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Whitby Keystone, 20 Jul 1905, p. 8

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j 120. 90 <lime Ubotde~> ÎIite5l, ~ni t air. '~roa ~jaw~rîey ~ ~ ~ L. inew ar coprers nas'.iîuoe a month s itng lier brother lu utretwblh puna acrosa t he T.iIWay Bro>klm, r.tumred bomne lait Thorsday.- track, in seldom f ree frein obstrixting M FakM.ali tPcerg cr, and whe teamsters requre to cross tiero thoy cannot. Wh.tisr thse hanM*flMo a Ohi ffeots ýinta th*a GOrdon compWnts are reaonable or.riOt, they 0ttp on OIItitré t4ncrth of muay am rea!. Inquiy Made îird:cates iat tise utireet creses t0» track. Posafly Xi hI . .j. Lak. asis! bar sinter, Ur.s -th*. fAçt liat it i.n t gexiernJ1yvequives!Mif# lboMs, t ondôou. ' dnlnê te -u"ethe cosaing blies emtes! tItb» OP uiw g a f"ew'&aye wi th.f itr custèmm-of placing the cars whereveff uml îand i EIôUld .1i. Couveaient. R~ . u soRlvc h néu6ios a umer5045ai oiitrob, of tht e Almii'ot, TomtO vasS watitubai saleer cf 81. Yolu'a taI..' bloses,&il mi"es 32 to 4,ini<hi'h Aht ni ooe i job lo-Ant, medexitu =840, a !d oaiy 01% iat B@i 3r«t. rcplion lut Kto&dy % M i a e..a u - w nh& »É1t-l and~ Whuite&et wifth gmn, The W Ko. I a pbxmzd.. sU1IkingAtt. wu ttiiiMfu tbse" «1. About 1thfrt years boti haroe and in tihe Old Country,, and bavé tioed noarly evory rexredy. I arn only doinc jusice .te Dr. Chess . AU. Ointment when 1 say tisat 1 balieve , i tH ROY te be the bu$tey ebtiimabeo r R 4RUER S'HOP hluedug udprovrdln- ileof wlh *jô*n gthe 14Royal ows, wIdbltby- Il bas our.d me." ~iitie~igijl aaa - Uui4d e ynthlug up-to-dte. am BiwLccwcu--Âlthé e oo PasugWhitby, by th er, TJ D crotéloy, Ob4kwn o f the WIII District, on W.dusiday, JoIy 19, 1 T.O0. Bvyuto ?AMi» Mary &.l» woo0<1, both od Pick.$»gir -mi" aL'~4Bo .am W 1 ers, o 1 i 1, ind rI .Tbo)pldies ftw eohireh are p oai# mis# sagw~odte kto rn -tootertain thé « M- ;g olegy au olend gates in the sohool 1Sm Of l4. ohuWroh. CO...F&reWeil te gun> ton and )&$e.W. J. L* ta Holànd âd The*Bad off thei 34tb Regi#ient ing and retuVoý.- mnsiè on.tke tour corners on ýs&tur_ Muskokft Whart., Ahslutêély p dayee,,ng,7liter permittzn ra ane o tn gh lud 'w u .1.... wj»...... 18.. l .nw~rio..F an remen Mioh., and return. Mediey Wà Ita .. ... . Tonq Cla.rk , ýVMl'8. 3. ufre and daughter to Pt. FRESH GROUND Sbtïh.a.,....... C#TiiJig, Mùrskoko., and return. Strofing in the molVt..yre~(& Cilih'ay YtCJ Windermerçe. iMarch :two step ....... Bill ..... ....... .urNbroka4 and K1eturu.dr- I-I LL BO E ...................Ted. S. Barron lr. J. 8&ilo to Stony Lake and e H ELLEBOR iý ~~~~Printsansd sateens suit.abIe for quilt r Rt hefrdrn.soa hr linrig beautiful patterns, ail must go ankd Thiar w ahe ieowath ndrb ya ui fu at 1Viçpor yard only, at Rose Bros'. And 80, others Io TorontdunTh a w t erl no a .É The Daptast Cfrurch. esWb1e CHUIÇHS BG FUSH Pastor Bingham w. ic pint ths w'oknnlSun-r yrdextra value fine Balbpiggan Underw a ~3 ep rg r Ris potato bugs and al leaf day Iorning on "c,ýhristial2 cortaînties;'e oaBo' and in the eivening on " A Legitimate eatijfl iflSecta, preveîts blight. Strike.» Spocial nrnic in h.e eyening. Hv ment Don't wait until tlxey are aig ne Rteady for use. NO rmixing. Strangers always maâde welcome. A pologies -av Been Made. Clearing sale o f prints. sateens, ging-, 1 An inrldpnt oct-rred at thfi garden 1 bharns and muslins, 6c, Se, 100 only, at j partv nt '.%r. Whittr. nenr flrooktîn Ross Bros'. n Tnspddny evening Iamt whieh has ___a___________________Sb--en h- Fullec o0' o mut'h eC'nmwnt nnd go xnany incorrect storipq that Dru onsffor trnrpnr.-mor : puiiiic /'ttk>III ersonal Meni A * Ba orgitOptician 1_____________ right it hai i .'en tho^ight be.qt tltit Medical Hall Miss Arnail is v.sitxig fniends in To- prIt semq igtht ourrence romai BrockSt. tItby.w e of o w n n ot fa r awAjy had tri ç'd t10 ei. 9-%V ror S.Nhib. Itoti e ..z. isbonit>to çronnfls byî climbhinZ ot-or Aleo0ask to see oui' Four-in-H n is,1 e e e visiting thse Misses willis.i thor' enr,il.istsnd of gfing tri by th.î I 31r. Earp is spondling part of ths 1 :qt*'~~artl a __________________________wcatr'h and xr - i-,Ihi . O 2fo 2 c week with frienda ini Toron to. ntthifr, duty h vn wi.~~t l-n by n2 or2 e.9 Mrs. Robt. Willje bas returned froin o! e o fte e1w<an we hein*r rg herhbyother in Brhssnls. Cou ty o'--ni ua- tilv cll1for hein. At ? 1Co nty Tovin3 isin ge t e Brwaesof St.; nra'9rby t;nt «MNr. TI H. Binghh ni.! Ilnn nIaS Catharines, is riaiting at ber homne. rto of thr, \Vhitb.v. Finildra-i NrlMs E. Seldon and Miss Gertrude;Pbis t r hen trah iletfo tir are iiting relatives.in Greenwood. ~hnrl. '.%r. Pinzhamni t on Paspberry picking snwivou, M. J. Melintyre, son and daugVhter f- n t ur andweliît, to thr ;rsn, 'if( and parties are forc.ed daily to 9gOuot have gone to visit relatives in Prescott. tht- dtuArirli.swe in frder 1(à r 't- and gaPrter i ev. Dr. Davev, of Mount Clir, N.Y.,: l<jVrtyin trru lit. i t 200 yards spoois, 3 for 10c. Ross was visiting ~bis parents hbore asat week. p-)ti' qt wn rr i-e6p. '10 vt '> o 13xos. Mr. Franks and 34ia. Edua Mathison fOlpP.rid. jîîst as ho got '.~ne,________________ Mlonday was the hottoat day of the have gone to visit relatives in Cairo, 1t-1Y lt-0 mwa' %vhrif fr rhrrviilan-ihthtîMto surumer, so far, the therniometer regis. Mich. qirIiirbpr.rg for they iscd rri 4 '-- niv wife uor niy chidren shall wear that tering 90 degrees in the shade. 31r. Janiès Camipbell, *of Chicago, i wcpnth-anna and roilzhly dro outward nocker-v of grief called tuourii- E Don't faiu to attend W. G. Walters' visiting friends in this towîs and vciity theil prisoner undpr ne j) r V ig tbigi pno n f ten this wdei.g iî eing in res oft3pisnion ns f el a bargain sales, JulY 22nd to 318t. tî ~k i . l onddi d îadnirthe mn. l'j A New. Building. Master Gordon Knott, of Toron to. is, oe course there %vere scor-ý r * ý the past ages.> : jr. . aqnsvi w ,fabt<ivooilid'nt<y he mîigratstfoie o t( rsoîtý s îd ntan0S0ks; >Ir. Chas. Tod is now gotting the'with his grandmnother. r.S J in 'Acalctcdnifi.dgei'--____________________ f plans prepared for his ne* store on ie at Port Vhitby. and altheat csrredte .î-F de west sida of Brook street. It is to ho;-Miss Edith Wi1is, of Barriè, la spend-i -itlbjret of miah oh crn ent durini I two atonieà, with dwelling epartrnent. ing thie vacation with ber grandinother,; the evening and by tlhe next da"y ~isu a G It iis expected work will ho begun in the Mrs. Robt. Wiilia. I airost every per son within the lB O - cors o afe wek.Mr. and 3Mn. N. E. Shiar and child- srid ri on of ourit ncijode d Tu ladies' white duck and pique skirte. ren, of Toronto, are visiting~ with M.' i'oniu. axse' a vr'ry distorted ver- DOCNTT ud SE H Your aise je here and only ona dollar, and Mrs. J. T. Mathison. R ion. Dt-fûe Pthwe tening wag over$ 16 c atItois Bros'. 34r. W.J. H. Richard8dn is this wek o f tho gent icruen moade n verbal'I OPPORTUNITYE On Monday afternoon Dinnie O'Con- in Hamilton attending the meeting of Mi' Rve ingh m.and snce- nor, ie warkin -bis the buickl auglt v>i theriand un Tforouto. ao t' wr h nidnan o i è ý tien Von 2 ail sirenthe - thet it pressed against the wheel. The'Mtwh redinTot. that renteon i t has been thoigghtgl escutaaogne. ii.r>tugl end~~~~~~ of hehmbsstknoinit. Mr. C. Q. Frazer, of Toronto, wattIi ip bt tto niakp il, ittewlen treggar}* fotioli. end ôfe am _LSt ake.Dni i ooffl town over Sunday visiting )xw brother.- ing the c-currece. j. , 1se work for à faw day. Fo'M.C.A oo 'P. ' "~' ~ isuei A new organ bas boon edded to the ffiomIug, Protu'udlng Ples. ofdrto ifBdsTrno Aplace for thet.odd dollar. Think ont of St. n. churc'h SuudaY 1Mnr James Brown, Hintonburg, Car-Je-R.1 IM 0,Pnlp. of it, 17 yards fit colon prÎint. Quality1 schoo<iI ila au Estey reed organ. R.o CD.Otwrt NI Tsfordfrt Starr spond.»& aiyPp-oesI B. WILLI$N unqueationoSareh Rosa BWoo'.bu Savais wbo bas beauevery fort» ofpie for tw-nt l or "nY ofth I ~L~Y!T1VY Wu satm ssi , 1r l -paniý s e & & e I 1~ if -ýW - ýjwwm%,pw>w W, 4 asm,ýýt ,

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