vweighcd wit.hout their atems it la on. dent t-bat thbe quantity is. cuormous, aud this tact vili Le stili btter appreciated whop, It ila#'explained t-bat lu eider te obtalu two pounda of rose leaves nô bass t-han a thoussnd flowers are re- quîred, wile s thousand bünches of vio- lets, each wlth a diaxueter o! more t-han a foot. fumnisb ouly forty pouads cf Fiovers ail io uu a prelimlnary treatment of Tmig ploed lu a eold r"mornud plants, Sucb as laveudef-, thym*, spike;, mint, roots sucbase or- ris, fruits aud voods, are pasud through cut-ting and maematkug machines. Af to- t-bis bas been done- the prfuela, «-. traeted. thle picplmothodeea n dIsilltInia rtonflmarago a i>y t-ho tise of,: V ,~t PtuIlcai onily heat or stosM. t -lis *as t-h tl1owers and"X1se & o 'p a sgreat 'aemIC and' h W.-'Ait* 'thb* vate beghus t-o bell it ditorgsilzath- * et. *"ble cllacostainlaagtiaoperfmn. &»d thJ&ia la rwled hý - %t " la tough *he vormisnd SOudmw&, Thrls t-huaobtalned a m . cio ster sand prUme sud I1418eý* *sroçeu of dIat-llatwzluove. tror ,whn it iïdestv.4 t t.n exror eoiaa. uth. aenth à no&m « b.at »W u ai. * à tunpeat-ur ! Ioyed i. su ether cý fl ,witb t&deh o are piamo decater1 t.î 'ne marriage cf Princess Margaret of »nnaught to thie grandson and heir- :resuunptive cf King Oscar of Sweden ;aqi.res su added interest irm the ft 1tbat ibe la the tirst, Britiah princeas, ý1ince the late Empregs Frederick be- oemcthe bride of the Prince of Prumai., 'to leave Britain to take hem -place arng Uic future queens cf Europe. Princess Margaret is the eldest daugh- 'ter cf the 13uke and Duchescf On -»Rught, her father being the third son toi Quoen Victoria. Her birth was hailed with rejoicing, especially as hem parents hsd been niarried nearly tbree years vhen she appeured on the seene. 8h.li was born Jan- 15, IS82, at Bagmhot Park, ta estate within eas.;y reach of London and Wiffdsor. During the s0- journ of the Duke and Duchess in~ In- dia, Princess Margaret, with her brother and si.ster, was under the came of lier grandniethem, Queen Victoria, and this vircuxustaruce, ne doubt, te a certain ex- t-cnt xnoîlded the chiaiacter ot the young prïncess, who is se soon te assume the responsibilities of consort te an hein. prestitnlitive te a tbrone. The royal brid-c-elect was brought up iu a scn.ýible fashion. She was nearly twenty before site was mucli seen in London society. Wben the Dukze was commander of thie forces in Ireland his daughters us.'d to lie presenit at the &tt-{l% itifletions ifl Dublin] Castie, f t-he .'idet as often called upon Wq help her inui lier to doing the honora on occa sions.' '1h pý Irincei;s is desercltbed as high-spir- lted and clever, an exceptionaly good nmusirian and an amateur artist. Those vito have met lier in the count-ry houses wlhtre she and her sister somtetirnes stav. declarp lher ta lie wil-read, a graceful horisew'anan, and n good skter-which in fortîînate in v'îew of the p)art skating playv. in the' national lif. of Sweden. J>lrîncess 'Margaret first Met lier future bTimband (jwlien she waýs travelling with ber parents in the cast. The Duke of Schonen, to give him his officiai titi., vas. travelling in ]rgNpt, w-hen ho met .tthe Iuke of Connaught's famlyp aud was able' te uaakc the acquaiftacS f Uxe princess in a mnucli les.s forzMAi nan- mner than is usually permit ted te aBycYS. 'sujtor. 'l'le engagement wu made knoxvn to thue Briti.,-h publie ou 7db. 2-6, A great bal was gîv.n at Caire te cSc- brare the event. iif' roy.al famnily of Sweden bas rnany beautifull re.-idPnces, and Prineesa r- goret w'il] hav-e a chuioe o! homes.- It lasa&il that the 3,oung couple are to live ,ini Christiania for a portion ef every year, lhut they mwill naturally lie a go "J al iiSt)khhfl here )the royal raaté bas Nx-en described as a second 11 uallS. 'Ihere, in. the woniderful .apartrnen t knowvn as; the VietoriastilCl, la, an exqui'.it4' inlaid tuble which belong- ed te M . Antoinette. and other relies ,of thie lait Queon of France,.lTle great "e'eptiofll viven in honor o! the royal anarriage wil taà ke iace in tht- hall cf wlîich tiii' naine signifies the Wh'ite Se., on.' of the mostctiiagnificent of roysl WHERE THE PERFUMES ARE MADE. Medterranean Coast o! France la Where tic Plioyer Induatry T'#u1ve8. SIn tbe southern part o! Frence, which 1>ordersý on the Mediterranean and ex- A-nd 1tw nUià lps and-- --A hcne, lugedopnt-ont cfoxwtrust (cwI;p&iI-. lasIftov on. foi auve t-o t-boitor- oap e e;t u W atWa ~e whooo la t-y lamstoa Cbadt«r, wa o eperfumne evapoat-es and leaves, behind t-ie essentlal -oi TÃŽ,slme- taod - iby tai flic.best. In the 'Bing . 4epa;.tnent of the Aipev-Marit-ires *nmùai production is 800,00 pounds of pomade a.nd 4,0O00 quarta cf tx tracts. ARRAM«E VOUR VACÂT!ON ACCÃœ)RÃœINGLY. The. populan time for s trip t-o Nov York wiiili e about t-be time efthte West Shore or New York ýCentral oxcuruicli on Auguat l4th and August 24th, respect-- ively. Louis Drago, at 69%P Yoxige street, To- ronto, will gladly f urà iali particulara on- application._________ Mobsanmd Monuments. That thxe disturliances in Russia are net , arked by t-le overthrow ef me- men ais is d u~e t-lihe care exercised by the police in guarding the columu c! Alexander I. and other historic' monu- mnents. The police liad learned thnough expe- rience that tligse public memoriala are t-he first objecta ef a moi'sattack, aud t-bev profited by the happenings in other landa. Wben t-ho Commune gained control ilf Paris its firat action was the overthrow of the Vendome columns, whule even t-be historie Nelson column, in London, bias been nmicd, tlîotîgb in that instance the detonator failed to explode. 71he statue ef William III. in Dublin bas withatood many an attack, t-li re- current anniversaries of the Battie cf t-be fBoyne stirring batmed afreah. The old statue is battered alid tinte worn, but ne serious hart lias yet been donc. America bas few memorials to attraet or invite mcli violence. 1>ssibly t-ho Hay market memoriai, in' Chicago, may some day be biown up by tho8se wbe regard t-be anarchista execut-ed for t-be crime as martyrs, but the enly recent- atternpt- te blow up a statue was thbe unsuecesa- fui effort te destroy t-be monument t-o Frederiek tbe Great at- Washington. * European memorials incur t-be dianie of t-be lawiess because of t-hein associa- tions rather t-han because cf t-hein lack of artiit-ic value. Were the. latter de- fect an incentive te crime thbe park po- lice would b. kept busy home. Wcmen Postal Clerki, (;ermany, in aphte cf arnaller territory, eznploy-s a gi-dater number cf vomexa postal ceiks tho.n the Unit-ed States, having ne fcwem t-han 242,000 in tue combined postal and telegraph. system. lu Amorica there are cnly 239,000 wemen t-hus employed and Great Britain finds a place for but 184,000 women lu t-be post- aud t-elegraph oifices. In France thene are 81f,00asd uin A- tris 50,000, Russa, Japan and Bnxtisb India eaeh give work te smie 60»00, but in ct-hen countries in t-be post-offlee Union women arn net largely employé&. Were t-be number of women telegrupli operators lu the Uniteud States t-o bê added t-ct-he postal dlero, t-his country would at cnoce take fiast- pis., mmnce this is t-heo ouy important- iembor o! the Postal Union net eornbining tue postal and telegrapli services under eue dine.- tieni. ENGLISH SPAVIN LIIMENT lumps sud blenulubos £rom herses, bood sa vin, curbe, spiluts, rlugboueswmeue MUfes, aprauau. acrt sud swoibeu t-hroit, InteshOruesUWQN fdya. itseléaa tÇpawo oc-Drime h lu tho pushiof ldneasuies f pcrIîdy co!e umateithms tit-oférniora. Avo ofmce ngu eat-hic caes, t-exro<t- te mat-fier liesas u One manyotero -fords cf wo siA devn. h abenero! arnusa ompleycpon is Acoiln lt-s elf s tbmtin to ec srime hade nsu ,or vfornathngwhe soineresti l lt la th usit cf ese olncviteandb cfirb tiiingonity whi-e eau b.eed- talrnut, ey vils ti. At i loh saie ud donce banetaonly a b ant a cotin luony aoillony Yn e'i opras Aa.,Nd.tW.etn.* at-ur fev ySea begNotelaeemonztraries but lce. A rnov omet-iofo, shev sen- sin-eemegout-n hch ney eau nt- o bÀUth His wbecomo tbeonly f res sud dWhite t-ing on eearLieamWek- -fomDoesKldoey PUs.I aReu John Whfor eanond et Nther d oaeîp luspin thetlsm TIIido TniD Gm- ik calCamading Hldo llmey Pillow sGerau,N.WT., Jun didw odd'a Kny idueym P iae ol lun vlinoutrah.iney aU ietWc ote vet. loovas nea oe uptbody-tl Edits Ù4harris va so voefuélth urd cf heosybyt-hé em, ud Ovff. J Whitnlag sugau exp feniefnanoier a ofeBotonkabe al odrc eaae "I et-in,» ohùmn. Wie ay"Ibaou d lit t-. lic akh no e t eotitIMgot e ioth Dodd's Kdue Pilla ofadhe- Tq ,he di meaugra- ta fcto rL in te splie oredinAs Dod ido Pillaâ een st-roner« t-bsn talk. neucsmo n qa4 *ls of !tomr- maudiug Airugpry., fte n men who eicuted a Boer offie Whcilad broken" lais pardie and afterwanrIbeen condèmnned as aepy Ho aaume4 the uniformý of an English soldier snd penetrated our lines after hs.vi#g levane wheu n-,n is parole. ne 'iVea7 m"ïnrofthat firlng psrty has orne to fatal dr serions pie! ,simce .tbat Friday Morniumg, vien m the grez aw vo ebot -tbe spy. Sudderù death or eabaid accident basbefallen'each one-, "My turmn, bas corne, as you seqi," Amd the scldierb who b.d fought in,,& halt- dozen. catnpaigns pointed to his left arm, which was lu ephunts, h*ving beau frae- tured iu a street car a edpnt,-ian Yran- ciao Ch-roDLcle. HAD 4)N THE CAl. Rave - -yen ever seen a, est get mlxed up with a sheet of sitiçky fly paper? If flot you have rnisse4tene of, te real sighta cf this lite. Tii. terrifled, juD2p- imgj spltting, mhewlng cutature preséents a mot ludicrous sp)ectacle to ail on- lookers sud causes an immense amount of laughter aud fun, bÙt when the frAn- tic sud maddened pet becornes almnost amotherecT by the. sticky stuff, and the damage te carpets, curtains, etc., ete., begins to b. realized, the,- housewifè fails te aPPreciate thefnnny aide of the. epi- Bode, and then sud there decides tbat lu future sh. zuust use only Wilson's FIy Pade, which orte three humdred times More effectuai sudcasp net damage car- pets sud furniture. Alidnmugîste sud stiieeepes el Wilson# s ýy 'Pada. vodw rhese imitations. The Vacation Probiem. Thore are hndieda of aummer resert 1abte1 proprietors wathin a hait -day's jeurney cf Phuladeiphia who wish te fil! their bouses wltb desirable guesta during the season just opening. There are tens cf thousauda cf perplexed men and women within the teritory covemed by "The Record's" circulation wbo have determlned te go away fer the summer, Or s part of the summer, but do not know where they eau find sultable se. conmodation. It la on. cf the fume- tiens cf "Tho Record" te brrug the ho-i tel men sud the'pjeare seekers te- gether, te their mutual profit. .Lt la a&i importaixt tic the resort, proprietors te b. represemted in the sdvertlslng col- 'lm"asa i s ateudeclded readers te seek the aid cf these columus lu seect lng their vacation quartera. Ameng the laxativeg are f is, prune% dates, nectarines, oran4* sud mulberries. The astringents are blacberrles, dow- bernies, ruphernes,: pomegranitos, quine«s, Potis, wild cherries, crauberries amd mediars. The kinds of fruits used for diurete are grapes, blaek curmants, peaches, wbortleberries snd. prick1ý pan.The me- frigemants are red and whitq icarrants, goosebemes, lomona, limes an4 apples. _Apples, are useful as s# to maeh soda- tive sud viii ralleve -nauses a aid ovea For lmpr ugbbby listb*r chare ,tom. a pLt c W1se c ~i t s&dlot I lo d wa 1 en Mry old, then sirlu lwasi pst cf vinegâz. Mir titi tborugb- ly mWed, thon botti.fér use. Wbmu- requlred shako the bofttieUi, aour oor *îti6o 4.soft anic s . ldatrti!te dua et h tho Pbrtrd.Ti hlu f~ unlesa a champ or alob, Lt, If yen bogina stashite do stick te h t ii teé tashi la Ibrougit Dou't shirkr. but overntuadei. Il sv Rang ou. :4 J If rou mr some Chicago ebsp. And gel youn mInta urpa aa traD, The car mal à je rmndà -y And y ou freinaide b 1.e Mar uverve, But Aou't gire amp or le"o tour aort, hans on. *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~g ant~ ue-.z~T uutsd Septembea t-ho CbIcago and N". Wester-Rodtvay -vin sel tom 'Chicago romndt-rip qýecrion tickt- ets te Sin Francisco, Loi Angelea, Portlaud, One.. (Leowis and Clmnke ExpoItion, Seat-- Ml. Victoria, sud Vancouver,% st--von 1evw rates, correspoan -esp fanes, rom 591 *Poizla là J Csnda.- 3cW -, 0ô ogue, boutt Jtrain servico. favorable- stoporeérs, sand liberti relut limà i. Rates, foldore -and tut! Inter- malien eau be obtaned troum B. IL Bonnet-t Clouerai Agent- a"g stoot o"et, Tenanto, LITTLEBU? '8A~CEhN~-Dr. oit CUuat-on of t-b Bible. - Rtau'a Pinoapple Tabisa ame ot big eau&$f-or Sn. lula te general lament te-00 fa ou dose tha eue*111 awIu tiUo or15- Bibelano, nors, rouA ýsn4 5tUdle*t OOU»--*7 4- teoctetyF reports.D laSMa7 t-bat 6,00,000 oeCPles = u~ t* us re aopMrod t « MatbýW. sulucresue o! 0,0 ,r hO*ti ýTpcouuplete Bibl* à # nov pu1lt in l!10 ftors aattfat lsi b. 5 '~~geglg &Nb* T 1SIIt ii*nOl z-. &W,» êcopies et 'ltheRusels mu a Oe o Briptuf ashave boom' dii~t44Ig Torture Eform GallovsDeat belligore* u IL tu-baret. (Irlnfleid. MusM. Repblosalot b" l .ls uo gi or tc-the t ol4 a Tim STOmACWpS WEAtL ORW08 asb ve t d. IasD &à *II i" ~ l~lb flevu 'sn wea**l or vae ti =tosi &,ouï But if 50- verse te - P etemacah mesuperfect di. «uJeot- me at-o a «ncculon- cfdestb tongutboe«-"«t -dIgestoU mOiDs 11105Su tissas a" worwffle sua"tnà sd -oet- -osdy serve cou*&*O-etro=g --nserve oear bou0l* *0 1ei à Aoo 01È'1 off cativo eoru ta a!! skia erupt-Iou ~ to t9i dutu agtbsgtim.Ute homs lu~~~*MO dJmiqerurbe4 -uý mmýb* «U- # metee 90 iewr-euY .nso, Oo WILL BUY COMPLWI'U SW- rnIU end dwefllng. readY Mo È rtin: hast timbeeldistrict KakokL Lsofraw matertal on hmad.- MA&ma D. T. ~XP3NSU~ Hodgsou; Eracebridge. _%uý ttil e bbNt 3 efgt , r Mfren o-nd <fere % eM me,» si S l dent of modern llfe, "when liv0in cat- ies will b. entirely given up aC 1it WiniTO~CFI OOS be a place maintained solely for the TOMem OOS transction of business.Ail le VUIJ Dlre crret, 1% a" i8 izors-gowe. Ad- g0 and corne as a few -do nowe lviIn udresi Box 10, the country, with sucb transportaUcu TMRS OFFCE, facilities as viii throwi 9pen,,ýa' Mu<h '- ~ uitp larger area for snob living.. "Tne ides of going to'bed and ti7u iw uwLK_71YWMA to reat i ncb eha place of noise, batliev 5ylua sd fmpen ef &L» *b uonSBate and disease as the modera big ei7'18 0111. Snt. lia=nc igIea;ah will strike the, future man asu~1igsu ia.5lI WI uI4lwnle. U. ldidtiq. Âll that 18is n îeèdd 5 _________SI___ swifter tranit, sncbé developà éinti aIong - that lhae as have corne in other, lines. 0f course, there are sone features of city life which it will be bard to trans- Plant te, the country, such as amuse culties will be overcome when we eau igie trave fa9or.»steamer* Bellerle, Hamilton a APietes - L Ave'Mmlitou 2 o, u Tu7to 7M3 fit or ts. ý"à tn;à Fdor the Latest Noveltiew' for DiamonG O AE B(d~JfN Uii Toronto. TORONTO-.MONMUEL LUNE STEAMBE TORONTO AND KINGt;cor Àmogstth-passengr hosrid Les»e Toronto at 3 p. m. daUr'; emoex>t ne daeT F"-Juwy 1 dauyRoohester, Thou- by the. Caronia on ber luat trip WUa Mr. oandIsla Rapide, Bt.L.wrence, Montres!, James Ryrie,- whQ just returned after QuObe. snd Murrsy Bsy., Tadouao, Suagunl s protracted visit to Europe lunsearch RIver. 1 - Of the lateet novelties for Diamond Fe Information appl' te R.L . agents or ElailT&Ã"nto hwrite H. Poster Challee, Western Passenger Hall Toont. Duiugbisabsence Mr- Agent. Toronto. Rme visited I.a Switzerland, Mis _____________ tia Germay, 1Holland, 1France and spintprose;- England, snd made solections HI inech ffflPpakgenevrIgwos esnyt WIliw ofgthrin ue fteebo lo.-featbered harbingers lhave been Wlth un we n aoret ods that bas eyer en- tbunen ted Canada. - he *d, ti ý *,bour, ftremntso w o us ed, will arrve i-tim forthéday rnornlg... But ne mauxi e. say on cf ~e ne proisesROW ~ wvat day or at *bat hour abe viii make forf te nw r;ILO bei. ber actual presence manifest by cern- building, whiéh 1,s stuated some thrée or p~uith omltabnomn f fou dora bqv thir r~sut romses ,vnter garb and vinter, habita sud on- vii be ready for -occupation toward the Mfongs Vreort to e rnen sudts end of July, snd vhen eccmpleted viiiesos*pVpit ebe eg.-L b. oeeof the ugent andmost pa s ut ficeth tluéalert merchant'to know esabismetson 'hecoiet entbat an urgent dornd for neNr supplie$ rlvallin anyth ing that Nev York, or Chi- Naogt.eln st b oetrl cago bas te show. e,.qnec, aud that the tide of purchascrs -_________j ii turu toward thes-tsl thiia6 Whicto hroicle) t . tise If Touha" nr1xýlo.Il PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS, Ç j 'J wm 2*li Ncf aUn e-b IL tlie n prp fere mut tbe -c (ol i t-liebn leur Fan i 1%ere of sà 4-lv