g TB.Kept Ue ~po. a4lgf*~pait.1 tr JuEtry tue IDLAL LVE AN» À TITL In1 j'" "t! frd'kùo*ii'van. Il img'oing tecorne gel hdiâ oUnt ido e' Nanle'EBll. sel dro4wned him; and that wouldn't have do, anyuse, for ho con swim like a Prawhilo Joanne eomforsh tt ,!ý heriétf with theD reninder thal èee WIll, soon be .back. Site I. teiline hlm so new, anti thie> iwoIsaving escaped from tic house, are s3t;oulrigdown lb. lane. ber arm areimd the',t 'suci, ber fac@ dreainily hlappy. her Vo ce at and low. and fui! ofthtiat sulU± Mélody that Lov-e lads" te hie "Uwon't be long, Hla," she aya, "and we-e*$alî corne- 4ack and aettle dow-u w!" sght of the olti boue, and- "But Vernon does net ay so." aya, Hal, ItivrodulouBl'; <'he m.ym bis plans areail uncertain. 1 believe, Jeanne, you don'l kno-w uitt4gIg about wlbaý ypu are golng to do.' -Jp*zule flushes gligbtlyi. 'It la quit. true; ah. dees net. "sbot yet," sic ays. dreamil>'. "But 'we aboli come Lack-oh! y"a; ae shall cine back Anti, Hal-wbat lime doesa the lait train get in T" "Dt o en rthink ef an>tblng cise but Vemo Jeu Y" lie aya. "Diti lie may h. Ãvould corne back to-nigt' Perbeapa be'iI lose tbe train," ho suggesta, wick- edl>'. joeune looks slamtlld, then sh. pluches bis ear. "Teu, b. viii cone to'night,» $hoe gava, looknug tovayd tic horizon, longingly, sau fVernon hsd been absent a year, lnstead o! six heurs; "Ihe neyer breaks him Word. Anti, Hla,,don't you think we ougbl te go bock?" "iNo, net. yot," seys tbm bey; «I can't jstafid ail that ceekie about tue l-laIs, and to-morrow's feeti. Let's go tiown the lane I ti te reati, Jen." And ao, side b>' aide, the>' go through thecerhnaon flood cf sunlighit. Jeanne's fiée, in ail its fncsh lovelixiesa, beneath liter broad-brimlmed gypsy hait, andi ber graceful figure clad iîn Ita plajP rnushin frock. That face anti figure are haunt- ing Veraen Vane, -e-en&t this mioment, Mae à icidaaliing Up Regent street in a iîa.nain ca.b, anîd oeha ing nt the business N-hich keeps Minr, even for a-n nfternoon, f rom bisg gil-loe. t "I &bouldit b. eu- rsed." gays 1L1', as tbe patine ut the tpof tà ie la-ne lead- lng 111 the. rond a-hie hbclisthe hl .eliff-likp bill, -if linule ,jolin doesn't loue hus head, with anl lihef oas andi confusion, and blew the lieuge up. wedding-dress and ail!i Jeanne, V}çre'il bc nobodti t eul ut e ccutten-woeb eout ef his hair, andi rual te eteel f Iings Off bis waisteat to-zuorrew. Oh, biang it, Jen, 1'm vemy fond--.f Vernon, bu -".* j«Dear Hall"e mururs Jeanne, coeýxing bis Wedand net toe st.eadY -band. «You'Il be a gooti boy, la- , fOu'% b. & good firi, jeaniLà e me- tort$, -luS ed chauging. 'WTatpging to give me a lctu e a seimr wben aie nays gost-bym±-echol.Why, tJîent youreo0 ya e.chiid yourseit, andi 141 -y tgae hoput on youn Lest behavior. I @à cPI Wk tr," ho breaks off, noddingf te aà 4h l ra "tiey',ro corng dowii tii. hi!!.1aprotl>' socdpage, anyblow." J.anp les eround tb. stflo anti bgoule; comîug dovut the tû lo te Iuo c caarlae, tirsvu b>'a mair et èPirited berfe, wbo 'evidenti>' on't kuow -the reanod d dout,1ke t. "IlhaL Isu't an>'of Le MatI> ps boSfes, PUibei," aays Hal. resUtin hg Znm hW bubauds, &s uwtohlug -4th# p0ucing e.ndrestleu pair wÃŽth &U a. carnag, Jese,"-b ~~Caf o! China 411k, wlîie lies the lady's maid, wbo stand.à , pal-e and be- wilder4ed. ' ajeweî-easçe antia' sw Qh-d, < twg841 end of? m'r m ieu'fibe 141hdouot ap-1 éa.tIkconiscius of Jeanne'; presence, btstaWsdashaking ber French gre>' dresa, ahd aeolding kn h&ughvily laugui tories the perspiring meneeni-aats.- eve, 'angri 'bat t igtj On tenîptueus eon <1cus.'4mi mot a French roe.d. la lb. horse ded?" Tii boras réplie.q to Vhequery by> utruggting Up sud sha.king tiinself. "M a buth nogligent andi oereieas," mie Say». 'tra>-, let 1us-go On!"' à i an touGhes Lia bat and Khakes' bis heu~. "Wbat le the mnatter ?" ahe asks. "Polo'& broke off short, îny L>,y," s"Yi th. mari, funibiingSt4Uze fritent. "De you mean , thâ'L weehail net be oble to go on?" chie ans. "Afraid not, nty lady, titi a-c get this mended." AMn ho looks &round as if h. expecteti to ew-e a a-heelwniglt' &hop drop down f ram the sky. i Her adi-ship turn, c"d apparently me- menibers Jeannle. ~h h. aya. "Did y-ou help mne out? Thanks, very unh," 2leon, as Jeane% quiet bow conr-ines bW 24ht She iS a ldy, ber ladysblp adds more gracilou ;"ad wth la à eweeter toue: 'It reahi>' was very kind 01 you. I WOnDder YovIer. not fafraid. Ope'a own peopi.e eomu to lose their senses l namci. dent, o!fthia kiufiL am ver-' .orV," aa«Yq en ne. e i6fi ti s very ,see bore, and dangerous for lioe who -dot flot understand tihes-cat.» "W'hich my> people do net," asayg the lady. "Wý,here arceff" sic adds look- kng around, with th. air of a .ene aho ha. left ciiiliratîo n d pgeiâuto an 4 unexploreti district. ý 'This la Newton Re s,"as,jmnn& "But I don't-sec a'bQue,<' exclalma hem 1 Iadyîà ihp, with indolent vYeimtion. "la there avlea ho1el-sny place viere one can get ýdut of t1d s dusty road 1 Ijl suppose 1- ahalbav-e to romain in the oarriage,,while Uic>' get amnotber, ormorne- tbing. I Must ak you to be quiek,» se adds, turning to thp bervants.1 "T'1hore ila avillage la the valle'," says Jeanne, "but our bouse i&, mucl ticamer than the, nn, if ycu do zbpt mnd waipig' 4t e b. ofutiet ilan>. , 1t vi1 ii e rn people Bom t e4e slîichiense S 1 e.i ',Yon are reftlu> Very -u>' &y é ladyahlp, stili more sweetly an"imuai-ý cati>, iiore dçtlidoualy reposeflil aad self- contalue tbaUn J ,eantue Led évà r >ieewt be.foro 'lu 'em life. "But it ta iutrding, 1 fear-"» "No," Maya JeauDe, in ber frank way# "and Il 18 not, very fer." "Well, tbanlo,, 1 vi» te>'. Yen, Wilson, you bad bett« r ionaln'ber. wble James goes down for anothermarige ow'éi lo LeegliCourt from ber.?» cl uk U, sic followa Jeanne -Up the. cope. "11ev far, Hal Y"»aa Je*ue but Hal, alarmed bY thb, app*rlU e bt tashionftble beaut>', hbas ms4e. bi fial Âmwelatoly atter L.the ngti 1I lhink il laciglten or bwty le> seo asa Jeanu tJene sa i, :e * Mrmb"# *xy umac beingj eculd eta* setfr eut oft ! or4, mdher the-b ully r my, h.doos so, befor. ah. bas turnedL 'o o a single îletcJeanne entera, fol- ù,. ¶t by Mary. efr~ efrethmeUt- VnL iavré 0 gas jennes "wM r ou corne UP t0 lklng of te for 3«=» flu[jflg 0a setch. . thrmi offlier bat, ad ber 1ovel nIe And tbe fulIyrevealed .Her lad hip in xteiest lbthetch a h P.sh Ime foi le e bher bauds - b8d 1gpour on't a las. of wlne; they are' te faInting atcc ndti ls au ýl Ud espèd, If oMt aU wtoe 0tAnihi? Ths i ~if* or 5?ladyshi)Pe own. bl popeslin a 8~7~~ do ber.! 1ten ther Me a, Mmo a maly face-,wby, ft la yousl' In Xe casee "sbe thia, but sab»57»P11in- 11Jeanne esassengt. "A.nd the M",, ho la handweom uoÈ ' bt: a sweet littie rocin this la, and ItO, i that rOgh gSU5e s dflbr th*', lomet. May I1talc. onec" ffl", Ughttap-.very bandiome, May i Jeanne juips up audzboosesa M&=uJLSi0e te ask wbo he je t» 4hat s beprolisI Ithik, e. That in IMr. Van," sl eantry- is 'b preties i th&,lys geLard tb keep th. e o o 0 t ber. s$ a zng the w&ter f rein th. tein, tcand te look saIn asd oU smbe here in aprettter une th"a Ibps" "ele. BoQt er11lJg AnÂdh. 1.a sa er 1hdyslup, with a aumile. frîond of o ___la = ê nelooka at thé vase ertWEiY. I<Y a," s Berié 0 L~ook et the lss"sa' er ladyaip, dYeing ber zaeadek a arne. Ldv Lcelles owI ,lô'r flUetUati~ jeannç blushes. Srne, fuhiýoe swould thinkyov an w n "A h"' a ys# "yourIAce tili kis ~ ~, ~ 4 ~. 1 à tooa readily, mydarJan- yI a .1rýý4'"to blush at one frein a wom1,T! Ou 80 -lt la such a sweet naine. -Your 'ogve me il 1 «m aoxioius- to know qsuch Mr.Vane la votre tres ammi, is he not In eflower. My naine is LuMele 5tan- Jeanne lookas bravely. ".iwa- ad auxnV -l"engaged to Mr. Varie," she may@, J;eanne - Jeanne Bertram," SaY5 af lo'yi ie. Jeanine. 1,É0 be .eminued.). . -'l 1IyIê! el Tt prqtt!U1n Nor- ixan, too! Our mjeeting 1_2 quite roman-! WIAT WOMEN - bY*ffI .1k. Stili more ao if Ono oM usa lad been la nan instead of both being vwoxen. LCa-A il geThyNdJIcue ili5r, i aqîtitin in t.he kLt word, iU2d Jeanne answersit frantzly. 1I am n uw4rred, ùs ays, witb a A woman needs mêdicine mnore th&& a tlush.mani. lier organism i More complex, ber "And 1-worse, or be-tter, luek." saysSStein more delicate. lier health la dia. ber ladysthip, -witil i a mile aixi a littie tiirbed regularly an the course of'n! Y -Sbrn9. "I amn going to Leigh (kurt-it la If anything happons te interfere wzth net ver>' far away, you îa>'; perhaps we that natural courbe, abe goe. througb un-i shaj1 meet aggain. May 1 drive over and aPea&cable auffering. In faet the. he<h Uxtank Yeu aguin?' of ever 'fwiction and the happiceas of "Aunt will be very glad." sgay's Jeanne, every îoment of a woman's flUe dependsa ImsitatinFly.- I1a a f raid I ciali not upon'the rhness and the regularity 0 -ehère." ber blood supplq. 'lbat ih the» m4mi>16s sel 'You are going arny.*" asys ber Lady- entific reason why Dr. wiiiaoîas1> ahip. ##Poor Rawton NMegis!" PIS are wont more th"n their welght. earme eniles-. in' gold te women of ail agesfreinfift*eul «'ft will be dulier than ev'er when you to fifty. These pilla aetually inake the! a&re gene," says Lady Lucille. "And>'Yeu rich, red blood that brings health sudl ean lIonesil t.ell mne you are happy! h&PPilles and freedoin freux Pain toi M3erci! it Ioolied to me like tlie very uj.,t every woman. Mns. Neil Ferguson, A"- Z1acýe left dry alL-er the deluge. Tell1 me field, N. È., eays: "In justice--to yen an&~ »-you don't t.ihnk me rude and gauche, in the )*,pe thaz what 1 say 'may' benefIt do 70ui" and Lady Lucille laya her state- other suffeîing womon, 1 take pleasule ly w.it. hand upo)n Jeanne's anin, gleam- iin Stat! ng thn.& 1 have tound wonderful kng softly throigil thle Muain. "lan ume benefit f rom the use cf Dr. W»Iiama' what you do te support an existence,. uPifl hua.WbenI ben;using the p"'l whielî I. who emn scarce.Iy endure my I wu8 go badiy rua down. tb"a1, oeuld ewer-chanring, one-w%%ould Imagine «any. scareely go about; at tiîie& I sutferpd ihting but supportable. You sing and very mnuch and felt that lie w»s a biïrm- play 7" den,. Thanks to Dr. Wiiliams' Pink 1411%, ]y' aimsedand tescdby the. high- hcalth tien I ever e" e «to. L tO"asJTnýslilnadget 1cnnwsy1a havyg-etagai b;red audacity o-f the beltu, a$ijo. and 1 eau mwost heartily recomrsnd tise crut. pill3 to otlier sufferung womtum.", 'NYoupaint, then? 'N-o? Wbat Pr.,williauw' Pink Pift c er.d.Mmi ou ertà o yo do-is wre,-& arr» ' ItPgwm nbecause lthey ' 1111b«.4 on~~~~~~~~~*t thebdoyoùdelatera amsn ~pure >oo Jeanme looks puzzled. to the health and hiqipinesa o! every hii- '*. garrison! No."' mon being. It la for Ibis mse u ltai Her lâdyâ-bip amiies. 'itiese pilla always cure sueb troubles a. "D)o vyuUre.tilv nîîîeanto igtinate bli scLUSOOllI neuralgia, beart .trmtble, 1U41 Y011 don't undczrtnij me? Who> du ow>jgsin hulaisfalt~ I.Vt flirt wit.h?'dacpayI inyaud UvOr tt Asudden fl; 411of crim'son dy«S.jean- blie, <uithe bs8Jecial ailmeatt, oi 1 ne 3 fuce. and abc feels hallf h'eiix taj irls and woinen of. RUIdâls-age. - z em resent titiîimpertinene, but 112 la impos- Pt theso 1pilla -from auy deulet i~* (a>~ o l aurT r ith y lv~va f&C*ie, but you eboul& L e étofut -tb sfe. 80 ~ ~ ~~Av la~uîi pni s for lts rbed 1h01 lbhe full aimeb "Or. WillUuns. flk dýjebr0wA. dzintity«rched, wirtb eiuaoitykillaWinfor Pale Peo1pW"e,» a ot b» m wrP« Artn a plUot t; v,1lk.ib 1OowOf J&,hI4I these Ara umoreIbUmmgo4.eh'b regmY4 ta,- - 1'?j I Tobeatliapse'win îo % mm sthe J wIsrjw piAs' and a better pà ni t b.'ea bet a feW luches, luulde lïb. va~7h5 devIe la, vIê W-uMla e3 la èiqokn for il, end thé tom.cf «a' Ibroru brick, [ln Wmnty-n.' caeues out'offa ' h wlII~nah' o! ythéouter *indôw. Th* Ç)fênýliaonjea eato he i'1 *â Xt là onmldderê' ue 16 ispis>' *à ., dev Éoodà s lu Irsys, ince*bahis, lb sld mAsher a chanc te a han! lia on. grL. lIn a patent tra>' , Mnadethutcaly oȎ irlAgeau b. taken Outat aUé.1l Ceutà off the snak vt ge ig frein a tray halo ré bsudkertblif- or, int- brella. It la the cuStons t hw lArgoe articles ouly eu At a l, i«Me Ieà qIII.th tia' Insid hbowcsse.ý J e wers- have never ou a M'ys co7*y of beabing th* "penny-'i welghters, those sura3hs o'hevisittel tore lu rush hourg ad Sfbsttt- .Wortbleaaimitation for e geUniu e artlaeý.- 9terna1 llanee a sthé l' ay ofi'-1 deeià g vithz tiniualpolicecod. A etIvea- quarteradet"t"& u érriprvi wutchineu are lIutb#itediaile -U d Ot ourse, lthe larger tr«e ilhave,= regular store doeegwu, sto* ia -ouiea proteet- de luéee> atce' es tdo slégmé& snd cbecked oit vWhou thé stock . labo the.satc at adiju. Tià tis e a 100o oumbelisouim for bthe greatesablsh- mau.t&heret hé 0 ôers M -tÈ'a1ways, Yât theyu yat t0fhé ifé" dtthe tw lndezmd ye aneq' that, tbeftw by- 1. nt tore ut IP BABYS DANOBRI Â mother cber 1 vt lu *1~ ue. , tuutaoba1 elbra.~ 1YngI>t'eqent di urh Cholem m> "d îaz aý nuseth mthm a a - 'hb eu efflonlrêmeI à b@*, maUt1 cuéthe trouble, a DllWe a uma Y 0, . mneet~eOna en ealise leeel r t4a A I fui alanofau >of-,' hw a il. 'i "Il how~*e naafaturraaijewel.uard $y4 nbY *biclIl s dont V'* tac a 'say thezmià itfaetnrerf, th eyb> h, U w " - etn et bu. It la-a euio»a fft about the btalijées tha wblldth ~ Yeu e Xvo*,y ppor tunutto % Iabey'irl oe fsu r >'. 'd e a t eoitc ho Wbmeathe materialste othe w«er,. Th4ae i arefull>' wI nd udths voknngivea a. eeept for tâtent. Thiaý la 0 1eBoto0,Much to gszd &&ind tbsft as to unsure eeonoiy. Fr.wheu thé workxan n hadbaek* baomp eted piece it i weighed, 10- get*wth théLe filugasd, serape. À ve sight allowam e la mde for WS8t% aiiwitt Iis ilotrane l.thelgt miiatf tai)>'or tbe weorkman'lacaied dowin. %'ï!- % lb.ture hs'nateà aI f.bsnded over t te workmau untillîhelime when he h..ud» it inu, a compkçted piece, b as plant>' cf opportuuhty t teusl Il aul and skip. <The- workinan may bave bit mmtetr- bdait, for two weelcs; any slgbt ci that. Perlod,'"be migbt band tnu »ornpty bqr and bkip with the zmatenial -Lut ho nov- or dqcm. "'Yeu Seo, we banale gold and preelona stonelà lkoe erdwood," sald the héad efa beg ~<'weryfactor>', 'W, ceaie to thlak of thair valu& Tbat, bas- sonethlng te dû wt;tThen we are ver>' careul about e mplyej o a O i> m ota tact' It isa welpid tde, too. My tid e frein $20 te $40 a weelc. Facy ba es ru even beger. "l'y. been inthlb. uii4'*ty-fI, ya AnIl1ve ever lost w«s omi a pi nd o tisday lu.sot sar' wlu. 'er it was -lost linb. th ic- o heb facteky-or wliother smie outaidrdn't taike rlit" e M an.x ufaçturers far m al] t efts -of goid wângs more.thon IS ro»bberie, Ti. dual isweepinm*psudreuse of s , ---cae y Oof coursevaluabe. To seve ftbistothe lat graîn the lqystemn la as elabirto as li tlbe Unlted Blustes in.lu T h. Workntenmust ehenge Ibeir.edo"ie t. e t- door of thé tactqrÃŽe Th'l wr eliotbý noer leave lte nmutl su tpreguatd *th gold dat, ty atr teken tA birniï WWWreoa b"to fopban a, d hada ie wasie waber la wd, tO .ewreuÙ"".' Tb*héwep à gWie4. l.wt.watdý =de *Id cloUes are "atd rer,'month tea fuma retuilië!1ne !returu frein tigisore .maY ra nu a Lt; facder> trou *00 b.$50 - rmliet lm edmuhaabu