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Whitby Keystone, 20 Jul 1905, p. 1

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e, z e * 1* * * * * * 'p * * r- * * * * * * h * * * * * * * * True Sport and Public Spiçit. To TusE EIToR op TiiiKtST~E Dz,ÂR SiR,-We -hear & good deal now-a-days about public spirit and of sport, and what Whitby r.aly needg is la ittle bit more of both. It îla true there are two kinds of publie spirit and two kînds of sport, but that w. need in' t.his .town the best of both ia generaUy, admitted. Athletic exercises-are essen-' tial to the beat development of Young manhood, and when 1I say that I exelude ail rowdyism, gansbiing suid drinking' which4 so frequently foliow the yourg nIen i'n theïr gaines. W'e are living in: an age when athietica are beîig placed in thé hands of professionalismn, and the masses of young mnen are content to sit arnong - the bleechers,' iea-ring amateurr sport to (lie out. -This shouli not bo, for man is made for somnething etter than t.> be au aiinial forever st th eid, of a basebait bat, lacrosse stick, or kick- ing a football, yet these gaines in rnod--ý eratron are helpfui and necessary. What we Ileeci is a decrease of professionalistîs -_____ - . - and a revival of amateur atimieticq. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. No butter specimens of huînanity do NVII TBY UNCTON. vo kîow ini history than the Romian, thé W1IJBWst Ya. n CTIbin. u l- Greek and -the Sp.artan type, who were Oolg W st -fla-n ( 4 .17~. p...driiied in the gynmnasia and taught thé :Pr. în developmntn:of physicai lîfe. They un- -. - in. î.05 doubte<lly overdid it and tke nations W~HIDYQigTA.il I W~1iY1~DAY, JQL~ ~0, 1805 other chnrch officiais 'an d many i&yo ked that the .miatiier b.e friends tworked wtth an int5iW iit l'e ori a wi of purpose most gratirying to thie ~ i JaekC>n bàw&B lufavor of oeý>nt- new inctimbenit. aind -t« thg invited D the crossing asked for.b. not guestei and ail interested in the en-, t>uÎ1diDg it until the Cm tecr tErprise. It was a pleusant scl &Ié1alma to supervise the event.Work. The weather was kînd. and turn-fM. Lawler tliought the b4tlding Pd on sunbhine early in the atter'. of ient ý,aementb slhoul<J ease noon instead or showers.' '1ha re-lUrtil thCY eoiuld -1W doue right. freshments were serv~tet on ttbe IMaYOr Robson again urged that Iawn until * a late hour. The chair- t the WOIk6ibou*IJ Cease. and uQiplain- man. Chas. Calder, M, P..,îiresi%4?ýd! éd bittlerlY or the work done. Hie with bis usnual pariamentary, prirej had ftskea< Mr. Ltike in Mr. Cb[Witllti ci-ion . Ms Beath as usuatcharmj- Iabsence to stop ýthé building of the rd the whoie -istmbly with solos I itgle paienjeut, and he came downD and duets. and w;tli her brothifl town one rmuruing intexdingtoisaue sang 0«Duke or 'lt hot's Courtshili,"i au !irJuiction toi stop th- b-iiiing. wbich elicited loud aJ1pause. The h irtwrkodred-the log orche-stral band mas fully appriait- the Lynde Creek bridge-.had not ed. and the regimnental band won o engn ih n h8 ther sorts of enthuiastiec onimendat!On Pavemnents h.id been puehed ahead. for the mrnneir in tilich they prHe le d fot underetîand the motives sented their selections. Mr. iter-Of the ehairinan of streetaé. land illighted the h1earti of ttrosie M-r Coill, of course, rep4iz f romn the kind W' lwather. moan-ittain warnily t,) the înginuation th&t he and glen w~ith th" diip, thriliing- ba. purposeiy ikeia ba.ck the bridge vibrations of ithe b:clinilbes. tO VTM10Ioward the ôt.her tvork. '.%r. Be'nnett An)dcrs;on ren vêre The Clounnci had a JrOled géing onil -Scots w-ha haex%*r wnllaco ~with the iverk on the Downey and and -Johnj Anôerboi, \y JO." Clergy-' 1)Pw Pavemnents. Ié eregret-tetl1that men from the chu rcb in Whitby. St. i a poorl'ob bail bee>-made of these john'4 nt the bay, Port Plerry, Stn- Pavements, but thé tirst picees laid, rierland îand Dtrookiin spokeý. bripfly1 by 1te Young mien in charge wepe ani conchîsively on intioreqtzing top- fai'riy good. ics krelatiiig to Irreir wvork, and thel Mr.- elisi inisiated that the. prospects openinig for tihe churchest mei~f n charge Ipurlàoîeiy niuié the of St. PauI's, .uClitîxbus. And t .PâVement defective. Thotr.zgs', Brouh-.n, -% tth kindly greet-i -Mr- Jack-son thought 31r. 'Colwifl in-irs to NMrs. ,%iid,.rsou,* N% tUtI 501triecIl avor the umen engged4 la 1>]v ettthý hroand tn loin fier 1I- Mr- COINviîî deuied thîs vetphornrrà '[n ar. rai ns nt 10 OSLJfl'a>turnd t.i brawii a: the expoeo f brain. husbnnd in lit, %work of lthe pari0i. l y. w îîrr .~T<'.To-day the younig manhood is ruiiung Av.1o tak~ws mvdb e. 1M.te-sas~ii h e Going Nrtli -t7 i ii (;ing soîth 9 a.mn. t(ýbrairi lit the éxpenseofo!brawiî. whéî J. B3erntt Andrirson tu thre ch.aatper.,CkflowietgetI îh(2irerror ? 4 1, i 11 thele aireuli bu a synimetrical deveiop- man. Aise to 'Mr. Chas. #~c.rM. Colwili said they did not ad>- '2 4 ~Menti of both. We lire hi a day whjen *who so freoy opeîîed his bouise a nd imit thYa mdamitk. ltal'r . WhitliVfr O..hssa ýjat 10. a.. anl 4 p n Youllg boysanid ynung mOlln uîed athiet- eounigds or the o had aist otfghthe;yJaksn..>s-aed ceet liillr, Iîr î c These garnes havé corne to stay, v t i bight a nd a i r i c dpirograr ý-uiinhur. LIS lii e h alared j c n eehoe Lvra-as fr !rLnita 10 an J. A ioyt pro. and that town Or conîmunity is wide h o h advthmat they ek ontinue té el- ~riet)r.Aake to its best inter(jst and best maii- j>IOYEXJ bhy the town if flhe ceaI of MAILS Alil 9Z 1VE. hjood whiech recogniizus ibis fact and Pavements Nvus reduce... Fr.nn Vea. -r' r.îî. i-:-~ :;oanscies these sports prreper moral andl fin- Wire Fences and Ceneni Pave- Inii Iis waY the dit;cuission drag- Fr i îrugar tP ~alilclal support. We are living in au age, ments. ' dwa iaiL riddb doptîng MILiS oasE f 'shut in ' life, a commercia age. -the reportr amende> as fohiows: For Nuitlr 7'S rrn%.11rhawa .i The towîî population are not behind thé A Long Session of Council on à Hot Nighl. JeenIwi-TrtreLort et Fi-* -'t t.i ~n. W. and'F.a11p1n1. piow or driving the reaper, but belhind te1tet omte e mne W____t-- _______________2. u 15 t1 Pd ri nit, eu san- There wpre 4piit two subjL'cts Ofby adding ab reiews: That the iîtusbope, workîiuii argely wi-th theirinotnettieîetigo oi bidne o'hi crntwksor PRF51NLC95 ncil on Monrday nigit. and it 'ue theossnsi onbedlydtl brairis, liot developîîîg thoir MUSCles. hottest imepting or thre Yeat, both proîrOer Man is eîîgaîLged te supterî'is@ nur usissg up that surplus enérgy and ti xweather and in luinguage. tlu fuct thé e or .b h t ree tscouunittee MIEDICAL Idoe whieh every yoting mnan aught to thé' exessivt 11,91t Of thç» .iaY Selin- :'vith thée appreval oof Council.l)' - haro. -Noiv, where eau young men ilj t{t to havé Mader? sevctal of! eie il Thé Ioliowi.-ig are thée emnittee; Dr.ftolru tu oerir bet o:th tr8hai tevtiers irascible. and froin start to reports in rq Pli ~ ~ _jj YS(IX UlE' y ieed ' Can tbey got ih by standing oun s hr rsaiîiîgo uvsFÎre and Light. tu tet onr nhisgth edybeing dIra.wnand> "giiis" kept ready Neprwtvii .U IIE 1711. thltetcrnr naii the dal.ihehip pockets. Tisei wa'e--W ewot,'aéristreets400.O0 Orimrte<i Uivr.iv ifTri~o ad ieruiaiuineof a cigaroeor cîgur? WVheru illg brouglit into the Coiincil rhui-4 T. G. Deverell. ruofing tuwn ,0 Of ari CIe of fl'ititr.t fTiana iburLive. cart îheý hast srork off the surplus clfber w-ase evdentiy kirrdled ilýaa s. hall. etc ..... ......... ....... O.0O "Tn TIIAS'~ . . ph% sical oe.ergy and rest the tired brain? 1lng to! ft te Ctcoiuit tee pre JohnMl- ýatreet ~~~ 4 ~~~Cuair1-10Y (d0 it best by sitting aroun.>d ilS hto heCad.std Ad tonMcal,-ww Il___________________t kvii4, o! the 'ýju1h WaÏà. Cm WjiIt1, -bt. 1:Iaset, wçwc .4, LGLNo. .Then lettbém get ont i1w 13Gode I h!Imite out for the hira * Lrytawleuce, ýwork ...... -EA good out-of-doors," fellow rasbbing Up of streets. E. I~.L Bow ,teatninï .6 OOrison e ~agaînst fellow in manly sport, leaning The building of a few rods of wire John griffius, te&ming. ' D.irrs rtle tn B1A ,NtaT~ coutrol of temper, courage, dash and go. f ence -a a Rsublect Of sufftieieýnt inîî- iHart & Riddàlt. tationery ,00 etc. Muvt4 Li ru. <ithriîrit tpostfice:if this were (lue in nuoeration, isot s( irtnét mactébor o: our conniittce recomniendà. a>' Wlisii', (nt.rîc o h ueofwniggie u nearly an hour. It is a serions cepting Mfr. J. F. Pirie'O' tendet*'fo? j nat tel' that o! building 3O rods of! wire !enee iy 1Mr. lieydeu's pr'p:rty Dow & McGIIlIvray for the love ocf good sport -and., t» duvet- iwîire fence-o n lundcrt-îking wic thébcha 5icntpe rd Barist'î, 5dtr-î ri. ine t Lon.op true manliood, me woiild net have se ihould engage thse best rhoaghit o n t0gts,1 -ctln, o Office oi.te PisI Otirer. WhlI V. ()t,.ny puîîy, sickiy looking youîrg men the migirst ininds, aud shoîi.> on tf or boti itb o 1w $et 1>y tow)). J il. 1)()%V, A T. A. lie. V YL.il nou ons éaccounti hoe etered ilion without k~ uvaig . ot.fo James Rutledgo luInorder to arouse young life te thîs' i m-ing thé ald8eermea chand tw . tei . .o,: vet pr itarirerEl" Mosi u l' rt o eaa Tn! thought of -athletics a town nea.>s a true;n~esvrlseée ai.at w oî Barristr, Etr %lone tith1s atue. eAmd ejunt.or titre eofthein an opportunity t!leur com-mifte re;,ommend- grant" Officet linnwedately urrith (if i0îztl Htl, Wbiîb)y, 1Publie spirit aloî>g ti ie n ut 1objoct te seMethinçr. f ing tfbe reg~et of!J. 9. laterhouae -Ont.- hère perhaps thé good oid tewn of The heurp razle-tlazile might hav and othb ,t biliacoslg s Jon . arwII K1c, Wlùtby hua been a little eut of tuno. 1béen avoided and thé business doue j rock etreet, it-tweev n Duss an ~d B Jrstr oh nt rown AttorK.0.9 uiThe boys have tis sumnier be trying in a few minutes if -an explanàtlàon Elm street8s.- W ro eviy-e ahs interest on the campus, but had precedeti thé briùgingl f1J9kc> Lal-j b e {0ounty Solicitor. Ofic-Soutiswnh ~ w~-wesaete ateba report. It seema that 1Mr. 14ay4leil port madie to the UrAnd Tru0k R1lOî1 of our Hose.Whibv r ompllei t ply n aay iet ~'th .,ouner of property rieur thé beocb, 1 way ré the 'biokigOU thse 'Brook ofCurt____________________upayia___ ieldwus th iiIng té give tel the t0wn We' strect -blýue twéw tbdrawn. Car- - ETLhay 1,1standing up." Then tise Couneil eral acreto of landl for ihé Purpélie rie.. cut it, and the only difference Dow jgi o! Making a road ayté the Pef4S The -aboyé motion w" eprmupt<i4 -_ - -- - -_i that t-he beys have to play i tisa eloie. h e~ *udbid a by a désire to retiéve. if *~huO W, Adams that ie "lying down." 1h.Whj4byWi! wire fence te separate lthe i*syden, enupoyft~ot the U. T. 11-frowaIlfi Dentiot.ftebe ln Office over j. lenrgu.n,*.. runia. st. fieldis n aturally ouae o j > ~progerty from the town*ti. Thé fnce1î,£,Umut for %'vhat'ha.d been tb*ught'. ould ot cost 'more titan perhsspis 1-Itt-y #jueth~e uitect ortt #o-.u*a Seoldence---Nu'. î, The Terrace, illon St., Whitby. jtheéliué, but "ice it bas no board fOUce O l Wor à». and for that i..v.en c F ýopaî felg keyto b.e e1Qný_ Open tiaturday evenines. - plain1 KO 8é !géat ccnewflPPu~'îr tofeWcdel o r. Jas. B.. Johnstoue grounds in chape, being uable tu »_e- t Itlnst.d oi uking titis exPIani4 tr. Lawiêr favoxed a -i 16*' tejý- 7I).ntt (raduateofo!Royal CoIlege cf Dental cure sny gale receipta. Conseangly ation rand sabnilttfug titati propoâ* der,^ on ull. public W4>k 1i*li It8 Surtlao rdaeTmt -l~ the public spirit of the tovu and towu lion tow the Coéit O4the conmwut-tStuttre. Ihisa riw#.* ~~ vxuty, granIU&teof Chlcago C41e of Denaouseeé comne'te&= O icr-o vrtb tomndfu Surgeo»m. Office ovft WM'bl, Il=Pr . havwar. counci shoutd give Whttby' os oyan.o lc,.E.Vre4sz fr' tIt ceý1, iWt <r stre one Bok n- ,aeOtet. 0"w *ace3tr.J ré aone otf -<io tudiscessiMe. ]r it' t.otti5#tû *Id stor. Coner 350k £11 1555 egtimate encouragemmnt in keopigIlti od oc holt ét0 -r ee - tIi. greUDdain, condition Msd helpinletespl éaulxeM b~~lk~ r. 14.iit*ter* ______a____ po laclàuport mid pulicorymp.ty 1abOUt Wb lite I -i b.y'4W- t CHUCH JRE TOYS the bonysu slong mtItey prove Porthl nobody. seemed to knowuWllt ü t ohe nWl beLot.Mflt - flflW~>Ol~Ml. 4~, qcr w bat tbe toawn wae bo glaw Prsytwa Ih yîuW pb7>m' flor. 0f eoc uesêaller 1II*"Lz ý1O bO 1tranaoet -t M'dm Ifw. Mr« a PAmSt-R1V. JOB ARRB 'X.xalublesplS mr perIy, I ntf«ý lng jr stauf oltoIo g w 604 tIlîlon î,ri batheicet a.m. no.p..cr M. i. iiri t wt 6=1 and.Im . e MObTa P. .raera. 1*loryd@u'M& i **'OpB8'IY « rlttîoa«4t-iagb en bbsx*h SevesOib0OsC. .suTh~mha e n tau "ad. Yur i 60miiP dayerelu5 ao BOU suV1. ru&,&iaand a> soos s a"g- aly*M Ai areVOhoar ,I1.s tbTue- Ourlgdo hm.h u auId eb 2 t 01.fo >e7h d day forptu at a 0r. bula a uôe! jt1 bèW5b Ï*J -"l the béil g o& bor u4wu te !- us 7.30 o bol A.x wast-pyi» tm bà*ai a he b a it;- 7i Farme rs' During July and August bui%,stô,rè will r'emain.- open on Tuesday and lday evenincs- tii 8.430 oook If you- cannot corO ne the'day,'. Highest Cash Price'paid for. Butter and.Eggs. me C. LAWU]E-R Phone 47. Nu EL~GANC~ ~OUI indesigri nitke ýtii. furut tistie and 'Véiy adapltableo a roorn hiricli =àc1havi Tlîere's i nothliig Ckàp « ing Icavfso mir place, -no m n*u brv ynave paid3:"oz w- ét"r to ,nake purchsit !y to vour'advintaoe.t I Tr oad ai i*ué.uaa t --'I I yol ni. JuIy CIearin8 Sale. Sensational inducements to shoppers. Parlor Sets Dining Room Sets Bed IRoom Sets Fancv Chairs and R~ockers Ladies' Secretaries, Morris and ivire back ei-iy Chair6, 5pring Beds and Mattrasses, -ý'creens, Carpet S weepers. Windlow Sbades. AT 89NSATIONAL PRICES A call solieited. WM. TILL & SON.! No.8 e e e e I e G e s e s e g tyo %wÀF -JE X'

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