow tise ciîUrc that le iD the Uraydon Goodfellow, and the lire-' was bulît." Miss Edwards lias great iour's prayer. scutation of a isandsome silk uns- talent as a reader. and dld lusÃŽtiCe And reSpousil brella presented b>' Miss tiertrude to tfits aclectlon. Miss Editii Br.vce. prayer couli Paxton. The urubrelia had a lisad- who bas been fre.quently heard ti l ve «" Bilu 1§<OMO goid-urnaniented lharidie, iu- grent pleasure. s"ng *Sleelb'ly IÀttié eart," etc. scribed -To 11ev. IL Uold. f roum Whit- Une.$ A deliglîlful nutïîbei- was a ukeel' youre by ii.'U"quartette *àlock-a-bye," by Milaeesspeaker eh( To tise Rev. Matthew Gold. îCanifiazti. SainIci-on, Seccontbe' and need leave pu Dear Jirotîser. -- As 41 young peu-, Lnt-eley. Their volceti blended Moht Jeas did not les Society o! tise Wliltby Baptlst harionlonsl>' li thsib sweet sulig of pure Inu îlegni Chureti, we tlulnk it fittitu n 1 Ise 1the nursery. MIss lrene M>tcDotiga.tl lollow the Ch t e ot your dejiarture for Engiand, gave a Nweli-executtal jiiano solo, Miss dean lives. fr a bojouru of suine Iengthi. in ay- f eccosube sang a soêsg $1sir1:gtfie"; Jeans led ai fimig goodi bye tu you tu exjs;re-ss in a gice was s ung by the choral chusi; le a wilfieh i ew e ehe way tise esteem ni d love;' Mi sMeA umnond gave as ii readivg speaker. .4T In whieh ive iold l u.-Thes'F'ormlng o! tiic League.*" frorn laIte inotto. )'ou have been fur inan>' years a! itiph Connor't. Black Rlà,c. and no_ care of il- nii-'ibh>r of titi#;cîsurcis. a mniber of MNil Miethaelis sang -Mure Itegal in self for other thea~ Young Peoîuie's Union. and a lis iov estate."plnadur teaeher ln the Sabbatiî scisool. You Tilen canse thc cantat.n, "The Lady Otlersý-"-For lia ve, been always a.nd ever a worker, o!fSîaloi. ung b>' ieurly a bond. not to be mlu gil ng o! your time, your steains, j mcd youtig ltdIes, drem#ced lu white. mînligter, and your es.perience and yuur talents tu The ciass was excelltiy traiiiéd nom for many tue rearrying un u! every brancs o!flnd conducted b>'Ulis. Smiart *Mi8e Renderlug s 1 tise chureh work; Thsis lias 14een ai>- itcell actinîg as aâceomivanîost. The thé Marter's iireiatedL by tise chuich suenibersa volume o! souig at limes was er'Service. ,\o lier!îaî.s amure 1.ss'tn you are aware strong and, barînotlour,, ait Ues valu. It qan 1I o;. It lias been ouiy when you have swéet andi pathietic. Sevcral solo Muet Unfiïà gun.c a,, y for atîsue that tîse worlk fphto were mung by Misiiew O'aàart the> Savieur yuu la donc for the c1surch has! Bryce, Cairns and Mlchaelie. seifleis lite or i been f(n y reulizvd. This concert là; eaid to have equal- <il to eure To the youisg peupile yomz bave been leid any Of i ta Predeceséors. iu lite, klid, su>'iujatietic, fatierly tasiWeill Undergnidtsn ti@' Concert. ie Pi-oudés brotlherl'. You have counselléd. lu- *h negaute !téClaewof lledan t wiruet.tcheered us lun our strivlnMfgavTe negautsothCOIË wb.lia ît anId efforts. E ternit>' atone .1îîî met a-ver>' eutertaling entei'taln. for utherst.. dicoteful i sesueo!yoiue-eeý%n1ng. There were few towils. thé graduatlî And now you are going front us toPeuplIe' pi-eont, owIng to thé 'un- Totag laie, tisose whom you have loved in favorasble wcstlher. T'boft 'akïig permit ide o Oince *and tout u.while. lu your jour.mt -ute >cshr qtee- atelrt n e-ylus U1is,<n'.yar solourn ,we 811i&" -J . y... .vaý'tcomment be lnterebted. W. ailt ow îY'OU 'raduates' ýConcert. ee-o with Our «kindest wishes' and 0our. On sturday eveuîlng camue the cre OI caîeu ray fr your ohaybiaîupl Nés concert giveli .by the gradvating dente 1» tia knw vyour illotmay e * u, ad clatis.Tisere were tcn inmwbers, aiI ture bu tonm know yon wlll not furgét us. andof them epleudidly g1ven. soimg"ilg"a d that or-hen your tiugt utin the Iliigh state, o! pruflcummcy týg o uragea I 10nc of umby. wel b tst your wlî%V îthue clasu tuas uattaed during >~ loeai- u eaub ! swilhotng w t itei- courb~e at the OQL.C. - - Tour tendue love anl un reg arry.d. outo1Misîî.Couk dcllglited thé ,large kiwi-i wonIld Thatyou uai> cary wlh ,yu 1baudience wlth a MkgnlficeâtOf¶1tat wpt tose nna o! your rîl i ln te sladt1 solo. Théelîlgisstanding etfthis ceitege la sot I îoc'no! ourf nlndslu he andyoung tee$. wili e rélerred te Iaali. rmnrle o! your adoption. wc amk >ou to Misa ot le >iYdaplane stolo otimsa n.ccept tnue umbreila, whlclî we trust tiPotoh wetnesatlpeé. u gm at & niay 'ekI lyou [rom ian>' a vain- i Mi. tmlt gavetnas radu~" pInser. arofess t -«tortu au you îîast Up anald dWn lu s Ent e aveon." 1'hha OUlalia6es Woegsln .ouî aIj lasonie it&aaid.l*hat,ô etur>homeeslang. îroven herseifau adep la iculïù?w e an aan -xitwin.oui- respect éI so t r. nai lov'e, wce bgo uurs&ýeiq »il' Me 8cob as ~'inpro Vous~~~~~ r rtesaa ltrnCrs.well-tra!ned vte > A Ilutaier in, earneît Mr. Uold tmade a very sàutabie re- 1 Kîgiî." UmhisGrltfdtb roitWon ee -laes~ îîiy toe s .reau and îsreseiilm4litt o 0tise finesi îhlnus thewrite" lias , ar .n.&I AI College- ~teutain- rrfng of D pIomas,9 eamunrevuent aridal am of B thse Ch-lst. hele ! the Il people. u ln 11thins, -the saine lu thé twén- Fau tu thé tiret cen- Iou, and l>arisjiand To- ýoulal Dot hoe lelarged, i nom' lmpioved there le undeviatlug *tamndard. to us-if we F'oiloîv 1h Il life's iiosiom, andl we ixid succese. n examl)le of purity molutel>' pare bune, yet n lite and lu tbIs; world me mtreçts, 1breathed, k>' atniosplere-wyet ab- -"Oleaslug 11W~ an ex-- se ebouki folýow Hia rc ho Imultate> HiUpure lhem from tfse erl i world" wa»sitle Sav- '-not troum buaines. [hUiit>', but e ril. Ris 1be animere4lu oui- iéed are thée pure .In l'uré reigloi~lule ho ?If nitp9tedo TheO loet>, or su4îiaî ,Illé. )t--but kept cilean and leat. 1h la pêsasbie tu' brist and leai pure, m unseiftihif'. <Thls age," remark dtise rake carie o!fyourseliP' Jeaus came tud louis 1imeîf, b t Ve Hlmn- peuple. j1roc,'ned t he P1e !Hi lt toPaerve the 8ou o!f 'au came nistereal ooto, but to tu gîve Rs1easn ervîce -wse ti plan ' Ilte-not co maudlg liéltetuespé t le lu hever .be a u re, 'It ln glor>' au t ! Ilté of did. Irnîlate lb. ýun- Iesue, urgeal t , epreacli etise highest ~adbéat st nametson be.-ecroli thé eioa heroesnes ,unte tbemeumtves. but swas tù1siloLveis te mya & ew Wrd ln yen. ^Tu-mc row fis- noumet ay.!7 ou~»48 1ittii reallr 90*, ay.' -Yon bave-« $>nt, lu* the êbaarn"g t'et-. nblnod te>mààn your haJ literai-y 1 stittione. aâtrlou on léaebeblhê- d havé Ven remembet itionuea herl>I- a Ln e via.ble a..Tis àa minaIt t honore m théà work inoueant. »bra&lny, *Pl twastlng eonofthe et gior. 90 ouItloto te world ledae 1 ways.-u olu Ilet. la .ky due assre thie fihendsthbat heWUdjhat o erb. *"L v e tow i*it." noter f orget tiiesu.t1at hé wlelied TId le a anost beautlinh stor - if tue fo t0 hem tihe ver>' bent bievainge tiîgue or Clr6-t, oe, willej4,' bts lireb- liuaven coukl seud. Ho hopead te lier reu.deint requirew *111- beyoîsd e ueo tueur faces aarln, but lie couCI 'tie ordlim-r>'and O.ap, ts9wan ilo telfl. #te wu*ela n tod'sbande. .1 ' _w- h oul sud F oliowtngiX ihs Mr. b. T. B lav>'. msturial ?bÇst"au praottoe Mi-. Hon: andl Mr. C. A. <Ieudfellow ('qiki laiart. MAw otIuWS#wu# gabd a loir wordât. Mes. Wiliug, equai to tis e 4.nd s0ober. te cave a recitation, eeral hymnufe 4 e eur 1t1i. were "Drm. ani ho. creani and ak o r#.Twî S t'fu awtr *Joe w orth weère-thenni-ertd.a Ver>' pl".4aunIOt he . pile 0 I Airain evening beingg brouglit hu a clome Ing@ PeoooiSî l &0g iWbe pff b>' xlinglng "Goal ha wlth yen 14 a sej Ierol»nil *uaagt» Sivas by ire me to," n.atuapronoupeing tiet »ad q~4 lien- ansd 4puaer rama Vo 4ê e it OldLades t Hydeslaie. j gal beot ooer eplue Laut rwldae thas tiretst u.iainaéî mM ot vîmltôrssarialt tise »aueOn"iWault ff Home e t àMqdesuasre t'ai-e Ti. %e"Auto Party Ossthrtî.yoS ci u I...I rereo wu* blad sBot haiS tbL t80tseve Ota I <lllmp.r*,dw 'bisl rWIst hm bs m eftws.iaGd.Il 1la betit y'e Mtore tbialiai>'tibat sowins cf théin Itt.. S diâbbW bea - nt:1- teu i ik o f -Toe0< _Phone 47. 'eeho.~u WHI-TBIt WHEITBY, ONTAUIO- THURDÂ, StandingonhMos Our f'urniture holda'the Ieaàd i thie« favoýr of 'disoimu ing byr.It. 80118 on its merits; art an osty ievery piece We ôte~r'frnure ,elegaxica> with staunchness and4uai 4 T ' : ' àI V15 IlIIsg I r re, 1 1 i resti tg ls W 1pee Imltod.î I I.roiolto.1 rîncipai. ...... i irql mu tm kopi Lft Con w EA 9 t, 1aboit ,Photo or nion tro ent*ublo. 1 Mokn m. Orer lo0 usnin inti s Jan., Try aloid 4ihted, olea ý 1 Me C. LAWLER')S-

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