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Whitby Keystone, 22 Jun 1905, p. 4

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- 4 flIURSDY. JUNE22. 90 Letters from Our Correspondents BROOKUN. Mr. and Mrs. Dinguran ande'famiiY.ý Mrs. A. Retchlen, who has beenJ spent Sunday wÎth f riends ùl'Wlutby." confilred tcethe hoitse for nearly Mr. *'ranik Wheeler, of Oahawa4 'lremontlis by a badly sprained spent a couple of daye with friendesý aîîkie, le îaow ablc tw be arou iid l n thege partis. a littie, but stili retquires the aid ofTL. Cru teies. I Frink. Mr. J. P. Dalp, ofr Iocliest!er, s. Mrs. Fik of North Milton, Mich.. 'Y., visited liii-niotlier, Mrr. Bryatit,, wlao lias been spending the Winter front Saturdiay tu Tuesday. lVth her brother here, Mr. Lester T'le ustiali aternoon ser'.ice will!Ilutibeili returned icpirnic a week ago. nlt iaeld in tlie Iresbyterian Mr.I 'arrott, the stock buyer here rlanrch luext ',uliiay. owlng to tler-e for this rsection, is doing a good being a union ser% tue iiin heclaurch; business. He slaijped a large car- at t Uolii,;bus ini the niorti4tg oft tlat load [rom thfe Grand Trunk station day. In tile ej vjnag, at 7 ci'cock, last . Wednesday atteriioon. tire pastor, Ra'v. .1. Il. Borland, ivlli Tite Ladies' Aid of the Mlethodist jareactaLahin the cituireli lacre. 1claurcli lield a tea and concert ln the Mr. .J. lerinetti roiiicuiabpint Teiperince haillet week ago Wed- o., st. 'I'Ionab' 1ikircla, %vas in To- nesday evenhig. and notwitlrst-andlrrg ronto over SunalaIy, wheire lie %was the uniavorable weatlîer. a large or(lJiitiod dvaon i oftîi e jiiceobail- erowýd was pregent and a lhandsomie ian chu I'i2 h. Tiirotjgla t-inae l sunai ra lsed bvr the ladies. During ,thie dea'stnnding tzIivij#jeQv ary iringed for' programame a rather unuséual event Iliii'clîrch ilv'riî did zat ariiNe, and tinppenet, nianwly, a recitation given boti junjirai g aali 'ainajg I' isby Nlrs. Frlnk, of Michigan. M rs. wiorv j' nFied rink is ini fier Hlst year. and yet N r i . V.h. ha o r utreeua lii, ,r, rpeltçpd lthe tollowing verses urnaided Nvit' i t i I & hur ea'ti as week. hy a ny nascrapt or uîroamjting: Mur. andl' Mu Jwi o'iîstvuli an- ;ICan*t do il, lirtier; tend ta) to SUrI voithîî'&rtl ru tV-)N14rit- Tia're'N no usc talking to me; (ia (.11 (ivl'a hiy (v1ile . .% ea . ~I'd rallier live our plaina way. 'jhîwy e\piý-'Lt i lie ,t%,Jty. a tll L%0 Arffd met t ety %livre i' i, b. li(i t lis. For I love the aiea r old place tou well M r.a ai M a..A W htlhJy, out To wait tf> hua veil 1n.oflOW, Il'olia tttii, Mi aîîî, ,rc heare fol. ' %' itA nd 1 know, alilaunigli lv&re grow- M s('l i s. I iiaîptvai. ot Toron ha, Wfl1"eaithler i t tlarougl oeiw m at-ie' tir' Lfo r et a teit t lis aak. e%% a ' iatt. Ia I~ Tinrk hî fi ai p r'-: i'haii"'l t li' r'.taai"-uia.'îîli'd 1 Lay M r. aiail iu-d htaat :and IV1H ali tku' IL s.iti '! i ins î'araa- iaig [ail. Nr..aud ai-as. Tank ai iil bt glîtuly iîvIî'uaat-cdta air village. 'l'u 1dîllî~ art' irra agîag tv -okil m d'cor'atî.'l ii 'N'aILtiti Sia'cinii'tery ona S.itairdjiy aI te r- toila 1. ()<laie or ' L t) 'i Of ti t11, ()Lîa'kr t k lar'Lril'el <1113' ail ai ii- ii-Nia.[ at. lîa'u of t1lii 7t la (' i., ijuil ai îoii kilt:'i iii (1wlia'141îly 3< iiIii..4 MIrai. l iran>)I l'ydî'aî, raf T îîra 'lo, a ail l'a' sîster, mus. tof tai 1u \î'av \ iîk tit3', spmit 111e lai, te'.'part tef liii'xvîik ut 'Malle Sliade." Thie a' il g rai d'us- liai chîcen kep t rîitty blasy in ii tla.tection 1aiaing Ii'- hast twiî a-ta'akès hile iiitioee li 'au iaaî îrovt iren t ri iai'he uaLî. GREENWOOD. Mr, T. 1Iýl' t at ay i.i % ait±arg Torurn w Ni îs Bosa'Torakiia aldla Lr ster. Jas J ikOra, of jP'ut tl'ir 3, isi t- Il' n ý ', Oaan ia Mx r. 1;' îy ( a na riv l its a'igaiga.s wilI la V a. PlagaîIl foi.i w ile. qIr. t.h îr"i lats Cunnrnnîcne1I r'Oî<a a tn lai si ai us dota ta by thle M Ir. ainai Mrs. N'aiivivlkeribur g aîid ela igu 1er irni ici ted thlatai'datigli- toir nt tîtat liarsorniage oitSSrnday. Mir. T. il. lcl>aîiuîlI andira geji 'leuiani fa'ta'id, of Toruonto, visita'u f tnds titis waea'k. Miss \ anvaiikçubiirg lias t't.covered fronit lit-r recent ilineiesbu as ltu be ltiite' lui'a ICw <laye. .Nir. WVni. C(7rrk lims been busy draawlug taie fitun (lienryatoo'. Maiss ridithi Baitu'r, of î'ickerîîîg, le i.ttiiiig laîr stck cousi. i br. ý ni. ' isori, jr. frona Eaaglaiid foi' Cmmdna.a on Jirni les , 1 know %% e taIked cornle dilterent %ýVlien we w-cri' yuîrng andi strung; Andl trying unir bea t u a-work arîd la c li The cliiren ail along. Wa' toiîed rtad liicircaiand saved, you k now, - Ani did oir %very bebt Ani didn't dreýaxa liee3"d tire of us, 'Fore ive avere laid to rest. And now tltey'%e goîîe arnd left us,1 A ri'.ook 'bîout ail we liad; A nd someritmes wîien 1 tlalnk of It, 1'. dJoe seni 'mostt[o obad. Anad t1ir'n, agaira, 1 thank tue Lord, WNlra'.evr else tliey'vc done, îTiîay've left tire oki lbouse standing, Anraitibii l Ail vur oîvn. Faiks otten say, "éWlIy '.on't YOU go And i knder visit 'rotin', AXnd stay a speit witia Martiîy, And with Jolhn who lites Irn town ? I shoulai tlink your cînlîdren, all of thaci.i W*on li lke it now riglît ar-ci, Ir yoai'd sd oaautAihe old broiviiIbouse Airai stay witl i[lvier a spleli." Yes, Stay a ei! Ah, they uion*t k now Tliat that's jutwhvia.re It haurts; Johin lkes '.0 have nme day urnii I pi tchad n j ail lus slhirts. And Marthy Jane. whuen baby's sick, Aird cntting teetir aird cros, le aitvays îretty goaxi to nme For s>orte unspokeri cause. An(]d when the twins lad meascar, I ii.taycd a eontît alanuet, Anda wnlted on 'et niglît and day, Thougir I don't urean te borit; I'ai do at ail so gladiy. Thougi my old irands tremble so, Il nay claîkiren, gave ne part thre love I gave thenr years ago. As soc aoa Marthay's baby gui Weil andi strong again,* Sihia didn't need mie any more, I saw lb very plain ; For tirongh rny eyes are lretty dim. 1 couin".Jielli.but sec Ttie f rowrr thlire wats ujtear ber face Whcne'er eut' lookeai ut me. ing. thé_ past Vwen*y.-four bug firat', tooký place last iiigbt ïabout olock'at .Ushawa On trie lake, wiren flernîce, tis evelr-Jearsl.Uô son c littie feilow, wltlr a companion yugrthan isqfWas. lu bath-. th labO.Theý w ate i, uleWATOH sballow for. f ew feet o t hen takes a step d@'wm drop. n get. in the fine keeprng, qualities,, the ting beyoffl bis-deptn be twashep. Qther traif the durability and, ap- tess, and n - d~uthe, _#oe but etruggied 1r biwhle t , Bave hlm.. pear.ncýe of it. self. Bhua Chuld çOnpfin1L5an eye-wltness but beiug unconse'n Nýhu esl o cf tire psmIOUsnemm et the other boy':,Wenw eîso condition. wiitclied him ia 31ie f ail- ed to see blmn any more, then went riatci we combine home and told bis niothier in an in- tire two, nnaking a definîte anrd unaconcerned mnainer7 tnat Bernice w.at§ drownedl and thlitL efcwol.W lic nlad bmought b>Ciotines home. Te p9etwhl.W motiier Msd tomne of tihe nelibors bave tirent aimll %vent back wlth hlm to thre ecene of tihe accident, whera ire, tîrew, ina Pricesfroni $1.00 ozone to show, them where ire %vas in thre water, and, on making searcr up, but would like for lui, the$~ found thre body. lMedi.t rcoen a cal assistance wu& secured, but it t eomn was toc laite. Tire lîttie -feIiow was od e.W ca a bright and attractive buy and a go u.W a great favorite witla thre suiner vis-; itors at OshawNa's water reeort. i ,ive you wirat you The second accident occurred tisî afternoon about iour o'clock. tire want however, and vactîi belnîg Byron, tihe seventeen. year-old sn o lMr. W~ilam Davis. tgo au f e etrta of tii town, l>resxdent of thre 8outi t-0dvIe fîtbetrta Ontario Retorru Association. 1'. oC.. elsewlrere. curred in thie Qshawa Creek at tlîe rear orthe Scîîofieîd Wooilen Nille, lu an uid swimxming lie knaown aN th li.*gralîe-ivînc.," on conliiag out orinan Bassegi, troin s<iool tire Younrg tan wrth!i tieverai cotrianiohs started for tie Jewel ler and Optician. tswinrniing liole. on arrivîr.g thiere i young Davis dived and neyer carue 1 Brock St., South, Whitby.- '.0 the surface, liaving dived hcad Y lire'. into a rnud brote and stuck thtere. Hîs companlons dived in af. ter hiljm, anid found hba as ettale,! lais tele eckig ra ti e aer, ston ; Eva Griffith, Sydenham;, Nelle Tîty rleaed ait55 001 asP06-i Henderson, Toronîto; Ethel Hue te' sable, but the body was lîfi-less wiien berger, Montreal; lrene Smith, Bur. reavuat'red. Tie ya:iSirn ' wî. îngtonî. qirtepO.ahui:atig ItaYoîn itio' ('emmerciai - Misses Viola -Beg luto rte fown, iri tas lîeîrtiateWpst Flarnboro; Zetta Borrum. Bob- '.0 wrt'o as iatcis etfctcaygeon ; Flureirce FOX, Wheatley; thte Oshawa Higb Scirool next: Georgite Goki, WV-hitby ; inrnle Moore, mon ti. I Perth. Domestie Science - (also Tcachres Sweet Girl Graduates. î('ertifict) Miss neWisnBle- Continued [ron paget1. ville. 1.ý11 Certif lestes. i lei tire Holy Seriçîture. No ene can i foilow Its precepts andi not be >u- lite.t 1 1 'lou must keep in sbrong faiithi; initia ln yourseiveb, faithinlu tire! worid, and falthin l your work. Keepj bhe teu commandraents; they are, Jîriceiess to you, of far more value te you than the tomais of 8jenaca, [the lreceptis of! Socratps, or thre irves or l'lutarcti. They arc radiant wviti tire holy liglat. [bey are wortiay of God. And be the guardlans cf bru'ti-absolute trutir. Soeie'.y 181 enrelese to-day regarding [math.i1 do not knovwlaere the faultIlaes. We muet be absolutely trutirfuni Truthi la iovely in ilseIf. We shouid learn te regard tmutir as* the leader of virtue, ""tire mother cf science, thre attrîbute ct (bd. Tire.-eaa b. no ireautlfui. firtucharacter un- leas tmutia te the Itait. tSociety needa,, to-day women .wh-o venerate truth lnal)0 Its departmeets. In conclusion may 1say, yen >oung ladies have It I yonr Irands te do very much towatrds makling It easer to bellea-e ln purity, devotion and wcmnanly power by reverenclng youm- selves enougir to kno your Owa peculiar powema sund your owu dia- tInct -klngdom. What ln wcxuanaskingdom? DO you not -fancy thrme are »ointh ingo tinat menataone a do, and work te whicin mon are net eatied ln manag- Ing thns old womid cf ours?. Wiatever you do ln your attempts te referin thiage bere belew, do t as qo"oieni women ani net as ef. femnato meu." Uq leave lu4 mou. howeer, ai fov thinge a" d.We *hal ýtry to do Foiiow -Our -Lo»rd Christ. A .t Hl.tuaa a ^QSe represeats la act- îrities, a lu idar ad u "torri thre 'ailDd-tisaiwaÏA,'lU lm b. u You" yon 'wII l t ouro uw miis- sion suid yon blsa»have cood -suc- IVo wsh y« leAitoofth la t& om tsslust £ai lun. ModyW" the 'great da eitishe Cottoe Tb« n. vubit'" d iau»t salis UPOO b tsias ufts STRAW-HATs Now a Neoesslty Weý have a fuit new stock of ail kinds'of Straw Hats. Men's Fancy Boaters, special at 25 cents. Boy's FancyBoaters, special at 25 cents. Our selection of Childrens' Sailor-s, is very attractive at 20c. 25c. and 40é. W. A.Holllday & Co-* BIROOKLIN hUaLugi-1 ru'.u Cnservat7ory>. Iritermediate - Piano - l.Ues F. Caukiwell (honore); Mise L. L. Rob- erts (honore). Voca-Mis C.M. Calmes (honore)-, Miss F. E. Edwards (bonors); Mine 1. Meflougaîl(patsn). Theory - Miss F.- Cauldweil (patin in hammony, honorta in cou nterpolat.4. Miss F. Weese (paso In counteypoint). Misses Weese, MuDoergail a di Rob. ertson (tiret visambonord ila tort). C Junior - Piano - Mise M. Panna.. baker (flilt viass onor, mIss M. A. Alcock (hîiors>); Iiss L. Bottum, M (honora); Miss M. M. IMeldrmi, Vocal-Miss L. E. Dryden, (lichers»; Mlise E. A. P'atermon (passi. t' Theory-Mitas S. M. Burin tie Preseni elaes honora); Mis. L. Fotherglil. (Ite cis honore in bistory>. 'lo It Primaryr-Plano - MiesNi. M~iot't, Chairme (fIraet claie hotiors)., ,Ssi cJass'%oiortî>. C. M. NVailmns (lumnoro.) T4i. G Art - Drawlng-Mlmsuea racë Rob- session isn. 0111e Berklnluraw. Effle Mi*Ino their pr Oratory-Mlss9 Mabel Sanderson. Thî5 Commercial - Miss Rubyr Turner. th Cookery - Misses E ff le Kea",y.tbem ai Louise Dîekson. Winlfrecl Pintllps, L. seratiq Fawcett, Clama Mclndoo. They Goki Medal. by Ris Honur Judg.amluati Mofutyre, for hlgbest standing *d aiti thre, M..L. course-MisK Carolue wouId a Barris. ost Modal. by Hlm Exmoellenoy the 0«. Tlut 1 -ernor-Geseral. for seond stac4kagin 1111191Yi tire M..L ecorse-Xmlss amiePrit. .h&Mn* Jesdge McCrIumoand Meurs. 'W.l-îittlag, IlSepbeabam Riohardon audCor. tice to mm*k for blahest- standing' iu", Nor,. dnuts 'l mal jiusical iCourse-MiSA. Pther- ?hsyi bridge. i Cut tioId modaL hiy R. C. Hanrimto, flnd ,~ E:sq, Toronto. 1ce-Preuldejt fer cOndittol blgbst standing ltuiii. vocal nor., qeettIbo -lms ie ter oni <ff1 ModaL by the IateîEtou. Chas. rldorom Dmury, Prssd«t, for ldgho.t #t a béiwft lut l tRie Opmrga oOafS. I K tbo'«IsW XWW aAL bv J<O*1jOs . l ~n. 1à»i. AND ASHBUIRN A t'the Cash Hardware- Storaf Garden T0o1S We have a complete line- of Garden T'bols, Hoes, Rakes, Spa des, Shovels, rorks, in fact everyhng used in t e aarden. ' M lEST QUALITY§ And we gnuarntee our PRICES RIGHT. - ~J. M Pri gle .* Dorner Hardware Store WHITBY ltment of the Grand Jury. se Henor, Judge MoCrmma, an of tihe Court cf General i of the Peace. l'uaty cf On- ,rand Jury at, tbe Jut9, 190M, 0; tiuis Court bog te make reseuttuont au follows- bave caret uiiy considemeall- a of indictuen -t presentel te ,nl refermeal to thon> or cou- blghly appreclate your remarks mespectIng the. ex. Ion of the. publice buildngs titutions of tii. couuty., andl strougiy. recommenal as foi-, Fer Rent. Mlne-rooxwia'brick cottage, Centre St., Wbitl>y, la flrst-oiams condition. Pive acres$ Includlng orchard. Nice suwiuer-,hpme. àpyMer o & mO01uhvaJe, blýtbyr, or Na6ti.lonalj Trust Company, Limited, Toronto. xi t. s 'i NO SECONDS» 1

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