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Whitby Keystone, 20 Jul 1905, p. 5

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I SUMMER TEINS 10W l DEMANI AT ROSS eRGS' Whlen yii lbear of soinething new and priu iariv nice in --as.lî fabrus, cerne rigit here and IV(, W~illIi slioilOti goods. This secason bas been prolifiecof novelties in light w'eighits and ligit colors. There are nanv of tîmesv goods you wvili net know- aboutt unless Nvou corne ini and see thern-and wlaen NVou see tlhen i will recogniize a need for' sonie of t heni, Miîd 10w vou are 1)erfect1y safe ini buy-ing some, of thus liglît, cool, gauzy goocis, as the biot wen- tici' is hiere to stay for sonie tixue. 'MWe are of- feî'ing the following for' JuIv. Fe-stivities--white India ;ilk Blouses,'nSie 32.~ ~ a S4 6 3,u 2.00 ) cd. Whîite luw'n Blouses, si7es !32 te 40, eil this bea.sou's goods, qualitv unqjucstione<l $1.00O eachi. Ladies' idayk Iiidia ýSilkî Blouses, sizes :32, a4 06t :38, at ý3.D0O eachi. Ladi(ie-s' voiore(i In(lia Silk Blouses, in Dnavv, bine, î'eceda, green, le. t rom-n and ceani, in sizes 634p 36, 38, at $3.50 eachi. Iii ail the ahove goods we offegr the wîidest raicfoi' cioice. Mso a complete range of Ladie-s' Rteady-to-wear Shirt Waigt Suits at $2.~O, 3.00, and White Pique Skirts at $1.00e $L-3 8150 eaclb. Y ou' size is boere ini the style you like. Evntypit to this store, and satisfaction awaits vou lasa Cash 8toire at ' 1 *n.r4Isa.d1794 Capital -8,0,0 * Assetis Jan* 1904 a 1,0,4 Wby take any risk when you can gtthe but. ,s. 'ents. etîts. 'S, 15 TWorld concudes by siyù>og *t a uea u714*aIprty badly noeed.. The. êwo ,Old parT" bvon eum, e Our annouamene»ofet Sugar C~et iii. Wlàtiba leagreatmazy pu.epl. 1 bout ti.4.sI .I;ic the prfsfltse b.I, w the iido Go. Tii.>.bas bealau yo)Wd estbuIabt o f i4 Mt loolmpu>- lvî ) rlng i.fa.> J 8miu&da;oftheo o te The Kel tt6ei ystAOne TE' EW COURT AE bens v r g .o syvetod to. theiselvesaÎn ra&ets, o in u e ~ e si ii 1 n d o w m en t T h ey w ere . "r ea Y " .11g$ 5 0 o m h U R d d ~ ~ B oo e u -and f m,. tmqnerltion on -aU Oanadiaù ý r"lroad -h'McI1 1Q 0 b» e m beii4 would during the Yeu r&M o ut te l v ri zir d dlm 0'~ o ou t... n hStdred ol td KeystOeOouIty of the lm in>21vilué. Fortheii.session now cloing tii. nnéees il ec îof V ~ t o U* Co 0yoSt~ wE. atewej, XC., Wh. y. $21500,e* nd- wiflstili continue to travel free. T4 ôwppoition p>reMs', uI1xTsTýojqjla-in15 a'PUU n ha n akring avigorous cyag inst te etrav4i è., fth, tot 1tie teme t theb, tu ent Governimeut, and the. oppositioi iorators in Parliament hake'spent' t Iwé une8,, wih i a na4Vauc-41.25when wind in declaiming against extrava.,ance and high. *niur.Wben b"11>04w .i.i ates an .SOiiAbI and inwI cat n ruto0n. IYçu whà~t6e oard, it came te a question of adding to the. àlreadY high expenditure lby., ad?s; 'sc" 5m.et Uan inreae of sessional indemity, POliticiais and Prose drew apartt0z th" sday QioO, 54> murs tuer,. lknd were no longer u.nited. The press of the country, citjy and town, - .A ODELW daly and weekly have, most unanii"ou.ly, oppoEed thé granting- of 0 DFIlc"t the increased allo>wance, but, since -tle measure meant personal bene-or nt ifit for themselves, the niembers Of both political Parties supported the, The preshas been loud in its cails upon Parliament to, shorten session by shooting off legs hot air and doin(rt more business in ha]i Mthe time now consumed. The opposition is ver gely to b'a efo the length of the sessions. It seems to be the3 establishied custon, to - oppose at length practically ever«y measure the Goveruent intro- iWrm, Tow rtends or rétanvu s nffrujiJh duces. It seeins to be seldomn that the Oppoition1 sees. any good Fils. Epilepqy, S te 151 Dance, or Faing O Sickncs,write for a trial bottie and Ylubie in mîasures brought in by mnenibers of the party in1 power, and th' itm;ItrseOnsc e s t.,Tto, Canada, AU T ,debates over good and uece.uýssary mneaures are orteil prolonged rnioSt druc"ùissr se et a.iobsanfr youL unnecessarily. Another cause of prolon ged sessions i!s, as an exehiange I LMEII FITOUR E rem arks, the, arge am ount of timie lost RIEo en er e vigt e capital to spend Su day ini their homes. 0r ld e )b wa F rîu M sn The inreases to Mfinisters, ex-Mrinisters, etc.%, are as follows, as ey Dr. Abraham ,,kugr nainR'.~ recordud by the " World:rMc Keen ;1AesetnbyBey. àMr. Crotier: Sunday Sohools,1-Rer. Mr,.I "Sir Wilfrid Laurior's S$1,000 increase in indeminitvy and $4,000 Cooper; Statio, Re. 1. .we,c. « incrasein slar, $3000iiiailanda pesio of 00 ye Commutte08 zO the AueembIy who wereD lif ncreire aar,$,U0iiaiada esono < 0ayar for pre8enî-Mriod diligence and Ve an T Ff rtireent.Oceuut of the DroceedîngeaCî. As. R. e .Br ,lae o h poiin $ln ietubIv held a't Kingston. Iioy Mr. B. . Brde, lade o th oposionS)000 increased in "Wrigt, who bas be en five years pastor dernnity andJ1'7,000 additional as recoguized leader of the opposito, a Otnil n e csltne. 1,9,500 a year in ail. h lsie gu io.Th rebteywl Mesrs.Fiedin an Fizparic, ech pesio of$37&' h dan Bdjourned meigote24th 'Mes~r. Fieling au FiLzatrick cadi5.pens on ofS,~ O f Au;zust in Newcastle to issue the cms. retiring and 192,000 a year addcd te the judgreship tht 5 .Fiz Pickering and Broluhamn congregations, aIeWest li, askud and obtaited lerai'. rick is saito be going to. Samn larker, as representing the Tupper tto mVderate in-a cal]. famiiy, securiug 54,OOOfor thc old gentleman and 83ý.500 a year for _______________ the young Sir Charles, 87,500 a year for thc Tupperis. N t Next corne Mr. l'aster andJ Mr. llaggart with $3,500 a year Dhnth OWOI8 M pensions and N,-2500 indlernuities . 6,000 a year each. wl r ~ " - ý thlat the me~n whio conferred did reimarkably wl for thoi. e-Gn W i patéeumC selves ; they aise nedentaily looked after thio iembers, the judge)s The whole clgstlvo sy»M j# and a few other miuisters. Sifton,- costing $6-e000 a year, and the cieransgc anci thse bood Pt sanie provision for Sir Richard Cariwriglit and Hon. R. W. Scott?, pOisoned. J who are to retire ini a few weeks. Even Sir Mackenzie Bowel je ta Br theïr direct and cwabinedato nli.b zlvrand bowels, Ir. Oh&ase'. brld get $6,500 a year. Pil overcome -ditordrsofl-hée orgni cjrn»otheRyèeMýpurify the blood wantî r. 19 "Ouiside of Sir Wifid'eincrease of S4,000, every one of these et&, S arosdisea. M& . aBAViAXT, painter in th. D.Â.R. votes je scandajous. No retiringr allowance above $1,500 or $2,000 shope, Kmntn*Ue, N.83., aliel çI have ul"d at most should be recognized in thie country. Two thousand dollars . aammore ju a ye*ar would have kept the Wolf froni the door of any rcetired Mini. whnr wowulcet 'Vu. y ter of the' crown. But givingmnen like Cstigan, HRaggart, FooPaor, .ia Sifton, Carling and BowelI $6,000 or 86,500a year for nie -l eau=- c a' tnW dalons. The seesional indemuity sha'uld have,* been deduete.fit is have&W d beub j«", K wtha ton in ma =i scandalous ta provide $4,000 a. year for Sir Charles Tapper, $3,500, f or S ir C h arl eq U 1s H ib ert TQp e .,-ir A d oip e G ro n 8f H e torL-~ - m k , ~IiN t e WhlVeat# red..........* to ê le di............ eotO Bni ...................O 'té 1 0, Xs e........' 0800' ê0's6 « 7ô, toe 040 Bi Wheat............. o, .a ...... .. ... . 04)t .14 Alike, o ..........$5 00te 0 No. .........43,00 te 45Ù Red,i<e. 1............. -0 005e _O0 Red, No. 2...............004 0 te 550 Tiniothy seed ..........4 0 tu 100 ]FLOUE AND IFET. fnotur, Pet cwt ...........2 75 te 83 00 Chopped Feed, ewt. o oo 00te 1 215 Cernumeai. .............. -2 ')0 te 2o 5 llrn, Petrton ...... ...00 00 Shorts, Pe0r ton ........20 OW te 25 00 -MJEAT, POUL'rRY AND PISODUC&_ Beef, by quarter per ewrt $6 25 te $7 50 Cauie, fit, weight, but 5 O0 te 5 50 Mutt'on, pet lb ..........Q 00 te 0 10- Latib,, eftei......... 0 te 4 00 Hîog*, live 'eight.....000 te_ 600 legs, liglit fat...........O0 %-' te 5 75 H ogo, heavy fat.......... 0 CO tc 5 75 Flop, dressrd pet-lOOjbs o0u k00 O Dhieke rno, pet lb ........O0 10 tO 0IS Dock,, per lb............O0 Il te 12* (.lect4ei dlr(eied per lb o 9 teO 01u rurkc1,q, dressed, pet lb 0 12 te 0O s 'lutter , trol.. ... ...... .O 16 te O 18- Lard ................... 0OO CD0 14 E.ggs. per dozen ...........O0 12 te 0 14 PQtaftoe", 1ier bag ........O0 00 te 1,0) Apples, per b'arre, ........I1 00 te 1 25 )11iefls, per'bu.".........O ** O0U 0to 2 00 fay. Per ton............ 8 00 te 9 OU Straw, pet load, .......... 2 oo te 3.OU lidelt, per cwt....... $S00 g 9 0 ri:eepsLns.-............$ 1 0 to $.1025 D ea ols ............... 25 te O0 64» 'allow, rendered, pet lb 0 04A te 0 4 Unwal, unw ...........0 14 te O02 Ilrn -oeSkiui ..... ........................ 00 te 053W itinsofth ivision Courts., eCOUSTY OF ONTARIO, 1905. Wury LD. C. bMeôoneil Whitb7 'l1erk, Jain. 9, PoI>. -., match 2, April nay &, Juné op July 5, Sept. 6, Oct 4 çQv 71 De,.6, Juin. 9,190.- OSUAw 1). C. u&tdom.Iî, Wmtbyt- "-erki Jeu. l, Feb. 3, March se April a lay 4, Jwie, JuW 6, Sept. 7e,0ct. S, - Izov. 8, Dec. - 7,Jax. 10, 1905.- Bnoxen&i~ M. -Gléomeon, Greeu*ood,- iork, Juin. 11, Match 6, May 8, July 10,ý lept. 1,Nov. De«.Jan- 11, -1905.- Pou PasurJ. W. Burnham, ort >erry, Clerk, Jare; 13, Màrch 8, . 9w aly 11, sept. 8, NQv ov. rJuii. 13,195 UUDon Josph 'E. Goù1d, tx" riÏdg, Clerk, *Jan. 12, Maroh 1'ilay ),Jul'y 14,90ePt. 15, N1ov. 24e Jin. 12e e 16, May ]8t zl1, VSept. 14, NOI. 23) J;1n.lie,1908. - ItUÂvIa?0ir.-Georue P. Bruce. - B %vas lia q 1411(1 - City J 'ark c urk rth t il, Ross Bros. Founded- 1792 t ' F I

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