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Whitby Keystone, 22 Jun 1905, p. 7

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wIl you haeiotV' e ud1». oi a e M a "I am .temsre" nid Joane, lier IPý-Wés iý- uo ,o CUrug r" th$i.ha Go=ty 1 herî i ùpý"hhat j ouatanatume 'qr.aU dé"'â oa't rê e rn ,li -ai fellêWdoen'tlike rInh ofhib,61~ .n.,o Am t youname oie "y w ,'0r iwk;;llte deI bera eIy4r.l <'yejn. g*W. m;à p yd, s Qu e WII h i R iu ais% .e ,k".b r. ~ Mi L 9UzueI dtlà" kow bere ypu auiiy aYu wl uldT no one "h.smi&. JIINta témi hot Tea ln freshly bollied wator, add SUger anid J Je eitated a moment, a àrud4e ýIIâhe"Di Itw-~perp fo crearm to taste anad rji take anptherï That's a -Blue Rlbbon. "Good rnorning, Mies %Brtrai" h. s8aid. "I have iurpri6ed you;. you thought it was your brother, perbapu? I hope-I-I amn not'tunwelcome?" Jeanne siniied and also s>ared, sa oeh "I arn glad to aie you. Dit! you ride oven V" "Yes," lic aaid. "Yis-rnay I corne lun?" PJeanne stood aside, andi ait down, Iooking at hlin. Yes, cenhainiy lie ivu changeti. % He ait down for a moment, bien gt up andi st-ced nI the dooî-, wiping 1 iis Icreheati, anti looking around tic garden Nvith w-bat seemect an effort ta regain coniposure. W\liat a pretty place!" hie aid, ah last. "I-I have neyer bien in this part of the g-rounds before. liq tii. -our arbor --do you often -ait I)een!" 6bis, ver>' otten," suid Jeanne.. "Il lm pretty, isu't it? Diti you soe Aunt Jane, Mr. Fitz'James on uncle 7" 'No," hoe sud. "I-lb tfact is-Il lok- id in thte drawing-roorn aid came straiglît throiigh izto the garden, I tiought I îlhoulti fiti you ber.." Jeanne lauglied aeftly. Il îi ha d 1-0ptquite eill)yon voulti net, penliaps.' "I s1îeuld have bien vîry sonry," -hi sait; "for 1 came te ase yeu-that is, et couirse. I shotild lhave misseti youll" Jeanne arnileti andi aide a glance ut h i ru HBi. liandsonie fac-for it vas haiîdsome inougix nov in bis îarnestness -i-as etilI fluilhed, andi bis while baud, as,,il pulled ah lis niotistaehe, tr9nibiid. "It is very hiot," hi raid, auddenly. IYon rode fait," suid Jeanne. "I heard, yoîir lierre gaIicping." "le. - I camne evernta once,,," lie said; "I wotidn't irait for b-ekftst"I ',"said .leannir. isirg. «"whv didn't yoii tellnie nt once? Will ?y3ou corneandl -et sonîie?" .'No, tlîank von, no," he raid quietly. "Ihuit trouble. don't go; indee4d, I coti flot cat any yet. on't 4-0; it i8 se cool a-iî1-- anticoinfortnble lhîce.' Jeanne sank baeck aguin. and lie came and sat opposite her, fidgeting vith his wh0ite driving gioves. and looking as un- like the ueqal cool andi self -assuneti Filz- jameis as i1 was possible for onIe man ho look ike hbiuself. '"Yes, 1 rode ovr" le said, breaking a panse, (Piring lwhieh Jeaiine hati sat listeuîing for those other footateps; "I rode cicr because i cotldn't walk"» Institictively Jeanne glancetiuaIhiei "tLnicin," i. aaid, "I coulint vîsîe tlîe ime, anti I vanteti ýo sec yen at e uce" '*To sec me!exelaimeti' Jeanne, apen- ing lieneye te tlein videat. "les," ho@aide, lQoking uah ler witi an earnest adniiatlon'sud eagenness' lu hie cye. whichinow tht liii>' vie net acreweti up, by an éeghasî, vire band- some and éloquent enough. "Yei, ho aie yeni.- -1 waut te say îion.tiinq- ta yen, ta teliiyen sointhing, 'Je-i,ss Bert- 'Me V' %aid Jeanne, innocentl7. <«Won't Aunt Jane do as; yul-anti better?" Ile sïnlhed uneaslly., -11 "Nýlirqs Eeýnlrar," he sad, "<I'afraiti I've doue niyself an iiijustle-rm atraiti that I haven>l uppeared te the best adi- î'nage-donhern under-uzider the pcîliair cureiustanece, anti--anti,- tht yeti dentthiink'ny highl>etm. "Indeei,"- raiti Janue, ber, toreheat wrinikling lsaeif pe,71çxedly; "yen have aiivays been very Lind te nt, ML Fit:- "Ne\ o; yen have heen ver>' kindt t me," hoe sud, carnesti'. '"I teslthlat novr, wheu I îbink tVhat sa ens4wuuîi*tidiot yen umustj- ofthen Jive tbought ,ý' ne. 1 don't md duothr vonin, or visl the>' thunli; but -yoù are diflerent, a"t 1 vaut yen le thhnkwell etfun.' Jeanne ath haut moment, If lhe truti! nmust hb. ldthotaglt that -b. hati taken- ieane et bis, ens; but abse&ait q!9eI4 and irent.-- 'lie f icI la, Ihe tith -19, " on hurricdly, anti beniling ownýrd'Zi. %vith ies baùds elatàicd OPui b67 ,ke'é e.-ntl;" havent knowu*n w nind-no, I nwauIi hal t wanted le do, and Whiat nuy a$ a cd me te do,ý and.:-aid-like ",I 1iaveu't the courae> toe.-4IUï Nowvlit a iffret _Ua to_ "ta 1 bave aeme, ov«e « !ýjî k1 bewlîld«m,'a- nae - "DonLtt s beg Yeu adid g hurhrliedlyào t - Ivesub.C b~ag- renisandyed lier face. Then she BMW MISSOute4 wfal nk slowlys On bad cases imI'y sud qunetîl >r i'O'8i Tu ~ .eoey>î Tsi Only One* est T-ee IoutSm uSb.yeSwonan auen êont .104eeme Il~_t Ony neBetae ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ j ood-by be sd ng ite nfus d- U»fcrIti &el i vépd b p 1 , and i springing im b he, sa d ile, ro deU"t d u~ ,' ~ 1 a v r I * u Meauwhfle, wbcre vas Vane? It wuM, sd VernIonIV~ m orn mnk b ot a t it i e i V ty gr ve y,ùjit .dïId Brown rm ber beaitty aleep by oazpy u 'it bt JA T TLE Up tenio sar l S awaksue~~ ~~d ber tiret love dream»,wodfmbewuiIea-.U, y e vas tridig dowvu t e tisB~a pîn WhmsudI asee.t y -ea u onMar bis bathing towevls on bie Brui. rlgi n.Ivoe fte n i Tii. drauerht of happleus whicb bhe r7- mitoute eafue O .i teysud a Park, anud thc epe thre!Jenne" < ' e artuly the p peceding nigblti,0 e, -Ftho Mlm e? b l t .! u bi "Lt me pis!'breatheti Jeanne, aU-hallwroughtag«Teat change lu hlm, sndtaoe."4tr1. btS l _ t i en 1àa.t tre Iin; won'î iiear an v more.- as he balu ranJialf trotteti, along the ml à û, wad eb I.vol ti " B t o u i n i ! " h e c r e ~ , c x it d l . b 9 a c h , be f eu n d b ni s c f hb ifl i X g 5alo u t r u s t fi e r t o r o i d ýy è "Bu lo eyou, m ue n idy =ai' ae hhug h .d n td n l h pei fliX1 1 - ~ p o tl ~~~~ ~~for montha. As for Jeanne, go wit.h him; rb.cule) Il was a fooliali speech. the. whole et nature eemed ejoîiCinCefbeLUcKYtiL& Transfixèd for ait Instant Jeanne hie >0v.A UK ' pauaed, the fire in hîr cheek and eyes. lie jumpeitot the boat, rowed out ta "'YOU have flot got nie yet," ahe aaid sea, took hiF swim, and returxied. guving proudly; then ahe wruug ber hand..; "oh )~od iioriig ta old Griffili, who w DaIu "' ' letmego1 CH, eara y or I Lvring about the. Napwy Bel- 'uvdiu rom udy eciine uv '.Won't e" lie sud, hioarsely, thorough- -ifle mornin' for a sil, sir," gays the r ly astounded by ht'r persistent refusa, old mnan, iuling his forelock. "Speet7 r- Williams' PinkPiI to hear hm. -Let nme tell vou nil--ev- w6,11 aie briisJeanne soon, 'cording tu erYthing. If-if :pu tbink tht 1 amrnhe wmd, (lad ble-si lier." 1 WeuItbunk eofm former condi- por,"Aye--aye,"p echoed Vernon 0-P ie thelh" ssMs infe "Let nme g cried Jeanne, below her ehii h benediction ini bis hat er, fWs ieSetfabnN breath, nd with clenclied teeth. 'God Iliss my darling!" S., onsider myseif a lucky gil liaI' -If Vou t hink nie noor and nbt in a Then, having made Old Griffin happy 1 i an well and strong to-day, anti 1 owe position , le Ment on, atilil blockin ber wt igr n a erown so buya my preaintgo eth %a 412 w itforita, leatd haifbu wgoai eathentirely tb Dr. ,vY~ you - yota aree mistaken. fwsiltfor1tlilstrtd omlar< rna~' Pink Pis. Isufeei ima last night, but t!int s"agt! h In an bour Inighft go up to tbem, 1,anl iaI Oneau nd ue rm.eaîness müney 1 received was- » and I shall sec rny Jeanne-ruy little and nnvou swe asa anes a Jeanne put lier hards over lier ears. Jeanne," he thought.1paesa hepladd;~ an o on- Mis. Brown stared nt her eceentri eet, and wastcd away. 1h. least noise, e'*Iiear n1c'bePed ;"la oln*lodger very rnuch as Aunt Jane stare<I at Iwould startie me, andi 1I as troubîcti era ounger son; 1 ar no1 longer Clan-Jan, o i cueii hal1g'a f with fainting spells, when 1 voula sud- ente FitZJanieý; ny brother àa cead andtihem u dtne»a Ms rw a! enl1 ls.e sclousuesianti drap la the I irnVScount Lanté !" and as h. spoke, eti it, Id & iud &4r abo,"as l - At oer limes lu>'heart would he'drew a black-edged envelepe fromeinbsptcei eoeledon acairo,an s htoepalpitate, violenlly anti cause, a amother- "i aii a viseount now, andte . up and down the rooni, while aie arrng.t izi eo. Nglsd dym then" inedhiesiplebrakfe.nerves uuM l sterrible CPndWson, sudL 8%Ucê@sion, Rnhe si >.":n u- c i ipe rafs.I seimedtita b.contlnuafly grwg if-f ou~c ue, aii,"atiLike every one cire wvho had core ito ewn es;o idl nylitn wl on-close contact witli himn, Mrs. Brown hadj w rNl~O Medicine liat I laek help- Airda99 You will doit refuse grw attaeled t ber handsonte Ioder, edmei teliait untlt1 .began taklug andi was neyer se pleased as when shelD-WIlimPnkUSadltrIM Jeane's eaal pink hnnds drop ped coulti gel a fîwv words with bum. taken hait a dosen boxes, 1 tilt ga much f ront lier cars,.îand she looked at ?c ~mariiyu aetmc pe better tht I sto~pdtkn e u wit a idinan fe u ierbeutfu ~te tuiiî roning. sir," ahi said, gather- went On a visil 10 rioPton. I lbat made, ee.in§ u the wvet tow eIlS. a mistake, howeve'0r, in stopplug 1h. pilla,' "And Yeou eau corne and-and say tbis M&>' no fr" aske<j Vernon Vine, look- tpo osn~, andi 1 began ta go back te rsy to nime with your brother juit dead 1" ?» j ùat. refeniil hnèlelO J.eanne !" lie pleaded. o ernie ownditon.I* incle!o ".J(ann--jann !1 sh credpa You- waan't haine tilI so late. Oh, I1el kloî u Bston .dectôr, antid alter atel, ler yerf niof oir, "ow lr you go up, sur, becg-ing your par-epliig xMy case, btld blum boy Dr. atly lereys uiofters 'ho dreWilliarns T>uk1>11e blelled ime lie- you eailnie 'Janr 'Wbat have 1 A ii! elîge."ein fore. Hi tolti me ta continue bi ue doue or qaïa !bat vou sliould do soi Anti lita btIv i pptt fatgr saying I couiti take notingbtîû at if ou illmak ni sa it tin Isu 4bin. Brown, for &Hi that. It's thec alI get anohr pply an<d sean béguu tîn i woldmmli e dffrene -o iiý atcr,,i suppose." to regain health. Iftool abolit eigbheeii if You wcre a diike or a king. Now let ýpr4 ail is, air," saiti Mr. Brown, 1 boxe$ in l and they, fuil> anti oi o~olisaMn Fiajrne."with a îigh; "~but for a1! t1t, 1 do tiem- pistl>' restored mu>'hëaItb, sudm have "But Jeu nne--MNiss Bîrrm" ,, h. bic wieu 1 heur you go down te ti.heti ne sickekusa gace.»1 starnrnerfbd; but Jeanne, taking advant- begcli, for the old poocP oa a>'yo e sb.o IDr. 'ÎWIUMS'PIuk -ilWpeau n JIl seo Of his aaieuiMt and onfudion, reekloa&» ," 4*5 i ifai-é4V«xy wanrouIa pusbed paet lini, and, befeprb hae u n- '¶ Nonsense! Ilhe ad lufn aiu aee!yotîng om , b laslng cuver hîiniseif, is flylnig ton-aid tte -bouse, "Dontl be fraiti, lina. I4rown, "the r ont '0Zi uientiatuto:'ad dectiuie. 'ii' anti ~ nafet leekti u t aneon dne.I. value- my hie, now, beyond a e~ kiheath-guu'Ingj>Ieed, apd Clarence, thî. ew iout ae sr- lac of rupees. -No, 1 cha' n out' ia i 1 ee>'gown in st ed sttupidIly fthle retreatngtnn I ef. nua lulusI have t*_retain, sueur health. full minute, Ithon lie paswd i.uIli*bite Anti leaving lthi bevili'dere Mm .Il i. beause Ibese- pl!e all uk hanti over hisç bî-ow, andi growled out an Brown ho puzzle over hiipwmoi in fliW blood hat the>' strike ettii6' ro lt oa. nt ligi ad mr* te kitcheu, l4i tel!le obteakfast. of all COnMUnon lliienbsof, lile, eueh as Amazniet, cagrn ani mrtiIcti Ilna ahurrieti mes!, ton ,all bis headache -sud slt!eaclaes sudbackadits, v=nt etrove with bafled passion, as b. thougts wine o e=;anad biltr.very indigestionplp&itation cf tlb et kdr- pice up liii bat and triet te sznootb it. long h. haW cauglit upIlEti su'd a- ney -trOble4, telatie, rheuimat ti;îeiir- Tet lie should be refuseti as hie itou- starbing' ta -plead hbis-love i llh4U Ân liS.VtsDne nipri orale iaînes w.as bard ho heliure, Jane. But oui>'- 1h. gtmulneyil a do ibis. but tht any oeecsliould'deline bhc hon- Juil as bis hant!vas on lthegae,ho*- -andti le *kon. should s« huat the fui!l er of picking up hlie handkercief thrown ever, the postman carne dowal4t ptýVet,' i« Dir. 1VillIàràâ> flPi >11*fôot Pale hy thei Visceunt banc, hein to, an earl- ptiietiup gbort. and with abodse ilsPeople> leI!rinted Onthe 'wrapr - diom, was sirnply bici'edible,» bat, gave hlm a bIter. Ouidd -,yDO Dll otaupee psr' But hi lied ta beilev,-il et -!"st, an1 ito and. e Lagnesd- t- it.suatie yen to take m8y,<ng élie. o,< after standing -for a few mnuteto te ;îansd mrai tlrustiuag il cilei5lyby a9dalr r seàktby mîfU st,801 alize -it, vaiket! off, by s path, te e-iu bis peeket, wiheu, aài by a ecdce t«b, o«six boxes for PZQ, lu gîte. laa ibhethught, h. teck il out agai&zud ,optood "wneiuthe Dr Wili"mNediehua Qo., 115hzruouasis # u b.hé thirustbe 04a im*dilu belui!olr_ looking am=eda, t iatns.Ia WuI iepntj, Jean$e huawY4 gdovusthe i U. u li -riw hi.bat asti 8l49e!ue etan>'ue Ip-sne li - th slup Id b«t una 'ur, esmetet' t, .a ,, ~ewe' foa * aqs tel hâv B o. ut et the service be was -covereti w1tIi glry 1andi scan. Others e ehad ilittIe, to sahow for bis exPerleuces as a »e b.ad blistered at Durban* his teetb had ehate ni te ram wlc swmpd tii. Vult.t. '"dwheu h. sd b eilows uiha rlngfing ebeer d*ove -the -euiemly awy rom tbeblotkboute a buUet viiose, bilIt wais "oes.Y<' b.d found, its deination, aud th. young voluiuteer lay msuYPareed -houri under a pitileus ky betôre -the, utretcher-bearers found hlm wI~ e b eme. Wutbey did pick hun -up ruait ot Psivte Jones' ite b.d oostd tbrough a bol, lu à right treast. and it ueered hsqflY worth %vhîle ta carry what zuc-, of neit iltte i g tint wblch serv- a4 fieald hospîtei. Ibut eut of!Ia unse at duty they bore gln.uperftnneteully,, for at eacb new the cstretcher men suspected they wer lggiug "a deat i 'u.-As for Joues, his pleasure had neît beau cou - u.014& ed. e ad> sait just "on. word when th~ -teund him'-watet--ud alter h& fainte4 quietiy sud gently, aud 1ayf quit. stili mund white. Nwthe Ieak ïlu Private Joncls sde' had b mieed mnuM h l o1wth fnu ýblood, an& Laàd velry nesrl1ydoue;for -por i- yat*4m. usbut the viole pharmacopeIa- he4s -no rnemedy for guiishot wouxnds quitie equal ta youtb, and wbîn Il cames ta Àectars the best lu ail the.professiou la »octor Hope. nTie two pulIeti Joues arouud. Atteil, SOiim buruugwiIk5 they bundled hlm reukhy ab asu -evercrowded trans. par$, ou_ whlch he gel precious 11111e that, v.as fit for au iuvalid ta est, sud put. biu aahQre a' t teuthampton. OWiY th. constitutiont a &draughl iiore cOulti hae-, surçved Ibis double lu- Aie iont 'but Jones amI bis teeth tight Au41ýstood it as best ho could,.H.neemO. ed even to, pick up & bit,. Ii.trutb 15 thabI.thého"e wblcb b.d dratu ils bow aerois hthbrlUed -strbpg ofI-eýer beant was lb hope liatinl the ýd «rhoine.lad2rilysbe Joues woulal te MryFarrell.- J tbho el ber soit vole sud the. calna-bea 9 ogç-ofe tber, dean Upe-.41 enlY theze ceuld b. bis t uvoi M~or juat anee, wby tien h. ouladi4e happy. ýJt wouldn'iutter s uha lbei 1%9,t to hlm. 1 ,xiy ý oa dtee! -gut4ý th nez epüdt th ne, y e kev, - - tîv~r sud âbuîthlnkiIèg arenemclose imintebld f thé 'big dck ils mmoindi!rsy weaiy tlim sbeior.ë ,Jouies partei cexupany itde uiîu pin. Perbsps âtl IatIbq tr ary# deserter 4 'n,$i in fïme Mary 41 P nt ones Wl. 5151b«6 fieOn ,hMba&rPII,8IS Bii- -towu.r he iist&a,tù-g"tér turne~ paIe. Iie h iouteîd, .and with çe bou4 tea h e à o m e - e o l n . l d e r s u seized bath bifi h4nds. ly, «"wh.re have you Ùbien; eoniu br lil .a gim at~ net lap e af r li î0er '~ u lpose 14 b.; dr Jolm Joue.was: uaturaly %plqu e~L knew swhez* ha bad been. ËTbey kê wheri e h bfbin of-eourSe -Tii7h hein wea ememou a aware wbeu he, W"u hw y i .w o ppultion tra , Uii hi!bd coma dW& te. mebIs on Psny wheu It wei±t.throulgh tram iW.r- i bury to loin the. regiment; Hew 5au f thein had cheered hum. Andi, tiie ew»' One Who crled, pro, dly. Lawler dragged bis story trom hlm b lhsThe. volunteer thought- himawI But When hegaspédetiti rath the sat- taaster whuatled one long note -of nIn_144Pridomd wonder. <\ffet befls$» sald bh.> but t*erea. oéiO wUbe fiad teeyeuJoha.» «Whôý rd like te knoiw?» :quele ecbi, crastlY. <Noie et thens theught Urne te write oir inquira He stu - thoughthýfimu a mucli III 118.4 patriat.. The. utationniater looke& à ù# ly a light bîeaking over bi* stoicd e.ý <'Oh. I~d fergote » h.&ai& >Maybe yo do'l.know you'ra e a, <'YeslbwiÎde Iii bess.4 il n buried. Who burb&i Tihtstiofmast.er ked su. thumb mm se is shoulder> orem~ 4.11i me about t" o e Jo , hn patleutly. And he bOld aul tee slowI . for tu lmaé MMé, Oft hew It bad b*u vwlfWe by -oftlew NU,, a et b tii, ob. bd l M ary err !!b .d ;fa Use lla the. okt.h e j:t ti strar. 8h. wat uot violint, ma- blUmastW mi& nosMs td, but -ouly da d«teatb sud t prowmoi. " M ehLlet ber aI u e' Id aiê < u UMg ne bsPlage M ! lth Iê1" vdo" RIUr u - uý **a MJiknd1 muw i I th c ite~~ AJhnJ v 6 IL -&' ý -,ý ý .1 l v IF w 'v

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