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Whitby Keystone, 22 Jun 1905, p. 3

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r property tu Po- altuated; only ne* -at -5% per' *Londbn, Ont. LE >TORS. tIni.n etc..6P$OUp. ntreal on and Picton M Taronto 730 and Saturdays 1 nd laterw*- At UNE KINSOX ly, except su. ýcheeter. Thou' oces. Montre&i. uoae4 Saguenay R. agents or tern Passenge leTet. or a enrnpany iiver oil bas ev2týýrvyknown rd of twi'nty ing ail ktind-3 onfviflced thaL Io field. 1ev. to put mir we abandon- ërtising. Ille. tfactory. i3stL" 11014 1 don't asiônal>' usei 51tisfied tht ýt place so far LND SLEEP- beart sickresu n Ilhose nervns- esat be pictured ýo hmc been lu dragted rai irvitie.Geoige Fý"I owp ' my t*»Ied to, cure." cion. wî g inakere stringent in tadIlil.4any M. Only tully uw,;d to îprac. t',y tiorQilg.tiy en of razoes, m, craft, and Driý sharp and --ntago. Ee Ottiaur day te lellitng I1iW1o ;te the , o îles tfrst Item hhm ws II-enry jiat ltself lu a lie its 'ai-w." tthe truggtst M0 7=cr~to 15sonne- surface. i-ted Cl INTmBNA~wIQNAL LESSO!! NO. I JULTaNI>, 1P05. Comoaetar.-I. Sennacierib's defiant meugu vs,9-1>. ..After titi-Af- te.r reelvig the. present frein '}Leekia&a IIL Luge xviii., 14-16). 8ennacherib- 'E Th mu a uossor oi &nron. un the MNlrCyhndr"whick is nov la the OOIILIti i vasloiL Tii. accunt ia *0anet!thutba!oemmeut*rlas on the.reg oord giveain uthe Bible. Iu it Sennachcrib cla.lm te bave camýtured lorty-.ix of lie&- ekiaih. citits, ud tobhave takeneaçtave more tâmn 200,000 people. Re maya h. wail!tower.e aeound Jerusalezu &Bd shut II«ekis.h in1ke, a cged bird.' Ams'ria -Ibà s a a re&t M dpoW'wful country Ionuthe Tigrna. Ita bounda-ries d1f- f* greata diffèrent perled". 8end hi. sevant.--6ec, 11. inga xviii. 17. Tar- tan oer general; tii. rabsa.ris, thei chief et thes ennuche; and 'tJhe rab-e'hakeh, the Cbief Cup-.bererD tiese being the offices wlui er namue impy, with a gre*t "act. Vouee *I hese art preper usies. Tartan vas the. ordiuarv titie et au As- Sinonra hey were te demand I unbadtion&' urrerader et the . kmg 'aid ca >t*L--Cok. To Jerusalem--%ien- nacheriv as encamped belore Lacbash, t'hrty miles sotathweât. 'et Jerusa4em, std'ustate ,as we sec him in t.he monumnt.,on is caflpturcd thre:,ie, bow and arrowe in hia band, hi. char- ffle 4dhermes ot regai pomp behiud Mms, the. prieoners bendin bel ore bina, ha1f-cot.hed sud baret oct,f rom the ca.p- tiured lûty. Frein t4u proud position'lh. - sent a' lirge detachaient te Jerusalein. Theytôok up their postition on thc north o et telcty, on a spot long aiterwards known's the camup of the Assynians. Hezekiah feared t-o sppear; or, pet-uaps, careful albis dignity; ie sent officers of i. courtý, wiio were nearer tae rank .' Uao senst. Ianhi.place cameiIaiu nov clie! minster; ihebna, now in the office of acretary; and Joah, tis royaV, hisor4.-anly.AUllus 'pblver-AII bis arsýty. 10. Whereen do y. trust-Uàterally, E "Whermn are y. tru.ting and sttuug alu restrailatr"-Lauge. J uca.h was in alli- ance iv4thiEgypt, 4syria'iî arch-enemy; aud retezence as liere muade stitià. .In ILJjpxviii. 1, Egypt wu& mentioned by na*$, - itwas az alliance fraue11t 'witia do-fgr taurthe Jewtsh commun- wealth.ý 11. Doth net. liezeklah-"ktere- kiah 4 buse4 must viiely and ever- whelmet vitb éclora saudjAsUI6L .The lang4us 'aed vas se inaaltàg and bia' nh emoiâ tàiat h. believed te 4rd wadld Liar a"i aven'e aia. own Cause6. lie gaiýna.d.onfidenCe frein tla whkrb meO=- id caleùlatcd te intimidate him." 1. Wosj ïbefore anc alt.ar-R1ab-ahakeia * ais ne lfamar waUa lte Jevili 1mw, sud Illc natuWlIy sufflosed tmt the de- struction of Se many sitars vould axacur the diepleasure et the goda; but Uic rea- sou lie gave Le prove tha.t Judah -'wa. we&Lk waa thie very reaaeba why <4od was with t.hem to make thein.tiroug. 13-16. Know i'e fot, etc.-Ihis boast was nat- ue.lhe Assyrians hlad had an un=n- * teruptcd carter Çft sucfes, aid might weillbixeve that their gode wcre more powertul tanu those et the nations arcund th:lm. lae bad utterly everrun ilie, (iiead-auad Sainaria. 'rhey had for y cars esarcised lord.s îp over Judea, aud tii. veryking Who fftw .efaed themn 4ad purcha4 s9 h i JtyTby t' -paymtte a beavy, fine..-la AgaInSLthyentLof'- Hezekk4 tctà îils'laia;~~ «- pe h e oîlt tws g~r Lord more than Aguin9ýt linand lic aocordîisgly refera the =mtterte J*hevar. auotiier iault.ing message in tii. fors» of "saittter" (IL. V., xnargin) vaOs eut. The. kinig took the letter sud ait once IL Heasiâàla sd labai'a, ~psthe. ' Lkord (V. 21.2.Pae-Cu u. 'Y q klah vitasltha u u s.c. Maoii sd ent t te bins, et 0.4 wbts>pis. tb.-aglatuôlv&roi Pnot o1ypry te ud bulit v to W% kmer «pts idshelda,- Pud peoiet eâ the g suC l"joi6ted bthof tka (v. 21). 2!. vi an People t bei '4 " IÎU se * eré brought 74o zkIb tiona.JudaW ' ad' aneober century 'of reliions activlty bai ove the atinvas dmiU'eyed. Tol:Go<'aprotectIon et ihi& pe- p.. "TheAsoyriacame dovu 1k. a volt ontefoIci, And hie cohlorte were gleaming ini purple and gold; And the might of,.tth Geuies, unsmote by the sword, 1 Bath melted like snôw in the glane of the 1»o&d." Bible Lgte on the,' Topie-For 1DJly Progtecto by prayer, 2 King, v4, - 23. By Providence and purpese, Rom. YuL 28-,39, By foiling the wicked, Acta xxiii. 12- 22. By Baieguarding the. ngbteous, Ptam 91. BTv making the heart streng, Paalm =xvu. 1-14. By help in the criis, Esti. lv. 10-17. -B.y right choie.,, King&, Ui 4-1&. ByChrist's intercession, John xvii 9- 19., By godly life, Duet. xi. 10-25. Iu doîng God's work, 1 Kinge, xvii. 1- le. By the Infinite Guardian, Paalm 23. Léesson' building: A structurai out- line- 27hîs background of man's wckednesa andi Qppositiefl shows ail th.e more re- splendidly how God proteets Ia people. 1. ' Pe1ovidentil îchoice aa itain- ing.ýL dvine seltection of man sud nation a. bath ba8s and guarintee of divine care and safety.* 1H. By wise and good ruiers. Invsm 1Swget the truc uaeasure of Hezekiah =gdy patriotie, wise, prayerful, enter- priang Ill. Agaipst mightiest forces (vs. 9, 10). Setanacherib, whp'had captured 48 of Hezek"a'& rstreng citie and aow stormed Jerusalcin, symbolized tihe gret est conceivable strength. IV. Agins: taunt, cai and sucer (va. 11, 12). The"e are of ten thc severest in- fluences te resist V. Contrary ta precedent and expecta- tien (v& 13-15). The me&sage te Ileze- kish is boaatful and threatezt g.pctr ing the. weakmesa of other an other cties, lie f argot the difference between goda and (Od-. VLI.nl spite oi trying conditions (va. 16-.19). -Anang tiacie are (1) *belittlingl God and King ]lezekiai; (2) propheaying ~evil and failur.; (e) pMvoki gthe pe. pie te disloyalty and div inion altIti. GodÈprteted Bis people. v I auswer te uuited prayler (v. 20). A prsyîag king aud prophtwo>u1d iLseurea prayiug people. VII Sudd.±nly, ef fectualfly, miracu- lously (v. 21). 1Xo matter whàt thea- ge as$ it came *rom God -and wrowgit the wili ef Godl. IX. For a ihnee-fold pulpoe (vs. 21. 23). 1. To rebuke and destvoy the enemy. 2. To prosper, d blestti th people of God., 3. To magniffy the name of God aud promoe.Hia kingdem. Illustrati've--God's invisible protectien .-A butterfly ingide the window vs greatly 4iètunbed becauî* a asparrewvau pecinzg te get at it. Neither buttevfly lew#lItble sheet was a perfect proteetion a.gainst the. butterfly's enemy.-lngils -Je1aovah blew and they -were scat- tered"ý-This ia ene et the modala te celebrato tht protection of Protestant ,Euaglanca agauast the ao.cailed invincible Mmsînda of. URtholic Spadin. Philip IL. vu- I de rto- na W pyow. A de««s nom., lsinU Eunvier, Miiatr et 01 i I Affaîir in taear lu the. Jourwal 0e iew fiil t-merrwmk 11W*«sl o mal» la tt x Mrhtry oet Fouelp 4Miui Ideuirul M OtoeDqaud at UW. bslý - ËMtffieult- nbotl.uonswit I my ~ W omvoý.. fl tatue < tisse I meuM$i&tsemnu t Wh* ue km .udi Te -dates s" prealinýg jnus 1 lhe Fali ssiseCourts havebeesi dose '" sas follova: Oucipi, jury, Tuesdy, Oct. 3. J Toronto, civil, jury, lti veeli, 'on- day:- OCt.9. Strutiord, jury, Tuesday, Oct. 17. Tenante, mon-jury, fifti W«14 -Mon- Cy~> esoc ae deriChê nonjury, Tcdav. - cause Irs the purnst Lidsynu-urMondsy, Nov.7 souoI -2Y t lueb'1110Pie < n~u2 onjury, Thursday, Nov.3. __Hi Aia Ottava, non-jury, 'iMonday, Dec. 4. ni.ef justice. îthe CoanneaPlies Owen Soun'd, jury, MendsySept. 2&. Toronto, civil jury, second week, MOU- day, Oct. 2. L'Oiinl jury aid non-juiry, iadayp Oct. 16 Ottawa, jury,. Thursday, Oct 19. Belleville, jury, Tuesday, Oct. 31. Peterborough, non-jury, MondaY, NOV. Napaiee, non-jutry, Monday, Nov.20 Toronto, winter assises, secýond week, Monday, Jan. 15, 1906. The Chiai Jusqçd f et ti Klg'Bencb. Goiderichr, Mouday, Sept. 18. Toronto, civil, jury, firtst vek,z Mon- da, sept. 25. ÎLt Catharinet, jur, Monday, Oct.123. Lâondon, non-jury, Monday, Nov. 6. Bvaebridge, jury sud non-jury, Mvon- day, N;ov. 13. Pa'-ry Sound, jury and non-ju'ry, Tk=aurda, Nov. 16. North Bay, jury and mon-jury, M1on- da, Nov. 20. Toronto, nou-jury, tenth veek, Mon- ýCpt«.jury, aid non-jury, Mon- day, Dec. 18. .Tht Hon. Mr justice XacUMaben. Lindsay, jury, Monday, St Sandwich, jury, Menday, 6 Woodstock, jury, Monday, Toronto," Civil, jury, iifth Oct 30. Orkngeville, jury aid non- dyNo.14. lysr1,e, jury aid nou-jur Nov.. 2U. To-nte, non-jury, nlnth d& yNov. 2,4. &1=11al, non-jury, M,,ndm Ottava, winler assizes, Mi The Hon. Mv. Jusitice Lonadon, jury, Monday, Se] Qoruval, ury, ody6 lPeteboro ,jury, ody to-nte, civil jury, iOuri reti, ur adnon-jury, W*itby. non-jury, Monday, Ternto,. uon-jury, eh da, Nov. 20. t.Catharines, non-jury Stratford, non-jury, Mco$ Tenonte, iater &sslzs Moênday, Jan. 8', M& 16 9 Simeoeý, jury, Monday, 194 Savnas, juryr, Mosaday, Oct. ~Iaiilton, jury, )Ienday,4 Tnante, non-jury, sixti day, ýNov. 6. Teronte, non.jury, shxtb day, Nav. 16. SBerin, sou-jÏry, Mpuday,-- Woodstoek, non-jur.,', Mtoni Wa1kertin, nojur, mom Temante, vister assises Mouday, P.17# 96 Tb* XIn.mi.' JwuSUc ýept. 18. ;ept.- 25. MBPrIAG The Queéensboro Poionil)g Case Investigaîed, Mether and Daughter-in Iaw, Frequently Quarrellad. The Victim Said There Was Sometlhing in the Saits. , - ÀTweed report Mya:The preliinary trial ini the oae f Mn. Wm. Dlamoîd, et Queenaboz-o', cbarg.d witi the mur- dft of her daughter-in-lav,- Mms. irr Diauaond, on February 28 1a, took Oct.k mnn plac te-day at Madoc befere Mugis- veekMon-tit A. F. Wood, ef that iflage. Tii. ,ek, Moudsy Sudw vin a3 5 oiaiof, about sr euty years of age,wvas placudunr -juryY, Tues- ara-et yesterday. The. triai opened a!t Mnao10 okloek tItis morning i the. tev y, ondyhall, wbich vas paced te suftfoion veeli, Mon- st bot snorniug and atternoon se.-j y, De. 8 siens. The camevas coneiuded aboit! [oday, Jam 3 c'clock Ibis afternoon, the.caecued iieing committed te stand her &rialstI stmtthe fanl Assises.Mr. P. J. M. Andear-/ son acted as prosecaung attorney. and] !. 18. M3L S&biassonas counaci for h*e mc- t 9 M. Barry Diasuond, son ef the~. vetk, Mon'-mvas te huabaud et the 4 uýt wàthe tir!witues clled. Et, wu, riTuad&y, un the box for neariy Ivo heurs, dur- lng whicbh. related aIl the. cireun- Nov. 13. sissneesi= a very stnuaghtforwud m veek, Mon- On Februury -27 Bfarvy 1DsnUd" Mondsy, complain.d that h. vas nettfeelng vmU *gvee vit i bIsa" itek of til Leruiltia. the la ts .hermeif uani,;.that 4be ~woed plae lies»' 1w, ~ ti 2. aînght- The -next- tâibrW= », O ~ Diamond-dvak tic imilt ak~ fewai -*te ah.nb lbeakfatAbotea8i *'OloQk veeiNo- h. vas taken de&tàj le I, and mite bing aslt.d e Wdvawià Ues '* Mv.Dimoti*anted o go fora ~QY 15~ "doctor, 'but i.' vf uli-nMt lJet bi Lay, Nov.e27. î.d> ici. io t6 day D. tothe se4restt e -r 14vim Wt ve djida Mauested,,but stied sA4 nr fYou- Toronto Parmers' Nakdt ~ Thegraintrade to-day wsdil i- sales of one lad -of red wheat at $~2 and 200 -bushels of oasat 47Mto-48è_. SDalry produce in fair supply, wsth. ~prime show ang lit.tle change. utter la eser u.t 15 to 18e lb, eàid eggsare [10 never frs ken Imquoted, 4t19 te 2lc per dozen, Hay in limited offer; à loada sold -at tie wb>rid produces. $9 te $10 a ton for 'timothy, and., 4 $7 chetL By au-te $8 for inixed. Straw la nominal at Lls E igrocer.$10 to $10M50a ton.1' Loua, ~ jDressed hogs are unchanged, with salu at $9 to $9*'5, the latter, for lIght zoDahIv long time iu getting ready, weights. aeeerding te the. evidenoe of ber son. Wheat, white., bush. - $1) 102 Wben ah. arrived at Delyea's ahe Do., rtd, bush......i 0 i O0 feund> that Mr. Delyea was flot at Do-, apring, buab.. 0 92 -094 home, but MS. Delyea said she wo>uld Do, goorte, bush. O 78 O- 80 eend him for a doctor as soon ast ho Onta, busll.-........47% 1048 arrived& Barley. bush.......O49 O CG Mfr. Diamond testified that between Pesag, buis'........O 72 6O0 tii. convulsions hie wifc expressed ber Ha-y, timothyr ton.....G9 O 10 50 desire to live, and said that someone DO.,. rnixed. -ton-....7 00 800G must bave put soeding in the -Ndts. Srsper .. 10 (où 10 40 Re refeÏrrd te the narmonlous Mda- Dresaed boge.... 00(0 9 25 tions that bad always existed betweec Applea, per bbl......1 00, 2 76 hig wife and àtiself,- and to the Ire - LÏàgs, Per dowen......O190G21 quent quarrels bteeihis wifo and bie iButter, data-y...... O13 -018 mother. DP.. cm. mery .. ...... 021 023 Witness did not ak his mother any Ciuikn, .ll, Per lb O 13 -0 14 questions. Tu: keys, per lb .. .......O 13 o 15 «Why did yen pot ask any ques. PetÀ4oes, pe~r bki.......O070 G08Ù tions1' arked Crownm Attorney Andcr- cabameper dozen.. O 50 0 75, son. Ctlêer.t)"doien -......040 060 Thought Semething wus Wroug. Onkis, per lisg .200 000 "I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ti gttee wa outlg1ef, bindqu:arters.....9(0 10 0ý Do.,e ftnessquarters . . U 70 wren,' ~lie ~hewitnss.Do.. choie, ~ctea. .S 50 0G CG eri moter brougbt in the bottle of Do, eincrus. 25 75 saits ires» the rmoff the kitchen and ttpcct. ...85.10O- showed it te the docter, who, ar- VaPer cwt .. ........800-. 9 50 rived later. H.e asked if there w«a any L=b, apring. per cwt..ý 13 00 150 poison -in the bouse, and she raid noue, - eept what was in the bureau. They Clipea Marketa. (bid not look in the bureau, and neo ..n...hd' aearch vas made for auy. Wituesa de- clarcd that be iiad neyer brought any poison iu hi. lite, and neyer knev usa fatiet or mether te 1iâve a"y. Thé -cep frein which ieuawtt. ad tzken the sait, vu on. coemmonly umed. Tiey b.d bad ne trouble with rata at any time during tIi. asîtire. yeara. Ris znother wuas t te f meral, and oiy speke of tii. nitter once, tie sigit- befre the, fîrat'inguest. Noter out m FElOs It vas about bedtime, ad ah. askhel hîm ~i he s'upposed tUxt ah. iad pelsov.d Miniale. h.ald ah. did net sud aaked if tbey vevp "Sitagteraite the corps. Wltu replaed thaIt bey would valse, the body the next day. Then vituemeý vent upstaira vrith thi. babyand the" metber vent eut.. 'lie, resa nluthe bouse tui!12 oelolç &and le motho net 14ving returmed, h. ventove,:t te lis' vife's môtier. Wbenhe returied lu lie4 mormugbis mier wvAt a! h. m, 4s"dbe aikedýý-ier viiere se ah. be lai.l"Ibave bun'ýout in the, fluide 'alngttlku. aeh. ad rap" ied o fu thier x nto et lier nlit ayfront hme b", aine bien gi ThIere-vas a bureau *viia mibohé kntI&ed f roitevutaflv e vWere 1,046 whsite and M4 coiored;ai SMR at 9e.Buymr.werê'-MdUë 112- white, 1m0colored; meegr, 40 vtIt; Welcii, 23 wbitd e 123 Ole;Plt 4 wbite. l-Umae1, Jùlie 171 -To,-RIgIt O oe vere boardçd. MàÙty vhitemn!Ul ots seld nt -0 9-1(j. St. Htyacinthe, June17-Pre>-dred boxes ebeesi ero;vln no, 3c butter,. 19% »te »wéýc ate tradei yool duritgIi. utvel lea, ut fn Mrtes. Atusa w ool vwa qiet, but tii-s. erillaICattie Xakew'l tendon, Jute 17.-C.(ýttle ai-. q*otd-a* .11%4 te 12ue pen lb; 11, Itgevtoi' beef, 9%- 'te 04ë- pelu; aheep,'13"',te .140 Pei ». Terouto ttL, t' h yen OetU da&.ýNv. Il.0 omSouni,4 o-ji'y T lauslito .vun«, aamimvt Jas-S 190 I I 1 h b'-.-

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