Y PAPTICUL'AR I!D Caeto - uni Wbyts>ý ý nOUdiaIl r et theé ecity Y- a. reporter vheat cmo sibly ex- le. Hà a f seýt th4at, ýer -wheat, rag6 y1eld e whon 2S sald, tie ýt ef that i places m damuage 1 the- oge a large arley snd P.aiiway,'> Ivery pr- Uiîng th is time the ro wiii be y perdusy ud bar- said Mr. m rvented cir co, -'aver'&ge 'soutii, li -bad net >Pulationp, Aberta. nter; the been an rried the onditieaL le, "ctal,. t-y about treal andi litiOn t<> the' hof iPped to- q' grewn sud wool eh# a.nd fas & immega- ratif ica.. the beet tisb Peo- )hysique, the new' bîan ceal ~Orpiiny wetern s ha& believe wst ar making differ- speak. But he' has cauglit siglit et the light shawl w-hidl sIc lins thrown &round lier, anid corne tow-ard her with outstretched arrvz. "What, hiding, darling?"' le aya, and, takiîng lier in iibx arma, bis robce low and gentie, as it aiways is, and only la, w-heu he speaýs te lier. Vernon bas cerne straiglit up froni the station. and lookes tired and dusty; but tiser. is the glail ligit of love in lis eyes., and lubs voice rings brigbitly. Jeanne, lookirg up shyly, remat-ks with keener notice how noble and patrician a face it is, andl how distingnishied is bis bear- inganil utanner; and, net for the first tirne. suhe is struck by the indefinabie air of conmand whicb belongs te hlm. 4'Ves." she thinks. "ut is true." "Wlin-t, nQt a word!" he r-nyvs, looking down at ber with à , arnile. "*Net a word to wvecorne the trai'cIler returned, Jeanne ï" Jeanne f inds lier voice. 'You have roîffe back, thien ?» ihe says, netevrvte. He drawýsý' a long breath, and wipes his forehead, ai lie drops on te the gar- don qtat, and dî'aws lir gently down mi,.!U Jeanne. afil lieiirtil3' glad te get back. London ius June, fer ail tbat fa-guiioti may siy. ig n hitsfil idae: but never did it seem 50 unbearable u "An y -eyu bnd se mucli te do," SYs J,"Ir.ne, glancing nt hlm. w-as a ai-est demi to do-, and 1 think 1 Iused iii)thiree cab liorseýs. but commeusd 7110 to laîvyerî for wearing a- insU and 1 uttcrly exliaiisting liin" % Lawi*v-ers!" cars Jeanne. '"Rave yiu bcwen t' law% ,or t lie li-sgssf!- Ansd it ithe hlackwiot "eslects -. oirling-tzaosp 10e te w-nom w-e now. But si'e c1oos:e8s oine delionte cîii nlways fiy i1111neiatehY ire ar in trou- lace w-iki Aunt liiyie as uîsearthed for ble-." lier frein sente relies of Auint în' "re e itoul isî? ase eîvn youth, and ite takes f roym its case Janei aow oce thceluandsomie neeklet of peairle ailru-'"T rouble!" he erhoes. "Why%---wly, bies (costlier thain Jeannae bas any idea wt a eild utisa-te appiy general e ?i- of)I whicb lier Vernonx lias glu-en lier, aud grams te p.-rticuilar casest. T rouble? Ne, proceeda te dress. 1I bave nover fipen se happy in mv hife." Se it liappens that unien she cornes Ae ue "a&sJ ane reth clown te dinner, dressed in simple, soit lie looks at lier witli a sudden ques- black, wîtli lier anatiquîe la-ce anid neek- tionu in lus eyes. let, and above aHiber e-iquizite face "-1triai Iiras as sure ai; that those aglow' uîith ail cager desire te are, stars above lus," hé maya. "I b3', charmn, Aunt Jane Prilies approu'ingly, i uu-at a 'dotxbting Jeanne it lu' toý,night! and pahi- ber white, roiund arnu lovinp,i \% llat should inake yen think ef trouble and U nce Jobhn looks over lis spectacles to-nugît " and stare 's adnîirlngly, as lie groins: Joanfte atities a sigh but lie hears It- "Joanne, rny child. îu'iat shall %-e do "From to-niglil, dalibg, tiers shahl 'vithout you to-îuorî'ow, and ltIse rorrow; be ne trouble fof you that 1. ea guard atter thatY" 1Yeu frein.ý But I don't thunkthere bas "lT}ere. John," says Aurit .ane, as' been muci s sadow in your life, littie Jeannec goca aroîînd and iK iissm w'th a sudden moiature linlier cyes, 'don't ."No,"esJoanne;, "perhapr it la ahi make ber low-spiritedl; any one wouhi tu corne.»l thlnk ah. w-as gobng te Australia, in- Ho lhouka at bier ahinost grarehy. utead et a trip on the eunitinst." 'Let us look aI yen,» b e 'Mystaking But Aunt ane's cye areleuspieloualy hr ae'ubi bna,1vlgY.1etia niolt, to. hrfe Mi m IigS.ýdl A brido'elect là net, u, expectet! a tear or only astar veticctedelu the»o est me)> o t 'eda beere er tars o f mine f Are yon tiret!, nMrdari- Q a mlue r o the suapîJeus erw eîf- ngor w-hat troubles yen to-nigisî 1" din, o ontheausiglu excu iself.if Nov je thetiê-v la thse golden OP- adJeann my nerthrt beex.u ipYkt Jeune, a k aMd Yipa> u appetite liii, resk dýw tmbie h eiir. ld notalkd angd, Sud ols vutabrievlc>yL- she id iaot z plt mm elle$ v ite iss rida bave bulît up 1 j ua- at dà sset alortiU JOhn i to pi rne does looku, ber Ulis aatt aU ota isas et0port e ~'and aP 5d h. meeta ltheaark eyesiokg vls' St Mq ifgb>'y bis* side, but ail the tisue l laite berbheart fatalabr ~ "ber eyes sole eovert glanes frein under stead oet tbe 0oucoîmon b*$t q* bpois ber long Isabeset theedoek, lier Up., eM. lyabeh«baud ,upc. hÃ& Jreaa=xin e ai. saisaquantit7 01t 1 '<Notlslng,» 1 umruj~ le aoo to for yen, anti tbores tt fl t If wh;¶iate ir boî»lite "M 1t1 v< truuk b! yours Mary and I bave gel < >toae iraue Joann> oolorot =4 qulvereti ê b«mut USI4bI7.- 1 <wPalhapptimt gSSI trUkWikwU n na " '" "t ,thar ha umutil- #AUvisiMa thit .M"ad 1 a'_~'*- - . . TEK boc.us. Itl: stlgbtly seald la Iead packsts. not lylag about looss la e ai kinda of places Ilic. ordlnary bulk temS; BLUE RI BUN là caretuIIy watch.d frein PLANTATION te HOME end ;,plesseal. OnIy orne BEST tea. Blue Rlbbon T«i. LOVEt.ANDÀTIL "I do, thougn!" saya liai. 'Why, ahe the loving -regard of those dark eyes, Was a perfect pieture in herself--and from the tender caresa of the st rong did you notice the way in which she "White hand, and lier heart seemed to apoke to that *nfortunate coachman? An white hand, ansd ber heart seerne Vo exnpre8s couldn't have corne it atronger." stand st ill when she hears the smail gate "Yes-'es," saas Jeanne, impatient. open, and his firn, quick step upon the' lyI- noiced it,- and-and 1 think I waik. InstjnctiveLy ahe goes further wvould rather- break atones if I were a awêy front. thl Iight, "and when a tafl iman than be a servant of hiers." f igure is seen standing at the open -win- "Ilalloa!" says liai, with a whisfle. dowi, and his deep voice calie: "Jeanne "Jealous, Jen?" --,Jeanne. mwhere a r voi? s .K mnn aud. "And we are going te chain lier to thîe earth." cava Aunt Jane. ".Now, Jeanne, if you've heard enougi compli- mente. you had better corne down and take your glass of brandy and water. Ah, 1 heur the cariage, andl thie I do knew, aîthotigl I baven't been married, tht a bridogreerndoesn't 11k. te be kept wnitig." It lad ben arranged thnt Vernon Vane appezaring te have no relations, Hl shahl be the best mian and bidegroorn's atten- dant.,accordiasgly he hue gene down to Vernon Vane's lodgings. and is this moment regaling himsecf on cake, and xvaiting for bis principal. 'tho is drersing. At the church tise Rev. Peter Bell is also w-ait ing. and if he lias net been cri'- ing like ]Mesdames Maîîd and Georgina, he certainly looks anythinr, but cheer-1 fuI. atnd bis amiable littie face w-ears a1 re-signed ansd patient amile w-liih is more affocting than a Niagara of tears. andal niost before the mother reëa-lieès that there iý. danger the. littie on. mnay be be yond aid. In every boni. at thisi senson there sbould be kept a' box et Baby's 0w-n Tabiets, and at tiseiret sy)mptem et ilînese tbey sheuld be giv-1 on. They promptly cure choiera inibut- uni, diarrhoea and stonach troubles, and are just tise thing a miother ueeds at this tirne te kcep ber chidrenWeil. Mvi. F'rank B400re, Brookfieid, N.. S.,- says: "I aiw-a'vs k'eep Babys, 0w-n 'i)ab- lets on band in case of emergeucy. I do not know any otber niedicine that can equal them min cases of stemacli or bowel troubles. And this mediciue sIs absolutely safe - it au sold under a guarantee to contaitn noepiate or Iýarm' fui drug. You can get the Tabiets from your mnedicine 'deaier or by mail at i25 cents a box by writing the Dir..'iVl - liams' Medicine Company, r" e Ontario. rc le Outside the churcih door and bus the WHY -DAGOV- IS OFFERNSrV&E chureh itsecf, a sinaîl party of %ilangersFomDea 'ryomo and neighbors are congreg-ated and e t he Derived 'mDi&oaVey omn grizzled head and %weather-.haten face SpatdiskName. of old <irif fin is seen sbining f rom aboee i A correspondent% contends tisat the a font pcw in which he sits arrayed inl a word "dago" ougbt not te be cde.med comiple neir suit. and leoking almost offensive, as it lias wvliat te Callb '«& las wocbetgone as the curate hi nself. v ery worthy derivation." . Ris expisuia- Msaud and Georgîna have sîatht soee tion is tisat when the. EngIlisb-apeaking heurs ef yesterdsiy in the decoration e reicnofced-Çhfei.te 4b. altar -with hothou.'e flowers, andiAton eanan tteSans4ekr tbsre ~ wee pefuê e roesiifdltieré answering te thse nane 0DirgO? liles about tise quaint little edifice. El- t'hat tbey hit upon "dago» ý3asa'erm evexi o'eioek s trikes, sand tic sexton a~'s- rpieteiwthusà nigt~ aragngtebok.j fspive tw a wâus e meh4,tr sbts Mfr. Bell into hie surplice, and begin' fesv i-t s "Daa'o"l' sUndoubtedly deriveti fom ri've minutes afterwnrds and the tall "Die<»"'. The dictionaries. '- figure of the bidekroom enters, toliowed i prend ever the United Stateu froua, 1w- IUa in the mort fshsionablé and cost- »usiana, ber. Is a$ tirst #Wd cl té ly appare.l whieh it lias ei'er been bis for- descrîbe mien ef Spaxisii extrâètlôn, tune to don, Ne'thwîthstandîng bis bat-nd afterwa-dHs appliti b limua red of new elOthes. the youtis looks Mva-Whosnelies.irt large "immigration e c4ke' tier pleaç.eilw-ih himFelf, and the pow. through Neîv Orleaus, But MDagoeý, epener, aftrr a stâre of admiring awc asa centêinptuous or -abusive werd< et the noble iooking bridegrooni, casta is Mucis eider 'thaa the, Xmercau se. a sile of keen, affectionate admiration1 qnisitboùonefter Calitornia orUt' 4 at the boy. a. Vernon Vaie entere thc 'rest.ry, nad auna. at- B tfisud b Ralzks landq witb Mr. Bell then turus te is rot, the <mwone«t ,cf- Bl. otdeammn rni, Christian nam.i. Severalno et Blê "Wat otaie amomnt or e, aiappareutly mivauleus 'victories -in wilJI you? l" he scs, slnd, es the boy COM* 'nu'i<f " 'îl te>16 plies. lie clos-es the baize door.deolyesridlut*8alû "Hiare yen tiehe ns&-tbe eecaîî- ldev1toy-e1dofýe n thegporli eunse, isn't It,%Vine?" al"aMr.Bel wo o st aenii- Re SD* io, is a tirm friend and admirer et bisgu' i~« ie'*m lêl cesaful rival. "amrat 'o~eio l4 "A spelal ilense,"Sait! i~2iOl WiieThus P)iegô beea"e tise ~pt sudk tok 4. a per and bands iiit tw sîi.~ s anadti .ee "r-é-r-.,rlet me se,'» le se s. "le »iere 1ln___aý = ike t* s Icnow beforebari n lu ase!don't -citelhIt at tise sitar. Oh,,I!1ball ses 0nou li lahs tOb* Sult saM't .t» and lie peu bt t requelt 8Paulê deementAgaln. ty tb4W'e -rewa< 'l eau bear -thi.e ar Iri,- ale gegOtht".'t'-ruà t the. nauiqes-tbeea a asri*-a peodily c0p0 e-lte, , laV ber: Vermon -Priais E14sïý-rtb fCtp t4 eeuesue Mr lC l s îr"e ons ecfl.Ps oi M~I~ ~t4i1e iiD*iB, Is5t 1*' ' 8 -. "Tbitt cer 4j PeeaceEwwoys .t.c.d.at Of i 4idloin, Rai ift mdK..... " fMd 0 9 0 ai ;e«- ~ g~eet.... 1 T7- Ru 9anavoy to itaiy aMd formgrl sei, h. was a.ppointed MINl t- Jus- tice, and under bis diretion the ludal reform cf 'the (lovernmuet of Astrakimu ând Archangel and lb. valionsproviume loi Sibena vas carried tbrougb. in Auguat. 1903, the (an, appèlnted IL Mfuravieit arbitrator et Tie Hague qf the. &paute betweea Venezuel &Md Me sfled Xuropesup'powers, and lu Oeobe of thse Venezuela Tribunal. At Thse Bagne M. Muravieff increased b18 0t*P U M an international- lawyer and ,dluiplayed grmtt gifle of eloquhzlce and soumi. IL Muravieff je a broth«er fthé et Qount M=rviefi, 4h. famons FOrelgn inister, Who <ied suddeuly inu 1900-. suicide, meording to ýrport. Reil P'rnRoman Romauovitch oet, lot culy an e0rneet1) adroxtcft ! e and an opponent o!01 a' <frad POiin thé fatr_"é W' but la ulso better lïkef ad zoe gretly ttusted'bjrlthe jaenoe tbhnperhps uy otbw a, ubJect Of the a. Rea oWS-et very old Swed- isil etock. EM.aneaostl~t banuis f Guzstî.vus .&dolphns lu the à &- yI0U<4R3 titk a. seildu ri -t White, excepting ber.lips> hié ane r.- je4a siW~j~ ther pale. : ~i~h o t . * g 1 me, mliys, kiii i 1 " .M I 1-1~~e ee bhe <'44beýp7Qù doni% MyM *ay Igh.BtlVrfgiaj. Mit. Là mbton, <'uthng ennoyza ami Ocana 0.2117 -Mee;dfà d te.TaIS. the 54> 'mjueh asto have bis bride Mwiping ber A sS weepui lasbost audthea it',Wua eyes aud sobbing so that oee enntopeak îtO - guS tt b aùdsenmface Whlch Wh= the clergym a ske ber.,-I'm sure ýwâà tnrned loWar ber 'ib&blsp wlin. L-a"utoân sd me were nrried I Pre"d OIdi o f ide andd mpitiene. could have criedmy beart eut;- but1Ieteewu CnÉeforMueh pt'lcrn i dared not, forAhe w4uldever bii'O let p tI orjCSIUSas aise Slood n tise anSu- me,.bear tie lastit it h f 8'tsi7' UUÇdQ ght ofet te ,Stained wnewt ing time Y" and tise ood lady sighs. the tatierd battki. flaga cicr, ber., >d 'Tm rather glad, sas - ntJane, jwith her 1be M>" fc stl ts~~~ looking up with ber mQýuth fulil of pis, woik 01 soit, afitiquelcIokdaft "that l'y. esaped sueh a terrible calai'- tillg bride for a prine. ity, if it>a se bad as that. If you're' Poor Mr. -Bell sx-ghed a etre vr fightened, Jeanne, it isn't toe late, yen Jtte leaves 01 bis -a bolai ' knoiW. eyes were dizi it, ara her a rd te "I doultt îiniiI t..î very trightenede" bave te orge t le c ain wbiha sio ah ais. bind ber te another, and bis ut at nYý "Jeanne baa so much coenfidlenoe," mur- tirne istrong voiese»unded woefully weak murs Maud, witb ber head on oue side. U a he commenced the,'sevice wbleli vas "Pasure 1 aboula be ready te, sink into te make Vane and Jeanne mman d if. my bots, if I stood in berpac" for better or for worae.1 Jeanne qiles. 0f COurse the~ opening vwords vwere thse «Vernon isn't so very terrible, either,' signai for Georgina and M<and te ctom- says .unt Jane, graveiy. mnce* ng, w) ich. tié didCr hMau open- 'Oh, no, I doun't mean tuat. But fancy ly covert way, te the utter rin of 4-281r in the middle of the bou< uets, and thse atiil furtiser aw~n oh, I'm sure 1 cou.idn't do e nIr ieayernso yei l "'atuni outy" ssAutJn Bell read on, scaroeiy lifting I& eye4 '"WitunilyoutrI sys un Jnefrom bis book; Vine stood arih u 'ic always heard that it is thse mfani twartlai turned toward Jespne; Who is the most nervous." Jeanne herseif stoed vith downeast eyes, "'Oh, they have a littie brandy anid the faint flutter of Oolor comiing and water," saya practicai Mrs. Lanibton. going upop ber face. Vanes respouse J anmiles. By no stretch of imaBg- came proin ptly in his deep, musical volee. ination can she fancy Vernon VTane be- Jeanne's Promptiy,- yet audibiy, and pre- ing nervous or keeping up his courage sent3y his grave voice was heard: with brandy and water. «'I. Vernon Franeis Elcswortb For- ,nanv ntsu"I remember," says Georgina. "reading tecu ane, take thee, Jeune Bertrani, 1nanoe of a brideroom who actually te ho rny wedded wife.» fainted and 'knoeized the clergyman (Ta bu continued.) down !"' *eanne lauqhs in spite of herself. ANXIOUS M T ES «'I don't tlunk Mr. Bell need be muchM TIES afraid." ahe says; "and hni'en't you quite donc ? I feel like n wnax image be- Th sumnier months"'are a bad time Ing dreqsed for exhibition atM3adam Tus- for littie ones and an anious tiane for saud's." mothers. Stomach and bowel troubèn "You look like an angel !" excinime corne quickly during the bot weatiser, s "Jealoýusi" excînirna Jeanne, turning scarlet. '%%'hat do 3'ou inean ?" "Nething, only chnff, Jen; don't b. an- grv witli a fel]ow on the lest dav." V'hereupon Jeanne rubs hisecurly head and kisses hlirn akes hier piece, and retreats to lier room. Thon, first glancing with a start at the wedding presents lying on the bcd, Jeanne walks strnight te the glas9s. "Beautiful, Bal cnlled ber," she save, scaaing bier'ow%ýn loveiy, but troubled fage." Eveû n boy is attracted by and notirLes lber lvlias nd lhe loved ber! Who can wonder at it?! And what is there in me, a poor simple girl, to make imx forget lier beauty and bier grace, and the nameless charan which clings about bier like the scent she uses. Oh, if she lad not corne. If shee bai gone past. nd taken bis secret wvitb lier, how-how happy I eliould be now," and Jeennie al- lows two diamond tears to roll down fresh youn g cheeks. "But le las left bier," she says, sud- denly, and with a quick exkpression of defiance. 'Ille bas left lher and lie says lie do"s love me; and hie shall!" slie ex- dlaim, belween bier ahut teeth. 'lie shahi! she éali not separate us." ', 1 Moved by smre impuilse, w-hidi 1no doubt every woman ivill undi'rstand without nny elaborate explanation-she arneto the wardrobceand commences d rgig out dress after dress. oti thstnd ing ber engagement Jeanie's ward robe is by ne means a var- ied and extensive one, but she possesiaeî a few additionis te the simple black frock whîch for n long time ser-ed lier ais lier best. and now she takes tîseie - )ater additions and bprcnds tbem eut an i examines theni with a- severely critieal1 cye. But sic cones l'ack to the soft,i black f rock cfter all. «'I wore this," it nurriurq, ,%vwhen --the niglit liw toi lne t1lîat lie lovedIlle.-" a great -Whyte, nPenn- Svegsels tof thie, r'build- trafflo' at thé niontha' ýng lier r Mur- flage4, ýr wed-- brides- f, vere ïïtiedyT Miss ;'W lier l'- Our ~ing et pres~nti Ife h o I N.V.Muravief wus born in 16890 aitd la Mmember of one of the eldest famihies 'of Rus",whi& à bi enupromlent in l*e -empira ever *einee the, ar1488, aitates in tht Govenment of Nov d wichà tiey biave held evèr ince. l iri ta b gaieazeat reput*t1or in us anau tey on 1ev, ana iu lm9 h. w"s appointed President ofthte Orinral Seetionof the S enate, whieh la bh ighest eourt In the empire, In Jau- uary, 1894, ounIthe deatii of M Mans 'itAdmiusttati«, aidh. tle ean hie mmeain Suthe Metvepeltau club. iter te .,Xbk1oe and remaind 'there untili the outbreak o et-i. ar ' wth .Japsai ~Bwion Roen v as lappoiuted Ao to theUea tes in succw te Vount-C iu i May last Baron 'Jutaro Komura, the Feuzeigui Mlnlater ef Japan, *as edueated, Ixntise' United States, and was formerly Japau-, ese Minister at Washington, visere ho, vas succeeded by M. Takabir,., the"'pre- seut 3Minster. (-Ou leaving thse Umitéci SUMO sKemura vent toESt. Petersburg as Minister of. Japan. Wheu the war- wus cilied te Tekie, and at it. close wua sent te Pelng as Mlipiktcr te Cisia., Later, luSeptember, 1001, b. vwu made, PorelguMie-ster, sud ixe'February, 1Se wau made a Baron. As Foretgn MiuerKomuraengage In lb. long negotiations witb Baron Ro- sen whicb -cnlminated, in the greatstrug- gle, whieh bas resulted üso.dlsaatroualy: for Russia. - Komura vas oueetftbe firet Japanea. to corne-te the 'United States for hie' educatlen, and linsaid te bé 'the firatk Japanese who-reeevedl a degree &t 1(ar. tard. He is agreat admirer ofthei. - led States andi harmauy triunda lu Iis' country. Rogoro, Takabira,- .JapaneueMiUWter' te the iUnlted States" vas br u 84 lu the. Province et Iwatej Northeru Ja-' ps H. vwas educateti -at tLIrnperial« ollege at Tokie, wbere he devotei mucia attention te tise study e Egiasani Frenchs, bolb et wbiqb langue. hie spmeafiuently. Inimediately atter. bo- ing graduated, b. entendeti tissrvice et, thse Government, sud alter ooeoupylng, a obscure position, lu -b.ePoteigà Office, é _7 bue calinut 1