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Whitby Keystone, 3 Aug 1905, p. 3

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GUIDt. iaDip-e >r or ti Psr-_ strive te di>- ina i remèh y ar facilitat- RS0 ou~é f s ,Peruaitu GGlf. a a>' yfor murg to t*h eoucUed with er ha ubi- icifle, sud an>' ndwould pro- ndrîa i andl tir îtlsflod. kjn wîth t.h& pervud-es t.he sý*îA. Wat.b- tond tire full l>u.eîness mcii lée Kaiser Wo 'rtaiutyis la- lhen tise _ec- desperate. 'file sciv*illan coin- la' adrice, if ,t thie expense 4I of Society. the. o~bjection ', in he lcolin- publislied ty ample set b>' ini dcclnring anchurýa, bt ipean R,îssia isdy imprese- lie Peasantry liliehsiing tîseir iue's Scheme. lied -auke of 1 the ma-muai 1U Assem by. aimec have litriets, wlro ~At on!>' thli iln the more- l-,erating the satisf>' the sa union of int four rep- iuîzation a-t ave already private con- ited to or rInelits, tho ior fiahing ition%, how- remains in pa warshi-p ontv after 'been tricd risoners. yr- arlita- Iitrot llias er s l e. on thie o- - ire forced y sn ad-. Qonmons, of plibli; ure frein verieoto favor "thé long the au oarly e v i o l e fi-oit rIstthe a " I her lm, &M a pir of cf c ê% #brýhýithideth, fddae t wtb h Udlh miseie 1 retneube o hrs. -~Sdê'i.ThI~ff ber tem- t efantMlord;- Japs, aqi ru'v. the redl i uun Psyuiok u th p« fl e ~t > ~ hY~' sd puk iiiloses' the eri 111Ac . he t. s gon, igz mi'uxures Pti=aey comi4g É i, u' cou o h*bu a a l8 "évezes,-drives up korte 1~coug>~j*bOiSSFRHIBWsd PURE &P wb.uitfHt the I am on g- aa oud tlielftlugs t.1g flt aa maahg_______ plantation to be manuîsctured wltb8P01 CaBind cîosely seae she murmura, almstinaudibly. thbehl ti <'Lagc Te I~ho ays pI~uI ~Ny~,~ Jan. ~tII1w Oifis efine 'ba ln LEAD PACKAGES. th.ha1fromTes faee sd »Y$iaaing r < "X al t 110 oaly - 'ix montha! Well, 1 took ~Worider boy -jong it l is Z wv7" âf QNLY O NE 855T TE BLUB RI BO N TRAIhat litie la..hom e w ih m e aP ga it M y hId these bayi outf W e aue g r t~i i s i> r e l a Winl. it haunted me!1 1 even asedquickuy, There'.,4h.éilg;pes'lDnnr ---- -------- Mr%. lBrown to, whom it belonged, and 1 ,njt Tbatr&the avriing ide tit tOb. nid ret placeic tetrtmn hImm isuiw amosa o b ead.a rvrrtm4mia 4 aea o h looked for it the next mornin i eaù~l ie u u ptv s i R n hitm ý Jeanne, If1.1luinlove with that littie, caenl as itbameden ex.5 541thbipoahesmycth eamation, wiung irom ber by he sud. Ii . t-Wpoa ét proud, deiaut face that night. Then den vsion fl fs.plail mtiitothie 'tom~ eruts came the days that followed clos e upon turrm sdbatemncdwll eun 1t; how I fought againat the speli that ing brigahatlyle setgmimdlo- w$eIConilhsbalbe the littie child-face had cast upon me. i tfota gà%:-lok racuc n MOW 1 wore tat love had pased îof ~ w fro s P lyd1Cot1Id I b&hM O rgan sud ernk piaomo uio me;. buthbwI1lo<*ed and Ionged for eca sîght at mnlt an a4r -of t b icoit sete on the, pie ta " ------------- vo ow Iaiatdct et, md peote- the on eeet ùmeW"-tas ietng ------ ----- 1lt iiabtona, and that vulgar place that mnany moblemen s-a wgh bwhich "AI)rIgb~,"repeta al, atti be trtti omeimos su ~ ~ ~ s8w g0 mueh of yeu. Why, Jeanne» heit littie'iand4 is 8tudd ,What vwu #aoUl have bien tgoing on wU'1ef ,eucouragigly on tii, back., W l t -an ro,0jOBlOs of Pzame-my Lord Lnel wu boug îowu cv er a to ft over wbeny ou coine back-«before crimson and hie ermine, acidoru or neyer. Who waa, more thon balf lu love with you Z'vai sae eeuthl ecreiue i.b-a tiren, for Vane Ces asked me to go down Son iesdtrv la tns her imachf, but you didn't. know it, dld, duYo00ur hWguea soudbebesd IbisiAi"-t UMMMST7 Sandiiubn yoelv n hiéia top en?» k , he'etoo poveeu» *Castle Ferndalei and, 1I ay>, *that'se (f 1 lu adulation and f atering lbe- Nw one rir .And whiat vasthe priue's laughlng w*bere youi'ro g>g o b îcuioboney-.oL Litthan Jeanne, here aa Ilouaresjetv threnae conm-v. *n-ntar&.ceaImenta, no shadow, speak out. mibois' ew davèr. las ut.Pr .,Ad;,a et wyv ou,7 evug beSpeabtrth n mfrom maDu Mjesyl ngr au 'tc, iMh a ;Mu get these fal-lals off ber, sud'soue tfie e1 led unibearable. Jeanne,,, 1 1ý eve Hker ltal ~o-ntabo4.Âdsnt wydot eo~hhuetysd rthl m.t ae* Ia-erod111 h Oetl~ .to make it Worth Wbile a y.r or tisediinocea 4eécent togs on ! Vane wili b. wanting for you I should have been a msn truest, bravest boy I hod erer seen. I t<> beheud one.-"eln e le ted Ing aile afigure off a Twelfth Day cake, liever in a ther honesty of men snd the iba nde, and the. kisses of thoe sott lips n A sfao ie Oas life oka etsherip- lr te om umry w4u lOM& 1is woc n sudcin-pUitb of ameu-bujý for, Tou, MY sweet --oh, but I1ina> kiss thein now as of&en ttiroui admiration on Jeayune's.iný.ib4 lo The be roâs o tc--ail -frein cm- ag ngpl-nijfeî Ias.1«peelittie wife," and be kisses "Oh, Vernon" she sary. ýWb*a svis., 711siater lb.divom* c4eep ha mm ir. usg ii! orti.firet time î le psseatîy WelJsns in. La ft Windsor atie?» dlvorc ecouple eau n t Isu re oC teroo, hl, wîhs kes, ut'falon Jeanne's leurs, snd make "bersalong stery it le But 1 likce teîling it., No»h4 eays, -"h is bbc ae im-1isiipreupolem$bi~r ol te romJeanne slips h er veil, hoeart beat with a tbrill, half of plea 1 'IlC>v4d you more pasionatel>' each day. ether uln iwyrn plc fO7n f rfltPol med erbewildered attendants proceed bah of pain. Like Aà tec hîld- 1 Ten ca-muethe question-shall 1 tell ber otuc.hOee. he ink à. dry o, theïs divs.» *es te attire ber ini ber traveling costume. foen n i coldb.moe inoanl naine sud position ? No, 1(elecotue ) ie tr io CIIAPTER XVIII. the full aignificance of thbewordtissi.hug Here is a chance of winning [ OPANS Wheu Jeune camne down, tue carrnage, Jeanne-Jeanne, Who had beeu brought love, if îtit e won b>' me, for itself SMME CMLIT$' A eonteu~cerclsatninbti bihwsto bear her.away frein New- Up i 1ke a nun in a couvent, spotléss ansen. Hre' (imrnceFitjaues- t4rn Regis was at the door, aud Van. %wus tiflonseions of ail the deep, inystesio the lionorable. sud tbere's the Roverend The ver> best medieine l in'woi io;u iuua n '"Idiisl b Waiting for ber, dree<it a ooue, tr'j- of ife, the neste -Xe a f o Peter Bel]. Thege are mn> rivais; now, for aunmner coinp aints ucbasc RrJa.btilunbIlenil. !eling suit, sud isurrounded byUncle tedtioni rote ber own love. i ,panVro ae apo eb r natumaarhe addme-pt Ileaineo ustl.ts akn John aud,.bir. ud apprn v uprrosrt yugr ntruggling artist, eau win ber (1 ty eBaby', Owu alt.Drn b eetvr anmr is %0 waa r dl auditBelwh ile '.ite4, "he(,aaysai s.s hpresse:s IW' Po > toaewle. &on I ha hae lu-wth bo vathr mnte wu, na hou 1usbUpwa ppmmu .zd ir.ubo a ce aetemiqii u'ftev.ced u ia i I t e wlasI. 1 al have ont mther . mitont"~ oa. f~g Bae the revereu ndial air w t wl super cae s uto ldme htth rm l m.I <I e m ue mlht thotcon udcl, u m a ro p)' 8 iO ftie p ut halm.etis intendig the lacing of th anC u t tue l pearlait. A v indg@ mu>' ltove.' c heked, ocl e w-1 Oe w bhe Iitee t e vr> or e ad tu aai frsndalel Upgte th tgDo ye mo de P fatal. ssaoy's imomiin thebbtime T4oi sesAsol Iu,- vlh h m et p of~ l eag - e To s weàr w enIi rsy s a g yu o f 1erzu m e " r b os leet Iks -ua<Io e ** Ïbtota ~musIu. Ad whu Jsuc cm fr- camenluandainld m cat thef rm lrak Ls îtzat like J ene s fogotc-ill lu 1 oe csu e, ud spedjy esovePi ,-o W sy, 13,00 Xa'btd, 'wgand smin g e >'muchp evor. Suddenly I eaiandthmat I eerfret wucuecfdner r, e.Pô R «» s '80?Moo how e is ovu buto r th' posesso f e o te ldMt a n.thepauses sud ravea ber oe.ud l aeo otn- R, "maya: "I tblnk am o 2,t BthJeanne ha ne yi juoteforli~ett4les a-vagu . tfite ()Wu lt.bis Bb>". vuTsabltsbcletmd-Sou i1 4&O aiiisone. Aut.lier ovu e ame for. le lor d lI osam1sofar wsê 'huit ougb tJhavne a ld yoten, bu clunlute ld bo blrn ~e OI ~uy 51e liqe ~ uitn~,ia 1ninoer ic"c4e o ednt hegete bpiis , dtenfer rn adchiradufmseu 4t.~fiiu 18, 13(00 rd, debo tetwt cong an,, l~~ hever uo u amet m aVi il ugasoeatrblsdi aon Wteo< seiTO. 1~bsibt ca a t iing havserymculdI noer. se co,1cf ealhwhse vntd Vn; ndVrnnVae I e t n-isig-so uof t> tdanger.v id-,5eI kOcoer or ,auri gar heicffrmtleeur ftiseoi' edth ramso aaie. Pes Ve an Jouand odraw l oe vce M tesbandt n.o.alaldse i die e Itsbr, 11, 0,0 Bteannhe had komti> l ia enoetertb alirt tehi,&ivngitas Vn d, t.thecur thn or et Wo teef & MBaby'i, Ovu Taisets 'iii,êeti -- , ,A 'atyn ue lier oreAip antiyIsumd;ti. rd" oathnIa ough to hav od loucdt m e nthcli sd or i roighs.-d1phvei II 1l.OelnOu OOinmusnds ,o me?îriUrtedMn Lm- S I ord ltot rid ars; , ntiusmr ha e s'ye o umb o pant.k xtse edh hubI dIihtdt.b~.e.yj :deve "Its ei s OO e ste aqi;sm nr hW i lwiya dàes f or o d-4ilf tat ee4 thp- 6mvaesa 1tsecaefr~iêle t4ery cefu .errMt ca-ui, s sr ffot ofwelth wbd pnovd f iso ,&lceui> ung beý6r lps loeXt.acli ihingbarwte uidname ealiÏ:a, h 'self fromthe embraceofgthe orlon td ehe dapps nf avaric.tIleebasu cure 11es4 6 ine a !i A urod'yyour r lohip .» lurd soundetd;lu n ers s Itnu ot " 1. Il4hiiM.éIikloed m "Ared.yoanne ' ,clLme "' aloia~ teprelmtumy t <i -rmos iaie l anve 1Ctha ioae adSoweh ! rght ad'pre1 hi. Ins fredtroirte d r. ab- Slo oud . ried le aâred alu henchien iothn vo làY fU~vi ado,1teJames ueàI 81 setathe . e l 'biu uu oer for>' 1asuthi e.il wan'tlisg, saveIlit oie US o lha e eeQi toi'ent ead Xit thse 'iiU te r 1ia u$ m çb i si %bel >rdinudb tas a en e ye , u te mrqusbut a» Ibis j Joanne flu s sud stantsshigisti>'. --Itj zsv e lucanîylosend ri cruby r~d. Ieold hae orn vti s eay emte ptWus Ld y Lo u a telmas rue; . fh5s peor cI týu15 w»J*._ o J'Iltae a-noe c r. b vey Jeanviselbave upstwne l>ver bute>sminie oit wau' Ardoba. s ue ba er, "Godby ~a 1 nld anIeIiifor mysiter s 1%amruin-u-st, 10e, thht fune vs. ficklela- 40uubailato, forw ar. "It'. e tr ri ir onnasJaùe:hweay e»yu cparu udebng efu1p lac it.-box be ay ar lM~Oy -ie"Irfusr fsew ciii teli yn, et, sdtotf mysf;is I'I dow unil dtise.eMyit rd, bepvulst e *> ro havutîd e *ought ,i, an-tise , text Burt oi~ u, b.' M'a tées«5*>sbula4 ii II oitght, tii. V a . put u s a n r oun h f u su uîtinilefIbsilareSviiionfcelubheisud, udhISaset.Os' iiIoirot t4a the* aid drev, h*ur ,twsdh. psag u My isirs . "J.sp Jeatie hitno , . e s u ouItb a fIl ii. Anit ièse dils'a dîeru ob.ISas 10rtj&ý-iêI Pa. yo qIstevnmenor toua in asaVan, ofou, 8o1 -l9_44 *hiJaneat a d r 11ise y lls palé,es.4w a t l e "le rat igrankn " ed iii. aeethe dOU, I My' o, red arq1i, hied ~ is te Ib0 iluaeeasIe ve. tGo-jmr ou wout uveliun&ist-iseelsev uriÀt ý iily ~ in wuw~ ~ Isigirs. ut tire alutee. Sl i'U5 sig'egave h s 1O, 0inf 1 Ad 'té lte Ch at 4bwzsa e l; butlT'j- - 1 4 î , suden -dmzed y eas. s eane e lIedt la ktitwhe zàey pusi»d 0t80e! s ubbaî? sand. oe>kownv* aIure Is or-te ntuo .byd Jal l'p1ci>oed îLe eÙ8fi nsl eou hâv»e wqndpit de aid oissrp b. h 5 urnes 1ain uao tai ae'waedke, ài t R' infieticu vlog, remred hlbrunahmoài ra,,aaice Vos," ie a e of ber.ort*ble im1-l malIO ilas. lu itiet Yu h bv i I ta n lusve MVin'10.-fr» lc, iq..t, 'Good-bvifs. t wmnotutea 1 &y ", thu18I Thlihopol qq 1Lot ou butimatel it 4,613,403. Pifty yexuiýagO thre ýmarriage rate vas -22.3, tbs bal alm-to 17.8. The. but ratelu -102 liait 5 mt6thedeath rate. 17AL eidou gel suualy30 miàou telegriùd~r 760 MUH0i4 letters. It bau iftr-threà thoîtrea, irytree 1. , al4 u tvo blidred dfot'lv a placesfci ut rtaiArmout. I i.il. inS auon a£,0,o year. Its bopi. tb coun £785»25 ï+yesnly sud IreitO 950là-pueuta -sud.. 9,S$ourt.p Utta. t14,0recoie help, Iroin thé e v3eii d 1- n1-hall niUp cf -useraonithe.public ba&th suad vua- house la* ~ycur. Londion,.,0:sod pqStSobidento achon!, -"a provilç# 17,000týeachers telook miter tlhsm. Thm. areove s illonbooka lu xtbe -mvaci- pal lIbtrles, suit the iss u at.ye vag about dr million. abQut coej u iiOsa U Agui- M»ptugla b at'in>'*we, the*, lesominlat .sui et» for ý MD tib* sud veu uzat as eude" . LCas.- pldo ti. rerueatBoudê cf KaitI. J vrltug lu tiresean $urum ~ t theWMMW aline»nvathat ha,, prevaüe« lua e uratqr .baçetbb-b visite mast Wa 1 1 mum

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